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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Haha DP, no not Rod Stewart, a friend in Melbourne who was an artist, as in "starving painter" I think Rod Stewart would have bought a fur coat that didn't smell like a dead goat! LOL OMG, you've taken me back to the Doc Martens that Bec could not live without. I didn't like them, but she also got into the different types. I had to get most of them from Britain and they cost more than my designer shoes, she loved the cherry ones. I do believe she still has some and still wears them. My parents were mortified that a young girl would wear them, my Dad always likened them to Granny Clampett, much to Bec's disgust.LOL

    Well, I have just finished mowing, it took 2 and a half hours! It is all finished and ready now and I am exhausted, need to do some tidying on the lake side, lots of leaves have blown in, can't face it today. I just told Colin I am so glad we decided to downsize, bahaha, this place is 3 times the size, of the last one!

    Glad Bond is feeling better, but tell him to get over it, he'll be eating what he wants in no time, Aren't men amazing, when it is us, we just go on with our day, finding suitable food that we can eat, till we can go back to normal.

    Sorry your vision isn't better DP, I hope you can get something done soon. I can imagine how frustrating and scarey this must be for you. M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Andrea, I hate too fly with a cold too. Doo you have some eucalyptus oil that you cand carry in a tissue to sniff while taking off and especially landing? I hope you feel better. M x

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Yea for bean soup and trips to the store. I used to make a great vegetable soup with my pressure cooker. I haven't made it in years because my flat top stove says I can't use a pressure cooker. I suppose I could do it in a big pot like most people. Yeah, yeah I know.. a Vitamix would do it in a heartbeat! Thought I better say that before the queens of the Vitamix world come rushing out for their infomercial performance. Must let Bobo and M rest :)

    Oh Andrea, hope you feel better. I don't do sick very good..and traveling while sick makes me shudder. Think it would be safe to say that I would not be able to keep a happy face. I tried Zills 'ok' sign thing-a-ma-jig. Not sure I was doing it right either, and the thumb on top was kind of uncomfortable. However...I did feel like I could feel a mild sensation in my fingertips while doing it... blood flow? heart beat? Interesting.

    OK, hate to whine about my hair because I know I'm lucky to have hair (even if it is poker straight ugly and very fine)....but why do companies change their products? I have been using a Redken product to help curl my hair for over 20 years...and now they decide to change it? The new formula is sticky and gooey and basically unusable. I may as well thin down some elmer's glue and run it through my hair..think it would have the same effect and be a whole lot cheaper. Used it today for the first time and DD said my hair looked more natural. That's code word for flat.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    PRB, I totally understand the "hair" thing I had been using a Loreal Artec Textureline set of products for years. Suddenly they discontinue it, I start hunting and find places that are selling it off at cheap prices. I bought it all, but now I have exhausted the worldwide stores of it and I am going nuts trying to find something that comes close to it. I have really fine hair, but lots of it, weird, but true. I am trying Giovanni at the moment, got it from iHerb, not sure if I like it. Tried Vo5, not too bad but the cheap fragrance, makes me gag. I hate when stuff gets deleted.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    The pulsing means it's working! Also may hear tummy grumble. I'm so happy you tried it. I know it feels awkward.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Don't ask me why.. but it suddenly occurred to me that all of us have (has?) a different first initial here!

    A - Andrea / B - Bobo / D - DP / F - Fia / G - Glennie / I - Ideism / J - JLS / M - Moira / N - Ndgirl / O - O2 / P - PRB / S - Spookie / W - Wren / Z - Zills

    Oh.. just thought of Dawny. Well so much for that theory.. but it was close! Oh and the Gram ladies too... but they aren't here anymore .. and I think Dawny mostly posts on the other thread?

    Random thoughts.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    F-ing website! I just lost my post when I forgot I can't highlight and backspace to erase. Grrrr.

    Dove has retired 2 shampoos and I have vowed never to buy their shampoo again. I haven't found a new one that I like. I have the same hair as PRB so I try to use one to boost volume. They all seem to hydrate and smooth your hair. This is not what I want.

    I've had the hiccups for 30 min and it's almost time for bed. I don't think I can fall asleep while hiccuping.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    Andrea are you drinkin your OJ? I swear it makes a difference. Saves me many a day when sick time was inthinkable. Too late to mail ahead the gifts? Carry on?

    You know M some artists like to struggle or their craft. It could have been rod. Lol. Of all the things you hire people for, mowing should be one of them! It is mans work!! You should not be subjecting your delicate self to that. Bond likes mowing our front yard with a push mower. The old fashioned kind like the Brady's used on the AstroTurf. Says it's a good workout. I make him do a diagonal pattern.

    The eye won't get better from the steroids. Only possibly with getting rid of the tumor. The opthomologist acted like that would be a Xmas Miracle though.

    The bean soup was very tasty. Maybe best one ever. I make it differnt every time. Bond asked what I did different today and I really don't know. Made 14 soup jars tonight. Bond measured and poured everything. I mostly supervised. It was fun but ihe was tired. He is generally fried after 8pm. Still have to prom the instructions and attach ribbons. But at least there is some progress. Have about 10 more to make but ran out of some things. Don't know who they are all for but I thought it was a cute idea for neighbors and stuff.

    Oh PRB. I know exa fly what you mean. I get so angry over product changes and discontinues. I'm still not over the awesome hairspray I was using in 2001. Or the amazing Suave product called Air It Out which was a refresher and deodorizer for hair. It was way ahead of it's time. I wish You were closer so I cold share my massive safe of hair products with you that's re just going to waste.

    I have no dog gifts this year. Maybe can make it to petsmart tomorrow. I have always been obsessed with getting Reggie a raincoat and hat. Will probably get something more practical.

    Lots of side ab pain tonight. Took pills a couple hours ago but still stinging. The thought of it is worse than the pain now. Like what's going on in there to make it hurt so bad? Ahh so much townies about all the time. Blah.

    Still no good TV to keep me company tonight. Santa is bringing us a Roku. Thinking it will definitely be in the bedroom.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    boo wren!!!!!

    Ever tried the spoonful of sugar?

    I have hair like m. Fine but LOTS of it. I mean had. Once I figured out the correct way to use Wen, it was making a big difference for me. Other than that Pantene was always good for me. I'm hungry again. Effin steroids. Not getting up to eat!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    OK.. so it's 1:30 in the morning and I have found a website that is selling my hair product. It even says "old package". YES!!! I am a nut.. ordered 2 refills (that's all they had) and 10 regular bottles. OMG I hope this is the right one cause if I end up with the new formula I will scream loud enough that you will all hear me. I seriously need to know because I can order up to 30 I think..and I will.. even if it's too expensive ... cause that should get me through for like 5 years and by then I hope they will have gone back to the original formula. Just call me 'M'... that comment you made about buying out the world is ringing in my ears and I will buy this out if I can!

    Wren - have you tried Paul Mitchell awapuhi shampoo? I absolutely love it. It gets your hair squeaky clean, and I have found that to be a major factor in trying to get some volume... ie.. no buildup. I like it so much that I bought a gallon of it on Ebay. Hah.. let them discontinue that one.. I am good for quite awhile! I also quit using cream rinse.

    DP, you just reminded me of a Jean Nate' body splash that I loved back in the 80's that was discontinued. I think it was called Ocean Breeze. Man, I would splash that stuff on like crazy...I can almost smell it right wait.. I'm just hallucinating because now it's getting close to 2 a.m. and I am in a manic state of trying to find hair products!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    I am not Bobo, but I am replying to myself. Last rant on things discontinued... and that would be April Fresh Downy. Used that for so many years I can't even count them. Two years ago they added 'pearls' or some nonsense to the mix. Smell was not april fresh, and so strong my little house just reeked! There were a lot of complaints on their web site, but to my knowledge they never brought the original downy back. There should be some law passed that if a product has been sold for over 20 years, and the company is still in business, then said company cannot alter the formula. That is all. Good night :)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    PRB, I am killing myself laughing, you are worse than me! I wish I could have taken a picture of Colin's face, when one of the deliveries arrived, years ago and there were 20 bottles of non aerosol hairspray in the package. I now have, probably 20 containers of hairspray that don't come close that one, it was just the best. I keep buying it and giving it away when the shelf gets full. I still use some Jonathan styling product which is good, but the Loreal, was perfect.

    I haven't tried Wen, but I do use a product called Hair Fix which is a 3 step system that removes buildup of product, you just use it once or twice a week to get the shine back.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    score PRB!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014


  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    Oh, DP that pic is funny!

    PRB, you are making me laugh with your hair product escapades! And I can change my name to fit in with the one letter initial per poster thing! I have never liked my name, that is a good excuse to get a new one! Lol!

    Sgc, thank you for the Christmas card. You have been quiet lately, is all ok?

    Bobo, when m asked if I was still flat out, we didn't mean sick and laying down, just flat out busy! All is good here. I wrapped most of my Christmas goodies today, Yay. Loving the cougar and MD updates, keep me coming... So you don't know why DLLP is in the bad books?

    Dang your vision problems DP.

    We had a great day today, we went strawberry picking down the coast, strawberries are so much yummier when you pick them yourself! Googling things to make with them in the Thermomix 😄. Then we had lunch at this new cafe/organic market place. I t was really nice, made out off old shipping containers, recycled timber, they sell organic produce, and we're really friendly.

    I am still having trouble posting, is it just me now? Posting.....

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    Now I am replying to myself also.

    Had to google potstickers and Riki.

    Zills did you have to use the epipen? We have had our out, ready to use on both kids, but have never actually done it. Probably should have. I am not sure how it works over there, here we can get two epipens per child for about $20 per epipen. If you want more than two, you have to jump through many hoops, and pay something like $120 for each extra one.

    Dog is running off with wrapped presents under the tree 😄. So cute, yet so annoying too. Back later. X

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited December 2014

    Hello all !

    Yes PRB we are on our way to a full alphabet LOL .......


    Last night was another full night of sweating and swearing for me so I thought this sign was appropriate !! (at least for Glennie and I )

    DP hope the vision is better and you get the pain relief you need .  I am im pressed with you making  jar soups love those !  I agee  with M Bond will be back to chewing steaks in no time

    Zills so glad you finally got a dog . Jealous of your holiday cooking . I am cooking nothing this year

    Bobo hope you are on the mend and the M stories are cracking me up !!

    Wren and M - I don't have enough hair left to justify hair products . Its fine though another area of my life I am trying to simplify !

    Dawny fresh strawberries YUMMY!

    Andrea get the gift cards next year

    Merry Christmas to you all  and hi to all I did not mention . All I want for Christmas is for J and Sailman to be done with the grueling chemo (her last session is supposed to be the 23rd) 



  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    lol at dog stealing wrapped presents. Reggie and Toby keep knocking ornaments off the tree with their wagging tails. They get so excited about walk time and bond can't remember to move one two feet closer to the door before stopping to put on leashes. I think all of the glitter may never come off the hardwood.

    Not sure why we call them potsticker sometimes and dumpling sometimes. Can't really think of a difference. I've been seeing these on qvc for two years and always tempted to het them but never did. I think I thought they were too expensive but unless they dropped the price a lot, they weren't all that much. Anyhow, very tasty indeed. I for chicken and pork. Started with chicken so won't find out what pork is like for quite some time.

    You've been busy dawny. Glad you had a nice day with the strawberries. Are they easy to pick? I've picked plumbs and blackberries and blueberries and those all make for wretched days.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    hi fiaranch. Posting at same time. Love that pic. Makes me think of m for sure. Sorry about the hot flashes. I know it's miserable. That's one thing I am glad has not come with the new chemo yet. Even though chemopause did again.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Good morning all.  You have been quite chatty over night.  And yes, Fiaranch1, that sign is me!!  Last night was a glittery one!!  Cloudy and gloomy here,,, we have lots of rain in the forecast then getting cold again.

    I'm not much into hair products, but I hate it when they discontinue a FOOD item that I like.  Stonewall Kitchen made this great sauce that I used to pour over chicken wings before baking,,, DC'ed.   Celestial Seasonings made a Pear White Tea that was just delicious!  DC'ed!  I ran all over town and bought up every box I found. Checked on Amazon and they were asking $20 a box!  Wasn't worth it for that price. The big grocery store chain here just stopped carrying another tea that I like. But I found it at Ward's (local store),, and I told the guy,,, keep carrying it, cuz Publix has stopped. Bought the 2 boxes that he had,,,, hope it will be there in the future. Must make sure the company did not DC making it.

    Love hearing all your tales of wrapping and trees and dogs stealing presents and knocking ornaments off the tree.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Wished I had read or remembered about potstickers/dumplings. Had Chinese last night without the kids. Two plates of sushi, plate of crab legs, some shrimp and the grand finale - fried donut. Got my monies worth for once.

    I like aveeno shampoo. Dove and Pantene make me itch. Can't find a good one for kids. He's coarse and she's baby fine. Both get in the pool weekly. Someone said j crew shampoo that removes product.

    Made soup beans myself. Yum. Cute idea about jars and kids could do it. But I'm done! Found an r2d2 figure last night. Might go back and get model train stuffing stocker. That's all he asks for and I want to keep Santa alive. She asked for a candy cane.

    I need to be like Santa and stick to my list. Found blanket and pillow for cradle. Couldn't resist. Also doll panties with lace trim for $4.50. I don't think so!

    Yum fresh strawberries. Easy to pick. Never picked blueberries. The secret to blackberries is ride your horse into the patch. Just have to give him a handful every once in awhile.

    Epi pens had expired in oct. Sometimes no problem, other times yes. Never had to use either, thank goodness.

    Have two hours to finish baking, shower, delete pix from camera and rewalk the dog. My dog would be excited with a bag of cat food. Getting a lamb bone.

    M how did you stand your friend in the hairy goat jacket? I think the smell would rub off on his clothes.

    Can't wait to see bobo in her wedge heels, floppy hat, big movie star shades, red lipstick and bikini.

    Andrea we brought home six soccer balls. Deflated them. See what your weight limit is. It's different from domestic. Read the fine print. Are you rolling your clothes or getting those bags you suck the air out? They are amazing. Hope yourefeeling better.

    Hi Fia and PRB. Is SJS going to make it her goal on the 23rd? She was having a rough time. Anyone ever hear from the Gs?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    Omg glennie. Don't get me started on Progresso French onion soup. It was most delicious and had 50 calories per serving. 100 calories per can. It was this diet girls dream. Then it disappeared. I would come across it aomwtimes at a discount store And Iwould clear the shelf. Ten years later, my head still turns in every soup aisle, just to check.

    oh today is fake Christmas again isn't it? So cute BG wanting a candy came for her stocking.

    Happy fake Christmas round two!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    I am in hair product heaven. Found someone on Ebay who replied and said it was in the old bottle and her little store says she has 'over 10 to sell'. So yes, it appears I have spent well over $500 on this stuff and I may spend even more - M's little statement about now not having her product and the tons of useless products sitting around has convinced me to buy more, more more.. Merry Christmas to me!

    Dawny, you don't have to change your name. lol And now SGC, sorry I forgot her too. Hope JLS gets her treatment done before Christmas and then can rest to start the new year. Wasn't she still working?? It's always worrisome when we don't hear from others. Look at Ideism..she was gone and now she has returned to us. Yea!

    Nice dinner Zills. I can't bring myself to try sushi, but daughter loves it. We have an Asian place about 20 minutes away that has an outstanding buffet. Kind of pricey, but they have everything and then some. My local Chinese place used to be one of the best in town, but the original owners sold it and the food is really hit or miss now. I remember when they first opened up, I went in to order something. They spoke very limited English. Our interaction went something like this:

    Me: "I want an order of Moo-goo-gai-pan"

    Lady: "You want combo?"

    Me: "No, just the Moo-goo-gai-pan".

    Lady: "You want combo?"

    Me: "No, just the Moo-goo-gai-pan".

    Lady: pointing to the picture of the combo platter overhead "You want combo?"

    Me "Yes, I want the combo" Loopy

    Dawny, you're not the only one having trouble with the forum. I now have no cursor. Last night I had to insert a smiley icon to start my post, otherwise, nothing. I have trashed my new pc trying to fix it.

    Hope to get the tree decorated today. Man I am so lazy, but having a real tree seems almost as good as having a decorated one.

    I just realized today is the of tomorrow the total daylight minutes start increasing. YES. Love it.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Happy Solstice!  I am happy when daylight starts increasing again.

    PRB: there is sushi that is just veggies,, or has cooked seafood in it. Like tempura shrimp.  I recommend those. I don't eat the raw stuff.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited December 2014

    Hi Dawny! Yes, I am still here. I am still on here several times a day reading, just don't post. Gave DH his Christmas present early.....8 week old Great Dane puppy! needless to say everyone is exhausted! Lol


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Awwwww, Puppy's so cute!!  Name??

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited December 2014

    Her name is Allie. She is a pistol! Seems to be helping DH with hid depression! Let's pray it works

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    OH I hope so!  Puppies are so cute.  And so silly you just have to laugh.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    aww a precious puppy! Yaaaay!

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    Waving to Sgc!! Good to see you. Allie is so cute! Oooh and she is going to grow really big. Wonderful idea to perk up DH's spirits.

    PRB, I don't have a cursor when I try to reply either. I don't think it is us/our iPads/laptops.

    DP, strawberries are too easy to pick. We had filled our little baskets in no time. We wanted to keep going.

    Yes, looking forward to seeing bobo in the heels and string bikini, am also picturing her with one of those long cigarette holder things.

    Sgc, PLEASE post more Allie pics!