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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    FFS m, that is ridiculous. Is she concerned anout them doing anything to her things while she is gone for so long to visit? I there a real ADULT neighbor who can keep an eye on her place? I don't trust immature twats like that. Whatever happened with her looking at other places? Perhaps she should just move home, lol. At least she will get a small break from it on her visit. Adults who behave like wrotten children just infuriate me. Grrrrrrr

    This house reminds me of that spookie. It's was built in the 50s so it has a lot of time to remember. It's not real scary but I noticed last year, when I started being home alone during the day during chemo, all of te odd sounds. Like hearing footsteps in other rooms and things. Once before those instances, not long after moving in, I was alone in bed sleeping. I was startled awake by a breath blowing on me, that I both felt and heard, kind of like a gasp, and at the same time, a music box that was my granny's, that was in the next room started playing a few notes. It was so surreal but not really scary.

    Chemo not until later. Feel like staying in bed but have to get up to eat so I can take steroids. Blah.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    in the bag. It's almost 11. Want to nap. Have boy to entertain and house to clean and laundry to fold and dog to walk and...

    I passed up going to town with my sisters and standing in line for Cheesecake Factory. Tired of boy not being about to eat stuff so boycotting. Mad that they had both pecans and peanut butter on table yesterday. Told cousins they had to wash hands after eating but adults didn't.

    I love nuts too but peace of mind is priceless. I'm very disappointed in my family.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Oh, Z, I am seething at the story of the nuts on the table yesterday, I really could slap someone, esp. after the pecan scare of Thanksgiving. FFS. I have to tell you, that happens to me as well. Every time it does (and it happens every time), I just take the offending bowl or dish off the table and hide it somewhere in the house, somewhere not food oriented that the princess could never get to. And then I personally forget about it. And then I remember later, when I am home. And then I hope the food rots there in its hiding place. And then I never mention it to anyone. Because if I ever did, I would get completely out of control. And then, also, I usually just don't go to family parties. They can't live without nuts for two hours? It isn't as if people sit and eat bowls of nuts and nut products everyday in their daily lives. All of the sudden at holiday time it is a nut emergency, everyone has to eat nuts at all times. Fuck me. Moderators, happy holidays, and please have mercy on me.

    In the bag, DP! In the bag for this chemo to kick ass and for answers to the cyberknife! We are ready for some excellent answers, baby! We are going to F this ca in the A!

    Okay, now, I am really finished with the terrifying house stories. It is lucky this is DP's thread and not mine, because I would be shutting down these scary house stories pronto! Andrea, how are you feeling? Trying not to get a cold.

    Down to business. Confirmed: My brother is spending Christmas with Cougar's mother! Well, that was quick. M, I had better not see you wavering to pity. Do not make me call up a mental image: me in the hospital with our darling, her first seizure, it was in a beach hotel just outside MD's town, and I called her, I couldn't speak and I handed the phone to DLLP, and MD let DLLP know she was not coming, she was staying home to clean her house. When I found that out I became unsteady on my feet and had to sit. She wouldn't come to my own darling who was in the hospital in MD's own city. I have actually made myself cry, typing this. If I ever treated my own daughter like that, while my own daughter was in the hospital with her darling having a seizure, and then if I ever became conscious, somehow, of the enormity of what I had done, I would quickly kill myself.

    Back to Cougar business. My brother can't visit with MD today because the Cougar is having what he called a 'not-serious outpatient procedure' in the hospital. Immediately I thought: IVF? But Z thinks no. I am holding myself back from having an urgent Christmas poll here on the thread. Because, as of now, I really like the cougar, even though her bulletproof PR carapace is exasperating.

    Spookie and Dawny, so sorry for the senseless tragedy. They have some of that in New York right now, too. DLLP was concerned that the senseless tragedy might be right near you.

    In the bag every minute, DP! XXXX

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    What is it with the nuts??  SO many people have nut allergies,,, don't they get it??? 

    Me in restaurant:  "I'm thinking about the apple pie for dessert. Could you just verify that it doesn't have any nuts in it?
     Waiter:  We don't make it here, we get it brought it and the chef has no idea. You want to try it anyway?                    Me: No thanks. I'd rather not go to the ER tonight.


    No pity for MD.  None. Absolutely none. No excuse for that sh*t.  ((( Bobo)))

    Can't imagine what kind of outpt procedure she is having.  But it is interesting that he didn't mention what type.

    Becs' neighbor is seriously insane. Can't believe she convinced another neighbor to play along.

    ((DP))  in the bag.  Hoping all goes well.

    Waving to all.   Need to run and get oil changed in car. It is more than ready.  Hoping they are not busy cuz everyone is still Christmas shopping. back later 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    DD is allergic to walnuts and I won't have them in the house. I certainly don't want to accidentally kill DD.

    Oh, I have to keep going with the creepy house stories. A woman from here married a man and moved to Utah. She disappeared and her husband took 2 small children 'camping' in a travel trailer in the middle of the night with snow on the ground. They've never found her but the older boy drew a picture and said Mommy was in the trunk. Everyone thinks the husband did it but couldn't prove it. His father is a sex offender and was present at the time. The husband obtained supervised visitation rights to see the boys. When the social worker took them to the husband's house he pulled the boys inside leaving her outside, murdered them and set the house on fire. So someone rented the house where they lived in Utah without knowing anything about it. When she heard sobbing in the shower and her kids talking to other kids who weren't there, she moved out and is going after the rental company to get her money back.

    Second creepy story (far less creepy). Our house was built in 1946 and we're the second owners. A few years after we bought it the former owner was killed in a car-pedestrian accident. Our son was driving the car behind the car which hit him and helped get him into the ambulance. He died at the hospital. I was sewing and listening to the radio when they reported the accident and the man's name popped into my mind. DS refused to believe it was the former owner until the driver's insurance company told him that was true. After that we would hear the front door open and someone walk up or down the stairs. We both heard it and both thought it was the other person coming home. So we got sage and smudged the house and kindly told the man he wasn't supposed to be here. We explained that he'd been killed suddenly and probably wasn't sure where he was supposed to be. We didn't know either, but it wasn't here in our house. And it stopped happening completely.

    On to more pleasant things. The sun is shining today for at least a little while!!!!! It's supposed to be cloudy and rainy until after Christmas, possibly until July 5 if it follows the usual pattern. I kept having nightmares last night about having 2 medical appts today and missing the more important one. This morning they called to say the morning appointment person had called in sick. Sorry for her but helpful to me. I'm on the kitty line today and it's a bit like clerking at the mall. Everyone wants a kitten NOW for a Christmas present. We have about 10 kittens available and 3 of those are semi-feral and not suitable for busy households. They would just hide and be totally traumatized.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Great stories Wren! I have another interesting, not creepy one Bobo. When I worked at a TV station and pregnant with Bec, one of the directors that I was friendly with used to come over and have dinner with me on Saturday nights when he had a couple of hours off, when a live show was on air. I had finished up working, waiting to have Bec. He was a bit of a strange guy and most didn't like him. but he was always nice to me so I could put up with his talking himself up that annoyed the others so much. He always had lots of cash, which was a bit strange and he'd never let me pay for dinner.

    Anyway, one night, years later. there was a news story on TV about a Poiceman, shooting someone, who he had pulled over for speeding and the driver had a sawn off shotgun, The Policeman shot the guy, they do that a bit here too, refer previous story, I digress, my gf's husband was a news cameraman and she worked as a director at the same TV station, they didn't name the guy, who'd been shot, simply said he had a carpet cleaning business and that he was a robber that they had named "The Telecome Bandit" they had been searching for, for a long time. My gf, became obsessed that it was the guy I used to have dinner with, when I left work to have Bec, don't ask me how it even entered her head, except that it was reported that he had a carpet cleaning business, which this guy also had.

    Well, she went so far as to calling the reporter who had covered the original story, even asking if he'd seen the body...yuck, being the ambulance chaser journalist that he was, of course he's seen the body, she asked if it was the co worker that we all knew, but the journalist was perplexed, he'd been shot in the face at close range so he couldn't be sure. I know sounds terrible, but this became a quest for my gf, who is still one of my closest gf's to this day.

    Long story short, she was right! I don't know what on earth made her so sure it was him, but it turned out this guy was dressing a s a Telecom (phone technician) on his days off from the TV station, going to small country banks and pretending to fix their phones, then herding the staff into a vault or a room and robbing the bank. He never hurt anyone in the robberies, but I was absolutely speechless, and had to take a ribbing, for what seemed an eternity, about how I had been eating dinner on Saturday nights, with a gun toting bank robber. Oh and the reason my first Husband, Bec's Dad, wasn't home, was because he was a floor manager at the same TV station and he was working the live show, that was this guy's break time. Do, do do do, cue the "close encounters" music!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    I feel the same way about nuts, what is it with people that they don't get how dangerous a nut allergy can be? When I worked at United they decided they would be a "Nut Free" airline, sounds great, but totally impractical and impossible to police. I was on a mission trying to make my bosses realize they were going to be left wide open to litigation because someone in the seat next to a potentially highly allergic person could inadvertently bring nuts, or a peanut butter sandwich on board for their non allergic kid. Fortunately, that idea was scrapped.

    I feel for you girls who have kids with these allergies. Bec was an allergic asthmatic kid, but her nemesis was cats. We couldn't even visit people before we found out if they had a cat that lived inside. If there was a cat, we simply couldn't go. Some dogs affected her too, but cats could put her in Hospital. Fortunately she has improved over the years, but can't pet or hold a cat without wheezing and her eyes swelling.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Thankfully, I have nothing to add to the creepy house stories. Thinking of JSJ & DP.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Wow, M.  That was a close encounter.  Good thing he liked you! Guess that's where all his money came from. Who would have thought he was a bank robber?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    long day. Just got home an hour ago. Couldn't see out of left eye most of day. No insurance approval yet. No way this will jd open before Xmas which means it will be next year. Got fentanyl 25s. Will add a 12 to current patch likely tomorrow. Unless I can wait until weds to get in sync. Lots of packages and cards in mail today. No energy to open right now. Chest hurts and cold. Boy I'm full of whining.

    Wren that is super creepy story. M you too. Family nuts ridiculous. Back later when pills kick in.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    M, that just beats all... you hanging around a bank robber.. what a story!

    DP, when the hell are you going to catch a break, I was so hoping you'd get some news on the insurance situation. I hope you are able to nap a bit and the pain pills kick in.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    oh damn DP, was hoping to check in and find you had the go from insurance! Hoping your meds will give you some rest.

    Wow all these creepy house and ban robber stories, nothing to add on either but so enjoy reading them even if they are kinda scary!

    Bobo, I want you to not forget your Jackie O sunglasses when you strut by MD with heels and bikini! No mercy for her when I now hear that she could be concerned about a house instead of her gd.

    I have been enjoying our stay at ds, but weather is crazy, green grass at Christmas?. Looks more like early spring. I have been to 2 great Christmas concerts so far, first was GD 's just wonderful and last night a friend took us to another by Robbie Robbinson, what an unbelievable voice! I just love Christmas concerts, never been to a bad one.

    Will check in later ladies, good night to all!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Just loving all the cards ladies; thank you. Wren, did yoh make your card? It is lovely. I just love cardinals. We never saw them out west, where I grew up. When we moved to Michigan I saw my first one and was smitten.

    I remember that horrific story of the husband killing his wife. Then blowing up his house with his poor little boys inside.

    Oh, i am sorry i started this whole scary story i cant get to sleep....and i have to be awake in less than four hours to leave for the airport at 2:30 a.m.

    DP, i am sorry to hear about your eyesight.must be scary. But i am still holding on for cyber knife.

    Anyone know if stem cells are being used to fight cancer?

    I better get some sleep at least.

    Waving goodnight to everyone..

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    OMgosh Bobo! Your kids are adorable! Wish I lived closer. I could be their surrogate grandma.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    Andrea, I traced the drawing and painted with watercolor. I tried drawing the cardinal and it didn't even look like a bird.

    Bobo, The kids are adorable. And I do see thru W boy. I'll bet the teacher sits him at the corner of her desk. Just like DS was.

    DP, I'm so sorry you haven't gotten an OK on the cyber knife yet. Hope the increase in meds helps you feel better.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    DP. Sorry about the ins and eye. Hope the pain patches kick in soon.

    Andrea. My pharmacist said to take a sudafed before flying for her ears. Don't know if you'll read this in time. Have a good flight! Hope you can check in.

    Nd. Transiberian orchestra Christmas concert is on my bucket list. Enjoyed the boy's program but kids were off to side so couldn't see. Also had BG running around. It was more of a play/musical. A second grader had a solo. Awesome!

    Wren. My card is beautiful. No creepy house stories here. Did feel bad vibes at one when house hunting. Couldn't get out of there fast enough. Felt bad because it was clean and neat and had afghans on the chairs. Never looked up its history.

    PRB. Yea for a break and a real tree. BC. Before children. I did a real tree and lights. Hallmark ornaments didn't cooperate. Now fake tree and kid ornaments. Hallmark ornaments still in tubs. What a waste!

    SGC. Those pkgs are awesome! I'm too rushed to do a proper job or care. Just get it done. Kids have been good about pkgs under the tree. Wasn't sure. BG carts off the little ones in her bag (shiny objects).

    I still have their stuff to wrap and put out. Told DH he's got to take them out for a few hours on Christmas Eve. Boy wants to go to skate park and ride his scooter down a ramp. Needs to wait until he opens his new helmet and pads. Don't know when DH is going to put up trampoline.

    Took boy swimming yesterday. Going to wv today with DH to pick up office furniture. Have no idea where he's going to put it and it's supposed to rain.

    Idesim did you get all your stuff done?

    Of course the bank robber liked M.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    I'm confused. Tried scrolling back but man we are a chatty bunch!

    SGC did you do the pretty pkgs and have a Great Dane puppy?

    That's what my poor brain says and I don't know how that's right. Puppy should equal mayhem worse than my two youngins.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    These house stories are scaring the heck outta me!

    Thanks girls, perfect timing for me to have a little rant about allergies. Both of my kids are allergic to peanuts and eggs, my MIL just doesn't get it. One day she said, ooh, I get to do a conversation thing. :)

    MIL: why don't you just give DS some peanuts to see what would happen?

    Me: because he is allergic to peanuts

    MIL: then you would see how he reacts

    Me: we may see him die! WTF?

    So, today, same as every Christmas time, she brings over a homemade Christmas themed chocolate log cake. I am not allergic to eggs, but I don't eat them, along with meat. So she makes it only for DH. I can ignore that for me, but what about her grandchildren?! Here is this lovely cake, with Rudolph and snow, looking yummy - but children YOU CANNOT EAT IT! I never have eggs in the house, and she knows that, and yet ??? Makes me want to punch her! Lol

    Ok, rant over (for now)

    DP, stupid insurance company. How is your vision now?


  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Scg, meant to comment on the new puppy! What a cutie and here is hoping he helps your dh, animals are amazing! Love your pkgs too!

    Dawny, grr what doesn't mil get? Who would ever want to put their grand kids in harms way?

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Wren I remember watching that story about the guy and his kids on one of those 48 hours programs. What a creep. M - hanging out with a bank robber! Gotta love that one. See? If you had been interviewed you could have been one of those people who say "he was the nicest guy. I can't believe it!".

    Had a lazy day yesterday. Lots of serious trouble going on at work and so very thankful I was not there. Just a joy to watch all the emails fly as I sat in my house. None of it directly impacted me, but being caught up in the frenzy that develops would have been stressful. Played some tennis with DD at the fancy athletic club on a free week pass. I have to say that I am now so overweight and old that I was a bit fearful I might collapse lol. Did ok.. basically didn't run for anything and DD really needed that tune-up. Forgot to wear the glove, and hand/wrist swelled up some from the LE a bit, but I massaged it when I got home and it came right down. I suppose tree trimming one day, followed by tennis the next is not a winning combo for LE.

    DP - I hope you have a better day today. As someone said.. when the hell are you going to get a break? I pray it is today.

    Not fair that I didn't join the card club and now don't get to see Bobo's children! Whah! Got Z's card yesterday. Gorgeous family. I especially liked the confetti falling out of the card. Cute idea.

    OK.. must clean house, do some laundry, wrap some presents and get hair cut this afternoon.. or just stay here in bed drinking coffee. I'm voting for coffee.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    imageWell we are ready for the festivites


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Looks very pretty!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    Ohhhhh green depression glass? Sas is gonna flip out!!!! I have some pink, no green . Looks great

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    ha! Hard to get in the spirit hereimagek

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    NDGirl, beautiful setting. What a big dining room. Love your chairs

    Well we arrived in Calgary. Now we have a 5 hour wait for the bus to take us the rest of the way (3 hours). The airports are absolutely empty! Sure didnt expect that.

    Hope everyone has had a nice day. I will catch up on posts next.

    Waving to everyone from Canada, eh!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    **waving to Andrea in Canada**     Hope you have good time.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    I want to walk to Canada. Have fun Andrea

    Nd, beautiful pics, thanks for sharing. Can picture your dining room alive with chatter and festivities. I need to know what is in that long tall gift though?!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Morning all! Bec is on her way, poor thing didn't sleep, she woke every hour thinking she'd slept in.

    ndgirl, I love your home! That table setting is fabulous and I would love to have your fireplace, I love that stacked stone, it's all, just lovely. Is that a second tree you have?

    Andrea, so glad you made it to Calgary, isn't it annoying about the connections when you travel. Five hour wait for a 3 hour trip, just burns me up.

    Spookiesmom, it is warmer where you are, than it is here! I have some Pink Depression Glass too, from my Mother. That green setting is fantastic. I like the Blue too, but I don't have any.

    PRB, you nailed it! I would never have believed this guy had it in him, he was nothing but nice to me and I take people as I see them. Of course I got the biggest ribbing from all the others who didn't like him, but in saying that, none thought he was capable of what he did, they simply didn't like him, so he managed to fool all of the people! LOL

    Good grief dawny, your MIL is a live one. Let's see what happens? Anaphalaxis is not a pretty sight, or experience and she wants to play with that, with her Grandchild? Irresponsible, silly woman! There seems to be a lot of people, who simply don't believe these allergies are real.

    Waving to everyone, Glennie, ldesim, where's DP, she hasn't been back? I hope she's resting and got some sleep. I have everything crossed that the insurance company gets a finger out of its proverbial and gets moving on this. What are they thinking?

    Well ladies, it is Christmas Eve here, getting ready for Bec back later! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Haha Dawny, I was going to ask what was in the long stripey gift too!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    OMG, M, Merry Christmas Eve! **perpetually confused about time changes in general** Cannot wait for Bec to get there.

    Birdie, your card is so beautiful that I am going to frame it. It is real art. Relieved that you see through W boy. You are right! The teacher has him front and center in front of his desk. The teacher is male, has ADD, and is a washout. As DLLP says, two wrongs don't make a right!

    Hi DP! **waving** how is your poor eye? What are we waiting for on the stupid insurance? Cyberknife, or another MRI? They won't even talk to you until ins gets settled? I am starting to get worked up. You are a warrior princess to be so cool about your vision. Can't wait to hear more. I am sick of them making you wait! We are all with you!

    I feel like the thread is so full of news! Z, I can totally picture BG running around the concert, and I can also picture her tooling around with shiny presents in her handbag. She just slays me. When our darling was her age, she used to have these leopard-print sweatpants and a bright stripey hooded sweater. That was her signature outfit.

    PRB, you were not on Christmas list? Are you sure? Andrea? Did PRB humbug and refuse to be on list?

    Andrea, welcome to Canada! Thank heaven you made it there. Whew. It sounds like it was a long trip. Hoping you are going to keep that immunity up.

    And... YOU are the one who started the scary house stories? (Thank you for putting the kibosh on those, Birdie, that was impressive.) YOU, Andrea. You and your devious vagina are scaring the life out of me. Will leave vagina update on other thread.

    Hi Dawny! ***waving*** I miss you. I have powerful powers sometimes (who doesn't?), and when I read the story about your Fuckwit MIL I instantly pictured next time she brings that cake. I delighted in your dialogue by the way! When I saw that it was coming, I stopped reading, make a cup of tea, and settled in, delighted.

    Anyway, I pictured you (I can picture you perfectly. Didn't you post gorgeous picture out in your backyard? And you are very blonde?) making your hand like a claw, bringing the claw down to grip the whole of the cake (one of those roll-up cakes), then you lifted your hand, cake it its grip, and you brought your arm back down and flung that cake in the garbage! I hope this is really going to come true. That will teach her.

    She will have to make her 'sexy phallic roll-up cake' and lure your DH over to her house while eating it with him in a suggestive manner next time! MD is exactly the same about my brother, BTW. She would totally do that. She makes him things all the time that no one else in my family can eat (except DLLP).

    'Let's give peanuts and see what is going to happen?' Oh my bloody god and fuck, angels, etc. Let's send her a you tube clip of someone in the grip of anaphyllaxis. I don't know how to spell that offhand. One of my relatives said once at a holiday dinner, dismissively, 'Black kids don't have allergies.'

    NDgirl, your house looks gorgeous! Obviously DLLP and I can't get things ready like that here in advance, it would be in shards on the floor in 15 minutes. Z, laughing because I have kid ornaments. My tree looks like it has seen better days right now. I keep asking DLLP to spruce it up a little bit. NDgirl, do not worry! Have no summer accessories but will be going to Kohl's to splash out on wedges and sunglasses! Idesim? I have never been to Kohl's! It is right near (former) Starbucks, I drive right by it! Idesim? You must give me a coupon! :)

    What's on the coffee table? XXX