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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Casual Christmas Eve in Australia, love you all! M x

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    Oooooh, M your Christmas Eve table looks fabulous, love the chevron placemats and napkins. Look at Dex in the photo, my Paddy sits just like that on the couch too. Vi is so gorgeous, his hair is so shiny and healthy looking. Hugs to you M. Have fun with Bec. Xx

    Laughing at the thought of mashing cake in the faces of both MIL and DH !! Hahaha. She is sure to say something stupid tomorrow also, probably about me being a vegetarian. When DH and I started living together (in sin) she was worried that I wouldn't feed him enough meat. WTH, he was 26 at that time, he can bloody well cook for himself if he doesn't like what I make! Lol. DH doesn't think that though, he agree his mum is crazy mad, bless him, or bless his cotton socks (said to make Spookiesmom laugh)

    So Santa is almost here, it is nearly 11pm Christmas Eve, I had best get to bed, as I know DD will have me up early. DS will still be fast asleep, she will wake him up too. She can't wait to give our fur baby his Christmas presents, awwww. Xxxx

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    merry Christmas M and dawny!! And happy Xmas eve to everyone else. Show time. Last chance to get everything done.

    I still have not finished these damn hats. I tried last night but it seems when I was at the store and trying to buy rice and bond said, no we done need rice, that he was mistaken. He is going to the store soon.

    Then need to clean. Pick up one gift from Walmart site to store, which we would have been wise to do last night. Can only pick up between ten and ten. Stupid. Wrap what hopefully arrives by mail today. Did I say CLEAN? I can't handle going on vacation or letting Samta come with a dirty house. If there is any time between all that, we should also go to GPs storage and see if we can dig out some sort of furniture for them to use for next two days. I don't think I've told you what a mess the storage is. It is bad bad bad. Best case scenario would be a fire at this point.

    Is everyone ready? Z has to her kids out of house today. I hope they are feeling well enough.

    I was never a sick kid but remember one year and I must have only been 6 or 7, that I was so sick with flu or something. It was most awful. I remember laying in bed and grandma coming and saying Santa came. Then saying, you don't even care do you? That's probably 3rf on my sick list. First, being sick and flu like on DC trip at christmas time. Try listening to 8am key note speakers and staying awake under those conditions. Also, nobody told this dumb girl from texas that a courdoroy jacket was not a "coat". And number two was having mono. We won't count cancer. Oh yea pancreatitis sucks too. Other than that I never get sick. Ha.

    Tummy grumbling. Don't want to get up to eat. Too early still. I hope you got some sleep z. Wonder if m and bec were up all night giggling. I bet so. What a gorgeous smile on vi.

    Don't forget what we said about Santa. If you don't believe, he won't come. It's the truth. Merry Christmas.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    I just know M has whipped up a yummy meal to put on that pretty table! Great pics of the kids! And the furry one too!

    Merry Christmas to all

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Ooo, what lovely pictures!! And Dex posing so proudly in his spot.

    Merry Christmas M and Dawny!!     And Merry Christmas Eve to all.   Santa is almost here.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    M, your pictures are beautiful! Love Vi and Bec! Your table and surroundings are the best, love seeing the water in the background. Saw in an earlier post you asked if their was another tree and yes they have a smaller artificial one in kitchen area. Ready but still no snow, looks like no white Christmas for us.

    Santa has already been to Dawny and Ariom, hope it was great!

    Waving to all, will pop in later.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014
    M, you actually live in a House Beautiful Magazine, don't you?!?! Lol. I live in a Flea Market Magazine. Lol

    I want a 6000 square foot house, then I could spread my junk out and it would not look as messy and cluttered...right?

    Merry Christmas to M and Dawny! I hope Santa is good to you.

    We are safe and sound, after being up for 24 hours total.

    I currently have 9 grandchildren. Although there are no more in the works, we do have a few children that haven't started families yet. We have a blended family of seven (yours, mine and ours). My oldest grandson is two years younger than my youngest culd...confused yet? Lol.
  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014
    Now for our Christmas family drama: HEAD LICE.

    Just learned last night that my step daughter (26) has been treated for head lice( the last treatment being yesterday.)

    Now no one wants to come to the family dinner for fear of catching the critters. One of my daughters is a maternity and infant nurse and she won't be able to work for two weeks if she gets them. My other daughter is a massage therapist, and her boss told her the same thing. plus one of my grandchildren is too young to use the treatment if he gets them.
    What to do??
  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Wonder if she wore a shower cap at dinner, that it would keep any critters confined? Just a thought. that is a drama,,, and a big pain.

    Andrea: my place is Flea Market Magazine too!! I call it "relaxed and casual" !!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh no Andrea! Seems like he needs to take one for the team and step out. Lest effect everyone else. That stinks!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    OMG! Andrea! Terrible family drama. Make sure your vagina does not get lice.

    Solution: Coat everyone's head and scalp in olive or coconut oil. Lice cannot live in that. And then braid the hair and wrap head in soft cloth bandana or similar. No way will get lice that way.

    M! Your children are so beautiful! And your house! OMG. What if we all had a reunion there? We would trash your house lickety like a bunch of rock stars! But, I mean, accidentally. We wouldn't do it on purpose, but we are probably clumsy.

    Am not finished wrapping, fighting a cold, Z, how is boy? What kind of sick is he? DP, it's a miracle! Your GPs have a house! Bond is a saint for moving them.

    I love when Birdie is disappointed in me. I third her suggestion. FFF that MIL! I just think it would be cooler (and doable) to slam that cake in the garbage. And then: do it every time. Def think you should smash it into DH's face. Or become a lesbian? A lesbian mother would never eat a chocolate penis cake in front of her allergic children.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Got card from Z!  OMG,, the kids are so adorable!  I love BG with her reindeer sweater! Boy looks like he has mischief on his mind!

    I agree:  reunion at M's house. It would be so lovely.  I am a klutz, but I would try not to break anything.

    Andrea:  you have solutions here.  Either that person stays away,, (easiest) or everyone does what Bobo suggests!  It would make for some interesting Christmas pictures. Be sure and put the oil on your vagina too. You DON'T want lice there!!  Shocked

    I am thrilled with all the cards. Thank you everyone. The top of the entertainment center has overflowed to a table top!!

    I hope all colds and sickness magically go away right now.   **waves magic wand**   Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Ava got a big box of cookies from the mail lady!  She is uber excited!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    Have cards to open, been cooking in prep for tomorrow. Will open later, NAP ATTACK time

    Merry Christmas Happy Holidays or Bah Humbug

    That should cover everything

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    M could handle us cause she's used to rock stars! She managed a band, remember? OK.. when is everyone available to go see that house and a few kangaroos?

    I think lice is not as easy to get as most people think. It's mostly from hair to hair contact. If she doesn't do any massive hugging, I think everyone would be fine. DD had lice once and had very long, thick, straight hair at the time. Apparently, this is the hair of choice for lice because it is easy to hang on to. I refused to put those chemicals on her instead I used cream rinse with tree tea oil in it every night...gobbed it on and then did the combing for the nats. Also used peppermint shampoo. Worked like a charm. Oh, I also used an electronic device that zaps the live critters called Robi and it killed them all dead the first time I used it. Never to miss a science moment, we took one of the dead guys and put him under the microscope.

    I have to say that Bobo should win some kind of award for the most bizarre sentence of the year:

    " A lesbian mother would never eat a chocolate penis cake in front of her allergic children". I wish I could nominate it somewhere because that, my friends, is over the top!

    Is Christmas over yet? Man.. I feel the stress. Had to go to the store 3 times today. Who knew a ham could be uncooked? I thought all ham was 'ready to eat'... not the one I bought. I just about cried having to wait in line to return it and face the huge ass crowd that had swarmed into Kroger's. And, I felt bad because the woman said they have to throw the ham (or any meat) out that's been returned. And, it's been raining all day, so everything got wet including me. windchill 29 .. lovely.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    I don't know what you're talking about, PRB. That sentence makes perfect sense.

    To explain: If Dawny were to sack DH for eating that cake in front of children, and then become a lesbian, and then get snapped up by another lesbian and then get married in AUS (fanny), then... Dawny's new wife (lesbian mother) would never eat a (roll-up) cake (shaped like a penis) in front of her allergic children in a suggestive way with Dawny's ex-MIL.

    Come on, PRB! The meaning of that sentence is so obvious, it is practically boring. :)

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014


    Christmas day retorts for you to say to your MIL tomorrow:

    1. What I put in my mouth is none of your business (over enunciate last four words, and give her the crazy eyes)

    2. I smell roasting flesh, and it had better be human flesh (to paraphrase something Morrissey once said at an outdoor festival before performing)


    4. Hsssssssss (I think we should bring back the conventions of booing and hissing)


  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    Peeing myself!!

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Presents done and dusted, dog running around with wrapping paper, need coffee

    Love you girls! Xxxx

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    Heehee, thanks Bobo, I may try them all xx

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    We're at GS house with DH, DS, DIL, DD, 2nd GS (22), 3rd GS (11), 4th GS (8) and DIL's sister. Two people will stay in a motel tonight. DH is making salmon tonight and the hosts are doing turkey tomorrow. With this many people there may not be leftovers. No white Xmas here either. Sunny and in the 40's but enough wind that it feels like the 30's. Nobody eating weird cake either.

    Younger GS have figured out how to make strange photos on the ipad. We'll never see a normal photo of either one from now on.

    We gave Squeakers and Goldie their new catnip mice before we left.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited December 2014

    Why of course... no lesbian mother in her right mind would eat a chocolate penis shaped cake in front of her children who have allergies! What was I thinking? LOL Thanks for that good laugh Bobo. Now come here and wrap some damn presents. I swear, my procrastination is so bad that my insides hurt.

    Wren, all weird cake is off limits today! We are having pizza family tradition? hah. I simply refuse to cook on what is my last sane day before all hell breaks lose and my sister is here demanding we do after Christmas shopping! I just don't have that shopping gene..or the beautiful home gene that M has.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    OMG, you crack me up! What a great read, this morning.

    Merry Christmas from downunder!

    Dinner went really well as did the gifts, lots of laughing and we didn't go to bed till 1am. We had a visit from the carers daughter with her baby early this morning and she was wearing the outfit I gave her when she was born, 3 months ago, today. I had a good baby fix, got to carry her around feed her a bottle and generally, goo and ga!

    The Church bells are ringing at the little Church on the corner, named "St Peter's On the Lake" and the sun is out, but it isn't going to be a scorcher today.

    I hope you are all having a lovely Christmas Eve, one more sleep for all of you. Since I am in the future, I can tell you, all's well! Hugs to all of you. M x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    I've been having a good laugh at my fur kids. Santa Paws came early, they each got a new toy. They are squabbling over them like skin kids. Share is not in Spookies vocabulary, Kris, like any bratty brother keeps trying to swipe hers. She wants to see his, but really doesn't like the stuffed squeaky toys. He loves to chew the squeakers out. Gonna be a long night

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Tried to clean house. Kids didn't nap. Took BG's mattress off and jumped. DH finally took them out. Had to assemble high chair and cradle and wrap. Why do we wait until the last minute? They could have been hidden wrapped?

    Ate Fazolis and decorated a gingerbread house. Watched Merry Madagascar and read books. Trying to convince them to sleep. One stocking already missing.

    Boy wheezing. Inhalers not working as quickly as I want.

    Merry Christmas Y'all!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Such dirty words I am reading here on Christmas Eve!! Santa needs to wash Bobo's mouth out for Christmas!

    Worked half a day today, only 1/3 of the office was there, but that was good because all my favorite co-workers were there and we had a nice intimate pizza party. One of the managing partners has a tradition of putting nips on your desk, or as my case since my office needs to remain locked, in front of the door. I got Bailey's this year and decided to put that sucker right in my coffee and start the day out right. Came home and finished the cookies (never did find that damn nail).. omg I am shocked, the sugar cookies and shortbread cookies came out so friggin good.. (I ate a ton). Brought some goodies next door to the neighbor (she lost her hubby over the summer... 60 years married) and had coffee with her... invited her over, but she isn't up for anything. Two of my nephews and their gf's came over and we watched the Christmas cartoons (Rudolph, Santa Claus is Coming to Town & Year without a Santa) while eating lasagna and of course cookies. Now I'm going to finish up wrapping and just chill in front of the tree.. I figure Joe only has another couple of hours in him, so I'll finish wrapping his gifts when he goes to bed and put them under the tree!!

    Hope Santa is good to everybody... Merry Christmas to an amazing bunch of ladies, love you all bunches! XOXOXO

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    woooo-hooooo. Sounds like you've had a pretty good day!!!  And Santa is yet to arrive!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    Omg now not all makes sense. M is so wise because she comes from the future. Holy Crap

    Merry Christmas everyone. Steroid hippo is bck and y'all are making me hungry. Pizza and lasagna sound good. I didn't eat dinner and knew before I even came to bed that I should eat. Told bond I would wake up I an hour and be starving. But I haven't even made it to sleep and tummy rumbling. so tired though long day. Didn't get every thing done. Will blame side trip to storage and GPs which took most of day. Floor not steam cleaned. Cookies not made. Finished jars and delivered to neighbors. Went to fancy neighborhood light tour. Xmas lights are a tradition I insist on upholding. All wrapping done. Waiting on bond to get in a deeper sleep so I can stuff stockings. The lights were beautiful. We hav a lot of houses that do the music coordinated lights. Only bad thing was started getting shooting pains in my eye while we were out. Have headache now. Switched to 25a of fentanyl today. Took one hydro a while ago for side pain. Hope tomorrow is a good pain day. Don't want to be cranky for bond. He got sad tonight when I started getting funky.

    Z did you get it all done? Find missing sticking? Did trixie get soaked in oil. If trixie gets live, bobo will be gloating. Nownchinese foos sounds good. Wish I had lomein. Is it ok to have potstickers for Xmas breakfast? Lol.

    I agree prb that is one award winning sentence. And well duh, of course that could never happen. Rofl.

    I knew m and bec were up all night cutting up.

    Glad Santa was good to eveyone a fur babies. I never went to petsmart so my boys are getting the excitement equivalent of clothes. I actually wanted to get them clothes but anyway. Santa is bringing them food elevators and foot balms. I did find two beef jerkies that bond must have gotten them and a pretty little package of bones they got in the mail. I put those in stockings with foot balms. So they will be ok.

    All but one gift arrived on time. I knew that it wouldn't. Even though it was the first I ordered. On the 8th! But it is a big custom canvas photo for grandma. And it was a groupon too so in sure there is no rush. Got her a nice pie plate too. Printed a pic of the canvas to open.

    Not really excited about Xmas at uncles. Have I mentioned I am big on tradition? I know, it doesn't matter so long as we are all together.

    Well I think I'm going to go rummage for a snack. Think I have some pasta salad in fridge.

    I hope everyone has a restful night and a wonderful Christmas tomorrow. Love you all so much.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hi DP! Boy, did you do well with all the stuff you had to do. I am so pleased the Grands have a house and although setting up will take a while, it will be something you can take off the list of stresses you have to deal with. I hope they are very happy there. Is it near you?

    Hugs to bond, I can understand him feeling sad, when he sees what you're going through, it makes us sad too:(

    Bec and I are enjoying the time together, she's outside with Colin talking nerd, computer stuff. They get on really well.

    I hope you found a snack, I am about to start again. Dinner will be pretty much a repeat of last night, we still have a ton of prawns and another Crayfish, still undecided about going to the beach party tonight. I think I will be needing a nap.

    Well it is officially Christmas Day for you now, I hope it is a good day for you, with great friends, and family, lots of great food and no drama, but most of all, no pain! Hugs to you! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    yes anxious to get them set up. Grandma is pretty excited you can tell. Need to get on the ball with furniture from craigslist. I told them I refuse to let them waste money on brand new things like bedroom set and dining set. I'm a marvelous CL shopper. But if I don't hurry they will get too antsy and be at a pricey furniture store in no time. It is pretty close. About ten minutes away. They were about 45 minutes away before. Gma real excited about that too.

    Pasta salad was not very good. But it shut up my tummy. Stuffed stockings. Wanting to sleep. Guess that's what I get for only taking one hydrocodone. See I'm an addict now. I know if I don't go to sleep that Santa won't come.

    I still think your seafood feast sounds better than turkey and dressing. Ok. Sleeping. 1 2 3

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    DP, Just pretend to be sleeping and he will still come! Haha

    The turkey breast was really good, I had it in a crisp bread roll at lunch time with beautiful, organic cranberries, but nothing beats crayfish for me, it is my favorite. Dawny and I texted today! Nice to have one of the girls, close enough to text with! Love M x