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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    Yes, I was very excited to receive a text from M today, made my day actually! Xxx

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    merry Christmas ladies. Santa has been and gone. Laying back down for just a little while. Then fruit salad making and heading across town. Still looking forward to those potstickers for breakfast. Lol. Hope you are all having a great time in front of the tree this morning.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Merry Christmas, everyone!     Potstickers for breakfast?  Yes, please!  And prawns for dinner. If only I could magically fly to everyone's home for Christmas,,, like Santa!!!

    DP:  I hope your pain will be less today.  You are not addict,, you are in pain. Take meds. Hope you have good time at uncles and do CL shopping for GP's!!  Lucky they have you to save them money!  You are da bomb!     Hugs to you and Bond and to the dogs!!

    Friend has been storing big present for husband over here. I just called and told him that Santa got confused and left his gift here, so he is coming to get it.  heeeheeheeee,,,

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄🎁🎅! Wishing you all a wonderful day!

    DP, you are amazing to get everything done like you did , hope you have a pain free joyfull day. Glad gp got house too one less stress.

    Thinking of Zills and Bobo with their little ones, nothing like it on Christmas morn. Waiting for updates!

    Andrea, believe me you don't want a house this big! My feet are killing me, Dil says as soon askids are gone she can't wait to downsize but that will be quite a few years yet!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited December 2014

    Merry Christmas dear sisters! I hope everyone has a day filled with laughter and joy! Love to you all, Susan


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    OMG! Love to hear about everyone's Christmas. Hi DP! You are not an addict. That is ridonculous. You are in pain, and you need medicines for it. Did you get potstickers? Any Asian-style breakfast is my favorite.

    Idesim, loved your office Christmas party story in which you were drunk at work. Santa has not washed out my mouth yet. Penis! Susan, peeing myself a little at your beautiful photo, which I completely interpreted correctly, as the darling and warm photo it is of your sweet pup, but I know our Idesim will be hopping up and down with balled-up fists because your presents are so beautifully wrapped.

    M and Dawny texting? Uh-oh. Nothing but trouble can come from that! Gird your loins everyone!

    I have had very little sleep. Merry Christmas! Will catch up later. XXX

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Have to start work shortly.  Hoping to check back later and hear stories of children opening presents! What did Santa bring all the kiddies??

    I really want potstickers now. Damn.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Morning all, Merry Christmas! I hope you all got lovely gifts and had the best time with your loved ones. Need a kiddie update of present opening!

    Bobo, you just can't help yourself...penis...indeed!

    Sgc, lovely picture! Lovely wrapping!

    DP, I so hope you got some relief from the pain and had a good day. I would eat those potstickers for breakfast too!

    Bec is still sleeping, I have been up since 7am. It rained all night, but it is a lovely day . The rain has brought out the Mozzies, can't win, great weather, gardens getting well watered, but these things turn up, I hate them.

    Bec and I may hit the sales in town today, don't know yet. It is such a luxury to have Bec for 3 weeks, so plenty of time to do whatever we like.

    Have a lovely evening girls! M x

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    GS let us sleep till 6:30 this morning. They opened and opened and opened and you can't safely walk through the living room. DD and her son stayed at the hotel last night and we all went over to swim and relax in the hot tub. Salmon for dinner last night and turkey for today. We have 9 people and 4 pies, almost half a pie each.

    DH wanted crocs for Xmas. I bought them on sale and wrapped them. He ruined any surprise by telling me he was going to go buy them and I told him no. Caught a glimpse of his packing and there were identical crocs. I knew he bought some like that about 5 years ago but hadn't seen them anywhere for years. They were in his drumming bag. So that gift is getting returned. I found the wallet he wanted, so he had something he was happy with. We're going to upgrade our phones as the big present for each other.

    M, I'm curious about the crayfish. The ones we have here are about the size of shrimp. Is yours different?

    We all went to the children's service last night at the Episcopal church. My atheist DS was the instigator. Plus the paper interviewed people about their Xmas and he said going to midnight Mass was their tradition (DIL says not). Anyway, he was on the front page with a photo, so he really did have to go. It was a lovely service with 2 female priests and a choir of 10 people who could really sing well. It was a lovely service with candles, dark here at 6pm.

    Hope everyone here has a lovely Christmas. Hugs all round.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Jealous of beautifully wrapped presents, dogs in floor, clean house. Pandamonium here.

    BG up at midnight. Boy up at 2. Convinced him to go back to bed with Sasafire. Both up at 7:30. Couldn't sneak out of bed to walk dog or get a cup of tea.

    Boy got rc boat and it's fast. Took it to the pond. A helmet and pads. Told the pads not a good present but he wore them. He wants to ride his scooter at the skateboard park. Did find R2D2 bobble head and Santa model train. Cheap but he's happy and I won't mind if it's destroyed. Also books, crayons and godfather got him a leap pad. Trampoline, rc cars and hot wheels wall tracks. Pretty good haul. Birthday in two weeks!

    She got a cradle, high chair, baby food, baby clothes, purse, stuffed animals, books, crayons. Godfather got her a leapfrog camera. Not sure about that. She does love to watch home movies and selfies. A scooter, a bike, trampoline. All she asked for was a candy cane:)

    Sasafire got a bone that she demolished. Bobo sent her a hat that she wouldn't wear for long. Believes she's entitled to a spot in the couch.

    My children were spoiled and are spoiled. Still have boy's side of family to do. Where did I hide their presents?

    Potstickers sound wonderful for breakfast. If you're in pain, take the pills/patch. We would never think you're an addict. We will bitch slap anyone that does. Glad GPs have house.

    I wonder how Andrea fared? I know we've had lice more than once. It didn't spread to the adults. New protocol is treat twice. Will have to remember PRBs method. The pain is cleaning all the bedclothes and toys.

    DH got me six bags of pepperidge farm cookies! I guess he heard me complain. Also an ipad. We've had fun with it. Boy got me a heart necklace that says mom. Awww.

    Will have leftover turkey dinner for days. Ready to get my house back. Boy off another week. Should keep BG home and potty train her. She will poop on the potty on her own. I thought that would have been the hard part.

    Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you all know how special you all are to me. Enough gushy stuff:)

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    I must say I knew M would stay up with Bec! So much fun. Loved the story of Spookie and doggy fighting! And Dawny's doggie running with wrapping paper! Bobo had an excellent time too. He has fleas and is flea-allergic, driving himself and all of us crazy (we do Trifexis, bath yesterday, flea combing this morning, vacuumed with Borax:not enough), but he got presents and a stocking!

    Our princess did not sleep. She was up at 10:45 p.m., screaming SANTA CAME! SANTA CAME! We were already exhausted and had not gone to bed yet. She was up every hour!

    Santa did not do candy in stocking. Santa got a flat of organic blackberries and spelled out: HO on a big platter on the table! And put berries in all the paper cones on the tree! Our princess loved that and ate thousands of berries all day.

    Bobo opened his present (a stuffed Rudolf), knew it was his, tore open the tissue, and played with it all day. He also got a squeaky duck (he will ruin it) and two tennis balls (he already ruined those). He has had such a good day. W boy got a basketball and hoop and bobo ran outside, played ball with kids, then brought his (disgusting, authentic, animal he is not allergic to) bone inside (it had already been well-chewed and buried). I never let him have it inside, but I thought, well, it's Christmas, but it was disgusting! I had to do the floors! And he ate that bone up, and then had special dinner.

    Our princess so sweet and grateful for her presents -- she got a lot of soft things she could hug and feel comforted by. She got everything on her (modest) list -- she is so modest, I could not help it. Her list: a pillow pet unicorn, a stuffed dolphin big enough to ride (??? thank you amazon), and an 'incredibly hug dictionary.' I got her two pairs of pajamas -- one pair is footies! But in her giant size! W boy got two cheap v small antiquated video games from MD, which we let him have (we are against them) because we know he will break them and they are not dangerous to the princess. They are fighting over them, even though there are two games. Soon one of them will be 'lost.'

    Birdie, I loved your update! Sounds like you are having the best time. Our dinner: DLLP roasted a chicken. Leftover cranberry-orange relish (frozen from Thanksgiving). Leftover gravy (from this morning's biscuits and gravy). I made pappardelle pasta in a lemon cream sauce, gnocchi in butter sage sauce (for kids), roasted brussel sprouts. An endive salad with pear and sherry viniagrette. Crunchy whole grain garlic bread. Dessert: Homemade choccy mousse with whipped cream!

    DP, how are you feeling? How is the steroid hippo? So glad you are eating. Did you get your dumplings! Love to everyone. XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hi Wren, I have just realized that you call them Lobster, we do too, but Aussies shorten everything down so we say like "cray", for lunch. These 2 that I bought were just over 1kg each so about 2.5lbs each, the fish man cuts them in half for me. Colin doesn't eat them, so Bec and I have half each on Christmas Eve and then the other half for lunch on Christmas day. The prawns. or shrimp are King Prawns and they are big too.

    Bec bought me all my favorite Ginger products, so I have enough Naked Ginger for months, if I can restrict myself. I have a huge bag of the candy and other interesting ginger stuff. Colin gave me 3 bottles of my essential oil massage blends which I use religiously and a trolley for my kayak, so I can trolley it to the jetty.

    Bec just appeared, so I will be off and I will check back later......M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Ooooh posting at the same time, loved the report of the kids. I do miss the anticipation of Santa coming, with little ones.

    Just getting ready to go out...M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    DP! I got a micropedi! I know you know what that is. Right now my feet are smooth as a baby's bottom. And I got a Perricone sample kit? Are you watching Perricone this week? If so let me know what time? Maybe we will 'live blog' to each other here on the thread!

    So glad you are having a good Christmas and GPs are going to be closer... XXX

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    I love hearing about the kids opening presents, and the dog's presents and the food!!  I am living Christmas vicariously thru you all.

    M & R brought me Chinese food!!  No potstickers, but Hunan chicken!!  Work is a beitch,,,, covering 3 hospitals,,, not fun. But night shift is here to help now. **whew**

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh so many great posts. My eyes are so tire from reading them now that they are closing. So sleepy and full. Sounds like everyone had a very nice day. I'm so glad. Will check back later when I can keep my eyes open.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Loved reading the Xmas posts especially About the kids I miss not having kids the most on holidays.

    Writing this post from my new kindle fire which Santa left for me. Now I can hopefully keep up with you chatterboxes easier!!

    We had a small but nice gathering with more food than anybody could even think of consuming, in fact I was so full I didn't eat much in the way of dessert. We all Italian which wasn't my first choice after having it last night too.

    I'm beat and heading to bed sweet dreams everybody.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Merry Christmas!!

    Cant keep eyes open. Will catch up tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful sleep.!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    more awake now. Still no hydrocodone. Only took one this afternoon when we arrived at uncles. (Knock on wood). Breathing is a bit labored because I just had I get up and go to the bathroom but should go back down.

    I had such a nice time today. I wasn't feeling too bad. I was hungry AND able to eat. And everything tasted good and right. It was so nice. I hate the steroid hippo but after being miserable for so long, it was so nice. I did get my potstickers for breakfast. Bond even made them for me. I'm seeing Chinese food in our weekend future., have you ever gotten food off qvc bobo? Probably not you fearless nazi lesbian mother of children with allergies. Finished the first bag of 45 yesterday so I guess we will find out what the pork is like before reorder time. They are auper delicious! They also have an all veggie option.

    I can't do perri one. It burns my skin. I've been meaning to send you some deluxe samples that I have laying around. Wonder what the TSV is today. Bond for me a lovely loungewear set from that Carol lady that was on before Xmas. It is awesome. More for being around the house like the invalid that I am than PJs. Stuff you could answer door or go outside in. Now I want rondo on and buy more.

    I went out in public full bald for the first time. Shocking for me. But I also wore full makeup for the first time in a couple months (which is also a shocker for me considering I go to surgery with makeup, but what difference does it make at this point) anyhow, I had so much makeup on that I thought I know of looked ok bald. Of course bond and I are used to looking at it. But he said I looked pretty and he helped me shave the scraggly hairs and out I went looking like his twin. Only went to uncles house. Probably still not going to go shopping or anything like that. 4 year old cousin very politely and conversationally asked me if I got a haircut. The new baby has grown so much even since thanksgiving. Her first birthday is next week.

    Loved reading everyone's stories. Wren your hubby is just determined to be ornery (sp?). Also curious about Andreas adventure. Z your mom necklace made me say aww before you did. I'll say it again awww.

    Going to try to round up GPs new furniture today. Uncle is bringing guys to clear out storage. Ready for them to get settled and would like to help them get it nicely decorated. They aren't as fancy and high strung (as I've been called) like me but I can make it nice and casual at the same time.

    Ok going to try to go back to sleep for a boy before I want to freaking eat again. Already thinking about a leftover roll with turkey and mustard. I don't think I brought any turkey home though because I normally don't care for it. Rats. Broccoli casserole filled roll sounds ok I guess.

    Have a great day ladies.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    DP so glad to hear about your day. Veggie potstickers yum.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    DP, you had a good day and you were able to eat! So glad to hear that. I am so impressed with the 4 year old and her conversation about you having a haircut.

    Enjoy the furniture shopping, fancy and high strung? hmmm

    QVC sells food?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    I was watching qvc for three hours this morning and they didn't sell a darn thing. What the? Now I just heard the just say fhey have been off for two days. I guess they had all these get to know to know the host spots recorded already and they all for to be off for Xmas. That is nice. Still can believe they weren't running reruns of things to sell though.

    Oh yes m. They have all sorts of fancy gourmet food. Straight to your door. I've been wanting these dang potstickers for two years. There's also some twice bakes potato casserole that always looks so good. But I know I can make my own. Everyone have fun today.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    DP:  So glad you were able to eat and everything tasted good! YAY!  Sounds like you had a good day. And Bond bought you a nice outfit!  Shopping on Boxing Day!  Woot!

    Andrea:  what happened about the head lice?  Inquiring minds want to know. Did you oil up?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014
    Help Glennie! I have terrible muscle spasms on the back at the kidney that has the stone. Can I take Flexeril (low dose)? The only other meds I take are Omeprazole and Tamoxifen. Since I am in Canada I can't go to a doctor.
    Anyone have advice on what to do for back muscle spasms? I used ice packs and now using heat. This is crazy!!! I have grandchildren to play with and I feel like an invalid.
  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Oh no Andrea, sorry tom hear this. Would your insurance pay being you are closer to Canadian dr than a US one? Sometimes that does apply, check it out.

    DP, so happy to hear you enjoyed your Christmas and enjoyed eating food that really tasted good! So you are fancy and high strung? Bet you just have great taste and style! I love how little ones speak, sounded like a sweetie! Sure you looked fab with your makeup!

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited December 2014

    Merry Christmas everybody!!  I am glad everyone had a good holiday. I too enjoyed it very much.

    DP  I ordered a turkey breast from QVC and it was good but full of Soybean oil I could hardly eat it.  I am afraid of soy because of the breast cancer.  So puppies had a good feast of food too.

    I hate to tell you all .....................but my Christmas is put up, my house cleaned top to bottom, supper is made, puppies are walked  and laundry is done!!!  Ahhhhhhhhhh..bring on the New Year.  I love it when all is calm in January.  And heading to the new year all cleaned up brings me much joy. 

    More later


  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Oh yes, the Head lice fiasco....where to begin?

    We ended up doing the dinner in two stages: my girls and their children and spouses ate first and opened some gifts. Then they left and my stepdaughter (and her hair buddies) and her husband ate dinner and opened gifts.

    Everything was done upstairs in a rented hall. I didn't have contact with her so that I could still visit my own family without carrying critters to their houses.

    All would have been fine, but then stepdaughter decided to also go see grandma downstairs in her condo. Potentially dropping critters. So the next morning I was watchful as we visited them

    Exhausting! We didn't want stepdaughter to miss out (they drove a few hours to come see us) also her three children live with her mother (long story) and she wanted to see them. On top of this SD and her mom have ongoing issues.

    Oh, did I mention that my husbands ex-wife was there with her grand children. We always see her at family functions. Not a big deal, I took a gift for her. We get along fine now....but not so well at the beginning on her part. I just kept on being friendly and eventually she did the same. But it always amuses me when I see my husband sitting at the table with his ex-wife and children.

    Anyway, everything worked out fine. Scratch, scratch....just

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014
    NDgirl, it costs a fortune when you see a doctor out of country. My insurance will pay some of it back, but you have to pay up front. And with the holiday closures I would have to sit in ER for hours to see anyone, with a minimal cost of $650...before meds.
    I will tough it out. I think the kidneystone might be behind it all. I did bring Hydrocodone with me too.
  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Andrea oh darn, that is a bunch of $$$ to pay out of pocket, wow times have changed.. Our oldest son was born in Canada with no problems at all, after insurance we owed $9.00. That was before insurance became so damned greedy! Too bad for us because Canadian drs are very close for us In comparison to 35 miles in US. Take care and hope you enjoy rest of vacation.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Andrea, it does sound suspicious that it is the side with the kidney stone. Sucks to have happen while on vacation. The Flexeril would be ok or the hydrocodone.  I hope you feel better.  And hope no critters escaped!

    Hi O2!  Glad you had a great Christmas. I bet the puppies loved the turkey.

    Wow, ND,, you are REALLY close to Canada! Closer than US doctors! Insurance is greedy,,, no doubt about that.

    Taking Ava for her laser treatment in a little bit. Let's see if it helps the limp.  Back later.