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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Thank you NDgirl.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Good Morning all! It is just before 7am and I am the only one up, just wanted to see what you're all up to. So sorry you're having problems with the kidney Andrea. I suspect Colin has been having same, he is back to having the shakes and the sweats again, indicative of pain, having this stent removed, can't come soon enough. I hope you can get some relief and it doesn't spoil your holiday.

    Aren't those costs outrageous, for a Doctor!

    Hi 02, glad you had a good Christmas too, what a shame about the soy bean oil.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Wow, DP, that would never happen on our shopping network. They just run old shows, when it is holiday time, they are greedy beyond belief. Their postage costs are OTT and they haven't had a free postage weekend in a decade! I used to be a Gold shopper, even made it to Platinum once, but now I am way down the chain of shoppers, I just won't pay their stupid postage costs any more, unless it is something I really love.The only food this one sells is the usual hamper type things at Christmas, with cake and puddings etc.

    I am wondering how the furniture shopping is going?

    Oh Andrea, I know what it is like with the "New" wife at the table, with me being the "ex". Both my ex husbands and I, are still friends and I have had that scenario, lots of times. over the years, It is definitely weird though! My second ex, who left me for a 22 year old, who then ceremoniously dumped him, for a friend of his, is the only one I have never broken bread with. I would have bitch slapped that one, not for me, but for the way she treated him, after he gave up so much for her, manky little ho! He has a new "Lady", thank goodness, it has been about 17 years, that he's been on his own and she seems to be really nice. I hope he brings her here, for a visit. I would like to meet this one.

    Geesh, Andrea, what a stressful time over the head lice. I can't understand why the one with the nits, just didn't cover her hair and all would have been fine.

    We went shopping yesterday in town, but forgot to go to the main place we went in there for. I don't know if Bec will want to go back today. I can't believe how much Bec is sleeping, she obviously needs it, I know it has been a tough year at work for her, but every time she sits on the couch she's asleep in no time. The fresh air and the sea water must be having an effect on her.

    Another lovely day here, the weather is strange, warm but not excessively hot, only going to be 22c today, I can't believe I can wear long sleeves at this time of year. Well, off to have my shower, will check back later...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Glennie, fingers crossed that Ava's treatment works for her. Waving to everyone else....M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    M, she had her hair tied up tight and had treated her head twice. Problem was she had live ones (8) just 5 days prior.

    She was honest and warned us. She could have kept quiet and we would have been none the wiser. I hated to punish her for being honest. Anyway, that is all over with....but everytime i talk about it my head itches.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014

    Thank you Glennie. I took 400mg Ibuprifeb and it didnt seem to help for a few hours later i took the hydrocodone. That seems to have done the trick. I might save he muscle relaxant for bed time.

    I hope Ava feels better soon. Poor thing.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Jesus Mary and Joseph! Do all thumbprint cookies contain pecans? Pepperidge farm strawberry ones do. I gave one to the boy! Figured it out before he ate it.

    Took both to dr today. So glad they were open. Boy. Antibiotic, steroid, controlled substance cough med. Has white junk on his tonsils and foul breath.

    BG. Antibiotic again! Going to try an allergy med to see if that helps. Tonsils still swollen. Can't wait to see ENT.

    Googled removing tonsils and adenoids. Gross pix. Should stay home two weeks. Maybe she'll get potty training nailed.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Glad you're feeling better Andrea. Poor you and Colin. I can't imagine the agony. Nor the delay in treatment.

    Hope Ava is feeling well.

    Poor Bec. Does sound like she's exhausted. Glad she's getting a long break.

    No she shouldn't be punished for being honest. Glad she took precautions. How did she get them anyway? Makes me itch too.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    DS got lice the end of the school year. DD had long curly hair. She and I spent the summer looking in each other's hair every time we felt an itch. We looked like monkeys.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Ava had her treatment. Forgot to ask how long to see an improvement. She's worn out from the visit. The disturbing thing is that she has lost another 1/2 pound since Monday. She is not on diet and not walking much, cuz trying to rest the leg, so why is she losing weight? Concerning to the vet too. We will see her in 2 weeks when I get back from my trip.  Boy, I do hate to leave her and go away.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    ooooo, Dawny, just got your Christmas card!  Thank you!

    Love the birds and the koala.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Oh deaar Andrea, I hadn't realized they had gone to all the trouble and she still had live critters. Making me itch now too!

    Zills, sorry they are both sick again, ugggh and the nut allergy is scary, lucky you caught it in time.

    Everyone is up now, so I will be off....M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Andrea, so sorry you are in pain! How are you now? So sorry also to hear of Colin shaking and sweating, terrible.

    DP! It is the best Christmas ever for me that you were hungry and ate heaps. And dumplings! No, you are right, am Nazi, do not buy them. I am too afraid of allergies. Poor Z. The one attack our princess had was from something I gave her: it was an almond butter sandwich, before we ever knew she was allergic to nuts. It was just terrible.

    Cannot believe BG and boy antibiotics again! Poor Z. You must be so tired. I am too. I didn't sleep again last night. Why? Because I ate too much of that pudding! It made me crazy awake! Today I am achy and exhausted!

    Our two bikes today. The princess' is too big. DLLP ordered it too big! Mad at her. I took the kids to movie while DLLP put bikes together and went to her new studio (present). Fought falling asleep at movies. Now must make dinner!

    Worried about everybody! Please check in. XXX

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    **waving**  I'm here.  What movie did you see, Bobo? Bummer the bike is too big. Can it be adjusted?? New studio?? Details, please.

    UGH on everyone being sick. I hope Andrea and Colin's pain get better and boy and BG get better quick.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    Waving Betty arms!

    Sorry Andrea and Colin not good. Andrea that is a crazy price to see a doc.

    Beautiful morning here, we will pick some more strawberries today, and blueberries. Bread dough made in Thermie, proving in sunshine. Playing board games with DD, DS still in bed (10 am) and DH out racing on his bicycle. Puppy sitting on windowsill watching the birds out the front.

    Yes, Bobo details on the studio, please?

    M, Bec must feel very safe and relaxed if she can fall asleep like that. Hope you get out in the sunshine today, I think tomorrow is a hot one, taking kids to the beach to use new boogie boards. Hopefully to Barwon Heads because I love the little shops there. DHs birthday tomorrow too, so maybe dinner there.

    Hope DP is comfortable, and lounging in new outfit (well done Bond) xx

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited December 2014

    Z, sorry about BG and boy being sick. They are having a rough patch, aren't they

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited December 2014

    y'all get well ok? Hoping Colin is better! Shaking and sweats sounds like bad pain to me!

    Bobo , glad you survived MD this holiday season. Hoping you have a peaceful new year!

    Glennie. How is Ava? Maybe the weight loss is from not feeling well and consequently not eating. It is disturbing to leave pups when they do not feel well. My older dog always loses weight when I am gone.

    Thank you all for the holiday cards! They were fun to send and receive! It is so weird that we have 2sisters here enjoying the summer for Christmas.

    Zills. Those tonsils sound like they may have to come out. Glad you caught the nut before it was too late.

    Jsj. How are you?

    Wren. You still enjoying that new car????

    Gonna crawl in bed early tonite as I will be working the weekend. Have a great weekend and I will check in later.


    Waving at everyone. :-D

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    I thought yesterday went well. GS#2 was so excited, still at 11am, that all he could say was presents. PRESENTS NANA!!!!!

    Kris succeeded in ruining Spookies new toy, and de-squeaked his own. The stuffing will be next.

    Santa brought GS#2 a Lionel train set. DD opened it up tonight, all sealed and such, from Amazon. Box had track and remote. No train!!!!!! The set was about $200!!!!! She has contacted Amazon, is sooooooo mad she can't see straight, and poor little Colin doesn't have his train. PaPa had told him to bring it over to run onhis big layout. Major disappointment.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    o2 feel free to come to my house and help me. I still have not made my Xmas cookies. Hehe. I love that feeling of fresh and clean having the house back for January.

    Sorry too for Colin and Andrea. What a hassle that all sounds like Andrea but at least y'all got it figured out and everyone was able to visit.

    Poor BG and boy. I second getting those tonsils out ASAP. Are you exhausted? Sit down and have a tea please.

    Hope Ava feels better. She is probably not eating as well from not feeling well.

    M when I would go to my grandmas house, I was the same way. It's just like your body knows you are "home". Bec is probably just so relieved to be around mom and be at home with you. So glad she has such a long time off.

    Long day. No naps. Running around getting furniture and things all day. More to pick up tomorrow. Has dinner at Cracker Barrel. Low their chicken and dumplings. Was going to refuse to buy things for next Xmas this year. But they had two racks of 70% off that was just gorgeous. So I spent $47. Do the math. Pretty happy with it. Need to get good storage boxes.

    Tired even though I just took steroids. Going to maybe watch a movie. Later ladies.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh spookie that stinks! I would be so mad too. That reminds me I have to bitch at qvc about a broken pie plate

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Despite not feeling well,, Ava still eats like a little piggie. Her appetite has not decreased in the slightest.

    Spooks, that really stinks!! A proper scolding is in order!

    DP: you find a bargain again! Good going!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Spookiesmom, I would be just furious at that too, poor Colin missing out on that fabulous train.

    02, feels weird to me, that it is cold over there! LOL

    Dawny, I love Barwon Heads too, it is a gorgeous day here and the lake is alive with boats. We can't take Mystique out because the electric motor isn't behaving. It would have been perfect today. I took Bec down to the Craft Center and she bought a few things. I can't get her interested in doing much, I am getting twitchy, because I am usually out and about during the day. Hopefully next week we can do some interesting stuff.

    DP and Dawny, you're right Bec says she's just so relaxed here she just wants to snooze and hang around the garden.

    DP the bargain hunter! I would have done the same, that was quite a discount!

    Lunchtime, we must finish the prawns today...I can think of worse things I have had to do!!!!! LOL

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Kangaroo on Steroids!

    Just saw this and thought you'd be interested to see what these big buggers, can be like. This one is not a happy chappy!

    Personally, I wouldn't be trusting that flimsy wire fence, either!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    oh my, he does look strange. Someone's been working out! 4am. Awake but not ready to get up for sure. Got the ninja bullet thingy for Xmas. Want to play with that later this morning. Chest super tighy last couple of days. Feels hard to breathe which keeps waking me up. Grrr.

    What's on the agenda today?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    A while ago, I was telling the girls, on the other thread, I think, about how dangerous Kangaroos can be and how they lean back on those big tails and use their back legs to attack, this big bull, has arms like a boxer!

    The ninja bullet will be good for you to whip up stuff in a hurry. Sorry you are having chest issues again, does it feel like you are coming down with something?

    Nothing planned for tomorrow, just playing it by ear. as it comes. Bec has a friend staying about 45 minutes from here so she has invited him to cal in on his way back to the city tomoorrow, don;t know if he will be able to call in, we will see. I hope you're snoozing again, catch you late M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    couldn't go back to sleep. Bought 3 pairs of ugly Clark's shoes. But teju look comfy. Watching Isaac now bobo. Have you seen the preview for tomorrow's TSV? It is a perrixone set.

    Trying to resist Sundays TSV preview. I'm a Lori Goldstein junky now. But I sont need it!!!!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Kids slept all night thanks to the cough medicine. Now full of themselves and we haven't given them steroids. Appetites have picked up. Still have horrible, junky coughs.

    BG has named her baby Coco. I have no idea Pony is KitKat.

    I want to shop the sales. Love Cracker Barrel. Refuse to take two whiny kids.

    Going to hen party tonight. Taking spinach salad with strawberry poppy seed dressing from local farm.

    Boy going to gmas today. DH picking him up as I'm going out. Hope they didn't go against our wishes and get him a BB gun. BG has a dinner date with DH.

    Zumba, bank, post office, Walmart, laundry. Nap?

    I'm ready to put away Christmas. Santa messed up and didn't bring containers for all the little pieces. He's smarter than me. We've busted all of them and have moved on to ziplock bags. BG's fav.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    That kangaroo definitely looks like he has been working out. Taking lessons from Arnold.

    Ninja bullet,, awesome DP!  You can whip up some protein shakes and juices.  Hope your chest is feeling better. Clarks are comfy!!

    Z: good the kids got sleep, hope you did too!  You have a big day planned. Hope you do get a nap.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Coco! So glad the kids slept. DP, your tight chest sounds terrible! More on qvc in a minute.

    M, was agreeing with Dawny (Hi Betty!) about Bec. She is so relaxed. She does not think anyone there is going to hurt her. I do not know what that feels like at all! You are such a good mother, obviously. That being said, I think Bec should get up! And let you pop around your shops! :)

    DP, I know Perricone is ramping up! Have never bought anything full size from him. My Xmas present is samples. I do want to watch -- I love Dana! -- and I need to know what order to do things in. LOVE Perricone! My skin looks beautiful just from overnight! So sorry it burns your skin off -- you are delicate flower! :)

    Don't you love Dana? Did you know she is bc survivor? I taped Isaac. I will not watch all the Perricones when they come on, obviously, but I taped them. I think one may be after Isaac on Monday night -- that means Shawn might be on with her. Some of the hosts irritate me. I don't like.. Jane? The pudgy one with the short brown hair?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    z has a busy day as always. Don't skip the nap. I did yesterday and am wiped out today.

    I don't like jane either. Not remembering Dana right now. The TSVs are the best to try new products. You always get such a good value. I didn't see all the detail but it looks like a full skin care kit. Also saw something interesting called no bronzer bronzer. But again, since I don't leave the house, don't need anything. Got a nice Lancôme set for Xmas that I feel guilty to open because I have loads of stuff that I'm ready not wearing.

    Need to get up and clean but my side hurts and I'm being lazy.