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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited December 2014

    Open that Lancome kit! And use it use it use it, DP! Doubt I will be able to actually afford a Perricone TSV. I have the no foundation foundation -- it is excellent and has sunscreen in it.

    Dana is Perricone's person who brings the products. She's always there -- she's Irish. She's just glowing! Love Dana. I am so stupid that way.

    Told DLLP that I am going to watch Tuesday Night Beauty, when they are doing the micropedi, and I am going to do the micropedi at the same time! I don't have many 'girlfriends' with whom to discuss beauty issues -- DLLP's eyes roll back in her head -- so, thus, TNB.

    Just put a pumpkin custard in the oven -- as I said I made some delicious vegan whipped cream over Christmas and I thought a pumpkin custard would use it up. And then also I would avoid that 'chocolate pudding panic attack overnight nightmare' that happened. DLLP making a chicken soup -- she's at the studio, Dawny. That is her Christmas present. Major expense. She has membership to an artist's shared studio -- potters and painters. It is a lovely place. Three minutes from house! Really proud that I found it and convinced the woman to give membership without meeting DLLP. I am going to give up Starbucks and Krishna Lunches to afford the extra expense, and that should cover most of it. It is so beautiful -- it has lots of natural light, and a place for her easel and a cubby for her things, and central heat and air, and a neat cement floor, and then also it is on the 'Artwalk' route and the members can sell their things on 'Artwalk' Friday nights.

    Neither of us has gotten to 'practice her art' in the longest time. It's just been one catastrophe after another. It's not easy for DLLP to get started again. I know how that would feel, for sure.

    Okay, so DLLP chicken soup -- I am making Indian food. Butter-soft zucchini and tomatoes, Krishna dressing, short-grain brown rice, sak (which is puree of greens -- I'm using kale and collards) -- and then the pumpkin pudding. I must say, I am not in the mood to eat with the children. W boy is horrible today. As he usually is after a holiday. He is selfish and lying. Lying right to the face of DLLP three times before 9:40 a.m. So right now he is doing some chores. We try not to let the princess have a bad day -- she hates when he gets yelled at, but he does not care when she gets yelled at -- and DLLP took her for ride on new bike, dog walk, etc., and now she is watching a video, cozy in her pj's with her new pillow animals. I yearn to eat dinner in bed, after kids have gone to bed. But I probably will not be able to. XXX

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Bobo, your dinner menu sounds yummy.  I hope you get to eat in bed.  DLLP's studio sounds great! I bet she is thrilled.

    Laundry done and packing almost completed.  Ava's things are ready for camp. Must take her tomorrow as won't have time Monday AM before plane. 

    Almost time for work,, will check back later.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014

    Bobo, how sweet of you to give that great gift to dllp, hope she enjoys. So W boy is acting out? I feel for you, and hate to think of princess being stressed out because of it... The joys of parenthood!

    DP, go for it, use the makeup beauty products even if you don't leave the house, pretend we are having a big pj party and trying new products.. Tell us how we look later👄. Good luck with the new blender, I have a nutri bullet and love it! They just came out with one that also makes the hot soup, guess their answer to vitamix but much cheaper.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    oh Bobo, my GS#1 lies about everything too. I've posted about him. I did pin DD down, she will be making changes, and getting professional help for him. She is also thinking of divorce. It's very hard for all.

    My thought is she spends too much time at school(teacher) should be home with him.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Ooh, that studio sounds just lovely Bobo, what a lovely gift, you are so thoughtful and giving up Starbucks and Krishna lunches to pay for it, is really selfless. I hope she loves it and has some wonderful, creative times there.

    You make me augh at you doing a micropedi at the same time as the show is on. I have done a Skinn facial, while Dimitri is on doing the same thing on a model! Haha DP will understand that one, she likes Dimi too!

    That menu sounds delicious, I don't know what the pumpkin pudding is, but I like the sound of it.

    Glennie, you sound like you're all ready to go. I just heard about a woman who was coming here to visit a friend of mine for the Holidays and the people who were to get her to the train in Melbourne messed her around, causing her to just miss the train and then they left her on her own for 6 hours to wait for the next one! Add the 4 hour train ride, on top of that and I would have been so furious you could have heard me over there! I can't believe the stupidness of some people!

    Bec and I have been shopping a couple of times Bobo, I was hoping she would want to go to some of the great beaches and other towns, but she isn't interested. She says she could just sit and look at the view from here all day. I can do that stuff anytime, I just didn't want her to be bored, but it seems she's far from board.

    Zills, you're incredible, how you race around and get so much done. I know you feel like you don't, 'cause you miss a floor sweep, or something but you do so much and the exercise now too, makes me envious!

    DP, how are you feeling now, any improvement? I vote for opening the Lancome too, nothing like new cosmetics or skincare to mess with! I have half used bottles of stuff everywhere, I love it when Bec comes, she takes a lot off my hands! I bought her a lot of Avene for Christmas, she has sensitive, pale English skin, that has never been tanned so she can't use a lot of the stuff, I like.

    Neighbors have just arrived back from the city, with a huge number of guests for the New Year celebrations this year. So lots of people around. There is a band and stalls down by the Ferry today, so I may have to drag Bec down there for a look.

    Thought I would lose this post, I copied it because the internet went down and thank goodness it had stored it till it came back up! Take it easy eveyeryone. M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    bobo the studio sounds awesome. It's so important to have that creative space because otherwise we jay kind of let it slip away. Is that the emjoi mictopedi or a differnt one? I bought two emjois last year on a TSV. Gave other one to uncles wife for Xmas this year. I really like it. Need to use it now that hand foot syndrome is over. You can call me and we can pedi together. I also have not oaintes my toes since before rads which is crazy. But they aren't growing much. Finger nails grow like weeds. Very odd. Vision keeps going blurry so forgive odd sentences. Trying to catch them.

    Bid went furniture picking up solo today. It was really cold and I guess I was worn out from yesterday too. I worked though! Been cleaning since about 10am. Just called it quits. I know it shouldn't take this long to. Lea my room. Especially since I already did a lot in there a month ago. BUT. I am going through, getting rid of and organizing. So all of my hard work isn't always so visually evident. Been telling bond about it so he coils know inquired hard. Lol. Spent last two hours on box of things I brought from gmas. Untangled a bag and jewelry box full of great grandmothers jewelry. Whew! Have really made good progress today. Need warmer weather to have a sale.

    M when I was Xmas shopping in my closet of unopened and new items, I came across my Skinn stuff that I tried when i first started chemo. Decised since my skin texture has changed now to try it again. So Far just using the cleansers. But liking then and the smell isn't bothering me like it did then. Yay. Oh btw That miracle skin atuff I bought a few months ago is total junk. And today I notice that it expires in February. Wtf?

    Don't know why I'm so wound up tonight. Took steroid at 7 but been doing all day. Usually doesn't effect me much now. I have had a couple cups of tea. Must not be used to the caffeine anymore. All I drink now is water. No daily sweet tea fix. Didn't play with ninja yet. Still have to go through and put away box of Xmas goodies. Will do that tomorrow after I clean the kitchen better.

    Going to google projects to make with old jewelry. Wanting to make a display with granny's stuff for grandma. Also have a bag of broken stuff to use. Any ideas? M?

    Goodnight ladies.

    Edited to fix a paragraph that looked like Toby typed it.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hi DP, I looooove the Skinn cleansers, they are absolute non negotiables, I will use them, over everything else, especially the Olive enzyme night cleanser. I use it as a mask too. Dimitri's Mother has a Kalamata Olive grove and that's where he gets the Olive Oil from. I have used a million different cleansers and have never found anything like this. I will go berserk if it get discontinued! I can't remember the name of the "miracle" stuff you were using, but all skin care should have a 2 year shelf life when you buy it and a year after being opened.

    Lots of stuff you can do with old jewellery, I buy up as much old stuff as I can find, especially if it is glass, or crystal, to make Sun Catchers. I saw a great, large velvet cushion, which had lots of gorgeous beads, sewn all over it, as a display. There's always more jewellery, you can make, or bejeweled bookmarks or jewels on large pins for holding a scarf or cardigan closed. There is also a Christmas tree shape made from jewels in an antique frame or a Christmas door wreath, made with organic branches and jewels.

    I haven't stopped eating today, all the leftovers need to be used up. Our neighbor came in an sprayed the whole garden for mozzies.I have put the heater on in the spa, so may grab Bec and some drinks and jump in M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    You have be curious about this olive enzyme night cleanser that you will go bersek if they discontinue it.  I must look for it.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    I like the PM olive cleanser the best too still use my vat of philosophy purity too though because I can do my eyes with it too. My forehead is just so fried. It's awful. I've been putting everything in it and it doesn't get any better. And now I have all these acne marks from the last month or so. AND so much redness from rosacea that I had pretty much under control previously. That stuff was called Saeah McNamarah Miracle Skin. It seriously has a sticker that says so morning after 2/2015. It's crappy for what it promises anyway but makes an ok moisturizer I guess. Have not tried the microderm product in the kit yet.

    Looke at something's in Pinterest. Saw the Xmas tree. Also a bouquet. That might be pretty in a frame. Would like to group it all together for her. Maybe the boiquey with some individual framed things in a grouping. A lot of it is still in tact and complete.

    I want to her up and work on it now. I don't know what's wrong with me. I still have lot been to sleep. Steroids must be building up in my system. I keep questioning myself on if I double dosed my evening pill. Pretty sure I did not though.

    Imaging you and bec kicked back in the hot tub with a glass of wine. Sounds lovely. I've been having serious drinking withdrawal lately. Everything sounds good. Cranberry margarita in a can? Yea. Bottle of wine. Yea. Whole botrle of coconut rum that I just got as a gift beforeall this and had not ha a drink of. Yea. It all sounds good.

    If my eyes would stop blurring i would be ok. Except my feet are sore. Blah blah blah.

    Did you go down to see the band m? Did you make it through the day z? Get a nap? Did bobo watch Isaac recording? How is Ava today? Hope she's feeling better. Wren is DH being a PIYA? Is o2 on her way to my house to bring in a clean new year? Blah blah blah blah. I think I want ice cream. NOT getting any. But it sounds good. Had the most delicious Chinese food for late lunch/eaely dinner it was seriously like the best. Ever. Not sure why today. Hmm. That was over eight hours ago no wonder I want Ice cream. Could her up and make my Xmas cookies but I still have no eggs. Blah blah blah blah blah. The end.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Hey DP, nope, the spa is still sitting there unused, we didn't go to the ferry to see the band. We had a big lunch outside, weather has been lovely, breeze off the water is cool.

    I use the Olive cleanser on my eyes, then a quick wipe over with Neutragena oil free eye makeup remover. I have a ton of Philosophy stuff, I bought it when they discontinued the range for our shopping channel. I meant to use it. or sell on Ebay, didn't do either, will give it away.

    I am hating my sore feet, they are seriously hindering my usual walking distances. I can't believe that apart from the rheumatoid arthritis and the rheumatoid nodules , I have lost the fat from the soles of my feet, WTF! how can that be, what about the belly?

    Hmm, might make some sugar syrup and make some Mojitos, the Mint is fantastic at the moment and I have about 4 limes, some white rum in the bar, wish you could bring over your coconut rum! We could cause some damage there! Cheers to you! sleep well! M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited December 2014

    Poor DP. Must get eggs. I completely understand the cleaning all day and nothing visible to show for it.

    No nap. Well napped at 9 pm. Hot flashing again. Boy up at 5:30. BG still asleep.

    I think he took two steps backwards with lungs after being at gmas. They smoke. I shouldn't have let him go all day. Came home with bad attitude and two nerf guns and extra bullets. Argh.

    Need a pedi and polish too. Still have d@mn glitter on my toes. Have two gc to get them done. Trying to get rid of planters with duct tape first.

    How sweet bobo to get DLLP a studio. I'm jealous of her peace and quiet and own space. Maybe she will perk up with household stuff.

    What have I missed? Glennie's trip where? Something fun or work?

    I love Zumba and kids like to play air hockey at child watch. It's staffed by BG's teachers so no issues.

    A retirement party for aunt tonight. She's the one that went to Ireland with me. Otherwise wash BG's bed clothes and entertain kids. May just put wellies on and go to park anyway. Muddly puddles!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    managed to stay in bed until now. Maybe slept another 30 minutes since 4am. But it is so cozy. Can't believe poor bond just got up. He was so exhausted. Poor guy. I made him do hard labor for his whole vacation. He said he isn't going to be off for five days on a row again. Told him we don't have to do anything today. But there is a desk I need to pick up. Hmm. Miss having strength and energy to do things myself. Also want to go shoppong for storage containers today. Bet I could get gma to go with and she would like that.

    Feeling pretty good this mornjng. Surprised. Also,,,,, I didn't take any hydrocodone yesterday! Of ciurse I did overlap two 25 fentanyls for a couple of hours. The NP told me to do that to get a boost out of the old ones.

    Going to take bond for pancakes. Happy Sunday.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2014
    • Happy SundY back at ya DP, glad to hear you are feeling some better!! Good for you. Hope you and Bond have a nice breakfast! Sure he loves doing things for you.
  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2014
    Good to hear you are feeling better today. Pancakes sound great to me. But I would have to make them...don't have the energy.
    One week left in Canada...can someone please tell me how to slow time down??
    Hugs and waves all around!
  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited December 2014

    glad your having a good time Andrea.

    I lied to bond about not doing anything today. Went to breakfast, Aldi, and thrift store. Home now. Losing my momentum since I sat down. Maybe nap time.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    Ava is at camp now,, the house is quiet without her. I miss her little snores.   I'm flying up to Charlotte tomorrow,,, meeting up with friends, then we will drive to Charleston for a couple of days, and then back to Charlotte to visit another friend who lives there.  My big vacay for the year!   I never go anywhere during the holidays,, so this will be different!

    Pancakes for DP and Bond!  YUM!!  Glad you are feeling better today, DP.

    Z:  at least no BB gun.  Cough  and nerf gun bad enough. 

    **waving to all**   working only until 10PM tonight,, getting off early cuz I'm flying in the AM. 

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Glennie, have a blast in Charlotte, you deserve it.

    Andrea, so glad you are having a good time... I know.. I want to slow the clock down too.

    Why did I start this without a cuppa tea??? Be back.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    This is downright unseasonable!!!!!!image

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Ok have tea.. life is good.

    DP, so glad to hear you are feeling good today! Haven't had pancakes in ages... sounds good right now! Home Depot is having a big sale on storage containers (shaddap Bobogirl!). Love the idea of a project with old jewelry... pinterest should be a big help, I could lose hours and hours on that site, which is why I avoid it as much as possible.

    M, I am jealous of your spa, I would love a nice soak right now and of course I'd have to have a mojito because they sound so damn good.

    Bobo, I am loving the gift for DLLP, how thoughtful... she must have been thrilled! I hope we can see some of the goodies she comes up with... this will be so good for her... was she stunned??

    Are you all yakking about QVC products again?

    Gosh, can't believe Christmas is over and this year as well... even harder to believe I am almost 2 years out from chemo... time goes by so damn fast. I'm a little sad that neither of the G's poked their heads in.. I was hoping by sending them cards maybe they'd pay a short visit... I am hoping that they are just getting on with their lives and everything is good.

    What does everybody have planned for New Year's? I have my Herceptin treatment New Year's Eve day (not looking forward to that at all as I am sure my weight has skyrocketed these last couple of weeks) and then I think we'll do a quiet night at home with some Chinese take out and Manischewitz blackberry wine (discovered this over Xmas at my grandmother's house... it is delicious and I hate wine!). Then on New Years will probably catch up with brother in law's family... I'll have 4 days off.. can't wait.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Spookiesmom, what are you doing, out driving at 3am in that heat? Is that unusual for where you are?

    Happy Sunday, from Happy Monday, DP, glad you feel a little better, not lies to Bond, just fibs! I love pancakes, don't have them often.ndgirl is right, I bet Bond enjoys being able to do stuff for you!

    Glennie, have fun on your trip!

    Z, a bloody nerf gun, they can't help themselves can they? Well at least it wasn't a BB! Sorry the kids are still coughing.

    Andrea, I wish I knew how to slow time down, too, 4 days gone of Bec's visit already and we haven't done much at all.

    ldesim, where did you go?

    It is going to be in the 30'sC today, no idea, what we will be doing, lots of laughing, for sure, maybe we will actually get in the spa today! M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    *waving frantically at M*

    Damn Spookie! We're in the low 50's today, which is warm for s this time of year.. past few days have been mid to high 50's.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Ahhh there you are ldesim, I wondered about the G's to. I do hope they have simply moved on. The baby will be grown now, I wonder if GB went to stay in California?

    New Years here, is amazing. We had no idea what went on, when we moved here, even though people who came to the house kept saying, "Gee, this is a good spot for New Years!" lol We have the most wonderful fireworks and the best part is that they are done from a barge which is just down from the house, the whole lake comes alive, with boats which have twinkling lights and the kids fireworks are at 9.30pm, then at MIdnight the main fireworks go off. There is a barge with a band and lots of people line the walk, in front of the house to watch, but we can see it all from inside the house if we want to stay in. The first year we were here, I sat on the couch, as it was right after my surgery and watched it all from there. All our neighbors have people staying this year, their houses are full and they have rented accommodation for everyone else, so it will be busy this year.

    Blackberry wine, I have heard of it, but never tasted it. Colin got Chilli wine in a gift, haven't opened that yet, but doubt I will like it. All the best, with the Herceptin treatment. Do you get in trouble for putting on some weight? Surely that's expected at this time of year? M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited December 2014

    Meant to say, ldesim, "Come on down! Spa is warm and the Mojitos can be made in a moment!"

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Don't tease me like that.. careful what you wish for.. you may one day find me with my suitcases at your door. I recall you describing the festivities to us last year and it sounds wonderful.

    I have the Angel's thread as one of my favorite topics.. I don't know why, I just do and now today I see there is a new posting on the thread which makes me sad.. .

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    HaHa, 3pm! Yes, it's unseasonable, usually in mid 60s to low 70s. That was in my car this afternoon, was out picking over left over Christmas stuff. 75% off at JoAnns.

    Some dog park friends just bought a house, the previous owners left a dining room table. Friends had one, I didnt. They gave it to me! Now must clean it up a bit, and find a table cloth I like.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited December 2014

    M: that sounds so nice,, to see the fireworks from your house!  I would love to show up too!

    Congrats on the new table, Spooks.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    your New Years sounds similar to what goes on here at Christmas. There is a lighted night time boat parade. People get really crazy, inventive, outrageous, decorating their boats. They start at Honeymoon Island, motor slowly down the intercostal to the marina downtown.

    I can see them from the end of my street. They tie up there, then downtown turns into a PAR-TAY!!!!! Then fireworks.

    Friends who go say there is a lot of booze flowing, not my idea of fun, so I stay home

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited December 2014

    Glennie, Enjoy your trip!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited December 2014

    Nice score Spookie! Didn't do the after Xmas sales this year.. really needed to though, got low on wrapping paper & gift bags and will be kicking myself next year. Get anything good at JoAnns.

    About time to start dinner.. for me that marks the end of the weekend.. boo hoo.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited December 2014

    nah, it was pretty well picked over. I was looking for a floral something for the table. They were unpacking valentine stuff. Ugh