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  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    ok ladies. I meant to put this out there yesterday but you know how I forget things. Having been forced to really face my mortality has made me pretty contemplative lately. With all that has happened this year, and you know it has been a LOT, it would be easy to say that 2014 was a bad year for me. However, the more I thought about it, I realized it was actually a Pretty Good Year (in caps cuz it's a tori amos song, sorry).

    I think we have ALL had a lot happen to us and around is this year. But I was wondering if we all thought about it, if maybe we all had a Pretty Good Year. So I will share my list below. I hope we all have one. We never did our 12 days of Xmas song but maybe we can compile one heck of a list of good things that we did in 2014.

    DPs Pretty Good Year:

    Quadrupled year over year branch revenue

    Won national spam contest

    Went to Hawaii.

    Was NED for a minute

    My hair grew back

    I met so many wonderful ladies on bco

    I got to see tori in two cities

    Had a lovely trip to Austin with bond

    Felt so much love and support when I needed it most

    Got to go to the state fair twice

    Won a blue ribbon for cooking tex-mex

    Got to leave my stressful job

    "Still, a pretty good year..."

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    Tori - pretty good yearso you can have the melody in your head for the contemplative process. :-)

    My gosh she was young here.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    DP. I wish I could nominate you for woman of the year.

    That is all. Happy New Year to all of you.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Great idea! Let's count our blessings.

    My year:

    Third surgery finally got clear margins.

    Got through Radiation Treatment with only a minor burn.

    Got to surprise my daughter and two of my grandkids in Disneyland!

    No bad SE from Tamoxifen.

    No more periods (thank you Tamoxifen)

    Biopsy of new lump Benign. Yay!

    Had a great road trip to Canada and back last summer.

    Met fabulous ladies here!!

    Clean Mammogram. Yay!

    Got to meet up with my cousins from England when they came to USA.

    Discovered pain in abdomen is just a kidney stone (anything but cancer is a win).

    Blasted Stone...didn't work, oh well.

    Came to Canada for Xmas! Lots of family time this past year!!!

    Hopeful for a healthy and happy 2015 for all of us!!!

    Happy New Year Friends!!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Boy, oh boy DP that's quite a list! You did have some really great, positive stuff happen in 2014. You're also a "Glass half full" kinda' gal! I don't know if you believe in the theory of balance, in a spiritual way, your list looks like it!

    I had a really good year, no question!

    Spent another great year, with Colin!

    Removed that damn "Dog Ear"!

    Got scared witless when I found a lump, but U/S and biopsy blew up, that sucker.

    Managed to finish all the house renovations!

    Am deeply involved, in BC Support group!

    Doing my craft and actually selling it!

    Got over my fear of Facebook and connected with old friends.

    Spent time with Bec in Melbourne and here!.

    Communicated with all of you, every day this year, like you were in the next room!

    Ahh sweet! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    love hearing all these things Andrea and m. PRB you must have some. :-)

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    DP: you had a pretty good year! And so much energy to get things done. I think it helps when your pain is under control. Pain definitely tires you out.

    Glennie's pretty good year.

    55 birthday party with friends.

    Remodeled my home office. Much nicer space now.

    Connected with new friends here on BCO and met Bobo in person!

    Hysterectomy solved a couple of issues, and all benign! Won't mention the hot flashes.

    Vacationing in NC and SC with friends.

    Can't think of anything else.

    Happy New Year!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    good year glennie! Ooh I forgot that I gave my grandparents a 50th anniversary party. That was really nice time.

    How much longer do you have on vacation?

    Raining and gloomy here today but I don't care. Just going to relax.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    DP, you are the greatest woman of the year. I agree with our G. I think taking the pain level down considerably, as you have, would give anyone energy. You are a superwoman!

    Your game is hard! But I will play. Love that you love Tori Amos. I am supposed to be cleaning the house and making a curry. You all have changed my NY's Day menu. I am now convinced I must have black eyed peas for the good luck!

    Hmm. M, it makes me smile that you are mad at Colin! Colin! That is not Man of the Year behaviour.

    My list:

    Strengthened these wonderful friendships here

    Have hope that Z is coming to Disney World this year!

    Finished with surgery

    Finished with soul-killing mechanical device (on Dec 23, at the very end of the year, but, still)

    Managed to keep us 'above water' financially even with six sx and keep my jobs

    Managed to get DLLP a studio! She is there now!

    Have idea to deepen my yoga practice -- going to three-hour yoga retreat later today!

    Kids are playing outside and not in my hair at the moment (does this count)?

    Have hair -- have been worried would lose it several times in the past three years. As a result, and because of all sx, have cut it short again, but, still, have hair

    DLLP doing great at her job and is very valued there

    our kids and animals are healthy

    My car is still working (good job, car!)

    Did not have to spend Christmas with MD

    Andrea, I think you should add 'had the idea to be 3-D nip tattoo artist' to your list. You would be great at that, and Vinnie is so close to you, you could train with him!


  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    What a great idea DP!

    - no bad news regarding health.

    - family, furbabies and friends are healthy and happy.

    - reconnected with 3 people that mean a lot to me.

    - Joe still puts up with my sh1t

    - my brother continues to remain functional for his 2nd year following a period of depression and addiction that led him to a halfway house... amen to that every day.

    - all of you are in my life

    - the little moments that I now acknowledge.

    - handling Herceptin & Tamoxifen with limited SE's.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    wait I thought Andrea was going to be a 3D vagina tattoo artist.... You may need one of those now that yours is so slim.

    Bobo did I miss a post in how it went with the nephews last night? Hoping bro didn't flake any more. Love that you listed not spending holiday with MD. Hehe. Hey don't forget the Great Cookie Bomb of 2014! You have to have black eyed peas today. Gma always makes pork chops with but I am just going to have the peas, cabbage and some Yukon gold mashed potatoes. Yum.

    Great list idesim.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    oh yea, tree is down and everything packed and consolidated. If bond would stop napping, he could put it up for me. Maybe I'll go join him for a tiny nap. Just a little one.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    OK, I'll play. Had to dig deep, but found a few:

    Daughter is happy and healthy, and has many good friends as we enter into the teen years this month.

    Really enjoyed dd's volleyball games and watching her have such joy...brought back memories for me and my love of playing sports.

    Relish the times when dd is talking a mile a minute about something exciting from school, friends etc.

    Thankful to have a sister I am close to and dd simply loves to pieces.

    Happy that my new supervisor has allowed me to have a very flexible schedule at work and I am home by 3:30 every day.

    A good friend seems intent on pushing to try and get me out into the world again. I need that.

    Made a new friend who shares my love for tennis and has encouraged me to start playing again.

    Mastectomy went off without a hitch, all clear on tissue, and have had no real problems with adjusting to being a uni.

    Colonoscopy and ultrasounds all clear after having weird IBS symptoms. Mammo on uni also clear.

    Hit the 4 year mark for endo cancer all-clear. Recheck and pap have been extended to a full year.

    Made the switch to a new dentist and am grateful to have a dentist who listens to me.

    Thankful to be a part of this group .. even if the urge to withdraw hits me from time to time.


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    yay PRB. No withdrawing! I have to tell you that your posts about the things you and your daughter do together always make me smile. Reminds me of how inseparable my gma and I were when I was younger. But I'm sure you will stay sane during her teen years and not drive her away - because you already have such a strong foundation. Love it. And the whole tennis thing is just too cool.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Well I better join in as well. So much to be thankful for:

    Had a great trip with dear friend to San Diego

    Clear mammogram

    Spent a weekend catching up with my Canadian cousin, just loved that

    Enjoyed a vacation through Montana and Wyoming this summer

    Spent quality time with grandsons this summer and Christmas time.

    Enjoyed grandaughters Christmas concert

    No snow to speak of yet and it is January!! (but a storm is predicted this weekend)

    Last but surely not least is each and every one of you great ladies that I can converse with everyday!! Love you all!

    DP, had some fun at casino, but we didnt gamble much, had great seafood and visited with our friend mostly.

    Blessed New Year to all.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    lost my post:(

    Great trips to Ireland and WV to meet the cousins

    DH still here

    Clear scans

    Bc sisters better than family/Granwe sighting


    BG in panties!

    Chemo curls

    Boy can read

    Candy crush soda

    Bc yoga


    LE under control with great PT and Zumba

    JIn Shin Jitsyu

    Any resolutions?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    I resolve not to make resolutions

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    love reading about everyone's year. Bobo should definitely include the cookie bomb. Shall we plan another for Valentine's Day? As a single person, I hate that day. It would be a fun thing to do.

    I'll be home Sunday! I miss Ava. We went to a plantation house today and had dinner at upscale Southern restaurant. Tomorrow we go to Charlotte and connect with other friend.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    imagecamellias are blooming here.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    how beautiful glennie. Sounds like fun too.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    Good things this year:

    Continued good health for DH and me.

    Clean mammo

    Spent time with younger grandsons

    Still have Goldie and Squeakers

    Made new friends at the senior center

    Enjoyed helping kitties all year long. (Found out today that my 12 Monday calls resulted in 3 adoptions and another pending. One was NOT a kitten.)

    No drama in our part of the family. SIL's family is getting it all.

    Spending time every day on BCO chatting with friends that mean the world to me.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Hello girls, loving reading these posts!

    It has been so hot here today and the forecast for tomorrow is for 41c. The only good part is that it kills off the mozzies! Bec has been bitten alive by the mozzies, in the past few days.

    Not much to report, we haven't been out much. Just lazy days, watching movies, eating and talking. M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Speaking of movies. Here's a new game: What are the top 3 movies you saw last year ? Dont have to be new releases.

    Mine are:


    About Time

    Les Miserable

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015
    'Oh, I am Andrea's vagina, Andrea has to take great pains to avoid talking about me, and my ubiquitous beauty, by starting party-ice-breaker conversations on the thread. But I am beautiful! I cannot be denied!'

    Z, I loved your list (in which you wrote 'Dog?'). Everyone's list is great.

    My resolutions last year were to wash my hair less and wear more hair product. My resolution this year: 'Look better in loungewear.'
  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    Ariom, A folk remedy for mosquitos is taking vitamin B. It evidently changes your odor and is less attractive to mozzies. I don't know if it really works. We used to take it when going to the beach from Houston. A sales rep gave DH 2 polar fleece pullovers. We took them camping when we realized they were too thick for mosquitos and flies to bite thru. Warm tho.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Morning girls, sweltering here, OMG I hate this weather!

    Thanks Wrenn, I do know about the polar fleece for cooler weather. They bite right through finer fabrics. I am very happy to say the Mozzies are gone for now, with this heat, the little blighters can't survive in the extreme heat. I have heard about the Vitamin B thing, but don't know if it does work I was a fairly big vitamin taker in the past, taking B group for stress in the job, but have always been one who got bitten. These days it is more Colin, than me, that they bite, which is so weird. I still get them, but nowhere near what I used to. Bec is having a rough time with them, but she will insist on sitting outside at dusk, which is the worst time.

    The information that they are putting out now, is that it is the carbon dioxide in your breath, that attracts them. I watched a story on the news just days ago about it. They also say DEET is the best defense, but I have reservations about that poison. I have every natural repellant you can buy, but they don't seem to work for long. There is a machine being advertised which you put in the garden at a distance from the areas you sit in and it omits carbon dioxide and has some kind of catching device. It is expensive, but seems to do the job. I am hoping it may get cheaper, if t gets popular.

    Getting ready to go out and grab a few things from the supermarket and back in to the air con. Take it easy everyone..M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    m you should google mosquito repellant plants you can plant. I did in the summer but don't have a green thumb. It sounded promising though.

    Bobo can I steal that resolution? To look better in loungewear? Wasn't I just speaking if that before Xmas? I am wearing my fancy qvc set that bond gave me now in fact. I also ordered another less expensive set that I saw on Walmart website.

    I also want to be a productive person this year.

    Got up early again today and started back at the house. I'm getting so close. Loving the new vacuum now. The bare floor duster sucker attachment is actually very awesome. If I used that everyday, there wouldn't be so many spare puppies hiding in corners and under furniture. It's not to heavy to lug the canister around either which I was worried about. Had to go back to dollar tree for more cool organizer boxes. So went to lunch with GPs since I had gotten dressed in real clothes and had my face on and all. Then back home for more organizing. How lame that I am so excited about my sock and underwear drawers at the moment. They are really quite impressive. Lol. Moved all my scarves to a scarf hanger. Genius invention. Two more genius inventions that I have not gotten to use yet: multi tank top hangers and a legging hanger. For the moment I am laid back on he couch having a small break though. Very stiff and sore.

    Rained all day here. Wet dogs now. Yuck. Cold and gray too.

    I used to see all the new movies that came out. I have no attention spam for it any more. Think the only movie I saw at theater 2014 was maleficent. Think hunger games was last yet and still have not been to see this years one for my bday yet. But will soon. Do they make good movies any more?

    How is everyone's year starting off?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    in Charlotte now. Just back from dinner with the friend who lives here. Only one more day before flying home. Can't believe vacation is almost over.

    Waving to all.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited January 2015

    Waving Betty arms to everyone!

    Been meaning to say/ask:

    Bobo, love the studio for DLLP! What things does she create/ do there? When is your wedding day?

    PRB, please do not hesitate to post, I think I am speaking for all, when I say that we love to hear from you, anything at all, it is nice to just hear the ordinary goings on, in our lives.

    Sgc, you too! Lol. Xx

    Wren, belated Happy Anniverary wishes!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Hi DP, I just read your suggestion and said to Bec, "What a great idea, I will look up mozzie repelling plants!" we are both still laughing, because of the 11 most repellant plants, I have 8 of them in abundance, so maybe the other 3 are worth trying! LOL

    I am smiling at your testimonial on the vacuum cleaner!

    I used to see every movie too, when it was released, but I rarely go tot he Movies these days.

    The scarf hanger is a great invention. Is yours the Ikea one? I have 2 of them, one on the back of the walk in robe door the other in the dressing room, but I have overloaded them because scarves are another weakness of mine. Tank top hanger and leggings hanger???? Please explain?????

    Now Miss Bobo, I am not quite sure what your definition is, of "Lounge Wear", I could be way off here, correct me if I am wrong, but my favorite Marika yoga pants, crop top bra and zip front jackets are what I call leisure/lounge wear but I "copped a stirring" for those, as I recall! Hmmmm I am wondering if you are speaking of pj's and robes?

    Gosh Glennie, that vacation was over so fast! I bet you can't wait to see Ava!

    42C here that's 107.6F, it is the same conditions today as some of the worst bush fires ever. I am hoping everyone will be safe and we won't see homes and lives lost with this heatwave. M x