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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Loved the spider story too! Susan: FFF femara! Our Granwe has been taking it too. You still taking it, Granwe?

    Z, I got the BEST price on my Christmas dishes! I got them at Ross Dress for Less (?) They were like two dollars per dish. And then I saw the same pattern at QVC for 61 dollars per place setting! I love my new Christmas dishes. I too want a Shark pretty badly. My vacuum sucks! Or, as the case may be, it doesn't suck.

    M, agree about the poignant Angelina scene. Z, those sisters make me mad! I love you enough that I would share the skillets. It is just ridiculous.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Haha, thank you Z, No not jellyfish, but we do have lots of jellyfish in the water at the moment, so no way Bec will go swimming, not my cup of tea either!.

    My foot is better. I don't know what you call them, but they are tiny, little wheels of spikes in the grass, a type of weed, sometimes they are called burrs here. I could never understand why Steve Irwin named his Daughter Bindi, 'cause they are such nasty things. I took glucosamine and chondroitin for my RA for a few years,lots of people swear by it, but it didn't do much for me. I hope it helps your pain.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Awww Bobo, I would share with you too! I love that Ross store, I found one, when I was in Atlanta and they had Ralph Lauren bags, so cheap, I couldn't believe it! I bought lots and took them home, for presents.

    I just remembered another place that I fell in love with was Filene's Basement, omg, the great stuff I found there. I got friendly with this fabulous waiter at the restaurant in the Hotel where we were staying and he took me to the outlets and all over the place for shopping, I told him I had found this great place called Viola's Closet, or something, he nearly peed himself and told everyone who'd listen, about my faux pas!

    You seriously would have died laughing, if you'd seen the spider escapade yesterday. I laughed so much, after it was over I thought I might be sick. lol I am so glad you agree about Angelina!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Just lost my whole post.. well that was exciting.

    M - that was a great spider story. Just wish you had filmed it or took a picture of the spider for our entertainment.

    I only watched a couple of movies. Loved The Hundred Yard Journey. Light-hearted story with a gorgeous lead actor. Took DD and her friends to The Fault of our Stars. Liked it better than I thought I would, but it was sad and made me tear up.

    DP - I sit here in my messy house hoping the maid will show up, but she never does. You are flying around organizing drawers, closets and going on mad buying sprees. Rock on you little punk rocker!

    Watched a lot of QVC while my sister was here. Learned that people 'wear' purses (oh excuse me.. handbags) and they 'feel good' against your skin. Man, I have obviously been buying the wrong purses all my life!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Laughing at the purses feeling good against your skin... are they wearing them naked? Sheesh.

    I was less than a pack a day smoker before BC, didn't smoke all through chemo, then allowed myself 1 a day, then 2 a day and now I am 4-6 a day for the past year or so. It's the first and last of the day I just can't do without. I too would find it easier if Joe didn't smoke, but smoke he does and like a fiend. No smoking in the house and I don't miss it at all during work, so a lot of it is mental as they say. Once I get home though, I want a cigarette or I get very anxious.. so weird.

    Oh M, I loved Filene's Basement! Went there a couple times a week as I worked nearby. Me and my gf would hide clothes in the hopes of them hitting the 50% or 75% off dates. Come Wednesday, you could get killed in there over a sweater :)

    Yikes Zils, I didn't realize there was an actual diamond ring in play, but the skillet.. geez.. that's just ridiculous... I imagine we'll be going through the same with my grandmother's things. I just want a couple of things that remind me of her and that I knew she loved... like she had this pig cookie jar that I remember and I'd like that because it brings back good memories... and her and my grandfather have the old mugs and saucers from Dunkin Donuts (some were given to them and some I think they took), she loved those so much and again I'd like them for the memories and because she loved them and I'd hate to see them sold or thrown out.

    I should have guessed it was Bobo behind the holiday dishes. What are these dishes that are so coveted? :)

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    going to start replying before I forge everything. I'm still only 7 hours ago. lol eyes are super blurry too so look out for crazy words.

    M- I peer myself picturing a giant spider blocking the entire doorway. Mom to the rescue. In her defense, when I was quite young I begged for this playhouse that I saw at Handy Dans. It was very expensive but I was a good girl and they got it for me. We painted it blu and white like the display and made a special grip to hardware store to got a pretty painted porcelain knob for the Dutch door. That day gma made me a grilled cheese for lunch and I was eating it in my new play house and there was spider or but or bee or something on there with me. I never stepped foot in it again. What a waste. At leastbwithbhernin the house you can chat together more.

    Not sure what all will be on etsy. I started making these jewelry holder things after my bmx in 2013. So I have those, some great vintage items and some supply materials. I will also try making some jewelry. Didn't want a big hodgepodge which is why I never listed anything but I need to just get it going. They do charge both a listing fee as a sales percentage. I think we can link our stores up to point to each other. That would be cool. I still have much reading to do. I am anal like that. Must be super informed before doing anything.

    Maleficent was good. Saw it in 3d and was actually pretty impressed. Guess fault in stars should be in netflix now? Must say I am quite disappointed with netflix since I got the roku. Not like it used to be. Ex is a huge movie watcher so I was always ip on the latest. When blockbuster was a thing, he was there everybtuesdaybtenting the new releases. Bon can't sit still long enough for a movie. Idesim what about walking dead? It is excellent. Also mad men. Resurrection stated slow but shit is going down now. Can't wait for it to come back. Of course CSI and NCIS, originals only,are staples. I got into masterchef jr at the end of last season. It is cute and starting gain this week. Bond watches car shows.

    Z so glad you had fun at the party. Kids know how to have fun. I hate that effin inheritance behavior. It's like a disease. However idesim, you don't understand the importance of an iron skillet in the south. It's serious stuff. And a new one isn't the same as an old one. You gotta have those decades of grease and flavor on it. I got mine at an estate sale. Dont have it now ex does. . I made cornbread chili bowls for early dinner. Can I express my hatred of the Temptations bakeware brand? Bobo you know what in talking about. I really want to like them but I hate then. I have thebTexas size muffin pan. It's beautiful but does nothing that they promise. Your notnypppsed to have to use spray. A lie. Got my mom and gma pie plate fr Xmas. Arrived with broken lid on one. Didn't notice til gma unwrapped. Don't want to send bacj. Going to call 800 number. Anyhow. It was my first cornbread. Think I did ok

    Bobo your wedding cake sounds divine. What size do you wear?

    I only slept 4 hours last night. Awoke at 12:45am and just kept shopping. Bond made me breakfast at 7 and convinced me to stay in bed. Even though my mind had been racing for hours with things to do. So glad I is teens to him though. Slept from 8:30 till 11am. It was divine. I am loving the new duvet I thrifted. It's heavy and cozy. Deep cleane our bedroom after that and he hung a big clock that has been leaning against the wall for a year. Then since the sun came out for a bit we cleaned the garage and pulled in the outside rugs and cushions. After early dinner he put together the portable closet that I bought to temporarily contain my eBay stock and helped me move stuff into it.

    I am so happy to say that I have conquered my room finally!!! There are still a couple nit picky deep organizing things to do as I purge the closet more but I can say that it is done and done! Now I don't want ton hanger clothes eer because everything is in jut the right spot. Granted it's crowded now because I had to get a vanity when I was doing WBR and the giant portable closet that is now in there but it actually looks like a room again and of course, my drawers are amazing! Ok enough bragging but it feels really good.

    Is this the longest post ever? I have not even finished reading lall the new ones yet.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    good lord you could buy a car with your ciggy savings m! They are about $6-9 a pack here but in NY and some other states I think tey are $10-16.

    Well now we know you aren't alone spooks. I honestly thought all this time that I was the only filthy smoker. I'm not now. I quit the day before I stated ixempra. But I tell you that if I didn't have this fluid on my lung that I would still be smoking. In fact if I had one right now I would be smoking it. I know that is pitiful but it's true. I like smoking. It was always a huge joke on me. I was accused several times of "trying to get lung cancer tonight".

    I quit for six weeks when I started chemonthebfirstvtime. I had read here that nicotine reduces the effectiveness of chemo by 40%. Eventually I contrived this schedule between infusions to get the nicotine in and out of my system atvthebright timing. Obviously that not how chemo works but I was rationalizing. I then decided smoking was te only thing that made me feel normal and just wet back to it. Smoked one the morning before bmx. Didn't smoke for 6 days after then have in. Plan was to have DIEP which is very strict six months to one year no smoking. They nicotine test. So I kept planning to quit. Goins out I had lung mets. Didn't stop me. Made me rationalize it more. Oh well. Already have cancer in my lung. May as well smoke. Smoked until day before thoracotomy. Started back 6 days later. Yes, the first day home from hosptal.

    In the weeks before shit hit the fan this summer, I would sit for hours on the patio, chain smoking and reading these forums. All during brain rads. I started and ended my days with a cup of tea, chain smoking and bco. I miss that a lot. Don't even like going outside any more. It wasn't so hard at first because I felt so bad and was so scared. But now that I feel a bit better it makes it harder. There's just no way incas though. Can't justify it with the way I can hardly breathe now. Gosh I would love to just have one though. But it would suck to ruin the time I have in as a nonsmoker. It seems like longer than 3 monts. Oh well. Enough about my love of smoking. That was just kind of a moment like when I found out that bobo was a qvc watcher and I had never known. I thought I was the only guilt ridden cancer smoker among us.

    Oh idesim lover of a daily deal. I somehow found a new site today called ideal. Couldn't resist. Bought a pair of boots. They cost a lot more than those ones I resisted too. But they are flat so more practical. Anyhow you get free shipping for 30 days after your purchase. Does NOT look as good as zulily though. But I don't need to buy anything else anyway dang it! I won't share all of the other things I bought today dyer my plea for help this morning. I did open my first pair of Clark's that came though. They were super comfy! And these aren't SO ugly that you can't wear them. Still need to do my pedi. Waiting to skype it with bobo and m I guess.

    Bobo are you sure that if you get the TSV that then I can't get it? You did sayyid. Resend more oil. I heard you! Curious about the foundation. Lways looking f

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    good lord you could buy a car with your ciggy savings m! They are about $6-9 a pack here but in NY and some other states I think tey are $10-16.

    Well now we know you aren't alone spooks. I honestly thought all this time that I was the only filthy smoker. I'm not now. I quit the day before I stated ixempra. But I tell you that if I didn't have this fluid on my lung that I would still be smoking. In fact if I had one right now I would be smoking it. I know that is pitiful but it's true. I like smoking. It was always a huge joke on me. I was accused several times of "trying to get lung cancer tonight".

    I quit for six weeks when I started chemonthebfirstvtime. I had read here that nicotine reduces the effectiveness of chemo by 40%. Eventually I contrived this schedule between infusions to get the nicotine in and out of my system atvthebright timing. Obviously that not how chemo works but I was rationalizing. I then decided smoking was te only thing that made me feel normal and just wet back to it. Smoked one the morning before bmx. Didn't smoke for 6 days after then have in. Plan was to have DIEP which is very strict six months to one year no smoking. They nicotine test. So I kept planning to quit. Goins out I had lung mets. Didn't stop me. Made me rationalize it more. Oh well. Already have cancer in my lung. May as well smoke. Smoked until day before thoracotomy. Started back 6 days later. Yes, the first day home from hosptal.

    In the weeks before shit hit the fan this summer, I would sit for hours on the patio, chain smoking and reading these forums. All during brain rads. I started and ended my days with a cup of tea, chain smoking and bco. I miss that a lot. Don't even like going outside any more. It wasn't so hard at first because I felt so bad and was so scared. But now that I feel a bit better it makes it harder. There's just no way incas though. Can't justify it with the way I can hardly breathe now. Gosh I would love to just have one though. But it would suck to ruin the time I have in as a nonsmoker. It seems like longer than 3 monts. Oh well. Enough about my love of smoking. That was just kind of a moment like when I found out that bobo was a qvc watcher and I had never known. I thought I was the only guilt ridden cancer smoker among us.

    Oh idesim lover of a daily deal. I somehow found a new site today called ideal. Couldn't resist. Bought a pair of boots. They cost a lot more than those ones I resisted too. But they are flat so more practical. Anyhow you get free shipping for 30 days after your purchase. Does NOT look as good as zulily though. But I don't need to buy anything else anyway dang it! I won't share all of the other things I bought today dyer my plea for help this morning. I did open my first pair of Clark's that came though. They were super comfy! And these aren't SO ugly that you can't wear them. Still need to do my pedi. Waiting to skype it with bobo and m I guess.

    Bobo are you sure that if you get the TSV that then I can't get it? You did say you needed more oil. I heard you! Curious about the foundation. Always looking for the perfect foundation.

    Having fake New Yeara day at GPs tomorrow seems llike today was the whole weekend long. Of course I have not er to sleep yet. But I think that's better than going to sleep at 9 and waking up at midnight. Sorry unknown y'all can tell those damn steroids are built up again. Rambling rambling on and on. Ok I'm done. Someone enjoy a smoke for me.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    What a great read DP! You reminded me of how terribly addicted to the cigarettes I used to be. I loved to smoke too, so I totally "get it". Don't be giving yourself a hard time about it.

    I had to fly home to Aus from the US once, because I was really sick and although the Doctors kept telling me I had a virus, I just knew, it was more than that. Long story, short I went into Hospital and it was discovered I had an ectopic pregnancy. I had a pretty full on surgery and lost both fallopian tubes. I woke up with 2 drains, a catheter and two lV's. I managed to drag myself out of bed and somehow, into a dressing gown. I got the catheter bag and shoved it down my paper knickers and the drains went into the pockets of my gown, I used the lV poles to steady myself and wheeled them along to the elevator, to get outside for a cigarette. The Nursing staff were killing themselves laughing at me, telling me to get back to bed, but I still went out. I have even done similar, when I was in Hospital for an Asthma attack, gross, I know, but that's how addicted I was.

    I just bought 2 pairs of shoes from Ozsale tonight. I don't buy much from the Shopping Channel these days. I did win a pair of LED candles in a competition they had before Christmas, they arrived a few days ago. I am still using the Eve Pearl makeup, pretty much exclusively now, I really like it.

    ldesim, I wondered about the bags feeling good against the kin too! LOL You wouldn't believe it, but I bought "Fendi" face cloths at Filene's and Lauren hand towels. I bought beautiful hand made soaps and wrapped them in a Fendi cloth with a Lauren hand towel for my girlfriends as a a gift. Colin thought I was nuts, but the girls loved it!

    PRB, it wasn't till after the drama that I thought about a picture of the spider. I didn't actually have a hand free to carry a camera at the time and with the daggers in my foot, it wasn't in he front of my mind! Bec said today, that I should have taken a pic, I told her Superwoman, I ain't!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    well I slept almost an hour. Geez.

    Laughing at your hospital smoking m. Many years ago when I had pancreatitis, before smoking was banned on entire hospital oroperties. I managed to et my pans on under my gown on the second day. Wheeled my IV Out to smoking area. It just happened to be in some dumpster kind of area. But I felt less dumb considering the dozens Of drs and nurses who were out there puffing away. To be fair, I hVe been mostly honest with te dr about my smoking. No one has eer told me to quit. Sometimes they would ask if I was still smoking because they could smell it I guess. Sono just learned t not smoke before seeing that sensitive nose dr.

    I just say that is something I sit miss about smoking. Constantly worrying about the smell. Spraying body sprays, washing hands 100 times, gum, etc. I had many tricks. I did hide my smoking for over a year once from my ex after he had his first heart attack and quit. He honestly had no idea. Also not wanting to kiss or get too close to bond when I would get home. And not having to hear him gripe about the smoke getting in his face outside. Well hello don't come sit next to me when I'm smoking, duh..... That anxious feeling if I had less than half a pack left. Staying sick too long and extra cough time. Sense of smell has improved a lot. Lots of things not to miss.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    oh idesim I forgot. Are you really a web geek? I had the same thought about just doing my own site when I started this idea summer 2013. So I did the cheapo introductory gidaddy thing. Then I got so mad at it because it would only let you use templates instead of HTML or buil your own. Then I never got back around to it. Of course, I forgot all about it and ended up paying a fortune when the domain name auto rebewed thisbsymmer. Not sure if I am still paying for hosting in that or not. Hih I hope so it was expensive. Anyhow, I think I actually own would love to figure out how to get it up and runnin since I've been spending money in it just sitting there. Unused to be pretty good at writing HTML in what was probablybwordpress back in the late 90s but I am faaaar from today's resources and tricks. Donyoubknow a good free program I could start with? If I got something together maybe I could figure out how to bypass the godaddy stupid templates.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    wow DP. I want some of those patches. Really. You going to try and code? I'm super impressed. Chemo brain or lack of sleep has sucked me dry. I have a hard time with kindergarten work. Glad he's only in kindergarten. I can relearn as he gries.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    I had people telling me how great I would feel when I gave up. Didn't happen for years, I seriously didn't feel any different, for ages. I did all the stuff to avoid the smell too, especially in the jobs I had, doing makeup on people and then up close with passengers. I must admit I am really glad I stopped. I hated that shitful feeling when the pack was getting low. I don't know how, but i have never had a craving, in nearly 8 years.

    I hope you have a lovely fake New Years tomorrow! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    DP have you seen Colin is setting that up for me. If you don't sign up to a Domain or hosting, it is all free, they just put advertising on your site.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    I saw that but since I already paid a fortune for the domain this year, i figure I should use it.

    Oh and for sure, I feel way better when im smoking than not. Ha!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    if I quit smoking, I'd eat. And eat more. Besides, I enjoy it. I know it's bad for every single thing wrong with me. Even during chemo, I was doing 3-4 a day. Mainly because it was too much like work to go outside to light up. We don't smoke in the house, bad for the dogs you know. And they always follow me out, so they can potty if need be. Win win.

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited January 2015

    well hey there~~~~

    I used to smoke too~~~. Loved every cig I smoked but very glad I quit. Gained 90 pounds and lost 52 on weight watchers. Back on that this jan 1. Had a great time eating this last holiday season . You can sure pack on the pounds fast!!!

    Good seeing y'all!!!

    More later. Watching QVC. TSV

    is vitamix. Love to see new recipees


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    I quit 25 years ago after my fourth try. It was the hardest thing I've ever done and I wouldn't go back thru that for anything. It's a good reminder not to try even one. I don't want one anymore anyway. My cravings lasted about a year, then went away. But I can sure relate to it being the best part of the day.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    HOME!  OMG,,, what a trip.  My flight got cancelled!  Was told that there was no room until tomorrow morning's flight!!  Unacceptable.  Routed to Jacksonville.  Rented car with 2 guys in line behind me,, but one was a student,, too young for rental cars, and the other told me he takes Xanax for flying,,, so I drove back. At least I had 2 people to split the cost with.  And, no, the airline was not interested in doing anything for a plane full of people.  My wonderful friends picked up Ava for me so I didn't have to do that,, and then picked me up at the airport here after I turned in the car.

    I am pooped,,, but I unpacked and laundry is started. There will be pizza delivery for dinner. Ava is pooped too. she is always tired when she gets back from the kennel. Still limping. They think it is not as bad.  Will see.

    Must go back and read posts,,, you all have been busy!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    OMG! DP, not only are you superwoman, you are also a genius! You are going to do code? You are just amazing. You are probably going to invent something. You are so sweet about my wedding! Funny you should ask about my sizes, because I am a different size now. I always used to buy XL pajamas, because I like them very big, especially in the waist. I just got my new pjs in a L, but again, I'm so tall and long-waisted I do not want to do a M.

    In real clothes, though, I have to start figuring it out. I just got a sweater at lululemon and it was an 8. I have never bought an 8 in anything before. My wedding dress is a M, or an 8 - 10. In gap supersoft t-shirts (my favorite), I am a 'Small Tall'! Small Tall? That is the funniest size ever. I am almost six feet tall, with no boobs, and all my fat pockets have been vaccumed off, so I am the strangest sizes ever now. And none of my clothes fit. What am I going to wear to work tomorrow, for instance? Tomorrow is the first day of the new Spring semester. Your cornbread chili cups sound yummy.

    I read your cleaning post like it was porn. I did do some cleaning this weekend, but I yearn to do the kind of cleaning you did. DLLP just is not a good cleaner at all. I have to get after her and after her to help me at all. That being said, she is in the bathroom giving bobo an itch bath right now! Hope it works. And I hear the princess is in there with her! She has a full house in the bathroom!

    You guys scare me so much with this smoking talk. I had some family members who smoked and I had to live through situations of theirs in which things did not go well. So when I hear about smoking I always think of that. Please don't smoke! Can we just drink instead? :)

    DP! If I buy the TSV it is NOT going to prevent you from buying the TSV! That is not math! I agree about the Temptations, they look like crap. And I am a total cast iron person -- I have like five different cast iron skillets of different sizes, and I also like a good enameled cast iron pot. DP, I have to tell you something that will disappoint you now. I watch, but I don't really buy! I never buy Isaac, for example... I just watch and laugh. I have bought Argan oil only one time -- and just a tiny plain bottle from Sephora! Hmm. I have bought Wen from qvc -- for our princess -- and now I have had my own first bottle of 613, which I love, it came with her shampoo (which is Fig), and I will never go back to regular shampoo, so I will buy that again. Hmm. I got the micropedi for Christmas, but I think DLLP bought from amazon -- she hates qvc. I buy bobbi brown, but from bobbi herself. Don't get me wrong --- I want to buy TSVs so badly sometimes, ESPECIALLY Perricone -- but I have had 1,000,000 sx this year and he is not in my price range right now. Love Perricone. So mad I missed Dana on Sunday as you said. I thought I had recorded it! What happened?

    Excellent long posts, DP! **waving**

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    wow, lots of activity. Too late to catch up. DP, I am probably at the same level as you regarding coding, it's been quite a few years. I found a website....... is advertising classes for $10.00 with code kickoff2015. One of them is a complete web developers course. Don't know how good it is.

    Wren, they also have painting and drawing courses.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    I thought maybe you gals would like to see our visitors tonight! Around 5 o'clock they come looking in the window, they dont seem to be afraid at all, but do run if we go outside! The first time it happen it scared the heck out of me, looked up and there was a deer staring back at me! Sorry the pic isnt very good, icicle hanging outside, but the stand of lamp pole is reflecting in window. Best I could do. They were looking for some sunflower seeds that I feed the birds but the snow covered them up tonight. This is our excitment in rural ND!!Headphones


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    ndgirl, that's so fantastic, they are so pretty! I am loving these long posts!

    I just received the pic of The Princess and W boy, thank you Bobo, they have grown so much, tell our Princess I have her pictures where I can see them!

    DP, I just got your lovely card too, thank you!

    Bec annd I have been raking up the fruit from all over the lawn, no birds or bats destroying the trees this year, but there must be some kind of par-tay going on out there at night, because every morning there is a ton of fruit on the ground some half eaten, but most all good, just not ripe yet.

    How's it going Glennie, did you have a good rest?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    oh O2 I totally forgot I wanted to watch vitamix. It is the cheapest I have eer seen it. Do I dare? After all the spending I've been doing?? Crap on a Chapstick what a dilema. Guess it's cheaper than usual because it doesn't come with anything else. I still have an hour to decide in my time zone but I missed the presentations. Darn it. Josie show strays next. Ha. I was worried about spending that $70 tonight. Now ins tempted on $400.

    Bobo I never buy Isaac either. Mostly only clothes I buy are Lori Goldstein and women with control pants. Decided not to get any more of those though. Quality went way down hill on pants. Zulily will keep me just fine. Not that I am allowing myself to buy ANY more clothes. Also I need a restraining order against zulilly. Can someone help me file that?

    I think to look better in loungewear you probably need to wear closer to your size. If you are a small, large probably isn't very flattering. Just a thought. Now you know oneil a old you for buying certain qvc products off qvc. The cosmetics especially. They are so much cheaper! I know. It's still pricey. But there is always easy pay. Lol. I am thinking this Josie one is a but high. If it had free shipping or it should be $50ish. Would be $80+ by the time it was over. Of course two of re products alone would be &70. Anyhow. Uh oh. Josie isn't coming to preset. She is sick. Blah.

    Y'all are funny. I'm definitely not some code writer. But buses to I could use whatever program to copy and paste and did know how to write some stuff. Just need a good program. The godaddy things was just so damn. Stupid.

    New Years dinner was good. Ended up staying later than I really wanted to. Wanted to be home more today. Finally got to sleep at 7am this mornjng. For up at 11. Mom had been Xmas clearance shopping at Walmart. We made gingerbread people an a 3d gingerbread train. Going to be really cold tonight. Will stay below freezing. Brrr

    Oh good the foundation doesn't look like it is full coverage. So that's not for me. The cleansing oil looks interesting though. I still have over half of the supersize argan oil left, so I don't need that either.

    Glad you made it home glennie. What a PITA!! Love that the laundry is on already

    Ok going to make vitamix decision and try to sleep some.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    posting at same time.

    What a great national geographic moment nd. That would care me for sure to see those era peering in the window!

    Wow the mail takes a long time m. Merry Xmas! Interesting happenings in your yard overnight. Probably some naked dancing hippies that you used to hang out with. Throwing fruit at each other whilst flitting through the yard. That's how I will picture it anyway.

    Wea sorting through a last little box of stuff tonight and came across some photos I had printed in December 202 because bond wanted a photo of me as a gift. My gosh. I don't even know who that girl is any more. Who is she and where did she go?


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    crap I did it. But I messed around so long that I had to go on backorder for the color I wanted. Won't ship until 2/7. Maybe meanwhile I can use ninja to get accustomed and ins some good recipes. Oh dear. No more spending!!!!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    DP, what a beauty you are! Inside and out! Thanks for posting your beautiful picture!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    ndgirl, Love the picture of the deer in the snow. Much more welcome in winter than in summer when they're eating your garden. It would be scary to have the furnace go out with those temps. Thank goodness you had enough electric stuff to keep the house mostly warm.

    DP, Good looking. Do you look at photos when you were 10years younger and think, I was pretty then. Of course back then I didn't think so. I think it's the magazines insisting you have to be different to be "right" in the world.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    DP, what a gorgeous picture of you! What year is that?

    Wren, I look at old pics and I can't believe I am in my 60's! I don't mean to look at, I know I have aged, but I really don't "feel" much different, than I did in my 30's, it is very weird.

    DP You won't regret the Vitamix, that thing is used every day, in my house and it is the easiest appliance to clean. There are thousands of recipes on the internet and there so many Hippies, who do YouTube vids of themselves, with great recipes, I love watching those.

    Anyone else willing to show an old pic?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    y'all flatter me. Inlik nothing like that girl any more. Wren that is exactly what i do. When I saw that pic earlier I thought wow look how thin my face was. No double chin. Look how nice my hair was even though it was pulled back (always cursing my hair then though). . I totally miss looking like that now But at that time I really struggled to get a pic that i thought was even halfway decent. Just like I thought I was so fat when I was a size 8 or 10. And later when I was a size 14, also thought huge. Would love to be either of those sizes right now. Perspective isbfunnybiant it? You are so wise wren. You always know exactly what I am thinking.

    Bobo if you ver did want to buy anybosaac, you should be watching right now. It is an all clearance show with pretty nice pricing! Perhaps we are supposed to go in together on the Josie TSV. Then we would only buy one. Lol. You take the oil and foundation and brush and I'll take the cleanser and color stick. Hehe. That's better math. Crap i just thought of aomehof. I bet they wait until they ship that vitamix to charge me. Grrr.

    Weren't some of you liooking for small bags recently? There's a super cute leather cross body. It's a good size and great pice at $86. It's $110 off. I would get it if I hasn't just got that tote from zulilly. You can search on for Isaac mizrahi croaabody if anyone cares. I kissed the name they are along it. It's very classy and polished looking.

    So much for sleeping. I am struggling to breath and it keeps me awake.