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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited January 2015

    M, it is sooooo hot, there is no need for it! Xxx

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Dawny and M are roasting and we are bracing for a snow storm, it is lightly snowing now but we may get more in night. Think we may miss the worst of it. I kinda like the idea of an approaching snow storm, call me crazy I know. Get lots done during them. Today was productive for me, did some book work, and de-cluttering! Dont think there will be enough storms for me to dig through everything though!! DP, I know the feeling of an organized sock/underwear drawer. I bough a sock organizer for the drawers and love it. I too am wondering about a tank-top and also legging hangers??? I need another scarf hanger, like M that is another of my passions..I love scarves and vests.

    Ariom, dont waste your $$ on the machine do repell mosquitos.. they just dont work. DS bought one and paid between $7-$800.00 for it, wasnt worth a darn. Cant remember the brand name just now but they were all the rage around here a few years back. I have tried the plants to repel them too but not much luck there either, they are just blood sucking buggers! I dont like DEET either but also have a real fear of West Nile Virus which has been in our area, a couple of horses died from it. So I take my chance with DEET.

    Is the new vac a Shark? dil had one and I really liked it when we were just there I had to try it out.

    Glennie, your pics were beautiful.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Thanks for that ndgirl, I won't blow that money, if they don't work. We have actually had the area around the house sprayed twice this year already, but I think it just because we have had too much rain.

    Dawny, it's too hot to even get into the water! Grrrr

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    gosh that is hot! Does not make me muss summer now. Also getting a lot done inside with the cold. But do need it to be a bit warmer and dry so I can have a darn sale. Will find picks of those hangers but the tank too one had hooks where you can hang 8 on it. The legging one had 8 divided bar sections that you hang the leggings over. I doubled mine up on it so it makes it kind of wide but still space saving. No where to hang scarf holder. Back of door needed it that has shoe rack for flats. Not from ikea. Amazon. It is cute. Covered in raffia looking stuff. Holds 32 I think.

    Darn vacation ending so soon glennie. Sounds like you have fit a lot in though.

    Vacuum is shark. The one they are running on infomercial right now. Forgot the name already. Got extra special attachments cuz I ordered on qvc. The cool bare floor tool isn't standard. Toby jumped back on couch after I sucked off all the dog hair. Dumb dog. Then He went and pulled out all of the stuffing of yet another toy. Snow fluff everywhere. Made an awesome PJ drawer now too. Have Tshirts and pants and short pants and lounge pants and tanks left to get through. Oh and bras and swimsuits. Then that just leaves the hanging clothes to pair down again. Seems like a lot to do still. But for now I'm going to bed!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    DP, what a busy girl you are! We are lying flat out on the couch. Just watched Maleficent again, Bec hadn't seen it. We ate a 1/4 of freezing cold watermelon. The air con is working hard to keep the heat out, we have nearly all glass and even the water side, which is usually cooler, is like opening a door to a furnace, when you go out.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    I'm laughing over DP's organized pantie drawer, but I am also a bit jealous.. my pantie drawer is a disaster area for sure, not to mention the rest of the drawers and closet.

    So funny to hear you two complaining of the heat when we are freezing our arses off!! I think we're getting snow tomorrow. I've tried a few of the so-called mosquito repelling plants and they don't seem to work for us either. I'm bordering a marsh, so needless to say, we gets lots of the critters. Nobody sprays around here that I know of.. we spray ourselves down if going out for an extended period of time and that seems to work.

    Loved reading everybody's year recaps, again DP, that was such a great idea.

    As far as resolutions, mine is to get myself out of size 10 and back into size 6.

    Favorite Movies - Gone Girl, The Judge, Annabelle, Mazerunner, Lucy, The Fault in our Stars, Bad Words,Transcendence, 22 Jump, The Giver, Fort Bliss, The Equalizer, Good People, Foxcatcher, The Babadook, Skating to New York.. yes we watch a lot of movies. Want to See: The Gambler & Interstellar.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Just finished these for my oldest grandson: made to order. Good thing I got them done...we go home in 3 more sleeps.

    Darn it wont load!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    idesim that is ideal weather. I would love to live somewhere like that. Somewhere that actually has seasons. Ahh a girl can dream. I suppose I'm a life long Texan though. And wren is right, it is the damn humidity that is so miserable. Although a week of 95 isn't near the worst of it. We generally will pull out a week or 10 day streak over 100 each August.

    Oh my gosh y'all. You have to help get me off this spending spree!! Do you y'all get on those? I do it once or twice a year where I just buy everything and all at once. Pretty sure this is nesting though. But gotta knock it off!! Granted, I have saved loads of money during the last few months. Spend no money on gas, no cigarettes, no fast food. Those things really do add up.

    Bobo did you say you are out of argan oil? Josie's TSV is on Monday. It is skin care and foundation. Looks really nice. I am quite tempted. Very tempted. My skin is so funky now. Maybe you should stop me. Maybe you should get a set for yourself. Lol. Tonight since I woke up an hour and a half ago, I have bought: Vionic sneakers for both myself and bond. (Mine are the TSV, as for him, his feet and knees are bad and he walks 5 mikes a day. Think it might be good for him) a six pack of Mally mascara because it's so much less per piece that way. I mean really, $38 for 2 or $65 for 6? Should have done before Xmas and given some as gifts. Oh well. How long does it last if it's not open? And a set of kitchen/utility shears. Also that I wanted to get before Xmas and use some as gifs. Guess I have a head start on birthdays this year.

    So in addition to all the other crap I have been ordering from amazon and Walmart and zulily, oh my. This has to be it!! Well maybe after the Josie TSV.....

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    some of that post makes nonsense bcuz I was responding to te other thread. Oops. Should we just make a new thread called "future and current flat sisters with dumb questions". Hehe.

    Hate everyone's vacations winding down. I told bond after this weekend it's back to normal grind. Going to try to keep myself on more of a schedule now. Figure out what being a housewife is really like. Also get my Etsy stuff going. Or whatever my crafty business is going to be. Have to make it a job for it to work right.

    Omg now they have adorable sketchers go walk slip ons. Grrrrr. First pair of Clark's arrived today. Didn't open them yet. Zulily has Clark's for way cheap right now. That's what caught my eye to start with. Didn't get any from there. Wanted to make sure I liked them first sine I've never tried Clark's. Bahahaha

    You think I would have seen more movies recently being at home and on the couch so much. But I got that movie ADD thing going I guess. Oh I remember I finally saw the Call. That was good. Was fault in our stars any good idesim? I read it twice and waited and stalked and waited for it to go to the dollar movie. When it finally did, I missed the first weekend and was going to go the next week but I was having such bad headaches.. Then my world fell apart and I didnt think it would be good for bond to see it just then.

    I would like to see the new Taken movie. I liked both of the first two. Ok I guess I have movie resolutions:


    Fault in iur stars

    Mockingjay part one and eventually two - the movies are pretty pitiful compared to the books by the way if anyone cares.

    I listen to a lot of audiobooks now. A habit that started from driving so much. Don't ask why I can focus on that easier than watching a movie. Go figure. Anyway iis really cool because you put the app on your phone or whatever device and then you have your books everywhere. Was sways a pain to try to move CDs from car to house etc. I listen to a lot more this way. It's an amazon owned company and you subscribe to it. They are the devil but it is reasonably priced and a great app.

    Do you think i could ramble any more today? Sorry. It IS a new fentanyl patch night. Going to try to go back to sleep and not buy anything else.

    Waving to everyone!!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    DP, what will you be selling on Etsy? I have a shop on there where I sell crochet patterns that I designed (sock monkey stuff and dog bone mats mostly). I might add my shoes this year.

    I hope i can do more crafting and especially sewing this year. I really miss that.

    Everyone's vacay is winding down...mine too. I dont want to go back home. It is so far from my family...especially at my parents age. I would have them come live with us in a heartbeat if we lived in the same country. It's complicated. Hope we have decent weather for travelling..brought Lorezapam just in case we dont, lol.

    Now who's rambling? Lol.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    gloomy and gray in Charlotte today. Going to see The Enigma Code today. Wander around and look at shops. My flight is 9 am tomorrow. Already printed boarding pass. Hoping weather will not delay or cancel flight which sometimes happens with these little regional jets.

    Andrea I know you are sad for vacay to be over. M, can't believe how hot you are! DP, great job organizing!

    Waving to all!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    haha.. DP is rambling and shopping. I can't give you any guidance because I too am like that once or twice a year. I think it's the xmas sales that do it to me.. I just buy and buy and buy. Then of course you have the end of year sales and those can be hard to resist. I use that time to buy stuff we need, as I don't shop much during the year.. especially now that I avoid Zulily. My weakness is daily deals, I sometimes buy the crap even when we don't need it, just because it's a good deal.. it's pathetic.

    Fault in our Stars was really good... I didn't think it was boo hoo sad, of course it is sad given the subject matter, but I sure didn't find it to be a depressing movie... I found it to be a feel good movie, strangely. The characters were so sweet. Joe loved it, he found it sadder than I dd, but he still enjoyed watching it. He's like that though, he enjoys romantic comedies and such too, Among his favorite movies (which are action types), he rates The Notebook and Bridges of Madison County.

    I think we all congregate in the two threads to give support to flat sisters who may drop in the other thread and to also keep in touch with past members who drop in from time to time and then in this thread, Bobo can fully explore her genital addiction without shocking poor unsuspecting women who are here for help. Basically, Bobo's potty mouth needs it's own forum.

    I forgot about Taken3 .. want to see that too. The Call also was a good movie.... we're kinda movie addicts.. we watch that over TV shows. Speaking of TV shows, I'm thinking of trying to watch Breaking Bad.. I dunno why, but I usually get interested in a series once it is over... haha, but we need something to replace Sons of Anarchy and everybody appeared to love Breaking Bad. Deadliest Catch should be starting up soon.

    My house is nice and clean, we spent hours cleaning yesterday... feels good. We still have the tree up... we'll take it down tomorrow (boo hoo!!!!). We usually would leave it up until the 6th, but it is totally dried out and not drinking any water.

    Enjoy the last of your vacations Glennie & Andrea.

    Supposed to get snow later on.. I can't wait.. I only hope it starts before the sun goes down. It will be our first official snow fall and since it's going to be near 60 degrees tomorrow, we won't really have to deal with it. My favorite type of snow :)

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    This is on tv now... almost tempted.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Hi DP! Hi Betty! **waving** I must say, DP, you are a whirlwind of activity! Love how you're pleading with me to buy TSV so that you won't! As if it works that way! It does not. Your mascaras will last for a couple years at least ifyou don't open them. They have preservatives. They say you should change every three months. But I don't. Instead, I use free sample mascaras whenever I can. I love living vicariously through your shopping spree! And I want a Shark badly in January.

    Dawny, wedding is going to be something like January 26. It really looks like it's a go here. Don't want to go on the first day because they've set up a lot of hoops, including a class on how to be married (!) which we would have to take after being together for 17 years! So I say N Thank you to that. It's a tiny City Hall wedding, but I want to take pleasure in the planning. I am going to do my own bouquets with Trader Joe flowers! I am making a homemade wedding cake -- lemon pound cake with vegan whipping cream and fresh berries simmered with framboise. I won't put the sauce on the cake, just on the side as I serve it.

    M, it is incredibly hot there! Yikes! XXXXXX

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    I reply to myself. M, I am mainly speaking of pajamas. Although yoga wear counts if it is clean. In other words, shower after a day's work, then put on clean yoga wear. That would count. I don't have a good robe, it is old and b c pink and I hate it. So that does not count.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    yay! Wedding is being planned! Woo-hoo!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Good morning ladies, well this morning it is raining and we have had a cool change arrive over night. I can't tell you how relieved I am that I don't have to get through another 40+ day today. The house is cool from the rain and the air con was on in the bedrooms all night, so I actually slept under a doona as I set the air at 20C! It's all gray and overcast and there are lots of black swans on the water.

    Bec has been making cards out in the studio the past couple of days. Yesterday evening I get a phone call.."Mum, OMG, I can't get out of the shed, there's a HUGE Huntsman spider, blocking the door!" ......I leap into action armed with a can of spray, a fly swat and the kitchen broom. Bec has always been an arachnophobe. I don't much like them either, but I had to get over it because she's just out of control phobic. Anyhoo, I take off across the yard in bare feet, hit a clump of bindi which all stick in my foot, but I make it to the shed. Here on the wall is a really big spider, but blocking the door??? I tell Bec to get out, there are two very large barn doors on this shed, but she can't do it ,unless I shield her from the spider side, just in case it feels the need to jump on her By now I am hysterical with my legs crossed so I don't pee myself and limping, because I still have bindis in my foot. I was the Dragon Slayer!

    Bec promptly brought the huge box of craft stuff into the house, saying she was never going back out there, I didn't tell her I caught a big spider in her room before she arrived the other day! lol Now my dining table is covered in cardboard and hole punch butterflies!

    The wedding is so close and the 26th is Australia Day! That cake sounds delish!

    ldesim, I shop like that too! I hope you got the snow before the sun went down. I do like to look at snow, just not walk in it! I think I explained the reason for my snow phobia a while ago. It was when I was just about 3 or 4 years old and my Dad had a bad accident where he shattered his ankle and was in Hospital for 13 months. My Mother had to take the bus to visit every day and I had to walk in the snow to the bus and then to the Hospital and back. I hated the screech the snow made and have been snow phobic ever since. Awwww, I hear you, the poor little thing, trudging around in the snow. I think my Mother was ready to slap me, because I always waned to be carried! LOL

    Andrea and Glennie, holiday nearly over. Andrea I get your wanting to have your parents with you. I can imagine it's very hard to leave them.

    DP, what Etsy stuff are you going to do? I am going to set one up too, for the Sun Catchers. I have found some really great Czech Crystal beads so I am going to do some more up market ones. The others, are still selling in the local shops.

    I want to see the 3rd Taken too, I love Liam Neeson and I liked those movies.

    I get lost in the 2 threads too. I know I have answered in the wrong one before too.

    DP I totally "get" the spending sprees. I still say, I am using the cigarette money on something or another. Do cigarettes cost a fortune in the US? Our government put a huge tax on them here to make people stop and to make huge amounts of cash from the horribly addicted. I gave up, 8 years ago next month when a pack was about $15.00, a pack can now cost $24.00. I bought myself a gorgeous bag out of the first week savings and every time someone commented on the bag, I would say "I used to burn this much cash, every week!" then I bought a diamond ring, with 6 months worth of cigarette money, I wore it yesterday!

    My only resolution, to try to get it together to go to the gym this year!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    I get a carton of cigs for $35. They are made in Miami, probably not sold outside of Fl. A " name" brand carton is $50 or more. Depends on the state tax rate. Used to be we could go on the Seminole Indian Res. and get them tax free. That was nice.

    But you have to remember the $$$$ exchange rate between your $ and ours

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    I need DP to come here! Drawers and closets are a wreck. BG goes through her drawers most nights.

    I want to shop too! I am drooling over an orange and fushia diaper bag plus a shark and holiday dishes. Need some more 3/4 shirts that don't ride up in the back.

    Had the best time at 2 yr old bday party. I was the only American. Everyone else was Irish. All kids played nicely. Ate wonderful apps. Boy loved the 7 mo old. Sure beat my am.

    Met 2 of 3 sisters at my gmas to clean it out. She's been gone a year. 3rd sister pitched a fit over iron skillets. I guess I started it by asking about them. My cornbread was sticking. But it was absolutely ridiculous behavior on her part.

    Was Maleficent good? Can't really remember what I saw. Kid movies and Osage August something and it was horrible.

    Very warm here. Single digits on Wed but no snow:( Just in time to freeze at horse sales.

    Happy travels everyone.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Glad you got a cool down M.. I wish I could see a video of you running to Bec's defense... too funny!

    Zils, did your sister want the skillets.. I don't see what there is to pitch a fit over and seriously a skillet? At least let it be over a diamond ring or something. Glad you enjoyed the party.... what holiday dishes? That's the one thing I've never really had a thing for.. but some can be cute, I just don't have the room to store them.

    Snowing here, it's very pretty.. but I always feel guilty over enjoying the snow with the stray cat out there. He's in the house Joe built for him, nestled in the straw we put in.. but still, it has to be cold I'd imagine?

    Why don't you all combine your wares and open an Etsy shop together? I wish I had something to contribute, but I don't lol. I wonder if Etsy charges a fee or takes a percentage or something. Maybe just make your own website? That I can help with.. well it's been a few years, but I'm sure I could still do it... used to know how to code shopping carts too... enjoyed doing it.

    I haven't watched Maleficent yet, but it's supposed to be good.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Spookiesmom, the exchange rate is about $ the moment. I am talking pack, not carton! A carton of name brand cigs here, is just under $200.00!!!! I kid you not! I pulled the plug when they were $15.00 a pack and so I was saving about $150.00 a week, that was how I got the great purse after a week and the diamond ring after 6 months. It is outrageous and now you can't smoke in many public places either. There is a big fine for smoking near buildings or eating places.

    Z, I can't believe it has been a year since your Gma passed. I am not quite understanding the skillet drama, were you cooking cornbread? or you were asking about the skillet because your cornbread at home, was sticking?

    I really liked Maleficent, I am not a huge Angelina fan, but this was the first movie after she had her BMX and I really felt for her, when she copped such a bashing on this site. There is one very poignant scene in the movie, which I believe, we can relate and empathize with. M x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    A well seasoned, well taken care of iron skillet is a true treasure! I'm sure gmas was both! My moms was, and if anybody tried to get it, I'd have to smack them up side the head with it. Plus, the foodies here have "discovered" the cast iron. Quite the rage in some circles

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    I guess I'm the only one who will 'fess up to still smoking. Can't smoke inside any building, some places have banned it near entrances. In Colarado, it's illegal to smoke in YOUR car on their city streets. That cracks me up, weed is legal in the entire state. I guess I'd quit too if it was THAT expensiv

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Spookie, if postage wasnt so high I could get you some at the Spirit Lake Reservation Casino and send them to you, but I doubt they would be less than 35 you are paying now. I have a friend that always gets her cigs there, not sure what kind. I can not believe the cost of them. When we bought our grocery store in 1971 we were selling a carton for $3.49!!

    M the Bec and spider story was a hoot! hope your feet are ok.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    I was cooking at home. We had just discussed the skillets this week. There were four and she took two but I didn't know any of the numbers. No one else really interested but my stuck cornbread piqued my interest. So I asked and fireworks went off.

    I didn't think it was a big deal. Just basically wanted to know if any were still available. But since I didn't answer the phone, she called my sister and went off. I'm dealing with stuck cornbread and sick kids and didn't have a clue. It's nice to be blissfully unaware.

    And yes Idesim it morphed into a fight over a diamond ring, that isn't even up for grabs. My uncle has taken it. I really don't care about it and that fight was between my other sisters. Just ridiculous.

    And it's Bobo's fault I want holiday dishes:)

    Lord I sound like a whiny five year old.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    Not the only one, Spoookie. I was down to just a few a day as you can't smoke anywhere near a school. Since schools are a "drug free zone" I imagine you could be charged for having them in your car. Then I stopped working. First chemo made me too sick to even think about smoking. That ended in six weeks! Then I started smoking more and more. Didn't help that DH wouldn't stop smoking around me. We don't smoke in the house so that keeps it down. DH is a very heavy smoker and goes to a discount smoke place. I have no idea what he pays for them and I am afraid to ask!

    Been on F-ing Femara for three days and I already hurt. Hands aren't happy at all! Neither are my other joints or bones!

    Puppy still keeping us on our toes.She is growing so quickly! DH is overly protective of her. I am hiding in my room so I don't get overly emotional about anything, f-ing Femara!

    I will sit in the corner now. Just didn't want Spookie thinking she was the lone smoker. S

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Yay! Company! In my school district,we couldn't smoke ON Board property. Period. Not even in YOUR car on Their property. Or their vehicles. So we'd go off behind a bush off property. And clouds of smoke would appear, giving new meaning to burning bushes. It did look funny.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    That's funny Spookiesmom, you can smoke weed, but not a cigarette and not in your car, on their roads in Colorado????? How bizarre!

    I haven't any experience with a seasoned skillet, but I imagine it is the same, as a well seasoned wok. They are a coveted item!

    I don't have any problem with anyone smoking. I went to a naturopath who has a stop smoking system based on the Allan Carr method. I have no idea what he did, but it wasn't hypnotherapy. He talked to me for a couple of hours, I went in, a rampant addict and came out completely free of the addiction. I had a lousy 3 days,withdrawing, but not once did I have a craving for a cigarette. I can sit with others smoking and I have never had so much as a tiny craving, to light up again.

    Sgc, I am sorry you're feeling the effects of F'ing Femara, it is so not fair that you have to have the pain of arthritis, when you don't have it!

    Whoah, Z, I can't imagine being in one of those feeding frenzies for stuff, when someone passes. I was fortunate, it was just me, when my Mother passed, but I have friends who have gone through an awful time with family fighting over ridiculous things.

    ndgirl, my foot is fine, I did have to extract a couple of bindis, but I was so hyped up I didn't feel them much! LOL

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    Awww SGC. That's so nice of you to come out and smoke with Spookie. Granwe is our other F! Femera resident. I'm going to ask my PCP about glucosamine chondrotin for joint pain. Heard an infomercial about lack of calcium/magnesium increases joint pain.

    Hope Ms foot is better. Do you need some bobodog pee? Are bindis like jelly fish?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Yes, weed is legal there. I should have said certain cities it is illegal to drive on their streets with a cig. I don't think that is statewide. Vail and Steamboat come to mind