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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Holy sh!t.. M, that must be the infamous picture that is/was on Bobo's refrigerator and no wonder it was there, what a gorgeous pic!!!! I can see why you were a model :)

    DP, holy crap, your eyes!! What a beautiful face you have.

    Glennie, you are of course overshadowed by the very photogenic Ava, but you are adorable!! You look exactly as you sound in your posts, if that makes any sense.

    And of course, Z, I love your pic, you are absolutely radiant, what a beautiful smile and I love your hair.. but I love your hair in the xmas card too.

    I'm with Spookie, I am never posting a pic, not up against you lot.

    DP, Bath and body works is another of my addictions (Bobo is going to lecture, i just know it).. what wall scents do you all like. I'm not a fan of their plug ins, I prefer (block your eyes Bobo) Yankee, but I love their bubble bath and stuff.. Winter Candy Apple, Cucumber Melon & Warm Vanilla Sugar are among my favorites. Lately discovered some pumpkin cinnamon something that doesn't smell anything like it sounds, it's gorgeous and I have co-workers addicted to it as well.

    Glennie I like the bag, seems to be perfect size for everything.

    I'm cold and cranky.. I hate this time of year when everything is over and just bleak winter remains :(

    We're going to try the Breaking Bad series tonight, two other of my co-workers just recently started it and are addicted they say.

    No clue what's on the coffee table.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    ldesim,, i think you need glasses.  I'm adorable?  Hardly!  You crack me up.  Ava is the adorable one in this family.

    Eating carrots and hummus.  I can't seem to want a shake when I'm cold. 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Our G is adorable, I can tell you from first-hand experience. Ava is also adorable. I could take a bite out of her. My mouth just watered when I saw Ava's picture!

    Okay, Idesim, I am going to suspend my lecture on artificial scents because I am knackered. Wait. M, could you please take over and deliver a strict lecture on this? Not one of your great, positive, 'oh I just love these natural oils and their analegsic properties' positive-reinforcement suggestions, but a real lecture.

    DP, ND is right (THRILLED with the deer! Just ran and told DLLP all about it!), you are beautiful inside and out. Wen virgin hair, I love that! Good idea. I tried Wen and then thought I couldn't do it -- it just isn 't the same clean feeling -- but then I found the one I love (613). You really have to find the one you love, and you really have to use MORE product, the right number of pumps. Of course this smacks of Chaz wanting to sell more Wen. But it is just true, and that is that. I must say Wen gives me such pleasure. M, it is aromatherapeutic. I am trying to wash my hair less often (can only do every other day). When you factor that in, the Wen is not that expensive.

    DP, you are SO pretty in that homecoming day picture! You are just so so pretty and have such a pretty smile! Oh, and DP, I loved it when you had the short crop. I know you hated it. You are just so striking! Also, the fur babies are beautiful. And, yes, that picture of M remains on my refrigerator still! M is a big part of our household. M, Charlotte did at least one of those pictures while chatting on and on about you.

    Z, YES, Wen has nut-free, gluten-free varieties -- and, I think, soy-free. The Wen kids is free of all of those things. Plus Wen kids is less expensive.

    DP! You are trying to get me to SPLIT a Josie TSV?! And you are going to give me the foundation out of it?! I laughed with joy when I saw that. I do not wear foundation. Lesbians do not wear foundation! Except under extreme circumstances.

    Gay marriage starts tomorrow in our state!! Oh, wait. Z. Are we on like Donkey for Disney World in Feb or aren't we? XXX

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    My hair is so fine it must be washed every day to have any body at all. And if you could see it's antics in the morning, you'd see a second reason to wash every day. Frequently it is standing straight up on one side. Never on both which could be worked with.

    Bobo, Tall and thin. I'm not surprised you like Eileen Fisher. She is designing for you. I wish I could wear some of her styles. They are very attractive, but not meant for me.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    I can so understand the thin, fine, standing up on one side hair. But! It didn't come back as thick as it was before chemo. I'm going to start minoxidil as soon as I'm sure it won't harm Spookie. And, I don't move around at night. Left side all night long. I have strange bed head.

    Tried Herbal Essence, no paraben. Broke my scalp out. Tried Aveeno. So far it's ok. Wen is way too expensive for the amount of hair I have, tried the generic, just wasn't impressed

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Is there like a lesbian manual that states no foundation will be tolerated?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    lol, it is "cleansing conditioner" I used to hate it because it made my hair look greasy during my first tries with it. After I discovered qvc and watched a presentation on the proper way to use it, I loved it. I was not using enough. It is pricey, but really not more than any other fancy shampoo i would buy at ulta. But I swear it was aking a difference on my post chemo hair.

    Super tired this afternoon. Could barely stay awake while waiting on labs to come back. Dozed off for about 20 minutes after internet guy came, while I was supposed to be cooking dinner. Embarrassing that the internet was still down only because bond did not plug the router back in this morning after he was trying to fix it. I asked him this morning about that. Men!

    Back sore. Looking forward to a fresh patch tonight and nothing to do tomorrow.

    CyberKnife update: I was so right about some fucktard going on vacation and dropping the ball. They called to have the decision expedited today. Ins would not expedite it due to it having already been approved. Good news right? Nope, the authorization EXPIRED on 12/31. So what does that say about when it was approved to start with? uh huh. So noooow, I have to wait to get the approval extended. Told them the MO really wanted me to do this this week while I'm off chemo. The nurses didnt seem like it was something that would happen this week. Told them I will need new MRI now too because it has been over two weeks and also because I can guarantee there have been changes, I can feel them, Labs showed blood counts were all good. Fingers crossed for Abraxane.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Aww DP, that sucks that it expired.. but still.. it was APPROVED!!!! I'm pretty stoked to hear that.. I know the delays suck and of course it's crucial to have it ASAP, but still.. it was APPROVED!! Wasn't the worry that it wouldn't be approved??

    I'm taking this as a positive result, hope your back feels better.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    OMG, DP I could feel the fury rising when I read that! Some little fucktard didn't make the call or send out the letter to you, because they were all vibed up about going on their Christmas Holidays?????? Who do we have to kill? Geeeesh, fuckwit alert, what are these assholes doing and why do they have a job that is in a sensitive area when they obviously, don't understand what they are doing? I am so sorry you have had to deal with this kind of stupid incompetence. I hope you have someone who has only your best interests at heart. Is there a regularity board that this should be reported to? In Aus, they would be shitting their pants if they were going to be investigated after a gaff like this.

    Like ldesim, I really am very happy that it was approved and woohoo to the good bloods and crossing everything for Abraxane!!!

    ldesim, I want to see the Lesbian manual too, who knew foundation, was off limits, what next, lipgloss?

    ldesim, I know how you love your scents and I know Bobo wants me to fly into lecture mode, which I could never do to you. Sorry Bobo you cracked me up with your description of my "Positive reinforcement of analgesic properties" statements. LOL I am in the fine hair, bad hair day, brigade too. I have lots of hair, but it is baby fine and I have to use lots of product every day and torture it with a round brush and an Ionic hairdryer and sometimes a tiny straight iron, to get it to look anything but, flat and boring. I bought a can of hairspray the other day which is the tallest can I have ever seen, it was on sale at the pharmacy, probably because it is too big for anyone to manage alone, so I thought I would give it a shot. It is hysterical, I kind of have to press the button and dance around in the spray to get it all over my hair. I can't manage the can in one hand. Bec and Colin have been peeing themselves watching me trying to operate it. So glad I can be a source of entertainment!

    Yay Bobo, for Gay marriage rights from tomorrow!

    Speaking of a source of entertainment, this morning as I was trying to get ready to go out, I put my favorite foam foob down, while I went to the FoobMoire for another bra, when I came out I couldn't remember where I had left the foob, so I am calling out "Has anyone seen that foob I was carrying when, I got out of the shower?" A few minutes later I had found it and was checking the computer before I went out and here's an update on Bec's FB, about how this was a first, for her, I had misplaced my foob somewhere and she was looking for it!

    We spent a lovely lazy day shopping at Lakes Entrance, had lunch at a sidewalk cafe, where Dex made friends with lots of other dogs and then we went to Metung on the way home. Lovely views at both places, but so glad to get home. The humidity was off the scale, but the temperature was not too high.

    It is supposed to rain the next few days so I hope our trip to see the surgeon isn't in a storm on Friday.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    wow I somehow missed a while page of posts. Weird. FIRST of all bobo: the reason that YOU in all if your lesbian glory get te foundation. The one I was really excited about up until I saw the presentation, is because it is not a makeup junky full coverage foundation that someone such as myself needs. It is light and luminous and so very Josie. And that does NOT count as "foundation". Not to mention, I CANNOT to get married with bare face skin. Are you kidding me? I don't care where the damn wedding is. If I defiantly march to all my surgeries in full face of makeup, then you will certainly have wedsing makeup.

    I believe that is the type f lecture that you wanted m to give us about the bb&w chemical oil scents. They smell good though. And honestly that's the only property I need then to have. Bond is addicted to smell good things. Is Scentsy also evil? We have that all over too. The wallflowers are just like glade plug ins or somethig m. But with better scents.

    Bobo exactly about about using more wen. After I learned about the amount of pumps it changed everything. The 6 13 was not out yet for me. The like had just started and I was using the 613 nourishing creme. It was great. Again, IF you follow the directions. I hav 2/3rds of a gallon of the pomegranate in my cabinet. Was going to switch my auto delivery to the fig but I obviously just cancelled it. I also have the summer honey peach set. My hair is the same as m. Super fine but LOTS of it. You have to have faith in the product to let go of all those old notions about what your hair HAS to have. Lol. Good lord bobo and I are wen ambassadors. Hehe.

    Postin this before I lose it. It's being funny

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    yes z. Love your hair in the Xmas card. An your face is so radiant.

    M- look up the calista tools perfector. It was life altering for me and my short hair.for a brief while. It really works like the demo too. Perfect for giving fine hair lots of body. I can't even stand the thought of letting mine go and I am totally effin bald. It's that good.

    Idesim, I like the ones that smell like leaves and autumn and fire places. Also some of the beachy and water ones. I used to be huge on pumpkin anything and warm vanilla sugar. But those started smelling too heavy to me. Also love any of the cranberry scents. They didn't have those on sale today in store. Only online. I wants to use my coupon and pay no shipping though. Problem is tht bond puts hem in and does not note what vent they are. Then I'm like oooh I really like that one. Which is it? I dunno....

    Thank you all for the compliments but I'm not so pretty. My eyes have always been my best feature. At some point I discovered you could learn anything on YouTube and I taught myself how to apply makeup better. That's kind of something eveyone should learn. Even if you dnr always use it. Sometimes tere are special occasions like the one that bobo has coming up. Ahem..

    Heres a new question: did anyone teach you how to e a woman? No none ever taught me. Didn't think a lot of it as a whole until a friend told me the same thing one day. That her mom never taught her to be a woman. In that moment we were talking about cleaning toilets. But that's part of it too. I've kind of become obsessed with observing and noting people who are teaching their daughters these things and how to BE and what to do. I see real differences in behaviors as well as the way they are perceived and treated by others. thoughts?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    last thoughts on today's posts:

    Yes glennie is adorable. Glad I'm not the only one that wants to chew on Ava. Think I have said it before. But I just want to chew on her lips!!

    It's no wonder that m was backstage with the bands whilst looking like that. Gorgeous.

    Laughing at moms lost foob being breaking FB news. Also hope you found it.

    Now we will all want to play dress up with tall thin modelesque bobo Barbie. Wren and I have already started. She may become out of our grasp soon as she floats by with her chiseled vagina, abs and thighs. Even chested and famously nipped. She may refuse to wear clothes at all. Where is amdrea? I think trixie needs to mionitor this situation.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Work computer crashed last night just after 10,,, when I'm solo from 10 to midnight.  No,,, not stressful! Geez.  Tried all my tricks and nothing worked. Finally called Cox this AM,, and after 30 mins of playing with it, he disconnected the modem from my account and reconnected it, and that fixed it.   Go figure.

    Oh, DP,,, I cannot believe that you had approval and they dropped the ball! Fucktards! I hope this gets straightened out ASAP.  Idiots! 

    No one taught me how to be a woman. I don't do makeup. Can't style my hair. Never had a pedicure. The last time I wore makeup was my own wedding and someone did it for me. Can't remember if there was foundation.

    I can relate to the lost foob.  Although I pretty much do not wear them anymore.  It is compression all the time now.

    Now that the work computer stress is over,,, I better shower and get on with my day.  Still gotta work 330-12midnight. And I woke at 5:40am all stressed out. *sigh*

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    That is right: I am going to have famous nips. It is on like Donkey Kong.

    Birdie, I am only recently 'thin,' now that I have had all the fat I owned sucked out. Before that, I wouldn't say 'thin,' exactly. And, in fact, I just read DP was saying she once felt fat when she wore a size 8, so, you see, that isn't exactly thin, right? Isn't thin size 2?

    And secondly, Birdie, Eileen herself is not tall and thin. Eileen herself is tiny and not thin. Eileen makes an excellent Petites range in all sizes. The great thing about Eileen is that I believe we have similar coloring. All her colors look great on me, even the beiges and buff colors. All that being said, cannot really afford Eileen right now after the holidays, and plus I have two cars now and a studio, and then, also, none of my clothes fit and I wore baggy clothes to work yesterday with one of my 'small tall' t-shirts. I need to try everything on and see what's what, but I am too tired. In fact, I skipped yoga this morning, telling myself I am three weeks out of surgery. I just do not know how to act.

    DP: APPROVED! That fucktard should jump off a cliff. I don't know how she can stand herself. I feel she is female. APPROVED! BRING ON THE CYBERKNIFE! And good labs? I am just clapping with glee. Bring it on!

    That being said, you cannot switch to the Fig auto-delivery for when your hair grows out. The Fig is for extra-dry or curly or ethnic hair. I use the Fig on our princess. You should try the 613. I mean it, it is really the best. It is magic, it has magic properties, it is named for the day his mother passed away coupled with her birthday coupled with the day his magic homeless person friend who lived on his property passed away, and he made 613 in their honor, or something like that.

    Okay, civil talk 'out of the way.' M! For the love of all that is holy, angels, cherubim and seraphim, O you incalcitrant Fluffer! You Judas! I do not have time to fully yell at you! You refuse to give Idesim a lecture on her synthetic chemical smell addiction?! But I notice you never lose a chance to spank me for various things, like the green V, or 'get down and stay down'? This is very clearly Unequal Treatment!

    And... DP! A lecture on foundation? (And I saw your little pithy retort, Idesim!) I was peeing myself laughing. I don't even own foundation. It isn't as if it is not in the Rule Book (and, M, lipgloss is allowed, of course it is!). Lesbians don't wear foundation because a) We are our Authentic Selves/lazy, and b) Foundation is not comfortable. Lesbians must be comfortable! Haven't you heard about our shoes? It is rare to see lesbians wear strappy uncomfortable high-heeled sandals, for example. Perhaps a wedge.

    DP, I don't have any foundation! I can't even think about who I would go with for that! In fact, I don't have a proper concealer. I have bobbi's really light concealer 'for people with glasses,' and it is not really that covering. And I was thinking I needed to get proper concealer and corrector for the wedding, but then I thought, no, why not be my Authentic Self? I am not going to pack all that crap on my face! But I still might get it.

    I love how everyone just jumps on the pile! The pile started by DP! It is true, I have a thin chiseled vagina now. Oh my god. I am having traumatic flash backs. I cannot believe the whole situation really.

    Anyway, in addition to Eileen being beyond my budget, I'm not sure what I will want, since many of her tops are 'box tops' and I wore so much of that (h and m knockoffs) when I was gouged out, to conceal it, and now I have a kind of negative associate with box tops.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Wow, we have quite a bunch of ladies! Ariom, your pics are amazing! I remember the boots, but mine were not above the knee, loved them. And you know famous people, I think we all know a famous person now... Ariom! Glennie, aww love your and Ava pics, you are both sweeties and beautiful. Dont think I will be posting any of me either, I dont take a good pic, always have a weird expression on face, but guess that is what everyone else has to look at.

    So we have beauties and of course Bobo uses big $3 dollar words that most of us dont know the meaningSmile dont think I want to play Words With Friends with her!! I love each and everyone of you!! This is my morning ritual, having tea or coffee and checking in with all. Furious that DP was approved and then put aside of some fucktards desk.. unacceptable.

    There was a very tragic accident in a town about 100 miles from here, a school bus and train collision, the driver and a 17 year old girl dead and about 13 more injured, some very serious.. how sad. The bus driver was also a teacher in the school, not sure of details yet but there was a fatal accident at same crossing about 5 years ago too, better get some crossing arms up. I feel for the families, what a terrible way to begin a new year. I do not know anyone connected but your heart just aches for all.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    ND: that is a terrible thing.  School buses and trains,,, ugh,,, heard that more than once. Quite scary.

    Bobo:  Be your authentic self.  You will have famous nips!  Must plan a shopping trip after holiday recovery period.

    Ava has multiple medical conditions, she takes many pills. Before she goes to camp, I put them in one of the 7 day pill containers, one for morning and one for dinner.  I tell them, just drop the pills in her food, she will eat them. She gets fed twice a day.  When I checked the container today, they had skipped 2 of the mornings and 4 of the evenings!!  So she missed multiple doses of thyroid med, Cushing's med and her pain pills. WTF???   Could I have made it too hard for them?    She will need a new camp. Or I have to hire someone to come to the house, so she can stay home.  Not going away anytime soon, but still!!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Goodness! I missed so much while I was travelling home.

    DP It makes me sick to think of the medical beaurocracy involved with your cyber knife treatment.

    Dam × infinity!!!!

    We had quite the trip home. The flights were remarkably smooth, thankfully, but we were delayed significantly on the first flight. Originally because they had to clean a seat..yep, what were the chances out of 140 seats on the plane that the seat would be next to me?? Should have bought a lottery ticket! Faint vomit smell was evident.

    Then we sat on the tarmack for two hours. I slept for one of them.

    When we got to Toronto we spent the entire 90 minutes in line ups for US Customs and then security. The second I got through security I literally ran all the way to gate F86 (thinking I know what the F stood for). All the time I am sprinting through long halls and down a flight of stairs I can hear that it is the final call for our plane and that our luggage will be removed now from the plane. Seriously????

    With all the scanning of our boarding passes we did thru the airport couldnt they tell we were our way??

    But we made it! The rest of the trip was anti-climatic. Glad to be home!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    Glad you made it Andrea! I don't know if I could have stood the smell, even faint.

    DP. I bet you don't but I sure would want to speak to a supervisor or manager or ... That's ridiculous. I hate, hate, hate calling ins co. I almost feel like I have to say I'm stage IV or else I get ignored or shoved to bottom of pile. That's assuming they know what stage IV is!

    I'm not a fan of foundation or polish on my fingernails. I feel like I'm suffocating. I love loreal bb cream. It's like a tinted moisturizer. Also a little eyebrow color goes a long way. Learned that at my wedding. Now have to use it because one eyebrow is funky since chemo.

    Chemo hair can be curly and coarse. Does wen have samples? Pantene and Dove both make me itch. Somebody on another thread liked john freida for curls. I can't find aveeno at my Walmart. Must remember to look in big city. Right now have flat hat hair. Ugh!

    Here's a paragraph for you....

    Along with damaging one's self-image, rouge hair can cause discomfort and serve as a static-filled attraction for feral balloons. Banish maurading gasbags with this groupon.


    Off to get kids, milk and find some energy for Zumba.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Krogers may have Aveeno

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    So we had some bad news last night when we got home. Our little 10 year old shihtzu cross dog, Lucky had to go into the Vet last night. He strains to poop and has rectal bleeding. Found out he has a growth near his colon. We are giving him meds to soften stool and we are trying to make him comfortable. Vet said he has months, or possibly weeks left. My kids dont remember a time without him. Poor Lucky.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    ohhhh, poor baby!! Hugs and licks to all of you

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Dammmit! just went to answer the phone and an hour long post, is gone. I am so pissed off! Can't re write it right now.

    The phone call was to let me know my friend from the Opp Shop passed away last night.

    I am so sad that she's gone, but very happy to say, I visited her on Monday and although she had been moved into the local nursing home, because she could no longer look after herself at home, she was actually in very good spirits and we had a lovely chat, for a half hour.

    I will miss her, as she was one who was so welcoming to me when I was Dx and new to the area. I don't even know, how she knew, I was having a Mx, but she approached me and told me she had stage lV ovarian cancer and every time I went into the shop, to see how she was doing, she would make a bee line for me too, to find out how I was doing. When I finally received, my final pathology, months later, she shed a tear, because she was so happy for me. She had the sweetest soul and I am so grateful to have known her.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    So sorry M. DAMN CANCER

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    so sorry m. Glad you got a last visit. I'm sure she thought the world of you too.

    So sorry Andrea about your dog. It's hard on everyone, especially kids.

    Glennie. You may be surprised how cheap a private sitter is.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Oh M, I am so sorry.. I feel like I knew her too.. had a tear in my eye as I read that. I'm glad you got to spend those moments with her.

    Andrea, I am sorry to hear about Lucky, that is absolutely heartbreaking, I hope it won't be too traumatic for the kids and I hope the little guy doesn't suffer any.

    M, DP & Bobo, you have me peeing myself!!! I'm loving my lesbian education and I'm loving DP's exasperation over the lack of wedding make-up and I for sure love that M doesn't scold me like she does Bobo haha. However, she can hardly scold me for my synthetic scents when she has a honking huge can of hair spray that she is brandishing about. I about died laughing about that.

    DP, I am another who has never been taught to be a woman... I am hopeless with make-up, can't style my hair, do not go out with matching shoes and handbag.. or even shoes.. a lot of time I wear sneakers back and forth and yes, I have worn sneakers with skirts :) My bra and undies almost never match and I have maybe worn lipstick twice in my life. Seriously though, lipstick is absolutely vile!

    Z, I wear that moisturizer too... it's easy to match up and it doesn't feel like a mask on your face.. unlike foundation... have also tried Avon version and it's not too bad at all.

    Ndgirl, that's horrible about the accident.. you'd think they would of looked into the crossing signs after the first one. I meant to post yesterday, I love that picture of the deer!! It's so sweet, I just want to kiss it's precious face. I am laughing over your $3 word comment, I have had to look up many words that she has spewed on these forums :)

    Glennie... WTF??? I would be so furious.. I would demand some sort of refund... but more importantly... is Ava ok with missing them? How incompetent can they be? omg that is so friggin annoying :(

    I better post and try to come back later.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Glennie, that almost sounds like animal abuse to me. I'd be raising hell with them

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Sorry Ariom about your friend, so glad you got to have a nice visit. I always feel that is much more important than going to a funeral, dh's aunt just passed at Christmas time and he had just had a lovely visit with her a week before, we were gone so could not attend services but he was pleased that he had a nice last visit. Your friend sounds like one of those people that just sense what is going on within some people. You are indeed lucky to have known her.

    Andrea, sorry to hear about your dog, hope kids and you will be able to cope, I hate to see any animal suffer.

    Idesim, I am with you on getting the lesbian education, loving it.

    My mother would never leave the house ( or at least where she would be seen by another apart from our family) without hair done, makeup, and of course dressed perfectly! I have a bit of that but not to her extreme. Now living in a very small town I am pretty lax as to how I am dressed. Love to sit on the deck in the summer with robe on, dont really care if the neighbors see me or not, I am covered. I am self concious about having a foob on if someone stops by tho, at least one of the poofy one stuffed in quickly works. Just cannot go anywhere lopsided!

    How are things going DP? showed dh your pics and he says you are HOT!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    M:  I am so sorry about your friend.  I'm glad you got to visit her in time.

    Andrea:  Sorry to hear about Lucky.  That sucks.

    Z:  private sitters are not cheap around here.  I used one for my last dog when he was old and ill.  But I will cough it up or find a better kennel, for sure.

    ldesim:   bra and panties are supposed to match?   Huh.  Who knew? Well, I don't wear a bra anymore so I guess it no longer matters!  Ava isn't feeling well. I told them that she was limping and had Vetoprofen to take if she had pain, in addition to her other meds. She has been there before, most recently in August,,, so it is truly WTF?? She sees the vet on Thurs anyway. She's not quite herself.  The mail lady noticed too. Ava usually RUNS to the truck. Not today.

    back to work,,, **waving to all**

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    M, I am so sorry about your friend. I am so glad you were with her recently. Sweet lady.

    And Andrea, so sorry about Lucky! I hope your kids will understand. I know that must be a terrible feeling -- obviously I know, since I have named myself after bobo. Let us know how he is doing.

    Ava! Oh, this is terrible. Glennie, what about the dog park on Archer Road? Forgot what it is called. We've had bobo there for some overnights, nothing extended. Agree about pet sitter with Z, though. What about a housesitter pet sitter college student? Of course, I will walk her, but I won't be able to stay with her all day. She needs someone live-in.

    Hmm. I'm giving everyone a 'lesbian education'? I believe you guys need to watch a few seasons of 'The L Word.' They have all different types of lesbians on that show, you could get a well-rounded education. And then we can discuss. And they also have bisexuals.

    ND! Your DH thinks our DP is 'hot'? I am loving that story.

    Z, it sounds like your curls are just perfect for Wen. Really. I think if I were you I would start with Pomegranate. Or, if your hair is very dry, Fig. But you said your hair was fine, so, Pomegranate. Really, though, I would start with 613. It is the best! And Wen kids for the kids. Aveeno sucks, it is fake. X

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Ava is "vicious" pit bull.  Some places will not take her. You met her Bobo,, you know how vicious she is. She will lick you to death.   Mail lady gave me a couple of places that I can try. She is VERY PICKY.  Will have to see if they take pit bulls. Probably will find dog sitter for next time.  I really really want a hotel/motel/house rental on a beach where I can bring her. She doesn't love the beach, but I want to bring her so she is not in kennel. Again,,, prejudice against P.B's. or sizeism,,, she weighs too much! (30 pounds and under only)  Stupid rules.

    I want to watch The L Word.  When it was on,, it was on channel that I didn't have. HBO or something.  Wonder if the library has it to rent.

    ND:  love that DH story too.