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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    DP IS Hot!! I checked out her Facebook page a few months back (can you say stalker?). Gorgeous lady!!

    We need to all start feeling beautiful ladies! I decided not that long ago that I wasnt going to apologize for all my flaws. I am alive, I love, I laugh, I cry, I even bitch ocasionally. But this is who I am now and how I look. I Wont apologize for my flabby belly, double chin, thinning hair or creases. This is the body I've been dealt. If someone doesnt like it that is their problem, not mine. I Wont be ashamed!

    I want to eat healthier, and get more exercise,but that is more about my inside, not my outside.

    This is a preamble to me now being comfortable wearing leggings in public. They are so comfy and stylish...who knew. Despite my very dear mom's remark about my legs being like "Footballers" lol. I will continue to wear least until my husband refuses to be seen in public with me. Lol.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    My mom couldn't do mascara, so I didn't have a role model there. She was a perpetual hot flash, would have sweat off anything on her face.

    When I quit being a lunch lady, I went to VS and went nuts. We had to wear white uniforms, colored undies just wouldn't have worked. I was driving a hot, stinky un a/c school bus, BUT MY UNDERWEAR MATCHED! Now I don't have boobs, my pants come from walmart. They serve their purpose.

    My dog park friends would look at me funny if I came in all dolled up and smelling good. Somebody would jump me, I'm covered in sand and paw marks. No point

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Thank you ladies for the kind words about my friend.

    I can't remember everything from my lost post, but here goes again.

    DP, I had a great conversation with Bec about your question of being taught how to be a woman. I discovered that she thought I should have tried to get her to drop the tomboy stuff earlier. I reminded her that the mere mention of a dress, would throw her into a hissy meltdown. She had unlimited access, to every cosmetic, nail product and hair product, but unless it was "Hello Kitty", which, I might add, cost more than my Dior wholesale, she was not interested.

    I made certain she knew, that no subject was ever off limits and she could talk to me about anything at all. If I didn't have experience or know the answer, I would find it, for her. Fortunately, those lines of communication have never closed down. i had plenty of embarrassing moments, but I was always really happy she would trust me enough to talk with me.

    For me, my Mother was a really sophisticated, but very conservative woman, so we would butt heads a lot. My Mother did teach me about etiquette and how to act in public. My Dad, was a man of the world, so incredibly interesting and by far the fairest human being, I have ever met. I learned so much from him and always wanted to be just like him. He probably taught me more about being a woman than anyone.

    Bobo, I had a whole paragraph of funny reasons, why I couldn't lecture our ldesim on her choice of fragrances. One being, she sent me Alex and Ani bracelets! lol

    Glennie, that's just so wrong, what those people did with Ava. How hard is it to give her the meds with her meals, not bloody rocket science and they were so blaze they didn't even try to hide the fact, what losers! I am with spookiesmom, raise hell!

    Andrea, so sorry to hear about your little guy, that's awful and so hard when they have been a family member for so long.

    ndgirl, so true, it is so much better to have had a close encounter, especially like I had with my friend this week. I have to work on not getting sad, which is my RA trigger. I can feel other emotions, but sad seems to release something that makes the RA flare with a vengeance. I am going to focus on what a great person she was in life and not go to the sadness, of her leaving.

    Your Mother sounds like mine, I did get that from her. I couldn't tell you the last time I left the house without full makeup and my hair done. I do dress far more casually now, but that is the coastal lifestyle here. I can still rev it up if I have somewhere to go.

    ldesim, I knew you'd get it ,about the hairspray and you're so right, that stuff is so toxic. I am coughing like a 100 a day smoker after I get out of the bathroom. I have been using my favorite pump spray for so many years and can't believe it is discontinued, I hate these cans of spray. I have bought so many pump sprays, but they just don't have the ooomph of the one I was using.

    Z, I have always wondered about who writes the copy for the Groupon site, definitely off the wall!

    Z, I agree with you, about DP contacting the Insurance company, for that terrible gaff. I get so mad, I see red when I hear of this kind of incompetence. How do these people get jobs in sensitive areas? How could getting all vibed up for the Holidays, if that was what it was, make you cast that authority aside rather than send it out?

    Waving to everyone...M x

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    M, So sorry about your friend. I'm sure she treasured you as much as you treasured her.

    Andrea, Sorry about lucky. It's so hard to lose a family member.

    I used to be able to put on makeup and hose and a dress and heels to go somewhere. Now I wear the Revlon BB creme and a little blush if I'm wearing red. I own one skirt (for funerals) and a pair of 3/4" shoes for dress. I live in jeans, T-shirts and sneakers. Plus lots of fleece to keep warm. Wool and I are not friends.

    Glennie, Ask your shelter volunteers about pitties and who is good with them. Sounds like the worst Ava could do is step on your foot. That would probably hurt. A city north of here euthanizes pits, so we take theirs. One of the shelter workers brings her ancient pit to work. She spends the day collecting pets from everyone.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    gosh such sad news today. Sorry about your friend m but I like yiour approach. Honor the good times. Andrea so sorry about lucky. I will hold hope that te vet is wrong. They said the same thing about my Chitopilo a few months ago. Went in for surgery and it was a clogged anal gland! They were not expecting hat bcuz it normally happen to girls only.

    Glennie you need to write a letter to those FUCKTARDS and also demand a partial refund. Not acceptable.

    Nd and her DH are silly silly. Andrea I love your outlook. I was pondering the same thing earlier this year. I just think we should all be happy.

    Now about this foundation debacle. For those of you talking about how heavy and uncomfortable iit is, have you tried any brands produces in this decade? I know I have the worst skin here which requires the most coverage and even I am able to find lightweight easy formulas now.

    As or tir wedding day bobo. Yes you need to be you but should be a slightly sparkler version of you. I out a lot I thought into this Josie Maran foundation for you whilst watching the demo. It is so lightweight and just smooths on like lotion. Gives you A hint of radiance an glowing skin. Just what every woman needs at her wedding. Even if it is to another woman. ESPECIALLY if it is to another woman. Speaking if the L word. I was about to a ok you prior to that comment for stereotyping. There are plenty of stylish, made up to the nines lesbians around. Of course, tht is hit what people look like in Dallas. It is true. The girls look very differnt here. Ask any man traveling through. It's funny.

    Now, you don't have to buy. You will take your ass to sephora or ulta or even a counter at Dillard's (though that will tempt old style makeup whores to overdo it), and you will sit in a stool and let some talented spike haired, probably bisexual makeup artist make you radiant. Don't make me come down there. If m is so apt to scold you, I can't believe she is giving you a pass on this.

    Ok I know there was much more to comment in but now you have made me tired and short of breath. Will come back when I remember. SillyHeart

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    forgot to say inyhinknglennie an Andrea should have both just stayed on a ariom. Good grief!! Glad I don't have to travel for holidays.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    oh and since my insurance is Medicaid. Comparing about government employees really won't get me far. Still waiting in them to give my extension too. Not a peep today.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    My flights were long enough. I can't imagine flying all the way to Australia. I will wait for telaporting I guess.

    I need to invest in a decent light foundation. I get spontaneous red blotches. But mostly i need a recommendation for an eyebrow pencil. My brows are blonde and i feel like whoopi Goldberg without eyebrow pencil.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Oh my goodness, DP that makeup lecture was fabulous, so much better, than I could have done, I loved the line about the product from the last decade, that was gold! The old style makeup whores at Dillards had me snorting my tea. Spike haired bi Sexual Make up Artist, that really cheered me up, today!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    lol m. Well you know if she ends up at a Lancôme or Estée Lauder counter that it will look like jr prom night. Estée Lauder double wear used to be the only foundation with enough coverage for me. Talk about your face weighing 5 extra pounds.

    It Cosmetics Celebration Foindation has great redness coverage Andrea and it is light and easy to apply. Go test it at ulta but buy it from qvc. Way better value. Get the brush and the product for price of one. Using the right brush is super important in making your life easier and getting best performance from product. I swear by the It Cosmetics brow pencil also but don't know about for blonde. It goes on easy and lasts all day. I promise the girls at ulta will help and try usually don't bite. I kind of like a powder brow kit when my brows are just sparse. I actually found a little kit from ELF which is super cheap and can find at Walmart. That I like. But unknown there will be a better and longer lasting one.

    Came back to say it is a LOCK AND LOCK TSV today! Oh I always wanted to try the lock and lock. So many pretty colors too. Ooohhh aaaaahhhh. 10 peices under $20. Tomorrow I will share my stupid ebates story that happened today. Meanwhile, lock and lock. Yaaaay.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    DP my brows are sparse in spots. But what I have is so fair . I like the powder idea (i have been known to use brown eyeshadow with good results). Thanks so much for the advice.

    Can't wait for the ebates story.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    OMG DP Lock & Lock, I love it. I bought a 46 piece set when it was first on our Shopping Channel. I have bought every extra bit that has been released over the years, like the Jugs and the cereal keepers, everything,. I love their shakers for protein drinks and I have dozens of little containers with my beads, in them.

    I am not big on eye brow pencil, but I love Smashbox Brow Tech which is a powder with a wax fixer for the brows, they do a good angle brow brush too. There are lots of companies doing these sets now, it is just a matter of getting a good shade match, most are on the dark side, but Smashbox does a blonde that is good. I use taupe or gray and they both work for me.

    Andrea, it is a long way to fly here. We are used to it, because we are so far away, from just about everything. I don't really like it either:)

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Andrea, I was thinking Mally for your eyebrow pencil. I think they have a light one (called 'taupe') and they have other colors too. I don't have that one, but Mally claims her stuff is 'bulletproof.' She has a large following among those in the drag queen community.

    I loved your comments about being yourself and the fact that it was a lead-in to your decision to defy society and wear leggings outside of the house! I wear leggings all of the time outside of the house. In fact, I have some gap supersoft leggings that I wear to yoga all the time, although they are not yoga pants. I love all that 'supersoft' stuff. That is what it is actually called.

    DP! You are right. I have NOT tried foundation in the last decade. If you think (in addition to my not having time to do this) I am going to sit at a filthy makeup counter, Sephora or otherwise, and let someone touch me with his dirty fingers, and smear used makeup on me and then use brushes that have been used by thousands of people, and THEN go directly to my wedding, you are CRAZY!!! Yuck! The bacteria content of that stuff must be sky-high! Oh, I am getting a lurch of nausea just thinking about it!

    I loved your spanking -- 'ESPECIALLY' when getting married to a woman -- such a full-on vicious spanking for being my Authentic Self/lazy! I do have some (old) Perricone 'no foundation foundation' -- it is a tinted moisture-based product with spf...

    I will now list all of the makeup products in an attempt to appease you. Please approve and confirm.

    perricone cleanser



    BB tinted eye brightener (light concealer -- but I may cave and get some real bobbi concealer. Have very dark circles)

    perricone 'no foundation foundation' (just to appease you)

    bobbi (excellent) sheer finishing powder (it is kind of yellow, super nice)

    rosy pink lip pencil

    rms lip gloss (bought especially for the wedding)

    and then I have this rms shiny stuff that you're supposed to press into places to look 'glowy.'

    I have blush but do not have the guts to wear any. I am so pale, and I always think it makes me look like I have hives.

    eye liner/ curl eye lashes/ mascara/ bone-colored very gentle eye shadow

    See? That's a lot of makeup for a lesbian. DLLP will not wear any makeup. She may not even use moisturizer. She has to be made to use it.

    G, that is just terrible about Ava. Birdie is right. She might step on her foot. Ava has sat in my lap and I have kissed the top of her head and hugged her. She is the most gentle soul. Way more gentle by nature than bobo, who is very excitable! Ava will need special house sitter who will spoil her. Beach house is a good idea.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    I have zero makeup. 

    Ava could hurt you if she stepped on you. She does have big feet. She has stepped on me when I was on the floor, like on my thigh, and that does hurt! Otherwise, she is sweet and gentle.  I will get it figured out for next time.  I had no plans at the moment,, so I got time.   Would really like to go to the beach in April or May for a few days.

    Modem crashed again last night with one hour left to work.  Boy, I'm sick of this. Today is day off, and I'll be dealing with it. Of course, right now, it is acting just fine!  Did it want an early bedtime again last night?  STupid thing.

    **waving to all**

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    BG too little and risks too high unless breathing is affected. So sleepless nights and antibiotics in my future. Come back in sept when she's older but she still won't weigh 35 lbs. That's over a lb a month!

    Poor Ava and glennie. I hate computer problems.

    Thanks DP. I may cave for the lock and lock. My tupperwear is old and missing pieces. I've been wanting this since last yrs discussion.

    Have to go do paperwork and walk dog. It's cold and getting colder. Minus temps tonight and some flurries!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    They are the cool nesting ones too Z. All 10 pieces nest down into the two largest bowls. I ordered 2 sets around 1am. One in red for the kitchen, because that's what bond insisted our kitchen stuff be, and one in purple for an extra whatever. Reason I have to still wait a month for my vitamix - cuz I figured i better get the qvc exclusive "Cinnamon" color to match the NuWave. I really would have liked the teal and it was ready to ship. oh well.

    BOBO YOU NUT! I'm quite sure they have health codes in Florida just like everywhere. You may not have witnessed the modern sanitation processes however since they were pretty lax in the 90s. They don't use germy, diseased products on you and they also don't stand picking their noses and smearing it on you. I prefer Ulta to Sephora. It's just better, especially for less hardcore makeup junkies. Now if you don't knock it off, I am coming down there. I wish they would let me fly. How long does it take to drive? long time huh? It may be worth it though because I am feeling a total Carmandy moment coming on. I will load my trunk with the 20 pounds of Wen product that is wasting away in my cabinets, put on a diaper, like that astronaut, and haul ass up the interstate. This is an emergency. Have we even discussed what you are planning to wear? I will approve leggings but not yoga pants for wedding.

    All hail to Andrea's leggings. I'm in total agreement about comfort now. a couple years ago, I told someone how cute someone else looked always wearing capri leggings under dresses, but how I could never pull off that look. Nor could I ever wear jeans or leggings tucked into boots. Well I somehow got brave and thats all I have worn basically since getting bc. It is such a popular look anyway. I think I shared the sales numbers about how blue jean sales have tanked 60% over each of the last two years. How crazy is that? We just must remember and respect that leggings are not pants and keep our Kukas covered. Well I guess Andrea doesnt have to. Andrea can wear Kukaout Leggings to show off. Did ya'll ever see that Ballsout jean commercial?

    I am hibernating in my bedroom today. Been feeling really tired again but maybe I have just been overdoing it. It is freezing and windy here today. Maybe sleet tomorrow, so I actually wanted to drive cross town to my old house and get some ebay listing supplies before all that took place, but crap I don't feel like it. Anyhow, Bond lit the fireplace in here for me this morning when he got up. So I have my bed tray, shopping machine (aka laptop), I made up the bed all plushy with my thrift store duvet that I am still drooling over, have QVC for background noise, and am overlooking the sparse winter view of the backyard and pool while the fire is so toasty. The sun is out but the wind is whipping. I feel like a princess in here. lol. I took two hydrocodone earlier for the first time in forever because my back was hurting so bad. Used my new wedge pillow last night and it did make breathing easier but I still didn't sleep much. Ordered another one this morning for Bond plus one for my knees, in hopes that it will make my back feel better. So speaking of the shopping machine......

    e-bates: I am absolutely disgusted with myself for not signing up sooner. I had talked about this with bond like a month ago while they were running all those commercials. I meant to do it then just for the hell of it. But if you recall how fiscally responsible I have been being. So If I had signed up even a week ago, even yesterday morning... so mad at myself. I have spent so much in even just the last week on qvc. And when i think of the last month, with xmas and then my nesting. I made some big ticket purchases at xmas and it seems virtually everywhere I shop online is included. I bought bond's new laptop on walmart, plus a bunch of other odds and ends there that added up. Got most everything else on Amazon, where you get 3% back. I did a lot of xmas gifts from Groupon, which gives 6%! And omfg, they do 2% at QVC. Not even counting everything I got on there for xmas - I have made multiple big ticket qvc purchases and didn't get credit for any of it!!! grrr Shark vacuum, nada, freaking $400 vitamix, nothing!!, $160 of Clarks, $200 of Vionics, the Dyson air mover thing from yesterday, not even smart enough to sign up before that. sososo mad at myself! Anyhow, take my stupidity as an example and go ahead sign up with them if you do ANY kind of online shopping. Supposedly, you get $10 just for signing up right now, won't hurt anything to be prepared. I'll just be over here, kicking myself...

    oh also btw, I plan to never step foot in a walmart again. I mean I really haven't in a couple of years anyway because I just refuse to deal with it, but I have found I can get whatever menial shopping I need delivered to my door. In the last month I have gotten shower gel, cottonelle wipes, dish and laundry detergent. I never have to leave he house again by my calculations. If you spend $50 at a time then shipping is free and who can't spend $50 just by breathing at walmart?

    Bobo do you watch Dennis Blasso? He was on all day yesterday. He is a kooky bird. Today seems to be New Year organization and nesting day. They are on to me. I have them outsmarted today though because I already own most of the products. It's just nice background noise. I was actually surprised to see that I do own EVERY Don Aslett cleaning supply and product that they had. Pretty sure I got them this time last year. It was nice to watch the demos though to remind myself of what I have at my disposal. The rubber broom is not as great as they say. It works and all on pet hair but takes a whole lot of effort to use it on the rug. It was a good arm workout when I could handle it. The giant floor mats don't work as well as they say either. They are beautiful and huge and good, but I don't think they cut my cleaning time in half for the whole house. Or maybe they do. I know they don't get the dogs feet dry enough just from them walking across it, which is one of the claims. Well technically the claim is for people feet I guess. The microfiber towels are awesome, granted I did not need 50 of them. They have a 20 pack this year. It looks nice and the colors are pretty.

    OK, I'm seriously rambling. Have a little buzz from the pills, I should take advantage and try a nap. Hope everyone is having a good day. Does BG have her surgery next week z? Hope Ava is doing better today. I want to come kiss her head. I guess I can stop by on my way to bobos. I meant to say last night M that I knew you would be the one to have that great relationship with bec. Isn't it funny thought how we don't appreciate what we have when we have it? It was just normal for her to be surrounded by your fabulousness, while may of us would have loved to have that exposure. Grass is always greener I suppose. When does she have to go home? I wonder what has been going on in the sooky graden while she's been away. rambling again. I'm out!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    sorry z, i missed that about BG above. is that about her tonsil sx? poor little girl. It can't be a bit of fun to be sick like that all the time.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Our princess today at school -- for you, DP!


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    She is the most beautiful girl in the world.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Announcement:  Went to Cox and got new modem and installed it myself.  May not sound like much, but I am computer phobic that I will screw it up.  I have been called a Luddite, many times and to my face.  Perhaps because I prefer paper books to a Kindle. Oh well.  New modem installed and hopefully that will take care of my issue.  That will make work happy and I won't be stressing.

    Ava seems better today. She wanted to walk across the street this morning, so that's a good sign. She did a lot of sniffing. Neighbor just came by to visit and she was her happy wiggling self.

    Poor BG.  No good to feel crappy all the time and to have to take all those antibiotics.

    They say it will be 25 here tonight.  It's warm right now, so hard to believe.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Ooooo.  Hi Princess!!   Did you show her the Charlotte magnets photos?  I so wanted to get her one, and then they cancelled my flight and all holy hell broke loose and I was running from one end of the airport to the other.

    did we get a description of the wedding dresses yet?  Photos would be better. Hint, hint..

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Hello beautiful Princess, love the glasses!! and the smile!

    Glennie... I sent a pm to you, check it out when you have time.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    what a smile! Love those extra glasses she's rockin'

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Princess is beautiful and very happy too! Still can't get over how big she has gotten!!

    DP, thank you for being you and making me laugh every day.... you are right, I have not tried foundation in 10 years.. I hope that you make good on your threat to barrel @ss down the highway to Bobo's.. for all of us, it would be highly entertaining :)

    Bobo, you are so theatric it makes me chuckle... they are not going to load bacteria on your face, lol.

    I too would like a description of the wedding attire... something tells me it's not dresses... DP really? Approving leggings for wedding??

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    I would also be excited for DP to show up at the wedding!  that would be awesome.

    I asked R, one of my lesbian friends about foundation. She says she only wears on special occasions, like weddings, but another friend, L, wears it all the time.  So SOME lesbians wear foundation!!  Maybe L never read the rule book. She's from South America. Maybe the rules are different down there?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Wren, I am so sorry about your friend! That is just awful.

    DP, I would be only too happy (and also a tiny bit scared) if you loaded up your trunk, put on a giant diaper, and drove down here to do my makeup! But then, when you got here, I probably would not let you put on foundation. G -- South American lesbians do not count, I imagine they are like Sofia Vergara down there.

    DP, you make me smile. I am not wearing leggings to the wedding. I may have to wear nude hose if it is freezing. I am wearing a white dotted Swiss short City Hall wedding-type dress. Mind you, I had not planned on a Winter wedding in this dress. But it's probably going to be 50 or 60. I have a little shrug, and also a white scarf, if needed. Our princess is wearing a very similar dress. Both are from J. Crew, bought on clearance -- mine was $25 and hers was $28!

    I always wear the same shoes I wore to our first wedding, and so does DLLP. It's a tradition. Will have to get the kids some new shoes. Our princess is talking about a 'cwown of fwow-uhs.' Also, she wants 'braids all over.' That's going to cost more than everything in the wedding combined. I'm going to do my own flowers, make little bouquets from Trader Joe flowers with whatever's fresh. Something white or yellow. The theme is 'yellow.'

    So there is your wedding dress update, you greedy clamorers! X

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    I reply to myself. DP, I have the cinnamon-colored Vitamix too!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Wait! I think I found a picture. It's just a very simple dress.


  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015
    OMGosh Bobo! I want to pinch her cheeks and play with her hair. So precious!!!
  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Whoops, I have to delete that picture because my actual name is on there. So PM me if you want to see it!