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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Hooray and congrats DP!! I am watching Isaac and Shawn now, I taped it. My feeling about her hair is that she's trying to get pregnant again and she's trying to reduce her load of toxins by not bleaching so much. She's doing, like, reverse highlights. I don't know, Dr Gross sounds pretty harsh! Especially for a delicate girl like you who cannot do Perricone.

    Alert! DLLP has really fucked up my evening. Tonight was her job to feed the children and order takeout for us. I lecture for six hours today (as you know) and I wanted to just come home and not have to deal with it. I have been holding down the fort all week -- while she can go to her studio -- and cooking from scratch, two dinners, one for kids and one for us, even though I am exhausted.

    She called me from Chinese restaurant -- first off, she left work late, didn't mention that. Secondly, SHE LEFT HER BAG AT WORK -- NO LICENSE, NO CASH, NOTHING. Thirdly, she was already supposed to be picking up the kids -- when she called she had ten minutes left to get them. Fourth, she had ordered fried stuff I cannot eat "for me." As you know I cannot eat fattening food or else fat will splurge out of my neck in the few fat cells I have left and I will end up looking like some kind of hunchback.

    All day, I have had no break, nothing to eat except almonds. I wanted to not have to worry about everything. Our princess is probably starving to death at afterschool while DLLP dithers around. Next time she thinks I am controlling, I can't relax, I have to handle everything... this is why. I never get a chance to just have someone else handle things for a change.

    She calls from the restaurant like, What should I do? Expecting me to solve the problems for her. And here's another thing -- she decided to pick up kids, drive back to her office, get bag, then drive back to restaurant. By the time she gets the food (which I don't want anyway), it will be cold and soggy and sweaty.

    So, that's the evening I have after working myself until I am exhausted. I don't have anyone to take care of me, it's true. But I also don't have anyone to take care of everything else. I am sick of it.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    I've seen some of her vids glennie.  I am terrible about keeping up with my LE exercises.  Even when I was in active therapy.  Of course now that I have let it get out of hand, I guess I have to be more disciplined.  boo

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    oh no bobo. I'm sorry.  No offense to DLLP but she doesn't sound any better than dating a man today.  I would consider that a perk of being lesbian, that you get to have a woman as a partner.  Women are supposed to get shit done!  Can I order you a pizza?  An organic one or something?


    Love the idea of announcement cards Glennie.  ha

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    bobo, shawn looks like one of the 3 stooges! Isn't black dye just as bad as bleach?  and fyi, I did NOT buy the jacket after reading reviews and also decided I did no need the blazer.  The dr Gross comes in 2 strengths.  The reason I tried it this morning was to see if it would burn my face off and it didn't.  I was very surprised.  But then I saw that the regular formula is for sensitive skin.  Went to and read reviews.  They were all quite positibe and it appears that the price is actually a huge savings compared to retail price.  Like over $100 off. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Oh Bobo,, how frustrating after a long day!  (((hugs)))

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Bobo, what a shitful way to end your day! Have to agree with DP, kinda sounds like something a "head-up his ass" man thing. You needed her to be there for you. How did the rest of evening go? What did you get to eat?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    poor bobo. Hope the weekend gets better and you got something to eat.

    I'm still trying to get BG to sleep. Swimming lessons didn't help.

    Nd. Sorry about your loss.

    DP. Congrats on yours.

    Andrea! No don't do it. I have a poorly done turquoise dresser. DP and I both stage IV. It might be an unidentified symptom:) will post pix if 1) BG goes to sleep and 2) don't forget.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Zills, that made me laugh out loud!

    DH asked why I was laughing. Don't think I will tell him.

    Bobo, you have ruined Lesbianism for me now. It was always my backup if I couldn't tolerate dumb ass men any longer.....

    Glennie, Spookies, Bobo, do your Florida houses have central heating? Does it get that cold down there? If not, then I am moving south.

    Spookie, I have those same feelings at least once a month, lol.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Andrea:  have central AC and heat.  North FL can get cold, but probably not by your standards. We did hit 25 this week.  That's cold for us. The good thing is that it doesn't last very long.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Bobo, I hope that your evening got more relaxing.... I'm thinking maybe DLLP needs to read the lesbian manual!! I too, like the others, always had it in mind that a female spouse would be the perfect pairing, but you squashed that notion a long time ago, because let's face it... DLLP sounds as bad as any of the men we are stuck with at times :) We still love them though!!!

    Zills, I laughed too, wouldn't it be nice if a cure could be to paint over turquoise furniture. I hope you finally got BG to sleep.

    Been feeling shitty today, woke up with a headache that hasn't gone away and have been feeling slightly nauseous all day..... have read both threads, but really not in the mood to catch up with all.. just wanted to say hi and see how everybody's day has gone.

    Congrats DP and again, thanks for making me laugh with your silliness.. hope you are staying warm.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    sorry you are feeling poorly idesim. Hope it gets better soon. I'm sure it's just the change in weather but if the headaches and nausea hang out for more than a couple days, please don't ignore it. Not that you should worry or be scared just better to be aware of our bodies.

    Z made me chuckle out loud too. I'm in my way to get some sandpaper right now. Ha!

    Thank goodness! Tomorrow's TSV is something I have zero interest in. Yaaaay! ShopHQ had huge clearance stuff online tonight. Couldn't resist a few tops that were 5.99

    Did mld, sort of. I know I can't be doing it right. Have arm as elevated as I can. Hand went down a little but forearm is huge now. Trying.

    Bond and I going to home and garden show tomorrow. Santa brought us tickets.

    What are you and bec up to m? How is Colin? Haven't heard about me sandman lately.

    Which reminds me is trixie doing ok on that front?

    I hope the night got better bobo. Watching Friday night beauty. This woman AINT Lisa. I don't really care for this lady in big doses. She is too laughy. Big shoes to fill. Liking HSN today. Didn't buy anything there though. Yay me.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    ldesim sorry about your head ache and nausea. I had a bit of that the other day too. Couldnt decide if it was jetlag or allergies. Took a Zurtak and it got better. So much damper here than Alberta. I am terribly allergic to mold.

    Great DP and Zills I will never be able to paint my dresser turqoise....

    I really think i need a Vitamix:

    I tried making a smoothie tonight and the blender ate my spoon. Had to dump contents and start again good smoothie. But red and green make for a grey smoothie...just like painting with complementary colors on color wheel. Tasted good....looked awful.

    Get better ldesim.

    ND I keep meaning to tell you how sorry I am for your loss.

    Missing M. Hope she is soaking up all the Bec she can, before Tuesday.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    found this yesterday. D had swiped it from my book. Any horror fans out there? Can you name this clown? Lol

    We were just taking care of some top secret clown business...


  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    I actually had an xray today and it doesn't look like the kidneystone has moved. I asked the technician if they would please measure the stone this time. Going to urologist next Tuesday. He will probably suggest blasting it again.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Andrea, if you do get a vitamix.. don't get a turquoise one :) Grey shake sounds awful lol... glad it tasted better than it looked.

    DP, sorry about your LE problems.... don't know of anything helpful to suggest and I don't recognize the creepy clown... but another great picture of you. You are seriously photogenic. Hell, every ache or pain that I get, it's always in the back of my mind.. as I'm sure it is with all of us... can't even have a simple headache anymore without fearing the worst. Do you have more than one tv on in the house at anytime? I'm thinking perhaps you have a bank of tv's, each turned to a different shopping channel!!!

    I too hope that M is soaking Bec up and they are having a fabulous time... I'm sure they are.

    Feeling a little better... going to try to get some sleep now that my head isn't pounding as much.... sweet dreams to everybody.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    glad you are feeling better idesim. About the worrying, I have imagined all sorts of mets during the last year. I had ear mets, and elbow mets and big toes mets. I can be a bit paranoid. Yet when I had a two week headache, I was too busy at work to notice tre obvious cause. So while I don't think any if us should be paranoid worry warts, I do want us all to invest the timein ourselves to pay attention to our own needs. We are always doing for everyone else and ignoring what we need or want.

    Tht being said, Andrea, I just had the mental image of Marty the Martian zapping poor Trixie with his laser gun, when you said that. I am so glad I already got up to pee this morning. OMG!

    Occasionally there might be two TVs on idesim. Lol. But not like because I can't miss it. That is funny though. Alice Cooper has TVs lining the halls of his hioise and in all rooms because he any stand to miss anything. Weird huh? I have had shopping on a lot more than normal the last few days. The shows have seemed extra comforting background for some reason. Lucked out again last night on HSN ad already own their special value. So then I just get to listen about how great my "thing" is and it reminds me of all the features I'm not using. Lol.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Andrea. My house was built in 1956. It doesn't have central, just a big wall unit. Newer houses here do have it. The other night it was about 35 here. Really cold for us, but doesn't last forever. I have seen snow here too

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015
    Z, you make me laugh with your turquoise dresser joke! And you guys make me laugh about your comments about DLLP turning you off of the possibility of becoming lesbians! I read all of your negative 'reviews' to DLLP herself, telling her, 'See? Shape it up.'

    Update: DLLP knows she is in the dog house. I have had nothing to eat so far today, by the way. Went to bed hungry, basically. DLLP said I am to do no chores this weekend, she will do them all. We will see how that goes. I have to go with her to do food shopping -- as you know, she will buy only meat and no vegetables.

    DLLP said we are to go to the mall (I never do this), I am to spend my Sephora gift card and sit in the massage chair, then go to Banana Republic for me to try on clothes because I don't know what size I am, and then go to Trader Joe's for food shopping. She says the kids are just 'along for the ride,' not the focus, and we will do French-flavored parenting. And then I will come home, she will unload, and I am to put my feet up.

    DLLP thinks the wedding is too soon! We don't have time to plan! And we should put it off. This is because our princess became bridesmaidzilla and invited relatives. I told her, No. There is nothing to plan. I have outfits already. I am doing flowers. None of the relatives are coming. We may get one or two, and then maybe her work friends or something. She's worried about making a lunch, but I told her I had already planned some bites and the cake -- it's all fine. DLLP having bridezilla time now! I am the one being casual about it.

    Let's hope that this pampering thing is actually happening! ND, your picture of your DH and animals is so cute! And your house is spotless.

    Andrea, I will say whatever I have to say about my central heating to get you to move down here! I am so sorry about your kidney. I do not want them to blast it again!

    Idesim, you make me pee. XX
  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015
    I reply to myself. DP, I think Shawn did not dye her hair black. I think that is actually her color, then with yellow highlights put in. As I said, I think she is not double-processing it to make a lighter base. I think she is trying to increase her fertility/preserve an existing pregnancy. Doesn't she look pregnant again to you lately? Poor Shawnie Sue. And then I think she uses Wen (improperly) and hair products so her hair looks kind of dark and greasy.

    I would never buy Isaac clothes -- the jacket looked cozy, but I know it is not. Something has to be REALLY comfortable for me to think it is comfortable. I have no idea what I am going to wear now. Like, what is my uniform? I have no idea. But I know it is not Isaac!
  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    DP: great picture of you!  But I have no idea who that clown is.

    Andrea:  UGH on the kidney stone!  Hope the blasting will work.

    ldesim:  Hope you are feeling better and got some sleep.

    Bobo:  can't wait to hear about mall shopping trip. Princess is really Bridesmaidzilla, huh? She is so excited.  I hope you are pampered and get something to eat!!

    M:  hope you are enjoying time with Becs!

    I had breakfast this AM with the co-worker whose husband died. She is doing better. Over the shock. Got a memorial tattoo over her heart. Very nicely done. She hates needles! Said it hurt.  2 other co-workers there. I think I distracted her with all the stupid drama of my week. Nothing like a good distraction! 

    Back home. Talked to Mom.  She is making new will. Had questions.  I am not a lawyer but she asks me anyway.  Then Melinda showed up with Boston Terrier Duke.  She thought she would walk the dogs to the vet since it was a nice day. But Mikey had to stay! (they need urine to check for UTI, and bladder was empty)   And Duke was quite distraught at being w/o him. So she was having trouble walking him home, as he kept looking for Mikey.  So they made it to my house and I gave them a ride home.  Ava went for ride too. Back home, visited the neighbor with the puppy. So much excitement for Sat morning.  Must work in 2 hours. Making lunch now. Must do LE exercises.  Hate that.   1,2,3,,,,,

    **waving to all **

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Good Morning ladies! just a very quick one, I am missing all of you, but I am reading whenever I get the chance.I will get back into answering on Wednesday. I can't believe the countdown is on now, just 2 more sleeps and Bec is going home. We have had a wonderful time, but it feels like a few days, not a few weeks since Bec came to stay. There has been much laughing and reminiscing, a couple of standoffs, but nothing major.

    Bec and I drew the raffle yesterday, I knew the weather would be bad today and the idea about selling more raffle tickets and then drawing the raffle didn't really appeal to me. I was thrilled that both the winners were local ladies and although I knew one of them from a few social things and had seen the other around town, both have had and been treated for BC, but neither have ever been to a support group. I am constantly amazed by how many women, in this little area,, have been touched by BC.

    Just a couple of quickies, Bobo, can you pop in somewhere, or order online, just for you? I hate to think of you going without food when you are working, if DLLP does all the shopping and doesn't buy for you???, that's fine, kind of, just get yours delivered.

    Bridesmaidzilla! I love that! I met a lot of them, along with Bridezillas that needed to be slapped, hard, when I used to do Wedding Makeup! lol

    Andrea, I am sorry you've still got the damn kidney stone. Colin is still shaking and sweating. I can't wait till that damned stent comes out. It will be gone on the 16th, thank goodness.

    Love the pics and the animals, gosh there are some large dogs in your lives!

    DP I am enjoying your long observations! Not familiar with that creepy clown.

    Must soon...M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Hugs M.We miss you. It feels like days here too since you were counting down to her arrival.

    Ok ladies. Have to share this(feel free to leave at any point in the story; I wont be offended ). Back story: Ryan is our son-in-law. Sue is his mother Jim is his father. MY DH knew Ryan's parents and grandparents Long before I met him. Ok, hold on tight, here we go:

    Me: "Ryan's grandma died."

    DH: "Who?"

    Me: "Ryan's grandma. Sue's mom."


    Me: "yes, Ryan lastname. Our son-in-law! His grandma... Sue's mom.just died."

    DH: "I thought she already died."

    Me: "Um, no."

    DH: "you mean Ryan's dads mom."

    Me: "No, Sues mom."

    DH: long tirade about what a bad communicator "I" am." Everyone knows that when you say someone's grandma died that must mean the father's mother."


    "I said Sue's mom. Besides Jim's mom died 25 years went to the funeral. I was pretty sure you would know I didnt mean her!!"

    Yep, There is a reason we don't have firearms in the house!!!

    Did I mention he had been drinking??

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    OMD!!!!! That's awful!!! Time for you to go to the mall or someplace outta there!!!!!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    poor Andrea. I have those conversations too. I think it's the tamoxifen or lack of sleep on my part. Not chemo brain but hey there's a site that offers brain games specifically for chemo brain. For a monthly fee of course.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Good grief!!  What was he thinking?  Or not thinking,, most likely???

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Andrea. WTH, guess he wasnt thinking but drinking huh? chuckled at no firearms in house.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Andrea, I'd slap him upside the head.. lol.

    Z, I need to check out that site.. I wonder if chemo brain ever goes away.

    M, Bec's visit seemed to go by so fast... I afraid to find out what happened in the garden of horrors while she was away. The 16th seems like so long off, poor Colin.

    Quite a morning for you Glennie, how is Ava doing.. still limping?

    Bobo, that's quite a day you had planned... maybe too much? Did you do all that.. you only mentioned a bust on the clothing. Oh yeah, I meant to add previously, I have a tea mug like that! Mine is green, a co-worker bought it for me.. I love the little lid it has! It looks like something that was done on one of those pottery wheels.. it's my special work mug.

    Spookie, has the cold left yet? That's way too cold for you guys :(

    Been awhile since DP poked her head in... do we think she is sleeping or shopping? Hopefully sleeping :)

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    still limping,, but feeling very perky.  Especially around meal time.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Ya'all come down! Looking pretty good here for Jan!image

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    good grief Andrea. I have a lot if talks like that with bond. But he does not listen to me half the time, which he does admit to. Z don't let DH blame it all on you. He is probably zoning out while you are communicating.

    Bobo why do you have a sephora gift card Of all things? Hope you got to do all that today and thatvivan tealxing and not stressful.

    Went to lunch and the home and garden show today. Santa brought the tickets in bonds stocking. They sure aren't whatvtheyvused to be. Used to have a good mix of vendors along with actual good project demos and things. It was very small and all selling vendors. Signed up for Angie's list for $5 for the year. Excited to get my log in. Want these two tenon projects done ASAP. I also sighed for a Diret Buy tour. Remember those infomercials? Well we get a free vacation package and $100 dinner gift card yonsutvthriugh one hour. Bond is worried about high pressure sale. Told him I can get us out of no problem. Done my fair share of timeshare crap. Lastly, I crossed back to the other side and signed up for dierectv again got $50 a month for everything. Will keep free internet from charter but my gosh I can't take this cable any more. Free or not!

    Super sleepy now. Took pills and my eyes are closing. Pain dramatically increased last few days. Maybe I need effusion drained but breathing is not so much worse. Who knows. Will ask for an xray on Monday I guess.

    I'll be back in a couple hours to catch up I'm sure.

    Oh m, you were the only one I thought night have the clown answer. Not sure why.... That is Sid Haig. Aka Captain Spaulding from house of 1000 corpses and devils rejects.