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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Oh Sheila, I am so glad to hear you aren't having a terrible time with recovery and you are home.

    Sitting outside in the sun is such good medicine! Take it easy though, don't be tempted too overdo because you feel well.

    I have been thinking of you and couldn't be more pleased to read that post! Take it soon!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited April 2014

    Hi Sheila,

    How are you feeling? I hope you are recovering from your ordeal, and finding each new day easier to handle. You have been in my thoughts all week.

    Take care,


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2014

    Me too Sheila, are you recovering well? Miss seeing you here. M x

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited April 2014

    Hope you are feeling better each day! Looking forward to hear from you.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited April 2014

    Checking in to see how you are DP, hope things are ok.. hugs to you.  not happy today because it is snowing!! unbelievable, we missed the big storm 2 days ago and not even a flake, where others got over 20 inches, but today a lite snowfall and the ground is white again, I know it will be gone in a few days but darn it anyway, so ready for warm weather!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    hi ladies. Thank you all so much for thinking of me and checking in. 

    Ndgirl, I had to turn on my house AC this week! Snow?! Ugh! Enough already! Then again, I was already whining about the humidity this week. I had left the windows open since last Friday and it had been just beautiful weather. Tuesday was  80 and humid and I was miserable and sweaty all day but stuck it out with Mother Nature. Wednesday I knew it was going to rain eventually and I would have to shut the  windows anyway, so mid day, I went ahead and cranked the AC. It was sooo nice! But I have always loved making it chilly and snuggling under a blanket.  Today it cooled off again but I left the AC on because I think it may be helping me breathe easier and is easier to be comfortable. Today the sun was bright, the air was crisp and I was cozy on the couch under a down blanket. Lol.  

    As far as recovery, I am not really sure how I am doing. It started off really well and pain from incisions was better each day. I had a terrible couple of days with constipation from all the pain meds and I blame the collace for making it plain miserable. I got that straightened out (mostly) and had even started backing off the meds some. But Since Wednesday I have had other pain that is progressively worse. In the hospital, I began having occasional pain in the side of my abdomen that was burning and much worse when standing for a while. It felt like the muscle tearing or something. I didn't think a lot of it and it reminded me of severed nerve/muscle type pain, as my skin is also numb on the surface of the area. This pain became increasingly worse and more frequent. By Wednesday, it was excruciating. My grandma took me to the grocery store briefly and the pain was so intense I didn't know what to do. At one point it felt like a muscle seizing. I also had become scared because maybe what I assumed was an ab muscle was actually the same location as the lower lobe of my lung. How would I know what internal organ pain feels like?  I started thinking. the burning and tearing sensations could be my internal incisions being pulled. Anyhow, I made it home and have since not done much moving around. I am still mobile, but before this incident I was able to do moderate activities at a slow pace. Like cleaning the kitchen counter, sorting laundry, etc. the pain has gone from occasional to nearly constant and now happens even when I am sitting. Though it is usually only excruciating when I am standing.  It is so bad that during showers, I have to sit on the edge of the tub two or three times to get down relief, because the pain is too much to endure for more than a few minutes at a time. I can get up to go to the kitchen for a glass of water and sometimes have to go in the dining room to sit down in between getting the ice and running the water. It's kind Of crazy. I was able to ask the thoracic nurse about it yesterday, since I didn't get any real discharge instructions. I was looking for a list of "call dr ifs", but she said there weren't any. Really?  I find that hard to believe. I told her my symptoms and she didn't seem concerned. Her opinion was that it could be my positioning during surgery and body trauma from them not being gentle. I don't think that's it though because I had some of those pains immediately and they got better. She didn't want to talk much about the nerve/muscle damage factor but did acknowledge it as a possibility, well sort of. It reminded me of surgeons denial that LE is a real thing. I googled it and did find a lot of talk about nerve damage that occurs from rib retraction. The sensations described are similar to mine, but the location is not the same. Anyway, it is making me miserable a lot of the time and I hope it subsides soon because I can't do anything that requires me to be on my feet for more than a few minutes at a time. I also know I need to be moving around to get my lungs strong again. Pain meds don't really do anything for this pain either. When it's so bad that surrounding muscles become sore from being so tense is the only time I feel an effect from them. Sorry for that huge explanation. I'm sure a simple I'm feeling fine would have been nice. Ha. But I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced something like this?  It initially reminded me of the burning I had in my arm after bmx, but either that didn't last too long or I have blocked the pain memory because it was not like this!

    I hope everyone has nice weekend plans! I have an extended date with my sofa for now. ;-)

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2014

    Poor DP. I never imagined you were laid up. I was hoping you were out and about. So sorry. When do see the dr again? Nurse not helpful. 

    Please keep AC on. I would imagine the humidity would make it harder plus pollen. Allergies are bad here. 

    Did they give you one of those tubes you blow into? Supposed to help strengthen the lungs. 

    If you don't have an appt, make one! You've got to feel better so you can go to Hawaii. I imagine it might take longer to feel 100% with everything you've done in the last year but hopefully you can travel. Tell everyone you just had surgery so you can be pampered. It's just what you need:)

    Take care. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    thanks zills. My follow up with the thoracic surgeon is on Wednesday.  I am hoping he can give me some real pain management solutions for nerve damage instead of the brush off I've been getting. I did a lot of reading last night and found a forum where people have been posting for years about post thoracic surgery pain syndrome. It is a real thing, and I guess it happens to 50% of people who have a thoracotomy. It was really depressing to see that this pain can continue for years and that people suffering from it often get labeled as med seeking or just plain crazy because the surgeons don't want to admit that nerve damage is a real problem. Sounds so much like LE, right?  Some people on there have never been able to return to work or normal activities. That is scary and depressing!  Even if my lungs are good for travel, there is no way I can do anything of this pain doesn't get any better. But I am going to hope for the best and rest a lot. I am using the breathing exercise tube every day. Right now my lung capacity is up to about 1500 consistently. They told me I need to be at 2600. I am working on it every day. When I left the hospital, I was only at 500-750. I have the worst time trying to cough properly. I guess no one ever taught me how to spit. Lol. I don't physically know how to "cough something up". That is important so I don't get pneumonia and to improve capacity. 

    Other than this wretched nerve pain, I am actually feeling pretty good. My chest feels fine and my incisions aren't painful, just itchy. Looking forward to the staples coming out. My main incision is about 9-10 inches from my back to around my side. I noticed in the mirror yesterday that it is right in line with my mx scars. All my scars are going to look like someone cut the whole top of my body off. Or maybe like someone went around me like a can opener. Lol. Hope everyone has a nice weekend. It is cloudy and cool here today but still lovely. I hope no one os snowed in!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2014

    DP. I am so sorry that you are going through all this pain now. It just isn't right. I was hoping, like our Zills, that you had come through it and you were out enjoying yourself.

    You've made excellent progress with your lung capacity so far, I am wondering if they showed you how to expel breath by opening your mouth and doing "ha-ha", sounds silly, but my Bec is a chronic asthmatic and  this is how she helps to clear her lungs if she has a bad attack. A few sprays of salbutamol and it makes it much more fluid, she hangs over the bed, head to the floor when she does this too. A pan of water boiling on the stove with salt in it, is another thing she does, and inhaling the salty steam breaks it up too. I could be just rabbiting on here and this is a completely different situation for you, and none of these things are helpful, but I hate to think of you in pain and not being able to clear your chest. I'm sorry if it is of no help.

    I know how scary it is when you read of the possibility of something like this being  long term, but the reality is that a lot of very painful nerve reactions are short lived, or at least they fade considerably over not too long a time. I understand that the figures are pretty daunting, but it is very early days and I hope yours will fall into the other 50%.   

    I do hope the trip to Hawaii is still on for you. It could do you the world of good, if you can get some decent pain relief. Gentle hugs to you! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    thanks ariom. I appreciate the tips. They didn't show me anything on breathing techniques. My grandpa taught me "perse breathing" which is supposed to help dry your lungs out and increase oxygen level, which he was told by a therapist for his copd. That part isn't causing me pain, but I know I need to work on it to get my capacity up and also to not get pneumonia on top of it all. 

    I get so frustrated with drs not being forthcoming with information beforehand on what to expect. I know they don't want people to be too scared to have a procedure.  But it's not as if that would keep is from having potentially life saving operations, but we could at least be prepared mentally for what will come. For example, in the hospital every nurse, dr, therapist and anesthesiologist that saw me after surgery said "oh this is the most painful surgery there is". I really thought they were just being kind, but I read a medical paper last night that stated it is widely known that a thoracotomy is the most painful surgical procedure due to all the different and complex reasons that were listed and that a typical recovery time is 1-3 months. Why would no one tell me that beforehand?  No wonder he was so wishy washy about my trip. It struck me as strange then because he initially told me travel would be ok in 4-6 weeks but when I said perfect because I'll have 5.5 weeks, he acted strange and told me I could opt to wait until after the trip if I wanted. Of course I wasn't going to wait but I take that as an indication that he already knew that wouldn't be enough time but still didn't tell me. Just frustrating  

    You know what really brightened my day today though? BF brought in the mail and I had a card with the most adorable puppy on it. Thank you Zills :-)   Been sitting outside for a while and I think I'll go in, pop a pill and see what my friends on TV are selling today. If I am homebound too much longer, I'm going to go broke!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited April 2014

    DP, it just makes me sad to hear of the pain you are going through with this. I so agree that the drs. need to be upfront with patients before, why do they always think we are so fragile and cant take it??  We are women for heaven sake!!Happy hopefully you get some answers and needed relief when you see them on Wed. Best of luck.. thinking of you lots. oh, and no more snow, beautiful melting day, water laying all over but still gets cold at nights and will for awhile.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited April 2014

    DP, so sorry to hear of the problems you are having.  I too thought you were healing and getting back to somewhat normal activity.  I hope you can get some real answers at the dr on Wed.  I'll be thinking of you.  

    It is shameful in my mind that drs don't give us the full info/risks/healing times involved with various surgeries.  

    ndgirl, never did get any snow here.  It is all gone except in the mountains. Nights here are mid 30's, but days are in the 50's headed to the 60's next week. Grass is beginning to green up, which means not too long before I have to mow. :(

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    silly weather.  Yesterday BF mowed the lawn and the evening smelled like summer. Today it rained a bit more then the sun came out but it was still cool. Had the door propped open for the dogs while he was cooking us dinner and the breeze smelled just like winter. Both were pleasant good memory smells but how confusing. Pretty typical here though. You never really get to pack away off season clothes and you can wear capris and flip flops during the same week as leggings and boots. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    rainy and cold today. Yuck. BF had to go to Houston overnight for work. So it's just me and my qvc pals tonight. I'm surprised Wells Fargo fraud department hasn't blocked my account from the spike in purchases over the last week.   Have I shared how much he loves his new job?  I am so happy for him!! Best decision ever. I'm jealous too though. Hearing the stories  about the way things work there make me want to work there. I keep asking him of his boss might retire or even if he can have an assistant. Lol. He has been so good about taking care of me right now. It's so sweet.  He makes me breakfast every day and if I tell him I'm not hungry for dinner, he says well I'm going to make you something anyway and maybe you'll eat it. I have to feed you so you can heal and get better. I think this is because I mentioned in the hospital that I want to have 100g of protein every day to help heal. Getting enough protein is always hard for me, much less 100g. I really want to feel better and have the chance to live a real life with him, the one we've had has been so consumed with stress and work. I want us to so some normal things. This is a dark thought (which I'm prone to) but I've been having thoughts about how me being sick might be a bit of an equalizer for us. He is 18 years older than me, and it has kind of started to show the last couple of years. I would think sometimes about how things would be when i would be in my 50s and he in his 70s. Maybe this edges our life spans closer together. I know, bad things to think about, but they so creep in. Here I am rambling like always, took my meds not long ago in case no one could tell. Does anyone have a funny story tonight? I would love to laugh. I feel like it's going to be a long night. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2014

    The boy loves to take his mattress off the bed to make a ramp for his cars or for him and the baby to jump or him to do back flips. DH said do not take it off again or there will be big trouble. 

    DH worked all day. Boy took off mattress while I was napping. I told him he didn't want to get a spanking when daddy got home. So I helped him get it back on the frame. 

    While I was making dinner he said the baby was trying to get him into trouble. She wanted to take the mattress off. I must not have made an appropriate answer because he took it off again (3rd time today!) while I was sorting baby clothes. I told him he would have to pay the piper. 

    He came down a little later and said he didn't have enough money to pay the piper. DH walked in the door. Told him he had 5 min to get it back on the bed. Boy ran down the hall and did it. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2014

    Friday night the boy had to go to his room after dinner. I was in bed reading. He heard me say daddy was at the shop working. 

    The boy closed my door, pulled on some clothes (I heard the drawers) and put boots on wrong feet. I heard him slam the back door. 

    He took off on his bike down to the shop, about 1/2 mile away on the farm. He was so excited to see his daddy that he couldn't punish him but got a talking to. 

    The weather was cold and windy. The boy didn't wear a jacket. His cheeks and arms were freezing. He had to get in bed with me to warm up. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    lol zills. Maybe the piper should offer financing. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2014

    I was out for a short walk. The boy pooped and wanted me to wipe his bum. Another breezy, rainy day. 

    He came running up to me with just an undershirt and socks on. No pants, no underwear, no jacket, no shoes. He has no modesty! Undershirt barely hits his waist. 

    I put my vest on him and told him nobody wanted to see his penis. When the farm hands passed us on the road, he would try to hide behind me. Why? Because he didn't have shoes on. 

    That's five year old boy logic. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    good one zills. That made an actual out loud chuckle. I love exploring logic like that!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2014

    Hi DP, I love hearing about you and your QVC shopping. I wish I could shop there too. we have some of the same products on our shopping channel, but you guys get the best deals!

    Glad to hear your BF is loving his new job, you never know what might happen, an other position just might present itself to you, you never know!

    My Mum and Dad were 11 years apart, and they were so happy, they always said as the years progressed, the gap closed, on the age difference.

    It is normal to have these thoughts, just let them happen and then replace them with some pleasant thoughts.

    Are you feeling any better? I hope everything is settling down and you can get some real rest and time to recover.

    That boy of Zills is a live one! I got a good laugh out of his antics too! Girls aren't so much of a problem early on, but watch out when the teen years start approaching.LOL

    I am envious of you girls going into Spring, it is beginning to cool down here and it won't be long till I am the one speaking of the cold.

    Big hugs to both of you.. take it easy! 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    hi ariom. I am feeling a bit better today. The nerve pain attacks have been less frequent. I have not done much though. Not a lot of energy but I was able to stand up and still long enough to put at least part of my face on today. Feeling like a bum hasn't helped my mood all week. And you know I'm feeling bad if I can't manage to get my makeup on.  My hair has taken on a life of its own too. Picture if Ronald McDonald were a brunette. I have to spritz it with water to get any control at all, and it is brief. Do you know what a Michael Myers Halloween mask looks like?  

    I'm justifying my purchases of late with the money I am saving by not going to work; gas, lunches out. Etc. hehe I'm a great rationalizer. The purchases I made while at the hospital have arrived. Not liking the Tightline mascara as much as I has hoped. Already got in a Bob Mackey cardigan that I ordered Sunday. Now im awaiting arrivals of: a dress, 2 pairs of dressy capris (already skeptical on those), a Rowenta iron with lots of bells and whistles, a 30 pack of microfiber cloths, pair of Vionic Orthoheel sandals (can't wait to try these, had my eyes on the brand for a while, and I'm really hoping to need them for my trip). Then early this morning I went a little crazy: tablet for BF (a great bargain and putting it up for his bday in May), a shirt and jacket set, another blouse.  I think that is all but feel like I'm forgetting something. I know, pitiful!  I was proud of myself this afternoon though because there was a one time value on a beautiful maxi dress. I tried to talk myself out of it too long though because by the time I got on to order, the color I wanted was sold out. I put my second choice of color in my cart? Then decided I didn't "need" it and since it wasn't as spectacular as my first choice, I could live without it.  My ex hubby's aunt ha a whole room piled literally to the ceiling with things she bought from tv. So many still in packaging. I remember thinking she was crazy and sick and needed help. I'm not close to being that bad, but it's a scary thought!  Btw, our oven stopped working the day I had surgery so the NuWave has really come in handy. I don't feel rushed to replace it and can take the time to find one I really like. BF insists on Gettimg a gas stove for me so I can stop my whining about electric. I've gotten really used to having a double oven now though, so I want to find something comparable with gas. 

    Yes Boy sounds like a hoot and a handful (or three). I'm willing to bet at least some of that personality is passed down from our friend though.  Zills, are you on a working farm or just country living?

    Do you have long winters there ariom? My mom visited friends on a small island there a couple years ago and came back with a plan on moving our entire family. She said it was beautiful even though it rained for her entire trip. She brought me a calendar so I get to look at the beautiful scenery every morning. I'm still a bit confused about the islands and geography though. 

    I did my taxes tonight finally and still wide awake. Loooong night indeed. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2014

    Hi Sheila, I a so pleased to hear the nerve pain has at least, improved a little. I have everything crossed, that it just gets better and better, and that you get your energy back too. Just take it easy while you can, when you start working again, you'll throw yourself into it!

    I had to laugh at your shopping list, you have gone "ape shit!" hahaha How many shows did you watch? 

    I must say, I prefer gas for cooking. I have a gas hob, but the oven is a Miele electric, which is great, but I do tend to use my Air Fryer for nearly all my oven needs.

    We have what we call, long Winters, but we don't have snow. We are just over an hour drive from the snowfields. We live on a hill overlooking a large, lake, fed by the sea, with an Island to our left, we look to the dunes that separate us from the Ocean. If we were to go straight ahead and out to sea, we would arrive in Tasmania. We get very high winds and the storms come in off the sea, but it is spectacular to watch, I never tire of it.

    I wonder where your Mother was staying? Possibly in Far Northern Queensland? There are many Islands up there. Maybe Tasmania, it is very wet there. I haven't met anyone from the US or Canada who haven't loved it here in Aus. I think it reminds a lot of people of what it was like over there years ago, we have always been behind you, but it is a very beautiful, but huge place! I used to work for United Airlines and more than once I had people ask me where to get the transport to go to Uluru (Ayers Rock) when I told them it was 2,350 miles each way, not the day trip they were hoping for, and they were amazed! LOL

    I hope you can get to sleep, doesn't it feel good to get the taxes done! Sleep tight!  

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2014

    Yes he can be a handful and so can the baby. She thinks if he can do it, then so can she. He doesn't understand that concept. 

    The boy is also very sweet. I've been preplanning my funeral as a gift to my DH. We have looked at cemeteries.  The boy said he wants to be buried next to me. Then come the questions I don't have answers for. What happens to your skin and bones? Are you eyes open? Do you lay in the dirt? Does heaven have zombies? Yes in teenage boy heaven:)

    I told him he gets my wedding ring as it is now a family tradition. DHs mom wore it, I'm wearing it, then the boy gets it. I hope he picks a good one:). The boy said he would keep it and bring it to me in heaven. Was all I could do not to cry. 

    Thinking about the end is normal. It's harder when you don't know and you are home alone. Hopefully wed will give you a game plan. Then it will be back to fight mode. 

    DH is 5 years younger than me. We always thought that would even it up as he would probably die first. 

    It is a working farm. DH maintains the equipment. About 200 acres with horses, cattle and cats! It's a good place to have kittens and I think we had 3-4 litters last year. Most of them are still afraid of humans, at least loud kids with bikes and strollers. There are three that love my kids and follow us when we walk.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    zills - boy sounds very sweet, that is precious. Now I'm wondering DO they have zombies in heaven? Lol. The farm sounds lovely, albeit a lot of work!  And that is a LOT of kittens.  

    Ariom that sounds beautiful.  The main place my mom stayed was Thursday island, or maybe it was Tuesday, shit, it could have been Friday. I know there were two day of the week islands she visited and then spent a short time in Sydney.  To get where she was visiting her friend, I know it took three planes, a ferry and a bus. That is funny you mentioned about being behind us. She told me it was like here in the 80s. I guess it's true. She was telling me about fruit rotting on the ground because they couldn't get enough people to pick it. She had found a farm for dirt cheap and though they could buy it then I could come organize migrant workers to pick the fruit. Lol, she put a lot of thought into it. I had a lot of operational questions.  

    Well I don't know how many shows exactly. But it has been on near non stop since I've been home. I have two different qvc channels and shophq. There are many more channels but I stick to those. And try to stay on qvc most of the time. They are my favorite friends. I've been wrapped up in work drama today and have not bought anything. So far...

    I am going to go try a nap. I went to sleep at 3am and slept clear through til 10:45. I was shocked and disoriented. I guess with no one hear stumbling around early in the morning, I was just konked out. I feel bad for the boys though. They are used to eating at 5am and going for a 2 mile wall afterwards. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2014

    Oh wow! where your Mother was staying is an island in the Torres Straights, it is tiny, about 3km and is off the Cape. It would have been fabulous and I can see why she would want to move the family, maybe not to the island but to a farm property. She would have noticed a difference when she arrived in Sydney! Very fast paced and big population. I lived there for a year when I was married, the first time, it was never my cup of tea, I always preferred Melbourne. I think your Mother had a great idea there!

    I just love TV shopping, but we are restricted to just 1 channel here. I do most of my online shopping in the US, but unfortunately they won't accept Aus credit cards at a lot of them if we don't have a US address. I now have an address at MYUS, they hold my purchases till I have a fair amount and I have them sent here. Great service, arrives in about 4 days, sometimes faster than I can get a parcel here from another state. I tried to buy some Simply Vera Wang from Kohls recently, but they won't accept my card, so I have bought some of her stuff on Ebay. 

    You must have needed that big sleep, sorry you were disoriented, but I bet it did you good! Take care...M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    oh the injustice ariom, of being denied shopping!  That service sounds pretty cool though. I bought some simply Vera boots after Christmas and they are ok. Not as high quality as I would have liked for the price, but ok. And of course at kohls, everything is always on "sale".   Some of their "celeb designer" lines have some really cute and fashion forward pieces. My wardrobe is sch a hodgepodge right now. I have business clothes, biz casual, and most of my recent purchases have been super casual. And of late I have put them together in more of a punk rocker style (like I'm 15 again) to match my new hair style and make it look more on purpose. But I love all the styles and am having a hard time as I think about the possibility of leaving work and finding a new identity. If I'm at home all the time what use will I have for so many lovely things. Garage sale!  

    Torres straight, yes that's it, darn chemo brain. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2014

    Ha ha DP, I will survive without the extra shopping, I just don't like to be told "I can't"!

    I have just about finished weeding out my hodgepodge wardrobe. I have discovered that where I live now, is far more casual and laid back, than when I lived in the city, so the smart clothes and jackets don't really see light of day. I am not complaining, I love being able to dress this way, it is so comfortable.

    I like the sound of your Punk Rocker look, I like a little edgy look, my Daughter pulls that off quite well. I am always on the lookout for interesting bits for her unusual look.

    Sorry you are having to think about leaving work, I hope things work out for you and you can continue doing what you enjoy. You always sounded so into what you do. I was amazed at how you threw yourself into it so soon and managed to keep it together with those allnighters. 

    How is it going, being on your own, are you handling it ok? Is your BF commuting?

    Meant to ask how the Michael Meyers hair is going? Any improvement?LOL

    Take it easy.......M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2014

    in the bag or pocket:)

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    hi ladies. What a beautiful day it is outside today. Following a very cold and windy night, it is sunny and 80 degrees. I am looking forward to the ground warming up enough to make the pool temp tolerable. With the timing of my surgery last year. I completely missed swim season.   

    I had lunch with my grandma after the dr appt today. It was nice to eat sitting out on a patio, only thing missing a margarita. But I feel like a complete shut in for the last two weeks. So it was nice to be out.  Pain still better today. I am so thankful. Triumph of the week: being able to make it through showering for two days in a row now, without having to sit down on the edge of the tub 2 or 3 times during, due to the pain of standing. The one yesterday included leg shaving, score! Haha

    I got all of my external staples removed. I really imagined they would be cut and picked out. Boy was I wrong. The instrument was just like a staple puller from your desk but with handles. It hurt like hell, good thing I thought to take a pain pill before. I feel better already though, it was like a lot of pressure relieved from the area and I did not realize it was keeping me from standing completely upright.  I was hoping to hear (I think) that this was a primary lung cancer, but the pathology confirmed that it is mets. I see the MO on Friday to discuss what is next. More chemo, I know, so I won't have to worry about my wild hair much longer. 

    On that topic, ariom, my hair is insane still. I did take time to put in a little product today, so it is better. I want to find something to straighten it and keep out the frizz. So far my attempts with the flat iron fail because it is still too short for even my mini iron to do much good. And when I try to blow it out, I end up looking like a breck ad from the 80s. Or really any mans do from the 80s. Did anyone with CHIPS?  It gets fluffy and feathered, so I stored my blow dryer away again lest I be tempted to try it again.  I also have a bonafied mullet. My top and bangs have grown much slower than the back and I have been too afraid to cut off any of the precious length, so it's pretty bad. If by some miracle I keep my hair again like I did on Halaven, against the odds, I really must get a cut. I was just seriously considering extensions when all this new cancer crap started in again, so as always, I sit in limbo. The PS office called yesterday and I didn't answer. I know they are wondering why I have not made an appt as I should have been planning my first step of DIEP for July.  I really don't know what I think about recon now. Do I want to spend two years in pain and surgeries with my statistical prognosis being so grim?  I'm really struggling with that. 

    But for now, the sun is shining and I am comfortable which is more than I can say for yesterday. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    I wrote a book and forgot to say that BF is back. It was jut a short introductory trip with his boss. When he goes in the future, I will actually be able to go with if I want. So maybe that will be some fun. Houston is only about a four hr drive from here and there is lots of fun shoppong there. :-)