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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited May 2014

    Yes they would contact you if it was serious. However not knowing can drive you insane. 

    As far as bad habits go, whatever happens during chemo doesn't count. Kinda like happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. You are just trying to survive. 

    My friend that had a BMX only is trying to eat healthy. Found some website that says no dairy, no coffee, etc. While I believe better eating is helpful, I'm not going to stress myself out over it and be super vigilant. Life's too short and I'd be hard pressed to give up my Ben and Jerry's habit. 

    Yesterday the boy took too long to get ready so I left him. It's a half mile to the road. I wanted to scare him a little. Nope. He hopped on his bike. His shoes weren't tied so one of the laces got wrapped around the pedal. Didn't deter him. I let him get in the car at the barn, even more late since I had to wrestle with that d@mn shoelace. I need to finish teaching him to tie. 

    Left his bike on the fence by the barn. It wasn't there when he got home; daddy picked it up. He wasn't concerned because technically it's not his bike. He's outgrown it and the baby isn't ready. His solution to the problem is for me to have a hockey talkie (that's correct) in my car so he can tell me to wait. I had to laugh at his pronunciation and solution. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2014

    boy is feisty!  I like the way he thinks -  from several states away that is. Lol. You could have made him stick his leg out the window and roll the bike alongside. But he would probably be clever enough to just abandon the show. I assume it is you that he has inherited this cleverness from? Men are rarely that logical. 

    I managed to "really upset" my boss yesterday with a really innocent, truly non trouble making question that I asked in an email. She of course has not told me this, but has told at least two other people about how upset she is. I'm just astounded that of all the intentionally smart ass emails I sent yesterday, that this one is what she gets so upset with me about. Go figure. 

    Meanwhile, I need to look at an anatomy book. Keep having weird pains in places and I don't know what organ I should be paranoid about having mets in. Then thinking how did I get this far in life without knowing exactly where my liver is anyway?  Seriously though, this spot in the middle of my stomach (stomach not tummy, I do know that difference) is fteakomg me out. I had an enlarged lymph node by my pancreas on my last ct (well the last one I got te results of) but it didn't show on pet so they said it was fine. Where the heck is my pancreas? Scratching head. It's by my stomach right?  Maybe I should ask my boss. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited May 2014

    Hope the bruha at work is over. If I knew my body parts, fatigue, chemo and lack of estrogen has taken it away. Some days I'm lucky to remember how to get home:) but I never forget my kids allergies. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited May 2014

    Was today the big day? Everything ok? Did you shop this weekend? 

    I did some online shopping. Scored some marika thanks to Ariom. Still need to measure the boy and place my order for his school stuff. Right now it's on clearance:) 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2014

    hoi zills. Friday was the big day. I forgot to get a copy of the report so I could read it myself (I always tend to find things that they don't mention) but MO says "no metastatic disease present".  So yay! My crazy brain goes to thoughts of how it's been nearly a month since the scan. A whole month for something to have crept up. Especially with all my odd little pains lately. She says I should scan every three months. The computers were down on Friday so I didn't get to ask if we could make that 3 months from the scan, not 3 months from last Friday. I know. I'm paranoid and possibly losing my mind. Trying to remember that and live in the moment, but that's never been an easy thing for me to do. I was a bit miffed with MO last year for giving me false hope instead of the whole truth (ie: not telling me I would need more chemo after sx if I didn't have pcr). I never told her that, but she is taking a different approach this time around. She is sending tissue samples off now for two different clinical trials, so that we will already know if I qualify for them "when" it comes back. So I guess I like this approach better because now I get to try to prove her wrong. She wants me to get my port removed because I want to stop the Coumadin and because she doesn't like a lumpy area of tissue that is next to it. She says "when" I have to have more chemo, I can get a new one. More surgery, awesome. The plan, back when I had plans, was to remove it when I got recon. She says I need to wait at least another year for that. Meanwhile, the scar adhesion and impossible amounts of scar tissue in my chest and axilla are a nightmare. Trunctal LE seems a little better. I am in my 9th week with the PT and don't see any improvement with the scar adhesion. Oh and the MO also thinks i have depression. That seems like a very serious word but I think maybe she's right. I told her she was wrong. I function pretty well most if not all days but I feel pretty disconnected from eveyone and everything. I stay up until all hours of the morning nearly every night, searching and reading about cancer (in some way or another).  I decided the night before I saw her that that probably isn't healthy or normal and told myself I should stop. It worked for about a day and a half. Lol. Been searching for a mbc support group, even though groups aren't my thing, but it seems in this great big metroplex tht there isn't one. 

    I didn't really leave the house this weekend. Worked on the backyard, that still isn't done, most of the time. It rained most of the weekend though. I'm pretty sure I ordered a bunch of capris from qvc in the middle of the night sometime this weekend. But maybe that's my imagination. I guess I'll see what te mail brings this week!  Also pretty sure THAT is not normal. Some people sleep walk, I sleep shop. Ha!  Glad you got some online goodies. Trust ariom to know where they all are for sure. Yay for clearance. My favorite word. Do you buy up a size in case of a summer growth spirt?  How much longer til Ireland now? Do you have employees to look after the farm or how does tht work?  If I quit my job, can I come milk your goats? Or cows Or whatever needs milking? :-) I'm a little scared of chickens. I'm also not good at keeping plants alive. Well crap, I could paint your nails and do your makeup anyway!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2014

    Hi DP, I have been reading, just not posting, but when I saw this post I had to say Hi!

    Great news about your scan, but I think it must be so normal to be a bit paranoid, not losing your mind, just on "HIgh Allert!" after all that has happened to you. 

    I had to smile about your "sleep shopping", that's something I would do too! I love that word Clearance too, and even better when it is another 50% off that Clearance Woo Hoo! 

    Hugs to you, I hope you're able to get some rest! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2014

    hi ariom!  How have you been? Are you staying warm?  Curiosity got the best of me, so I just checked my order history on my qvc phone app (yea I'm serious, my phone app). I guess I went on a little spree. I remember now that I was looking for some mid calf length black leggings. I didn't find any but looks like I found several regular leggings, crop pants and capris. I remember now also that they didn't have the color I wanted in one of the clearance items so I got capris in a color called cherry!  What the heck am I going to do with red pants!?  I've never worn red anything! Much less pants! I also had zero recollection of this until now but I ordered a Laura Gellar summer makeup set. As if I need more makeup. It looks fun though. I think I need start hiding my phone at night. Lol. I can just imagine the things i would be buying if I had ever started on the ambien the dr prescried. I was too afraid of going through a drive thru naked in the middle of the night or something. I think te shopping could be more dangerous!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited May 2014

    I was afraid I was going to have to hunt you down. I was getting worried. Give it a few days to sink in.  No new growth is awesome. 

    I get scanned every three months too. I think your mo will do whatever makes you feel comfortable as far as timing goes. I'm glad they're being proactive with trials. I was told I wasn't a candidate. 

    Yes we probably will have to have more treatments in the future but we survived the hard stuff. Think of it as a chronic disease. We just get the big guns of meds. 

    Port removal is awesome. I still have mine and no mention of it leaving:( It interferes with my shirts more than the LE or BMX.

    See if you can find a regular bc support group. Check with different hospitals. The one I like is with another one. They are younger but lots of fun and very welcoming. 

    I need capris and shoes for Ireland. I think the kids are set. Just have to see if I can cram it into one suitcase. And yes I went up a size in my Marika. 

    I have red pants too. You should find lots of stuff to go with them and it's the season. Memorial Day, Flag Day, Fourth of July. Won't show watermelon stains. 

    I have sleep issues too. I thought it was the hormones but talked to one of my Livestrong buddies. He can't sleep either. So that blows that theory. 

    I took trazadone for awhile. It helps you sleep and is an anti depressant. Don't know how it reacts with other meds. It's an old drug.

    Another lady on the boards recommended some CDs to help you sleep. It's on my to do list to try. I am afraid of ambian too because I need to get up with kids occasionally. My ob said it's not a problem but I'm too scared to try. 

    Sorry nothing to milk here. Beef cattle, Australian dogs and a few thoroughbreds. No chickens or crops unless you count kittens. Hopefully none this year. Fixed all last year so it would have to be a stray. Would love to get my toes done:)

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2014

    silly zills. I didn't mean YOU would grow a size over summer.  I meant school clothes for boy. Lmao. I wasn't saying you would get fat in Ireland. :-)  what kind of food do they have there anyway?  You see Irish pubs but not restaurants. I guess beer could be fattening. 

    Are you on a hormonal for maintenance or however that works?  Not sure since that's not an option for me, so I've only read about it on here.  I think one of the trials they are testing me for is for androgen receptors. 

    Back on my qvc promoting, Women with Control pants are awesome. I bought some slim leg pants in the winter to try and love them. Some of the capris I sleep ordered are that brand and I can't wait to get them. 

    Work is pure insanity this week. The average person would not believe the things that humans do. Going to try some sleep now. Good night!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited May 2014

    Yes on the dreaded hormonal. Have gained weight but I'm not blaming my good friends, Ben and Jerry's. 

    If the boy grows while we are gone, he'll just shoot up and get thinner. Shorts come to his knees now so no problems. Just hope he can wear his school clothes I just ordered. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2014

    Hey DP. Everything ok? Missing you.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    hi!  I haven't been feeling quite right this week. So much going on at work, so much to do at home. I think I'm supposed to be fully functioning again by now, or at least that is an expectation, but I kind of just feel like a zombie fumbling around throughout my day. I get fired up for a while and want to fix all the problems that have become huge issues while I haven't been "present" at work, then it gets overwhelming when I find maybe I just don't care enough anymore to put my energy into it. I've had more frequent odd headaches and vision "quirks" the last two days. I usually don't tell anyone (except you guys of course) but last night I couldn't hide it. I don't want to look like a wuss because I have a headache, but at te same time, I can't tell anyone that it isn't really a "headache" it's an ongoing funny feeling and all I can think is here come the brain mets. I know everyone is over it already and ready for me to be normal again. I really just wanted to stay in bed today, first time in a couple of weeks. I didn't though and went on to work. When I got home tonight I laid down on the couch because I was so tired. I didn't wake up until after midnight and now here I am wide awake. Genius. 

    I'm having my port removal surgery on Monday. They just called on Tuesday to schedule it. Went yesterday to see the surgeon and explained what the MO wanted, good thing since all she got was a removal order. She said she will look at the extra tissue and likely remove it. Who'd have thought you would get a lumpectomy after a mastectomy?  So long mini boob. I'm a little apprehensive. I guess that's just my superstitious nature; as soon as I take it out, maybe I'll need it. As much trouble as I had with this dumb port- we finally got it right when she revised it- and now it's just perfect. I hate to think of going through a bad placement again. It doesn't bother me being there. I don't much like how far down it moved after it didn't have a breast to sit on top of. I'm a hard stick for IVs so I'm not looking forward to that again either. Rambling...

    All my midnight shopping pants came in. I like all of them a lot. Even the red ones. I have to get motivated and lose some weight. I'm pretty miserable being this heavy. Has anyone seen my motivation? I can't find it anywhere. 

    Is school out now zills?  Catching the first hints of the miserable summer heat to come this week here. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Hi Sheila, so sorry to hear you're going through this awful time. I too, wondered where you were and if you were OK.

    I am glad to hear your "sleep shopping" was a success, I went on to your home shopping to look at those pants, I hadn't heard of them, we can't get them here, probably a good thing!

    I am having a battle with myself, over going to the gym, and losing some weight. I have lost my motivation and it's more tempting to eat chocolate and to do nothing. 

    I hope you can get some sleep, take it easy.....M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2014

    I'm confused. Why are they taking out your port? Besides getting rid of mini boob? 

    My motivation has disappeared too. And my house looks like it. I would be fired if I had a job. 

    I personally don't see how you've done as much as you have. If you feel like staying home, then do it. Every once in awhile is beneficial. 

    Fatigue, stress and allergies cause most of my headaches. Some of my rx cause vision changes. Hope my new glasses make it better, not worse. I also got new pillows. 

    I totally get the cancer card. We don't look sick anymore so people don't realize it's day in, day out. More like a chronic disease now. Even DH said he's tired of cancer. Then he looks at me and says I guess you are dealing with it every day. No duh. 

    It's actually nice here now. Went to drive in last night with boy and got chilly. Wrapped up in blankets. Saw Rio 2. Paying the piper for staying up too late last night. Only two hours to go until her nap time:)

    Hang in there. Try to do something fun this weekend. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    well I wasted the whole weekend away. BFs dad and stepmom are coming to visit from Florida on Friday. I think I mentioned our backyard projects that I thought would take a month to complete. Looking like two months would be more accurate. The weather and my fatigue have not cooperated. So I now have until Friday afternoon to get things in order. And of course I'm not expecting to feel like doing anything after surgery. My house is not quite a wreck but it has not had a good deep cleaning in over a year. I'm thinking on paying someone to come clean. I cleaned my room (guest room which is basically my closet and dressing room) on Friday. I have since done two loads of laundry which are now piles on the bed. I think I am out of hangers too. Yesterday was a waste because my back hurt all morning and it was super hot. Then I had to go to a mandatory team building event at my bosses house from 4pm-11pm. It was a "field day". The most physical activity I have done in forever. So today I felt so tired all day. It rained all mornkng then the sun came out and it is still terribly humid and hot now at 10pm. I've noticed Shortness of breath the last couple of days. Thinking it is from the heat and humidity. Hopefully not something new. BF wants things to be just perfect. He hasn't said a lot about it but I can tell. His dad has always sounded like someone with high expectations. This is his first time coming to visit in over 15 years. I want to make everything nice so that BF doesn't stress. They haven't always had a great relationship. Father's Day is also my moms birthday. Instead of having something at my grandparents house like we normally would,  I have talked my grandparents, mom and stepdad into coming to lunch with us at a locally famous restaurant that BFs parents want to visit while here. I don't think I've ever mentioned that my family doesn't exactly know that BF is my BF. Yea this should be an interesting weekend. 

    Zills, MO wants the port out mainly because she doesn't like the way the remaining tissue feels. I also want to stop taking Coumadin which she won't allow while port is still in, even though BS disagrees on that. But I do want that tissue gone. It is lumpy inside and has become painful, so it scares me a little. 

    The drive in sounds like a lot of fun. We have one here that reopened and I always talk about going but never do. I don't care for crowds anymore. Never did really but I think I'm verging on agoraphobia. 

    Ariom, do you have a fire going? The thought of that makes me quite jealous!  Sounds like all of our motivation must be hanging out together somewhere. Probably at a bar that also serves icecream. Funny that I never had much of a sweet tooth before cancer. Then have eveyone tell me to cut out sugar and it's all I want. I have a serious problem with soda. Have struggled with it for about ten years. I don't drink coffee so a coke is my caffeine dose and for some reason there is just nothing better than an ice cold one on a hot Texas day. I used to drink dr pepper all the time then I cut out soda for more than a year once and since then I'm all about coca cola. I know it's awful but it should be up there with addictive substances and maybe have a support group. Ha. Maybe we should all start a fitness challenge to help each other stay or GET motivated.   

    Not looking forward to tomorrow. Not thrilled about getting up early either. Have a bit of work to so tonight before bed but I can get motivated for that either. Blah

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Shit, Sheila, you have my head spinning, with all you're doing and feel you have to get done.

    I don't have a fire going. We have reverse cycle air con, so that is set to go on at about 6.30 am before I get up to heat the place. We have a cute little "Jotul" wood burner in our family room that was in the house when we bought it and I couldn't justify removing. I don;t use it much, but when I do, I love to leave the little door open and watch the flames. We do have a fire pit thingy, outside though!

    I have to control myself when it comes to Coke too. I love frozen Coke, in fact that was the first think I bought when I left the Hospital and I nearly passed out from that waterfall thing that happens in your chest, after a Mx. I agree about an ice cold Coke on a hot day, there's nothing comes close for me. 

    I have always had a sweet tooth and when I was younger I could eat whatever I wanted and never put on any weight. I was about a size 6 till I hit my 50's and the RA steroids have taken a toll, I have never been this size before. Also became a bit of a gym junkie in my 30's before the RA. Would go to the gym and work out for a few hours then go to McDonalds and eat chocolate sundae with double chocolate sauce! It was easy for me to eat a whole box of dark chocolate, after dinner mints between meals!

    I had almost talked myself into going to the gym today, then I remembered it is a long weekend here and there wouldn't be the normal classes etc, oh gosh, gee darn, that's a shame isn't it! Maybe tomorrow....

    I'll be thinking of you as you navigate through all the stuff you have to do, including letting your folks know that BF is a BF! I hope everything works out ok! M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2014

    Yes by all means hire a cleaning crew.  Maybe even a handyman for the garden. Does bf daddy like projects? Whatever it takes to get thru in one piece so you can "enjoy" the weekend. 

    My shortness is probably allergies. Try not to think about it. It doesn't feel different so I don't worry.  Concentrating on Ireland. I can see heat and humidity taxing you. 

    When I get too tired ( late afternoons or evenings ) I crave sugar. Coffee and Ben and Jerry's are my new best friends. Except it's too hot for coffee. And I haven't found an iced coffee that tastes good.

    Stage IV fatigue means you have to rearrange your priorities. Crockpot meals that you can eat on more than once. Housecleaning is last on my list. I try to keep Mondays open to recoup from weekend. And the drive in is out. I was in bed most of sat. 

    In the bag for tomorrow. Don't over do. Ask bf about priorities. Make a list. Be reasonable! Delegate! 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    the boob that cant take a hint....  BS claims she took out a golf ball size of tissue and that damn spot is still there. Will see more when the bandage comes off but geez. She says it was all fat but sent for pathology. If fat was that hard, I doubt everyone would be working out so much. She says it's impossible to get all the tissue but she did on the other side before, so I don't understand. She also says if she takes it all out that they will only end up having to fat grafting during recon which she says they will have to so on te other side anyway. In my medicated state I'm thinking well yea but the fat in my ass isn't out to kill me. What do I know? I guess she is the expert. The procedure wasn't bad. I felt fine afterwards and only had to stick around after for about 30 minutes afterwards. They were very diligent today in giving me all the SEs I may experience. Yea yea yea, just let me outa here, I'm a pro at post op by now. The incision hurts like hell and the wimpy pain meds she have don't so much for it. But it's ok, manageable. I have $100 free play for the casino that I will lose if I don't go use it this week. I actually have $100 for each week this month which is a dangerous thing. So I'm thinking since I'm supposed to rest that I can rest just as easy on a stool in front of a slot machine as on te couch, so I am going to drive up an meet my mom there tomorrow. I'll take it  easy on te meds for the drive. They aren't great for the pain but codeine tends to make me loopy. I imagine I could do as well with plain Tylenol for the pain. My oxygen level was only 95% today. No wonder I've been SOB. Don't know what that's about since I got it back up to 99% consistently after lung surgery. Wait is tht cause or effect?  Hmm. I've had a couple of those no good pills, not feeling so sharp. 

    How long is the flight to Ireland?  Have the kids flown before? 

    It's chilly here tonight. Rained all day. Sitting on the one finished yard project. Restored vintage park bench. I think I should go eat something and stop rambling.  :-)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Hey DP, you're a cracker! out of Hospital and off to the Casino, can't let that $100.00 freeplay lapse! You're a woman of my own heart! LOL

    Glad the surgery wasn't too bad but as you say, you're a pro now, I don't think anything could top that lung one, could it?

    I had my sinuses drained without a general anesthetic in Singapore a few years ago, nothing I have ever had done, has come close to that awful experience.

    I hope all goes well with the visit. Take it easy at the Casino...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Hi Zills! I know what you mean about the sugar cravings. I am not a hot coffee drinker, but I love iced coffee and use Bickfords coffee and chicory syrup, in soy milk with soy ice cream. My surgeon said the soy was ok, I don't have it often, but I love it. One of my gf's makes a mean iced coffee with cold espresso, chocolate and sugar with ice cream, in milk.

    I bet you're getting excited about the trip now. I can't wait to hear all about it, and see some pics too! M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2014

    Have fun. Don't fall off the stool! When do you get the results? I bet you're  glad to be rid of your alien. That's what I call mine. 

    Flight is 6-8 hours. One way is shorter due to wind. I can't remember which one. No they haven't flown before. We leave Chicago at 8 pm so I'm hoping they sleep. 

    My suitcase is half packed. Have notes everywhere. Saw PCP yesterday trying to get meds situated. Having to split pills now. D@mn insurance. Don't want to do that there so have to pay out of pocket for peace of mind. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Hi Zills, I don't know if it is the same there, but I always carried a letter from my Doctor with the drug list, so I wouldn't have any issue in another country with their Customs guys over the meds I was carrying.

    I had no idea that Ireland was that close to you, I always forget how remote we are from everywhere.

    Good poin Zills, I hope DP doesn't fall off that stool if she hits a jackpot!

    How's it going DP did you win?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    that's a shorter flight than I was thinking too. Get the kids up early that day so they will be ready for naps by takeoff.   I love the notes everywhere. Sometimes my life is a sea of stickies. 

    The casino was lots of fun. Which means I was winning. Came home $1400 up which is good for me. It is actually obscene the anout of money I won yesterday, but to win you must continue to play and the prce of playing is high. I didn't end up leaving until 3pm to go. It was lovely outside yesterday with the promise of today being a scorcher. So I just had to work on te patio some first. Got home at 1am. Got up at 7am and have been working ever since. Got both garages clean, met with cleaning people, got two more coats on the patio. I'm about to put on the final color. Hoping it turns out good so it can be the FINAL coat. Landscaper guys came. Still have to clean before the cleaning people come in the mornkng at 8:30. I always laughed at people who do that.  Not going to actually clean but rather "pick up". I'm exhausted and these effin Mosquitos are of the devil. Starting to get dark so I have to hurry with the staining. 

    Are you getting excited zills or is it still too much work to think about?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2014

    I am excited but a little worried. Long time to stay with inlaws and I'll miss my DH. Looking forward to cooler weather and hanging out. 

    Just hope they understand about the fatigue. I look healthy. 

    Lord you could run circles around me. Congrats on getting a lot done. Prop your feet up so you can enjoy the visit. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    wait. I totally missed something somewhere. You are going to another country to visit inlaws without DH?  Do you get along well? Surely they will understand about the fatigue. If they are good sorts of people anyway. Perhaps DH could give them a little reminder about it before you go?  Just a little "hey, fyi that this incredibly fabulous woman needs a little break sometimes because being so incredibly fabulous can be a bit exhausting." Ya know, or something. 

    My feet ache. Took a shower, ate some soup and about to head to bed. I am wiped out and hope I can pull it together tomorrow. No energy left to pick up tonight, so I will have to get busy before the lady arrives at 8:30. Ugh just thinking about it. I also made a disaster I my Final coat on the patio. I waited too long and by te time I got it into the sprayer and started, it was too dark to see. Didn't stop me from doing the entire top level. I'm so mad at myself because this was the really important step in making the whole thin look right and I couldn't even see what I was doing. Will have to wait til morning to see the damage. And yet another trip to Home Depot is in my future because I need another gallon to finish the rest. Maybe two or three to even it all out, depending on how much of a mess I made. I really wanted to be done with that part. tonight. I also think I keep hearing thunder, which is not a good sign. Sitting on the front porch and there are kamikaze June bugs. They keep landing in my hair. Throwing in the towel on this day

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    My goodness, DP how do you do all that work?

    I am so thrilled that you got out with money from the Casino? That's amazing!

    You made me laugh about the clean up for the cleaning lady. I used to live in a share house with a girlfriend and her Husband while we were doing renos on a house. She had a cleaning lady and both of us would launch into cleaning before she got there. I got over that as I got older! LOL

    I am keeping my fingers crossed that you get up tomorrow and the job looks great!

    Your place will be fabulous before the visitors arrive!

    I agree about giving a gentle nudge to the family, who will be so excited to see you and the kids, Zills, that you can't go, non stop. I am willing to bet they will want a bit of time on their own with the kids, so you can have a rest.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2014

    Yes I love my inlaws. Haven't seen them for 5 years. I hear they are very excited too and are looking forward to doing something since they couldn't while I was sick. 

    I'll be there a month and DH will come the last week. Business is rolling and he's determined to work like crazy to make up for last year. Plus I'm not working. 

    It's a chance for the kids to learn their heritage, play with cousins their own age and get to know their grandfather. Two of my sisters had kids early so they are grown. One is a grandma. My other sister has the closest in age with the youngest at 9. 

    DHs mom died of lung cancer so I know they get it. But I don't look sick and not many here get it. They've faded away since chemo. Even my sisters. Also his dad has lived alone for a long time now. My kids are noisy. 

    Gosh DP. Take it easy. Maybe we should buy stock in coke! 

    We have giant lightening bugs here. One night going to have to teach the kids how to catch them. Not this week. I even fell asleep in yoga yesterday:)

    Have you tried rolling the bottoms of your feet on a cold coke can? 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    I woke up, yay!  It is bizarre the way these pain pills effect my sleep. Woke up at 6 then ecstatic to see it was only six, I went back to sleep for 45 minutes. Every inch of me was sore. Took a pain pill. Remember the thunder from last night?  It is pouring. That is not what I need today. The patio is wet of course. Btw. It isny supposed to get wet for 48 hours after. It kind of looks like a leprechaun exploded. The base color was slate then I drizzled this kind of gold color, then what was supposed to be a fine mist of moss color. It kind of looks ok. Except several areas that I clearly missed in the dark. Better get two gallons. I think the rain is making the gold more pronounced. Maybe after the rain stops I will have a rainbow to go with it. Hey I just realized - I inadvertently made my patio a tribute to the Ireland trip. Lol. 

    The trip sounds just lovely zills. I think that is great for the kids to experience and a month is a good length of time for them to get immersed. Remember how forever long a month was when we were kids?  Ariom is right, they will probably enjoy some alone activities with the kids and then you can have time to just chill and relax. Glad to hear DH is having a good year. Could be a nice break for you two also. Distance making the heart grow fonder or whatever :-)  lightening bugs, what fun!  I pondered a few years ago what has happened to them all. We used to chase them when I was little. They were abundant. I haven't seen even one in over a decade. 

    What's going on in your world ariom?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Hi DP, Not much going on here, it's pretty quiet this week, but we had a long weekend with lots going on, we are a little coastal, boating town, so the tourists flock here every time there is a Holiday.  

    It is pretty chilly and wet now and many of the locals have taken off, to go up north, to Queensland for the Winter. We actually don't mind the Winter here, so I can't see us packing up and leaving for 3 months any time soon. It is still a novelty for us to see all the seasons in the country!

    My Daughter is making arrangements to come here for my birthday in July, so I will be hanging out for that. Other than that, I just potter around here, catch up with friends and I am pretty involved with my BC group and the events that take place in the community.

    I am about to start renovating our little boat shed, it is full of junk, but could be a really nice little studio for me, with some storage for boat stuff. I just need to wait for the builder to insulate and line it for me. 

    I hope the rain stopped long enough for you get the patio finished, take it easy...M x

    Oh, meant to ask you, have you ever tried Eve Pearl makeup? Our shopping channel has it at the moment, I've never tried it, but I quite like the look of some of it.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    that sounds so peaceful ariom. I've long considered myself a city girl. But lately I dream of being tucked away somewhere away from all the hustle and bustle, and crazy a$$ people. Having your own studio space is exciting. Tell the builder to step on it!  

    I've never tried eve pearl but have heard of the famous salmon concealer. I watched a presentation one night and had credit card in hand. But then I read the reviews. I find the reviews priceless and check them for anything I buy now. They are always spot on for things I purchased re: sizing and whatnot. Anyhow, some of the reviews were great and the ladies swore by the stuff. But just as many said it was greasy, heavy or unnatural looking. I had just come off my bad experience with Skinn, so I was too scared to try it for myself. But maybe since you like the Skinn line, Eve's products might be the right formulation for your skin. I'm thinking you must have ShopHQ there. You should check out reviews on the US websites even if you can't order from there, they seem to be a lot of the same products. Lord knows it's all coming from china anyway!  I recently tried Laura Geller products and love love the foundation (pressed mineral powder type but great coverage), and the blush and the highlighter. The texture is awesome on your skin. The lip stain was an awful color but I want to try it in a different shade because the darn stuff stayed on all day and night. Her famous product is her Spackle primer. I thought it was ok but I think it gave me a pimple so I have not used it in a few days. It took me 15 extra minutes to get my IV in for surgery onMonday  because the lady wanted to know all about the products I used. This was of course my "no makeup" makeup for surgery. She kept raving about my arm and leg skin, then my face. I always get a little laugh when people tell me how pretty my complexion is because it is terrible underneath all the, apparently great, product. So she got out her phone and put in her notes to go by Ulta on the way home and purchase Fake Bake self tanner, Philosophy whipped body cream, and Laura Geller foundation. I know I looked like hell but it was a very nice compliment. The anesthesiologists kept walking over saying are you ready yet? I'm thinking, No sorry, we are talking about beauty products. Come back later. Lol.  

    This girl is going to bed. I'm so tired and achy that I feel sick. I'm going to need another week off after this just to recover! But that is what everyone at work thinks I am doing this week. I didn't tell them that, they just assume. I am taking one pain pill at night and one in the morning and it says I'm not supposed to drive, so that keeps me from feeling too guilty.