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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2014

    What a bitching day you had on Friday, so much running around for someones error.

    Oh rats, becoming a woman again, wouldn't be high on my list of things to do Sheila. I love your answer to the girls wanting time off once a month, it still happens. My Daughter tells me about how she can cop a huge amount of extra work because someone uses that excuse to get out of work. 

    Chigger bites? Never heard of those, but hope you don't have Shingles, just heard of someone else who has them. I got them just after my Dad died, from the stress. 

    The best treatment for bug bites that I have learned, and we have a lot of biting bugs here in Aus, is to put water as hot as you can stand it, on them. It neutralizes the toxin they inject with the bite. 

    I hope you feel better soon.....M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2014

    Other bug bite remedies is paint the chigger bite with nail polish or make a poultice of tobacco, snitched from a cigarette.

    I didn't know my bra size either especially with Lymphadema. I am actually my old size with an bra expander in case of swelling. TEs are tissue expanders for recon. 

    Call around and see if there is an organization that helps. They get donations from mfg and individuals. I got bras, foobs and a sleeve. All instock. 

    Do you know your sleeve measurements? Is it just one arm? If it's the same size as mine, I could overnight it. I just need it back before July. It's like support stockings for your arm.  

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2014

    A bra expander is an extra inches with hooks to make the bra band looser. Maybe in a sewing section. This organization already had them or I wouldn't have known about them. I didn't want to go up another size since my swelling goes away and the foobs would be bigger.  These people just let me dig thru the baskets and bags until I found something I liked. I would recommend finding someplace like this as they are expensive. My ins didn't cover them either. 

    So sorry you are a girl again. Ugh. I'm sure the stress doesn't help. Just a few more days of BS and running around, then you can relax on the beach with a big floppy hat and a frufru drink with an umbrella in it. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    ooh a bra expander. Duh, looking for zebras again. I have had those before for ill fitting bras and weight gain. Took me a minute to figure out why I was talking about TEs too, because my fingers fly over the h in the too often. Lol. On the phone the lady said the bras are Velcro front. I don like the sound of that. But if I gets me through this trip, I can get something else later. I have not been measured for a sleeve yet but it seems like they keep those in stock more commonly so I am not too worried. I will find out tomorrow when I go to the supply store. Thank you for he offer zills!  I will let you know. What are you doing in July? Something fun?  

    I initially thought shingles because the itching started around my waist on one side. I have 4 or 5 spots that look like ant type bites that swell up on top and they itch like crazy. Then the next night my leg (the one im paranoid about) started itching like crazy. I could see one bump and a big red area. When it calmed down, I had about 10 of the bumps in a big cluster on my shin. Then two popped up in the crook of my elbow. Made me start thinking not shingles and I remembered seeing some little red bugs on the patio where I was sitting. BF says that sounds like chiggers even though thy aren't normally on concrete. Today I have different itchy bumps scattered all over my other arm. I guess my skin is happy about the onset of spring. It's weird and miserable. I did try the hot water thing on my leg the first day. It helped for a while. Maybe I should take some benedryl?  I normally have really bad allergies in the spring but never had skin issues from it. Last year I realized by summer that I hadn't sneezed all spring. I attributed it to either chemo or the fact that I was taking Claritin regularly due to the neulasta shots. I should try that again. The Claritin, not te chemo. Lol

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2014

    Going to spend a month with in laws in Ireland. Have cousins we've never met. 

    I haven't had many illness except UTI but some rashes. Someone explained that chemo destroys your immune system. I knew that. I thought it was just super strong now. She said it takes a year or so for immunity to build up so enjoy this SE while you can. My rashes usually clear up quickly with calamine or cortisone.

    Good luck tomorrow. It's an early morning scan for me. Wish it wasn't a Monday. No time to recoup from weekend and get house back in irder. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    hoping all good news on the scans. Pretend it's a long weekend and get things back in order in Tuesday. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2014

    Scan went ok. Didn't know they were doing ab and pelvis too. Had to drink yucky stuff. Results on Thursday. 

    DP. Any luck today?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited April 2014

    ick, the yucky stuff. I don't mind it so much anymore. When I drank it for my very first scan when all of this started, I thought I was going to be sick. Now I just hold my breath and chug. I think it's funny that they have so many different flavors when surely it's all disgusting. I always get the berry flavor on the PAs suggetion. I can't imagine the banana or mocha, yuck!  Now I will be looking for your results when I get to Hawaii. I hope you have peaceful waiting. I know you always have your hands full to try to stay preoccupied!  

    I got the sleeve and bra today. The bra is stupid and it cost $72. It doesn't give me hardly any compression on the top, due to my aforementioned uneven terrain. I am going to try to go to target tomorrow after work to see if a shaper may be a better option. Had another session at LE PT today. It was a different lady filling in. She was a lot rougher, ouch!  But I think it feels better afterward and my ROM, which I had regained pretty quickly after bmx, but was shot to hell this time, is already much improved just today. My chest is still really hard though. I know that I should have been doing the scar massage all along but I don't like touching it and it feels so weird and uncomfortable. I will force myself now in hopes that it will improve. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2014

    hi ladies. I think I'm finally ready for bed. PT told me to prepare for hassles at security so I'm planning to arrive early to the airport.  I'm tired just thinking about it!  

    I want to thank you all for being so supportive and kind and letting me have this little corner of the world to play in. I know it has been a huge part of maintaining my sanity over the last year. I am so lucky to be surrounded by such a great group of amazing women here. 

    Zills,  sending good and happy thoughts for your results tomorrow. I hope it is all good news for you. 


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2014

    Have fun DP, you deserve it! Post some pics if you can. M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited May 2014

    What hassles? 


    No new growth! 

    Have a great time!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited May 2014

    Have a wonderful time DP, enjoy every minute of it and give us a full report upon returning home... you will just love HI... do the hula, drink fun drinks with umbrellas, smell the wonderful flowers and of course get some ocean tranquility!!

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited May 2014

    Have a great trip DP!!  Do all those things ndgirl mentioned many times!!  Enjoy yourself!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2014

    that's great news zills!  Does that mean you are ned or holding stable?  

    My feet hurt!  Watching the rest of spam jam go on from my balcony. It is on the street in front of my hotel and they have it shut down for blocks.  They said there is something like 27k people down there. I did my spamly duties then walked around and shopped a bit an watched some of the stage shows. There is a band right below my balcony. It's nice to sit out here. Heading to bed now. Have a tour tomorrow that starts at 6am. What was I thinking?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2014

    Sheila! OMG, I just went to the Facebook page to try to find you in Hawaii. It's so huge! 27K people! It looks like a lot of fun, I hope you're not too tired to go on your tour in the morning. Sleep well!

    Did you buy anything fabulous? You know I need to hear about the shopping, and what you bought!LOL 

    I told a total stranger, in front of the spam shelf in my supermarket, that my friend in America won the Spam Contest and was going to Hawaii!LOL

    Have fun and let us know how the tour goes tomorrow. M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited May 2014

    Yes I'm hanging out in the stables. Glad you have a ring side view. It sounds awesome. Hope you find time to rest. When do you come home?

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited May 2014

    So excited you are finally on your trip DP! Have a great time!! 

    Congrats Zills!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2014

    hi ladies. Made it home early this morning.  Left Hawaii at 7:15 last night and landed at 7:30 this morning. We flew much higher on the way back which made for a shorter trip. Not sure if that is why my feet swole up like little hams but that was not fun. They still don't look quite normal. Had breakfast on the way home then napped most of te day. 

    Were you buying spam ariom? Lol. BF made sure to tell nearly everyone we encountered about me being the spam queen. Jimmy Buffett's version of my sandwich was disappointing. I question if they even read the recipe. It was good but entirely different. I guess my recipe was too labor intensive for mass production. Someone told me, before I even saw their version, that the winner last year was pretty upset about how they made hers. It was all good though. We tried all sorts of spam dishes. I passed on a lot of them, especially the ones involving fish or sweets. 

    The beach was nice. Had to hang on to my foobs since I was makeshifting with my regular bathing suit. That was an experience. Wish we had had enough time to spend a full day there. Shoppong was fun. I got a good bit of pretty jewelry from a vendor at spam jam. It is quartz stones that look like sea glass. Got BF some fancy wooden pens and several aloha shirts, which he wears all the time anyway  he is fun to clothes shop for because he isn't afraid to wear fun colors. Did a little Mother's Day shopping too. Got a beautiful turquoise pendant for my mom from a street vendor. BF bought me a gorgeous enamel pumpkin trinket box. Don't know if I've ever explained the story behind my username here but we have a thing with pumpkins and I strarted a collection for us. We are always on te hunt for unique ones. He was thrilled that I found the street vendor in all of Hawaii that would have a pumpkin. I was also happy to did a Ross in one of the main Street centers because I learned that I didn't bring enough clothes since I ended up changing outfits at least twice a day. Of course, I got a couple more dresses than I really needed because I couldn't pass them up. And a cute pair of shoes on the first Ross trip since I didn't pack any tennis shoes. I also found a good deal on pretty sarongs at a street kiosk, so I got those for all the girls at work. Between all my shopping and free spam swag, my bags were 30 lbs heavier on the return trip. 

    How are you doing bluebird? Did you start rads?  I hope it is going ok. 

    Sounds like a lot of excitement at work while I was gone. My phone has not stopped yet!  It's always a good story when the cops have to get called to kohls...

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2014

    No DP, I cannot tell a lie, I am not a fan of any kind of Spam, but enjoy telling your story to everyone!

    I am so glad you had a good time, shame it wasn't longer, but a great experience all the same. What a shame that your recipe didn't make it to the fast food chain, I am sure you're right, they can't deal with anything labor intensive!

    Oooooh, you just took me back! When we spent a month in Atlanta the young guys who drove the shuttle bus at our Hotel would take me to different Malls every day and I discovered Ross! I had never been to one before and I bought fabulous Ralph Lauren bags, which I still have to this day. I also found fantastic jeans for next to nothing. I also had fun at sale time in Dillards, they had 70% off reduced prices, so I bought heaps of presents there for the girls at work and for Bec. Gee, I miss the shopping in the US! Take it easy and put those feet up, that in flight swelling isn't good, but it shouldn't last too long!  M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2014

    oh ariom, Dillard's is a huge weakness for me. I love the 70% sales and and extra 30% off already clearance items. I used to have the markdown schedule memorized. I have bought many a fabulous Coach bag for next to nothing there. We had annual incentive trips at my last company. It was a huge deal if you got to go and included a nice formal banquet (I always took it as a personal challenge to have as many free drinks in 4 days as I could to off set all the hours I worked, lol). Anyhow, the first year that I won, I procrastinated until the week before to look for a dress. Spent a full day of fruitless shopping and started to panic. Went to Dillard's the next day and in 2 hours was fully loaded with dress, shoes, jewelry and accessories for less than $100. The gown I got was $20 marked down from $300. We had the trip at the same time each year and I never worried again because it always coincided with spring final mark downs at Dillard's. Oh I also bought my wedding gown there in clearance for $80. Yes, I love Dillard's. 

    Had CT today. I don't get the results until the 26th. I'm anxious about this one. I somehow feel like I've known what results would be for most of my previous scans, so while I would worry, I wouldn't really call it anxious. More like impatient to confirm what I knew te results would be. But this time, really anxious. I feel like so much hinges on this one. I really really want good news and am hopeful. Being hopeful scares me. That breeds the possibility of disappointment. In reality though, I know I will continue to worry no matter what. I had an allergic reaction to the contrast dye again. Then I got chided for not telling them I was allergic. I said I thought it was a fluke before because ive had a dozen scans and only the one bad reaction. No one seemed to appreciate that logic. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2014

    DP, we could do some serious damage shopping together! I love that you have the same shopping passion and instinct that I do for a bargain! LOL

    That Dillards experience for you, sounds fabulous. I got some great bags there too and Not Your Daughter's Jeans. They hadn't hit Australia, and I hadn't seen them before, so I took some of those home in a nice skinny leg, black jean that fit like a glove.

    I really feel for you and the way you're feeling about this next scan result. There's nothing I can say, to make it any easier for you, but I'll be thinking of you and hoping it is a good result. I felt the same for Zills when she was waiting on her results a couple of weeks ago. It's just shitful!

    Sorry you had the allergic reaction again, but shouldn't they have had that in their records, written in BOLD RED?

    Take it easy! M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited May 2014

    DP, I was thinking the same things about why wasnt it in your chart!! Good luck on results, that seems like a long time to wait for results, is that the norm? waiting is the tough part. Try not to worry but as I type it I know that is next to impossible for us bc patients.

    You shopping adventures sound great.. I love a good bargain!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2014

    I think the reason the wait is so long is because they scheduled the MO appt before the CT and wanted to give plenty of time for it to be done. Her schedule seems to be increasingly booked though. She has been traveling a lot and doing a lot of speaking engagements. I question too why a lot of things are left to me to keep up with. Like the fact that she has prescribed drugs for me 3 different times that come with Coumadin interaction warnings. I read the inserts after they are filled and have to choose myself to not take them. Yesterday when I was getting my ptinr checked, the PA asked how long I had been taking Coumadin. When I told her a year, she was shocked and said why!?  You should have only needed it for 6 months. I told her that it was probably because the dr forgot. She says she always knows what drugs her patients are on but She is new to the dept and just came from working for the director of hematology. So I'm sure that is why that drug stands out to her. It's a huge PITA drug and potentially dangerous, so I am glad at least she wil be looking out now. She said she would talk to the dr about it. 

    Where is that zills? How are you and the kiddos doing?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited May 2014

    Hey dp. I'm here.  Last week was teacher appreciation week at both schools. This week I'm helping dismantle the computer lab and pack since rooms are being switched after Memorial Day. 

    The boy's last week is next week. I'm feeling pressured to get stuff done before Ireland. Still napping every day for an hour or so. 

    Had a bc support group meeting tonight in the big city. DH keeping kids so I can stay in town and not drive back late. Plus excuse to stay with my aunt and do some real shopping. Boy hid my bag in his closet while I was brushing my teeth. Then he hid in my car. Rotten child. At least I know I'm missed/loved. 

    Scored 65% off some new summer yoga skirts and tops. Was looking for tank advertised in good housekeeping? At jcp. Not in stores, not online. It's this months issue. Oh well.

    Landsend has some. Wide strap to cover port and hopefully not clingy or sheer. Ordered bathing suits from them too. I hate shopping for suits. Hope they fit. 

    Told DH I was shopping from the inside out, head to toe. Just don't have to get bras:)

    Hope you are doing well. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2014

    whew! You have been busy!  Sweet boy. That is precious. Inconvenient, but yes, nothing better than being loved and needed. I'm glad you got the chance to get away for a bit for some you time. I love the feeling of accomplishment that shopping can give. Especially before a trip. Boo on the tanks. Did you try googling it?  Maybe online shopping for swimsuits is better for the soul than hose wretched fluorescent lighted fitting rooms. You may be on to something. I'm sure you will look great. 

    For the first time in at least two months, I got to spend a full day in the office today, without having to run off to some medical appointment. It was really pretty nice to be able to just focus on work. Of course, it was nice while away to be able to just focus on nothing too. It is hard and frustrating trying to balance these days. 

    It's raining heavy tonight. Two days in a row now. I'm sitting on the patio with my feet in a puddle. I'm sure there's a hundred reasons I shouldn't be doing that, that grandma would tell me. But for now splosh splosh. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2014

    yard crashers is a dangerous show. I'm pretty sure Home Depot is giving someone major bucks to play it ALL day on Saturday and Sundays. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited May 2014

    All my pkgs arrived. Rash guards fit. Swim minis ok but bloated so have a wrinkle but rash guard covers it. Still need some pants or capris, shoes and panties. Told Victoria secret is the best but not sure I want pricey panties. 

    Scored some tops and skirts from goodwill. Only did half the store. Will go back and see what else I can find. 

    Not happy with my belly, hips and thighs. Who is? Ben and Jerry's not helping. Find hand me downs better suited to my body. New styles only accent my problem areas.  

    Tomato plants survived cold snap. Planted geraniums. Zinnia seeds the next few days when it's warmer. 

    It's the boy's last week of school. Then he will be home for a little over a week before the Y has room for him. 

    MO appt tomorrow? In the bag. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2014

    yayaya! Packages like Christmas!  Glad everything fits. Try Target for panties. They are as pretty as VS and not so pricey. VS panties always make me think of ex hubbys niece. She was working temp for me for $9/hr but could ONLY wear vs panties. She would get basic ones that were $20. I tried explaining to her once that she had to work more than 2 hours to buy one pair of panties and was it worth it. But she didn't get it. She had to keep up with her friends. Not sure if this would be your style but check out Lori Goldstein tops to camo belly, hips, and thighs. It's a very modern look with skinny jeans or capris or leggings. They are a bit pricey but the fabric is yummy and they are very well cut and made.  I like the asymmetric hem ones that dip down on the sides.  LOGO by Lori Goldstein. Love treasure hunting at the thrift store. Happy hunting in the other half of the store. Of course, they will have gotten new items by the time you go back, so you might just have to start all over. Lol. 

    Glad your plants made it. I'm waiting right now for the sun to pass over the house so the dreaded project that started yesterday can continue. I was perfectly, well mostly, happy with the backyard but bf wanted to repair and stain the concrete patio. My job is staining a giant bird bath,two statues and all the edging. This all started because I got some free leftover cobblestone from a friend and I just wanted to fill it in around the bottom of the birdbath. I was a happy weekend warrior ten years ago, not so much now. The yard is now in such a disaster, it will probably take a month to get back to normal. 

    MO isn't until Friday. I've had the dates mixed up three times. Been having weird headaches and a floater in my right eye the other night. Been a few months since clear brain MRI. Hoping it's psychosomatic. These results are only chest, ab and pelvis CT. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited May 2014

    Thanks. I'll have to check them out. 

    I have grandiose plans for garden but never enough umph. 

    I've had floaters off/on for years. Headaches could be stress, weather, etc. Try keeping a diary and see if anything seems to trigger it. Always mention to dr. 

    I told my MO that I was waking up with them. I know I don't sleep well. He said to take aleeve at night. Also to put powder on the backs of my knees at night. I'm think antiperspirant would help with the sweats. 

    So he doesn't seem to be overly concerned. I've only had ct too. Did you get your leg checked out? 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited May 2014

    ahh yes, plans are so easy to make. I make a whole lot of them. Not a lot of action taking place though. Lol

    Glad your dr doesn't seem worried. Of course, I always worry that they don't seemed worried enough. I'm sure it's nothing, in both our cases. I had an ultrasound in my leg about a month ago. No one has bothered to give me the results. I have not seen the actual dr since I had it, so I will find out on Friday too I guess. I asked about it a couple times when I went in for PT/INR checks but they just tell me they can't give me results. I suppose that means it's clear since no one called me. I got a bit more worried when said leg and foot stayed swollen a whole week after the swelling from return flight resolved on the other side. I keep having weird pulsating feelings like something is moving around in there. It freaks me out but no one gets concerned. Something is obviously wrong down there, whatever it may be. I heard two brief comments recently that went right over my brain at the time and came back to me later. A guy at works mom, who had bc, had surgery on her leg recently. He mentioned something about her veins being shot from years of smoking. My PT was talking about her grandmother, who has mbc, having her leg amputated a couple years ago. This was just after she told me what a hard core smoker grandma is - that having her leg amputated and having mbc has not deterred her smoking.  Both of these stories were told in passing, not related to my leg concern. So later, I started thinking hmm, coincidence? I have to remember to ask PT tomorrow what the smoking and leg correlation is. I smoked like a chimney for 15 years, even being chemo didn't keep me a good girl all of the time. Embarrassing, I know.