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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    I am reeling from Twisty the clown from American Horror Story ( freaked me out....wont be watching it again).

    I did sneak out for an hour and went to JC Penney and bought.....drum roll please....a Magic Bullet for $29.99 (reg $80).

    I really just wanted a quick and easy smoothie maker that the kids could use. Already made smoothies, ice cappuccino, and grated cheese. oh and tried and failed to make bruchetta topping without a recipe.

    My son needs braces, and my dog needs an ultrasound....cant justify a vitamix right now.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    oh I could not even watch that show beyond half way through the first season Andrea. Much less the clown season yuck!

    I have size orman on while going back through the shophq clearance. Is that sick? Bwahahahhaa

    I promise I really do make good financial decisions. Lol. Dave Tamsey and Clark Howard are my idols.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    omg. Just switched the channel to qvc so I could go to sleep. Suze Orman is on there peddlimg some financial organizer kit. LMAO. I would totally get it but at $70! That's crazy. She should know better. Guess I don't feel so bad now. Ha

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    I love listening to Dave and Clark. Toyota gave their employees Financial Peace. Never saw any presentations if it reduced any of the loans or garnishments.

    I know I worked with a guy that bought new cars every couple of years for each family member, including teenagers. He needed the overtime. Bragged how they budgeted the late fee into their payments.

    Another repeatedly got disconnect notices from the electric company. She never believed she was charged a reconnect fee.

    These people made great money with excellent benefits.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    BG asleep by 8:30. Boy before then.

    BG up at 1:30. Bad habit. DH swaps beds with her. So much for enforcing stay in your bed.

    Boy comes in at 3. You're touching me, she's kicking me, he's looking at me.

    DH gets up. I check on him because he rarely gets up and has been sick. Nope just thirsty. Had flat (refried) beans to celebrate boy's bday. Disappointed no hat, singing or ice cream:( at restaurant.

    Kids follow. Cat beats us to kitchen. Dog comes later. Kids drink/snack. Have to take dog out.

    Boy voluntarily returns to his bed. Dog goes too. BG back in bed with me. Snoring.

    Poor baby. I have one child that sleeps alone so I know it can be done. Just too tired to enforce it. Should only take a few days?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    Yes PRB to the rescue! Good description of mld. It must be working if fluid is moving. Would wearing your sleeve now help or just push it back to hand?

    Drink, drink, drink.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    my gosh z, always a party ping in the idle of the night at your house. Thinking it will take more than a few days to get her in her own bed. Especially if daddy keeps caving. Maybe it's just cuz he i sick though.

    I can't understand those idiots of America. I guess that's what keeps us rolling around but honestly the stupidity of people. Bragging about building in late payments. I was so happy to be able to pay off my "new used" car in less than a year. I wanted to pay cash for the whole thing but went just a tad higher jan my budget because i really liked the car. Could have paid sooner but it was a good rate. I also have no Cc debt. No debt at all actually. I just found out tonight that bond took out a loan in something last year and is paying 19% interest. I am furious with him. I could have lent him that money with no interest. Or at least way less if it would make him feel better. He asked me tonight if I could take over the actual administration of paying te bills and such. I can do that now. Before I was so busy id be afraid if getting something turned off just because I forgot to pay. That happened fairly often in old house. Anyhow wants me to out him on a budget. I'll tell you the first hung I am doing is paying off the damn CCs which can't be that high. Ugh. Ok rant over. Until I see all the details anyway.

    Really want suze orman thingy. Not paying that much. Will wait for clearance.

    Have Ramsey book. Was about to try envelope system right before I left ex forever ago. Will have to reread. I'm such an electronic money girl. Will be hard.fluid moving back and forth some anyway. Bicep now huge. Bet sleeve won't fit. It also makes hand swell on a normal day. Ordered the arthritis gloves. Will be here in two days. I do need to drink more. Have been lax on water this week.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Zills, I hear that you want to get BG to stay in her bed. But I sorely miss the nights where little ones crept into our bed (yes even when I got deligated to the middle of the bed). Now I have 11 and 13 year olds that I'm not allowed to "touch". Where is the time machine when I need it???

    Actually, the only thing I would change about that time is I would insist on DH getting a kingsize bed.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    I have to sleep on outside to flip covers on/off. She sleeps sideways in the middle. Kicking and snoring.

    Have a queen. Furniture discontinued and it's solid cherry. No room for king unless chuck end tables. It's a weird room.

    I know I'll miss it too when they get older. BG just said she was tired and would I lay with her. Wish me luck.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    19% interest??  OMG!!  I would be mad too.  Ex-hubby was terrible with his CC's.  We never had joint ones cuz I was not wrecking my credit due to his over spending.  He never paid them off!  I have a mortgage and a car payment,,, but I got a really really low interest on the car loan, so I'm paying it off over 5 years.  14 months to go. CC's are paid each month. I have done 6 months same as cash for some big purchases,,, like refrigerator at Sears, ,that kind of thing, but I pay it off before the interest starts.

    BIG ANNOUNCEMENT:  I got a hand written card, apologizing for Ava missing her meds at the kennel. And she returned my check! Of course, there is no excuse,, but it was good to get apology and check!

    Ava is feeling perky today. Walked to bike path for first time since we got home.  Still limping, but she seems very perky and excited to go places. YAY!  Will go to park today before work.

    **waving to all**

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    That was nice to get an apology Yay for Ava!!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    Zills, Our first GS was like sleeping with a windmill. One night we sold him on a sleeping bag and it worked like a charm. His kicking was padded and somewhat confined. How about bribes for staying in own bed? I do have to admit we got a king size bed because of little ones joining us in the middle of the night. Sorry your room won't work. Our K size plus 2 night tables goes from wall to wall in our bedroom. We bought a new K size bed a few years ago and they couldn't get it up our stairs. So we have 2 twins attached to the K size frame and use K size sheets and blankets. Works fine for us.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Good morning ladies, today is Bec's Birthday, 37 years young! I used to go and get in bed with her, if she came to our room when she was young. She was a chronic asthmatic, so couldn't be too tough, but nipped our bed in the bud, she was like a windmill, and sideways too! LOL She would come into our room, lift my eyelids and ask if Mummy was in there!

    I have woken with a frozen shoulder this morning, so pissed off. I tried not to get emotional about Bec leaving tomorrow,but must have "cracked the sads" regardless,blody RA kicks in at a hint of sadness, don't know why.

    So I have a haircut this morning, lunch in town, with Bec, funeral of my friend at 2pm and dinner for us tonight. Shit!!!! and I have a dead arm, hanging by my side!

    Have been reading...great to hear the woman felt guilty Glennie, so she bloody should return your check! Andrea, I feel for poor Lucky, so sorry he's in pain.

    We have a King size, always had queen waterbed for Colin, but changed to king when we discovered latex would be ok for pressure. I hated that queen waterbed, like the devil, it was horrible.

    Thankfully no debt, worked all our lives to get here. Had mortgages, but never had one I couldn't manage and pay off early, just kept upgrading houses, building and renovating, to get the next one. Hopefully this is the forever house, but I will never, say never! LOL

    19% interest sounds outrageous, but I remember a time when our mortgagees went to 18% lots of people living beyond their means, lost their homes. It was a tough time.

    I used to do all the household expenses, but Colin does it now, I love that!

    Waving to everyone, I hope the arthritis gloves arrive and they work for you DP!

    Will be back later to fill in on the day....M

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Andrea, I am mad at your DH. He is an asshole! I am going to punch him. He will not treat you this way.

    Kids are punch-fighting right now as we speak. DLLP breaking it up. **sigh** I cannot watch American Horror Story either. Love Jessica Lange. But that show scares the crap out of me.

    M, I am so sorry for your shoulder, and Bec's leaving, and your friend! It's a lot to take on all at once. Poor M! I hope you will not do too much.

    You are right, Idesim, I bit off more than I could chew Saturday. Answer to What did I eat? -- I ate pretty well today. Protein shake. Then our princess had made lunch for me after yoga! Baked beans (cold! Out of the can! :) ), soy yogurt, and a bagel with vegan butter! I have not been eating much gluten, but you can believe I ate that!

    We tried the new grocery store in town and it was a nightmare -- waited to check out for almost an hour! -- but got treats for tonight (golden globes) and DLLP made dinner. Quinoa pasta, sauce, salad, and fresh bread from store. We got fresh berries, and we have my favorite coconut ice cream. Hooray! I think DLLP feels badly about Friday. She did fair amount of cleaning (house not really clean) and rearranged some things while I was at yoga.

    p.s. -- Speaking of your MLD ladies -- DP, how is your ham hand? I should do more of that drainage than I do. Going to PT tomorrow, but don't have more scheduled. Am tired of going, it is too much. Anyway, speaking of that, yoga (yin yoga) super painful and intense! Yeeouch! I am the stiffiest, ricketiest person imaginable.

    Okay. Who is coming to the wedding? All are welcome of course -- it is very low-key, don't expect fireworks! -- and of course the florida people are welcome to drive down! You are not expected to do it, of course, but you are welcome. No presents! The fifth one is the charm.

    Edward (kitty) throwing up right now.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Oh, M,,, so sorry about your shoulder and a funeral and Bec leaving.  **Happy Birthday Bec!** So cute how she would lift your eyelids!

    Bobo:  how sweet that the Princess made you lunch.  I heard the new grocery store was mobbed.  I want to check it out,,, in a week or 2!! And I would love to come to the wedding!!  Poor Edward. Hope it is not serious.

    Back to work,,,,, back later

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Poor M, bad things at once. Feel better!!

    What new grocery opened? A trader Joes is supposed to open next month in StPete. I'll go, but not right away. A Whole Foods opened here in Nov. I went, wasn't impressed. There's a reason it's known as Whole Paycheck.

    When, where, and what time is the wedding? I'd like to TRY to drive up. Details by pm?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    The new store is called Lucky's.  I think they are supposed to be big on organics.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    I'm not into the organic thing. I should be, I guess. So darn expensive! And PUBLIX carries it too. If it's grown in Fl it has 0 taste, and I simply won't buy it. Organic or commercially grown

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Spookie. why not if grown in FL.? bad soil or what? always thought FL was supposed to have the best oranges?? I like Texas grapefruit the red ones.. they are the best in my opinion. Organic or not?? just read an interesting article about how really nothing is organic anymore, or at least 100% because of the heavy use of chemicals all over and the soil can no longer filter out all of them. I do believe they leach into soil, air, etc. I try to keep my growing garden as free as possible but not far away is farm land that is saturated with all sorts of chemicals. Yes, it is spendy, wonder why if they arent using all the expensive chemicals on them.

    How is your shoulder Ariom, you will miss your Bec, but hopefully you will be together again soon, wish her Happy 37th from me. Will be so glad when Colin is all better. how is Colin 2?

    Sorry about Lucky, and glad Ava is some improved.

    Bobo, hope you enjoyed your lunch from Princess... did you have tea later?? I would love to come to Florida about now, water, warm, and palm trees sound mighty good, but dont think it will happen. I am so excited to see the pics!!!

    Wondering how JS and Sailman are doing? Been a long time since we heard from her.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    NDgirl - I don't know much about organics, but I know what I saw when I went apple picking. It was a real eye opener to see how damaged the organic fruit was. I suspect that the volume produced that's edible is considerably smaller when compared to the pesticide produce, Less volume means less profit - so probably why it's more expensive. Just a guess.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    so many goings on today. Good for you and Ava glennie for getting apology and refund. Poor little lucky. Bless his heart. What is the next step?

    Sorry about shoulder m. And becs visit coming to an end. It had to come. Now you are closer to the next one. Besides she simply must get back and tell us what is happening at the wicked garden inn. Happy bday bec!!

    I am just miserable right now. Side/abdomen hurting so bad. Seems really swollen up. Must need to be drained. Ugh. I was hoping to hold out and let the chemo fix it. No such luck. Been in pain most of week. Back on the hydro for breakthrough, which I was not taking at all for a couple of weeks. Hoping they can get me into the procedure tomorrow and not just try to schedule. Can't even find a comfortable position to lay in at this point. Should have gone to er today. Reggie is at foot of bed snoring. Loudly. Toby in floor. No room for everyone tonight and I don't feel like being cramped in.

    Back later. I'm sure there isn't much sleep in store for tonight b

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Helloooooooo! Breaking News!!!!! The woman who was driving to Melbourne tomorrow and dropping Bec off after we all went outlet shopping is sick and isn't doing it. So Bec can stay till Thursday now...yay! She doesn't have to be back at work till the following Monday, so she wants a couple of days to get organized. Only problem is, I don't get to have a little "One on One" with the hoarding bitch and the nasty old, next door neighbor bitch, which I was really, looking forward to!

    Just got back from the loveliest funeral, tried hard not to let myself get sad, but it was hard. My friend had written a great deal of the eulogy herself and as always, she was thinking about everyone else and how they were getting on. Her family are just lovely and her old dog Casey was there, lying right by her casket, with flowers around his collar. I was doing well, till the Piper started and they were talking about her Mother who was also a Moira and how they came out here, just the 3 of them on a ship from Scotland. It was all so familiar, even though she was a bit older than me.

    DP, so sorry that you're in that awful pain again. I hope a draining will fix it for you, any news on the other surgery yet?

    I love my organic stuff, but realize it can be expensive to buy. I also like the home grown stuff I get at the farmers market, not officially Organic, but home grown, without the use of pesticides. I grow all my own herbs in pesticide free soil and don't spray with anything that isn't completely biodegradable, I figure it helps.

    Thank you for all the Birthday wishes, Bec appreciates them all!

    Colin 1 is still sweating and shaking, hopefully that will be fixed on Friday.

    Colin 2 has just had his U/S and even with months of Warfarin, his clot has not changed at all. He told me the measuring was really scientific, the R/O pulled out a wooden kids, school ruler to measure the size of the clot on the film, high tech here! So apparently the "Throat Slitter" won't be removing his thyroid, any time soon!

    Wish I could be at the wedding, but pics will be fine! Love the Princess making your dinner for you, too sweet. M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    pills are on now so I can at least lay very still and. It howl in pain. Watching qvc. Never a fan if a jewelry show but this Or Paz silver is sooo pretty. Certainly not buying any though. I must have filled 50 little baggies with jewelry for the sale tonight. And hat wasn't even into my current stuff. Just what was left in the armoire. I did however get two pai of the Isaac moccasin TSV. Couldn't resist. The colors are so pretty and his mocs are one of two items that I have ever owned of Isaac. Got a pair way back in the day from his target line even at that, they had to be on clearance for me to get them. I was in my early 20s and I thought they were the classiest thing ever. This was long before I dreamed of wearing flats too but I wore the heck out of them when I had goat art wearing warehouse shoes. Anyhow, they remind me I those except they were not suede. But I got the turquoise and the caramel. So perhaps i will be a real classy lady come this spring.

    This slow typing crap is effing ridiculous. I can't stand it. Trying a differnt post.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    glad bec gets to stay a while longer. Sorry you won't be giving those bitched the smack down.

    Andrea, I am with bobo. Ladies with such immaculate vaginas should not be the ones picking up the poop. Maybe you need to take a picture for him so he realizes how perf it is.

    Sweet of princess to make you lunch bobo. I was telling bond he other day about some awful lunches I used to make for me and gma. It was really all about spending time together so I hope she shared your can if cold beans.

    We had this little set of plates from my granny. They were china with a indent to hold the little tea mug. Very ritzy stuff for an 8 year old ya know. So on Saturdays when I knew she was about to get off work, I would walk around the corner (granny lives right around the.corner and I was NOT allowed the e home alone all day while gma was at work) anyhow, just so we could use hear pretty plates, I would make some kind of soup. Whatever condensed Campbell's was in hand. Usually tomato or chicken noodle. Paired with bologna and cheese on white bread with the crust cut off. I didn't like ham. If it was a real fancy day and we had the ingredients, I would made cream cheese and bacon finger sandwiches instead. Don't laugh. I like those things to this day.

    Anyway I would set all that up with a pretty table cloth and tea and have it waiting or when she fit home from work. And those made really special times for both of us. Have to enjoy those moments when you can. BG is still going I have I sleep in bed though. Lol. Like the mattress in floor idea but I wouldn't go that permanent. I got to has a pallet next to the bed sometimes and gma would hold my hand. Of course I always got to climb in bed with her in the morning after gpa was off to work. And before time for getting ready for school. Maybe that could be a compromise/bribe somehow?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    bobo I got this email from ThredUp about a new year "look". Made me think of you. PM me your real email?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    Sorry I missed the bag M. That funeral does sound like a tear jerker. Glad Bec is staying a few more days and sandman has relieve in sight. Sorry about Colin2. You can try holding your ring finger for sadness.

    Hi DP. Not much sleep here either. BG back in bed way too early and I just couldn't get up then but up now. Having strange belly cramps periodically. Chinese or ibuprofen.

    My daddy had a stroke. Going to see him in am. Got call while at basketball practice. Car making funny noise. DH thinks door locks. Bad weather expected. Hope I don't get stranded. It's not far, just inconvenient. I like my wheels.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    so sorry z. Do they think he will be ok? Gosh don't get stranded in the cold! And definitely stay put at hospital if it gets bad. Maybe DH should take you and drop off?? I blame the ibuprofen not Chinese.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    That's so sweet DP. I have those plates. Maybe I should have an indoor picnic.

    Beans on toast is an Irish breakfast thing.

    I love khans bologna and Colby cheese with a slice of homegrown tomato.

    One of my favorite cheese balls is bacon, cream cheese, dill and ??? Recipe around here somewhere. Haven't made it in ages.

    I used to have lunch with my gps when I worked down the road from them. Campbell's soup, ham/turkey/cheese sandwich, and something from the goody drawer. No chocolate. Granddaddy was allergic.

    Thought it was a high faluting lunch as we never had ham/turkey, much less both at same time! Goody drawer was metal lined and loaded with orange cupcakes, raspberry zingers and Vienna finger cookies. We never had those goodies either, much less a drawer full.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    hmm orange cupcakes. Don't think I ever had one but damned I it doesn't soundgood. lol. Stupid steroids.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Z, I am so sorry to hear about your Dad, be careful in the bad weather.

    DP, I love the stories about you and your GP's. I never knew mine, Bec adored my parents, they were the best GP's, for her, she adored them and they her. I thought I would be one too, not to be, though. Catch you later...M x