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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    in the bag DP.

    Just cold and rainy.

    Not a fan of orange cupcakes but love orange muffins. Otis spunkmeyer made them. Hard to find. Can use Duncan Hines cake mix. Recipe on box.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    In the bag DP! Want you to get drained right away. When is gamma knife? Worried about your pain. Your story about the tea party is the cutest thing ever! Apparently you were as sweet then as you are now.

    Z, so sorry to hear about your dad! Mine had a stroke 18 months ago. He recovered completely -- it was a small one. I hope for the same thing for your dad. It can be so worrying to have something wrong with the car.

    M, hoping you don't get hurt by the sadness. The funeral sounds so beautiful. Poor doggie! Glad Bec gets to stay a bit -- that seems like a special present.

    Spooks, you are so silly about produce! Go to the farmer's market! That produce is delicious! Will pm you wedding details -- what there are of them. It's pretty casual! Wait. Give me a day to speak to DLLP so we can get the minute details down.

    ND, I DID have tea afterward! I love my new tea mug. You are so sweet to ask. Our princess is so sweet. She is not very sweet to DLLP right now, though. Testing. Must say DLLP deserves it.

    Hmm. Have to go to PT, then lunch with my boss. Do not want to go. Really do not. Supposed to be getting ready. 1, 2,..

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Z you can still get Kahns Bologna? And hot dogs? Girl, we gotta talk! I heard a few years ago they got bought out! We used to get it here, no more. Wag.

    The produce thing. We have farmers markets here. The stuff sits out in the sun and heat and wilts. It was picked who knows how long ago.

    When was the last time you bit a radish and your eyes watered? Or cut an onion and cried? Or cut a RIPE melon and could smell it? Or had a tomato that was juicy and smelled like a tomato?

    In Florida, stuff grows in sand. No nutrients there. No taste either.

    My dad grew up on a farm not far from where Z lives. They grew it all. We had a huge garden in Cinti. I got spoiled with it. Put a pot of water, run over, pick corn, yummmm wasn't this crap grown in sand with no taste. And then mom and I would can or freeze the extra.

    Everybody either had an apple tree, or you knew somebody who did. No, they weren't sprayed, and they didn't look pretty. Nothing wrong with them. But people don't know that. They want pretty. Applies to all produce.

    One of the very few things I miss about up north. End of rant

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Spookie, I get what you mean about taste. I kept saying to my kids that produce tasted better when I was their age I thought it was my taste buds. I really noticed the difference when we grew our own tomatoes one year. They actually tasted and smelled like tomatoes . And dont get me started on potatoes!

    Lucky actually seems to have improved. Yesterday I stopped the stool softeners and gave him some of his old dry food with a bit of water in it DH took him out for a walk this morning and said he didnt yelp when he went poop.we will see how today goes. We cant let him get bunged up again. But at least he seems happier now.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    M, so sorry to hear yih are not feeling good . And so pleased hat Bec can stay on...happy belated Birthday!

    DP, in the bag for you. Hope you can get drained and hear about cyber knife. You are seriously one of the strongest woman I know. I really wish we lived closer. So I could stalk you in person, lol.

    Z, so sorry to hear about your dad. Please keep us informed on his progress. Wish I lived closer so I could watch your kids and let you get a good nights sleep.

    Bobo, please let us know if you are registered anywhere. Or what you would like for wedding gifts. What color towels you like, etc. This is the fun part. Also wished we lived closer...and not just because of your close vicinity to Disney World, lol.

    You are ALL such incredibly stong women! We should rule the world!!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    was late getting here and then had trouble giving blood in chemo lab. Now I'm super late for NP appt so I am waiting as usual. Was supposed to start chemo 11:30. CT simulation for cyber knife is supposed to be at 1:30. Probably need to move that back now. Depending in how many zaps they want to do a day, maybe i could be all done this week. Wishful thinking. Now no time for draining today. Sim is more important. Back later

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    glad lucky is some better Andrea. Stool softeners always make things worse to me. Maybe for him too.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    In the Bag, DP!!  I hope everything gets done today.

    Andrea:  glad Lucky seems better. At least no pain when pooping!  That is a relief.

    Z:  sorry to hear about your dad.  HOpe he is doing ok and your car will be ok too. Worried about you driving in crappy weather.

    M: glad that Bec got to stay longer, but was hoping you get to bitch slap those neighbors! Hugs to our Colin. Friday is almost here. Poor doggie at funeral. Very sad.

    Bobo:  I hope to come to the wedding. Can you PM me too?  Hopefully I'm not working!

    Update on kennel story:  Owner called this am, left message, asked me to call. I haven't yet. Also got email.  She spoke to person who said that I brought TWO pill containers for 2 weeks, and that the meds were given but I had brought extras!!  HA!  NOOOO! I explained that I only brought one container with the exact number of pills she needed for her week's stay.  Yes, on the side of the container was marked week 2,, from a previous stay,, but there was only ONE container. Geeeez.

    Hot flashes are not better. I feel like crap. I think it is the Prozac and I think I'm going to stop it. I just don't care about much and feel so apathetic which is not like me. So I blame the Prozac.  Saw GI doc today, colonoscopy scheduled for Jan 28,,, must arrange a ride.  Another bowel prep!  Good times!!  But I'll get this over with.

    **waving to all**

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    I won't do the colon test. I had enough of the big D from chemo to last the rest of my life. If I start with any symptoms, I'll think about it.

    That kennel worker is lying, and should be fired. Prolly a kolidge kid

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    Glennie, I thought they used Effexor for hot flashes. I'm sure you know to taper Prozac unless you're taking a minute dose.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Hah. Spookie the rebel! At the very least, I hope your doctor is doing a stool test at your yearly to check for blood. Colon cancer scares me, but maybe it's because my brother died from it. If you use the Gatorade/Miralax solution, the clean out isn't all that horrible. Plus.. remember about those gummie bears. You can eat them during your fasting to trick your brain into thinking it's eating something solid.

    DP - I hope the moon and stars line up in your favor and you get everything accomplished today. Hate that you are back in the pain cycle. Your online shopping just cracks me up. I buy a lot online.. but you make me look like I'm in kindergarten.

    Bobo - I think you should Skype the whole wedding for those of us who can't be there. All in favor say "Aye"!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Good advice from PRB!

    Andrea, what I want for the wedding is for you to make plans to come to Disney -- anytime! Anytime you save up the money to do it. I just want to look forward to it. I'm sure all of us will plan around you (all of us who live closer). You and spookie... you're right about produce of course, esp tomatoes. But Spookie, there are good organic vegetables to be had! It's practically a part-time job to shop. I go one place for one thing, one for another, etc. And why can't you get to the farmer's market first thing? :)

    DP, still in the bag. So excited about gamma knife simulation! If 'excited' is the right word! I can just hear Z saying 'drink drink drink' regarding giving blood. Worried they are not going to drain you. I really want you to be drained. Standing by!

    PRB, I think DLLP would totally Skype the wedding. We are not technological but she almost Skyped our last wedding! You make me laugh.

    Will finalize details and PM you guys. But... don't expect a Martha Stewart occasion! It's just going to be very simple! XX

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    I reply to myself. So glad Lucky is feeling better! So glad!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    tiny stroke. Clot in brain stem. Right foot affected. No beds so still in ER. Will be observed and PT.

    It's the d@mn door locks. Scares the bejesus out of you when turning off ignition.

    DP. I hope you get zapped and drained.

    Must go sweep and fold clothes on couch. Sister spending night.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Awww, Bobo that is so nice! You made my day! I will work on it for sure!!

    Zills, thanks for the update on your dad. Scary stuff fir sure. Hope he has a quick turn around.

    DP you are a rock star and fashionably late too!!

    Anyone watching Celebrity Apprentice? Or Downton Abbey?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Z:  hope he has quick recovery. 

    Andrea: I don't watch any of those.  My current reality shows are:  Biggest Loser, Naked and Afraid, Alaskan Bush People, Tattoo Nightmares and Inkmasters (tattoo competition).   I got obsessed with tattoos when I was planning to tattoo across my scar.  Then I got LE and that got squashed.  Still kinda obsessed.

    Oh, and I watch Pit Bulls and Parolees.  It's Ava's favorite show. She likes happy endings when the dogs find homes.

    Wow,, i watch a lot of reality TV,,,,  actually surprised,,,,

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    now in going to have chemo. Did ct sim first, ten came up for chemo, then NP said go to hospital for thorencentesis. Because she really wanted it done today. So we went down the street for that. Very glad. By time I got there I could barely breathe. OMG it hurt like hell today. I don't even know why he was doing but it was bad bad bad. On te upside, I am have some immediate relief of other pain and SOB. No word on cyber knife schedule yet. That will probably take a stupid week to plan.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Standing by and in the bag, DP. You are such a rock star superhero. I will have the actual Bobo in the bag with me. X

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Andrea, I reply to myself. Am totally watching Downton Abbey. Taped it to watch later this week. Cannot watch tonight -- must watch the Bachelor! My very favorite show!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    DP, sending good wishes your way, glad you got some relief. and hopefully no week for cyberknife, why must things go so slow for people that are in the most need of it?? I hate to think of you hurting that bad. HUGS to you.

    Zills, sorry to hear about your dad, strokes are terrible things, but glad to hear it was not a major one. Sending good wishes.Rehab will probably bring him around quickly.

    Sorry M that you are hurting too, nice Bec can stay a bit longer. Sounds like the funeral was a real celebration of her life. That is what I am planning for myself.

    Andrea, glad Lucky is better.

    We got an early call from ds and their daycare lady had a death in family, her mil died, so we had to take off to help with gd until Thursday! really was not prepared for this but glad we could help. I have been having issues with (I think) GERD, never had it before took some prilosec a couple of weeks ago and it seemed to relieve it so I stopped and last night it hit again. Ouch, I have not been drinking coffee and not sure what to eat really, sleep with a couple pillows keeping me lifted a bit. So no sleep last night and now on childcare duty, but wont be bad just 1 not in school and dh is with me. Any suggestions out there from you wise gals?

    Glennie, I had the package all ready to mail to you but took off and it is still on table.. end of week I will get it out... promise.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    ND -- so sorry about your stomach... Wedge pillow? You are a good grandma... unlike some people.... :)

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Z: No pants!


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    DP:  I'm so sorry that it hurt so much.  I hope the pain and SOB is better once the pain of that procedure wears off. Ava and I are in the bag.  she will kiss your face. Or your feet. Sometimes she likes to do that.

    ND:  no worries about the package.  Wedge pillow is excellent idea.  Does antacid, like Tums or Maalox, help with immediate relief?  Prilosec is a bit more long term.  Sometimes Pepcid helps more quickly.  You are a good grandma! Good that you can help out. I always loved hanging out with my Grandma. She was the best.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Morning ladies! still battling a flare this morning, hands and feet, elbow and shoulder, makes me feel very old!

    Was going to the movies today, but don't think I could sit in seat that long and with air con blowing cold, I may just seize up completely.

    So glad to hear Z's Dad didn't have major stroke and hope it is something that can be treated easily and leaves no trace.

    I am so pleased Lucky had a pain free poop!

    DP, you win, hands down, you're one tough young woman. I bow to you, the way you take this shit, in your stride and still have a sense of humor humbles me. I am so sorry you had such a painful procedure, I wish I had a magic wand that could wave away your pain and make it all better. When Bec was sick, I would ask the Angels to help her, these days, I do Angel Meditation, that's my only nod, to any kind of religious icon, don't mean to offend those who are believers, just not something I have ever been exposed to, or believe in. Hugs to you!

    Gosh ndgirl, lucky you were available. Isn't there just so much bad news around right now!

    I am so sorry you are battling Gerd, it is a shitful thing. I take Nexium every day and keep chewable antacids for any break through. I can get bad reflux, from drinking water! There is no real rhyme or reason to it. I can eat hot chilli one day and not the next. There are lots of natural things you can try, but for me, the big guns knock it out quick smart. I find if I accidentally forget a tablet, it kicks in pretty fast. The PPI's, (proton pump inhibitors) are the best because they actually slow the production of acid down. If you have a slight sliding hernia, that makes it worse too. I have a moderate sliding hernia so bending over after a meal is not a great idea and lying down after eating can cause problems. I just make sure I haven't eaten or had anything to drink in the couple of hours before bed, so I don't have that awful need to sit upright in bed.

    Bobo would love to Skype your wedding too!

    Talking about the flavor of home grown, versus store bought, there is no comparison. My herbs are sensational and the tomatoes smell like tomatoes and taste fabulous. If you can fit a pot somewhere in a sunny spot, when the weather improves, I can't recommend it highly enough Try some Sweet Basil and Tomatoes and you have the base for immediate Bruschetta, buy some nice garlic and a cold pressed olive oil, yummmm. I can't get enough, of my Parsley and the Vietnamese Mint and the Coriander is heaven. Just these few things along with a saucer pot with a few different lettuce types and your on your way!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Oh Bobo! I got up at the crack of dark for toooo many years for work. I am a lazy, retired slug. I don't like to leave the house till at least noon! Or get out of my Jammie's till then.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    I'm with you spookie. Even when I was working so many hours, when I could pull it off, I would work ifrom the bathroom all morning while getting ready and not leave house before 10-11. Of course I would then be at work until 10 or 11pm but is didn't care. It rarely felt like work when I was in my terms like that. Not saying it was not stressful cuz heaven knows it was insanity. Just never felt like I was "at work". These days I don't feel like leaving at all. And I'm buying more stylish sleep clothes so that' I can answer door and go outside in them. What a bum I am!!

    Nd that sounds just miserable. I hope you can get some relief soon and keep up the worlds best gma duties. Slow typing grr. Trying new post. Does that happen to anyone else

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    z did you get a good visit in with dad? Also is this a good sister or a wicked sister spending the night?

    Oh m. Thank you for wanting to wave your fairy wand over me. I believe in faeries. Don't make fun. I am not superwoman. But I am also not afraid to say that I am NOT a wuss. I have a very high pain tolerance and I am also good at gritting my teeth and keeping quiet. Today was insanity. Began and ended with uncontrolled winces and yelps of pain. I have NEVER yelped in pain during a procedure! I had let gma come in room with me.because it is usually a long boring wait for the dr to get there. . Of course today wasn't a big wait and she had to see all that which I hate. Afterwards she told me that she could not have some that. SHE said I have had 3 children and I son know how you just went through that. Kind of a weird compliment?

    I told her about how I tell biond that things are different now. Things don't seem so bad after you go through so much of this crap you kind of go numb to it. I remember my very first scans being horrific. My first port placement was the most awful recovery for me (even now and even though I know it wasn't, it still feels like it). I was totally going to hurl when I drank my first two bottles of contrast for a ct. Literally. I was going to spew. It's all in perspective I guess. I guess too that when you get so used to hurting all the time, that your body just comes to expect it. So truth be told, two years ago, I likely could not have done today either. Ok thats my pain observation ramble. The end.

    We get the best tomatoes from the side of the road in east Texas during the summer. I'm not normally a tomato fan because thy just make a mess and don taste like much. But these tomatoes are a meal. They are as big as grapefruits, bright red and stay in tact when slices. You slice hen up and put on salt and pepper and it is divine. Have some green onions out of a glass of cold water with them for a bonus.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    I am delighting at the "ACTUAL" bobo being in my bag. As well as at Ava kissing my toes. Getting handfuls of fur when in reach in there.... And drool I think.

    Feeling a bit better now I was apparently worse of than I thought. Hence NP putting the rush in me. I also think my favorite rad tech may have tattled on how bad off I was during my simulation. I could hardly breathe much less sit up and down on that table. He is my superman. Nearly picked me all the way up off the table today. His name is Marcus and he gave my very first sans. Gotta love a guy that can explain how the iodine will make you feel without blushing or causing you rondo so. Anyhow I was so wiped out that i managed to sleep through 10mg of decadron and with ice strapped to my feet. Back is feeling a little better now. Abdomen/side/lung still quite sore and painful. Took hydro at 8pm I think did I say all this already? Omg I think I did. I have to shut up now. Love you ladies

    Ps: bobo will not send me her email address because she is afraid I willl send her a picture of pants. Hahahaha very interesting.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Hey DP, I am bringing Dex in the bag too, he will play with the others and make them tired. I know you're not a wuss and I always believed in Fairies too and my Dad encouraged it!

    I am sorry your Gma had to see that, but she understands what you are going through and when a woman compares something to childbirth, you can be sure they "Get it"!

    I am so glad you have this great Rad Tech, he sounds like our kind of guy! Ice strapped to your feet? What's that about? I may have missed something, but have you got the go ahead now, for the cyber knife? have you had or having another MRI, first? I am trying to keep it straight, but not sure if I have missed posts because I have been racing through while Bec has been here.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    DP, how are you doing now, so glad you have a tech that you like and is good to you! I know you didn't want gma to see certain things but I can assure you that she is tougher than you think. I always tried to protect my folks from any of my troubles but was informed in no uncertain terms that they had lived through many trials in life, including the Great Depression and could " take it"! And they wanted to! I am wondering about ice on the feet too? For swelling?

    No digestive issues yesterday or last night.. Yay for that, today we are eating with GD at her school, could be interesting but kids love it when you come visit school, or at least when they are little thy do👪!

    Heard the details of mil of the day care provider, she had bladder infection and apparently didn't get meds soon enough and went toxic causing strokes and heart failure, so sad. She wasn't that old either, but the older I get the younger old is.

    Have a good day everyone, hugs to you DP?