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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    the gmail is easy. I had to make one to use windows wen I got my new computer last year. Crazy. Anyway, I think you may also be able to log in using Facebook log in. I just started viewing YouTube very much last year and of course that was just watching. I don't go on much any more. It is really so sad for me to open the app and know that there won't be a video from Christina Newman.

    Hydro kicked in. Feeling better but sleepy now. Been so tired lately. On steroids too long now. Is that it? Tumor load wearing me out? I dunno. 1pm still no CyberKnife call. What not to wear is on and Carmandy is doing her thing. Making me sad that I won't be giving bobo a mini bridezilla makeover. :-( was really looking forward. At this rate though I won't even be started by 26th. How far are you from Kissimmee bobo?

    Z it is Dollar Tree. They had loads of cool things right before New Years. It goes fast around here though! Those for perfectly in my sterilite drawers that I got at a yard sale. Pretty pleased so far. And I love all the little purple patterns. They also have all different little plastic and rubber bins that are so cool. Cant beat it for a buck!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    oh z. You should look for that stuff on eBay. Best prices on phone cases and accessories. Never pay full price!!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    You don't need to sign in to google. Just pull the video up on u tube app. That is if you have that app! Lol

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    the never ending battle

    imageYou can't see the ones by the door, therefore they do not count.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    also two of those big ones are dishes for my grandma AND one of them is a watch case that bond ordered. So it's not all me. I just take the fall for it all. Uh huh.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    I didn't have any problem seeing the video and I don't have a Google account that I know of.

    DP, That is truly a heap of packages. I think it would give DH a heart attack.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    That is so odd. When I clicked the link it took me straight to Youtube. It never asked me for anything.

    You are Beautiful DP. You have been through so much, and you are so young . Your strength is inspiring. What is that song in the video? I like it.

    But hey how did my name make it into the video? You mean there are other Andreas out there?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    'Oh, I am Andrea's vagina, I am the only one. I am the only vagina in the world, I do not need waxing.'

    DP, holding your hand through the worst of it. Don't worry, I will always need a makeover! You are so pretty in your video! You could be a qvc model. Wouldn't that be the greatest?

    Excited about your packages. It looks like Christmas at your house! I totally know the feeling of not wanting to open packages from Christmas time. You've got to open the things that come from amazon from them, then wrap them back up. It can be tiring.

    Not looking forward to picking up kids and doing the dinners. Body aches. S! That is terrible about DH! Looking forward to naughty puppy stories. XXX

    Dawny -- hi betty! **waving** What have you been cooking lately? Just made myself some choccy pudding with a big spoonful of coconut oil in it.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    DP, this video is simply amazing! I will watch it several times when I am done babysitting. You are one special gal! Love the pic of the pool and also look forward to seeing more videos to follow. Hope you are having a nap now and can finish opening boxes later.. always fun. DS gave me an Iphone 6 for Christmas.. now if he had just sent a smart grandson with it to teach this old dog a new trick!! I am enjoying it so far, but wont be long until I really screw it up. Seem very much like my I Pad so maybe there is a chance for me.

    PRB, 13 is an age where they arent sure what they want... to be gown up?? or still enjoy the childlike fun of birthdays?? Think birthdays should always be special days for any age. Sneak a cake in! Good luck

    Sgc oh no, ouch, hope he recovers soon.. dog is helping with depression yet? so maybe an owie too!

    Hi to all... nice to hear from you Dawny!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    interesting,,, that it took you straight there,  I am messing around on work computer and on Ipod touch and can't get there.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    I'm pouting because Youtube is blocked at work, so I can't see it yet :(

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    it's probably not a good work video anyway. Too much skin.

    You are all so sweet. I really like that song too. I just found it last night on a royalty free song site through moviemaker. You put in how long yiu want it to be and the tempo and it searches for you. I thought it was actually pretty perfect. I will have to get back on computer to see what it is called. I do have to make at least one more video, probably of dogs or maybe Hawaii. Just so I can use this other song I found called Chicken and Cheese. I love it. Hehe

    Package debacle happened again. One came while guy was here. I heard the ups man a little while ago. That is two deliveries. Just like QVC texted. Meanwhile I opened 5 and thought I was making headway. I was hoping the second package was my Dr Grossman so I open the door and am greeted by this.


    There are 9!!

    In my defense. Why do they put one thing in one box? What a waste. Qvc wastes no space but look at this one. I ordered 5 of these royal doulton ornaments (to sell ya know, big clearance). See how small they are? The box it is sitting in is how it came. There were FIVE of this big boxes. So see. It's not all my fault.


    Oh crap. FedEx just rang the bell. Crap. Glad I just got all the other boxes in. They are going to start thinking I'm a drug dealer or something.

    CyberKnife scheduled. Start on 20th and go every week day though 26. Number one, really I have to wait another week? Number two, it is five treatments. Why couldn't I start on Monday instead of Tuesday?? Whatever. At least it's in the books.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    So excited that you are all scheduled up, DP! Go Cyber Knife go! Wow, I am so excited. I have been stressed out about your insurance!

    Well, your package towers look amazing. Cannot wait to hear if you got any beauty stuff. And once you're all cyber knife'd up and ready for a par-tay can you go to NOLA? Anybody want to meet in NOLA for a par-tay?

    We're driving there -- July 6 - 9. Another Vinnie sister has done all the hotel research for us! Let me know if you want it and I'll PM you. We get special bc discount hotel rate. XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Hi ladies! DP, that's some tower of shopping, you have there. Glad to hold your hand anytime you need it, feeling any better yet? I am so pleased to hear you have a date and it's soon, for the Cyberknife. Definitely in the bag every day for that one!

    Spealing of tattoos Bobo, Bec and I did a photo shoot with fake Mx tattoo yesterday. I bought some temp tattoos, from a great tattoo artist in Melbourne, because I am still really wanting to do a chest tattoo, even though I am LE paranoid. I figure if so many can get nipple tatts, it must be fairly safe and I have passed the 2 year wait that I was quoted when I first started investigating Mx tattoos. Will post picture if anyone interested, I did Koy Fish, not what I would do, but it is the exact coverage I want.

    Sgc, so sorry to hear of your Husband's accident. Glad he has the puppy to keep him company!

    Ahhh 13 year olds, so true about not knowing what they want, "Birthday Cake by Stealth" is a great idea!

    Glennie and ldesim, you're both having the same problem my surgeon had last week when I tried to show him the Scar Project! The Hospital site blocked him from seeing it because there were boob in it, so funny considering he's the Hospital Breast Surgeon!

    Waving to everyone..M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    S, how is your husband? M, can't wait to hear more about your tattoo.

    Wedding update! Just tried on my dress and our princess' dress and they look great! They really are in the same matching family. The dresses are both white cotton, v simple. Took a risk, got pale yellow tights for us both on sale this weekend (wasn't sure how they would work with the white) and they look great! I don't think white tights would look as well. Plus, as you know, the theme for the wedding is 'yellow.' DP will understand. Our G thought my COLOR was yellow, DP! **smiling at our G, she does not know difference between a theme and a color, she needs to watch qvc**

    I have a beautiful silk shrug from BR that I have been saving for the wedding for ages -- it is very very thin -- and it is sort of pale ivory yellow too! Wouldn't want to wear it all the time, because the dress' sleeves are a feature, but... in case it is chilly. And I just ordered our princess an ivory cardi from the gap --- it was something like six dollars. Super sale.

    I also got DLLP a simple white shirt and ages ago got her a pale ivory v-neck pullover for on top, if she wants. We will wear our same shoes, as I said. Must get shoes for our princess too, this weekend.

    Anyway, just wanted to tell you how pretty the dresses are! S, is this a good wedding update for you?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    I am going to make my bouquet something like this. The bottom one is better, but I will see whatever flowers trader joe has:



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    DP: that is truly a tower of boxes! How silly to put only one thing in big box.  I will get to vid on personal desktop, but it will probably be over the weekend.  And Cyberknife is scheduled!!  Excellent.  They probably did not start on Monday cuz it is MLK day and is an official holiday??? Could that be the reason? It is next week.  Finally!!!  In the bag.

    Theme and color?  OK,, I don't know the difference. I just wanted to know what color to use for surprise for Bobo's wedding.  Yellow is it!!  I am very pleased with surprise, cuz it was such fun to make it. It made me feel "crafty", something that I do not usually do!  I cannot wait to see the wedding outfits in person!  Hoping it won't be too cold.  I have nothing yellow to wear. I look deathly in yellow.

    M !!  I want to know what kind of tattoo you are going to get. I want to see picture.  I played around with temp tattoos also. Haven't done it in a while cuz now that I have LE, I know I just can't get one.   It was one thing to risk getting it due to a tattoo,, but now that I have it,,,, well,, I just can't do it. I really wanted to go to Seattle to see this woman tattoo artist who specializes in covering MX scars. A dream deferred.

    Bobo:  a wedding and nipple tatts!  2015 is going to be a good year!!!   NOLA would be fun.  You know we all will want to see pics.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Oooooh Bobo, great update, I love it all, from the tights to the shrug and the flowers are perfect. I love an unconstructed, natural, look for flowers! The Princess must be so thrilled with her outfit, what about W boy? what's he wearing? Is he excited too, or being a boy and appearing, not to care?

    Don't want to post pic of tattoo idea, if it will offend anyone, just want opinions, don't mind if they are negative. I am still undecided, because of the LE. Swinging from yes to no!!!!! Bec and Colin both really like it, because it covers the part of the scar that opened up with the infection, that's what I like about it too, still much research to do both for tattoo artist and for design, I am very fussy. Bet you hadn't guessed that! LOL

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015
    I am very pro tattoo plan! I know you will only do it if it is safe. Have you heard about the new hospital-grade tattoo inks, M? The ink Vinnie uses is completely different from that used at regular tattoo parlors. You make me want to get one! You are such a bad-ass!

    Hmm. G, you make me laugh out loud, really! YOU do not have to wear yellow! The THEME is yellow. Let me rephrase this. The theme is 'lemon.' You do not have to wear a lemon! I am smiling so much. Wear anything you want!

    W boy is wearing a pale blue cotton lawn oxford cloth shirt (it is sort of fey-looking, natch) and khakis (sort of... caramel-colored ones). Will I do an sprig of flowers for him? Probably not. I have a pet peeve about that, as I think they are only meant for the lapel of a jacket. You know, weddings are for girls anyway! He will feel left out that he does not have a bouquet.

    M, you are right, he does not really care, except for what affects him -- like not getting a bouquet. He does care about the cake! I am going to do a frosting -- I wasn't going to, I wanted it plain, but I worried it would dry out. A cream cheese frosting, lemon-flavored.

    I have shirts -- like, bridal party shirts! -- as a surprise! And, all you w boy fans, there is not a 'flower boy' shirt from j crew, so he will not get one, I will get him some cozy pants or something. Mine and DLLP's say 'bride,' and our princess' shirt says 'bridesmaid'! I thought they would be fun to wear during the weekend when we were getting things ready.

    I have had all this stuff for ages. You guys know how long we have been trying to do this. Hope I am not jinxing it. I think it's really happening!
  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    hilarious that you even think you may offend any of us here m. We are like parts missing pirates who spit and talk about vaginas. I'm posting pictures of my boobs and no boobs on YouTube like a teenager. I think you will find it safe here. :-) btw I showed bond your amoena articles last night. He was very impressed with you and dex. He asked me if his name was dex because of the medicine. I have dex written in top of my steroid bottles for dexamethasone. He was actually very interested in learning about everyone last night. He came in the bed while I had my laptop up and was on. I'm pretty sure that all those nights I was outside smoking and on here all night that he must've just thought I was messing around with someone. Long story.

    Andrea you are the only one in my life. Assuming common pronunciation. The Andrea from my text is my spicy little Venezuelan protege. Pronounced ON-dray-UH. She is the one bond and I trained to take over kohls. She followed most of my advice when she tried to quit and has now ended up in a great on site job that is the kind I always wanted her to have. I am so proud of her. She reminds me so much of me at her age. She has chutzpa though and isn't afraid to stand up for herself. Never strong points for me.

    I'm also so proud of my little Kuka who is at the same company as Andrea now. She is a recruiting machine. She tells me all the time about how things that I have taught her help her and how no one else I her office knows anything. So proud and happy that I has these two girls in my life.

    Bobo are they tights or hose? Feet or no feet? I like then idea of yellow and understated white. And the bouquet is just lovely. Yellow little flowers and baby's breath in princess hair?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    cross posting bobo. So glad to hear a little excitement on the plans. How about just a hint of bronzer and a brown eyeliner? And some nice lip gloss? Everyone e needs a nice lip gloss. Not goopy just a shimmy. Pleeeease.

    I like lemon as a theme. And lemon cake or lemon icing. Both sound Devine. I love any lemon dessert. You have to make w boy a little boutinier. Don't leave him out! Manis and pedis? Pale yellow with white polka dots could be fun!!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    I haven't watched the video yet, I will a bit later.. I know it will make me laugh and cry, probably at the same time.

    M, I for one would love to see the tattoo.. I do not think that anybody will be offended on here. .. but of course you can PM it as well.

    Which reminds me... Bobo.. I didn't see this picture that you pulled off!!

    I love love love all the wedding talk...and even though I cannot wear yellow.. I simply love the color... and I love lemon theme.. lots of love!! Bobo, you have to get W a special shirt too.. he cannot be without flowers and also without a shirt, it is so unfair :( Gosh, I would love to go to this... boo hoo!!!

    PRB, I think the cake is a great idea too.. I think this is a case of you're damned of you do and damned if you don't ... welcome to the teen years!

    Sgc, sorry DH took a tumble, I hope he didn't injure anything other than his pride :)

    Oh DP, I'm so glad there is somebody out there worse than me.... I am absolutely peeing myself over your loot.. you are going to wear yourself out opening all that stuff... do you have recycle bins? I can just see it overflowing from all the boxes!!! I bet the UPS guy flips the bird as he walks away from your house!!!

    Yay!! Cyberknife dates!! Frustrating that you have to wait more, but so happy that this is finally in place and happening!

    Oh Bobo, that bouquet is so pretty and I'm wondering what Glennie has up her sleeve!!! She is right, this is going to be your year and you so deserve it. I may have missed it.. but what is the date of the wedding?? Listen to DP, a little lip gloss won't hurt anybody!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    This is one of the women that I was considering.  Yes, she is all the way across the country!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015
  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    My name is Andrea pronounced like Angela.

    Yay for Cyber Knife dates. In the bag!!

    Am in M for seeing your tattoo. PM me please. I would like to tattoo over scars someday.i need to start finding out where to get training for that.

    Wedding plans sound wonderful.Bobo

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Alright the THEME is yellow.  I will not wear yellow. Or maybe a yellow flower. Lemon cake sounds divine!  I love lemon anything. Yellow manis/pedis with white dots sound cute.

    Have to read deposition and look for errors. Was supposed to return by tomorrow. Have only read half of it. *fail* It is emotionally draining to read. Decided to go to bed early instead.   Hope to dream of lemon cake. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    ooo, Andrea,, I can see you being tattoo artist!  You are so talented!!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    OH Dp, I watched it a few times.. it was beautiful as you are.. and so very powerful. What a great job and I too love the song. My only criticism is that it flashes by too fast... I still have to see it a couple more times because I keep feeling like I'm missing things. I didn't realize you were so young.. I believe you are the baby of the group :)

    Oh geez Glennie, depos are boring stuff!

    Such pretty stuff from Madame Lazonga and that article was fantastic. I really need to make up my mind what I want to do... some days I want to reconstruct, others I'd love to get one of those tattoos.. then there are days I want to do nothing at all and leave well enough alone.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Thank you Glennie. That is kind of you to say.

    I hit a roadblock though with my art. Just researched and found out that I can't sell my artwork (or even crafts on Etsy or Ebay) under my visa. And we have been waiting years for our greencard.

    Maybe if I start learning how to tatto I will have my greencard in time to work.

    Rant over..

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Here are a couple of the pics. Don't take too much notice of the content, it is just the size and coverage that I want. You can still see the scar that goes across onto my remaining breast and of course it goes all the way around my back, which I don't care about at all. I only really want to cover the part of my scar which resembles a long "blip", like the line on a heart monitor, with the rest of the scar being fine and really not that visible, any more.

    I have seen the work of one of those women on the internet, Glennie, how amazing is their work! I would be doing some research before I would make any decision. The guy I got the temp tattoos is a well known artist in Melbourne, so that's where I would start. I am not rushing into anything, just trying to make up my mind if I am willing to risk it. Also, I want to wear the temp ones for a while to be sure I want to have it "in my face" every day too. I have gotten very used to my scar, I just don't like that one small section of it.

    Both Bec and Colin are all for it, but of course they don't have any concept of LE, which all of you, do.

    So what do we think? Bad or good, let me have it!

