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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    You're so sweet DP! We are a bunch with missing parts. I never in a million years would have thought I would put up those gruesome shots of my "Dog Ear" surgery, but I really didn't care at all. When Erica told me about how many queries she gets on the site about "Dog Ears" and their removal, it was easy.

    Did you remember to tell Bond that Dexter got his name from the TV show? When we got him, he had been so maltreated that he had a dual personality, not so much now, but back then, I used to also call him "Cheeky" with a U, because he could snap and be outrageous.

    I think it's great that Bond gets to know us, we all love him, for the way he is with you! Colin and Bec know about all of you girls too.

    Andrea, what a pain that you can't sell your art, that's so unfair. You'd do a great job of tattooing!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    cool tattoo.

    Can wboy wear a jr groomsman shirt?

    Glad knife is scheduled. Yes mlk is Monday.

    Daddy sent home. Instruction to follow up with neurologist and cardiologist. No PT. Whatever.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Damn you look good M!! I like the idea of the tattoo. But not sure of the bright red as a permanent thing...could look like you are bleeding unless you are totally set on red, then just disregard that.also keep in mind i am looking at this on my phone without my reading glasses.

    Not sure what I would get.once again it needs to be said You look incredible!!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Envy those of you that share so much with your spouses. I dont talk much about my friends on here to my husband, I doubt he would be very interested.... We dont really talk much.

    He was really good during the crisis part, but when things got back to normal he went back to being absorbed in his work. No biggie. He was there when I really needed him. Thats what counts. The rest is gravy.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    M, I like the tattoo, but I think wearing the fake for a month or so is a good idea. I'm afraid of LE too. I haven't really looked in to it.

    Notice those 2 tattoo women live in Seattle, where I live. If you decide to take the step, let me know. I have a spare room or can help you find somewhere to stay if you want more privacy.

    The paper here had photos of a woman who had a morning glory vine tattooed on her chest and arm. It looked fabulous with green leaves and blue flowers.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Gee thank you Andrea! I totally agree about the color, this Koy, is not what I am going for I just like the size and the way this covers the bit of the scar that I don't like.

    Wren thank you for the lovely offer! I agree with you too, wearing the temporary for a good while will help with the decision to go "all the way". I have a small vine on my hip, well it was on my hip, but is a bit lower now, because of gravity LOL It was done nearly 22 years ago now, for my 40th which I don't even notice any more, but one on the front, will always be seen. I might order some others from the Tattoo place to try, when this one wears off.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    I agree with. Andrea. Love the concept and shape but not a fan of koy or the color. I think blues and greens are nice too. Totally good idea on wearing for a while to see if it's bothersome. Vines and florals would be pretty. Maybe a little tiny fae hiding out. :-)

    I've never gotten my second tattoo. I always would bribe myself with weight loss goals then hit them or get real close and still procrastinate about tat. My LE is far too bad for a cover up tat but I think they are beautiful. I am also too deformed. Not sure how you started out before all your sx bobo but I suspect my left side is comparable. Anyhow I've wanted a bee landed on my right shoulder forever. Should be far enough away from LE sites. I should look into it and not procrastinate any more. Maybe a reward for completing CyberKnife.

    So glad that David is back in the kitchen tonight. This lack if normalcy has been bothering me. No one is hosting where they should be. I think I ordered kind bars last night.

    Speaking of LE and qvc... They have the Tria hair remover coming up as a TSV. I've almost purchased this several times before. Has anyone used one? It sounds like it works for a lot of people. I am wondering if it would cause trauma to LE areas?? Ie my underarms which is what I really want to do. It is an IPL laser I believe. Any thoughts on that anyone? I think it's the TSV is tomorrow or Friday.

    Oh also I find Susan graver quite annoying. I was actually annoyed by most all hosts today. I will take this as good sign. My dr gross did arrive but I was feeling so bad around 9pm that I just came to bed. Now tempted to get up and use. Just realized I fell asleep with both old and new patch on. Oops. I usually only leave for an hour. It's been 4. I'm sure it's fine.

    Andrea that is crazy. Is it just because of green card? How would they know it's you? My progress has stalled again. Obviously I can't even open packages at this point. Ha. I am going to get there though, if I only have one item dang it!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    forgot to say Nola in driving distance. Have not been in many years. I suspect that drunken, all things paid and planned and taken care of, trip will be hard to top. But I would love to see you all. Very exciting thought. Is it truly a possibility? Still think we could all get to Vegas for super cheap! Airfare is way low right now.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    now I am the reply to myself queen like bobo. Was it you earlier who said I should be a qvc model? I am giggling about being the fat model as I watch now. Jackie would likely be pleased with this idea. On the real, for the full coverage makeup that really works, they would liove showing my before and after. I am always surprised by how bad some if their skin is.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Great idea, giving yourself a reward! So glad I asked here, because I will give it more time and wear it for a while.

    I'd love to do Vegas!

    Do you have Eve Pearl on your shopping channel? I have been buying some here, on Ozsale recently, best foundation, HD ready and great cover.

    Colin gets the stent out tomorrow and Bec goes home the next day. It has been amazing having her here so long, even though it feels like the time has just flown by. She told me today she would love to call work and say she wasn't coming back! That's saying something 'cause she loves that job! Not too concerned about going back to her apartment. I am a little worried, but that's me!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    in the bag M. Stay upbeat for his surgery and then you can have your flare after he's home. I know you'll miss Bec desperately. Will he be local or another wild long ride? Be good to yourself.

    Yes reward after knife!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Thank you Z, I am going with him tomorrow,it is in the next town, should have been done there, the week before Christmas when the surgeon was here last time, but the dickheads at the City Hospital forgot to book him in. Bec will stay here with Dex and I will drive Colin in and back in his car. I am still battling that damn flare from a few days ago, had the headache from hades today, I never get headaches and my joints are still screaming. I will not get sad, I will not get sad just very pissed off, if things don't go smoothly tomorrow!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    aww m. Don't be sad. I think it's so nice she got to say longer and turns out she is able to be quite helpful the last days. What does bec do? Do you think she might really consider another job and being closer to mum? Would get her out of crazy garden town. Just a thought.

    I decided recently that more time should be spent with family and less time with work famiipy. And she needs to cherish every moment with a fab mum like you! You tell her I said so. Even though she is technically older, I will now be eternally wiser with my life experience. And talk about sow one dedicated to my career. It could not be any worse.

    I told my mom that my brain tumors gave me buddhaesqe thought clarity and that they have to listen to what I say now because it is undeniably true. She said I always had that clarity anyway. Ha. Then why does no one listen? Bond admits that I am always right and even laments in not listening but still. DOES NOT DO WHAT I SAY. I also look like Buddha that should lend some credibility.

    Wanting a lemon cake for some reason now. Have not been back to sleep since 1am. Now I will sleep all morning. Signed up for a bunch of survey sites. My mom does it and earns a tidy little sum. She has always been so random like that. She can really focus on little things. She never worked it side the home since I remember but she always has like a dozen little jobs. Anyhow, maybe this little fund can be my expendable ahoppin budget. Will be sure to use same account as all my shopping rewards that I've been racking up. I keep trying to get mom to do Extreme Couponing. I know she would be so good at it. She would have to biggest stockpile ever. She is already a really good coupon er but I know she could be like one of those crazy ladies. I wish she was no so far away so I could spend more time now. Both of us are forbidden to drive now so that makes it hard too.

    Ok not sure why I'm rambling about my mom. Will try sleep now.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    eve pearl is Inormally on shophq. It looks way too rich for my skin. Don't think it would suit me. But I was tempted by it. Of course. Concealer just doesn't work for me anyway. The tarte Amazonian clay one is the best I found for under eyes. Not greasy and stays put. But I don't take time to use it anymore.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    I should not be whining about Bec going home, this has been a great few weeks. Bec works in a state government job, that she loves and has done very well in. She has had a couple of promotions and has been trained in numerous areas. There is a regional office in the next town, she investigated being transferred, but they only do 9 month secondments without certainty that you'll be offered that job at the end or that you'll get your old position back at the end. So unless that changes, she won't be making any move o transfer. I wish there was something she could do here, the lifestyle is fabulous, plenty to do and she could buy a house very easily. Naturally, being a regional area, there are not as many jobs as in the city, but there are a lot of government jobs, just not the area she prefers to work in.Who knows, that may change. She has really come to love this area so who knows.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    your not whining. Just thinking....

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    OH Andrea that is crazy!!!   What is up with green card? I do know it takes forever.  Any signs of it happening?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    oh my gosh,, so many posts to read. I can't remember everything I want to say.

    M:  totally love the tattoo.  Definitely live with it and other designs for a while before you decide.  Or you can keep using temp. tattoos and change them around for different designs every week!  Surprise Colin!

    Wren:  yes, those 2 are in Seattle. I thought it hysterical that the 2 women doing this were on the opposite side of the country from me. But I figured if I was going to do it, I wanted the best and I would have traveled for it.  The purple morning glory flowers was exactly what I wanted too.   I had been buying temp tattoos of flowers and covering scar with it and loved it.

    Z:  Daddy sent home with no PT?  Get neurologist to prescribe it!  Glad he is feeling better.

    DP:  I think bee tattoo as reward is a great idea!  I have thought of tattooing non LE side, but not sure what to get, as I got really fixated on the flowers covering scar.

    Vegas or NO with you all would be a blast.  No doubt.  M:  can't wait for Colin to get the stent out. That will be such a relief and hopefully he will get rid of those shakes. Sorry Becs is finally going home, but glad you had such a nice long visit.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Wow, so many posts! Forgive me if I don't get to all of them -- have to get ready for work.

    Andrea, I so want you to get your visa and become premiere tattoo artist! You would be great. Would you mind the goriness?

    M, love your tattoo idea, but agree with the thought about the red. But that's just me. I have had so many bloody scar-like areas. I like the idea of a 'cool' color. You are the coolest, anyway! So wish Bec could live in your town.

    You know what's funny? I don't really crave lemon desserts. Theme just popped into my head. And DLLP requested the dessert. Am having second thoughts about frosting, I don't like frosting. But then again, the kids will love frosting.

    Oh, you guys! There is a wonder boy uprising! There aren't any flower-boy shirts, they do not exist! Will make boutonierre (sp?) even though I don't agree with it if no jacket. Am consoling myself with the fact that should she come, MD is usually not as bad when in a group. I just hope I have enough of a group to neutralize her.

    Andrea, in the bag for your daughter! DP, already in the bag for you! While our NOLA trip will not be the 'deluxe all-expenses paid' crazy dance-on-table affairs of your work life, it will still be fun, I know it! We are driving too. What do you think? Can't wait to hear what's in packages. I believe you have clear thinking like Buddha as well. Laughing at the idea of you being fat qvc model first, then thin model as steroids go down! Hey... did Jackie get a hair cut? Is that still her? The larger model on Isaac?

    Andrea, had to dress DLLP down for not paying good attention to me this week. She had to apologize and cater to me a little bit last night. I do not like it. I said to her, do I have to be a drug addict to get you to talk to me in a nice way (she works in hosp place for addict doctors)? XXX

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    M, in the bag for Colin! Do not want him shaking and sweating anymore. Poor M. You have had so much stress!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    I understand about being stubborn with fashion choices bobo but w boy has to have somethig that coordinates with all you ladies. So unless you plan on making him a flower crown or wrist corsage, pin a little sprig of a boutinier on that Oxford shirt. It will be fine. Yellow tights aren't so traditional either. You didn't answer if these are yellow hose or footed or unfiooted tights. Hoping not hose. Too light. Seeing jaundice.

    I know we would have a blast. Don't think in allowed to dance on tables any more anyway. Drat! It was still an awful lot of fun. We rented out the entire house Of blues one night and there were different things in each floor. It was so cool to. Not have to worry about anything. It was like, step off plane, take drink handed to you, follow asses in front of you. And that went in for 4 days, repeat. Everywhere you turned, someone was putting a drink in your hand. And we didn't travel anywhere sans it being a parade down the middle of the street. That was my first "incentive travel" reward and it was very motivating. I had three more after that, which is damn near impossible for anyone in the position I had. Good times. Ok the end.

    M is there really a chance you would come see us? In bag today for Colin. Hoping you get to stay calm. I got an email from groupon yesterday (shocking I know) but it was for getaways. Says I can go to Ireland castles for $999, northernlights tour of Iceland for $1k, Orlando for $59 a night, or Australia (Auckland or Sydney) for $2k. Or 15 miles away in Grapevine for $200. Lol. Meanwhile my bass is still laying in bed. Hehe.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    not sure on Jackie's hair. She always has it pulled back so dang right that she looks bald half the time. Bet she would be real pretty with some waves going on. She is the big model on all the shoes. She is size large and lm early six feet tall. She looks bigger though. Stupid camera and standing next to size zero models I guess.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Spookie !!  Did you hear about the new rugs at Pinellas County sheriff's office?   The new rugs say IN DOG WE TRUST.


    I know you must have had a hand in that!  LOL!!  They are sending them back. I think you should get one of them.

    This popped up on my FB feed. It's from WPLG local 10,, reposted by one of my pit bull groups.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    lol Glennie, both you and Spookie should get all over those.. that's too cute.

    I thought the same thing about the red before I read all the posts.. but M, I do love the tattoo idea... I love how you are nonchalantly posing (must be the modelling experience). Looking at those photos, I would never have guessed you had a breast removed... seriously. I know certain colors fade faster than others, so consider that as well in the final decision.

    Where are you all getting the temp tattoos? I want to try it out.

    Andrea, How long have you been waiting for green card?

    DP! Totally!! You are going to get the damn bee tattoo after Cyberknife.. that is a definite, even if we all have to fly over there and drag you. I know nothing about the hair removal thing, except even the name makes me think it's painful.

    I've been trying to up my water intake and for F sake.. I think I have gone to the bathroom 20 times today and it's getting to the point that I am doing the pee pee dance in my chair and I'm gonna get busted sooner or later. My bladder must the size of a kidney bean.

    I had intended on being part of NOLA event even though it will be 150 degrees and my feet will be as big as beach balls from the heat. I so love the Vegas idea.. ESPECIALLY if M is coming!!! Can you believe I've never been?

    Off to pee again.. be back later.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Is NOLA going to be an event?  Should I request vacation time now?? OMG,, it would be so awesome to meet you all.

    I got my temps from

    but wait!!  I will mail you some.  I'm not using them,, cuz I have to wear the compression and they rub off faster with the compression. STUPID LE.    Then you can see if you like them.  They are very inexpensive at this website. At least the ones I picked were.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    NOLA is going to be a par-tay event. We will make it budget friendly for the budget conscious (of which I am one). Par-tay! I HOPE idesim is going. I think Z is going...

    DP, they are not YELLOW. They are ivory, slightly in keeping with my yellow theme when next to 'optic white' (qvc term). And they are not footless! That would be tacky!

    They are ivory colored HUE tights -- they are patterned and they look really nice, I promise! White tights would look like a nurse of yore (bad).

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    NOLA? Clueless in VA, S

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    New Orleans, Louisiana,,, bay-bee,,,,,,

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    I do plan on coming..i might be cranky tho.. you'll have to deal with it. :)

    SGC, it's New Orleans.. for 3 days.... IN JULY OF ALL THINGS... of which I was promised a spa day! Bobo is having her nips done.

    Glennie, so put them in another area.. how bout your arse? :) tee hee.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    Haven't been there. That sounds like fun! Okay, how long do I have to save money? S