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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Do NOT google it!! It's revolting.

    Can't wait to hear how the cake goes!!!

    This is just so funny...

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015
    Video cracked me up ldesim. I am too scared to google the salad thing too. I am so naive....thanks for the reminder, lol.
  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    SGC:  you said it well. MD is a toxic person who does not deserve to be in Bobo's life!!  "I have to volunteer that day, that is more important than my daughter's wedding".  ** I squash you like a bug, MD!!**   I just don't want the Princess to be upset if she doesn't come AND I don't want her stressing you out, Bobo. 

    I told my Mom today that I was going to your wedding and she said: "How nice!  I hope you have a good time. Wish them well for me."  And she likes the surprise!  Told her that I may bring Ro, and she said "Good, Ro is always fun at parties." 

    The hope is that MD cannot find the courthouse!  Can we give her the wrong directions,, like to the courthouse in Palatka??  **snickers**

    Sean Connery looks good in that kilt.  And I would totally do George Clooney,, married or not.

    I am afraid to google salad tossing.

    Friend Gail took me to 706 for birthday dinner. It is tradition.  and HAHAHA, Melinda is taking me there for brunch tomorrow!  They have excellent Sunday brunch.  Have you done Sunday brunch there, Bobo? Lots of veggie food! Delicious.

    Edit:   Yes, need cake update!!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015
    Gag!!! Why did I look that up???
    There's another reason right there to stay on the right side of the law!!!
  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    I still want to know why Bobo & M are totally familiar with this terminology....

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    PRB totally knew what it was too! LOL

    I loved that video, if that cop hasn't got a couple of daughters, I am wondering how he learned all those moves. I especially loved how he would wave a car on with a gruff face and then without missing a beat, he was right back into it....soooo funny!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    more puppy porn. image

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Love the tongue hanging out

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Awww Ava! So cute! I love the tongue too!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    OMD! I wanna smooch that little nose!!!!image

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    I'm naive too. Now can I stand not to know or is curiosity going to kill the cat?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    I googled it.  Only the description under urban slang dictionary.  No images. I do not suggest looking for images. I can see this would be more of a guy thing.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Awwww... rub the belly.

    lol M, I know.. right back into his dance moves.

    It's prison terminology.. so yes, a guy thing. *shudders*

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    Yes MD is a useless piece of work that needs to know nothing. Text her wrong time. Then text her wrong place.

    I know how hard it is with kids so you choose your words carefully and distract, distract, distract.

    Boy today. "Can I go home with Nanny and Bubby?" They came to the game.

    Me. "Not today. Want to go to Walmart?

    Boy. "Why???"

    Me. "You need to be on your meds. Want to go to Walmart?"

    Not they smoke, you come home stinkin, it's rude and disrespectful when you have asthma and are on two inhalers plus a pill plus steroids plus.

    I know it's their house but he's just a little kid that can't breathe and could you just smoke outside so your grandson can visit. Not four adults chain smoking in a tiny house in the middle of winter!

    Obviously I'm not a smoker and never have but DH did. Just have some common sense and some courtesy towards a child you gave up but still want to see.

    Boy off meds so can get new allergy test on Monday. If he has an attack and uses inhaler, no test and have to wait another seven days without meds plus get another appt! His poor nose is blocked. Saline not cutting it.

    Guess I needed to rant. Sorry bobo. Was supposed to be supporting you.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Poor Boy.  You are so right, Z,,, you cannot have him around smokers, especially now when he needs to be off everything for the test.  Saline not working?  Can you use humidifer?  steam from hot shower?

    I agree about MD; Text with wrong time and place.   *snickers*

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Surprise cake was a big success! When I got there, I saw the girls running upstairs through the window. .. perfect timing. Got the candles lit and A's mom called the girls down saying she needed help with the cat! They came down and DD had this scared look on her face.. like she couldn't process why I was there. Actually all the girls looked worried.. I think they thought the cat was really sick or hurt and what the heck was I doing there???? It was kind of funny because I had to explain this was for DD's birthday and she said "But it's not my birthday!!" Then it all sunk in, we sang Happy Birthday and ate some great cake ("yum whipped frosting" ... these kids know their cakes) Sounds like they had a great time shopping. Thought of DP, Bobo and M because the girls all had eye makeup on..done at a make-up counter. I'm with Bobo... ewwww..just hope for no eye infections. Apparently the make-up lady was not nice to one of the girls..which of course made for some great stories! Anyhow, DD was so shocked, I think she'll remember this for a long time :)

    That video was hilarious. Amazing he knew all the words!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Yay for PRB surprise! And Yes thirteen is the worst year so bad they made a movie about it (called 13) . We have had 6 daughters go through that I know of what I speak. Lol.

    Spookie: adorable pup.

    Zills: you are 100% right to protect your child. Always!!

    Is it difficult

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Oh Z.. just saw your post about the smokers. Absolutely agree about staying away from smoke with all his problems. Could you explain the situation to them and ask if they'd mind smoking outside just for today so DB could visit?

    Bobo - Instead of waiting for a text back from MD, you need to call her. You need to confront her and say you need to know if she's coming. Yes or Maybe allowed. I don't think it's healthy to carry that stress around not knowing....and If she says she has to volunteer, and IF you really want her to be there, then for the love of all things holy, will you please express how you feel about that to her? I feel like time and again you let her manipulate you..and you just 'take it'. Damn it.. QUIT TAKING IT! This woman is going to ruin your wedding day ... please don't let her.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Smoking around children under any condition is unacceptable. My BIL used to piss me off with my nephews in the back seat and he's puffing away.... "what? I'm blowing it out the window", as if that makes it ok.

    Yay PRB!! I'm glad it went off so well,,, you're in the good books for now :)

    6 daughters, Andrea???? Yikes.

    Heh.. I know all the words to that damn song too, it's on the radio every 10 mins.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    PRB, great idea executed and appreciated by all the girls! Well done! So much for your kid free evening though!

    Yes, Andrea 6 girls, did I know that? You're amazing!

    Awww Z, I am with you 100%, you're so good to allow the contact and look at how they abuse it. They are so bloody irresponsible. Four people smoking in a tiny house, is no place for a child with Asthma. Don't you be feeling bad, about having to keep him away from there, especially in the depths of Winter when he'd have to be inside. I was a smoker too, but I wasn't an idiot! Fingers crossed that you can get the test done with no problems.

    Oh dear, that little puppy is so cute!

    Bec has only been on the phone twice today LOL She's missing us and the quiet!

    I am officially getting worried now, where is DP? I hope she's just taking inventory of her stock, or better still, sleeping.

    Edited to add: It has been almost a whole day since DP was on.

    Waving to everyone!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    oh so happy or Ava! Going to reply a little at a time. Apparently I have missed two and a half pages of posts today have had a MISERABLE.night.

    Have not checked stem cell stuff Andrea. I think it's great progress but the US is prudish about stem cells and other such devil medical breakthroughs.

    I just check on Travelocity but yes it had a lot to do with DFW. Also with Vegas. Vegas wants to get everyone there. Nola is typically expensive flight because it is small. I haven't checked but I know last time I went it was &600+ For a two hour flight. But like I said, y'all can fly to DFW and we can drive if you want. If it's a big price break it could be worth it.

    Did I tell y'all about the liquidation Channel? I was so excited to have it again since I switched back to satellite. They have jewelry and I really just like watching. Went a tad crazy with them in 2013. Anyhow. I told bond that no way I was buying. I just liove my old friend hosts. Well drat! I already bought something. Hehe. It's just inexpensive though. Couldn't resist. It's a small gift for bobos princess for the summer. It's just a little token but little sparkly surprises make me excited. I am now ignoring a gorgeous necklace and ring. Lalalala

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    room is crammed but surely by July....

    Plus I have my new slumber party sofa setup. We could surely fit 5 ladies fairly comfortably if you don't mind togetherness. Bond is also an excellent host.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    crap I read the whole page then got distracted by something shiny on tv. Didn't by it, it just sucked my thoughts away.

    Not buried under packages. Only got three yesterday and two today! And most of that was stuff I got to resell.

    Z the country days at your house always make me so envious. Eating Popsicles with the cows sounds so pure and fun. The sun came out here today and I was so glad. I guess everyone was should have seen the golf course. Had breakfast with ex company employees. Didn't realize til after planning that today was Clueless' big meeting. So now it's like I was trying to one up her. Didn't get a thanks from her today for my work, so she must feel disrespected which is common for her. Anyhow it was a great breakfast and after we helped GPs move dregs of storage. Went back and brought a few things home. Now just needed to get some craigslister to pick up the trash. My face hot completely round and swollen last night. Too long on steroids now. My belly had also gotten so bloated since Friday night. It's very painful especially on that same spot in left. By 9pm tonight I could hardly move because my whole belly was so big and hard. It was a new patch night which is usually a good night. But even after a new patch and two hydro, I was just miserable. Everything hurt. My head, my whole body. I could not even sit up. Could not breathe. Woke up a couple hours ago. Feeling loads better than when I went to sleep of course. ySo scared chemo is not working. Do I have ascites? Should I go to er? I never know what to do! But thankful to be functional now anyway. Ok that's where I've been. Let's see what else has been happening around here. Oh pretty sparkly things

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    you are all such good mothers. Z is a fierce protector and rightfully so. Smoking is a personal choice but good heavens you have to use your head and also have a little courtesy these days. I was always so paranoid about the smell or beat hung on anyone, much less children. Other people would let their children near me and I would be the one moving away. Anyway. So glad cake surprise was a success. Sounds like it could not have been more perfect. What a great day for her to kick of the big "teen" birthday. Happy for you both. Also good for you to see she had a big girl out in and made it back in one piece. Good trust builder.

    Now about mothers who stink at being mothers. I am glad you have all lashes MD. My thoughts in her exactly but you know i am trying to remove negative thoughts from my life. So thank you for saying what a selfish, narcissistic, pathetic attention whore that she is. Meanwhile, bobo, you will not let this ruin anything for you. Listen to miss Buddha brain tumors. You have given her the required info. I she wants to come, she will. Does she know the location and all? If not, I would Send a non personal group text with all details to a few people including her. Then you forget all about her! Don't stress it. There is no reason too. It's your day. It's about YOUR immediate family which she has chosen to not be a big part of. That is her loss. You have so much more I focus on anyway! Like hosiery and bronzer and lip gloss. You will have so many people there tht love you. in a way I want her there to see that and for the princess but its going to be a great day either way. I mean it. IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Just checking in before I go to bed, so glad you're here DP! Sorry to hear about the steroid shit again. Clueless is such an ass!

    Will be back in the AM, take it easy! M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    Forgot about clueless. Sorry you were/are miserable. Was going to text you last night but thought it was too late. Didn't care how early it was this morning:)

    I agree bobo shouldn't let md ruin her day. But it's easier said than done. No matter how rotten they are.

    Speaking of toxic. Anyone heard of norwex to clean with? It's silver infused and self sanitizing rag. Wet, wipe, hang to dry. Used silver on burns and infections before.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    DP. If you're that miserable again today, please go to ER. Tomorrow is a holiday. We want you in fighting form on Tuesday!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    DP!  **waving**  Sounds like you had a very big day. Too bad about Clueless. F** her.  Hope breakfast was yummy and you were able to eat.  I don't like that you are having pain. Dr Z is right,, as always!!  If you feel this bad today, go to ER. Tues is big day!! We are all in the bag, ladies, kids and dogs. We will bring sparkly things! I love you watching the TV and seeing the sparkles.   Excellent idea about having the ladies fly to DFW if cheaper and having slumber party at your place!  Would love to see Bond with 5 extra ladies at the house!  Wheeeee!!

    PRB:   great job on cake!!! DD will always remember this birthday. And a makeup party! How fun for them.

    Z:  you are awesome mom.  More popsicles with the cows today? How is Boy?  Does cold air set off his asthma?  That was always a problem for me. My lungs like hot and humid.  I grew up with smoker father. But that was before anyone need how bad 2nd hand smoke was.  Heck, they had just starting putting warnings on the cigarette packs. (Yes, I am that old)

    Bobo:  How is the weekend?  Are you getting some yoga time?  Is there anything I can do to help with the wedding?  Tie MD to a telephone pole so IF she shows up, she will not be attendance?  Will start practicing my knots.

    Ava is perky today. Long walk to bike path. Still has limp, but she is so obviously feeling better.

    Mom wants to go see her sister.  She rarely expresses anything she wants to do. They haven't seen each other in a long time (and they are both getting older)  and neither of them drive long distances. (it's scary having Mom drive around town!)  So making plans to take her there in April.  Then hoping to hit the beach for a few days. Must call motel on Flagler Beach where I stayed once with Ava and see if doable.   Mom and I have our issues, and there have been many and major ones,,, But I hate to refuse one little thing like this when she expresses a desire. I can do this for a few days, right?

    **waving to all**  

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Good morning, so glad to see DP posting, I was worried too. Dr. Z has the best advice and I agree to go get checked and if it is ascites it need to be tended to. Bond with a houseful of women making me chuckle! How is he doing these days? You are a sweetheart to find something sparkly for Princess!

    PRB, glad the cake was a success! She will love you for it forever!! Even if she wont say it for many years!! Such a sweet thing to do.

    Bobo, what can I say about MD that hasnt been said??? TOXIC is the word for sure and DP has it right, do not let her ruin one moment of your special day.

    Zills, you are right about the smoking and boy, glad you stand up and do what is best for him. your walk sounds lovely! very nice here for January but not popsicle weather yet!! Sorry about the loss of the Mustangs, better luck next time right??

    Hi everyone. Glennie, your package got mailed!! Finally.

  • rakz105
    rakz105 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2015

    I am learning a lot from your posts and experiences. Thanks for sharing your lives.
