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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    OMG DP, your gallbladder and pancreatitis? My heart is hurting for you. Bec had the immediate gallbladder surgery a couple of years ago, got over it in no time and felt so much better when it was out and hasn't looked back, but that was all she had.

    I don't know what to say, except I have everything crossed and will be thinking of you! Big gentle hugs to you! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Demerol, isn't that Pethidine, maybe not, I can't handle that one, always made me all warm and cozy and then I'd throw up.they used that as the pre- med drug here, mixed with valium.....nice till the heaving!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Same here with Demerol M, I'm a puker too.

    Oh dear DP, it doesnt rain put it pours with you dear lady!!what about your appendix?? That's about the only thing left to go. Lol.

    Good news is that it is fixable and you will be out of pain after they remove it. But the timing sure sucks. It wont affect the cyber knife, I hope.

    So glad you went and had it checked out. ((Hugs))

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    ha that's funny you pukers. I am the anti puker. I have always told everyone there is no way they could make me. First surgery the lady was so concerned. I said I DONT vomit. So far it has held true. Even when on my very first chemo they forgot to tell me to take my emend before starting. When they have me this morphine tonight, I felt like I was going to. Then he says I am approved for it every two hours. Good heavens! I would be ill. I'm hungry too. Amore likely I just feel like eating. Wonder how this is going to work out with my steroids. I feel this will most def delay CyberKnife. And chemo today. THAt makes me mad. I don't want to miss any chemo. They have I get my pancreatitis calmed down before can do gallbladder surgery. From what I remember before, it took 2-3 days to get inflamation down and then another couple days to keep me steady. Will look for dr today. Never saw again last night to get ULtrasound results. Yawn. Will do mictopedi and toe paint today I guess. So happy that the er nurse knew all about ports AND was able to access me. That never happens but I am soo thankful to not have an IV hope it stays that way.

    Later my pretties...

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    You never fail to blow me away,Miss DP!

    The shit hits the fan and you do a pedi. I love you! M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    I'm impressed too. Wish I had your spirit in the face of adversity. What color will you paint your toes? Hugs to bond and gps. Sure they are ready to climb the walls but glad the problems are treatable.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    Yes we are very blessed to live here. It is very peaceful except for weaning time:) and it's safe. Saw a fox running across the road last night. Soon to be skunk love month.

    Lemon drizzle cake sounds awesome. Aldi?

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Oh DP... damn it all. The one bright thing? It might be the cause of some of your side and back pain. My sister realized that her back quit hurting at night after her's was removed. I bet you'll be watching QVC while you're painting your nails. I see another mountain of deliveries in your very near future! Poor UPS guy..he's probably ready to ask for a different route. Keep us posted.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    You are amazing DP! Pedi and mani while fighting pain and drugs, you are my hero! I want to know what color too. I know it is water under bridge now but if they had been on top of scheduling cypher knife and not leaving it on desk you would be done with it, still urges me, but can't change the past so we all move forward with you. Please tell bond and gps we love them too. Keep us posted.

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited January 2015

    Hey All,

    Here is today's random thought................. This year I am trying to rid myself of all drama as well as the 72 pair of black pants !


    DP , OMG so sorry. My sister had gallstones and said it was the worst pain ever. She said the surgery recovery was worth it to get rid of the pain . You continue to amaze all of us !!

    Bobo, Still laughing about the yellow hose and DP's wedding makeup instruction

    Don't know after catching up on this thread if I can eat salad again LOL

    Ok M and all you Marika addicts ............ I have found I like the lucy brand better .www (check the clearance section) . It can be pricey but the clearance prices are good and it fits "true to size" I love lululemon (I know Bobo don't hate me ) but those prices are outrageous and the sizes run too small.

    I had to agree with Wren (what are tim tams) and also had to look them up

    Zills I do hope you get resolution with the dog

    I have decided that parenting is alot harder when they grow up . My son's GF will be moving into the house with him . Having just spent the last 2 weeks living with them (while the floors are being done) I have learned a little more than I wanted to know . They have been together 3 years. I cannot say I don't like her (should things progress I never want to be that mother in law) but she is lazy. Not that my house is perfect but there is not underwear laying all over the bedroom floor . Plus she creates drama (hence today's post ) . I tried really hard to shut my mouth over the past 2 weeks but last night I just could not . She says "I want a dog when we move back in " I told her you better get a goldfish and try and keep that alive for 30 days first" . Oh well ............ Guess that's what I get for trying to behave.

    Its good to be back on these boards ..I have missed all of you !! The conversation is so much more entertaining since we are not censored anymore !!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    hospitalist dr is an effin idiot. She recommends that I do not have surgery which while I do not disagree with, she was just a complete effing idiot.

    Me: did they ask you if I could take my steroids my mouth or do I need IV? (Been asking all night).

    Her: well ya know, it's up to you if you want to proceed with te risk of removing your gallbladder and starts going back into all the reasons we just talked about. I said yes I know but I am asking about my steroids that I am overdue for.

    Her; oh, well that's yet another reason to not take them if you are at going to have surgery it will make healing hard.

    Me: yes I know but I don't have a choice it is controlling the swelling in my brain. I have to take them in preparation for my procedure also.

    Her: blank look

    Me: I would like to see what my MO recommends in re surgery

    Her: I'd she recommends it, I would look for another surgeon who knows it's a bad idea.

    Me: so I take my steroids at 8am and 7pm every day. Should I take them by mouth?

    Her: blank look. I'm ok if you take them by mouth.

    Me: it's ok to drink watee to take? (I know that it is not)

    Her: yes I'm with it.

    Her whole look is just annoying. Looks like she wears crocs and homemade deodorant. Or actually she looks like she does not wear deodorant at all. Home made freakin toothpaste. Ugh.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    oh, DP!!  I am so sorry that you have gallstones on top of everything else. Can you call your MO and find out what to do about the steriods?  Stupid effing hospitalist dicktor.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Stupid hippie dicktor! DP, you are one real-ass bitch. Can you get your real MO on the phone? You need a conference with the MO and whatever Fucktard is in charge of your care in the hospital. And maybe a neuro consult about the steroids? You are right about that. You should not be forced to just stop taking the steroids!

    I too want to know what color your toenails will be. How long will you be in, do you think? I am guessing... five days to get pancreatitis under control, then two or three days after gallbladder sx? Can you text Z your hosp address?

    Okay: Me, you, Isaac, qvc, tonight, 10 p.m. Don't worry if you happen to be taking a nap at that time. But I will have the thread open while I'm watching. We can watch together! Sending you so many gentle hugs, you badass! You should be a Navy SEAL when all of this is over. XXXXXXXXX

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Hey Fia! Good update. I don't hate you about lululemon -- should I? :) I only have one lululemon thing, got it for Christmas, it is a hoodie with thumbholes. I love it. It is like a crazy person yoga straight jacket. Does lulu run small? That cannot be -- my hoodie is size 8.

    More GF stories! I love them! X

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    DP, For you, when it rains it pours! Don't know why they can't do cyber knife while waiting for pancreas to settle down. I don't think 1 swallow to take the steroids would be as bad as missing them. Don't they have to be tapered (Glennie?). I want to know what color for toe polish too. You just amaze me. I think you're the Energizer bunny.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    DP:  have you colored your toes yet?  Checking in on you. Yes steroids generally have to be tapering, depending on the dose. If on low dose, it's ok, but don't see why you can't swallow one pill with one sip of water?  Good grief.  At my hospital, they have you swallow one pepcid with sip of water right before surgery,, so surely there is no reason why not.  Or they can give it IV.  Hope your MO is on the case. 

     M: put on the power suit and get on Skype with the dicktors!

    Funny Ava story to amuse you.   On morning walk,, she found a whole onion in front of neighbor's fence. Why an onion was on the ground,, who knows?  But there it was. She sniffed it excitedly,, like OOO I found food. Then after good sniff,, she RAN away from it.  Probably thinking:  "what is this noxious smelling thing??"   I laughed so hard. Dog eats cat poop and runs from an onion. LMAO.  Good thing too, since I know onions are bad for dogs,,, but to see her RUN from it,, was just hysterical.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Can't they give the steroid as an injection? I would think that anything in your stomach is a no-no when you have pancreatitis.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    PM me for hospital info. Just sent flowers from her BC sisters in crime:)

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Hi DP! **waving** As you can see, we are all trying to be your doctors, trying to make sure you get the very best care. Do you have anyone there to kick some ass? How is Bond doing?

    I have a very special, hot-off-the-press update just for you. MD is coming to the wedding. I just got an 'rsvp text' from her.

    Cue music! Oh my good lord.

    How are you feeling? Thinking of you every minute. XXX

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    very miss manners if her to RSVP. Omg I am so hungry. Tummy growling and it hurts. I won't even go into the final steroid debacle but it was finally worked out only four hours behind on taking it. And we supposedly have tonight's dose scheduled. Took four hours also to get pain meds. Have them a piece of my mind. So they have clearly written bitch in my door sign and they are transferring me to oncology ward for no reason. "In case I need to get chemo". That ship has sailed lady. In not getting chemo with pancreatitis. Your just mad I got you in trouble.

    Sigh. No toes yet. Gma freaked cuz I didn't answer when she called bcuz I was finally getting meds and talking to head nurse lady. So I didn't get to tell her what all to bring. I got a new set of pretty metallics for a birthday gift. Was not going to open but they are so pretty. Why not? Will have to make a list. Probably here at least several days to be on fluids. Unlis dr me decides I want to try a clear diet sooner. It's all up to me today. Lung dr came by to suggest I get the talc procedure to stop effusions. But agreed I have other duh to fry first. Unfortunately, he is the only dr I have liked today.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    They moved me to oncology ward. It is the original hospital building. I'm guessing 60s. Coincidence that they shove the sick cancer people into the oldest most run down place? The rest of this place is gorgeous and state iof the art. This room feels and looks like an old mental hospital. The halls echo loudly. The lighting is too bright. I thought the upside would be that they are smarter here. The nurse keeps running around like mr magoo (I'm serious the way her stance is) and repeating herself. I just got some morphine. Going to sleep and hope I don't awake in a straight jacket. Oh yea and IM STARVING! Tummy hurts anyway and growling doesn't help. Last time I had pancreatitis I did not feel hungry. Whine whine rant whine. The end

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    They moved me to cancer reject land. Harris Tower. Room 716

    Oh FFS the nurse and lady next door seem to prefer shouting to each other as their communication style. Holy crap.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Oh my giddy Aunt, she just couldn't stay away! Glennie, it's up to you to run interference! I am counting on you!

    DP, yet another Dicktor! Where did this one get her certificate from, a Corn Flakes packet? I swear, sometimes I think these Dicktors are from another planet.

    Just thinkin' get gma to bring remover, what if they decide to do the surgery, you know how Bobo and I have been in trouble for painted toes, before surgery.

    All I can say, is I will be checking in as much as I can today, to see if there are any updates from you and I have everything crossed that you feel better and get better. I just read an article on the Talc procedure, I had not heard of it, but wow! Something to consider.

    Thank you Z! Pm'ing now.

    Glennie, I love the Ava story! That scary PitBull! LOL an onion, that's funny!

    Fia, will check out your brand of yoga wear, Lululemon too pricey and too small for me. I love the bargain of a pair of $60.00 yoga pants for $10 and those crop tops go down from $50.00 to $6, zip front jacket with thumb hole $70.down to $12, those are my kind of bargains. I can't help myself!

    Z, not Aldi, but my local supermarket. I am going out right now to get one, because the gardeners are here doing the lawns.

    Take it easy everyone, be back later.. M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    DP, you are in a crazy house mental house-looking oncology ward with bright unflattering lighting? Oh my bloody god and fuck, angels, cherubim and seraphim, for the love of all that is sacred and holy, moderators please have mercy on us. Fuck! Wait. Is it your birthday? About to fling myself off a bridge with worry. That talc procedure does sound tempting. But who does this dictor think he is? I need someone to go in there and COORDINATE things.

    M, Glennie is NOT going to run interference, because she just texted me and she plans on loading herself up for the wedding and will be DANCING WITH LAMPSHADE ON and thus pulling focus from MD! I am right, we have my uncle's grown daughter over at MD's and she must have been shamed into it. My aunt text-rsvp'd that she was unable to come because she happens to be having her bathroom regrouted that day. You know? Just don't say anything.

    DP! I don't like it that you will be having no food. No food? Can't they give you some steamed vegetables or a clear dairy-free smoothie or something? It is barbaric. Is it the pancreatitis that makes them not want to feed you? OMG. M is going to whip herself into a froth over this, this lack of coordinated care.

    I have a cougar update when you feel strong enough to handle it! I am your admirer, DP. We're going to break you out of the hospital in time for NOLA so you can be with the others, thronging around my expensive nips and my patchy also-ran vagina. Kisses!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    I reply to myself. I also love the onion story. I am going to have to get a coffee mug with Ava's picture on it, I am such a giant fan!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Replying to myself. Am bridezilla and can do anything I want. DP. Miso soup? Will they let you have that? Just plain? We can have it sent in.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    pancreas needs to rest from processing anything. Normally they give you IV fluids that contain nutrients. I did this before for a week and never felt hungry or thirsty. Earlier the bag had additives. Then my potassium got a little high so they switched to plain saline. They probably forgot. If anyone ever comes in this room I will ask them about it. I can try a clear diet in a few days. But I am very swollen and irritated right now. MO came I see me. Agrees with no surgery. Get pancreas calm. Hospital will not let me transport for CyberKnife. So that's off for now. Just laying here swollen. The talc procedure is a full on lung surgery similar process as I had before. That does not make me happy but he says i will never have to deal with ieddusion again. We will see after all thi go down.

    Poor Ava running from the onion. That is soo funny. Bobo do u have any new loungewear or do I need to kick off in someone else's ass this week? Just want to make sure bcuz I have had problems with both zulily and qvc not doing what they are supposed to. I will write a letter damn it.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Damn, damnity, damn, damn!!!!

    Love you DP!!!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Was that you?! Am swimming in sex loungewear!

    In actuality, thank you letter already sent to you. I thought it was you. Love my new loungewear!!

    You are silly -- we should be sending you loungewear. What can you wear? Do you need something comfy? XXX

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    I realized after opening packages that I have overdone loungewear. It will be too hot to wear all these sets soon. Good thing I got some Capri ones too. Ha.

    Asked magoo nurse about plain saline. She doesn't think that makes a difference. Really? So I could drink water or drink water with nutrients in it and it would be same effect? Effin idiot. Plain saline for the whole week is equal to not eating. Which last time heard is not what people on chemo should do. Will ask about it with next idiot that comes in. I have never been one to mind hospital stays but this place is pissing me off.