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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited January 2015

    Hey All,


    I have been reading some . Did not know which thread to post on . Given the discussions I have read perhaps the Mods will have mercy on my pictures.  I am waiting on the hardwood floors to dry and can then move back to the city house (which my son is buying from us ) I NEVER want to pick up a paint brush again , OMG I suck at it and it takes forever .  Now if my DH would just finish our retirement house I could get the H put of here .  The last 6 months have kept me busy and out of the stores at least .  Holy crap I think I belong on the other HOARDER thread .  I have sold crap, given crap away and packed crap . I mean WTH who has 72 pair of BLACK pants ,  When I was working shopping was my stress relief but seriously you all . If you ever think you might move, GET RID OF YOUR SHIT NOW !!!

    I am now off of the tamox and on to this Arimidex from HELL .  I have to keep telling myself to "Shut up and color" as we all deal with something given this disease.  So I am going to spend the day catching up on both threads .... You all crack me up ...............  glad to see that the 2 threads just keep getting "more twisted " LOL  

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    hi fiaranch. Love the cartoon. Bobo has the mods put an invisibility cloak on this thread. You can see it from the main forum but it does not show up in the active topics. I must say that knowledge has probably really put us over the top. Lots of dog porn here. But on the other thread there is much vagina talk.

    Totally trying to dehoard my loads of things. Need to adjust to new lifestyle and sell work clothes. It's hard. They are so pretty and I took such care selecting them. Oh well. I want to feel more free. Less stuff. Having a back tracking moment it seems though. But these are just supplies for my new lifestyle, right?

    Oh m forgot to say I am super excite about that body polish. Not sure why. Just am. Reamed zulily this morning for false advertising. In my first purchase with them I got an owl necklace. It said pendant necklace. Necklace means it has a chain. Got it finally (that was my first complaint to self and bond, why does it take a month to get yiour stuff?) (seriously ii bought a coat at beginning if jan. it will be hot again when it arrives). Anyhow it was just a tiny owl pendant no chain. Then I att second guessing myself. But dang it if I know anything it's how to read an online description. Of ciurse when i go to look, that deal is long gone. All I can see is my order with tiny picture that has a chain in it and the title "gold owl pedant necklace blah blah". So I emailed saying how perhaps I was mistaken and missed the fine print but from te title alone it is misleading and can they send me the original copy so I can see how wrong I was. Got message back saying not only was I supposed to get a 16" chain but with a 2" extender with lobster clasp. But UNFORTUNATELY they don't keep stock and this item is long gone so I am out of luck. Issuing refund and giving me a $10 credit. I just want my chain darn it. Also checked and there is no credit in my account. Not a good start zulily. Perhaps a blessing in disguise.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    I saw a great motto on Facebook today:

    Do no harm

    but take no shit

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited January 2015


    I sold almost all of the work clothes on EBAY and did not do too bad .  Gave me the cash to buy  yoga outfits which I now wear most of the time . However selling on EBAY is a pain in the butt, pictures descriptions etc.  Wren love that motto !!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    live that Wrenn

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    Has anyone tried to sell stuff on U Thread? Time to de clutter and get rid of all my Brooks Brothers work clothes! I think I have over 50 dress shirts! Way too much stuff!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015 is Thread up! Damn chemo brain! Anyone ever use them? eBay doesn't thrill me! S

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Hi Fia. Nice to see you..we have missed your humor! And welcome to rakz105 who says she is learning from this thread. I shudder to think what she has learned from us. As Fia said, we are a twisted group!

    My downstairs about qualifies for a hoarder thread and it just keeps getting worse. How hard is it to sell on Ebay? I know a few of you do that. I wouldn't mind trying to unload some of it...especially the recent hair product purchases that turned out to be the new formula instead of the old formula I was looking for. Apparently, it's perfectly acceptable to just grab an old image of a product, advertise it, and then send the new stuff. grrrrr Probably easier to sell it then send it back.

    I am tired today and have a friend who is badgering us to come over for dinner because of dd's birthday tomorrow. She loves to cook, but...she has 2 dogs and 3 cats and I know those cats are on the counter tops etc. Grosses me out....however, her son is the same age as dd (and I was a big part of his life as a baby/toddler) AND he's making DD a cake. He is a neat kid, and I hate to disappoint we are going. Wish us luck.. damn dogs will be jumping on us, cats will be running around..and I will be drinking alcohol for relaxation and sanitizing purposes.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    PRB! I already had that convo with MD. Twice. But I did not get any clear answer from her. Don't want to seem like I am begging, since I don't really want her to go!

    Have angry feelings about it in yoga, esp for our princess. I am afraid that when I say, Nannie can't come, she has to volunteer, or Uncle can't come, he has an important work meeting, that it teaches her that the event is not important. I don't want her feelings hurt.

    You guys are right -- she knows where it is, she can show up if she wants and try to pull attention, and I'll just do my best to ignore her. DLLP did not send her the evite, but now I think she should. Then she won't be texting me before the wedding to give her information.

    G, you are sweet to ask to do wedding things. But there isn't much to do. I'm making the cake. I will frost it the morning of the wedding before I get ready. Hope it comes out okay.

    Z, you are just right -- spot on about the boy and the smoking, spot on about our DP going to the ER if she feels that badly. DP, I was worried! We want you in great shape for Tuesday! I will be in the bag with a coffee beer. It's my new thing. Love coffee beer. Go cyber knife go! You are so sweet to get our princess a surprise. Speaking of princesses, I know a certain 13-year-old princess who is going to remember that cake forever.

    ND, you are just the sweetest. I wish I could walk to Canada with you and escape the wedding, MD is ruining it. I am allowing her to ruin it, I guess. You guys are so sweet to me, I am not used to it.

    Have both kids for three evenings in a row while DLLP works extra shifts. It is brutal. They are both staring at me right now. Have got to redirect.

    Fia, it's so good to see you! It's true, there is an invisible cloak on this thread. I am always shocked to see a new poster. It's not a good place for a new poster, someone is going to call the smut police. Peeing laughing at you guys looking up how to toss a salad. How did I know that? I don't know, I have a lot of life experience. LOVE how M knew all about it and was just completely non-plussed about it. She is right -- it is a fun topic! And, BTW, it is not just for men. Everybody has an anus.

    **mic drop, leaves the stage**

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Nice to see you Firanch, love your humor too.

    Welcome rakz, we are a crazy bunch, I too shudder to think what you may learnBawling but maybe you will teach us a thing or two!

    Good luck prb with the day with the animals... thinking with the cats on tables you may later be couhing up a fur ball!! jk.

    72 pairs of black pants... wow, I thought I was bad.. ya got me beat! but I dont want to count shoes!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    I know i"m late on this,, but I had to get to my desktop to watch your Vid, DP. Well-done vid! You are so brave to put it all out there. ((HUGS))

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    thank you glennie. I think I just don't care about any image any more. Which is a lot to say for me.

    eBay is a total PITA. I ordered a bag from ThredUp but have never filled it. Thought is send a couple things to see how goes. I like that they just buy it from you if they plan to sell it a a certain price. I don't like that they will just donate your stuff if they don't want to buy it. I always want to BUY clothes in there because the prices are so low.

    I took a load of stuff to consignment some years ago and feel I got really ripped off. And after all that and them throwing away my shoe boxes. I supposedly only earned $25. The check got so soaked in the mailbox that I could not cash it and u never bothered to get a new one issued. FAIL!

    Sorting different piles for living estate sale, etsy, eBay, Craigslist. Lots of work and only a portion of things I need to get through. Ugh.

    Stomach still swollen today. Painfully so. I imagine this must be what it feels like to be pregnant. Painful stretching along bottom of belly. I certainly look pregnant. Thinking not gas at this point. I see myself at er tonight or in the morning just because. I can get scans and mri without any red tape. I am worried about them doing the CyberKnife with the old mapping. Scares me. Supposed to have chemo in morning. Better go tonight. Hate to do that to bond. But GPs will insist on going anyway. So he can go home. Will eat early dinner and have shower first, just in case. Last time when I went to er and they admitted me, I had been so I'll with headache that I don't think I had a real shower in several days. I kept telling bond i was taking a shower before going but i just could not do it. It was awful! Not doing that again.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Hello everyone, great read again this morning and a new member, Hi Rakz! I never think about others, reading this stuff we write.

    Fia, so good to see you. I hear you about the painting, I used to do all my own, but arthritis got the better of me. This time, in this house, the painters came in, masked off all the windows and wood work, which was all hand sanded and hand painted or oiled, and the coverall suits and masks went on and they sprayed the entire lot. It cost a bomb, but it is the best paint job I have ever seen. I am hoping to get at least 10 years out of it.

    Shit, Fia, you bought all that hair product and iit wasn't what you wanted, did you tell the seller it was not as advertised and they should pay the return post and refund you? Did you buy with PayPal? they cover a lot of suspect transactions. I ould be royally pissed about that.

    Thumbs up to you Fia, I wear the yoga outfits too, got a fair razzing from the others here for my spending on Marika, but I am wearing it still, and have heaps in reserve as each item begins to show its age. In fact, I bought some really great tops on Marika at another 40% off their clearance, at Christmas! My fave outfit is yoga pants or capris with a crop bra and a zip front athletic jacket done up to the chest, showing the crop bra. So comfortable!

    72 pairs of pants, you beat me too, I was close, but not that many! The 2nd rod, went in our walk in robe last week. I need to have that one replaced now. Colin keeps telling me, "you can't have that much stuff on a metal rod, it just can't take it." I want to find a rod that can take it!

    ndgirl, I thought about the fur balls too! LOL

    Haha Bobo, I remember Bec asked me once, "Is there anything, that will ever shock you?" LOL She was exasperated, trying to gross me out, about something. "No, not much!" lol

    Bobo, I want to walk too Canada with ndgirl too! BTW, perfect Finish to your post, impressed! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Aww, DP. go to the ER if you're feeling that way. I know it is a PITA, but I hate to see you in pain and uncomfortable, most of all I hate to see you scared. Hugs to you, hunting for that wand to wave!

    No consignment stores around here. I have a ton of stuff, too good to just give to the Opp shops they get plenty of my evryday stuff. I should do ebay, but I hate the listing stuff. Colin does the computer stuff I just have to photograph measure and write the blurb, but there isn't anywhere near what there used to be in it. It takes a lot of time for minimal returns. I have a big load of stripey bags in my laundry, full of really good stuff. M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    DP, I know it's not fun at all, but please go to the ER to get checked out! We hate to see you in such pain. A swelling stomach would make anyone nervous! We want you in good shape for Tuesday. Chemo tomorrow? I'm in the bag.

    Will you bring your laptop or ipad with you to watch movies? Or... do you get qvc on them? :) Thought of you this weekend -- here you were not feeling well, and I was wishing you were with me watching Josie Maran Argan Oil cosmetics, and before that was Wen! And then... my favorite... Mally! Had them on while cleaning house, dishes, putting kids to bed... DLLP was out of the house. She never lets me watch qvc when she is home. It's funny, normally I do not like girls like Mally at all, I do not girls with voices like hers. But... I love Mally! I don't know what it is.

    In the bag, in the bag, in the bag. Showering with 613 as your body wash? X

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    yes DP go to ER. Avoid the hassle. Get scanned and peace of mind. AND the stomach taken care of. Sounds like a win win to me. Especially since tomorrow is a holiday.

    I want CAKE. I never was a cake fan before chemo. Now want PRBs white cake and Bobo's lemon cake. Had the best lemon cake in Ireland. Just a drizzle of icing.

    Not all cats get on countertops. Snuffy never has but she thinks she's a dog. Hope the alcohol works and you have a good time.

    I don't know what I have but certainly not that many pants. BG, however, will give you a run for your money. I'm so grateful for each and every pair. Had three accidents today! I had to pack some for school, the diaper bag and her nana.

    Another long walk with dog, rolling under fences and somersaulting in fence rows. BG went to bed with leaves/grass in her hair. Boy wanted to sky watch (cloud watching). Big puffy ones today. None yesterday.

    They rode their bikes about halfway down the road and picked them back up again on the way home. She has a pink trike and even made it up the hill by herself. Finished with hot chocolate as it was breezy and 10 degrees cooler today.

    DP. Keep us posted as best you can. You can always text. Anytime!

    In the bag.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Poking my head in.. totally overdid it today and am a bit sore and very tired.

    DP, I don't blame you for not wanting to bother Bond or spend the evening in the hospital, but you want to be tip top for treatments.. and you also want to feel better.... let somebody know how you are doing so we don't all worry.

    Neither of my cats goes on the counters, nor the kitchen table.. the sofa and bed are another story.

    72 pairs of black pants? I don't even own 30 pairs of pants.. geez!

    *waving wildly at Fia*

    Hello and welcome rakz105!!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    Hi Fia! Hi Rakz.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Zills you are such a fun mom! I desperately miss when my children were little and I could play and discover the world with them.

    Yes, I have six girls and a boy. My DH had 3 girls, I had 2, then we had a daughter and son together. Now we have 9 grandchildren. Unfortunately all the older girls live in Alberta, Canada, so we don't see them as much as I would like.

    Lucky had to go to the Vet again today. They cleaned him out again. We have to keep his stool soft but not too soft. Yuck. Poor little guy.

    Apparently in dogs who are not neutered it is common for them to develop a sac in their rectum where stool gets stuck. Sorry to be so graphic. Anyway there is a slim possibility of fixing it but it would cost a few thousand dollars.

    He is too old for that. We will try and keep him as comfortable as possible for as long as we can.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Good boy Lucky! I love him.

    Idesim, did you wear yourself out ribbon shopping?


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    I am with you Andrea, I loved it when I could goose off and play like a kid, when Bec was small. I loved it, I even remember her standing with hands on hips at Disneyland saying "Mummy, come on, let's go!" but I just had to have one more ride! LOL

    Poor Lucky is having a rough time of it, poor little guy, not fair.

    OMG Andrea. 6 girls, that's a lot of estrogen in one house!

    ldesim, do you still get the "CLaw"? I mowed the lawns and raked a lot recently and I had a bit of a relapse of it, it felt weird after all this time.

    Zills, I buy this amazing Lemon cake, which is called Lemon Drizzle Cake, everyone that comes here loves it, I doubt, even if I had the recipe, I could make it for what I pay for it, so I always have one on hand for the friends who drop in. Everyone here knows that about 11.30 is morning tea time.

    You know how I love to hear your kids stories, I imagine where you live as being a paradise for kids and bikes. Do you ride horses too?

    Just about to go into town, it has gotten considerably quieter as the holidaymakers go home to the city, so I can go where I want with minimum of fuss....Catch you later..M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    M it certainly was a girls house for a while! The six girls were each one year apart. They got along very well really, considering they were

    10-14 years old when we got together. Then 3 years later I had a baby in the wouldn't believe how many people thought one of the teen girls was the mother. I guess that was more believable than a 38 year old having a baby. Lol. Then the next year I had our son. Good thing I stopped then because two years later my first grandson arrived. There you have it. And you didn't even ask for it.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Andrea, you are and have been a busy lady!! kudos to you!

    Just checking in to see how DP is doing and if she went to er. Hugs DP!!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    OK, I admit it, dinner was kind of fun. Yes the damn dogs licked my hands, rubbed up against me and annoyed the hell out of me, but it was still a good time. No hair balls that I could see thank goodness. This woman loves to cook and she made some weird sort of chili with a brisket and squash that was a little greasy for me, but it was good tasting and more like stew. What's that guy's name... Jamie Oliver? It was one of his recipes. She also cooked fresh mussels. No way was I eating any of that, but everyone else loved them (including DD). I always worry about eating stuff like that.. but no one is sick yet. The cake her son made was absolutely adorable. They had party favors and candles on the cake.. the whole 9 yards..and so we sang Happy Birthday..again.. and ate cake ... again..and of course her birthday is not til tomorrow. Oh, and they gave her a ton of presents. I marvel at things like this because I struggle with buying people presents..I am usually clueless. It was quite a haul, and all things she likes. So now when her birthday finally arrives tomorrow, it will all be pretty anti-climatic.

    I agree.. Zills it sounds like you live in such a peaceful location and an awesome place to raise kids. I bet BG is so darn cute with straw in her hair! I wish this forum was private...I would feel so much better about sharing pictures. Maybe one of these days I will convince you all to start up a private group in Yahoo. No moderators, no public peeking in to view Glennie's doggie porn, no one passing judgement on would be great! I know, I know... none of you are very concerned about your privacy like I am.

    Wonder if DP went to the ER. Hope we hear soon.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    at er. Been here a couple hours now. Waiting for ct of abdomen now. They were quite concerned since I just had the thorencentesis. Started thinking that is when all this started. And it was so unusual with all that pain in my stomach. Then the swelling started. Maybe they punctured something?? Hmm.

    Now someone distracted me and I forgot all the responses I wanted to make. Hate when that happens! Will have to look back later. Vision real bad right now. Will check in behave full battery.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    DP - I hope you are wearing a mask. No flu for you. Thank you for checking in. *hugs*

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    DP, thanks for the update, glad you are there and hoping you get relief soon. Let's hope nothing is punctured . Sending more hugs and prayers to wish I was closer so I could help you in someway.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    In the bag for you DP. Hope you're wearing one of your fabulous lounge wear sets... and I hope they get to the bottom of your problem and get you some relief. Keep us posted as best you can.

    PRB, I'm glad you enjoyed the dinner.. but brisket, squash, chili & mussels? That's quite the combination. I've heard of Jaimie Oliver.. he's quite funny, I've never tried his recipes, but he usually does simple and easy food. I don't struggle so much with buying presents.. it's more the cake and decorating part of it that I struggle with.

    Wow Andrea, that's quite the brood!! That's fabulous though :) Poor sweet Lucky, hopefully he won't have a bad time again.

    M, hardly ever now... I do make the mistake of reaching too high at times and I am instantly reminded.. a...ctually the aches and pains I'm experiencing have nothing to do with the surgical area... more my knees and lower back, plus my feet swell when I'm on them too long.

    I agree, Zills is a fun mom! Sounded like you had a wonderful time... BG is just too funny :)

    Patriots are going to the Super Bowl, so I guess it will be crazy around here for a few more weeks.

    Even better, Joe is working so I have the house all to myself tomorrow, which is a rare thing since he doesn't work Saturdays very often anymore. I just seem to get so much more accomplished when I'm by myself and I really solitude every once in awhile. Maybe it's because I feel he's always worried about me... and watching me that I don't do this or don't do that... I know he means well, but it drives me up the wall sometimes.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    poor baby lucky. Breaks my heart. I hope trainer can help with sasafire. But your right you can't be in fear. I was told by some dig person that growling is a positive behavior. Warning as opposed to attack I guess. Digs sharing feelings. Tough call for sure.

    Well if it's not one EFFIN thing it's another FFS. I have acute pancreatitis ( 2nd time in my life) and I have gallstones. They are admitting me and likely want me to have immediate surgery to remove gallbladder. Is that normal? I don't have time for this. I have chemo tomorrow and then CyberKnife! Wtf? See the pain meds hide the problems. Was telling gma this can't be so acute like before because that was the worst pain ever. Now realizing oh yea, must hurt pretty bad to be in all this pain on top of all the meds.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    holy crap that was a load if morphine they just gave me. Does anyone remember Demerol? That was my favorite drug back in the day. Didn't make you woozy just made you not care about anything. I could have easily gotten hooked on that. This morphine masking my stomach sick. Already mad cuz I know I won't be eating or drinking anything for a week. Wish I had finished my dinner.