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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Hi Sheila, there's nothing worse than a fitter who isn't well trained, I have run into a couple,  I think I even knew more than they did, but don't let one bad experience make you "Foob Shy!" There is so much out there.  I am positive you'll find something that is perfect for you. Just go there with plenty of time, to try on lots of different stuff, so you get a feel for what feels right. Don't be stressed, or in a hurry, even take a coffee break and go back if you need too and it will work out. This is all uncharted territory for all of us and it needs to be right.

    I bought my first Mona bra from the fitter here in Aus and paid a fortune for it, then found I could get 2 for about the same price in the US, so that's where I buy most of my stuff now. I have found some amazing buys on Ebay in the US too. I am always checking that out.

    Take it easy I wish I was there and we could go Foobing together! M x

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited June 2014

    girls, I love my Amoena Lara soft cup bra!  My favourite.   Xxx. Dawn

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited June 2014

    I also bought a Marlena bra from Amoena on ebay for under 10.00 and I love it! I may have to get a weighted foam from TLC, I have one from Amoena but not real thrilled with it, just seems like not enough weight. Dang on the purchase and then hate it... oh been there, done it many times, but Ariom is correct.. dont give up! Find a good fitter and dont be shy if you dont like what they suggest, it is your body and dont be afraid to try another.

    500k? whew, that is not good is it? Guess casino gambling has to be like entertainment nite, so much for dinner, movie whatever and then call it quits, but sure it can get too much, we like to go occassionally but not too much, they have good food for not much $$ and we do enjoy concerts when they have them. ok if just used for a little fun.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    tried the weighted foams in the cami today. Thought it would be ok. Was happy to be able to wear a sheer shirt over it and not have ten straps showing. Then the tops of the foobs starting riding above the top of the cami. Changed three times and teared up once before being able to leavethe  house. The tops stick out from my chest unless I pull them down constantly. Will silicone act this way too?  Seems like it might be better because they wouldn't be as rigid. 

    Yes Ndgirl, I try to keep it fun. It's hard when they are baiting me as heavy as they are right now. I always get everything comped, food, hotel rooms, etc. and now all the free play. Clever devils. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    DP, can you explain the cami you bought? Does it have actual pockets in it? Is it the right size for the forms you bought? I am trying to get a handle on what the problem is.

    I have a feeling you may have bought the teardrop shape, rigid foam TLC. If that is what it is, I bought that one and I have no idea who that would be right for. It is like a solid lump. Stop me if I am wrong, but it sounds like that may be what you may have.

    The one I like, and keep banging on about, is a triangle shape, with the weight as a disc in the center of the foam, which is solid, but not like a heavy lump, more like upholstery foam, or a car sponge, if you can imagine it, quite squeezable. It has a removable cover which has a little bit of slip so that it sits well in the pockets of bras and camis. This style has the drape of a normal breast. 

    Silicone Prosthesis, being heavier, with pull down in a bra or cami, rather than ride up like very light weight foobs. I find the foam Tru Life that I love sits well in anything, but is especially good in lighter knit or sports bras, which were not intended for Mx wear.

    The other type that you may find could work for you, is the Contact type Prosthesis. I have a fair concave, but it still attaches well. They can be worn with a normal bra, so long as it is full cover and the placement on your chest can give you the look you are after. They take a little more looking after than a foam or normal Silicone Prosthesis, but they do work very well when applied properly.

    Don't give up, the right things are out there Sheila, you just need to try a few on and get a feel for them. Good Luck! Hugs form me again, I hate to think of you having a rough time with this. M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited June 2014

    My lump was B9 thankfully. So I can forget it now.

    Sounds like a lot of work figuring out your foobs etc. pardon my ignorance please, but do they slip around a lot? Is there any kind of spray adhesive for that? I guess that would probably cause irritation though. It must be the crafter in me because I am thinking it would be so helpful if surgeons could attach Velcro to the chest.

    I didn't have to go through what you have been through. And I won't insult you by saying I know how you feel, because I couldn't possibly. But when they had to go in my breast for a third time to get clean margins and my other breast had LCIS I knew that my next step would very likely be a mastectomy. So I did give it much thought. My friend has implants and she likes them, but I don't know if I would go that route. 

    I have been telling my husband that I am not working out because I need belly fat in case I ever need a DIEP flap, lol.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited June 2014

    Hello ladies. I am almost halfway through my road trip. And we still like each other (it's still early though). So far we have driven through Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and straight up through Michigan. We have seen three of the five Great Lakes and the only wild life we have seen has been turtles crossing the road. Tomorrow we will go through Wisconsin, Minnesota, and into North Dakota. Nineteen more hours of driving over next two days. Finally we will go through Montana then drive up to Canada.

    My feet keep swelling up, but otherwise it has been wonderful.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited June 2014

    Well an early welcome to ND Andrea, I am at the very northern part so I know you wont be close by. Enjoy your trips! ND is beautiful this time of year, if you are any place close to our badlands in western ND, please take a look, it is so different than the rest of ND, almost a mini Grand Canyon.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    great news Andrea! Yayaya!  The road trip sounds nice. How long will you be staying before the long road back?

    These foobs are triangle shaped. I too pondered who the heck the teardrops were for. The silicone ones I have are the contact kind and teardrop shaped and too small. I worked them in an old bathing suit at the beach which has foam cups. Between sweat, seawater, and the abnormal terrain that is my chest, they couldn't adhere and flopped around like fish.  The cami has pockets with an elastic band beneath them. The pockets are slightly too large which I suspect is the main problem. I have that problem with most anything that has pockets. Because I  have to buy a larger size to fit me but don't want foobs as big as my head, lol. So the foobs push the lining of the pockets up above the neckline of the cami. I will try them in my fake Genie bra tomorrow. That is if I can get them in there. I will probably have to snip a few stitches on the pocket. This particular brand I have liked because the pockets are not too big. The real genie bras I have ride up too much and also swished the fiber fill foobs I was using. It should at least keep everything closer to my chest than the cami, as the cami has spaghetti straps that are not up to the challenge of pulling tight enough to my not flat chest. Yes, the mini boob lives on!

    Oh my gosh! Installing Velcro! Last night on forensic files they were showing this guy who invented toupees that snap on to screws that are surgically implanted in the skull. They should totally make snap on foobs!!  Unfortunately, this guy was then pretending to be a PS and was performing sx in his office with no anesthesiologist. A lady died while getting a breast augmentation and he went to prison and lost his license. He later started poisoning his wife with arsenic and then while she was super sick, suggested they remove her gallbladder. The theory is that she would have died during sx which would buttress his claim that "lots of people die during sx" thus restoring his medical credibility. People are just insane, but I am totally on board with snap on foobs. Someone call the patent office!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Andrea, that is great news! I am so pleased for you!

    That idea of the velcro is a good one. I've never heard of spray adhesive, but there are Prosthesis that have their own sticky back, others that have tapes, but the vast majority fit into a pocket inside a bra or cami, so they are locked in and don't slide around too much. 

    Your road trip sounds wonderful, but sorry about the swollen feet, it may be worth while picking up some airline socks on your travels to wear on the long drive. Have fun!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Now I get it Sheila, you've bought the cami for the body size but opted for a smaller foob than the pockets are designed for. I hope the foobs sit in the knit bra you spoke of. I have some of those and I had to cut the seam on them, to take the foob, but they do work with the foam ones, the silicone is just too heavy in my size 8 and drag the bra down.

    Your description of the contact in the swimsuit "flopping like fish" made me laugh. Did they say you could wear these in water?  I was told if mine adhered too strongly to my chest, I could get it off easily, by getting under the shower to remove it.

    That's quite an idea, having snap on Foobs, but I'm not willing to go first! LOL

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    shit ariom, was I supposed to ask someone about that? Lmao. I bought them on   The prices are great but a lot gets lost in the translation. It's actually quite entertaining to have a glass of wine an read the item descriptions out loud. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Sheila, you crack me up! I am not certain, but I don't think those contact foobs are for swimming! LOL

    I just checked out that website, I have never seen it before. The products look a bit like the cross dresser site I found myself in, when I first started researching foobs.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2014

    Congrats Andrea! You must be so relieved. We all understand the fear and are happy for you. 

    I didn't know that was a real website. Was afraid it was bogus so never ordered from there. Now I know. 

    Can you pin the opening shut to make it stay? I've heard models spray hairspray on their bums to keep the swimsuit from riding up. There's got to be something. 

    I have worn the pair you get after surgery called footballs twice. I do have real mx bras and foobs but never used them due to LE. 

    DH and myself going on a 5 hour road trip to Nitro, Wv to pick up some equipment today. The stinkiest place I've ever been. Hope we're still talking afterwards. 

    He went shopping by himself last week. Brought home a pair of jeans (too small) and a shirt (too big). Don't know why they won't try them on.

    All of us went back yesterday. Good thing. Big sale, cash back, discount! We all crowded into the dressing room. Thank goodness for handicapped stalls. Came home with two pairs of jeans and four shirts for $30 more than he originally spent. 

    He does deserve new clothes. He's worked hard at the gym. I'm just jealous. D@mn weight gain. D@mn meds. Will not blame my friends ben & jerry. 

    Sniffy, snotty, coughy are awake. Hope these disappear in Ireland! Boy had skin prick test this week. Maybe some of his food allergies will be gone. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    why don't men ever try things on? Worked out for him though. Maybe it was really a clever ploy to get you to fix him up properly. 

    Lol, yes Ali is all about the cross dressing when it comes to foobs. I somehow stumbled across fake butts and pregnant bellies one night. People are strange. I have ordered a lot of stuff on there, not related to body parts. It is most always a good experience. 

    Ben and Jerry wouldn't betray you like that zills. I'm sure it is something else.  What is weather like in Ireland?  I don't know, but I think of it as clean fresh air for some reason. So that should be good for all the sneezes and snots if it true. Hope so. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    That's just a man thing, I think, wishful thinking that stuff will fit because they are too lazy to get into a dressing room and try on. I don't get it. DP"s right though, it worked out well for him Zills!

    I have never heard of Nitro, and can't imagine why it stinks. I hope you were still talking, because that's one long drive, to have to ignore each other!

    I wouldn't blame ben and jerry, either! I wish I could eat it.

    Fingers crossed that allergies disappear when the boy is in Ireland, good chance with the change in the air.

    DP, I don't get the pregnant belly thing either and those strap on Boobs are scary! Have you seen the full set of the butt cheeks, boobs and the accoutrements to hold it all? It was a bit of an education to me, I had no idea! But to each their own....M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    they are super scary!  I think that's how I ended up with too small ones. I was so afraid of getting the gargantuan ones with projection as long as a coke bottle - yea there was a picture for comparison, lol. Maybe I should try a strap on pair. Seems easier. Ha. Foam foobs in the knit bra today. Slightly better but still not good. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Oh bugger, I was hoping the foam in the knit bra may have done it for you. Thinking cap on......hmmm M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2014

    I can only imagine your alls late night trawlings on the internet. Sounds scary. 

    Didn't do the road trip. Employee went and there was no reason for me to go and sleep in truck. Disappointed we didn't get to spend time together but maybe for the best. I'm in a shitty mood and probably would have picked a fight. 

    Temps in 60s. Air clear, water clear, best yogurt. Eggs and milk delivered but have to go to town for the newspaper. Just think - no appts for 30 days! Of course as soon as I get back, they start all over. 

    Had to cancel boy's skin prick test. They sent out a reminder card but didn't write that he needed to be off meds for 7 days. I didn't remember. Not sure he could go without meds. Already supplementing with inhaler. It's been a bad spring/summer. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2014

    body adhesive. Saw in fat grafting site. Might be worth looking at or might be junk.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    interesting product- who would think to glue their socks up?  Sounds very handy to have on hand though with it's multitude of uses. 

    Sorry you missed the drive. I'm sure your right though. Shitty moods and stinky car trips are not a good combo. That weather sounds lovely and no appts, nice!  I hope you get to relax and be carefree for a while. 

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited June 2014

    I have 3 foobs..  1 silicone and 2 foam (different sizes, not weighted  that were bought before the mastectomy).   The silicone seems to work the best for me and feels pretty natural.  My main problem is that all 3 of these foobs ride to the top of the bra (3 different styles) and they kind of 'peek' out on one side.  Under a white or cream top, it looks like the bra has a weird double seam of sorts. 

    I'm not sure if there's a solution for that...maybe taking out some of the material of the pocket so it can't move to the side?  The lady at the fitting place told me that's just the way it is...and proceeded to lift up her shirt to show me she has it too. 

    Speaking of foobs... last week my daughter and I met one of her friends and her mom for tennis.   I had told the mom I didn't think I could play (too fat and old..not to mention LE)...but I wore a sports bra and stuck my foam foob in there just in case.  It seemed to hold the foob 'ok' and I proceeded to jump around a few times at home...and all seemed well.  Well lucky for me, someone else showed up to play and I was off the hook....but as I sat there on the bleachers, I noticed this rather large bump under my t-shirt that was not exactly in the 'proper' location!   Yup, the damn foob was about ready to launch out of that sports bra! 

    Had to smile though.. how would I have explained that to everyone if it had flown out on the court?   "Um... excuse me while I go put this in my purse???"   

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Hi PRB, DP was talking about the same issue the other day. I have never had that happen with any of my bras and I have a collection of all kinds of foobs and prosthesis. We figured it may be that DP has smaller foobs than the size of the bra, but you are a uni like me, so you would have the right foob to cup size, so that's a mystery!

    I have experienced the foob migrating out of a sports bra without a pocket, ending up and under my chin a couple of times.

    A friend of mine went to water aerobics and she stuffed a face cloth into the empty side of her non pocketed suit. During the class, another woman pointed and said "something just came out of your suit!" when my friend looked into the water she could see the cloth doing the jellyfish motion all the way to the bottom of the pool!

    I guess we will have these little embarrassing moments if we aren't thinking and let a light foob loose, without a pocket!   

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Glue your socks up, really?

    Sorry the road trip didn't happen Zills, but no appts for a month sounds good to me! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    yep PRB, that's the exact same issue. I'm going to try ordering a cup size smaller than what the foobs say they are and see if that helps. The pocket in the genie type bra is smaller and I don't have that problem as much as with the cami. When the whole thing rides up though, it tends to  project the top of the bra and foobs away from my chest, due to unevenness, then I have about a three inch gap between my chest and my boobs, which looks a little odd through clothing. I suspect silicone might not have that problem because they don't have such a rigid form like the foam does. It's always something though!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited June 2014

    Hey everyone! Been awhile since I posted. Needed a bit of a break. Still do actually. But I try to keep up with everyone by reading, just don't post much these days. Still going through lots of testing. Have the doctors battling it out what's going on with me. But that's why they make the big bucks and I've decided it's their job to worry, not mine. 

    Had to laugh at the sock glue comment. My daughter did Irish step dancing and that sock glue is used to keep their socks up. They do so much jumping, kicking and pogoing around, they need it! 

    I loved my knitted knockers best of all my prosthetics. And the cheapie silicone ones from Target. I just put them in a Genie type bra or sometimes doubled up the pads that came with the Genie bra. That little hole is so hard to stuff the pad into, there was no way it was coming back out again.  

    Got an implant put in before swimming suit season, so not sure of a solution for that.  I have my own embarrassing "things falling out" story. Once in college I woke up late for class. Had a rough night before, (probably party!) and just grabbed my clothes sitting by my bed and rushed off to class. Rushing down the aisle trying to be discreet, someone points down and says, "you dropped something".  It was my underwear that must have been in my pant leg.  Singing

    Have a great weekend!


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    hi bluebird. I was just thinking about you last night and wondering how you were doing. You must have heard me. Lol. Sock glue, who knew?!  Your underwear story reminds me of a friends all time most embarrassing moment. She also pulled on the previous days pants in a rush but she went to work in a big office building. When she left work that night, she saw someone had hung a pair of panties on the entrance door. She thought it was really funny until she realized they were hers.  Of course this is the same girl who left the house one mornkng with her side zip dress completely unzipped. She said everyone at the gas station and donut shop were so nice to her that morning. She passed a mirror when she got Ito the office and was mortified. I was telling her about chemo brain one day and telling her some of the goofy things I was doing that were really bothering me. She looked at me with a straight face and said, I do things like that every day. From then on we referred to it as chemo blonde instead of chemo brain. Happy Friday!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    I didn't go to work today. I have felt really bad this week. Zero energy, back and hips hurting bad again, even my shoulders ached today. A friend said I should call the dr to tell her how bad I've been feeling. I don't think there is any point to that though, right?  My scan will be next month regardless, I think. Plus she has ignored my hip pain for more than a year anyway, so I don't think there would be any great call to action. The fatigue is scaring me though. Anyhow, the couple of days that I goofed off this week gave me a chance to try out some of the products from my shopping binge a week ago. I should try to figure out how to make a career of product reviews. Couple of notables:

    Wen hair products- I think I really like them. Have used the "shampoo" twice. Today added the styling cream. My hair is kind of acting like hair. Score!  I was inspired to go online and order the gallon size for which the sale ends tomorrow. 

    Don Aslett microfiber mop: it's ok. It cleans dirt and stuff well with only water but leaves dog hair plastered to the floor. 

    Laura Geller lip stain pencils- love! Received my order of three new colors. Awesome awesome. Everyone needs these. 

    Chop king food chopper and slicer and salad spinner and about 50 other things it's supposed to do- pretty happy with it so far. I was scared because it was on clearance for $10.  Also good to know, it slices fingers just as well as potatoes. I put a band aid on right away. Now I'm afraid to take it off and see the damage. It still hurts. 

    Josie Maran tanning lotion- now I remember why I don't like tanning "lotions"

    PeterThomasRoth CC cream - it's ok. Not worth $40 

    That's not even close to everything but I'm boring even myself at this point.  I ordered a blouse for my grandma that I am looking forward to arriving. I ordered one for myself too in a different color. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around that cosmic improbability. I'm sure that it won't wear the same on both of us. I hope. 

    I cut out the knotted loop sticking out part of the suture from my port removal sx. It has been hurting a lot and was red around that part. I'm hoping it was just the glob of glue and long tail catching on my clothes that was making it red and painful. I used alcohol swabs to clean everything. The smell of those things always makes me nauseous. It is the smell of port access failures and giving myself Arixta injections.   I don't think I will ever get over that smell. One time I was visiting my mom in ICU after her neck surgery and there was a nurse cleaning one of those plastic mattresses down with alcohol. I thought I would pass out. Ok enough random randomness. Signing off!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Sheila,so sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather, and suffering that awful humidity too. I hate how that alone, makes me feel. Do you have a spa you could sit in and relax?

    I love your reviews and had to check out the food chopper. How on earth do they make something like that and sell it for 10 bucks? I actually sold the same thing, in an electric model, at my yard sale, it was new and still in the box. I knew there was a great chance I would injure myself with the blades on this beauty!  

    Hoping you had a good sleep and feel a bit better! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    no sleeping yet. BF woke up a few minutes ago and went in the bathroom. He then stumbled in to find me laying on the couch watching Law and Order, gave me a mildly dirty look and went back to bed. Lol. He will be getting up in a couple of hours and I will likely just be getting to sleep. 

    No spa, but I think there are forbidden now because of the LE. I am looking forward to the pool though. Last week was too soon after surgery and this week it has just been gross with all the rain. Maybe next week. 

    I often wonder about how companies make money when they sell things so cheap. The short answer is China. I used to time things just right so that I could get really nice skirts and blouses from JCP for $3-$5 on clearance and with coupons. But being ingrained in their process, I knew that they bought the merchandise, imported it on a tanker across the ocean, paid for labor to process it, transportation costs to the stores, corporate overhead, labor costs at the store, store overhead and who knows what else. I know everyone isn't as thrifty a shopper as I, but geez, how low must the original wholesale price of the items be in order to turn a profit like that? I guess the short answer on that one is that JCP is obviously not a profitable company. Ha. But the stories are similar at other retailers.  Lots of Chinese children in sweatshops I guess.