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  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited June 2014

    DP, you tire me out just reading all the things you do!!!  Glad your scan had good results and that the port is out.  I hope you can get some down time while your visitors are there and just enjoy them!

    As far as Ambien, stay away, do not go near, ever!!  It is bad stuff!  I took it for a couple years after DH passed.  I just couldn't sleep w/out it.  As time went by I was up in the middle of the night cooking and no memory of it, just the remains on the counter in the morning. One night I turned on a burner that still had the cover on and a plastic lid on it.  I picked up the cover and hot melted plastic poured over my palm and the base of my fingers.  I was severely burned.  Didn't know it until the next morning.  And if that wasn't bad enough, I lived in the Sierras in CA at the time, it was dead of winter and one night I went walking out in the yard bare foot.  I apparently laid down in the snow for a bit.  The next morning I found my footprints and the body mark in the snow!  Again no memory of it!!  That was the last night I took the Ambien and never will again.  I totally believe that Kennedy kid that claimed the Ambien made him crash his car.

    Zills I am getting so excited for your trip too!!  I love to travel and have never been to Ireland.....someday I hope.  Very good idea to get the kids up early and tire them out before the flight.  Sometimes kids have problems with ear pressure when they fly, try either chewing gum or a hard candy to suck on, could help.

    DP I am a night owl too and listening to your sleep shopping stories, I am scared to even look at QVC!! ;))  I already do enough damage on Amazon and Zulily as it is!!

    Ariom, I am waiting on another 50% off sale on Marika, there are a couple more things I would like to get. I want another jacket and another pair of capris.  I had the jacket on Zulily, but didn't get back soon enough to buy it. :(

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    lol gramma, it's tiring to read because I talk too much and ramble. Too many thoughts swirling in my brain all the time. 

    You confirm my ambien fears. I read the tx insert out loud to my mom and we laughed so hard at the ridiculousnous. And it never fails that whomever you mention ambien to, they always have a crazy story about "this girl I know who took ambien".  Ouch on burning your hand. Who know what else you did that didn't leave any evidence. That is just insanity!

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited June 2014

    Yay Ariom! Another Bec visit!!  How fun!!

    I may need to go to CA to be with DD, this separation thing is getting ugly!!  Verrrrry ugly!!  If all I can do is sit in court to support her, I will!  Ex has a history of totally shutting out the father of her daughter after their divorce years ago, to the point of changing daughter's last name. The father is no longer in the daughters life at all.  My DD is terrified she will try the same now.  Ex has already petitioned for custody and to change my GD's last name to hers!!!  It is really scary and heartbreaking!   It has been a hard day, will post this to the other thread tomorrow.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    DP, I never had the slightest interest in the country life, but once the idea had hit me, I was on a mission. Finding this place was just amazing and I can't believe how much we both love it. I have always lived near water, but it is virtually on the doorstep here and the way it changes constantly  keeps us both  enthralled for hours. There are so many amazing birds, and the Dolphins that play right outside.

    I do check out the reviews on the US shopping sites for things I want to buy. I like that there are often videos of the application. I can't believe how much better your deals are there.

    I love lip stain, I found one called TKO in Natural. I bought a ton of them because the color was getting hard to find. I use it with  Smashbox Palm Beach lip pencil and some Skinn lip gloss.  I use some Philosophy products too.

    Had to laugh at your no makeup, makeup for surgery, I do exactly the same thing and have been known to have nurses in my room trying out makeup items!

    I hope you manage to have a great sleep, you need it after all you've done. Chat later...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Oh gB, I am so sorry to hear all that your Daughter is going through, I will never understand how things can turn so nasty, the only concern, when a couple separate, should be what is best for the child or children. The partner sounds like a very controlling individual who is really vindictive. I can imagine how stressful it is for you.

    I don't blame you for wanting to go there, I'd be exactly the same and I'd want to give that woman a slapping too!

    I have an Ambien story too. It is named Stilnox in Australia and there have been many News stories of things people have done while under its influence. The husband of a friend of mine was taking it and had done some sleep walking, but one night he left the house got into his Mercedes sports car, wearing just a pair of Jockey shorts and was discovered the next morning, dead in his car which he had rolled into a ditch. It is a scary drug.

    Edited to mention, the Marika sale was a couple of weeks ago. I got some more which is at the US address for me to have sent on. Do you have your email address listed with them for sale alerts? I will tell you if I hear of another sale.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    gramma, that is terrible. So sorry she is going through that.  Maybe a visit would be a good thing for both of you. As you mentioned, sometimes the biggest support comes from the smallest acts, ie: sitting in court with her. Just having someone near that you know has your back. You sound like a wonderful mother. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    well the whirlwind is over. I skipped PT on Friday and convinced BF to cancel his speaking engagement at "job club" (it's really not a big deal). So that he could come home and clean up the last little bit of the yard. I stood on the kitchen counters and put the floral along the tops of the cabinets, which I've been promising to do for two and a half years, since he moved in here. I bought new "spring clearance" ones because for the life of me I can't remember where we put the box labeled "kitchen floral" that I packed specially separate for him when he moved. It isn't as elegant as the old ones were, and I don't think he really likes it but he thanked me anyway. My feet were aching so much all day Friday that I questioned if I would be able to walk through the "worlds larger casino". But I wore my Orthoheel sandals and they worked miracles. We left at 4pm which put us right in the middle of the traffic we were trying to avoid. I know I was seriously exhausted because I insisted that BF drive but still wanted to take my car. I NEVER. let anyone drive my car. Don't know why. It's just a thing. Anyhow, I slept most of te way to Oklahoma. We met up with his parents for dinner. They were lovely. I was relieved. We spent the night (free rooms ya know) and spent most of the day there (yea, free breakfast and lunch too, ha). Had lunch with them and my family on Sunday. It was terribly hot and I worried about my grandpa the whole time. He has COPD and has a lot of trouble with the heat these days. This weekend we will have our normal family celebration for Father's Day and June birthdays and that will be more relaxed. I'm looking forward to it. I don't think grandpa is doing well and is stubbornly not telling us so that we won't worry. After lunch the parents stayed for about an hour then took off to visit some other friends from when they lived here, before heading back to Florida. BF has feelings a bit hurt that tey didn't visit longer but I told him I think they were just being polite and not wanting to intrude too much. 

    Dad have me a big hug when they were leaving and said I was as sweet as could be. I told him I try. He said I know you do and my son sure loves you a lot. I thought that was really nice. I know this sounds silly and awful but I was really anxious because of my appearance, weight gain an all, about what he would think of me. I learned early on with BF that he gets his idealic expectations of women's appearance and bodies from his family.  He has clearly gotten over that but I wasn't sure about what his dad would think - was afraid of it being embarrassing.   

    So then I used my spotlessly clean house to take a big long nap in! Stayed in bed half the day today and took Toby to the vet. Must get back to work tomorrow though. Oh yea- the other thing that happens when I am "resting" at home too much- I've been doing a bit much of QVCing.  The UPS man will be my friend this week. 

    Zills, are you making headway on all your notes to yourself? How much longer now?

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited June 2014

    Ariom, yes I do get emails from Marika. I saw a 50% off for 1 day only on like the 11th or 12th but really wasn't paying attention. Then I put the jacket in my basket on Zullily and forgot to buy it. Sigh, not concentrating so well lately.

    Thanks DP, I can't do much being so far away, but I can be with her in court in August. We have been texting a lot and talking on the phone.

    It just keeps getting worse.  Today DD was supposed to pick up DGD at pre school at noon for her 2.5 days of custody.  Ex emailed her and said she picked up DGD early and because DD didn't respond to an email she "didn't know if she was coming".  Ridiculous since DD lives for the days she has her baby!!  But she was afraid to go alone so took her dad with her.  She even considered calling the Police too.  I told her technically ex had kidnapped DGD since it was not her time to have her.  This is just so ugly.  I can't understand ex's cruelty.  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    gB, I am so sorry, I think of you and your girl often. I can't understand how people can be so cruel either. Picking the child up early and using a no response to an email as the reason is just plain vindictive.

    I can imagine how awful you must feel, I remember you actually liked the partner, so that would make it that much, more difficult. I would want to rip through her, but obviously that isn't the way to deal with it. 

    This conduct is so destructive, how many branches of the family tree does she want to break? Keeping children from loving relatives is just criminal. I know a few people who have been cut off from their adored Grandchildren because of a divorce or separations, the hurt is shared among all those who have been cut off.

    I sure hope they can get this resolved and some semblance of order can come into that child's life again. Hugs to you gB........ M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    gramma I don't know the history of what is going on but wanted to give you this advice to pass along. I went through some ugly times with my ex husband and his first wife years ago. A family law expert said that all of those occasions, like the one you mentioned, need to be documented. She should start a journal logging with dates and times any of these "drama" type situations, especially ones that are in violation of court orders. Police reports should be made in each of those instances as back up documentation. I know it can feel silly to call the police every time something happens, but it is important documentation of this person's irrational and noncompliant behavior, that can be used in court. California is not known for its common sense legal approach, so being armed with as much factual documentation as possible will be important. I wish the best of luck for her. There is enough in life to deal with without inserting the crazies!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    DP, I am so chuffed that the weekend was a success with the Father showing his feelings for you and realizes how good you are, for his son. That's pretty special!

    I have no clue what a "kitchen floral" is, but you've got 2 now, when you find the other box! LOL You sound so much like me, I do stuff like that all the time.

    What a great time you had and packed so much in, in a short time, no wonder you needed a sleep, but isn't it nice when everything is clean and tidy.

    I hope you had a good rest, I hear you about the QVCing, I bought the Eve Pearl pallette, and primer, so hopefully it will be here tomorrow. I am the worst, I am the ultimate consumer. If there is anything I don't really need, it is makeup, but I can't bear not to try something new. 

    Take it easy....M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    lol ariom. The Kitchen floral is all the fake vines and flowers draped over top of the kitchen cabinets that collects an endless amount of dust. But BF was so pleased with how it looked when I did it for his apartment. Unfortunately, I think the spring clearance stuff I picked out in a rush is too cheery and looks a bit too country kitchen vs dramatic and elegant like the old stuff was.  But like you say - now I have two!  Maybe I can find the other box by fall. Then I could swap them out by the seasons. Perhaps six months might be ample time to dust and clean the buggers in time to swap them out every year. 

    Glad you took a chance on the eve pearl. I expect a full review. I ordered some peterthomasroth stuff today. Can't wait to try it. I, like you, can't resist trying the next great thing all the time. The bins of barely used cosmetics I have sitting around are pitiful. I used to purge every six months and sell it in bull lots in eBay. I was amazed at the prices people would pay. But it was of course a fraction of the retail cost and I can imagine a lot of fun to get a big box of goodies all at once. Alas, those were the good ol days of the eBay world. Between clothes, jewelry, shoes and everything else, I think I have enough stock to open a secondhand store. I wonder if there would be enough customers. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Hi Sheila, thanks for clarifying that, I thought it may have been a floral paint treatment or stencil! LOL I haven' ever done the  floral thing, but I have done real chillies and garlic in the past.

    I am looking forward to getting the Eve Pearl, I had my own business for many years doing makeup for weddings and events, so trying new stuff, is in my makeup hah, pardon the pun! I love the reverse contour and the salmon concealer idea.

    I used to use some Peter Thomas Ross stuff, I think i loved the exfoliator and Vitamin C, but like so many things on TV shopping, they delete the range and it's too hard to source again.

    I am not loving the blue range of the Dimitri Collagenesus, I hate the face cucumber fragrance of the moisturizer and I am tiring of having too many steps to the routine. If I am tired, I'll just leave my makeup on rather than go through all those steps, isn't that awful!  I have quite a bit of Philosophy unopened and also some Lily  Herbceuticals, so I have plenty to use, till I find something else to try.

    I used to do the same thing with Ebay, a whole boxed lot, but those days are gone. I am on a shopping Forum, surprise, surprise, and we often sell to each other, so that works for us. 

    Maybe not a store but a couple of yard sales, or get a few women together for a swap and take party! That will move it. Take it easy M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2014

    You could donate it to a women's shelter or the group that helps them with interviewing skills, dress, etc or what about the ones that help girls with prom? 

    Glad you rested. Glad your BF's dad recognized a keeper when he met you. BC changes our outward appearance more than missing boobs and hair. 

    gB. Yes document, document, document. Print out texts. I'm so sorry. Negativity with her job and now her personal life. Send her something cheerful, funny. Often. 

    Keeping close to home this week. Mom having a yard sale. Went thru baby's closet and have a trunk full. Two boxes I didn't get to can wait longer. 

    Boy sorted his toys last night. Loved it. Going thru his closet today but think its in good shape. Need to do mine too. Ugh. 

    Trip three weeks from yesterday. Still need shoes for me. Can make do with pants I have but don't want to. Need to find some cotton shorts. Can't stand running/exercise ones. Too hot! 

    Is 70 when we get up with 75% humidity. Creeps up to 90s. Unbearable. Kids still want to play outside. 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited June 2014

    Hello ladies, once again I feel like I am stalking  you. I always check here first when I visit  BCO.  I like to see how you are all doing and what's new. It is like having coffee with your gal pals. 

    I hear confession is good for the soul, lol. Whew! Now I don't feel as bad. Lol

    I just moved to a new state a few months befor my DX and hadn't made a lot of friends (too busy with hospitals etc). so it has been nice to check in with my regulars, lol.

    I really am quite harmless so I hope you don't mind....

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited June 2014

    Ariom, yes I really did like dllp.  That is why I have such a hard time reconciling what is going on now.  She has history of totally alienating her dd from first marriage from everyone on that side of the family.  DD is thinking of contacting her ex to see how she was then.  Now DD  is questioning all the stories she was told about that split.

    DP, good point re the documentation of everything.  DD is good about that, ironically she is a Police Sgt, next up for Lt. (probably in Oct.), commands a SWAT team and is a registered lawyer in CA.  Not much is going to get past her!  I think all of this is why ex is being so ruthless.  Glad your trip went well and your were so welcomed by BF's father.

    Zills, I can just imagine how excited you are about the trip!  How cute that the boy is going through his things!!  Actually no negativity w/DD's job she was just awarded a commendation from the Mayor because the team she lead at Urban Shield won their category. First time a female led team won. 

    Andrea, I'm sure everyone will say all are welcome here!!  Glad you came out of lurkdom to say hello!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Hi Andrea, I know just how that feels, I was only here for 4 months when I was Dx and I didn't know anyone either.

    Feel free to join in, it is just like having a coffee with your friends! We are harmless too!

    Hi Zills, it is getting close now! Yard sale!! I wish I could know, I love a good yard sale. 

    You need to do some shopping for those items for you. What weather are you going in to?

    gB, I am thinking about you and your girls, i hope you get some better news soon. M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited June 2014

    DP, nice to hear about Dad thinking you are the best!! Is there casinos in TX? brother goes south to Harlingen in winter and says there is not casinos there, he loves to go. QVC, oh that is not good for me as I dont have the best sleep habits and things sure look good in the middle of night dont they? My friend is totally addicted! Her hubby shivers when ups truck drives in the yard!!

    Hello to Andrea, I dont feel anyone is stalking on any of these boards, they are such a learning experience in so many things, so feel free to join in, everyone has some wealth of info that others havent thought of yet!!  

    Yes, it is just like having coffee with bffs, these boards have been a lifesaver for me!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    hi ladies. I didn't go to work today. Beginning to feel like a bum. Was awake until 4am and the shopping wasn't good last night, so I had lots of time to ponder what I want to do with my life now.  Conclusion, I still have no clue!  

    Zills- I'm having yard sale envy, much like when ariom was clearing out. It's so darn hot here though. Not an option until October now most likely. Have you checked out the website called ThredUp? I saw a link to it on one of the threads around here. Can't remember if I already told you about it. They seem to have good prices on gently used and some new items. I ordered a bag to send some stuff in but have not done t yet. I remember seeing a lot of shorts on there. 

    Ndgirl, we only have bingo halls and a racetrack here in Texas. But it is a pretty quick drive up to the Indian casinos in Oklahoma. Winstar, which claims to be the worlds largest casino, is just across the border, about an hour and a half away. Kind of feeling like a trip to Vegas though - it isn't quite the same - super cheap package deals right now. Been getting emails from Travelocity for $150 for 4 nights with airfare. They must be hurting. 

    Andrea, hi!  Glad you are here. It is totally like coffee time. Grab a cup and chat. How are you doing?

    Wow gramma, DD sound very accomplished. You must be so proud. So she surely knows all the steps to take. The trick will be removing the emotion and  sticking to her guns. It's so unfortunate that people can be so selfish and nasty. 

    Hi ariom!  I was reading about the clothes you got from amoena (sp?). Sounds fabulous. Do they have sizing for larger girls?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited June 2014

    I had a biopsy today for a suspicious lump, but since it deflated upon piercing I think it was just a cyst. I should get results tomorrow, just before we leave for a 40 hour road trip. We live on east coast but our family lives out west in Canada, just above Montana. We usually fly out every summer (this will be my first visit since DX last fall). This time we are driving....what were we thinking?????

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    that's a good sign on the biopsy Andrea. Crossing fingers for good news tomorrow. Woweee that's a long drive!  I hope you are not driving straight through. I love road trips but have never gone for that long. I think it's fascinating to see all the sights along the way though. Hopefully it's fun and you are still friends by the time you get there. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2014

    Welcome A. Good luck with the road trip. Waiting to hear your results and if you're still friends. 

    Mom's Yardsale not as successful as hoped. Still have tomorrow or later when the weather is cooler. She has some cash and we cleaned out junk and clutter. I still have the holiday totes to go through. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Andrea, have a great time on your road trip! I am so pleased to hear that the lump disappeared, looking good for a cyst! I am hoping for a B9 result for you! Take it easy!

    Hi Dp, sorry your shopping wasn't too much fun. I am loving all this new Amoena stuff. The sizing is S,M,L,XL so I believe the equivalent to about an 18/20 US. I haven't been able to find it on any US sites, so I have no idea how it is priced over there. I found it reasonable here, for the quality.

    Zills, I am sorry your Mom's yard sale isn't doing too well, but maybe tomorrow. I just reduced the prices to virtually nothing, so I wouldn't be stuck with it.

    I hope you have a great weekend! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    Ariom has a good point on the mark downs. Back when I was crazy enough to do yard sales in the middle of summer, if at the end of the day I spotted someone looking at something on a table, I would say you can have EVERYTHING on that table for $5, but you have to take it all. This works especially well on men for some reason. I'm sure Saturday will be better and hopefully the weather will be cooperative. 

    My package from tlc arrived this morning while I was sleeping. Friend from work talked me into going up to Oklahoma with her last night and I didn't get home until after 7am. Maybe I have a problem, lol.  I'm super excited about the package because I got a "real" bra finally and some new foobs. I've hung up the fiber fill ones that I have been using all this time. They just don't look right anymore. Been using my bra with built in microbeads every day but I don't like it because it is too big and is also a pain to wash. It has permanent battle scars from rads just like I do, lol. Off to play with my boobs!  I'll let you know how that goes. Ha!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Oooh DP, I love it when there are new foobs, to be tried, please let me know what you think and what they are. 

    What's in Oklahoma, is it far?

    I love it when you girls talk of going to Oklahoma, or ND pops over to Canada for dinner, it sounds so exotic! LOL M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited June 2014

    DP, how are the new foobs? I am like Ariom, always interested in something new!  I just love my new pajamas, and I do wear them Ariom, chuckled about you sleeping in knickers!!  I put a microbead foob in when lounging and I always keep a microbead in my swimsuit, they work great for that, otherwise they are just too lightweight and have my left one under my chin! Hate when they ride up.  Did you go to the casino in OK? Hope you had fun and won some money, my dear friend says the casino is her therapy, she only thinks of what is in front of her at the time and forgets her worries, she had an alcoholic hubby and he died in a farm accident so she has lots to sort thru.  If it helps go for it I tell her.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    got a giggle out of thinking of Oklahoma as exotic ariom. But I know what you mean. I think hopping off to anada for dinner sounds very chic. Ndgirl is correct, it was the lure of the casino. They have now sent me $100 for each week in July too and today I had a mailer for an additional $40 each week on top of that. BF jokes that they personally delivered that one after last night. Ha. Since they normally send $25 or $50, it's hard to pass up $100 or $140!  It can be therapeutic Ndgirl, but a dangerous therapy. The friend I went with last night also lost her husband in a work accident 8 yeas ago. She lives 20 minutes from the casino and told me that she started going every day after he passed. She would stay for hours, sometimes more than 24 hours because it took her mind off everything. She said that  she went through over $500k in the first two years after he died. I do like the mindlessness of it too. For several hours I get to forget about cancer and worrying and just about everything. I need to behave though!  

    Well I hate everything in the tlc box. I'm very disappointed. It started because I was looking at silicone foobs on eBay. But I looked for so long that I got overwhelmed and tired. So I went on tlc and ordered a pair of weighted foam triangle ones and a pair of microbead ones. A bra and a lace cami. 

    Microbeads - too small and too squishy. Tried them in the cami and they are mushed down and misshapen. Tried them in an old molded cup underwire bra. That was thoroughly depressing. First time in a real long time that I mourned my breasts. It was a plunge style bra and I had the visual realization of where the foobs were not and the space that my breasts, which I always thought were too small, used to fill.  

    Weighted foam - I like the weight. They are supposed to be interchangeable triangles for either side but they do have a definite "side", so that looks funny. I tried them in the new bra that I was so excited about. HATE the bra. I guess I wasn't paying attention and it is a front hook with only one row of hooks. The foobs seem to rest high and just next to each arm pit. This is a complaint I have about the current bra with attached foobs. The band size is too big, it is front hook and the foobs are too far apart.  But not even as far apart as the new bra!  I was going to try them in the cami but I threw everything back into the box in frustration. Was going to send the bra back for sure but it was on sale for $26.99 instead of $32 and the invoice says sale items can't be returned. Boo. 

    Any good bra recommendations?  I want them closer together and would like to be able to wear a top that doesn't have to come to my collar bone to cover it. 


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Oh Sheila, I am so sorry you have had such a bad experience with the foobs and bra.

    I have tried about 3 different types of foam weighted and unweighted foobs and my fave is the TruLife weighted foam foob, for me, it has the right drape and matches my existing breast in bras or camis, etc. It wouldn't be for everyone, of course, but it is, in my opinion, much better quality than any of the others I have found. Metromedical has them for $72.00 for 2.

    For me, the most comfortable bra, is the Mona by Amoena. It is what they call an everyday bra, but it doesn't have a front opening. Amoena have a few styles that have the front opening, but they aren't like a straightjacket, which some are. One is a stretch lace and is considered a "leisure bra", front opening and light weight. I have a few of these and wear them often.

    I can't remember, but have you been to an actual fitter, to try a few different styles? I bought my first Prosthesis, Bra and Cami after being fitted and then I went berserk on the internet, once I knew what shape and size I was. I have made a couple of blunders, but have passed them on to girls who liked them, in my BC group, so not a total disaster. 

    I feel for you, because I know how it feels to be looking forward to something arriving and it doesn't meet expectations. Hugs to you! M x

    Edited to add: The lace leisure bra is called Ruby and is discontinued, but may be available on the net, and another nice looking one is the Lara, often available on Ebay at great prices and in great colors.   

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    I spoke to the fitter briefly when I went to get my compression garments. She honestly didn't seem that knowledgable and I was also cranky that day. By the time I went out to tell her nevermind, she had a handful of the ugliest, most institutional bras I've ever seen. Straight jacket is a perfect comparison!  She showed me the silicone foobs and I picked up some of them and got an idea for sizing and shapes. I bought a pair of silicone ones online before surgery but they are waaay to small for my frame. I have to go back next week to be measured for some more compression garments. So maybe I will try some things on this time. I had so much swelling in my back before that I thought it didn't make sense to try anything on. I saw the Mona bra online. I remembered people talking about it but then I went for the sale item instead. Darn it. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    ndgirl, I have to laugh, every time I find something new I want to tell you because I know you're as bad as I am for wanting to see everything that's new out there.

    Yes, I did warn you that it may be TMI, but knickers it is, oh dear I am now wondering if knickers are the same in both our countries, I am talking panties, but we call any underpants, knickers.

    I am so pleased you like the pajamas, I love them and cant wait to get the brown set I bought with the short sleeves too. Having clothes that have pockets, is just my favorite thing at the moment, I've been mad about the Valletta since day 1 and now I think these are just so comfortable and smart looking and the price!!!! M x