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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    OH Bobo, meant to say yesterday.. there was a Jennifer in your group text, she was all like.. "who is this". I said, it's _____ (thinking it was glennie or Z), who is this?" Replies "Jennifer". I'm thinking and thinking and don't recall anybody in our group with the name Jennifer, so I said..... "I think we were both part of a group text", and she said "(your name)?". I said yes and she said, "well that's it then". It was a very scintillating conversation :)

    oh and I sent you the sixpence.. one for you and one for DW, which I hope you both put in your shoes (or is it tape to sole of shoes)... it is for good luck and the wish of prosperity, love and happiness. I figure enough prosperity for you two and you can pay for all of our many trips around the country :) You'll note the lack of ribbon.. obviously Mary from Ribbons international was unable to assist me :P

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    DP, In the bag and ditto what everyone else has said.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    oh and DP, I have to say.. our girl did not need your makeup expertise after all.. she has such a beautiful, radiant face. Glennie, again... the pics you emailed.. such beautiful photos you got... am wondering what DW was saying to Bobo in the first one, perfect shot..... but... can W boy look anymore bored if he could? Men pfft. Bouquets came out so good. I am so impressed.

    Ok, need to stop procrastinating and get back out there.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015
  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Morning all, I agree with everyone! DP, I worry about your pain too, could be something unrelated and fixable, see a PT maybe? Those fucking steroids will be dragging you down, if you can begin to taper, you'll feel so much better. Cleaner to do your house, absolutely and I love the idea of a tiara too! As I recall, you like Bond's Mother, will she help out and you won't feel obligated to look after her? Don't mean to be nagging you, I know that's how it sounds, just concerned and want to help, but can't. I am in the bag for all the treatments DP!

    ldesim, I loved the pics too, great observation of W boy, he did look a little bored! LOL

    Well, Bobo, I hope you aren't too exhausted, after all the preparation and the day itself. It looks like everything went off perfectly, I hope you two are very happy!

    Scary, all this weather news, I have been seeing it on the news here.

    We are having cool weather here, very strange for this time of year, but I am not complaining, I don't like it too hot any more and for some reason, the humidity takes it out of me, not to mention the bad hair day, it gives me!

    I hope everyone is having a good day, catch you later.... M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    You guys are getting to know W boy... he is completely disinterested in anything that doesn't directly involve attention for him or a treat for him. If neither of those two things is happening, he checks out! Every once in a while we get that kind of proof and then other people can see it too!

    Idesim, that was so sweet of you, and such kind words... I hope for prosperity and many trips too! If I had double prosperity I would certainly spread it around! Smiling because M doesn't like humidity because of her hair day :)

    DP, I have got to say PRB has a good point... does she have to come? It would take a very special person to visit and not be draining. Worried!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    I reply to myself, someone has to do it. Z, I would not accept a free tattoo, haven't you seen Bridesmaids? :)

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Love the wedding pics Glennie sent!!!! So pretty and so happy!!!!! Princess looks like she will burst, W looks like a typical boy

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    M:  how is our Colin feeling since the stent was removed?  Is he back to his old self?  And how is Colin 2??

    Glad you liked the pics!!  I do better with immovable objects like flowers and plates of food.  Kids move a lot !!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Just asked W boy if he was bored at the wedding. He replied, and I quote, 'Time of my life.'


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Glennie, Colin has been doing amazingly well since the stent came out. He got his normal healthy color back almost immediately and has been feeling great. Then yesterday, the shaking and the sweats started again. He got up this morning and is feeling well, we are hoping it may just be the remnants of the sand, you remember the sand, lol still passing, or even one of the small stones from the other side. That's what we are hoping for! He has a Doctor appointment for the follow up in early Feb, so we will wait to see what this one says.

    Colin 2, is having his "throat slit" as he likes to call it, next Monday. He is having the thyroid removed and all the lymph nodes on either side of his neck removed, I worry for him and LE, but haven't mentioned it to him. He doesn't ask a lot of questions of the surgeon, so it seems when I begin to quiz him about details, he doesn't know much, or seems to have gotten it wrong. He refused to ask someone to go with him, thought it was too much to ask of a friend, sheesh, men! Apparently it is a 1 week stay in the Hospital and supposedly more painful, than the 1/2 lung removal. When that is over, they move on to his liver!

    Oh Bobo, that's a sweet response, maybe he was just caught at a bad moment, in that picture!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    I think the picture caught W boy at a bad moment.  The kids were wiggling so much it was hard to get a good pic.  I enjoyed talking with Boy about tennis,, he seems quite interested in it,,, I know nothing about it,, but I nodded a lot.  Love his quote!

    Gosh, M,,, I do hope it is just the remnants of the sand!! And poor Colin2.  Sounds like an awful surgery. He's a tough cookie, but dang I would want my BFF there.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    True Grit! Now I am worried. No dicktor appt for John Wayne until Feb? What do you think, M?

    So sorry for Colin #2. On top of everything else, he has to be #2. I think that whole thing sounds like such a terrible challenge. Why does he have to go it alone? Oh, poor thing.

    Do you think our Idesim is buried in three feet of snow? Are you overdoing it, I? Please make DH do most of the shoveling. Have they run out of bread there in the store? Blizzards are so exciting.

    Our DP made it home safely from the Cyberknife. I believe she is taking a nap. Our girl is one real-ass bitch!


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    darn it for Colin. I so want him to get past this nastiness! It has been too long.

    Bobo was absolutely radiant. Which I am sure is mostly natural but she said she was wearing makeup so I believe her. I am sure it was most minimal though. We are still gonna go drag queen in Nola though. Just because it will be fun.

    Bonds mom is not coming to help. She is coming for a visit. To see her baby boy. She is not in good health. She Does not think she has all that long. She has been saying that for a couple years now but says dr agrees now. She has COPD like my grandpa. Trying to arrange oxygen delivery for her. She is a cool lady. Think it will be fine but I would have liked for it to be better obviously. I won't need to entertain her. She will be happy hanging with bond in the mornings. Coming early Saturday morning and leaving Monday I think. It has been planned since before Xmas. Just didn't expect to lose 7 days in hospital and to have been down a week prior to that. Asked my friend Judy to come help me Friday. Luckily it's not gross anywhere just so much clutter and "project" piles.

    Glad power is holding out. How are you doing cuz Andrea? Have we ears from everyone?

    CyberKnife is like the wbr. Several hours later, It made my head hot in the spot they radiated. And made a red square. I guess my peach fuZ will be coming out and I'll her more crazy skin. Oh well.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    never got to actually sleep. But begged with the boys. Toby was so lovey today. It was weird. He never loves me that much.

    And yes I have been meaning to say to idesim that shoveling snow is MANS WORK! Yes we CAN. do anything a man can do does not mean we should!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Don't worry Bobo, it is one day next week, we are almost in Feb now! I am not getting overly worried till I find out if it is likely the end of the stone blasting, I am sure he doesn't have any infection.

    Colin 2 is a strange one, he is very set in his ways and you can't change him. I know if I was still living near him, I would go with him, whether he wanted me to, or not! LOL The main worry with him, is that he is a bit of a recluse these days. He has always earned his living with his voice, doing voice overs and the voice for talking books, singing in commercials etc, but he has been warned that he may not have any voice after this surgery. I don't know how he will accept this, his voice is already altered by the thyroid cancer, so his working life, is definitely over. That's a lot for him to take in.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    DP, you're amazing, have a good rest! M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Poor Colins, 2 is in for a rough go of it. Hoping your Colin has just a little leftover sand.

    DP, glad to hear your friend is coming to lend a hand, you seem pretty cool about bonds mom visiting so we will chill with you. Your house will be in good shape and bond will be there for both of you. Let us know how it goes.

    Shoveling might be man's work but I had to do it today. Not much to do really but the wind had made a little pile on the sidewalk and it is so darn nice outside I didn't mind a bit. Had to because dh has been down with the cold/flu bug since last Sat. Don't think there is much point in him going to dr, he has no fever so if it is flu it is too late for tamiflu, but who knows when he gets sick it takes forever for him to bounce back.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    I'm going to SGCs house. I'm hungry. If I didn't know better I'd say pms but my parts are dried up.

    What did they say about your back pain and tapering steroids? My back hurt like the dickens and it was a kidney infection. Drinking enough? Taking those nasty antibiotics? Need a sweet tea run? So glad Judy is going to help out. So sorry about bonds mom.

    I do the snow shoveling around here. Boy shoveled the other day, all the way to the pond. He was making tracks for his toys:)

    BG was too cold. I'm sending her to school tomorrow and going to yoga. Screw paperwork! But need to be back in time to see the spelling bee. Not that he'll get very far.

    It's also crazy hair and sock day. I love seeing everyone's creativity. Today was crazy hat day. He said we were supposed to make one but I didn't believe him. He wore a top hat with a rabbit on it from ikea. He thought about wearing my lime green witches hat/hair.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Z, you make me smile: Need to be back to see the spelling bee. Not that he'll make it very far. W boy's (completely clueless) teacher asked DLLP if we wanted him tested for 'gifted.' We were like, What?

    You are so chill about Bond's mom, DP, ND is right, we will chill. ND, DH needs to get up and help you shovel! That is enough resting for him! Shoveling is a man's job!

    Oh, poor poor Colin #2. I imagine him like... Ian McKellan in this very funny show on BBC called Vicious. Oh, that show makes me pee.

    What has SGC got to eat? Z, my parts are dried up too. :)

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    NYC looked lovely on the TV today.  I can remember the snow when I lived there. It was pretty the first day,, then after that,,ugly slush.  Happy to not be there now.

    Poor Colin2,,  worried about his voice.  That is really hard to deal with.  It is a big loss for him. Cancer sucks. 

    L and ND:  do not overdo the snow shoveling!!!   Stay warm and toasty inside. 

    DP: glad Judy is coming over to help!  You could still call a cleaner and both sit on couch and direct while wearing tiaras!

    I think that DLLP and I should get purple hair in NOLA and Bobo will have drag queen makeup and show off her new nips in sexy bikini and high heels!!  Yes, it will be fun!!  **excited** 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    i reply to myself,, cuz we are all posting at the same time.  I have no parts left,, so can no longer blame PMS.  I can blame the hot flashes though.

    Do we get pics of crazy hat day?? Or crazy sock day?  You know we love pics.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Just reading and came in to say hi... to tired to post... muscles ache. Looks like we got two feet, maybe a bit more.... spent a lot of time shoveling.. Joe did 3x more than me.. I'd do an hour, come in or an hour..etc... he was out 3 hours in an hour.. etc.

    2 down 2 to go DP?

    *waves wearily*

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    must download pix off my phone. Have no memory and missing opportunities. I'm a picture hoarder. My great granny hoarded tp. I don't remember how many packs were under the bed but you needed a stool to get into it!

    Do we have any firm dates besides Nola?

    I'm thinking about chalking boy's hair tomorrow. He, of course, wants it spiked.

    Wboy gifted? Maybe that's why he's bored. We are too mundane for him. What does he like to do? Read? Legos?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    GS#2 loves Leggos. Some of the stuff he makes is amazing! I can see him designing at LEGGOLand in the future

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Z, loved that article.. Bobo why wouldn't you accept free tattoo?

    Found their Pinterest site..

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    How about henna tattoo in NOLA?  Anyone up for that?

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Ideism - one year we were dumped on and I had drifts that were over 4 feet high. No way my little snow blower could handle that. I hired a snow removal company to do my driveway (it's about 50 feet long) . He cleared it in like 10 minutes, and it was the best darn $35 I ever spent! Something to keep in mind for 'next' time.

    Z - you are lucky your boy wants to participate. My daughter would never do any of those crazy sock days, pajama days etc. Sometimes the school would dedicate a whole week to crazyiness. Nope...not my kid.

    Henna tattoos? I gave DD a ton of henna to draw tattoos on herself and friends. I can send you a tube of it, and you guys can draw obnoxious designs on each other in your drunken state. Glennie, of course, will have to stay mildly sober so she can snap the photos for us!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    Wish ya'll could come to my house and eat all my comfort food, drink the wine, and kick DH's butt! DH informed me that he is overwhelmed and over tired so he is thinking about getting rid of the puppy! I am at a loss for words, and that doesn't happen often! He has been an ass tonight-even flipped off my daughter! Grrrrr......

    Loved hat Z! You are creative!

    I really don't understand why schools have all these "special fun days" that always equal more work for parents, yet they take away recess and down time-something the kids really need! Crazy hat day should be a classroom activity-the kids make and then get to wear them. Okay, I will stop now. Hard habit to break after teaching for sooo long! Rant over.

    Hope Colin1 is over kidney problems and Colin2 does okay with upcoming surgery. It is so hard to give up a career that you love and my heart goes out to him.

    I agree, maybe WBoy is gifted and bored! My "gifted" daughter hated school and was always in trouble. She came across as defiant, but she had a problem blindly doing what she was told to do by adults. Especially if they weren't, in her mind, too bright. Lol

    Glad you have some help coming over DP! Hope you get some rest tonight.

    Glennie-a henna tattoo? As long as there aren't any needles, I'm in! How is Ava? Back to her old self? She is a lovey!

    Spookie-my son Loved Legos too, but I don't think he was in the same league with your GS. It would be wonderful if he did get a job with Lego-Denmark is so lovely! Lol

    Be careful snow gals! While we had a dusting of snow, it quickly melted, and we shouldn't get anymore for a while. I am afraid this storm was just the beginning for you!

    Hope everyone has a good night! Seize the day, M! S

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    S:  Henna is no needles!!  We can do this!  Ava is back to her old self.  She is frisky and dancing for her dinner!  It is so wonderful to see. She is really perky with this cooler weather too.  I can't believe DH wants to get rid of puppy.  **sob**  I thought puppy was helping him. Poo.    Agree about classroom activities and recess!! Art !!  Music!! Keepers all!! Really important in my humble opinion.