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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Can't wait to see all the pics!!

    Definitely wish I could have made it to the wedding..and it has nothing to do with the snow storm....ok maybe a little.

    Congratulations ladies!!! Continued happiness!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Ooh, Andrea, are you going to get Thundersnow? Did you loot store?

    Our princess wearing her Frozen shoes to bed. Wait until you see your thank you letters! Gird your loins!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Congratulations Bobo! Happy for you and DLLP. Kids looked darling :) Not sure why Glennie keeps saying DW... Dear wedded? lol OHHHH .. Dear Wife. I'm dense! I need my lesbian handbook!

    DP - how many cyberknife sessions will you be having? I'm with M - you are one brave chick. You deserve that bucket of ice cream we were talking about last night. No 3 ounce cups for you or Bond.

    Watching the weather channel and hope Ideism's power stays on and she is stocked up. ** anxious** because the memories from last year and my power outage are still pretty fresh.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    before I forget for the tenth time today. I missed a page this morning and that white chocolate and mango ice cream sounds amazing. Sign me up.

    I can't see wiottj a darn right now. Four more tumors to zap. Should be done Friday. Got water in my ear last night. Yea. Washing my "hair" ha. No real SEs. Just fatigue. My back hurts like crazy though. Miserable. All day. My knees are crap and my leg muscles wasted away from the steroids. Used cane today. Hard to stand up and the one porch step is near impossible. It's terrible. Also can't "scootch" to save my life. Told tech that I never make it to the middle of anything anymore. Even that skinny table. Need to rest eyes. Back later.

    Maybe I'll remember my Buddha brain wedding speech.

    When will MD have her photo proofs available?

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    DP, you are a brave one, I read about cyber knife and it sounds so great but guess just the word knife makes me nervous for you. So glad you did fine and will be done on Friday. Sorry your back is sore hope you can get some rest. Glad you are home too.

    Idesim and Andrea, I am watching all the news about your storm, hope power stay on, no trees fall and you have lots of comfort food to tide you over this, sounds like it will be a big one! No disrespect here but we in ND are wondering if we would get the tv 24 hour coverage if this were happening here! I know it is because of the heavy population and we aren't. We bought a new generator last year to be prepared and thank goodness we haven't had to use it YET! Stay safe!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Generators are wonderful. I wish we had one. We were without power for 4 days after a hurricane. I lost my entire fridge contents, and just a small fan would have been heaven. But you guys need chain saws and fire places

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    We are on the outside edge of the storm so far. Hardly any snow. Damn, forgot to stock up on comfort food.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    It's not too bad yet.. watch us only get 4 inches after all the dire warnings.. wouldn't be the first time that happened. Not that I would complain if that was the case. Thankfully we are high up, so hopefully no flooding will effect us. We're the only house on our street not required to have flood insurance.. made it out the flood zone by "that much". Last really big storm we had about 2 years ago we looked out the windows and watched the waves go over sea wall... about 30 feet or more high.. it was beautiful, but also scary.

    ok.. so it's a zap per tumor.. 4 more to go.. you got this... I'm relieved no SE;s to be expected... you have enough sh!t going on. Fatigue seems to be the standard SE for all phases of BC treatment... I'm hating what the steroids are doing to you... would be nice if another method could be found.

    I too missed an entire page, I'm going to go back and read.. but might not sit down and comment.. need to conserve my energy for all the shoveling tomorrow!

    Sweet dreams to everyone :)

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Dont overdue shoveling snow, that too can be dangerious. I remember the worst winter ever was 1996-97, we had 11 blizzards! first one was Nov. 1 and didnt let up until blizzard Hannah the first part of April, then the flood started. We were spared a real flood in this area but Grand Forks had snow and fire, the whole downtown was on fire and no way to get to it, terrible. But they have rebuilt and are doing fine. We had lots of water in basement, sump pumps going, needed the generator for sure then as we were without power for days. Even some of the old timers said they had never witnessed a winter like that, hope to never see one again. Felt like i was living the story of The Long Winter of Laura Ingalls Wilder from the Little House on the Prairie series!

    Sometimes when they predict it will be so bad it doesnt happen then people get lax and dont pay heed when they should.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    Spookie, I can relate to hurricane aftermath. Hot as hell and not a breath of wind.

    ND, Of course you wouldn't get coverage for a blizzard. Everyone knows it snows all the time up there.

    We take our snow very seriously here. Go home at the first flake and break out the skis. I don't think we even have snowplows here. If we did they couldn't get up the hills. Think San Francisco with slick snow and you have the picture. People walking in New York looked pretty darn miserable (on

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    storms sound scary. As soon as news starts "wintergeddon" talk, about 3 days out, you clear grocery shelves then call your job and say you can't get out if your driveway. Unless you are bond or myself. You then leave three hours early and pray the whole way that "someone" will show up to work.

    The year of our Super Bowl was our worst in decades. Ice has never lasted so long here. It was the curse of Jerry. And nearly completely unbeleivable.

    Put on a 12 of fentanyl along with the new 25 tonight. Did I say that earlier?knees likely have me trapped for the night. Step up out of bedroom that I had a real hard time with last night.

    Still wish I could see.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    We were in the grocery business for 26 years, best business was whenever a snow storm was predicted, I always thought I should bribe the weatherman to call for storms more often, they would clean us out.

    DP, bummer about those knees and steps, hugs.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    In the bag for DP today! You are a complete bad ass. I am so sorry about your legs and knees, that sounds so hard -- now that they are zapping the tumors, can they ramp the steroids down? When will the shitful dicktor talk to you about this?!

    I have the weather channel on while working today and I am hoping for a full report from our idesim. And Andrea... did you get any snow? Or are you just eating comfort food out of solidarity? What do you cook for six teenagers anyway? :)

    Z, I am just like you. I am suggestible. Sometimes I see something and then I want to have it. That must be how you are with the lemon cake! Is someone allergic to eggs at your house?

    Will check in for DP updates. Sending hugs. XXXXOOOO

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    In the bag DP! Feeling a bit chilly this morning so I will be drinking Irish coffee with Baileys, of course! I'm bringing the puppy with me as she can finally lay down on command. Puppy kisses whenever you want them!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    In the bag too DP! ((Hugs))

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    good job puppy! We will put her in a vest and call her working.

    Bonds mother is coming to visit this weekend. Friday I think??? I am in NO way prepared. House a total wreck. Entire breakfast room full if unopened boxes. Guest/my room totally disheveled. And babysitters that aren't going to let me be alone for five minutes all week.

    Btw. Post office now just assumes any box in a five block radius comes here. Bond had to go deliver packages last night with the dogs.

    Back hurt so bad last night. Had a 12 and a 25 patch and still took 10 hydro and it still hurt like hell. What is that about?? Not too bad today but my lower back feels shaky like I'm going to fall over at waist like a baby. It's weird. Better go get ready to face my public!

    Hope everyone has good day and stays warm and dry. Andrea I was afraid to mention your new pic last night when I could not see. Lmao

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    In the Bag, DP!  Go Cyberknife!! Zap, zap, zap!!  HOpe the fentanyl patches are helping the knee pain.  And hoping the dicktor tells you to cut back on steriods today.

    The worst winter I remember in FL was either 88 or 89.  I was living about 30 miles north of West Palm Beach then and everything froze. My precious key lime tree!!  Boyfriend was driving back from GA, got stuck in Lake City due to ice!! **unheard of** That tiny town which is the crossroads of I-75 and I-10 was swamped with people who couldn't go anywhere.  Not enough hotel rooms!!

    Hope everyone is warm and has power!!

    Bobo: we might just need that cake recipe!  It was really tasty.

    If you PM'ed me for pics,, I have emailed you all back.  If you did not get an email, PM me again, as that means I probably screwed up your email addy. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    DP, that is a lot of pain!!  I am worried for you. Please tell the dicktors today that your pain is that bad.  Maybe they need to check out your back. X-ray?  Increase the fentanyl???

    Bond's Mom is coming?  OK,, can we call a house cleaning service for you? They can tidy up and put boxes in neat piles. I am serious.   Poor Bond, playing mailman with the dogs. Hope the dogs had a good time!!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    DP please tell the drs about your pain, so worried about you. Maybe bond's mom is coming to help? I know how you feel but sometimes people just feel helpless and would like to pitch in and do whatever they can. I know it is much easier to say just chill out and dont worry about the neatness of the house, in the big scheme of everything it really doesnt matter that much. I talk big but I would probably feel just like you do. In the bag for cyber knife today.. yup, zap zap zap it all away.

    Wondering how Idesim is and if she still has power, looks like Boston got hit the worst.

    Waving to all.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    DP, I too am so worried about you! That is a lot of pain! Please talk with dicktors about this. You might want to check out cleaning for a cure. They will do your house for free. My "honorary" daughter lives in Dallas. I can call her and see if she can come by and help you out-just say the word! Sending gentle hugs and healing thoughts.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Zap zap zap! Want to add my voice to the chorus. That is too much pain. Summon the dicktor while you are at cyberknife. I don't care if that's not his area. I've got his area right HERE! (points to genitals)

    Don't forget to ask about decreasing steroids. That dicktor needs to coordinate your care.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Glennie, I remember that! It was around Christmas week of 89. I opened my front door and was watching SNOW in the street lights! We had brownouts

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    in the bag DP.

    Please tell them about your pain and steroids. Pretend it's your gmas pain. You would speak loud and strong.

    Allergist called. Blood work shows only sesame seeds. Scary to think how his back looked and nuts are now ok? Start shots on Thursday for pollen/dander/mold/grass/trees. Will see how that goes before trying nuts.

    BG asking for a prize. Sneaking bread to Sasafire. She asked for a cheese sandwich but won't eat the bread. Am considering smoothies. I know her throat is sore. One side is very swollen. Will look at vitamix. Anything for the princess?

    Washer repairman just left. Can't find reason for clean cycle to run for 3 hours when it's on the last minute. Told to run the heck out if it. Warranty until March.

    Dog threw up bone last night. So have lots of nasty laundry to do. Good news is that I slept thru it all.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Z, Yikes!!! about the nuts. I would be scared. Allergist said our princess will never lose that allergy. I know everyone is different.

    FFFF about the dog bone cleanup! I have cat throw up clean up often. And FFFF about the washer! I know how that feels. ***silent screaming***

    Vitamix is v v expensive. But, I swear, mine has paid for itself. Already. Can our boy have sunflower seeds? You can make your own sunflower butter! Rice milk! Soy milk! Ice creams! OMG. Applesauce! I throw some aging apples and pears in there and make applesauce. You can even make butter! Ooh. I love my Vitamix. You can make our BG a smoothie every morning and sneak vegetables in it!

    BG is such a good girl! Sending her hugs for her throat. {{{BG}}}

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    cleaning service great idea. I kind of lost a week of planning while in hospital. I should sign up with one of those cancer places. I have heard of them here. Can get my office girls to come. Hate that though.

    Will ask diktors about steroids today again. Told NP about pain last night. She said ok to up fentanyl. My spine feels so weak. Could just be that. Last time I got off steroids it was like a dark cloud lifted. Crossing fingers. Also that it is steroids and not brain function causing.

    Glad no one got hit too hard by storms. BG needs a slurpee.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    or an organic carrot ginger kale juice. I'm sure she would like that better.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Z:  I would not do the nuts!  My tests came back that I was not allergic to walnuts,, but I definitely am!  Walnuts and Brazil nuts are my biggest offenders!  Hope the shots will help. They did for me for pollen,trees, etc.  Smoothies for BG!!  Will make throat feel better. 

    DP:  SGC has wonderful idea about Cleaning for a Cure.  I know,, we all know you hate to ask,,, but please consider. Stay your energy for more fun things. Let someone else come and clean and you can be a queen on the sofa, directing them!!  Do you have a tiara?  If not, we will send you one!!   In the bag for Cyberknife! Ava is ready to kiss your toes.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Well, I hate to state the obvious.. but DP.. I would ask her to come another time. You've been in the hospital for a week and about to complete cyberknife need some time to recover a bit. Agree with the others - tell your doctors about your pain level.

    Smoothies for BG. I'll take one too, please. I'd be worried about giving the boy nuts. Why would his back be all whacked out, but only allergic to one thing?

    Waiting for an update from Ideism. Had to almost be embarrassed for the weather reporters in New York... standing on the street, all bundled up, with no snow coming down this morning. Sunny day here, and in the 20's. Not too bad. One week from today, DD goes to winter camp. I hope they have snow, but mostly, I hope she doesn't get hurt. No communication allowed for 4 days...I don't like it.

    edited to say - Yes to the Slurpee for BG. The smoothie might generate more mucus. lol@the ginger carrot kale drink. Good one DP!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    confession: I drove 30 minutes on Sunday to get a tropical smoothie. Brought my cooler and bought 5 to bring home. I am on a diet and without adding sugar, it is the only way I get my fruit. Such a treat! Lost two pounds in 2 days- which I am sure is water as I have been peeing like a race horse! That being said, I really want some comfort snow day food! I will not eat the hoho's in the pantry which have been calling my name! Or the Mac and cheese, or the cheese crackers, or the....

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    So far power has held up... over a foot in the backyard and over a foot & 1/2 in the front yard and more to go..... I only shoveled about an hour so far, I just am struggling with it for some reason. I will go back in about an hour.

    Sgc, laughing at your smoothie excursion :) I am very impressed you are sticking to a diet with all those goodies in the cabinet. I had to eat my way through all that before I started being good.

    DP in the bag for the 2nd zaparooni! As usual the others have given good advice, tell the drs. about your pain.. tell them the struggle you are having with steriods. Let somebody help you with the housework or just say Fck it. If you don't want company, don't have it.. period. I cannot stand people watching over me and asking if I am ok or need anything every 5 mins... we know they mean well.. but buzz off. Put your foot down.. seriously. Ndgirl is right however, people do feel helpless, so if it's not going to be torturous... let her come and take care of you. You do whatever is best for you and don't worry about what anybody else thinks of it.

    I am laughing over packages being delivered to you within a 5 block radius... poor bond.

    Z, hope BG is feeling better... I too would not give the boy nuts... I don't trust it and you already are in a routine of avoiding them. I'm pretty amazed sesame seeds is the only thing that came out after what his back looked like?

    PRB, where is winter camp? IF they don't have snow.. you can send her to my house.. we'll have snow still next week :)

    I'll hopefully be back later.