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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    of course you do the shoveling z. You are super woman.

    PRB tell him to suck it up and shut it for tonight. Maybe he is just cranky today. I'm quite sure you are doing more work with puppy at this point. I have to admit that two days in with Toby and I was overwhelmed. I could have never returned him but I did panic a bit. It wore off quickly. I am crazy now for seriously considering a third. I asked bond a couple nights ago. He says he's fine with it as long as it's a girl. I like boys. But maybe just a medium size girl. I always wanted any type of hound dog. Afraid to look.

    No big decisions during brain rads. How about that deal.

    Cutting back half on steroids today. That's a bit scary but will see how I feel. Ok so far. Still lots of back pain. Took my hydro 30 minutes ago. Waiting to kick in. Sleeping on couch tonight. Last night was jut too rough on me. Both beds in house should really have steps to climb in with. Add steroid knees and I'm really in trouble. Then there is the step up which I was not sure I would make. Couch is comfy as anything. Got used to wedge pillow though and without it I am raspy breathing which keeps me awake. Too lazy to go get wedge.

    I'm taking less steroids so why I am so babblly? Two serious topics to touch on but can't see at the moment. Someone Remind me about babies and hunger games later if you want to be bored to pieces. Any hunger games fans? If not it won't make a ton of sense.

    Blah blah blah blah. What is that firm Nola date again? I need to make a calendar on cvs or something.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    btw, from a "gifted" kid, art was always the best. It was really the only challenging class far into the high school /college AP classes. And even then it was a favorite and a challenge. Support the arts! Great teachers matter though. I still have aome of my projects. Found one when I was getting things at house. Interest lay enough, it was a project on tattoos. Ok I said I was shutting up now. Back later to ramble more I am sure.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Am I the only one rolling around laughing at Z's gma hoarding TP, but you had to use a "stool" to get to it? LOL,

    I have just arrived home after having a great lunch in town, with the Amoena Rep. I organized a big group of girls from the 2 BC support groups, to be fitted for new Forms and Bras, so she has come up from the city for the day, to do the fittings. I think it has gone very well, with lingerie and foobs flying all over the store! LOL

    Sgc, noooooo, I would hate to see you lose the puppy, I thought it was helping too.. Maybe just a bad day!

    Glennie, I love Henna, and it lasts really well too. Bec had a phase of doing her hands, she is very good at it. I like it on the top of the feet too, in the Summer, with nice sandals.

    DP, I am so pleased you have a friend coming to help, you'll have it knocked over, in no time! Ahhhhh, of course, Bond's Mother is coming to see her baby boy, what is it, with Mothers and Boys?, can some of you with sons enlighten me? My Mothers' in law x 3, were all the same with their sons, dare I say, kind of mesmerized, unable to see any wrong doing, or tardiness, is it just me? I find Mothers and Daughters, to be very different.

    OMG Bobo, you absolutely nailed it! If I could post a pic of Colin 2, you'd see he even looks just like him!

    Glennie, I am so pleased, Ava is dancing again! Yay, she must be feeling good again.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    Die Hard is on. What a blast from the past. Formatted to fit screen even. Also funny to see Alan rickman so young and thin. Prodessor Snape is kind of bloated?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    oh M, she loves her Twoy Boy. They are weird birds though. understanding they did not speak for five years or something because she got mad at him over something to do with his wife. You also have to remember he was a drunk back then. I made him call her and his father, the first thanksgiving that I knew him. Before we were dating. He's been talking to them weekly like nothing ever happened ever since. Men are just odd.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    DP, must be hereditary this love of art!! Lol. I would love to see pics.

    Funny you should mention a hound. Before yesterday I never even thought of getting a hound. My DD wants a replacement for when Lucky goes.she found one on line that says it is a 60 lbs lapdog. It is a Black mouth Cur hound mix . We havent decided yet.

    SGC I am sorry that DH is being difficult. Been there. It sucks. I hope you get to keep the pup because he is lovely, and you have invested so much into him.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    This is the dog my DD is infatuated with. Anyone had any experience with Hounds?? I've never even seen one in person. I wonder if they shed much? How are they with kids? image

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Hounds are super-great! They are kid dogs, they are friendly and trusting... in fact, beagles are the dogs most often used in lab experiments :( because they are friendly, repeatedly trusting, don't vocalize much, and will eat what they are given. Bad news: hounds will eat out of the garbage...

    Ian McKellan! I am always right. S, put your DH into a 'safe space' (like you would do for a puppy) and leave him alone. We are not getting rid of the puppy. We are in love with that puppy. Tell DH I am sick of him for harshing your buzz! You have enough to deal with!

    DP, did they say why your back hurts so much? Is it the steroids? I am worried still. NOLA is July 6 - 9 or so for us... DLLP's birthday is the 7th, Vinnie is the 8th!

    Working on getting pictures on a website for you guys.. cvs or target or something... MD is getting back to me.

    M, I am NOT one of those 'mothers and sons' people and neither is DLLP! And, you guys.. I think you misunderstand me... W boy is sooo not gifted! OMG. That teacher just comes out of nowhere all the time.

    S, I totally agree about 'crazy days' that the parents have to bend over for -- and bake sales and zillions of other things. Making the hats in the class sounds like a great idea!

    DP, will your knees get better when the steroids ramp down? In the bag for you today. XXX

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Oh, I, regarding the group text and 'Jennifer'... that was a DLLP group text. So, anything could happen. She is always texting me by mistake when she is thinking she is texting someone at work, she writes: Coming to your office with the reimbursement form, or something, and I am like, It's me! What is going on over there?

    So that is probably a Jennifer from her work. Or else she put in a wrong number. Such is married life!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    DP:  I like Alan Rickman too. Have you seen Galaxy Quest?  It is one of my go-to movies when I need a laugh.  How are knees today?  Hope lowering the steriods will make them feel better. In the bag for Cyberknife.

    Andrea: the hound is soo cute!!  I love him already.  I had a hound mix years ago, and yes, he ate out of the garbage. But he was so funny! I would tell him "sit" and he would sit.  Then I would say "down" and he would flop down and roll over on his back!  I don't know who taught him that, he was a rescue, had a home, was brought back, and then I got him, but it was so darn cute!  He never learned a proper "down".  Oh yeah, and after a bath, he would leap on my bed and roll around to dry off. I learned to cover my bed with towels before washing him. I would wash both dogs at the same time, and with 2, there was no way to keep him off the bed. LOL! He was 70 lbs and mostly white, and then I had 80 lb Black Lab mix.  Both sweet dogs, who loved to hunt the squirrels. They trapped a possum once! That was "exciting" at 7am on a Sunday morning,,,,,,,, I've always had big dogs, except childhood dog was beagle & dauschund mix,, about 30 lbs.

    S: how is hubby today?  Keep puppy, get rid of hubby??  Just kidding,, sort of.  Keep both.  We love puppy!  Hoping DH feels better today.

    Day off!!  YAY!  I can go to bed early tonight. 

    **waving to all**

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    In the bag. Home again with BG. Boy got chalk and spikes. One parent was very creative. Green hair with big bugs bobby pinned in. She has a baby and teaches school. I feel like a bad parent but boy was happy.

    He goes to a catholic school. 10 in his class. Has recess, art, library, computers, gym. No formal music this year but teachers alway singing. Gets to play Legos or other centers while teacher reads with each child. And snack! But he can read, write, do math.

    Apparently conspired with seat mate. Neither had homework for past two days. Lost it. I'm not stupid. Teacher and other parent aware. He's only in kindergarten and pulling this crap!

    SGC. Can you get DH to go to dr for physical? I wonder if his levels are out of whack. B12 or vit d contribute to fatigue.

    Andrea he looks like a keeper. May need lots of walks.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    All dogs shed, even poodles. Ask Kris about that. All dogs will eat garbage, put a lid on it. Doesn't matter the breed, or mix of. It's all about humane training.

    Get rid of DH, keep puppy!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    I agree with Spookie. Dogs are better than husbands: they are faithful, loyal, always excited to see you,love to cuddle.....WTH am I still doing married?? Oh right, my husband works. If only I could get my dog a job. Lol.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Dogs much better than husbands! I third the suggestion. Get rid of hubby, keep dog! :) Or take hubby to vet, get his levels checked, keep dog!

    I have wedding photos on cvs website and it seems to work... PM me your email address if you want them. I will then 'share' them with you via your email address. Hopefully it will work!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Z, I reply to myself. W boy did that conspiring in K too. Your hairdo for him sounds great. You are not bad parent, you are great parent. XX

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    here are my 2 big boys. You can see the mischief in the white dog's eyes. image

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Dogs much better than husbands!  I kept Rocco after divorce. Had custody of him written into divorce decree!

    Bobo:  PM'ed you my email addy. 

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    Yes, puppy is much better than DH, however, until I get more money, i can't get rid of him. F'ing cancer! I have never been dependent on anyone and now I am. This sucks! Puppy has been a doll today. of course, I have been taking care of here.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Glennie, what gorgeous dogs!

    SGC, how old is your pup? What seems to be the issue your DH had with her?you are right: F cancer!!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    sgc, hopefully changes his mind about the pup.... it was working so well too from the sounds of it and boy is he adorable. I agree with Dr. Z, he should see somebody about the depression.... I know.. I know.. easier said than done getting them to go.

    Z, how is BG feeling? Z, my gosh, you are a great parent. Reading, writing & math in kindergarten is impressive... I think I was eating paste and napping. Conspiring already.. oh boy.

    DP, in the bag for you. Three down, one to go. I hope that the reduction in steroids gives you some relief. Concerned over your eyesight issues.

    What a shame we can't all figure out a business to run together, quit our jobs or leave the DH's and run it from M's estate on the water.

    Andrea, look at those eyes... how can you resist those eyes?!?! :)

    Home from work today... I think we finally finished shoveling, got another few inches overnight which probably took us a bit over 2 feet. The snow banks from the shoveling all around the house are all taller than me, so over 5 feet AND it was on the news we have a couple more smaller storms coming end of week and over the weekend... there's just nowhere to put anymore snow lol :) I'm thankful that we never lost power and none of my neighbors experienced any flooding.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    From Warm & Fuzzy threadimage

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Bobo will pm you

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    Love the hound, Andrea! There is a reason that Snoopy is so popular! People love all kinds of hounds and they are great with kids! Do you have a fenced yard? Hounds will wander if not very well trained. Dogs are dogs. All dogs will get into trash, etc. go for it!

    Idesim I am so glad you didn't lose power! My dear friend lives in Leominister so I follow the weather reports up there and it was brutal for you all! Hopefully the next systems will be minor!

    Those two big boys are beautiful, Glennie. I swear the white one is smiling! Looks like a sweet good ball. I adore them.

    Z, he has his blood work done every three months as he takes heart meds. He has had 2 heart attacks and has 5 stents. Should have had bypass, but refused. He has been a bump on a log ever since and it just got worse when Dad died. I refuses any form of therapy. If he wants to be miserable, that's his choice, but he doesn't need to make us miserable too. Told him I will bring puppy to bed with me and take care of her myself. Guess that is what he wanted all along. So puppy stays. DD just wants him or OD on his Xanax.

    Bobo, I already pm'ed my email to you! Everything looked so beautiful in Glennie's photos, can't wait to see MD's! Surprised MD didn't hold photos hostage. Wonders never cease

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    My DH, I call him Eyeore, is clinically depressed too. Has been for years. Won't do anything about it. Prefers to play martyr. DD sees it in him too. So we go our mostly merry way, which totally pisses him more. At times it's difficult. Other times, makes for a good laugh at his expense. If I could figure out how to live and eat without him, I'd be gone. Don't think Spookie would like camping

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    Sgc, Xanax will give you depression if you didn't already have it. Depression after heart trouble is very common. DH had 5 bypasses at age 49 and they warned us about depression. He never did get depressed and is still going strong at 75. Maybe he's not getting enough oxygen.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    Probably not getting enough oxygen as he smokes 2+ packs a day! His doctor is a quack and over medicated everyone

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    2+ packs a day after all heart attacks and stents?  Oh my. YAY for puppy staying.. Yes, the white one was a big goofball. He insisted on riding in the front seat of the car and he looked out the window like a person. His brother had to had the back seat. They had their pecking order.

    ldesim:  glad you did not lose power!  I can't imagine how high that snow is!  Yikes!

    BFF and I just saw Night at the Museum 3.  It was really funny! Funnier than I thought it would be. Recommended!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    yay puppy. Told you he just didn't want to be the one looking after. Now puppy will love you more than him. Oh well.

    Nearly had a spill at treatment. Uncontrolled knee movement again. Those people are all such FUCKTARDS. Always contradicting themselves. Maybe I will take steroids tonight. Maybe I won't. Dr said still not to. Then nurse explaining to me how they are causing me other problems so I need to dose down. FFS seriously? I didn't know that! . But I would prefer to not be having seizures or whatever this is. Sigh. Tired.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    OMG, DP, hope you are okay. Do they have a dosing-down schedule? Or are you expected to just figure that out for yourself? Can we fire this dicktor right after Cyberknife is over? Inquiring minds want to know!

    Three down two to go, right? Rest rest rest. XXXXXX

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    WTF is with these dicktors?  Did they give you a dose down schedule?  This just sucks.