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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    imageALL dogs shed, with the exception of these. You just notice the longer hair more easily. These breeds come with special skin care, but no shedding.


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    chemo starts back on Monday. 4 down, 1 to go. Of course they saved the cerebellum for last. Which I wanted done first. That is the balance one and numb chin one and vision one I think. Will keep taking 6mg total decadron at least until treatment over. Did not share that with anyone. No one asked. Knees a bit better today but gosh my calves are sore from straining. So tired. I have to get something done in this house though! Something. Hvac guy coming this afternoon. Heater finally admitted complete defeat. Supposed to get cold today for several days. Going to try sorting some mail or something. 3 2 1

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Ava sheds very little.  Rocco didn't shed much either. Now, my Lab shed like crazy!  Even with short haired dogs,, if you take them outside with a brush once or twice a week, it makes a big difference on the hair.  I don't like those hairless dogs. They look weird to me and you have to put lotion on their skin and worry about sunburn and stuff.

    Only one more Cyberknife!!  YAY!! Did they tell you to taper off or you are going to do your own taper when Cyberknife is over?  Glad knees are a little better!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    What on earth is that 2nd dog? Kinda funny looking.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    DP, In the bag. Don't do too much today.

    We fostered an old English sheepdog once. Talk about shedding. Fortunately he was adopted quickly. He was so cute. DS has a black lab. When you make a gun out of your hand and say bang, he plays dead.

    I saw the mo last week (another new one, but I liked her). Now they think the back pain I have complained about for 2.5 years and gone to PT twice for months each time could be lymphedema. She said it's unusual to have it in the back and not in the front or arm, but it's possible. If you drew a line from the end of my scar around my back, that's where it hurts. So much for getting it early. It was definitely swollen when I went in and I had worn an old bra that is looser around but has cups too large. Genie bras seem to help, so that's all I'm wearing now.

    Spookie, Kids have to make up snow days here. Not a free ride. I think in places that always have snow, they build in some snow days.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    the top dog is a Mexican Hairless, the bottom is a Chinese Crested

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Good question from Andrea.... how and when do they determine how well Cyberknife worked.

    Last time I checked my Gmail, there weren't any photos *cracks whip*

    Glennie, I am so jealous of you working in your yard.... those days are a couple  of months away for me. Boo hoo!

    So what's this trulife talk... I must have missed that discussion.

    going back to work.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    The Trulife 611 is Ariom's favorite foob. It's a weighted foam. $40 or 2 for $72 on Metromedical. I think I will spring for 1 at first.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    Ideism - oh you know M and her walk-in foob closet. She has them all, but highly recommends the weighted foam. M - is our very own QVC hostess...she entices us to buy all those things she the Vitamix, Air Fryers and weighted foobs!

    Feeling anxious today..not really sure why. Hate that feeling.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Wren, let me know what size you need. I am not using mine!!  I live in compression land now. 

    And regarding back LE,,, check out EAB medical,,, they have breast binders and binder bras that might help the area that you need compressed.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    I don't care for the hairless dogs,, they don't look like dogs to me,, they look too freaky.

    (((PRB)))  Sorry you feel anxious.  Hang in there!   

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Morning all! I can't believe that no one liked either of those links, about the dogs. That Beagle playing dead was priceless, well I thought so! LOL

    Yes, I confess, hand on heart, I love the Tru Life weighted foam form, believe me, I have tried lots of them, that testimonial was probably me. In fact my very first one, which I bought in the first year, has become a bit like a friendly old shoe. It is squished and a tad out of shape, but I love it, I keep it for times when I want to relax, or snuggle on the couch and read a book. I'm a bit like a kid with a blankie! LOL I buy in pairs, because I love a bargain and hate paying full price for anything, that's the Scot in me! I have a reserve of them, I just hope they never discontinue, or change them!

    PRB, I know that awful feeling too, don't really know what causes it, it never seems to be linked to anything particularly stressful for me. I find, getting immersed in something distracts me, from the feeling. I hope it passes quickly.

    DP, so glad this is almost done for you. Fingers crossed that the last one makes all the difference for you. Have you noticed any improvements, with the treatments so far? Glad the knees are a bit better and the steroids can be reduced. Once again, you're a brave girl! I'd love to take you out, for a treat! Hugs to you!

    ldesim, I mention the Trulife 611 weighted foam form over on the "All things bras and prosthesis" thread. It is just a lighter weight, foam leisure form, which a lot of women like, for different reasons. I like the feel and the light weight, when I wear work out crop tops with yoga stuff, you know, my Marika! Others like it if they have LE, it is lighter and softer, it is also much cheaper than the silicone forms, but obviously doesn't last as long.

    I haven't had the pics either!

    Those hairless dogs are so different, I haven't ever met one.

    Good grief Wren, I hope you get relief from that pain now. That's a long time to go undiagnosed, especially with a PT giving you treatment.

    Another gray cool day here, I don't know where Summer went! Someone asked me if I was using the spa, I have heated it a few times, but haven't used it, too cool outside, for me. If I get wet and then too cold, my RA flares up and I pay, big time!

    Nothing planned for today, not sure what I will get up to...take it easy ladies, catch you all later....M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    I just found out from Binney over on the Lymphedema forum that there is going to be a Lymphedema conference in San Francisco in Sept. I am seriously thinking of going.  Just wanted to mention over here in case anyone is interested.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    ignoring their taper schedule and doing my own thing glennie.

    Don't know how long it takes to work. I asked tech earlier this week. She looked panicked that I asked a question and went on and on about how I would talk to RO on Friday and could ask him questions then. I had asked if CyberKnife kills each lesion as it is zapped or if it works gradually like regular rads. She sort of spit out that it could keep working for a couple weeks. Will see if RO has nonsense to say tomorrow. I can guarantee he will do nothing in as soon as a week or two. He will likely be looking to scan in 2-3 months. But I am RO shopping so maybe I'll get some news sooner.

    Couldn't mention any real improvement yet. I did feel a little better over all this morning. Knees little better, legs sore. Still struggling to step up on things. No uncontrolled movements today so I guess that is good.

    Those Chinese dogs are freaky. M hates beagles. Lol

    Back LE is real wren. And it hurts. Doesn't matter how rare things are. They still freaking exist. That is so annoying when they tell you how rare things are. I had the rarity of no arm LE until I had arm LE. FUCKTARDS. Hope the PT helps.

    Sorry you are feeling anxious PRB. I used to get those days quite a bit. Just not a good feeling. Kick back with a cup of tea and try to relax. Try anyway. Easier said than done.

    How long does summer usually last m?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    DP, don't they load you up with printed stuff about these treatments at the facility? We can't even go for a blood test without getting a brochure explaining it. I got a whole folder full of shit when I went for my call back and then another one when I was Dx, then the Mother of all folders arrived in the mail, which had explanations of every kind of BC and treatments etc. That came with a hot pink backpack, like we may want to carry it all with us, wherever we go as a reference! LOL. If I hadn't pitched it all into the garbage, I could have looked all this up, for you!

    It does sound like I hate Beagles, not true, DP, just warning, of some of their traits! LOL

    Official Summer is Dec, Jan, Feb, with the good weather starting in Sept and often scorching heat in March. This is very unusual for this time of year. I am wearing a cami, with a long sleeve t shirt and when I go out, I will wear a light jacket or a vest on top, which is unheard of. They warned that this would be a long hot summer, this year, not so, so far.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Birdie, no! FFS. LE? I want to come over there right now and take care of you and launch a plan of action for extreme self-care for you! MLD massage, teas, special yoga... anything. Hugging you.

    DP! Four down one to go! Hooray for the RO shopping! I really am in the mood for you to have another team. Cannot wait to hear more. I know you must be so needing to know how those buggers will be zapped by the Cyberknife. So frustrating when the techs roll over like that (although they are trained to be quiet).

    Actively working to "share" photos on the CVS website. So hang on everyone! I may have to ask MD to add you to the list, but I'm trying one more thing... stand by.

    DP -- In the bag! Teaching full metal jacket tomorrow, but I will be in your bag drinking GF coffee beer. Coffee beer makes me crazy! Gird your loins!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    That's interesting Glennie. What I would like to see is a ton of doctors go to that conference. You know.. the ones who swear that we won't get LE from our surgeries. I loved my surgeon, but she matter of factly told me that I would not get LE because I ONLY had 6 nodes taken out. (this was right after surgery and I was pissed that she had taken 6 nodes because the sentinel node didn't light up). I had mild LE within the first week, and cording developed shortly afterwards. Cording - another one of those 'it rarely happens' ailments....that we all know happens more often then they let on.

    I don't really see a pattern as to when my LE flairs up. This last week my wrist has been sore and my hand a little swollen in the morning. No particular reason - unless the Arimidex contributes to some inflammation in that area? Speaking of Arimidex. I have been taking it every other day for 3 weeks now. I find that the aches and pains I do have are exactly where I had injuries over my lifetime - like my very injured foot from falling down the stairs, to my wrist that got whacked in college by a huge door. Is it possible that those areas were weakened from the injuries..or maybe when the bone heals - the area repaired is never quite right .. and the Arimidex reacts or attacks those areas? Random thoughts...but it sure seems coincidental that those are where my aches are after starting this.

    Well, can't wait for my new weighted foobs! :) I have no issue with the silicone one, but wouldn't mind a lighter one. I do have a couple of foam foobs, but they are too small. I was simply guessing at the number system when I ordered them before my mx. And, they are very light. I imagine a little weight would be perfect..and maybe they don't have that 'fall forward' problem that silicone has.

    Where is the cook? It's 5 pm and time for dinner. Guess she's not showing up AGAIN... have to get to the store. Grilled pork chops it is. Poor daughter always complains that they are too dry because I overcook them. Doesn't she know I am saving her from an e-coli infection? Geesh.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    Glad Dr DP is in the house and on her case. I wish just one dr would listen. Glad knees a little better. Does massage or warm or cool compresses help?

    Poor wren. LE sucks.

    Tonsillectomy about 6 months or 7 lbs down the road. Say she's too little.

    PRB. I know anxious all too well. Xanax, long walk or a computer game are what help me. Could be weather change, lack of sleep. My co-teacher and I swear the full moon causes little kids to be wild.

    Looking forward to a restful night. Been awake since 2 am and no nap!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    ** Added to say ** waiting patiently for Bobo's pictures and a big YEA for DP's last cyberknife tomorrow. I second, third and fourth the notion of a new team. We need someone from Dallas to join our merry band of .. hmm what are we again? badass warriors ... yeah that's it... to help you get better care DP.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Just one zap left!! Yay! In the bag. But can someone bring veggie burritos with them?

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited January 2015

    PRB, it may the Arimidex that has you feeling a bit anxious? You have been on it three weeks now, remember DP's (?) three week rule that everything sucks at the three week mark. I play word games on my IPad when I feel a bit stressed, that seems to help a little.

    DP, glad you have only one more to go. Are you going back on to Abraxane on Monday, or a different chemo?

    I have one child back at school (yay), the other back on Monday, if I can ever get him out of bed. He turns fourteen on Sunday, I don't know where that time has gone. Making some bread, a cake, maybe a lemon chia cake, and some muesli today. I need to get some lunchbox friendly things in the freezer so that the kids can just get something out totals to school. Mr nearly fourteen eats so much it is hard to keep up with. He is nearly six foot tall!!! Which is amazing because I am 5 face time 5, and DH is only 5 ft 7, which is really short for a man!

    M, I loved your doggie links, I laughed and laughed. DH was trying to watch the tennis, as I was laughing and trying to show them to him, he was trying to look cross, but was actually smirking also.

    Z, I feel like they are saying BG is too small for anything! She seems to have a lot of ENT things going on, I hope she can get some relief.

    Waving to everyone, and standing by for more wedding pics. Xxx

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited January 2015

    I am on the veggie burritos, Andrea! With guacamole and sour cream. Yum. Xx

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited January 2015

    What IS up with the weather M, so much for the extra hot summer. I hope the rain stays off for the weekend, DH is doing Cadel Evans ride tomorrow. He has signed up for the fastest group, eeeek. So that means he will be up against 25 year olds wanting to turn pro, I hope he goes well and is not disappointed with his ride. The pros race is on Sunday. Just metres from our house. Hope Colin is doing well. X

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Hi Dawny, how cold is it today! Brrr, even thinking of putting the heating on for a while!

    So glad you like the doggie links, I thought it was just me, I laughed so much, Colin too, I love the dogs with signs, they look so darn guilty! No one else here, seemed to like them.

    I got the most fabulous Avocados at Aldi the other day, been eating tons of Avocado this week.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Yikes Dawny, that's quite a race!. I hope he does well, I have trouble just driving the Great Ocean Rd, never mind doing it on a bike! Give him my best for a great safe ride! The results will be on the news.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Dawny: Hi Betty! ***waving*** May I have the lemon chia recipe? Say more about putting things in freezer for lunchboxes. I need to do that!

    M -- what beagle clip video? I do not see it!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited January 2015

    I missed the dog clips too...went back and looked. OMG the play dead thing was cute....and the second dog link - my favorite is the hedgehog.

    *** tapping foot *** waiting patiently for pictures. Humming theme song from My Three Sons

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015
  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015
  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    just now got half my lock and lock washed. Put baking things away in that set. Next is can users but had to sit a minute. Nothing helps when it starts. Just have to wait it out. Preferably I am close to a chair when it comes on so I don't end up ass in the air on concrete. Had a tiny episode when I went in kitchen to work. Was able to just lean on counter until it passed. Will go for round two in a while. Bond home now. I'm Trying to get through boxes. Soooo close. Im very hit but it is a cold front coming through and heater didn't get fixed. Will try out the new dyson heater in living room tonight. Hell may try the Collins function.

    Hi everyone. Thank you for good wishes. Ready to out this one to bed.