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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    will have to look at vids later, can't do that on work computer!!

    busy tonight,, so just **waving ** for now.  back later.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    That beagle trick was great!!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    PRB, My favorite was the hedgehog too. Good for it!

    DP, In the bag tomorrow. I think you said chemo again on Monday?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Dog owners: I hope you can help me. Lucky is still having problems with impacted feces. We have taken him twice to be cleaned out. It is costly and we can't afford to keep doing this weekly($80 a trip). He is lathargic and shakes a lot. And he strains when he tries to poop but today nothing is coming out.

    I gave him the prescribed stool softeners but it just isnt helping. There is nothing we can do to make this go away.Surgery is over $2000, and the vet said it might not even help, or prolong his life. But I cant bear to see him suffer.

    I wondered if any of you have ever had this problem with your dogs? Have you ever given them an enema or suppository? He only weighs 11 lbs. I Want to make him comfortable if I can.

    Or is it time to let him go? I have no experience with that either.

    Sorry to be a downer. But I value your advice.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    I've never given a dog an enema. You would want instructions from the vet on that.  You could try rubbing a little KY jelly on his anus to see if that would help,,, or a baby size glycerin suppository.   I'm so sorry Andrea.  It's so hard when they get ill like this.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Andrea, I don't have any answers for you, but I am so sorry your little guy, is having these problems. I have heard of tap water enemas for dogs, but I have never done one. I have had to make the decision to let some of our dogs go and that's never an easy decision, even when they are really sick.

    I hope one of the others has more experience to share with you. M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    I just feel so bad because the vet said this is common in un-neutered dogs. I got Diva spayed but didn't neuter Lucky. Then a few years later asked my vet about it and he said it was more dangerous neutering older dogs (he was five).

    I will check out glycerin suppositories, might help with lubrication. I tried gently inserting a gloved little finger coated with Vaseline. That helped a few days ago. Now he won't let anyone near his back end.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    What does the vet think is causing it? What kind of operation would be done? I've never heard about this problem, but all my dogs have been females.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    so sorry Andrea. I don't have a lot of experience there either. Have you consulted with a different vet? Dog that ex kept had impacted anal gland and they did surgery successfully. Not sure if that is same thing. They said it normally happens to girls. He is also not neutered. Bless his heart. Did the just start out if the blue?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    He had a little lump on the side of his anus last spring. I took him in to see if his anal glands were plugged . They were not. They said if lump went away it was a cyst,if not then it was indicative of an internal growth. DH took him for shots while I was away in summer.Vet didnt comment on lump. He started having difficulty pooping. Then while we were in Canada for xmas dog sitter called to say he was unable to poop.

    As soon as we got back we took him to emergency pet hospital where Xrays showed a mass. They cleared him out, gave us stool softeners and said there was nothing we could do except try and make him comfortable. The mass was making it difficult for poop to pass normally through rectum so he had developed a pocket where stool was sitting. Because of weakened muscles (from not neutering )the pocket holds feces and it impacts.

    We had him cleaned out again two weeks later. And here we are again. The surgery would be to try and fix the rectum. Removing the tumor and chemo would be extra and not recommended.(we saw 2 vets). Over $2000 estimate.. And he is 10 1/2 years old.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Poor Lucky! I am sending him hugs, and you too, Andrea. Bobo is my first dog. But I do have experience doing lots of prof-level vet procedures for my cats, who lived to be 17 and 18!! It was hard. And, this isn't personal to you, but I feel like I maybe let them suffer too much by prolonging their lives. At the time, I was watching them and I just felt they were not ready to go.

    Sending you hugs, and in the bag for our bad-ass DP!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    I am so sorry you are having to make these decisions, Andrea. Probably not going to be the popular response, but I think you may be at a quality of life decision. If surgery is out, you are at the making him comfortable stage. If he can't poop, he will get sicker. It is always an awful decision to help your "fur child" cross the Rainbow Bridge. My heart goes out to you.

    In the bag DP. I had PT yesterday so I will bring something to elevate me legs along with a great bottle of wine!

    Puppy is taking her morning nap and DH went to the other house to "pick up mail", but really to visit friend. He will be gone all day. Hopefully I can get something accomplished! Still need to do pots and pans from dinner last night as i couldn't stand up after cooking. And they wonder why I rarely cook! I am ready for a vacation

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    You can continue with the canned pumpkin. About a tablespoon daily. Ask vet about a high fiber kibble. Give him fresh veggies and fruits, NO ONION GRAPES OR .RASINS.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Lucky is free from pain now. They were wonderful at the Humane Society. Now to tell the kids! They are old enough to understand. And they knew it was coming. But it still hurts.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    I am so very sorry, Andrea. I know how gut wrenching this was/is. I also know Lucky was loved and my girl Roxy, and my boys Hank, Kai, and Sam met him at the bridge. I pray you and your family will find comfort and peace during the days ahead. You all have my deepest sympathies. {{{hugs}}}S

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Awwwww I'm sorry

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    very sorry Andrea. I know you will all miss him. He won't have any more pain now. The kids will be able to understand. Love and hugs

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Sorry Andrea, it hurts big time.. I know, we have had to do this and it is so hard but in your heart you know it wasnt good for him to live in pain like that and I also understand not putting out the money. Kids will understand. Hugs.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Thanks ladies. I know it was the humane thing to do. Everyone who knew him loved him.

    Sgc, that is such a nice thought. He loved playing with other dogs. I will share that with my kids today.

    Deep breath.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    DP, how is your last day of cyber knifing going? So excited for you to be finished!!!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2015

    Andrea so sorry. It's hard. I think of my gma meeting Katie with a real biscuit. Not a dog biscuit.

    I guess it was DPs last zap. I can't keep up with what day is today. Was really looking forward to me time to get caught up. Nope. Acct called. But all the tax stuff that was due Monday is in the mail. Thank goodness.

    Off to swimming lessons.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    last one went out with a bang. Literally. Lost motor function on way into the building. Busted face, lip and knee. Now forbidden from walking. Sit on couch and be stared at only. I don't have time for this. But it hurts like hell. Guess that changes weekend plans.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    Oh ouch! DP, I'm so sorry. It's just adding insult to injury.

    Andrea, Condolences. It's such a hard thing to do even though you know it's the right thing to do.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited January 2015

    So sorry Andrea. Lucky was fortunate to have you to care for him. Hugs. Xxxxx

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited January 2015

    Oh, DP! Ouch. Geez you are having such a hard time of it. So glad the cyber knife is finished though. Maybe you could snuggle up on the couch with your fur babies? Bond can look after you? Hugs to you x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    I think DP gets to lay on the couch, wrap up in a soft warm blanket, order whatever food your heart desires. Then Bond can rub your feet, while you watch QVC.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    (((Andrea)))   I know it was a hard decision to make. Lucky is not in pain now and he was loved for his whole life. He is on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge now. Rocco is probably letting him climb all over him as he always had a fondness for small dogs.  (((hugs)))) to you and the kids.

    DP:  omg,, you went boom,,, UGH.  Made the last day really exciting.  Now it's time to rest on the couch, watch QVC, order a few things and have the puppies cuddle you and Bond serve you dinner. You are a bad ass warrior for getting thru this!  (((DP)))

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    See cartoon,,,, stupid work computer would not let me just copy the image!!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Andrea, I am so sorry, but you made the right decision, you were all so fortunate, to have each other and you have great memories of Lucky. Hugs to you!

    Ouch DP, I can imagine how much that must have hurt! You managed to have the last treatment though?

    How about a nice hot bubble bath and some massage, would that help? Stay on the couch and let yourself recover, gentle hug from me. I would like to bring you ice cream and yummy treats! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Awww, Glennie, so sweet!