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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Seems like a few years ago, there was a European couple visiting NYC. They left their baby outside a restaurant in the pram and ate inside by a window so they could watch the baby. It was a nice sunny day!  Apparently this is still practiced over there. ( I think they were from Sweden or Norway?)  Anyway, they tried to charge them with child neglect,, don't remember what happened to the case.

    Mom used to leave the 3 of us in the car while she shopped at the grocery store. At the mall, she would leave us in whatever part of the store we wanted,  (the book section for me) and leave us there while she shopped with the expectation that we would be right there when she got back.  I don't think that kind of thing happens anymore either.

    Andrea: the vid was funny. A couple pics of spiders but other creatures too and a funny song. Sorry about the kids not getting to say good-bye. You never know to tell them before or after. We had a rabbit when I was young, and he "ran away" after 5 years. My father made a big pretense of looking for him in the wooded lot near our house. But he was never "found".  It took me years to figure out that Cottontail had died.  I think I was about 9 then.

    No SuperBowl plans.  Going to a movie tomorrow at 4, then maybe will tune in for the half time show. And there is always Puppy Bowl to watch!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    DP:  nap afterwards sounds good. Poor face,,, light makeup today???  Brunch will be nice,, hope there are yummy things there.

    **waving to all**

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    Bobo!!  Shocked about W boy!!  OMG, he is so young for this behavior, but you say they are very advanced at this school.  OMG,, they learn this stuff younger and younger all the time. Hang in there! 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    perhaps should take w boy to bagina monologues. At vet least, I would talk to him and question these comments specifically. He is surely trying to impress the others so maybe a good embarrassing, I can't explain my actions, moment is what he needs. Those are always harder than spankings or time outs. How old is princess. Brunch should be good. It's my fave breakfast place. Trouble is. EVERYTHING is so good. I have such a hard time deciding every time! Dropped by house to get a refill O2. Sitting my butt in car to wait. Still wobbly.

    Very light makeup. Just bare minerals liquid. Which is the bomb btw. Couldn't bring it all the way up under eye. Too much owie!! Want to try Laura Gellar new foundation. Looks similar. Price ends today or yesterday. Not sure. Maybe I will nap here in driveway.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015


    How does one scrape your eyelid? Or the inside of your nose for that matter?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Ouch! Did it swell up much? Hope it heals soon.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    OMG, DP!!  That was a really bad fall to get your face like that. Damn pavement!!  Hope it doesnt hurt too much.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Ouch! OMG, DP! We can still see one of your beautiful eyes. Let us know what you have for breakfast.

    DP, embarrassing interlude for w boy in which he is questioned and made to say what he said out loud: *check*


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Just lost an hours worth of posting....shittt!!!!

    Good morning ladies!

    DP, that looks sore, you're lucky you don't have a big shiner! Take it easy, if you get tired when Bond's Mother is there,just excuse yourself and go take a snoozy, no one would mind! Is Cyberknife all done? What happens now?

    Glennie, isn't it amazing how things change, I remember when women would put their babies out in the sunshine, in their pram to get fresh air, not now!

    Oh Bobo, W boy is really yanking your chain. I agree with DP a good embarrassment usually works for this kind of thing. Did he have to apologize in front of the group? Trying so hard to fit in with the group, can manifest some really stupid behavior. When it comes to the Princess and the play, I tend to think, maybe, not yet. I know some of the monologues are pretty tame, but a there are others that are very violent subjects which may be too much, for her to process at this age. You have also mentioned before, that she is a sensitive soul, I'd wait a while, but that's just me.

    Superbowl weekend! When I worked in the TV station we used to air the Superbowl. I don't "get it" it's so different to any football games we have here. But I know it is a very big deal over there, so good luck to everyone's team!

    I can't remember what else I lost in that post.

    Still chilly here and gray. No Summer for us! I managed to pick apples and pears yesterday. I had been saying how amazing it was that the birds hadn't come this year. Well I spoke too soon, they descended yesterday morning and the trees were a blaze of red and green parrots. They left a mess like you wouldn't believe, as they peel apples as they eat them and spit the peel all over the place, then they throw half eaten apples to the ground. The pears they eat all the way around and leave a core hanging in the tree. I spent ages out there raking up the mess. Anyway, this is the first year that the fruit has reached picking stage, before being descamated. I only discovered yesterday, that the apple is a grafted tree, with 2 different apples a nice red one and Granny Smiths for cooking. I made a German apple cake. which Colin couldn't get enough of, so that was gone, before dinner! LOL

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Yes, M, he is making apologies, written and otherwise, to all parties involved, etc etc. But that will not change him. We just have to keep going. He has had an entire day of chores also. And will have another one tomorrow. JKP (Just Keep Parenting).

    Okay, I will not take our princess to the Vagina Monologues on your recommendation. I know it is adult-themed. But, you know, there are some good ones (about hair and your period) and I wonder when is the right time to expose her (more) to the idea that women must protect themselves, must go after what they want, and women are sometimes kept down by the patriarchy, etc etc. It happens in subtle ways all around her, and I'm sure she doesn't always understand. She just broke a glass in the kitchen, explosive breaking sound, glass everywhere. DLLP right there when it happened, but didn't stop her from doing it.

    There goes the next hour!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    I have wanted to see the Vagina Monologues, but have not been able to. Always seem to be working when it shows here. I am wondering if it is on film/DVD at all.  If it is, perhaps you could show Princess the parts of it that you would like her to see now, and save the others for when she is older.

    UGH on broken glass and lost posts. 

    Edit:   found on DVD

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    I absolutely see what you were invisaging for the Princess, I just feel that the Bosnian rape camp and the the one about the childhood molestation, would possibly be too scary for a child to process, even presented the way it is in the play. Glennie's idea of the DVD is a good one, you can introduce her to it and save the other stuff, for when she is older and more equipped for those subjects. I could be all wrong here, I am just going by my own memories of how much I thought Bec could assimilate at a similar age. Although I believe in exposing kids to all kinds of learning, the other side of me wants them to remain kids and not have to know all the realities of life, too soon. Just me, maybe showing my advancing years here! LOL

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    I know! That's why I did the sheltered Waldorf education for so long! But, then again, I worry she won't be able to know how to defend herself if she needs to... she is so big and developed.. anyway I am not taking her.

    Photos coming to everyone via email right now! 1, 2...

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    I am way behind here. geesh. Andrea - sorry about your dog and hope son forgives you. I have to say that when I was reading it, I was thinking..oh no, the kids didn't get to say good-bye? I am not a dog person, but a couple of my good friends are. There's a vet here in the local area who will put your dog to sleep at your house. Pretty nifty.

    DP - omg... nothing more to say there. Oh wait.. yes there is...if I were to post a picture of my eye..there would be a lot more wrinkles! Your skin looks fabulous (minus the abrasion of course).

    LE has really been flaring up..shitful stuff. We are expecting 6-10 inches of snow. Went down and got gas for the snow blower. Been going to do that all year - glad it's done.

    Bobo - you might want to check in and see what kind of sex ed. your school provides. DD's school has really covered a ton of stuff since 4th grade, and I remember thinking 'holy moly' when I read the curriculum years ago...they cover it all. Along the way, they have done an outstanding job of not only explaining the facts, but also emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility and the consequences of their own actions. I've been really impressed with the comments dd has made about boys and dating and 'crushes' in general. Just yesterday she asked me how to respond to some goofy thing a boy was saying to her... so I think it's working. Gotta keep that dialog open.

    <---- LOOKING in mailbox for photos. woohoo.. they're there.. gotta go look.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited February 2015

    Ooooooh thank you!!!!! Everybody looks so nice, so happy!!!!! Well done!!!!!!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2015

    Didn't get any pictures. Snif, snif

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    Yea!!! Great pictures, and the flowers in your daughter's hair are beautiful. Looks like a good time was had by all.

    What? No picture of MD? Or Glennie? Glennie was supposed to take a picture of MD, and MD was supposed to take a picture of Glennie. Didn't they get the memo? :)

    Thanks for sharing your day with us. So happy for your family.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    Susan, pm me your email and I will forward them to you.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Fabulous, fantastic happy, happy family shots, I love them! Thank you!

    Shit, PRB, you having LE problems too? I thought the same about DP's eye, still beautiful and wrinkle free, shame about the abrasion!

    Just took Dex on a big walk, couldn't do the ramps of death, RA in feet giving me grief. Having a quiet day at home, should be raking leaves, after the big winds and storms, but can't be bothered.

    Colin wants another German Apple cake, so that's next. M x

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    M - yes, my wrist and hand are swollen. Not a ton, but enough to make my wrist hurt. I am suspecting the Arimidex and am taking a small vacation from it... maybe forever. My liver feels swollen too... so all the more reason for me to stop for a bit. Yesterday I realized the ball of my foot was hurting. I find it all so freaky, as I mentioned before, because all the areas that are hurting are previous bone injuries I've had. I really did a number on the ball of my foot playing basketball without any tennis shoes one time. Can you say 'stupid'?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Ouch! I am sorry PRB. I know exactly what you mean. I have the balls of both feet flaring right now and both wrists and pinkie finger joints. I spent so many years putting up with the effects of the drugs I had to take for the Rheumatoid. Now that I am having these bad flares again, I am trying to talk myself into going back to the Rheumy, but I am not getting too far! LOL. I hate taking any drugs, because they are always just a tradeoff for me, the pain or the se's from the drugs. My pain tolerance is pretty extraordinary now. I was just talking to my neighbor, she was Dx with RA, just before we moved here, so we have had that in common, she is now nearly 3 years Dx and is going off all the meds, except the cortisone, like me, because she can't take the se's either. I lasted 7 years of injecting myself, with the chemo drug methotrexate. I think that one, may part of the reason I am here.

    We are damned if we do and damned if we don't!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2015

    Puppy Update: I swear she is growing so quickly! Fourteen weeks and almost as long and tall as Ryan.


    Had both in bed with me last night. Ryan was not happy as she has never shared my bed with anyone but me. Lol

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited February 2015

    Life is good stretched out in front of the fireplace!! Lucky kids.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2015

    Ryan after I kicked the puppy off my bed! I don't think I have ever seen a bigger smile! Lol


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    haha, Sgc! Ain't life tough, for the dogs in your house!

    That is a satisfied smile!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    Loved the wedding pics.. DW did a great job with them. A little disappointed no MD or Glennie.. thank you Bobo for sharing your happy day with us.

    sgc, she sure is getting big... I just can't get over the size of her paws...I think you'll be finding another bed lol.

    DP, damn... that is too close for comfort to the eye ;( Inside your nose? I just can't fathom that one. I can't believe you went out today... I hope you didn't over do it and were able to get that nap in. Enjoy your company, but don't wear yourself out! Dying to know what you decided on at brunch.

    M, I am trying to visualize the carnage from the birds.. I am assuming they are making a lot of noise as they gorge themselves on the fruit.. I am intrigued too by the dual apple tree... that's genius. Sorry you are having a flare today... I hope it isn't bothersome for very long. I too do not like taking meds.. how often are the flares happening?

    PRB, sh!tful LE and sh!tful snow.. hoping you find relief for both... stay warm & dry.... our turn tomorrow I hear.

    Bobo, I haven't seem the V Monologues either.. I imagine there are books (probably videos too) that cover the subjects you wish to expose her to now, maybe have reading/watching sessions with Q&A afterwards.... Anybody remember the after school specials and Judy Blume books? Kids today would laugh at those I'd imagine. Upset with W boy, that had to be shocking to receive that phone call... the written apologies are a good idea... and punishment for the next 2 years!! :)

    Andrea, how are things today?

    It is mind numbingly cold out there today, the wind has been howling all day and the sun didn't seem to provide the slightest bit of warmth. Got some errands and housework out of the way.. all the laundry is done.. just have to put it away tomorrow... and other than that, I intend to have a nice restful day. Still don't know what we're doing for the super bowl.. it seems to be leaning towards just the two of us. Depends on what goes on with this big storm we are getting.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    OH, and German apple cake sounds delish... what else is in it?

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    omg sgc, that is adorable!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited February 2015

    precious puppies!

    Chicken fried chicken with black eyed peas for brunch. Ketchup no gravy. Sorry bobo. Bonds mom a sweetheart. Says I have wonderful taste. We put her on our room. Duh. Heater still not repaired. Me sleeping on couch anyway. Bond will have crick in. neck. Knees wanted to give out a few times today but i managed with no spills. I upped steroids by 2mg due to headaches.

    Bond was going to take us to casino tomorrow but I'm a bit scared. Of that. Maybe will go to lunch in Arlington and fancy popcorn store. And just visit. Maybe feel a little better tomorrow too I hope.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Hi ldesim, yep, the birds are super noisy.I managed to pick some more undamaged fruit this morning and gave a bag full to Colin's carer. I have a big basket full at the front door to give away, to anyone who comes to visit.The German Apple cake is an old recipe from when I first found out about my food allergies, so it is rice flour, soy flour, sugar, margarine, almond milk, baking powder and an egg. You slice the apples and place them into a wheel on the top of the cake, squeeze a half lemon over it, when it is ready, sprinkle with a little sugar and a lot of cinnamon while still hot. It is really yummy!

    I am not sure what has kicked in the flare ups I have been having. I think a lot of it actually just degeneration of some joints. I am long overdue for more hand surgery, but I just didn't want to be disabled, by the hand contraption I have to wear for months, when I have it done.

    DP, glad you had a nice brunch! I hope you feel well enough to go tomorrow. Sounds like you are enjoying having the Mom there.