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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    I agree with M. Thanks Glennie

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    ouch! Forbidden to walk? How will you ever get the boxes in

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    i love that cartoon.  If there is a heaven, that is the scene I picture,,, all my dogs running to greet me.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    Andrea, I love Lucky from here! He is free from pain and playing with all new friends over the Rainbow Bridge. Maybe my cats Man and Scootch too! Will he play with cats? I am sending you hugs. You are such a tender sweet mother to Lucky.

    I think DP gets to lay on the couch, wrap up in a soft warm blanket, order whatever food your heart desires. Then Bond can rub your feet, while you watch QVC.

    I could not say this, which was said by our Andrea, better myself. DP, this is exactly what you should do! We are all standing by for marching orders. But first order of business is rest rest rest!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    What a lovely thought Glennie!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2015

    Great cartoon Glennie. I totally believe it!

    That was some awful fall! Are you resting DP? Do hope Bond gives you the full princess treatment! Everything and anything you want!

    Andrea, How is everyone doing?

    Amazingly (sarcasm) the measles have spread to The northeast. I really don't understand those who choose not to vaccinate their healthy children. I am old enough to have friends who had polio. I remember having mumps, measles, and chicken pox. Yet no matter what I say, my nieces and nephews do not vaccinate their kids. These kids go to all the family functions. I haven't been to one since Mother's Day 2013. What a bunch of selfish socially unconscious brats! Not because I can't attend functions, but because they bring them everywhere-stores, library, restaurants, etc. they truly don't care about anything but their own misguided opinions! Okay, rant over

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    S:  that is really terrible.  I had chicken pox!! And I remember when the measles vaccine came out, it was a HUGE deal!!  They gave it at the local Kmart type store,, a chain that no longer exists,, and I remember the line stretching across the parking lot.  Do they think it is a plot of some kind?? This are established vaccines,, not the new kids on the block or something,,,

    Andrea:  how are the kids?  (((hugs))) to all.

    DP:  are you getting the Princess treatment? Ava will kiss your toes.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Andrea, I'm so sorry to hear about Lucky, how are the kids handling it?

    DP... ouch... I think Andrea's prescription fits the bill as well.

    Love the cartoon Glennie!

    sgc, don't kids have to be vaccinated to go to school? That was a very good rant :)

    So glad the weekend is here.. superbowl weekend.. there will be a lot of craziness going on over the weekend.... Joe seems to want to stay home and watch it, just the two of us, but we'll see. I only watch it for the halftime show and the commercials.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Funny you girls are mentioning the vaccination debacle. I was just reading a story on the American Osteopath, Dr Tenpenny who was due to spread the word here in Australia, but had to cancel the tour because "she" was afraid of possible violence, She's the dingbat that wrote the book "Melanie's Marvelous Measles" I'd like to infect her with measles. I loved that all the Australian venues pulled out, so the tour effectively had to be cancelled. Of course the press is saying she was threatened with violence! The Aussies, are plain speakers on this kind of shit! LOL "See 'ya Dr, Don't let the door hit you, on the way out!" LOL Of course we have some of the same nonsense about vaccinations here, but the numbers are small, especially since there has been a fairly full on campaign, showing babies with whooping cough and citing the failure by some parents to vaccinate, is the cause.

    Vi contracted measles in the refugee camp in Hong Kong and almost died. He, naturally hadn't been vaccinated and had never been exposed to anything, since he came from a tiny village. He got vaccinated here, as a teen.

    I had chicken pox too Glennie, I remember being miserable, lying on the couch under a blanket with a big brown glass jar of calamine ointment, that I just kept applying, to the itchy things.

    I have a friend who had polio when he was a kid, and now many of them, are having relapses, 50 years later. Very scary stuff.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    this just popped up on my Facebook feed!!   Show this to those who don't want to vaccinate!



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Also meant to mention that I got a stupid thing, sent to me on FB about how Mammograms should be banned because if you squish a breast with a tumor in it, it will explode and rocket off all over the body. Well, words to that effect. I then looked at a few of the posts thinking there would be a tidal wave of women opposing that. Nope, I am gobsmacked, there was post after miserable post, from women saying "I had a mammogram once, It was brutal, I will never have another!" then "I have always believed that mammograms could spread cancer, as well as start it, from the radiation!" then there are the "Thermography is the only safe way, to look for cancer!" There are so many, citing how uncomfortable it is to have a Mammo and that's good enough reason not to have one! I couldn't help myself, I had to say, it's a damn sight less uncomfortable, than having your breast taken off! But it goes on and on, I am just speechless, because each of these ridiculous comments, have a landslide of "Likes". There were a few of us, saying that if it hadn't been for the Mammo, ours would not have been found, as there was no lump to feel, but the others far outweigh us, in the comments.

    The one that really floored me, was after I had added that it was a Mammo that discovered mine and only because it was the new digital one, it had been missed 2 years before. My SIL pipes up and says. "I hate Mammos. I will never have another one, I just get an U/S sometimes, instead!" Holy crap, she was privy to my surgery, to the recovery and to all that awful gut wrenching waiting, for final path results. What is she thinking? It took every fiber of my being, not to call her and tell her, to "Suck it up Princess" Colin was furious, I can't wait to hear what he says to her!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    egads!!!  More craziness!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2015

    Yes, kids are supposed to be vaccinated. But the parents can opt out on religious grounds, or some other reason.

    I had both kinds of measles, and darn near everything else too. Broke out with chickenpox on a trip to Fl when I was little. Boy! That was a fun trip

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    M, are you shitting me? That really pisses me off. Mine would not have been found without a mammo either!! They thought I had a skin rash! The only reason I even had the mammo that discovered it was because it happened to occur around the time of my yearly physical and I had been having routine mammos since a lump was discovered in my 30's. If I'm not mistaken, they usually don't do routine screenings until your 50's... I was 46 and there are a lot of women in their 40's on these boards. My cancer was extremely aggressive and I shudder to think what could have happened had I not been already receiving mammos and went down the skin rash route.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    Holy shit M, you've posted 5,600 times lol. Spookie & Glennie.. you're closing in on her. I have no clue what made me all the sudden notice that.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    I swear it is the truth ldesim, I can't believe it either, it actually makes me feel ill when I read this stuff. Proof that the awareness shit, is not doing, what they think it is.

    On a much lighter note, Bec just sent this to me, to post for all of you. We were talking about how I told you all about the animals not being so cute here, when she was visiting, so she thought you may enjoy this! Watch "Scared Little Weird Guys" "Come to Australia" Sorry, I can't get it to post. It is on youtube by that name if you want to see it.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2015

    Mayo clinic just posted on fb that they have molecular breast imaging , very helpful for woman with very dense breasts, like me. I am checking into it for next checkup.

    Sorry to hear of your fall DP. Is bonds Mom still coming?

    My late dil didn't want the kids vaccinated either, she was so sure it had caused problems for the second boy, but he is doing fine, could never go along with her thinking. I do agree with some that they give too many too soon and maybe should be stretched out somewhat but by all means kids should get them or we will be going backwards in health care. Grandsons are all vaccinated now thank God!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015

    haha.. that was funny... tell Bec thank you. They had a shot of vegemite in there too! I will never shake off how vile that stuff was.

    Interesting Ndgirl, I'll have to read up on that as well!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2015
  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    Glennie, I think doctors should make parents read Roald Dahl's post out loud to make sure they really read it. I can't imagine having a child become unconscious and dying 12 hours later of something that still has no treatment and thinking vaccinating is not a good idea. I had measles 1st or 2nd grade. The doctor wanted to hospitalize me for the fever that went on and on. Mom kept saying she was sure it was measles and I finally broke out - everywhere. The next year I had chicken pox with pox on the inside of my eye lids. That was no fun either. Didn't get mumps until I was grown and caught them from DD. There was a German measles epidemic in Houston and many babies were born with severe defects, including not having brains at all.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2015

    M, Tell Bec thanks. That was really funny.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    ND:  I can go along with stretching them out.  I think sometimes they are overloading a small child's immune system by giving too many shots at one time.  Stretch them out,, but give them!!!

    oh, Wren,, pox inside the eyelids,, that must have been awful.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015

    off work now.  I watched the dog playing dead,, that was hysterical!!  And the naughty dogs were funny too. Wonder why that one dog only ate the left shoes???  

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited January 2015


    off to check this one out

    edit:  HYSTERICAL!!!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    Didnt watch video on spiders....but the opening picture has ensured I wont sleep easily tonight!!!! Thanks a lot!!! Lol

    Bobo, you are sweet.

    Sgc, thanks for asking. My kids are still very sad, but they have stopped crying. Tomorrow will be better.

    My son is upset he never got to say goodbye to Lucky. I will add that to the list of things I have done that he wont let go of. Like losing him at the zoo..."I found you didnt I?!" Geez!

    No snow but crazy strong winds and freezing temps. Brrrrr.

    How are you doing DP???

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2015

    Oh sorry Andrea, noooooo, not a video about spiders, just a couple of pics at the start, it was about all the deadly critters in Aus, with a funny soundtrack, by the Scared, Little, Weird Guys. Purely for the comedy value! LOl

    Haha you lost your son at the zoo? I left Bec in her stroller at the supermarket once and started to walk home! Fortunately, I lived just up the street and the checkout girls were playing with her when I ran back, what was I thinking?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015

    M, that is so funny. My mom did the same thing with my older brother back in England in 1951. She says that they used to leave the babies in their prams lined up outside the green grocer while they shopped. When she was finished she had bags in both arms and rushed home to start dinner. Suddenly along the way she realized she forgot her baby and bolted back. He was still there, with all the rest, no worse for wear. Lol.

    Can you imagine doing that now a days????

    Ok, I might take your word for it and watch the video. I cant believe I didn't have nightmares about those crazy bug ass spiders I saw tho.

    DP, how was your night? How are you today? Has Bond's mom arrived?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    forget vaccinations and cancer cures, Vegemite will kill it all! Just shove a spoon in the kids mouth on their first day in to school. Pppllllbbbttt!

    Not sure how I slept. One if those weird ones. Little headachy, very shaky, and very sore this morning. Getting ready to go pick up Ruth. Will stop for brunch on way back. She has already requested a nap. Love it cuz that was my after plan as well. Ha.

    Glad kids are ok Andrea and you. I was sad I didn't get to tell my gmas dog of 14 that I grew up with, bye too. She had her put down while I was at school. Probably best that way but you know teens are always looking for someone to blame something on.

    Super Bowl plans?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited January 2015

    have to go figure out how to get makeup on and off poor face.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited January 2015

    DP, caking up for Bond's mom's visit! I wish she was not coming. Please promise not to do too much. Will there be anything you like at breakfast?

    Believe it or not, I am watching the superbowl for the first time in.... ever. Our princess wants to have a 'sugar bowl party.' I used it as an enticement to be good this week. It is on during her bedtime, so she won't watch all of it, but a party in our bed with treats is her favorite thing! W boy lost it already -- omg -- his teacher called an unloaded a list of bad things he is doing. Among them: he is making lewd comments to and about girls, including Charlotte's teacher, which is ironic! It is not even his real personality. He is showing off to the other boys. But the things he said were very hurtful and anti-feminist. And he is not paying attention in school, he is doing this instead! DLLP has a looong list of chores for him this weekend, he is on extreme work detail. Obviously, these consequences will not change him, but we must parent anyway.

    M -- big question for you I have been meaning to ask you. Should I take our princess to see a production of the Vagina Monologues during Valentine's Day? I think yes, DLLP thinks no. I know it is adult situations. But I think she needs to start thinking about some of those things. Some of the people who go to our school are very advanced.