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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited June 2014

    Hi everyone! My cousin lives near Dallas and she had a lightening hit or power surge the other day that made her Electrolux ovens burners all come on full blast. If her husband hadn't come home it might have burnt down their lovely home. 

    We had two power surges last month that blew out our surge protectors and scorched the carpets. So we unplugged televisions, etc when we left on our trip.

    I know that fabric stores have big mark ups . And I have bought clearance items at Michaels at 90% off. 

    I am babysitting three (of our 9 grandchildren) today. So I am laying on the floor playing with Hot Wheels! 

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited June 2014

    DP, sorry you are feeling so crappy. I swear the best thing I ever bought was a 3" memory foam mattress topper as a present to myself. It was right before all my surgery, and I used the upcoming surgeries as an excuse since hubby always swore he likes a firm mattress. Told him if he didn't like it, he could cut off his half and put it on my side. Both of us love it. I haven't had my normal hip pain or my sciatic pain since.  Mine was made by Serta, and is cool memory gel.  

    I don't like Peter Thomas Roth products. I went to a breast cancer symposium and he was there and gave out gift bags full of his products. I didn't like any of them and especially hated his mascara. Not to mention it was called "Lashes to Die For".  That was really poor taste IMHO!  

    Ha...when I got my ninja blender chopper I too cut myself on the blade! Still love it, just very careful around it now.

    Andrea, that is scary about the lightning!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited June 2014

    how scary Andrea!  Glad it didn't turn into a real disaster for your cousin. The storms have been bad all week. I hope your having fun with your hot wheels!  I always enjoy getting to color and do art projects with my cousins. I was the only grandchild in my family for more than 25 years. Now my uncle (who I grew up with like a brother) has four girls ranging from 4 months to six years old. They really want a boy but I think they finally realized it's not happening. Lol. Anyhow, it's fun to play and be one of the grand kids when we are all over there. 

    Been thinking about one of those mattress toppers bluebird. I need to just do it. Oh my gosh, on PT Roth mascara. Very poor taste indeed.  It made me chuckle though because surely someone had a Doh! moment when they realized, I hope!  I think that someone in his family had  breast cancer. He was on QVCs benefit night for a while back and I remember thinking it was weird that he was talking about how some product was good for people on chemo - talking in a way like the only people shopping that night had cancer. It was odd. So i didn't buy whatever he had, I got a Clarisonic instead. Since it was a good cause and all, ha!  

    I feel like a need a purpose in life. Tired of not doing anything every day. I just don't feel like doing anything though. Didn't go to be until 4am so I didn't wake up until 11am. My back hurts and here I am just doing NOTHING. blah. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited July 2014

    Hey DP. Big 4th festivities? Please tell me you had great food at the picnic, BBQ, cookout, whatever. My family is so picky. Mine with allergies don't help but I hate store bought sides and beans from a can. Of course kids are satisfied with chips:)

    Since the baby was sick and up in the night, we both napped. Didn't get up until 11:30 and supposed to be at my sisters to eat at noon. We had the buns and toppings! Just a little late. 

    Leaving on Monday. Packing, cleaning left. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited July 2014

    hi zills. Been wondering about you getting all the last minutes done. Hope the packing isn't too bad and the cleaning, ugh. Hopefully you get to spend some nice time with DH this weekend. 

    No big celebration for me. Still feeling so tired all the time. My little "city" has refused to be incorporated into any of the bigger suburbs over the years, which results in us having nice little town perks, while being in the middle of a big city. There was a parade this morning at 8. I slept through that but BF walked the dogs up to see it. They had a small celebration after with bands and hot dogs and kids stuff. He came back to get me but I didn't feel like going.  Spent the day on the couch, which was pretty depressing. We walked up to see the fireworks tonight. That has become a bit of a tradition. BF has gone to bed now and I've moved from the couch to the patio. I feel like I'm dragging him down. 

    So excited for you for your trip to get underway. Even just to get away from the heat should be great!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Hi Girls, DP so sorry the fatigue has hit you hard. Your place sounds so lovely, I love to go to the Fireworks and the Community markets etc. I hope it's the weather that is making you feel this way.

    I am excited for Zills to have a great adventure!  Can't wait to hear how the kids get on. in another country. So much fun for everyone.

    Not much to report here, still cold, so I get as much done as I can and head home to the warmth. I am still trying to get the impetus to go to the gym, but staying in, keeps winning! Take care...M x

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited July 2014

    Hey everyone, just finished catching up as best as I could. 

    Re the foob discussion, I have 2 sets, one set contacts & the other silicon and I just can't wear them.  I have several Amoena bras, Marlena, Annabel, and 2 Moniques.  I had a crappy fitter and the bras are really uncomfortable. I tried the silicon foobs and just didn't like the way they crept up and always look uneven when I would look at myself in the mirror.  I still haven't even tried on the contacts even though I am 10+ months out and could have several months ago.  They just seem too high maintenance for me and I don't feel like bothering.  

    You were right Ariom, way back when you said I may very well just not like the foobs at all and be happier flat!!  Part of the problem is I have sort of a "shelf" across the front and am kind of concave above it.  The bands roll up into the concave area from the shelf and are just not comfy.  I think this is why they look too high and uneven.  So I just wear camis or tank tops with light shirts and go flat.  Sometimes I just wear a sleeveless shell with a high neck and that is it. It is getting too warm for scarves and vest and even shirts sometimes.  I haven't noticed anyone really looking and if someone is bothered by my flatness, it is their problem, not mine.

    Andrea, glad to hear your reports were b9!!  Such good news. Enjoy your road trip and the grands!

    DP sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you can kick whatever it is soon.  You area sounds lovely.  I like small communities too.  I liked reading your reviews actually.  I am terrified of slicer things with sharp blades!  I have a mandolin I barely use.  Even on TV when I watch a chef using one my skin crawls and the thought of him/her slicing their hand!  

    Zills, probably just as well you didn't go on the road trip, you'd be so exhausted and the potential for arguments just not good right before you leave.  Hope everyone is well by flight time.  You are going to have soooo much fun!!

    Hugs for all.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited July 2014

    DP, just in case your interested, Woot has a memory foam gel mattress today:


    This one is different from mine, but a good price for memory gel.

    I'm sorry your feeling so run down. I can totally sympathize, feeling the same way. And also can't help but feel I'm dragging hubby down too. I sometimes think about how much easier his life would be without having to go to appointments or stay with me when I'm not feeling well. (His choice-I always tell him to go to work or go out but he always wants to be with me)  I convinced him to go kayaking yesterday with a friend, and he came home telling stories about other people on the water. Every time he mentioned a woman, I thought about him meeting one someday. Not good thoughts when your trying to heal and stay positive!

    I'm still getting a lot of delayed radiation side effects. This might be your problem also. This has certainly been an exhausting marathon for both of us.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited July 2014

    well I think our zills is in the air right now. Hope the kiddos are napping out and she is relaxing. 

    Gramma, I know exactly what you are talking about with the shelf and concave above it. Mine is exactly the same, plus a Buddha belly, which doesn't help either. I have pretty bad LE right in that area which makes it extra uncomfortable too after too many hours.  I got two Marlena bras in from eBay this weekend. Wrong size, too small. I also ordered right and left amoena silicones from two different sellers. One came Saturday, still waiting for the other one. Boo!  Also waiting for two more eBay bras which should be the right size. I think...

    Thanks for the tip bluebird. I looked at it earlier at work. They were sold out of the 3" but I'm going to look again in a minute and probably order the 2" if there are any left.  I have to do something. I creak when I walk. I have been wondering about the radiation lately as a possible culprit. I hope it is something that innocent.  You have been through it for sure!  I think it's sweet that DH wants to stay with you. I could tell you that you are silly to think about other women like that, BUT I totally understand those feelings. It is human nature to get those pangs, despite all rational knowledge. And especially with all your going through. When you stop getting little jealous flutters, it's a bad sign I think.  That was a sure sign for me that my marriage was over, when I couldn't care less who he was interacting with!  Of course, your DH has always sounded to be very caring and dedicated, so try to err on the rational side even though it's hard. :-)  I'm silently jealous of the big boob girls on TV when we are watching a show.  Not even just the half naked ones, like the ones on the garden shows and even rx drug commercials. Damn them with all their boobs and energy! Lol

    I've been sick all weekend. Didn't get out of bed yesterday. I think I have a chest cold or something.  Started with a sore throat and now it's solid in my chest. I feel like my lungs are made of lead. Hacking all day and night does nothing but hurt muscles I didn't even know I had. Had to work late tonight and need to be back early tomorrow. Covering for the payroll girl so she can have vacation. Maybe it will be a good thing being forced to be up and out, but it's not feeling that way right now!

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited July 2014

    Yeah, rockin' the Buddha belly here too! :(  If I stand properly, and suck it in, it is better, and it is definitely better when I have shoes on that have about a 1-2" heel.  Lots of bare footin' going on at home.

    Zills checked in on another thread that the kids did fine on the first flight,  Hope that is a good sign for the long one.

    Feel better soon DP! (((hugs)))

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2014

    DP, Might be a good idea to call the doc. You're coughing a lot if you can't sleep.

    And I know what you mean about the women on TV. I don't care about the boobs, but I really resent the flat tummies.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2014

    Forgot to ask what size the Marlenas are. I wear a 36B in that bra.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited July 2014

    Oh Wren, I am right with you there. I didn't get a mastectomy (3 lumpectomies later) but I seriously envy women with flat tummies!!!

    I can also relate to watching women on commercials... But I think "they are so lucky; they don't have BC".  But who knows.

    My friend, who was DX two years before me, and had a double mastectomy , chemotherapy and reconstruction had a bone scan the other day for hip pain. They found bone activity and sent her for an MRI today. Sure hoping for good news.

    Still shocked how quickly this beast can go from stage 1 to stage 4.

    On a brighter note: how exciting for Zills and her family!! I hope they have a wonderful time.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited July 2014

    DP, hope you feel better! Getting a cold after your lung surgery has got to be extra rough.

    Things aren't looking too good for me. My MRI from last week showed brain lesions. Damn, this sucks. I'm supposed to start work next week and will be starting whole brain radiation. I just can't catch a break. I guess I better look into applying for disability or medicaid or something just in case I can't work. 

    I'm pretty devistated.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited July 2014

    FierceBluebird, so sorry to hear this, can surely understand how you feel devasted. Dont know if this helps, but I have a friend that had radiation on brain, first they did some surgery then rads, she did just marvelous through all the rads, she stayed in a larger city and took the treatments and her dh came down every weekend. She had to take a leave of absence from her work at a bank but she is now back at it, it has been over a year for her rads now and she is doing good, checkups every 3 months. Wishing the same for you.  I love the saying under your posts. Hugs, prayers and good luck.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2014

    FBB, Do apply for disability now. If you get it later, the payment starts with your first application. You can always turn it down if you don't need it. It's a PITA process. Sorry for the bad news. I hope you do as well as NDgirl's friend. I love the saying under your posts, also. My spirituality is nature based.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited July 2014

    My big worry is my medical benefits. If I continue working I have good benefits. If I switch to my husband's company plan or go on medicaid or Health Insurance Marketplace, I think I will have to pay 20%.  My bills are astronomical. My 4 day stay in the hospital was over $100,000. If I had to pay 20% every time we'd be broke. Even with the out of pocket costs which are $10,000 medical, $12000 pharmaceutical not including how much the plan actually costs itself every month.

    I'm just so overwhelmed right now. But I will look into the disability.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited July 2014

    FirstBlueBird, so sorry to hear your results weren't better. Do you have a good hospital near you? I am fortunate as my husband has good insurance. My heart aches for anyone who has to go through this mess and then has to face financial hardship on top if it.

    I was raised in Canada, and if we didn't have good insurance here (in Maryland) I would have high tailed it back there. The medical care would be completely free, but not exactly sure how

    Much prescriptions would be covered.

    DP I hope you get better very soon. You have been through enough!!  I bet Hawaii seems just like a dream now.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    DP, I am sorry you are feeling so low. I hope you're getting better now. A chest infection after that surgery would be awful.

    FBB, I am so terribly sorry to hear what's happening with you too. I am amazed by the costs some of you have to bear, as if being sick isn't bad enough, the stress of those payments must be terrifying. We complain about our system, here, but we've got nothing like this to contend with. 

    I hope you have the same result as ndgirl's friend. Although we keep hearing of people being Dx, we hear of how well the treatments are targeting now and there are so many more better results being seen. I wish you all the very best!

    Wll, our lovely Zills will be on the ground in Ireland now, I hope the big flight wasn't stressful for her and she's comfortable in the home she's staying in now.

    Take it easy ladies..M x 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited July 2014

    gramma I need 4" heels to look less like a troll but I have spoiled myself on flats since I started chemo last year. I've been easing back in to fabulous heels at least a few times a week lately. Whenever I actually leave the house anyway. 

    The bras are 42D wren. Which is a bit baffling. Before bmx, I wore a 38B. I have gained some weight but I finally figured out that BS left so much extra skin in anticipation of reconstruction, and it all just sits under my arms, making me bigger around. Lovely. I am waiting on two 44Cs to arrive. If those don't fit, I'm going to just hang it all up and wear a mumu. Or MOO MOO. 

    I thought about calling a dr this weekend then realize I don't actually have a dr. BF says what? I thought you had a team of 30 drs!  Before cancer I went to the Dr once a year so she would prescribe birth control. Same dr for 15 years. Now that I have Medicaid, which she doesn't accept, I would hate to have to go there and pay cash. Last time I saw her was the day I found a lump. Anyway, I don't know how to go about finding a pcp who takes Medicaid. Those docs don't seem to have a very good rap either. 

    Sorry about your friend Andrea. That stinks. Hoping for good news for her. 

    Bluebird I'm so sorry. That &&&@&$$$%#%% stinks. I'll just say all my curse words out loud lest I offend anyone. You deserve a break. Did you already do brain rads once?  Have you looked into the BC Medicaid?  I don't pay for anything except rx. Not sure if you would qualify since you could be on your husbands insurance but surely if you go on disability, you should qualify for something.  I'm not a praying type person, but I pray for you to catch a break somewhere. 

    How are you liking the eve pearl ariom?  Do you have Mosquitos is Australia?  If you say no, I may want to move in. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Hi DP, I looooove the Eve Pearl, I will definitely be getting more next time she visits here. I love the palette and the set of brushes that it came with are quite exceptional quality. 

    I am pained to have to tell you that Mosquitoes are the only downside of living here, in Paradise, they run close to the Sand Flies, I hate them more. We do have to spray here for them, but fortunately they seem to disappear at the height of Summer because it gets too hot for them. It isn't unusual for us to have a long run of high 30's into the low 40's. It is freezing here at the moment, maybe about 8c, but I can still be stung by the odd Mozzie if I stand still outside long enough.

    I hope you're feeling a bit better today...M x

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2014

    DP, Call the social worker connected with your breast team. Social workers know all that stuff and may even have recommendations for who they think is good.

    I don't think anyplace is free of mosquitos except the Sahara and they probably have sand flies. We have flies in the mountains here that bite and leave really sore places. They also swarm and can make hiking or camping miserable.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited July 2014

    I think I read that the Antarctic is the only continent without mosquitoes, lol.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    The sand flies we have here, are awful. They live at the waters edge and are governed by the tides. They can be lifted on the wind and they will land on fences waiting for a blood meal. I got caught in a swarm last year and was bitten on my head and ears. I thought I would go out of my mind with the itching. I even went to the ER, it was so bad. I was only given steroid cream and told there wasn't much you can do about it.

    I discovered a Doctor on the internet who works in the furthest North of Australia where these little beasts thrive and make life intolerable for tourists and locals. He said to get into the hottest shower you can tolerate as soon as you know you've been bitten, that's hard because it can take over 24 hours for the reaction to start. Apparently the really hot water acts on the anticoagulant that they inject, not unlike a Mozzie does, just worse,  and breaks it down to stop the itching.  It worked for me, and I have tried it with really itchy Mozzie bites too and it works on them as well. I can't believe I have lived my entire life here and never knew this tip, for these blighters.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited July 2014

    Wren,  I will try to call a social worker too and see if they can help. 

    DP, what is BC medicaid? Did you apply for disability and then get medicaid? I read that it takes two years for medicaid to kick in. And I too dread finding doctors who will take it. If I could pay cash for the visits I would but the specialists, oncologists, etc. would be prohibitive.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2014

    FBB, It's medicare that takes so long. Medicaid should step in sooner.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited July 2014

    bluebird,  each state has a special Medicaid for breast and cervical cancer. It has higher income limits than traditional Medicaid (though still not very high). I had to apply for it when I was first diagnosed because I had recently started a new job and for the first time in my life, has no medical insurance. The financial counselor helped me and I was approved in one week. I resisted the idea very strongly when it was suggested. But after three solid days on the phone and internet trying to get some kind of coverage, A surgeon calling to cancel my consult which I had begged to pay cash for, and getting absolutely no where with anyone- I realized it was the only way to get treated. I had to take a pay cut. I felt guilty for being on the system. But honestly it was the best decision I ever made. I have not applied for disability yet because I can't yet accept not working, nor the decrease in income, but I know it's there if/when I need it. I found out today that they denied my continued treatment for LE, but that is the first bad experience I have had. Also, I have access to first rate oncology providers (even MDA takes Medicaid). I'm just iffy on a pcp who takes Medicaid. Talking to an experienced financial counselor at your hospital is the best thing to see what options you have. 

    More on mosquito loathing later...

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited July 2014

    just thought I would tell you about my friend that just had a bone scan and was awaiting her MRI results. No cancer in bones (Yay!). She has inflammation in her hip, likely from Tamoxifen, and has to see an orthopedic doctors.

    I didn't realize how worried I was until I didn't have to worry anymore! 

    I hope you are feeling better each day DP.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited July 2014

    that's great news Andrea. Worry is inadvertently consuming. Feeling better but still have a most awful cough that doesn't seen to be going anywhere. Hope everyone is having a good week. 

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited July 2014

    That is great news Andrea, I am still waiting to hear from my bf on her biopsy that was done on Monday morning... geez this waiting is killing us. hope it is b9 too.

    DP, hope your cough clears soon, do you need to see dr. about it? or maybe you already have done so. Hugs to you.