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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited February 2015

    We're watching the Super Bowl with a friend tomorrow. We're making tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches; she's bringing gelato and sparkling pear juice. Neither of us is much of a fan, but our local team is playing and the entire town has gone nuts. I went to the grocery store today and there was no parking, no carts, and millions of people inside stocking up on healthy foods like chips and salsa. Ordinarily we would make chili con queso and guacamole, but she can only eat bland foods, poor thing. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. No one will be outside anyway, so it doesn't matter.

    Love the wedding pictures. Looks like a very sweet ceremony.

    Bobo, If the princess is developing, it's time for some sex education. Better she get facts from you than stories from her friends. Kids are developing really early these days. I started periods at 11 and I think 9yo girls get them now.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    I just love the photos! Your son is so handsome and your princess is so precious!! My favorite pic is where you are outside with the birdseed. You both look so happy!

    Thank you for sharing.

    I wish everyone would post a photo of themselves ( even an older shot) so we can put a face to the name....I am a visual person, lol.

    We are doing better today. I am sorry the kids didn't get a chance to say goodbye. I know in the future whenever they are mad and want to strike out at me they will bring that up. Such is the life of a mom!

    I have already been told I killed the dog. I told my DD that I know she said it because she is upset, but I did the humane thing and stopped his pain. I can live with that decision because I didn't let Lucky suffer.

    My daughter just asked me to make aprons for the ladies who work at her salon/spa. I am so excited!! I love aprons!

    That is one happy dog SCG!! I think you need a bigger bed! Lol.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    That is one big puppy!!  And one happy dog after you kicked puppy off the bed!

    There is no picture of me,,, cuz I was not the focus of the day!  The wedded couple and their children were the focus!!

    DP:  sounds like a great brunch!! Glad you were able to go out and eat yummy food.

    UGH for all of you with the snow.  **shivers**

    My neighbor's almost 3 year old boy had a toilet seat fall on his penis while he was peeing at a restaurant's bathroom. He was seen by doctor and given medicine. His mom just ran over, almost hysterical, and asked me to go sit with the other 2 until Grandma gets there, cuz now he is crying that it hurts and he can't pee! Poor little guy. Grandma showed up 5 mins later so I"m back home now. Will have to check on them later and see how he is.

    Andrea:  you know you did the right thing. The kids are just upset. I guess they are old enough now, that if you have to do this again in the future, they can be told ahead of time. oooo, aprons,,, what are you going to put on them??

    M:  hand thing?  OMG,, that does not sound like fun at all. I hope your flare eases up!!

    Going to try new yoga class at 10. Will report back.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    Thanks Glennie. I feel confident in my decision about Lucky. They knew it was just a matter of time.

    For the aprons : a contrasting ruffle and pockets. They like leopard and zebra prints. I will machine embroider their salon name and their names on them. Have to design the pattern.

    Yesterday i awoke and strained my back getting out of bed. Also have pain in same side calf muscles. I was bedridden yesterday. Tried heat and ice. Took tylenol. Can't take ibuprofen or Hydrocodone because I am scheduled for kidneystone blasting on Tuesday.

    Even worse this morning. DH is taking me to clinic soon. Not sure how that will work because I can't even stand up. Not sure even how they can help.

    I might need to delay blasting.

    Still want to see photos of you all. If no one wants to post maybe we could PM them to each other.

    Have a good day everyone!

    Edited: oh, and the pain is same side as kidney stone. Related ??

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    Sounds related to me Andrea, unless you are certain it happened when you got out of bed. Glad you're going to the clinic and not waiting. If it's a kidney infection, that could get ugly quick from what I've read. Wouldn't it be nice if our little gang could have one week where we all felt good? My hand, M's hand, your back, Glennie's chest, DP's everything! Well, at least Bobo is married and doesn't have any more surgeries. It's a start.

    I know Glennie. You do us a favor by posting pictures and all we do is shout.. more more more! Ungrateful souls...that's what we are!

    Just weighed myself. First time in a couple of months. Not good. I need to lose weight. DD and I were chatting the other night and she doesn't understand why I don't do something about it. I told her I was going to die fat and old...she just shook her head. I tell ya, I wouldn't mind the fat part if I could just make the old part be true. After my endometrial cancer dx 4 years ago, my prayers were to see her graduate H.S. I'm upping it to college now. Guess I need to start on that weight thing. 1,2,3 gooooooooooo.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    I tried to get up to get dressed so I can go to the clinic. Can't stand up. Wowzers this hurts!! Sent DH to get muscle icy/hot rub from pharmacy.

    We are a right bunch arent we?! My DH got mad because little Diva pooped downstairs this morning. I kept asking him to take her out because DUH I can't. Men!!!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    Poor little Diva. Is she missing Lucky? She might be off her game a bit if she is missing him.  

    OMG,, I am worried about your back! Do report in when you can!

    Went to yoga. it was a nice gentle class. Will go again. Didn't do too badly considering I haven't done any since before my MX.  And guess who was there?  Bobo and the Princess!  I got to do yoga with them. It was uber exciting.

    will try to find a pic of me since you are chomping at the bit to see my face. Why??? I dont know. You saw half of it when I both my selfie with Ava,,, wasn't that enough??

    Must check on neighbor's little boy too. Back later

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    Andrea - clinic or ER?? This sounds more serious that a visit to Redi-Care.

    Geez, it doesn't look that bad outside...went to go to the store and foot high drifts in the driveway. Got the snow blower going, but it just blows it around. Not sure what my friend and I did to that thing by putting 'new' parts on it, but it is almost useless. Blows it straight up and to the side which means I am covered from head to toe and can't see where I'm pushing it. Hair wet, legs wet - icy cold and red. Add to that, dd got up with a cold this morning. She won't be allowed to go to camp if she's sick. Feel like screaming or crying...not sure which. Maybe both.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    found a picture of me with my bunny! image

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    Oh, poor PRB! And poor Andrea! You know you did the right thing. You are a sweet and beautiful soul, someone who is clapping her hands with glee at making aprons for others, and you were right to make sure Lucky was out of pain. You know how I feel about that. Sometimes the needs of the animal must come first, over the human kids.

    And poor M! I am so sorry for your flare. My feet ached while I read about it. What will you do, I wonder? Go back to the Rheumatology dicktor? Your cake sounds so good, and I can eat everything in it! Did Colin eat the whole cake?! Colin can eat a whole cake, and it does not affect his handsome rakish appearance!

    Why is everyone talking about losing weight so much? PRB, Idesim, et. al. You should take weight loss advice from me. I eat right, drink fluids, exercise, and then I get all my fat sucked out by a sadistic megalomaniacal PS! It is a sensible program! I swear: I can't even sit on the floor, or put my arm down on a hard surface, without my bones making contact with the hard surface and hurting. Ouch!

    Birdie, you are so sweet (as usual) to make a Superbowl lunch your friend can eat. Your mexican food sounds so yummy. I'll bet you make it good. We are having soup (homemade cream of brocc and tomato --- vegan) served in homemade bread bowls! It is soup-er bowl Sunday, according to our princess! DLLP is making the bread bowls. Good luck to us!

    Okay -- must work. Miles to go before I sleep. DP **waving** Don't do too much! Are you your own doctor? You are deciding on the dosage of your own steroids!! I wish I could bring my doctor to you. XXXX

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    Aww Glennie. Cute photo!

    PRB you made me laugh bout your struggle with snow blower. I hope you can get it to work properly.

    If I could stand I would go to clinic. But I can't. Going to try and crawl to toilet. Sorry TMI, lol.

    It woukd take a stretcher and two very ruggedly handsome paramedics to get me to the hospital.Damn it, why did we rent a colonial?

    I feel fine. (no fever, swelling of limbs, etc ) to indicate kidney trouble. I just have a little stone that wont come out.just excrutiating pain when I try to stand , or roll cant last forever....right?

    Update: I made it to the toilet. Even make it downstairs and I am sitting in massage chair(cheapo one).

    Sorry to hear about everyone's pain today. What a weekend!!

    I hope DP is enjoying her company and beginning to heal from cyber knife and fall. And seriously, whose eyes look that pretty after a fall??

    Glennie, I know what the label says, but honestly how many Tylenol 500g can I safely take in 24 hours??

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    Andrea, each tab is 500 mg,,,, you can take 8 of them.  4000 mg (4 grams) in 24 hours.  NO alcohol.

    You made it downstairs!  YAY!  Can you call clinic and describe pain? It would be reassuring to know that it is most likely the kidney stone. Or call the ruggedly handsome paramedics,,,, you deserve a lovely sight after the week you have had.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    With my luck I wouldn't get the hot paramedics anyway.

    I used massage chair, heating pad, icy/hot gel and Tylenol. I think it is starting to mprove somewhat. I will quit whining now. Sorry.

    I watched the Cameron Diaz movie The Other Woman today. It was cute .I might watch that Budapest Hotel one next( can't remember title) it is up for an Oscar or two.

    Do a lot of you do yoga? I would like to do it. But I am stiff as a board.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    I loved the Grand Budapest Hotel movie. Many favorite actors in that one.  Glad you are feeling better!

    You only do yoga to your ability.  You do not have to look like the fabulous people in the pictures. I sure don't.  I was more bend-y in my younger years,,, but I have definitely stiffened over the years.  And the Tin Man cries **oil can, oil can**

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    Well, I guess that settles it. We all know Andrea is a lush and will not be able to take maximum amount of Tylenol. heh. Glad you're feeling better Andrea.

    Lots of snow now... driveway already filled back in after 3 hours. I may just go shovel it after that last snowblowing fiasco. I used to love to snowblow the drive, but causing my own white-out in the driveway, and not accomplishing much was no fun. Probably won't have school again tomorrow. Supervisor will be mad if I take vacation again. No one to lead my weekly meeting. Oh too bad, so sad.

    I think I mentioned this before.. maybe it was last year.. and I know you all have minds of steel...but after using the snowblower my LE is much better. I seriously think we should invent (calling out to Colin) a portable device that simulates that kind of heavy vibration for LE.

    Bobo - You do have quite the system there for keeping your weight down. It's tempting...healthy foods, exercising, and megalomaniacal PS - what's not to like, right? Oh I know what it was.. that other part.. you know.. 5 surgeries in one year. Yeah, I'll pass - plus I'm sitting here eating Pringles and dip. I suspect they are not on your foods for living list.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    Six! Six surgeries in one year!

    S -- I did send you pictures... PM me if you did not get them, and give email again. Perhaps DLLP typed it in wrong (very possible). I just wanted to say I loved your pictures. Doggie porn! Please make Ryan let the puppy on the bed! Oh, if I had that puppy I would get nothing done, only kissing.

    Andrea! I am concerned. If you cannot walk, you should go to the hospital. It is not right. Women just 'take it'! And they should not!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Good Morning, raining hard here and chilly this morning. I jumped out of bed like something had bitten me this morning. I stretched and my pinkie finger snapped into the trigger position and wouldn't straighten, wowser that was painful Making a list for the Dicktor today, that's if I can get an appointment, also have what looks like another skin cancer on my thigh, will get a full Rheumaoid blood work done too. Sigh!

    Andrea, I am sorry you have so much pain, I hope it has improved. Do you have a good PT you can see? Another blasting for you, I am in the bag.

    I loved Budabest Hotel and The other Woman, both worth watching!

    Glennie, I am jealous, I really want to do yoga again.You got to do it with Bobo and the Princess! I went to what was supposed to be a beginners class, because I haven't been for so long. Beginners my ass! Over half the class entailed taking all your body weight, onto your hands and wrists. I found out, at the end of that class, it was 15 months into a beginners class, they had no trouble telling me it was a beginners class and taking my money......go figure! I heard there is a genuine beginners class starting or has already started, I should take a look, for when this flare settles down.

    Thinking of the poor little guy who had the toilet seat fall on his penis...Ouch, I hope it's ok. That's a story for his 21st Birthday speech!

    Bobo, no Colin didn't eat the whole cake, we shared it! To be fair, it isn't a big cake, or very sweet, just in an 8" tin and very thin. I think I'll pass on your weight loss method! LOl

    PRB that snow blower sounds almost lethal! I hope you are feeling better and DD cold is a little one!

    DP, I hope you're feeling better and had a rest today. Did you end up doing much, with Bond's Mother? Is she still there?

    Take it easy ladies, catch you later..M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    Too true Bobo. I am pretty sure I just strained my back. I have no one to take me into the clinic anyway. But I will call Urologist tomorrow to make sure they will still do procedure on Tuesday, or just reschedule. If so I am making a bee line for the anti-inflamatories.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    Excuse me - 6 surgeries in one year! That is intense Bobo. You looked good in your wedding pictures - you have that going for ya!

    OK since you guys love pictures... I just snapped this out my front door. Brrrrrrrrr.


    edited to say: School just called... closed for tomorrow.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited February 2015

    Oooh PRB, that is so pretty! I realise snow can be such a PITA for you girls shovelling, and wrestling with snowblowers, but for those of us who don't see snow on our doorstep, it has a real "wow" factor. So is it a good thing there is no school tomorrow, does DD like to stay home?

    Andrea I hope your pain has lessened now. I also think you should be seeing your Doc now. I wish I could could come over and get you there! Yes, Diva must be feeling confused too, poor puppy.

    Bobo, thanks for the pics, they are lovely, so nice of you to share with us. I also don't think the monologues in its entirety is suitable for the princess. Going through puberty my mum was hopeless, and I vow to do better with my DD, but I am finding it hard to know how much, and when. I ran out of time to make the lemon chia cake, so I will make it soon, and then give you the recipe, as it may be awful! Lol

    DP, I hope your face is feeling better, you must have another day with Bonds mum?

    Both of my kids are back at school as of today, Yay! Six weeks is a long time to be off. My house is such a mess, I need to get to work on it, but here I am sitting on the couch, chatting to You lovely ladies. My DH took part in the bike race I was telling you about, and came in the top ten! Sshhhh don't tell him that I was worried that he entered the fastest category. I filmed the finish on my phone, but the lead group went past so fast in a blur, that we don't exactly know his placing. Apparently we can somehow watch it on our new super duper tv, and slow it down to see what happened, as they didn't have those timing devices on them, so no information was provided after the race. He is copping lots of jokes about entering the Tour de France! On a sad note, a man in his 50's died during the race after suffering a heart attack.

    Well, I should do something, 1,2,3 ....... Xx

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    Winter always looks better when viewed from a warm Hawaii maybe, lol. Pretty picture.

    M, Sorry about your locking finger. Does it hurt? Have you had skin cancer before then? Myg dad has to keep having bits cut off his face.

    I had an epiphany....I moved my son's desk on Friday, by myself. I think that is what did my back in.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    That'll do it Andrea! We forget the thing we do, until pain tells us it was too much!

    Boy, oh boy does this finger hurt. I have it taped up tight, so it can't bend and lock. Each time it locks I yelp like Dex when I stand on his paw, because he is always, right beside me. I even make him jump, when I do it.

    Colin's carer had an accident with his bath, when she was getting Colin up this morning, so I have the sheepskin underlay, the waterproof sheeting, the whole lot of bedding covers, as well as the actual doona quilt, to wash today. It has been bucketing down with rain, but has stopped for a while! Shit, shit, shit, Then I have to make the whole bed up again, oh joy!

    I have had several skin cancers removed Andrea, from obscure places where the sun has never been, also my upper lip, which, after being cryoed off looked like I had a cornflake stuck to my lip for weeks and the last one, which was on my shoulder, was the tiniest thing, but when it was removed I had 10 stitches, it looks like I could have been shot, in the shoulder! I was a sun worshiper in my younger days and then I used tanning beds for years too. It is no surprise that I have these things pop up. We have a huge hole in the Ozone over Australia, the sun is brutal here. I must admit, I still love the look of a tan and it always made me feel healthy, even if it was bad for me.

    Hey Dawny, that was very sad about that man having the heart attack. Did your Husband enjoy the race? Coming in the top 10 is awesome! Give him a pat on the back from me!

    OMG the sex ed, at school when Bec was growing up was woeful. I used to have what we called "Time Out" which simply meant, she could say, or ask, me anything at all, no reprimanding or judging allowed, no matter what. It worked really well for us, but wow, some of the stuff she asked about, made my hair curl! I swear, the stuff kids talked about was way wore than I thought! LOL There was one time when we were driving and she asked for "Time Out", she was about 7 or 8, she asked really innocently about a specific sex act and why would anyone do that? I swear, I nearly ran off the road. I was white knuckled on the steering wheel, mind reeling, at how I would answer this. I copped out, couldn't think of anything that sounded half way reasonable, so I just shrugged and said, sorry, I have no idea! LOL She still laughs about that, 30 years later!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    Dawny, we posted together earlier. Thank you, my back is beginning to feel better.

    Tragic about the man having a geart attack. At least he died doing so something he loved. By that adage I will die eating cheesecake, lol.

    M, your finger locking sounds terribke. So sorry. My mom has that happen too.

    My DD wants to get a Pug now. I would rather get a dog like Lucky(bichon/shih tzu). Anyone have experience with pugs?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited February 2015

    I've known several pugs from the dog park. They snore. They don't do well in hot weather because of their SMOSHED in noses. And they all shed buckets. I wouldn't have one, they just don't do it for me. The ones at the park can be temperamental , Spookie doesn't like any of them

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    PRB, that looks so beautiful! I don't like walking in snow, but I love to look at it, like this. I just took some pics while waiting for the washing machine to finish. Our weather is not great, but it is warm compared to what you have there. The first pic is the newest raked up pile of apples and pears,no birds yet today! The second, is how gray and dreary it is today and the third is out the front door and some sun at last!




  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    I don't know anything about Pugs, the next door neighbor has 2 Pugaliers, Pugs crossed with Cavalier King Charles Spaniels named Winston and Clementine after Winston Churchill and his Wife. My massage therapist in Melbourne had 2 Pugs which she raved about, but I haven't had any real contact with them.

    I load of washing left to hang, no rain so far and as you saw above, some sun at last! Not bad, it's only lunchtime!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    Poor M, and your finger, oh, that sounds awful! Well, Colin's carer had an accident with the bath -- there goes the next hour! It is almost as if you are with us!

    Dawny, Hi Betty! **waving** I feel your joy at having the kids back at school! I know house is a mess, but any way you could just have an indulgent day? Or maybe clean up if it is bothering you, then indulgent day tomorrow? Or why can't the kids clean up their own messes? That's a significant question: Why don't we just have our kids clean up their own messes?

    Ha ha ha ha ha! As if!

    My two will have six weeks off in June until July 20th. W boy has first day of school on his birthday! Ha ha ha ha ha! He fell asleep extremely early tonight as he was exhausted from all weekend work detail. I must say, I gave it to him with both barrels.

    W boy: May I have some more tomato soup?

    Me: Come in here and bring me your mug. I'm not going to fetch it and serve it back to you. And then you can hump it back to the table yourself.

    W boy: Can I go to yoga with you (this morning)?

    Me: No. That class is taught by a woman. I don't want you to have the benefit of any woman's teachings this weekend. And another thing: That teacher actually runs a legal clinic for women who are victims of domestic violence. That means women who are physically or verbally abused. How do you think she would feel if I told her the kinds of things you were saying at school about girls, and about your teacher?

    Andrea, how is your back? M, are you feeling any better? I so want you to do yoga. A good teacher will work around your challenges with you.

    And how is our DP? DP, in the bag for tomorrow. Z, you okay? Idesim, you pizza? XXX

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited February 2015

    That's the only way I like to see snow now.

    M your yard is beautiful. So pretty, the plants, grass, all of it

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    oh M:  Your poor finger! Yikes! I bet that really hurts. Did you get to the Rheumy yet? I've had one skin cancer removed too. Growing up in FL before people worried about sun screen takes its toll.  I too hope you can find a gentle yoga class. Wish you were here. You would have liked today's class. Such lovely pictures of your yard!

    PRB:  the snow is better,,, from a long distance!!

    Andrea:  good that you figured out what did it to your back. Hoping it is better. Pugs do snore cuz of the smooshed in faces. I think it is good to consider a smaller dog just cuz of the guinea pigs. I really fear a big dog would see them as "prey".

    Where is our DP?  Long brunch today?  Hope you are getting some rest!

    Hi Dawny!  Hi Spooks!  **waving to all**

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    My back is not quite as bad. I still walk like Quazimoto , but at least I can get to the bathroom.

    In bed now, hoping to feel better upon waking tomorrow. Good night ladies. I hope DPs silence means she is out having fun.