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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    PRB:  reading back I see that using the snowblower makes your LE better.  You think the vibration makes the lymph move?  Have you tried using a rebounder to bounce on?  Some of the ladies on the LE forum swear by them.  I have not tried it yet.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    My back is not quite as bad. I still walk like Quazimoto , but at least I can get to the bathroom.

    In bed now, hoping to feel better upon waking tomorrow. Good night ladies. I hope DPs silence means she is out having fun.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Hi girls, just back from a 3/4 of an hour consult with the local Doctor. He wants to leave the skin thing for now. I got a referral for the Rheumy and called there when I got home for an appointment. He is a 4 hour drive away for me, the receptionist said he will be happy to do a Skype consultation for me. I am so thrilled about that, don't know when it will be, he's very hard to get an appointment with, but anything that keeps me from having to go back to the city, is good with me. The only problem is the finger, but the Doctor tells me he thinks it isn't rheumatoid related and may be fixed by a cortisone shot into the sheath, trouble is, my hand surgeon is in Melbourne, yep, 4 hours drive away, don't know anyone else who can do it. Will do the Skype consult with Danny, he'll know what to do. I love him. I went to him every 3 months, for about 15 years, fighting him all the way, over the pain meds and rheumatoid drugs, fortunately he is into alternative treatments too. He says I was his first patient to control rheumatoid, by refusing to acknowledge it. LOL

    I feel better already, knowing he'll be on the case, he'll give me a big lecture about my bone density, as this guy did today, but we'll see if there is anything new, since I saw him last.

    Thank you Spookiesmom, did you notice the bush on the lake side that is all burned and brown, that's Dex's peeing bush. He pees on that poor bush every time he goes out there. I don't want to remove it, because he'll just find another to ruin! No birds today, so there is a chance for the Figs and the Pears to get ready for picking.I have more apples than I know what to do with.

    It is 4.15pm and I have everything dry and ready to remake the bed, that was 5 machine loads, since 8.30am!!!!!! Ughhh I love the king size bed, but that's an awful lot of heavy pieces, to do in one day!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    M, I hate to make the bed too! I imagine it is so much worse with your sore finger and hands! Oh, I am feeling it for you. So glad you are making a plan.

    In the bag for our DP's chemo today!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited February 2015

    in the bag for DP.

    Have three sets of bedclothes to wash today.

    Full moon madness over the weekend. Boys had a blast tubing. BG tubed on baby slope. I got a workout lugging her up/down. No LE flare but some stinging.

    Tired, cold. Wish we had snow. Just enough flurries to be slick. Boy goes for his first allergy shot. McDs afterwards for ice cream.

    Hope Andreas back better. PRB DD's cold just sniffles. Dawny takes some time for herself. Timtam slam? M takes a break from washing. Wboy is repentent.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    M: that is wonderful that he will do a Skype consultation with you!  UGH on making the bed with sore finger!

    Bobo:  how was the Super Bowl party??

    Edit:  the little boy next door is ok.  They scanned his bladder and he is not retaining urine, so that's really good. They gave me a baby size dose of Pyridium to ease the pain when he pees for a few days. He probably has it on his mind and peeing = pain so they need to break the cycle.  But he was very lively when I went over to visit!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    Make the bed? Oh that's a rare occasion in this house. I did watch some army general give a graduation speech where he said making the bed is essential because you have accomplished something and are ready to start the day. I like to think I am airing my bed out to keep it fresh by not making it.

    M - isn't it funny how much better we feel once we know we're going to be taken care of? I know when I am sick and finally make the call to get in to the doctor (or should I say PA because my doctor is never available) that I feel that sense of relief. BTW - you live in paradise for sure. I am tired of living on the north pole next to Santa Claus. So much snow here (4-5 foot drifts in the driveway) and not looking forward to tackling that. I know it's pretty, but Dawny and Zills - you can have it, ok? I agree that - snow should be observed from a distance. Hawaii does sound like the perfect distance to me.

    How's the back this morning Andrea? Hope it's feeling better and you can go for your blasting tomorrow.

    Daughter is up...doesn't sound too bad. I think camp is on for her. Packing should be wild..not sure what to send even though we have a huge list from the school. Basically they have to bring everything from bedding and towels, to full on winter gear and swim suits. I just pray I am doing the right thing by letting her go. My sister just laughs at me.."she's a big girl...if she gets really sick she can tell the teachers". Yeah, I know this, but it still makes my stomach hurt to know she will be 2 hours away.

    OK...the sun is shining.. the snow is beautiful, and wind chill is -6. Time to go at the snow. For some reason my neighbors driveways do not look nearly as bad as mine. **#()&##&#&#&#&&#& Going out for round 1.

    For you cat and dog lovers -


    Edited: I am in from the tundra and showered. Sun was blazing so I took my hood off... yup outside with steaming wet hair and -5 windchill. Putting that theory to the test about colds and wet hair!

    DD begged to go outside. What is a bad mother to do? Of course - she lets her cold sniffling, about to go to camp kid go outside and help shovel snow! I even let her use the snow was some tough going and I was exhausted early on. Then, this kid pulls up in a truck and helps snowblow my sidewalk. I was and then realized it was probably the snow plow company I called earlier who said they couldn't get out to residential stuff til the evening. I'll probably get charged for him doing the sidewalk. They tell me to call later in the evening, and then send someone to my house at 11 in the morning? **normal state of confusion**

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2015

    I know you all in the tundra aren't thrilled with the snow, however I am so sick of the rain I would welcome some of the white stuff! At least the dogs could wear themselves out! 60 mph winds and buckets of rain just plain sucks! The ground is so wet that you sink 6 inches when you walk across the yard! I guess we are never happy with what we have!

    M-I hope you are finding some sort of relief from your arthritis flare. That just plain sucks! I hate trigger finger! I know I will have to break down and get some shots in my hands as my thumbs are useless! I surely hope you fare better and get some relief!

    Why do you keep saying you are a bad mom, PRB? You are a great mom and there isn't any evidence to prove cold weather makes one sicker! It also doesn't matter if your hair is wet! I am amazed that the kids go off for a week! Is it in lieu of winter break? As a former teacher, they couldn't pay me enough to take a group of students overnight! Then again, I taught high school seniors! Lol

    Hope Andrea's back is better, Glennie's neighbor's Johnson continues to be okay, Z's boy's allergy shots go well and Z gets a break from laundry, and Dawny and Bobo get to rest for a while!

    Got my first haircut and the chemo curls are gone! Started PT and I think he is trying to kill me! Still trying to stick to my diet and I have an Electromyography and nerve conduction test tomorrow. Yes, I know, it will be shitful. And so it goes....

    In the bag DP! Hope you are feeling a wee bit better, if not a whole bunch better. How did it goes with Bond's mom this past weekend? We're you the princess?

    Waving to all...S

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited February 2015

    DP fell several times. Went to ER. Almost done with chemo. Feels like shit.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    S:  in the bag for the nerve conduction test. They are indeed shitful.  Shall I bring margaritas for the bag?  And coffee beer for Bobo

    OH DP!!  So sorry to hear that you have fallen and had to go to ER. Truly sucks.  I hope Bond pampers you and brings you tasty treats.

    Z:  thanks for reporting in on DP!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited February 2015

    Sgc, In the bag for tomorrow. Not a fun test at all, sorry.

    DP, Stop falling down. Stay seated. I guess the bathroom could be an exception. I worry you're going to break something in addition to everything else. Have Bond bring you bonbons.

    M, Hope your finger straightens itself up. Ouch.

    Sorry about the tundra for you arctic folks. 47 and raining here. City very very quiet after our loss. I thought it was a good game for both teams.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    Oh dear DP.i think you need to relax and be chaufered around for a while. Or get a motorized fun is that!!! You can be all Mario Andretti!!

    PRB your snowdrifts are crazy!!! I miss Michigan winters since we moved to Maryland....ok I am over it now. Lol. I hear you about worrying about DD being far away at winter camp. Do they sleep inside or out?

    I went to clinic and got checked out. Xrays show kidneystone hasnt we are on for blasting tomorrow.

    PA isnt sure why I have a lump on my spine. It is tender and looks like the beginning of a bruise. I dont remember an would think I would recall that.oh well, need to keep an eye on it. There's always something.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    Oh dear DP. I think you need to relax and be chauffered around for a while. Or get a motorized fun is that!!! You can be all Mario Andretti!!

    PRB your snowdrifts are crazy!!! I miss Michigan winters since we moved to Maryland....ok I am over it now. Lol. I hear you about worrying about DD being far away at winter camp. Do they sleep inside or out?

    I went to clinic and got checked out. Xrays show kidneystone hasnt we are on for blasting tomorrow.

    PA isn't sure why I have a lump on my spine. It is tender and looks like the beginning of a bruise. I dont remember an would think I would recall that.oh well, need to keep an eye on it. There's always something...but it is getting better.

    Thanks Zills for update.

    In the bag for SCG and DP.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    In the bag for SGC and Andrea!

    Oh, DP, Birdie's advice to you makes me pee. DP, Stop falling down. Stay seated. You are the biggest warrior bad ass ever, yet still delicate, like a princess. Bond needs to bring you a delicate slice of princess cake like the one they make in Sweden. And he can feed you bites while you rest up from chemo and watch Isaac tonight.

    I am so sorry you have had a shitful day. One thing we can say about our DP. Every time you fall down you keep getting back up. You are a complete bad ass, and you are our bad ass. Standing by, awaiting instructions in case you might need something. XXX

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    Hah Susan. PT hurts so bad sometimes. I would tell my PT that my time was up early, but that didn't stop her. I think 7th grade winter camp is simply an exercise to help kids get a taste of independence, and have a lot of fun in the process. As far as I know, the teachers are not in the cabins with the kids. They have 2 high school counselors who reside with them. DD is all packed. That suitcase is sooo heavy.

    Oh no.. DP. I am worried about your falling. You can't break a bone on top of all the other stuff. Thinking healing thoughts for you, and hoping that very soon you'll get good results from your treatments instead of these shitfull side effects.

    Good luck tomorrow Andrea with your blasting and Susan with that nerve thing. Hope for smooth sailing.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Shit DP, I seem to remember saying sit down and stay down to our Bobo, not too long ago! It's your turn now for the lecture, but only because we love you and don't want you to look like you've been in a fight with Ali! I hope you feel better and are tucked up in your own bed now with Bond feeding you grapes!

    In the bag Andrea and Sgc!

    Glennie, I am so pleased the little guy is feeling better, no long term penile disability!

    Beautiful day here, the water is just like glass, the sun is shining and there is a slight breeze! Dex will get a walk today and maybe a bath too! I have my finger strapped up, no chance of bending!

    PRB, you make me laugh! I am just the worst OCD about my bed being made right, Colin's carers make the bed after they get him up in the morning, but each time I change over the bed linen, there is a new configuration for them, with throws and pillows and cushions, they laugh at me because I have to have the large European Pillows karate chopped in the middle and the throw or the quilt just so! There is nothing I love more, than getting into a beautiful freshly changed bed, with linens that have been dried in the sun. If you think I have a lot of boobs in the FoobMoire, you wouldn't believe my linen cupboard! I know, I know, something else for Bobo to poke fun at, I just keep giving her ammunition! LOL

    You are a great Mother, PRB, we all worry about that stuff for our kids!

    Need o jump into shower, waving to everyone, sort of looks like a penguin wave, ouch! catch 'ya later...M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    Oooh! A spanking for DP from our Ariom, for a change! DP, get down and stay down! Let Bond feed you grapes! How are you feeling?

    M, I am slightly jealous of your linen closet! I love that story of the freshly made bed. I do once weekly. I would definitely do more if possible. But I'm maxed out on chores, that's for sure!

    Funny, you have your finger taped straight, is that going to work? You are so stubborn! In between making child and adult dinners at the moment. In the bag. XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Ooooh Bobo, I was expecting a tirade on bed making! I just found this for your viewing pleasure. I love naughty dog pics!

    Sorry, meant to say, Yes, finger straight and taped to ring finger makes it impossible to make a fist and have it curl up tight. I have no idea how long I will need to wait for this appointment with Rheumy and then I will possibly need another referral to the hand surgeon and he's a "sports star" hand surgeon, so very hard to get in to see. He did the other 4 hand surgeries I have had, so prefer to go to him if the steroid shot isn't the way to go. I could have this trigger for a while yet.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    I have only caught up a little.. I am just poking my head in and saying and informing M that i will be sending her my flight info and to stock the boathouse up with Tim Tams and lemon drizzle cake because I have had it with the f'ing snow.

    This is for PRB,taken a little bit ago

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    When i came in from shoveling, I don't know why I am smiling.


  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    LOL Ideism. Waiting for your snowy wonderland picture! When I was typing all my snow bitching, I did think of you. You handled it much better than I did. I am hoping you are stopping here in Michigan and picking me up on way to the land of OZ. I have never had a TimTam, but I am sure I could easily be swayed.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited February 2015

    At Target, where are the TimTams?In the regular cookie isle, someplace else in the store?

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    OMG you are not even wet!! I was soaking wet and my hair was partially frozen...not to mention my shirt was soaking wet. Hey, I should weigh myself. Bet I lost a pound or two. And yes, you are smiling after shoveling..must be those fricken endorphins. I was too exhausted to smile. I could barely peel my shirt off.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    Oh, I, I love your picture! Your hair is so long and luxurious!!

    What's on the coffee table?

    Hi DP! **waving**

    You know the thing about Tim Tams? You can't eat just one. But, then again, they come in very small packets.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    Hi, L!!   Nice to see you.  Great hair!!  Fricking snow.  You can come down here too. Bobo makes an awesome lemon cake!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Hahaha Bobo, Just on my way out! TimTams come in little taste tester packs, but the normal packs, are large and very filling if you happen to open one and just go for it!

    I will have the boatshed and the guest rooms ready for everyone coming and I will stock up on all things munchy!

    ldesim, you're fabulous! Look at your divine skin and gorgeous eyes! Your hair is so much longer than I thought.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    What the hell is going on here.. you're all falling apart!!!! I lost track of how many bags I have to be in! FFS!

    I am now somewhat thawed out from the shoveling excursion after a shitful day in which my normal 20 minute commute each way to work turned into almost 5 hours total. I was going to just stay the hell home, but we had two couples who were purchasing houses.. and storm or not.. they have moving trucks... Purchase & Sale Agreement obligations and rate locks... etc., so we had to get their closings done.... "congrats on your new home.. here's your shovel.. have fun".

    So finally get home and guess what? Couldn't get in the friggin house because of all the g'damn snow.. front door covered, back door covered.. pushing snow out of the way with my arms and legs just to get in the house. Shoveled for 2 hours and here we are. And PRB, my hair is wet and frozen on top... not sure if from sweat or falling snow... ended up taking my hood off because I was sweating to death. The fronts of my legs are still red from the cold.. I am so over this crap lol. I am now on the sofa and I swear if I had adult diapers, I would use them as I don't think I could get up right now, even if I wanted to.

    I kept worrying about getting LE as I am pitching over a foot of snow over the 7 foot snowbanks that are surrounding us everywhere.... I'm wondering if I haven't gotten it by now, maybe I don't have to worry.

    That's it.. bitching over.

    Now what the hell are we going to do about you all? Just push me in whatever bag I need to be in and keep the chocolate & caffeine coming. I hope everybody is on the mend soon!!!!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    Glennie, thank you for the offer btw.. lol.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    That's a LOT of snow. OMG,,,, I don't know how you do it.

    **sending chocolate, coffee and adult diapers**

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited February 2015

    in the bag for Andrea and SGC.

    Hope you snowed in girls get a massage and lots of carbs.

    Spookie. Timtams at target are in regular cookie aisle next to the pepperidge farm cookies. At least at my target. Look for a long rectangle package.

    Two of the three beds done. There's always tomorrow.

    Boy got two! Shots and have to go back on Thursday. Don't know how long two shots, twice a week will be but hope to see an improvement by spring. Heard the groundhog saw his shadow. Sorry Idesim and PRB.

    He didn't fuss (much). They give them 15 min or else reschedule to cooperate. He wanted to watch. Went and got ice cream after. Had basketball practice. Has talked nonstop. Is it the shot or fast food?

    Saw two otters playing on the bridge on way to practice. Firebob has a nasty eye. Hope he hasn't been fighting.

    Hope DP is resting. M trigger fingers are a bitch. Good luck.