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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • javafriend
    javafriend Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2015
    What a beautiful picture of DP.
  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    What a beauty our DP is! She is like an Irish movie star.

    Z, you are champ to get though Boy's shots yourself! Excellent work, both of you. Wish I could hear BG's voice asking for pink cheese. I so look forward to her birthday.

    Hmm. G, it is just so terrible you are in pain. Please report in and let us know how you feel. Idesim, I do not think it is silly that you saw someone very like her. I think that is very normal, in a way. When we were trying to get (and stay) pregnant, for example, all I could see was pregnant women.

    Hmm. I hate the beach but I would go. The Dominican Republic? I hope it's nice. If it costs less than the v expensive wax job I will have to have to rock my extremely small bikini I have not bought yet -- if it costs less than those two things together -- I think that will be a good price. I do have some flyer miles, and I don't have to teach again until June 30th -- I'm working on stuff I can move around, for the most part.

    So, guess what? I got some yarn -- I am going to knit Toby and Reggie (DP's dogs) blankies! Isn't that a great idea? I got yarn that bond can wash easily. I am going to get out my patterns tonight. Got some yarn for our princess because a knitting project can calm her, and thought I would do something along with her. And then I will send them with a box of cookies! I guess it sounds silly. But I want to pamper them, they do not have their mommy. XXX

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited February 2015

    M, such a beautiful picture of our DP.

    Glennie, our forecast today is for around 30, 31 degrees. Z, how can you be out in a robe in that temp? Wouldn't you just snap freeze?

    Sg, how are you feeling now? Did you go to the doc?

    DS tennis forfeited this morning, so a slow start for us.

    Pink cheese?

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    M, I saw that. .. doesn't it look like a photoshoot or something?  Those eyes are just as so gorgeous. 


  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    Bobo... knit yorself a little bikini... *chuckles*  would dogs enjoy a knitted blankie? Princess can knit? I'm impressed!!!! 

    I may not find out about cost for a couple of weeks. I know he was going himself for 2 weeks.  I saw him this morning (when he asked me about it for the millionth time) and then he disappeared.  Keep in mind.... he is  extremely wealthy, so cheap to him might be ridiculously expensive to us. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited February 2015

    the only pink cheese I know of is strawberry cream cheese. I got baby bagels too so we'll see.

    Glad you got results glennie even if they suck. Sleep is a wonderful commodity. I held for two nights over DP and slept thru the night. Didn't hold last night and both kids joined us.

    Sg what happened today? I was worried.

    Havent heard anything from bond.

    My suit is a long sleeve rash guard and a skort. Kid proof.

    J I had boosts last and think L did too. Skin healed very quickly. Slather on your lotions. Bass farms was highly recommended. I used colloidal silver. Fatigue stinks. I napped for almost a year. But I had the works and two youngins. Did you have chemo? Whats your stats?

    The worst is when your skin changes about six months after. Keep up massage and oils and stretches as soon as you heal. What about you L? Does your skin feel tight in rads area?

    My fav pizza is papa johns thin crust with cheese and onions. Nobody particularly likes it so I get the whole pizza to myself:) kids prefer cheese stix and DH likes pineapple. Yuck. Hot pineapple.

    Everything cancelled again due to weather -temps, ice, snow. Fun times. Kids dug out train tracks. Need to read. May break out a DVD or save it for tomorrow.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    I don't even have a suit.. outgrew anything and haven't much wanted to put on a bathing suit in the last couple of years.

    Yeah I had boosts, last 5. I remember it was a relief because the area that was rather raw and sore was out of the boost area. No, I don't have any tightness, still slightly tender in some areas and sometimes fluid.. and I'm almost 2 years out.

    It's true.. the fatigue just kicks your butt.. best thing you can do it give into it.

    I'm not a fan of onions, so you'd still get the pizza to yourself :) Oh, I like pineapple.. it's nice with ham to offset it. I like just about anything on except anchovies, pepperoni or onions. Sometimes I crave just a plain ol double cheese. It's all about the cheese for me!

    Save the dvd for tomorrow.. you'll all probably be crawling up the walls.

    Bobo, how can you hate the beach? What specifically do you not like? If DP were here, I'm sure she'd be giving you the business over hating the beach :)

    You know what.. I am really upset that we didn't all just do a short trip somewhere to do something.. I wish we had maybe planned a couple days in TX before or right after xmas. I am always going to hugely regret not meeting her.

    Joe's cooking dinner and making a colossal mess in the kitchen... I don't know how he manages to make like 3 items and use every pan, and measuring cup in the house.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    Bobo saw this and thought of you.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited February 2015


    Joe manages to mess up the kitchen the same way I managed to get cocoa powder in my bra when I was a school baker

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    Bobo, I too am wondering why you hate the beach.  To me,, beach is one of the best places in the world.  I love that the Princess can knit!!

    L:  that is funny sign.  I do love the cheese.. Just had 2 kale burgers with mozz cheese melted on them. Took the rest of today's Medrol.   Ginger chews help to get rid of yucky taste in mouth.

    That is a lovely pic of DP.  She looks so pretty.  (((DP )))

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Hi all, I have been out to the Farmers Market with Dex, went to the Opp shop, dropped off figs and met the board member of the committee that gave my Support group, a really lovely donation. I am puffing and sweating, the spa is looking good.

    Bobo, no beach? OMG, I looooove the beach. I have enough Mx suits for everyone, did I mention it has become a hobby for me? lol

    I love Pizza, no cheese and hot pineapple makes me feel sick! I love tomato, onion and basil, artichoke, mushrooms, olives and anchovies with a crispy crust.

    Haha Spookiesmom, cocoa in your bra! I tend to wear a lot, of whatever I am making.

    ldesim, I feel the same, I so wanted to meet DP too.

    Glennie, I am sorry for what you're dealing with. I hope you can find an easier resolution than surgery.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    I don't know if any of you remember when I posted about my Mother's funeral and the Pelicans. Today I was walking along the foreshore with Dex, thinking about DP and I looked up, there were 7 Pelicans riding the thermals above me and they did the same 3 veering off to the left and then 4 veering to the right, just like at my Mother's graveside. I have a thing, with Pelicans, I call them signposts because they are always around when I have a big decision to make or when I am feeling low.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2015

    Hi all! I am fine. I have a cardiologist because this has happened before. I went to PT , the school board office, and grocery shopping today. If I have any more symptoms I will go to the hospital as per the cardiologist. Thank you for your concern! You make me feel loved and cared for! Thanks For the offer, Lisa. That was so sweet of you!

    I too believe we get signs from those we love that have moved on. Both my parents visited me after they died. A bit unnerving and I think I asked them not to scare me like that again. When I was a teen a man would visit me in my dreams. I didn't know this man. He never spoke to me, but would convey that everything was going to be okay with his eyes. Long story short, it was my mother's father, whom I never saw a photo of as he died when my mom was 2. He never came back after I found out who he was. Very freaky and my mom was sad that he didn't come to her.

    Glad the allergy shots went well, Z. I hated them as a kid and told everyone to shove it by the time I was a teen. I would have been better off not suffering, but you can't tell a teenager that! Lol what's up with the pink food? New favorite color? I think pink food would be delicious!

    Would love to go to the D.R. No bikini for me. Lord knows I am fat! Herceptin blew my diet all to hell. One more and then I will try again! I am hoping to drop some weight before NOLA! I don't think I could take the heat this heavy. Knitting blankies for the pups is a wonderful idea! I am impressed that it is a mother daughter activity! None of my kids knit, sew,crochet, or anything. They can all see a button and use stitch wit here, but that is all!

    Oh Glennie I am so sorry your feeling so badly! I do hope there is something else they can do for you besides surgery! I take Gabapentin for my neuropathy. Is lyrica better? So very sorry about nerve conduction test. That is just shitful! I will be in the bag with drinks!

    Hi to everyone. I will have to go back and read as I have no idea what else has been said. I hope you all have a great night/day. S

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    M:  you are always so busy!!  I like the pelican story. I like those birds too.

    S:  Glad you are feeling better!  you have had some interesting visitations!  How interesting that your grandfather,, who you never knew, ,came to visit.  I asked for Neurontin (gabapentin) but the docs down here LOVE Lyrica,,, they think it is better.  They are related,, so don't really think one is better,, but he had free samples,, so what the heck?  I took them.

    Stacey has not dropped in lately.  Has anyone heard from her?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited February 2015

    I'm so glad others are saying these things. You will understand. After I found the lump, but hadn't gone to doc, I procrastinated. I felt extreme pressure from my parents, both long gone, to get my self into the doc. It got so strong I said out loud OK ILL CALL!!!!! And during the first scary part of dx and tx, I felt their presence. I guess I'm ok, I don't feel that pressure any more.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Bec had a funny experience with my Mother, after she passed. Bec was in her room and she saw a shadow pass the door, going into the living room where Bec had music on the stereo, suddenly the music became really loud and Bec ran to turn it down and for a second or two, the knob wouldn't turn and then it became easy, as it always was to turn down. She was convinced it was my Mother, who was always telling her to turn the music down, playing with her.

    I had told my parents not to scare me, I am a wuss when it comes to ghosty stuff. My Dad visited me, while I was gardening one day. I was digging to plant a rose bush and suddenly there was a light breeze that ruffled my hair and I could smell the distinctive smell of a pomade he used in his hair, it was fleeting, but unmistakeable. At the same time, Bec was at her after school job, in a supermarket and when I picked her up she couldn't wait to tell me, her Pa had visited her today, on a breeze and she smelled that stuff, he used on his hair.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    S, M and Spookie, cool stories... I've never had anything like that happen, but love hearing about it.

    Glennie, last I heard was probably the same as you, she was done with chemo and traveling somewhere. I think it was after Xmas or New Years. Did she come in this thread? I sometimes worry that lurkers and ladies that have gone away for awhile will look in the other thread and just think we've disappeared.

    I always have GrammaB in the back of my mind and hope that she is ok... she just seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Sent her an Xmas card and never heard a thing :( At least Gramwe poked her head in and I have piece of mind now that she is ok.

    Spookie, I'm laughing over your choco boobs :) School baker, that sounds like a lot of work!

    S, so glad you are feeling better, that sounded a little scary.

    No bikini for me either!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    Oh wow M, that's quite the story... I'm not sure how I'd react to something like that.. whether it would freak me out or be comforting.

  • javafriend
    javafriend Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2015
    When my sister was in hospice, she told us that whenever we saw a bird, that would be her, visiting us to let us know she was ok. I was on a plane to go see her when she passed. My DH told me the story that after he dropped me off at the airport, he was outside doing some yard work. A large flock of grackles suddenly came and landed in the yard and would not leave. Finally, he said out loud, ok Lynne, I get it. I love you too. At that moment, they all flew off. We figured out that time wise, it was probably within minutes of her passing.
    I have a hummingbird tattoo on my shoulder so she is always with me.
  • javafriend
    javafriend Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2015
    SC, glad you are feeling better.
    Bobo, I think it is really cool that you and princess can knit. I have an adult daughter I am very close to. We went to Wine and design painting a few weeks ago. Lots of fun.
    Sills, your boy is so brave about the shots.
    M, DH and I are coming to Australia next November-Cairns to dive/snorkel Great Barrier Reef and Sydney for a cruise. I am very excited. Hopefully can lose weight before then. Chemo (TCHP) took its toll on me and I have put on weight.
    Punta Cana is beautiful. DH and I went for a long weekend for my 50th bay a few years ago.
    Heading to bed. I have to be up early for CEU course tomorrow. Have a great night all. Stay warm and safe.
  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Oh Javafriend, what a lovely story about your sister.

    I am sure GB and Stacey have posted here, but If they go to the other thread and think they have misplaced us, all they need to do is search on one of our names to see where we are posting and they will find us.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    When my friend visited me in my dream,, I felt comforted afterwards,, He had been a lonely guy and he had died alone.  Sadly it was 4 days before anyone missed him. That made me so terribly sad. So when he appeared in my dream and told me he was happy, I felt a lot better.

    Java, that's a great story about the grackles,, and love your hummingbird tattoo. And you are going to Australia???   **jealous**

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    Don't be jealous Glennie.. we're going next year.. k? So sad about your friend :(

    Lisa, sorry to hear about your sister, that is another beautiful story.. gosh you've all had experiences.

    M, you're right.. I Hope they do let us know they are ok... I think about them often.

    Z, saw this and thought of you.. reminded me of your descriptions of BG :)

    She is SO STINKIN cute!

    Cracked open the Nutella.. yummy yum yum.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Lisa, we were posting at same time. What a sensational holiday. I love Cairns and The Great Barrier Reef has to be seen, to be believed. Sydney is my least favorite place, but only because I lived there once and hated it. It's a great place to visit! are you doing a cruise from Sydney to somewhere else, or is it a harbor cruise? There are many cruise ships that leave from there.

    ldesim, that video was my life for a few years LOL My Mother used to say Bec was like keeping up, with twin boys! She was right! LOL

    I have never tried Nuttella. I am sure it must have dairy in it, or I would have tried it.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    She was just so lovely: inside and out


  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited February 2015

    J ask for a silva dyne rx for when you're thru with rads. Miracle stuff! Feels like whip cream. Very soothing and healing. You may have to push for it. Should be std of care. It's for burn victims. Duh! What are rads!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    I don't have a story, but my sister does. Her watch stopped one day - at the time her dear friend had passed.

    I just looked back to see the last time Stacie had posted - it was January 16th on the other forum.

    Going to be a heat wave today. 32 degrees! Kind of excited to not feel like an ice cube when going outside. DD has a birthday party sleepover and I will be staying to help for awhile. I am good friends with the mom and we haven't had a chance to catch up since summer. Looking forward to a hectic and fun night. I consider it my free counseling since she is a psychologist.

    Off to get my hair cut. Early appointment for a Saturday, but that's what I get for calling yesterday afternoon! She is squeezing me in. Here's the problem, I really only like the way she cuts my hair about 1 out of 3 or 4 times. Not sure why she can't get it right every time...but I really like her as a I keep going to her.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited February 2015

    I posted in the middle of the night and it's gone. BG is whinging. And it's only 8 am. Boy is doing some art project. Snow and ice last night. Making soup beans.

    J ask for silva dyne. It's the bomb.

    G are you sleeping with your arm straight? Maybe you're so exhausted that you don't move and stay cramped up. Not to poopoo your test results but you said it's worse in the am.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited February 2015

    M I have my Nutella jar in front of me, the 5th and 6 ingredients are skim milk, and reduced minerals whey(milk). So there probably isn't much of either in it. When I need a choco fix, straight out of the jar works.

    When we moved here, I needed to work for insurance, DD was in 7th grade. What better place than school? I'd have her schedule!! So I became a baker. I was floored at the amounts of things we used. Like brownies. 2 pounds of cocoa powder. 14 pounds of butter. That was for 600 servings. Fresh bread daily. It was a lot of hard hot work.

    Little did I know I would spend the next 23+ years working for my district. I'm still in school schedule because of the grands, don't get up at obscene hours anymore.