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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    *hugs* Andrea, sorry you've had a shitful month. Hope you feel better soon. I feel bad for the poor woman getting the bad news.... I remember just a few months ago, being in the chemo room getting my Herceptin and hearing the desk clerk comforting somebody on the phone who would be coming in for first chemo.... I got so sad.... that was the scariest day of my life, starting chemo.

    Glennie, I know, that is really scary.... for me the scariest are eyes, spine & brain.

    Z, put me in the category of new appearance as well. Let's just go for new life while we are at it! uh oh... is DH going to make the dog go? Why orange.. is that all she will wear period, or all she'll wear on Tuesdays? Forget calling her BG.. she should be called "little Miss".

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited February 2015

    ok. LM school is doing a different color each day. Her fav is pink:) she'll be in for a rude awakening when she has to wear a uniform this fall.

    JSJ posted on my cb sight. She didn't say how she was but at least we know she's still around.

    DH says it's up to me about Sasafire. Called shelter where she came from and would have to go back to. Their behavioral person is supposed to call. We have dog class tomorrow so will talk to trainer. Shelter assured me they wouldn't crate her or put her down. I don't want to pass on my problem but my kids come first. I don't want any regrets.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    Agree,, nights and weekends will be hard.  Thank you for the update.   Does E have to be a food???  Cannot use elephant?   Will brainstorm while I work.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited February 2015

    Elephant! Yes we have an elephant nebulizer mask. Thanks again. Glennie to the rescue.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Oh Andrea, I am so sorry, that list gave me goosebumps, no wonder you feel blah, that's just too much. My stomach turned over when I read about the Doctor giving someone the news. You're right forever changed, from that moment on.

    Hugs to your dear Dad though, what a great age, imagine the things that he has seen in that time, all the changes in the world. I love to talk to people who have been here for such a long time, they are a living breathing history book! One of Colin's relatives just turned 103, I have never met her, but his Grand Father also lived to be101! I hope you can take some time to yourself this evening, snuggle up and feel better, hugs to you!

    ldesim, you crack me up, scared of me? Noooo, you'd never take the brunt of a Humpy Back! That's reserved for fucktards and jerks! Colin and I are a really good team, he can seem intimidating and I am, well, the mouth, but we both fight for the same things, never just for the sake of it. He's great, never raises his voice or backs down, but always gets his point across. He's also a great advocate, for other people with disabilities, he blows me away how he will take on anyone or anything, to put things right.

    Thank you for the link to DP's video, a month ago, really? It just doesn't seem real does it?

    I worry about you and Joe dealing with all that snow and ice, what a pain in the proverbial. I am thundering around here whinging and whining about having to sweep and rake the mess from the damn birds in the fruit trees, but that's nothing, compared to what you two are doing.

    I have to say thank you to Z too, she sure is the one that keeps everything together here!

    Yay, spookiesmom, he did do that yesterday!

    Glennie, I know how you feel about the possible outcome of the MRI, I am keeping fingers crossed it isn't surgery!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Oh Z, I am sorry you're having to make this decision about Sasafire, but I agree, the kids come first.

    Glad to hear Bond is doing ok, sorry about the virus though. The quiet times away from work will be difficult for him, poor guy, I think about him a lot. DP was worried about how he would handle this.

    Jsjj isn't posting on her CB site, so I hope that means all is going well for her.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    Yay! JSJ update too! Signed it Z, thank you.

    I missed the E thing.... eyelash, ear muffs, envelope, earth. egg.. english muffin? :)

    As long as I am cracking you up and not pissing you off *shakes in boots*

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    omg Z, she is going to pitch a fit with a uniform, I bet :(

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited February 2015

    DD was in Catholic school for a few years, had to wear uniforms. Brown plaid. Choice of slacks or jumper, white or yellow blouse. She'd sit on her bed just staring in the closet. I d think she was NEVER going to get dressed!!!!!

    Now a lot of our public school kids wear uniforms

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    oh geez.. brown plaid is heinous! We had gray skirts or pants.. blue, pink or white top allowed. I remember I sewed the whole inseam of my pants so they were tight like jeans.. got away with that one for awhile. The little kids had to wear blue plaid skirts or dresses.. still beats brown plaid.. blah.

    Edited to say... I should've compared the altered pants to cigarette pants that M is so fond of :)

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    Egg rolls,, Egg Noodles,,, Edam cheese,,, Edamame,,enchiladas,,,,Eggo waffles,,,,

    elephant,,, ear of corn,,,,

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Oooh, I had to wear deep chocolate brown blazer and tunic, with a mint green shirt and a brown bowler hat and string tie for the Winter and the Summer was a dress made of terylene, dried before you even got it wet, but was always stuck to your legs with static, it looked like camouflage and had a straw boater hat. Is it any wonder I was outta there, at 15?

    I can feel a LM tantrum coming on, when she has to wear a uniform, too!Sorry Z!

    Haha ldesim, I do like my skinny pants.

    Guest just arrived, Colin got it wrong, Vancouver Island,

    I decided out of the blue, to cook up one of my faves, which I hadn't made for probably 30years, but to be fair, Colin's Mother used to make it for me and I eat it when I see it on the menu. Bobo, I am serious, this time, turn your head. It's lambs fry and bacon, omg, I love it and the batch I made today is just fabulous. The best part was watching the expression change on the face of our guest, when he asked what I was cooking. I don't understand why so many are irked out by this dish! Colin thought it looked fabulous, but that was as far as he'd go! LOL

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    Lamb and bacon,,, sounds good to me,,, carnivore that I am.  What else is in it besides bacon and lamb??

    Up early for PCP appt,,,, will check in after my return..  Must sleep now.

    good night all

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    I couldn't resist posting this little guy in a sweater, isn't he gorgeous.

    Ha, Glennie, not lamb, but lambs fry, (lamb liver). I made it with onions and bacon, fried first, and removed, then after all the prep that goes with the liver, cut thin slices, dusted with cornflour and fried in a thin layer of oil or butter, then return onions and bacon, add the juice of 1 lemon and a handful of chopped fresh parsley, black pepper and sea salt. Yumm!


  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited February 2015

    Oh M, he is so cute in his jumper! Eewwwww to the LF, don't want to even type it. Any meat is bad enough but offal, isn't testicles included in that too? Uuugghhh

    L, I don't know how you can physically handle all of the shovelling? I am worried you and Joe will throw your backs out or something. But what are your other options. Sounds like a nightmare.

    Andrea, so glad you have nothing to worry about. :). Take care of yourself though. Xx

    Bobo, thank you so much for the wedding pics, they have arrived. The are beautiful. Thank you for including us all in your special day. Xx

    G, hoping for good news on the surgery

    Easter Bunny, Earwig, Eeyore, Elvis, Elmo, Elf

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited February 2015

    Anyone else think it feels weird to be talking about various everyday things after losing our DP? Xxx

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    OHHHHH, Liver,,, OK, I don't eat liver. Or any organ meats.  I will pass.  The little guy is adorable in his sweater but I'm not sure he likes it.

    So I didn't take the Lyrica last night,, wanted to see how much it helps the nerve pain,, and apparently it helps a lot cuz after sleeping for 4 hours,,, I'm up!!  The pain is not as bad as it was before I started the steroids and Lyrica,,, but it is there, and I can't go back to sleep.  And it's good he gave me samples, cuz I found out that my insurance is going to make me jump thru hoops to get them to pay for the Lyrica. I'll have to call and find out exactly what hoops.  They never want to pay for the expensive meds.

    Dawny:  yes it is weird to be doing normal things so soon after our DP has left us.    I have an Eeyore mug sitting on my desk and didn't even think of him for E... Boy could take it to school.

    6AM here,, guess I'll make breakfast and watch some TV until the dog wakes up and wants a walk.. I don't have to be at the PCP until 945.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Hi Glennie and Dawny, I was just checking before I go to bed and you've both been here. Darn right it feels weird, I still can't stop thinking about DP, I miss her a lot. She has made such an impression on all of us.

    I was talking to our guest this evening and he was telling me his wife is a radiotherapy technician so naturally she deals with a lot of women with BC . He is writing a book and will be using our family room to write. Colin took him to the yacht club to watch the Tuesday Evening racing and they had dinner down there.

    Dawny, I am a Scot and love the traditional food. I don't actually eat much meat, other than chicken, but occasionally I love something from the old days. I won't tell you what's in some of them! LOL

    I am in the bag for you Glennie! M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    I miss DP too. Dawny, so happy the card got there! Hi Betty!

    OMG, my LM will only wear orange? I am coming to you LIVE from a school uniform protest courtesy of our princess. Yikes. It is every day. We have them both pick out clothes the night before, down to underwear, but it makes no difference. She really fights it. And she was fighting with DLLP overnight about going to the bathroom. **sigh**

    Andrea: {{{hugs}}} I know how you feel. Poor baby.

    Z {{{hugs regarding Sassafire}}} I know you are trying your best. It must be so scary if she is snapping. As I have said, Bobo growls, bears teeth, and chews on me and 'bites' me, and pulls on the leash, and takes the leash away and runs, and guards his food. I am not scared of him, though, it is different.

    I knew Glennie would think of an E thing! G, in the bag. Have got to get ready for stupid eye exam appt. Do not want to go. 1, 2...

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited February 2015

    Idesim ,

    Thank you for posting that video.  I was unable to view it before .  I can only hope to be half the woman that DP and JSJ are.  I cannot seem to move on either.  I know DP is free from pain but I cannot wrap my head around the suffering she had to go through .  This is my 3rd and 4th time around with this freaking cancer and I never once cried . I have always just moved through whatever steps I had to with whatever treatment I had.  I guess I never wanted to show any emotion in front of my son (being a single  parent for many years) .  I think about Bond and my heart breaks but I know he can find some peace in the fact she is no longer suffering


    Glennie in the bag

    Zills I know one day BG is destined to become a fashion model

    Bobo I am amazed at your energy and all you get done

    M I viewed the Aus video below and you should do one you would be great .  Interesting perspective on the lack of side effect info given to men taking tamox

    Hello to all others I have missed, sick of the snow in Colorado  but I know I have no room to complain given what you all in the east are enduring this winter !!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    Fia! What a treat to see you! {{{hugs}}} I feel just as you do regarding our DP and her suffering.

    Full disclosure: I am not getting as much done as usual. I don't know if it is the repeated exposure to anaesthetic, or general fatigue, or something else, but I cannot focus like I used to. I have difficulty reading for long periods of time. If I'm grading papers, I get fewer than half graded compared to what I used to do. So now everything takes... four times as long, maybe?

    Fia, how are you feeling?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    I hate eye exams too.  I am due soon.  Just one more fun thing to look forward to.

    I do not know how you Moms do it,,, hassles over clothes and food and bringing stuff to school  **bows**

    Oh, I missed a couple of posts.  How do I do that?  Z: sorry about Sasafras,, that has to be hard, but you have to do what is right for the kids,, and your kids are small. Must protect them. Sassafras maybe needs to be with older kids.   Glad that you heard from JSJ.

    I like playing the alphabet game.  Is there a letter every day or is it once a week?

    It is overcast and dreary today. Not helpful when one is feeling gloomy and depressed.  But will be having Thai food lunch with coworker today. That will be good part of day. Her youngest boy is almost 3 and he usually comes with us. He is really well behaved in restaurants. He's a little active,, likes to look at people and wave, and see if they wave back, do peek-a-boo kind of thing, but nothing that I, as a childless person,,, would be annoyed at. He does not scream or throw food or throw tantrums. So last week she was at Ruby Tuesday's (family style restaurant for our Aussie friends, NOT a fancy place)  and he was standing on the seat and just looking at the people behind him. The woman in that booth had a screaming fit that Carter was so badly behaved, and they needed to leave and not bother people. I'm telling you,,, he is really well behaved! That woman's behavior was so inappropriate. My friend was getting really irate and telling that woman to sit down and shut up, that Carter was not bothering her. The manager got involved. He comped everyone's meals, trying to smooth feathers.  But the worst part was:  Carter knew people were upset at him and he hid under the table. I feel so bad for the little guy. I hope that he will not remember this.  We have been to this Thai restaurant before and the wait staff is very nice to him. The one waitress tells him food is hot and blow on food and she demostrates.  She is so sweet.

    Off and running,, Walgreens for a couple of things and then to PCP,, then lunch.  **waving**

    edit:   (((Fia))) we post at same time. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited February 2015

    Glennie, they will probably want you to try Neurontin first. Then you will get Lyrica. Aren't they just about the same? I can't do any in that class of meds.

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited February 2015


    After all you have been through this past year I am in envy of what you accomplish ........ So what if you are slow you are still an inspiration ............   . I have been feeling shitty since this med change to arimidex............ but I had a complete FREAK Out last week at the M) appt and feel some better this week. Story below ................... 

    First I call the MO office the cancer house . It is in a building labeled "Rocky Mountain Cancer Center" and it gets in the way of me pretending I really am not living with BC and lymphoma.  So I walk into the place and everyone in the waiting room is masked as there is a flu outbreak in CO . So then my mind goes like WTF are they really just trying not to spread germs or is there an Ebolla outbreak and no one is telling us .................... 

    Then there is the dreaded pet scan tube...............  You know how you never have to pee unless you are in that tube..............the whole 45 minutes I am trying not to pee and trying not to think about who was in that tube before me and did they change the sheets..................... I have to focus on these stupid things as I don't want to think about getting the results.......

    The then MO visit ............. How are you doing your liver enzymes are up and you are still manufacturing too many platelets . So I tell her this arimidex stuff makes me feel like I am 100 with the joint pain . She  says well we can change the pain mediciation ( gives me oxy) and tells me we are still on a "watch and wait" approach regarding the lymphoma. To which I lost it...........

    WTF and I waiting for and WTF am I watching .....I am sweating, I have lost 30 lbs without even trying and this medicine makes me go from normal to bitch in 5 seconds or less............ You are telling me I cannot take herbal remedies (turmeric & ginger ) as my liver enzymes are up so WTH . Maybe I should just start dropping hits of acid like days of my youth . Oh and by the way get some decent magazines in that freaking waiting room all there is to read about is cancer................FFS what about some travel magazines so people could at least think they were escaping.  

    She smiles and tells me I am "special" I say special , like the "short bus kind of special" ?she says no like she wished more of her patients would be as direct as me . I said well I am directing my ass to the door and will try this oxy crap for 30 days and if I start to see flying monkeys I will be calling you ............................. Fair enough she says ......................

    So morale of this story.................  Sometimes I think you just need a good rant !  

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    Bobo, you are amazing! A wedding, two young children, and working. I have been through far less than you have and I accomplish so little these days.

    Still have a sour stomach. But no more barfing,thankfully. Seems everyone is coming down with something. DH's brother almost missed his dad's funeral because he had a stomach virus and UTI.

    Glennie here is my unruly child story :

    On the 2 hour plane ride from MN to MD the other night there was a young family of four behind me, with their French Bulldog under my seat.

    The three year old chatted most of the way. Too cute, but he also kicked the back of my seat most of the way. His parents kept stopping him. But he persisted. I felt so sick and really wanted to sleep, but it was difficult with the kicking. Finally I was able to lay my chair back slightly and drift off to sleep. Only to be awakened to a shrill scream and a little hand between the seats pulling my hair.

    I turned around to see a smiling little girl (about a year old) still holding onto my hair. The father looked horrified and apologized profusely. I smiled and told him it was ok, and that I have 10 grandchildren of my own. He looked relieved.

    Then I spent the rest of the trip wondering why I said I have 10 grand kids...I have 9. Who did I count twice?? Lol.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    M, I used to live on Vancouver Island. I lived up island in Campbell River. My daughter lives in Victoria.

    Z what about Elastic?

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    Fia - I loved your story.. especially the 'dropping hits of acid'! I say we all need a little acid.. will help us all smile a whole lot more.

    I miss DP too. I search every day to see if there is any information about her memorial. Not sure why I do that, since I'm sure Bond will tell us. There's just this emptiness that, for me, has been different than any other death I have experienced. I suppose some of it is related to the reality that we all have this same disease and no one is safe.

    "E" for electricity - go as a lightning bolt. I think it is safe to say LM is fully charged in all the right ways!

    DD has never cared too much about what she's her mama who insists on her looking nice and yes..I iron her clothes (shirts) most of the time. Drives her kind of crazy, but I always say...I don't care.. I want my kid to be clean and presentable at all times. She can be a slob when she's older.

    Not even going to say how cold it is here. It is almost unreal and everyone simply cannot quit talking about it. I am going to start wearing long underwear.

    edited to say - now that I think about it, I may ask my MO for acid instead of Arimidex and see how she responds!

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited February 2015


    Yup acid for all of us !! Try cuddle duds versus long underwear , they are softer.  I have my panties and cami, then cuddle duds, then polar fleece top and bottom with wool socks. 

    Then I start sweating my arse off eventually , take everything off until I get cold again ..................

    With this weather I am getting dressed and undressed all day long :-(  but hey whatever works !

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited February 2015

    FIA. You sound like BG/LM. It's color week so all kids are dressing in color of day. Tomorrow is red. Not sure she has a red top but some really cute jeans with red embroidery. Wait she does have a Red Mile tshirt (local trots)

    You all have been lifesavers. They do a letter a week. He didn't want to take his elephant mask because one boy would laugh at him. They've butted heads ever since they were together. I found Easter eggs and Easter erasers at dollar tree. Elastic is a good one!

    Shelter called back. Recommended hotdogs to teach her off the bed. But feel it may not be safe for my kids. Will take her back, work with her and place her without small children. I feel so guilty. Like a failure. I should have tried harder. Been more consistent with her and kids but I'm so tired at night.

    Yes I miss DP. Life isn't fair but no one ever said it would be. She would want us to shop and change jobs. No regrets.

    I'm going to ask bond about obit. It bugs me too. Not sure if delay due to celebration not for another week or did her last name change from the divorce or....

    M lamb fryes are testicles here. My niece and second mom like them. No thank you. Don't like liver or tongue or gizzards. Not sure I can eat spam after reading mother jones article.

    Need to fold clothes so can finish with the 2t piles. Some go to friends, other to local charity. Need to file and reschedule appts.

    Peppa Pig panties arrived! Elastic around waist is tighter but legs the same. Are briefs but fit like bad French high cut bikinis. Still ride up butt cheeks. Bless her heart. She doesn't seem to mind.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    I have to say I had liver as a kid and never minded it - but I have never cooked it and probably never will. Having said that - I grew up on the shore of Lake Michigan and our town had many Native American commercial fishermen. The fish was so fresh it would curl in the frying pan. Anyhoo - one year we were camping at the beach (5 miles from home lol) and my cousin showed up with fresh fish livers and bacon. He wrapped each liver with bacon and smoked them on the grill. They were simply fantastic. And that is my liver story :) I have never had liver since then.