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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    OOOO, I am picturing our LM in her high cut French bikini Peppa Pig panties,,, I bet she is just stylin'!!!  Glad you found alternative E items.  Keep us posted for future letters. We are here to help with the alphabet!!  Please don't feel like a failure with the dog. You tried. Some dogs just have a hard time around small children. Even mellow Ava can only tolerate them for so long.

    Fia:  You are in Colorado.  What about medical marijuana?  If I were in a state where it was legal, I would be looking into it for pain control.  Never dropped acid.   Now, I will be thinking abou the sheet in the MRI machine tomorrow.  Thanks for that!  Agree that a rant is good for you.  Travel magazines would be nice too. WTF???  Who wants to read about cancer all the time??

    My worst little kid story was also on a plane,, the kid a couple of rows ahead of me threw something and hit me in the head. It hurt. Mom did nothing.

    Reporting in from PCP:  She says I should see the prick neurosurgeon as he is the best. She sent her husband to him. I guess that is a good recommendation.   Called Rheumy and left message that I have to try and fail Neurontin before getting insurance to pay for Lyrica.  I'll either get a call back, or an RX sent to pharmacy for Neurontin. Stay tuned.

    Writing is really really hard with the hand crap,,, but that is not new. What is new, is that I've always been able to type on a ful size keyboard w/o problems, and now I'm having some problems. Thumb keeps missing the space bar and I have to go back and fix it.  More entertainment.    Thank you for listening to me whine.  I feel bad whining.

    Invision just called with pre-MRI questions.  "Do you have an IUD?"    Me:  "No, and I don't have the body part where you put one either."   Made her laugh!

    Last night of work and then 4 days off. **excited**   Looking forward to rest!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited February 2015

    Hah Glennie... no body part made me laugh too... kind of like those "when was your last period" questions. How about 'so long ago I don't remember?'.

    Heart is pounding pretty good here.. I just finished the whole online application for the posted job position and tried to update my resume to 'fit' the posting a bit. Hit submit..and it won't submit it without a damn cover letter. I will do that tonight from home. Today is the last date for internal applicants. Feels good just to try to move forward, whether I get offered the job or not. I can't imagine them not interviewing me. Seriously.. 30 years in tech support should be good for something! Still need to call HR to see what kind of pay cut I might be looking at.

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited February 2015

    Glennie ,

    In the bag . Yup marijuana is legal here but I can't do it because of the lymphoma and current liver test results (shit I never drank wtf) .................   LOL I don't have any parts to put it either .

    OMG do you think among ALL of us here that together we could even qualify as a complete set of legos ?  We are all missing A TON of parts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS I am sure YOUR sheet will be mind just goes to bizarre places

    PRB we are all rooting for a new job for you !!!


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    you never drank, Fia,,, WTF indeed??? sorry that medical marijuana is out,, crap on a chapstick.  We are missing a bunch of parts here.  Probably not a complete set of Legos,,, or even a boxed puzzle.  Don't you hate it when one piece is missing?

    Go PRB!!!   We are rooting for you!!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2015

    Good for you PRB!! Proud of you for doing something about your situation... better than me who just whines about it and doesn't do shit.

    Bobo is going to have a conniption when she sees all this liver talk. My only experience is Thanksgiving time and my mother puts the turkey liver/heart in the gravy... beware of any lumps! So gross. When we were little, she would try to make us eat liver and onions, tried it once.. disgusting.. any other time I refused to eat it. Well, you can't leave the table until you've cleaned your plate.. my stubborn ass would sit at that table for hours and hours until bedtime and I still wouldn't eat it. I think she finally gave up trying to serve it.

    M, if I experienced the kind of heat you guys get.. I'd be whinging and whining too... this winter has sucked.. but you take the good with the bad.. at least it forces me to exercise!!! WTF with the hats at school M? We never had hats as part of the uniform.. never have seen such a thing.. your descriptions make me think of like girl scouts or something.. with the string under chin holding the damn thing on our head. Brown and mint green is a nice combination though. Like a peppermint pattie!

    I love that sweet hampster in the sweater.. but I have to wonder how the hell anybody got him in that... they are squirmy little things.

    Dawny, it's good for me to shovel.. seriously.. I am so damn lazy.. it really is good for me as it forces me off my arse. Elvis was a good one... Z you should have dressed the boy up in a sequin jumpsuit with sunglasses lol. Yes, I feel a bit weird talking about insignificant stuff with DP gone AND I just keep expecting her to pop up..... I just don't know how it can be that she's gone.

    Bobo.. what are the uniforms like that your kids have to wear? I think we've all been sent into a depression over the DP situation and maybe winter blahs thrown in for good measure, I too am inattentive, don't really give a rat's ass about anything in particular and am very lethargic. *hugs*

    Fia, I think you're pretty awesome too... is bad enough having to go through this shit once.. but to be on a 4th instance would test anybody's last nerve. You do need to have a good rant from time to time.. and boy do you give good rant.. I especially love the part about dropping acid and being short bus special.... I've never been in the pet scan tube, so I can't really comment on that... but... doesn't medication make the liver enzymes go up? Have they given you any advice on how to lower them? Is it possible to lower them? I think certain foods, like blueberries & kale, anything rich in antioxidants.

    PRB it's freezing here too and the main topic of conversation.. there's just nothing else to talk about.. I just want to hibernate in my bed and wake me up when it hits April or 70 degrees, whichever comes first. Made the mistake of leaving my boots on the porch last night (porch is unheated), had to put my feet into stiff cold boots this morning, we are still in minus temps. If I hear "real feel" one more time.. just STFU with the weather report. Cold is cold.. don't bother with the friggin weather forecast. Fia is right about cuddl duds.. they are da bomb! Soft and warm and well. cuddly!

    Z, you are doing the best you can with the dog, you shouldn't feel guilty, most people would have returned the dog by now. I am not knowledgeable about dogs, but would it be safe to assume that the worst the dog would do has already happened? I think as the kids get older, you may appreciate the dog looking after them... but I think the question at this point might be, is the dog having the best life it can right now. If you think she is, then hang on to her and see if you can get her training school? I think it's unfair to the dog if you keep hanging on to her only to eventually give her up, if that make sense. The jeans with red embroidery sound adorable... as do her peppa pig french cut panties, especially with them riding up... is she picking at her butt all the time now? lol.

    Have had a useless day, computer servers have been down almost all day, at least I could shop... needed to pay some bills etc. haha.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Hiya girls! Dull and gray here, I don't get it, we never have so many sunless days. Not complaining just sayin'.

    Z, don't feel a failure with the dog, not your fault, sometimes there is just a little too much baggage with a rescue dog, not their fault either, who knows what she put up with in her previous life. I know our Dex has issues and I never leave him alone if there are kids visiting, I am not confident enough, he wouldn't get defensive if he perceived something as a threat. As hard as it will be to let her go, I would let Sassafire be rehomed, without kids,

    LM in Peppa Pig french nickers, too cute!

    Testicles? Nope, we call them "Sweet Breads", lambs fry is definitely liver here. I guess I won't be cooking it up for any of you then! Surely you eat Pate? That's liver too, no? Just askin' OK I'll stop with the liver talk!

    You're so right, again, Z. DP would not want us to be maudlin, she'd want us to be talking shopping cooking and makeup, no regrets! I am still having a hard time getting over what she had to go through, it was just wrong, on so many levels. I want to get past it.

    I do have to say that I have been avoiding the Spam aisle, at my supermarket, for fear I may have a meltdown. I think DP would find that funny. I will never look at Spam, the same way again.

    Good for you PRB, I can imagine the pounding heart, I would be just the same. I hope it goes well for you.

    Glennie, that was funny, no body part to put an IUD! 4 days off, yay!

    Ooooh, I am not good with badly behaved kids in confined places like a plane. I adore kids, but kicking the back of a seat and any kind of missile is a no, no. I can't abide the inaction from parents when kids misbehave. I reserve my "pointy eyes" for those little darlings!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    Hey FIA and ldesim, posting at the same time, I have to go back a page to remember everything that I have missed.

    We could make up a fairly gross Frankenstein's Monster with all our missing bits, but he'd sure have a lot of boobs!

    I am like you ldesim, I am sick of talking about the friggin' weather. Yours has been so awful, but ours is just a lousy Summer.

    FIA , I hate that you've got this other shit lymphoma going on too, so not fair.

    PRB, ahhh someone who doesn't hate liver! I know what you mean about the fresh fish, we don't have to drive too far, to get it straight off the fishing boats and we can buy fresh cooked prawns right on the pier.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2015

    So many posts, never did acid, but did do Mescaline and smoked a lot of pot. I have never really liked what drugs make me feel like, so I was pretty much, the designated driver. I have been on many trips with trippers, if you know what I mean! LOL

    Andrea, I hope that sour stomach is settling now.

    Fia, you rant all you want! Special? Indeed, I remember Colin wanting to haul one off, on someone that called him "Special" once.

    Bobo, so you're not up to speed yet? Take a moment to really look at all that has happened in the past year or so, not the least being, that cocktail of anesthesia. It isn't unusual to feel the effects of that shit for a very long time. Don't be so hard on yourself, it will get better.

    Fia, that Aussie video was great, I haven't seen it before. I think there are a lot of people coming out and doing these kinds of things, doesn't it make all the Pink bullshit fade into insignificance! I think they'd get near 100% awareness, if this was what people were seeing, instead of the crappy pink, feel good, nonsense we've had to endure for so long. You're right,Fia, I'd do one of those things, in a heartbeat. Hahaha I have absolutely no issues with my chest, or how it looks to others. Funny really, because I would have never flashed my "Whole" chest, before. LOL Weird isn't it?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    did we see this article before?  It has her Mom's name in it.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited February 2015

    Bond says the obit should be out today and the services are Saturday.

    I have BG's cold. Doesn't help my mood about DP and Sasafire. Weather permitting she'll go tomorrow or Friday. A friend is going to make the trip with me. I got her two hours away. Bright note my trainer from last night highly recommends the behaviorist and she might know of a single person that wants a lab.

    If anyone finds the obit in the Dallas papers, please post here and on the stage IV threads. There are two. DeliriumPie and DeliriumPie is an angel.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    Hi Z:  I have been looking for the obit and will keep looking. Will post when I find it.  Glad that friend is going to make that trip with you.  I hope that single person really does want a Lab,, that would be great.  Sorry about cold.  This weather is just SUCKING!

    Must shower and get dressed,, and go to my appt to lay in a noisy tube for an hour.  I hope the sheets are clean.  There is a new thread about meditation, so I have a new mantra:   May I be balanced. May I be at peace.   

    I wish the same for all of you.  (((( group hug)))

    Edit:  today was last Medrol dose.  End of steroids. Took partial cap of Lyrica last night. Wow, did I sleep.  A bit hungover from it, but dang it's nice to sleep.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    In the bag for Glennie and Z!

    PRB, I would put a phone call in to the person in the new dept where you are seeking a job. Get your thoughts together beforehand -- something positive about why you're considering the move. And then make the cover letter a follow up. XX

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited February 2015

    Zills ,

    You are doing the right thing with Sasafire your kids have to come first . Hope you kick the cold soon.

    Glennie in the bag, your sheets will be clean (guess I should have kept that comment to myself,now everyone will think about clean sheets for every apt ) :-)

    Off to shovel more snow .............The gift that keeps on giving lately

    Have a great day all !!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    Fia, you live in CO, FFS, what do you expect but snow? You live in a wonderland of snow!


    Okay, taking a poll. I am really tired. Should I rest as much as possible? Or should I push myself more? Having trouble figuring this out. When I have the option to work from home, I do not go to yoga or the gym, I just stay home and try to rest. But then I also go crazy with house chores. My 'brain fog' is driving me crazy and I feel like I have early onset Alzheimers (Julianne Moore movie I have not seen).

    Birdie and M and ND, if any one of you was here, I would follow your instructions for what I should do in a day exactly. I need a plan! XXX

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited February 2015

    So when you stay home to "rest"  you go nuts with house chores instead? Can you do some chores and then have a nap?   Seems like going to yoga would be relaxing. Are you sleeping well at night?  Maybe you are not getting good restorative sleep.  Brain fog from leftover anesthesia from 6 surgeries?

    I wish you could have a getaway,,, night or two at a spa where you could get pampered and really relax.   I am tired all the time from the fibro,, so I do not have a good answer for you, as I just push myself most of the time. But that might not be best for you.  I hope the other ladies have good advice for you.   ((hugs))

  • javafriend
    javafriend Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2015

    Glennie, In the bag for your MRI today.  I am glad the neurologist is taking it seriously.  Hopefully, you can get good answers which do not include surgery.

    Bobo, I wish I had good advice for you, too.  I think Glennie is right in that brain fog may be residual from anesthesia from surgeries.  Our bodies need at least a year to heal after surgeries.  Maybe meditation would help?  I say listen to your body and honor yourself. 

    Andrea, hope the stomach bug is getting better.  I am not sure where you are in Maryland, but would love to meet some day for lunch if it is at all doable.

    Have a great day all.  Off to my daily radiation torture, then maybe lunch with a friend.

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited February 2015

    Yes Bobo,

    I live in a wonderland of snow .................and no I should not expect your weather this time of year ................but ...................  Ok enough whining considering what PRB and others in the east are going through !!

    So your energy................  How much B12 are you taking or can you take . Can the Dicktors give you B12 injections for awhile ? Plus the protein you already take?  Also have you had your thyroid checked . I cannot get out of bed without my thyroid meds.   Glennie is right it does take at least a year for each of the surgeries and given what you have had to go through probably longer.

    Ok that's all the medical advice I have

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    In the bag for Glennie and Z too.

    Java I live in Bel Air. It would be nice to meet sometime. Maybe in the spring..if it ever comes,lol.

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263
    edited February 2015

    Bobo, if there is one thing I have learned over the past 2.5 years, it is that it is never a good idea to "push yourself more". I was always a very healthy, strong person before this crap. And the lying dicktors all told me things like "you just have to get through this ____ (surgery, chemo, rads) and then you'll be back to normal soon". Bullshit!! But I bought the lie, hook line and sinker, because I wanted to believe it. It has been a huge struggle for me to accept the fact that I will NEVER be "back to normal" and that the new me is different. Many times I have been too hard on myself, thinking that since I was "supposed to be" stronger by now it must mean that I was not pushing hard enough, that I was lazy or something. It took a very long time to realize that whole idea was a big fat lie. But pushing too hard physically only leads to worse pain and fatigue. Have seen so many here on these forums say the same. Guess I'm a slow learner. But finally realized that you have to listen to your body and rest when it tells you to, or you just slow down the healing process. It is so very frustrating!

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263
    edited February 2015

    Oh, and you did not say whether you are on tamoxifen? But that can definitely cause brain fog and lethargy and depression.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    Hey Jennie:

    No Tamox. Thank you guys for advice. Fia, I guess that means it will take me six years to recover at one year per sx???

    Jennie, if I hadn't 'pushed myself' through all this I would not have kept my job, taken care of my children, etc etc. Trying to look forward, but that whole 'back to normal' thing is getting me down. I faked it too much for too long.

    Healthy lunch, though.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2015

    Bobo-listen to your body. You are a mother with young children, have a demanding job, have had too many surgeries, had infections, and are all things to everyone. I would wonder if you were on speed if you weren't tired! Your life is exhausting! Take time to breathe, do yoga, and whatever else is for you. I am sure your mind is going a mile a minute and with everything you have been through it is no wonder you have brain fog. I have been told that it takes two years to even begin to feel better. (I am still waiting.) Be good to you! Make a list of what must be accomplished every day and let the rest go. Try to remember that cleaning is forever so it can wait.

    G-I hope your MRI went well. Keeping you in my prayers for no surgery!

    I hope you are feeling better Andrea. I am just a state away. What part of MD? By DC? Ocean? Delaware? If we ever get through winter, I'd love to meet up too!

    Java-where in MD are you?

    Fia-I hope you aren't shoveling too much. It is so good to see you again! I am starting to agree that snow sucks!

    Zills-sorry about the dog, but kids always come first. I don't allow my dogs to snap at my kids-ever. Sometimes rescues have issues. You are not the failure, the person who dumped him is! I hope LM is still enjoying her pepa undies.

    I now have lymphedema. Just ducky! Not severe, but enough to hurt. Had snow last night and supposed to have snow tonight. Okay, now I am over winter! Last infusion is next Thursday. Hoping i won't need to see my MO for a while. I am tired of doctors! My rant is over.

    Hope you all are having the best day possible!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    Thank you so much S {{{hugs}}}

    FFFFF LE! In the bag for next Thursday. I have not been having a beer lately. So what should I bring for the bag? Guac? XXX

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited February 2015

    Oh FOCK Bobo,  I hope it wont be 6 years ...............  Seriously check into the B12 injections ..............   I have learned for me that "normal is nothing more than a setting on the dryer ".  I had to start looking at things that way so I could stop comparing myself to all of the freaking LYING statistics.   My DH does hold out hope that I can return to the "Bitch I used to be " versus the "Bitch on steroids " I am now given all the medications. I just tell him "screw you at least now I have hair and you don't".    I did have to learn that being the "Corporate Type A over achiever I used to be " got me to repeated types of cancer I have learned to "do what I can , when I can .......some days that's a lot and some days getting dressed is my only accomplishment..............   Also your kids are little ...............enjoy they grow up too soon ..............My only regret in life is I spent all my time in my sons early life working to try and provide him everything I look back now .........he could have used more of my time and less material things................................    

    Ok enough of me telling you what to do ......all know is what seems to work for me

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited February 2015

    I am feeling well today, thank you.

    Poor Z. You are doing the right thing. Kids safety first!

    Have you thought of getting a Golden Retriever they are generally good with kids. So are Great White Pyranees. We have had two of those. Gentle giants, and great farm dogs.

    SC so sorry to hear about lymphodema. That sucks! It would be great to get together. I think we live about 4 hours apart with Java halfway.

    Just realized that Feb 18 was my last surgery. It got forgotten with FILs funeral and DP passing. Now I will never forget it.

    ((HUGS )) Bobo. Be good to yourself.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited February 2015

    Yes bobo go get your levels checked. Mine was vit d and I was on massive doses for a year. It's a hard time of year and we've had a big blow. Eat something sinful.

    Poor bond. Family shenanigans over the funeral. They are insisting the ex be there even though she didn't want that. I hope she doesn't come back and give them what for!

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited February 2015


    ARRGHHH NO lymphedema........... crap it just never ends..................... I am glad for your last infusion though.  Can/will PT help so the LE wont get worse?


    Andrea glad you are feeling better


    Glennie waiting your results !!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2015

    Z, too tired to get my levels checked. Do not want another Dr appt right now. But will consider it for when I can face more appts.

    WTF??? regarding DP's family? Who is that, GPs who want the ex there? I worry they will squabble over things. Poor Bond.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited February 2015

    Bobo, even with advice I highly doubt you will ever slow down, you are a whirlwind, cannot believe what all you do. Please take care though because you need to be their for your kids, maybe none of us will ever get back to where we were before this crap.

    Anybody on Medicare? Spookie or Wren may help, I tried to get my vitamin D level checked with lipid panel and nope damn Medicare wont pay for it and it would have been $202.00 for me to pay, wont do it, guess I will just keep taking supplements etc. Said if I had osteoporosis then they would pay, i really think there must be a way around this but havent had time to check yet. DH found that he has irregularity on EKG and also an anyuersum on aortic... nothing but dr. appointments in March now.

    In the bag for Zills, Glennie and everyone, way behind on everything.

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited February 2015


    My mother is on medicare.............. Her doctor is great working around the system . Apparently you have to complain of being  extremely fatigued and lethargic.................Then the doctor can submit a panel of blood tests which will be covered.   In the end she was very low on sodium but all sorts of  blood tests were paid for (including vitamin D) to get to a diagnosis . Unreal the stupid hoops you have to go through to obtain tests though.