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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    dawny:  in the bag for infusion and scans!!  It is so weird to think you and M are going into autumn and we are all longing for spring to get here. 

    So when we come to visit Aus,,,, M will put on a (close your eyes, Bobo)  Kangaroo roast.  Seriously?  You eat kangaroo meat?  I guess I didn't know that.  Do you have it on the barbie?  I am on a need-to-know here.

    S:  sorry about DD.   You should fly to FL and visit me and Bobo,,, and say nanner nanner nanner to DD **I'm in warm weather**  Time it for my weekend off and we will go to Epcot or the beach,,, or both!  That will really make her mad.

    (((Wren)))  I'm so sorry about the cat.  That just bites when they put down an animal for no reason.  It happens in the Pit Bull world all the time,, cuz you know they are all **vicious** dogs.   I'm glad Squeakers is doing well. Would love to hear the squeak myself!

    I was a fan of the show White Collar,, and last fall they had the series finale.  It was only 6 shows but I never got around to watching them. I swore I would get to it on my 5 days off.  So last night I had a binge marathon and watched 4 of the shows!  Now if I can finish the other 2 tonight. One of my friends has been nagging me to watch cuz she wants to talk about the finale with me.   Ava slept on the couch while I watched and then she never went to bed last night. I woke up and rolled over to check on her and she wasn't on her bed. Got up and found her still on the couch. So she had a very comfy sleep last night.

    Gray and gloomy again today.  Going to yoga class at 10 and afterwards they are having a Healing Vibrations class. 

    Come and treat yourself to a restorative sound healing class. Just bring your yoga mat and lay down in Savasana to receive the healing benefits of the Crystal Singing Bowls. Allow yourself to let go of anything you're holding on to allowing your mind and body to reset! We will be set up in a circle format with mats.

    Hoping to let go of all (some?) of my fears concerning my neck issues. 

     **may I be balanced. May I be at peace**    My wish for all of us.     ((((hugs)))))


  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited March 2015

    I thought the same thing about kangaroo meat Glennie! I suppose it's similar to us eating venison? No one ever talks about eating a jumping piece of meat ;)

    I have a couple of singing bowls... perhaps I should use them for something more than collecting stuff? One in particular really 'sings' easily, but the other one is more difficult.

    Took DD to the swimming pool yesterday. Was pretty crowded - I guess people are needing ways to get warm. Funny thing happened.. this lady was swimming laps in front of me. She was obviously a swimmer when she was young - was flipping over at the end of the pool and all that jazz. Didn't think too much of it when she and a friend went to dive in right in front of me (thinking she knew what she was doing). WRONG! She made the biggest splash and all this water came flying at me. I just sat there and took it. I got wet, and my coat (on the bench) got really wet. I should add, I was fully clothed and not in a swimsuit.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Good gravy PRB! What was that woman thinking?

    Birdie, so sorry about that kitty. {{{hugs}}} That is just terrible. I feel your sense of loss. I wish I could hear that Squeak! He is a good boy!

    S, it is time to do some good things for YOURSELF! No one else will do it for you! I, too, commend you for not snapping back. However, I also feel it must have made you sad. Our princess, at age nine, can already say terrible things to me, as you know -- things that could affect me for days. I do love that puppy. I am still happy you have her.

    M, what are you having for tea? Cannot believe people eat a kangaroo -- I thought they were a national treasure? They are marsupials, right? Aren't they a protected species? Your house, again, sounds like a marvel -- windows in the ceiling. It must be great to have a cup of tea and watch the weather.

    Our princess still with a virus. Missed yoga this morning. Hoping to go to the singing bowls, but doesn't look good. DLLP wants to go to the movies with all of us -- but, you know, that requires a lot of pre-planning, and don't know if it will happen in time. What to do? It seems like so much effort just to do simple things, still, even though the children are 9 and 10.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Oh, brother, P!!  Like you didn't mind getting soaked in cold Michigan weather??!!  WTF??  But you have singing bowls,, you could try them.  It felt very energizing,, and the weird thing was at one point, I got really cold!! After class, we were talking and the girl next to me said the same thing happened to her. The instructors were quite interested in that.  Today, they focused on the throat chakra, which was timely, since I need to get my thyroid checked out! Seeing the PA at the PCP office tomorrow about that,, guess we will set something up.

    Bobo:  I hope our Princess gets to feeling better,, and you can make a movie without too much trouble.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956
    edited March 2015

    Bobo, I remember M saying roos are a major traffic hazard and can eviscerate a person in one swipe. I wouldn't want to eat one, after all it's meat. I would think it would be tough after all that hopping around.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Good Morning ladies, sunny morning here, but very cool. I have woken in a much better frame of mind today! Thank goodness, I think those big winds yesterday, helped blow some of my anger away. I tried so hard not to get sad, that I just let the anger take over and I don't want that negativity in my life, or to project it, when I am thinking about DP. I there is any chance that she can feel anything from us, I don't want it to be my anger.

    Yes. we eat Kangaroo and it is super low in fat and if cooked properly, not overdone, it is really tender. It is incredibly cheap too, which always surprises me, because our meat is quite expensive as a rule. I used to do it on the barbie, but have found the Air Fryer is the best way to do it.

    I think I have mentioned before that we also eat Emu, not popular, because it is very fatty. I have joked about us being the only country I know, who eats their Coat of Arms! Colin and I are not big meat eaters, so it isn't something we have often. We found when we had a group of students, who visited from the US some years ago, that the barbie we put on for them turned out to be so popular because of the Aussie food, including Kangaroo, that they actually asked us if they could come over again, before returning to the US. Although they had all protested loudly at the time, they all tried it and wanted Kangaroo again.

    Our guest leaves tomorrow, so I will be free to do other stuff again. I don't know if I mentioned that he has a very high disability being ALS, so I have to be around when he is here, because he has to have assistance with a lot of things. i am totally blown away, that he came here without a 24/7 carer. I will breathe easy, when I know he has met up with his nephew in Melbourne tomorrow.

    The birds have just about cleared the apple and pear trees of ever last smidgeon of fruit and have started on the fig now. I will be glad when they are gone, they are driving me nuts with all the cleaning up I have to do. I am so afraid someone will slip on the discarded fruit and they are so darned noisy.

    Bobo, you're right about sitting drinking tea and watching the weather through the roof windows, the other thing I love is when I sit on the couch at night and one of the windows in the roof, perfectly frames the moon. Dexter loves to lie in the shaft of light that comes in too!

    PRB I hate when people don't know the proper etiquette of places. Splashing clothed people at the pool is at the top of the list of no, no's.

    I am in the bag for everyone just tell me what you want me to bring and I am there! M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    M, my daughters in-laws are in Australia this month. I dont know where they are exactly. But I saw a photo at Coogee beach. I dont know if you have heard of it.

    Glennie and Bobo, I envy you. I want to try yoga but i am afraid that I am too fat and stiff to do it. I dont bend and I am not flexible. Maybe in my next life.

    We had freezing rain today. I couldnt take Diva for a walk bwcause it was like a skating rink. She walked on the hard snow to relieve herself. The vehicles are covered in ice. I doubt we could even open the doors. I keep hearing sirens and say a prayer each time for the poor souls who didnt have the luxury of staying home.

    Earlier I took DD to the local mall because the volunteers from shelter were supposed to bring some dogs to the all cat shop today. They never came so I drove to the was closed! Due to bad weather no doubt. Glad I made it home safely. Already have a two hour delay for school tomorrow.

    I noticed there was a dead wasp on my living room rug. Must have warmed up while we were gone. Seriously?? Wasps year round in our house??

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Hey Andrea, I know Coogee Beach, it is in NSW, Sydney! Nowhere near me. I lived and was married the first time, in Balmain, Sydney and had a friend who lived in Coogee.

    I want to do Yoga again too, but my shitty wrists are a problem for trying to hold me up, I am thinking about doing another Tai Chi Course, not my fave, but no weight bearing on my arms.

    A wasp in your Winter? That's one thing I haven't seen this Summer, but I have seen 2 Bee swarms!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    I am thinking we have a wasp nest up in the chimney and they are hibernating until a warm spell then they wake up and come in through the chimney. Of course that doesnt explain the two we found upstairs in son's room before Xmas. Not sure how they got in.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    That's a bit scary, can you get the chimney checked?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956
    edited March 2015

    Andrea, Our bedroom is upstairs in a finished attic. We were seeing the occasional wasp on our skylight which is over our bed. Then we started seeing a few more. We could see them flying up next to the chimney where it met the house. Then one day I put my ear on the wall next to the chimney and could hear buzzing. We didn't know for sure whether they were bees or wasps and didn't want to hurt them if they were bees. Finally DH caught a couple in a small container and took them to be identified. Wasps! We called an exterminator who ended up finding a huge nest in the ceiling. He had to drill holes in the ceiling to kill the ones he couldn't reach from the attic space. We've only seen one since and it was soon after he came. DH got a ladder and tried to seal up every crevice outside on the house and chimney. Not trying to scare you but it might be worth checking out. I'm glad we did because it hasn't been cold enough this winter to kill them.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956
    edited March 2015

    Check this out. Sweet story.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited March 2015

    No kangaroo or emu here! Everyone else eats meat, I cook it for them, but really don't like to. Can't bring myself to buy kangaroo, emu, crocodile or duck. Struggle with fish too, DH must cook it outside on barbie, I can't stand the smell.

    S, I am a bit tired after Herceptin infusion, but not too bad. I think I just compare it to chemo, and then it's not too bad! Lol.

    I feel bad about the cat being put down also. :(

    Waving to everyone xx

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    Boy has a field trip today. House a wreck from weekend. I did NO chores. Laundry waiting. Only hotdogs for lunch tomorrow so must squeeze in a quick trip to store. Allergy shots, reading, basketball games. I'm tired already! One extra large coffee to go. 3 2 1 .....

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Andrea:  no one is not too fat to do yoga.  You do not have to be super bendy. There are props to help you. Blocks and belts. I have seen this really inspiring vid on FB about a crippled vet who started doing yoga,, he found a very supportive teacher,,, he could only walk with crutches before starting,,, but after a very long practice, he was able to walk again w/o crutches. (had very bad back)    You just need to try gentle yoga class.  Start slow.

    Wasps???  ugh!!  tell your landlord to call exterminator!  Or you call one,, but seems like landlord should be responsible for that.  You want them gone before they wake up for spring. Yikes!

    M: there are many yoga poses that do not put pressure on wrists.  Standing and sitting poses.  Are you still doing the 5 rites?  Isn't there one that puts pressure on the wrist?  I can't remember now.  **alert** I ordered a book on the 5 rites. Will discuss with you after I get it.

    Poor Dawny,,, cooking meat for others.  I confess to eating meat but I won't eat veal or rabbit. They are too cute. Never really thought about kangaroo since we don't have it here.

    Z:  good for you for no chores. I hope you got a little relaxing in!! Where is field trip?  Hope it is some place exciting. 

    Bobo:  how is Princess?  Hope she is better.

    **spring!!  Where are you???***  Ice and snow can go away now.

    **waving to all**   Must shower and get to PCP to see PA about thyroid.  Back to work tonight.  Boooooo.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    This is the video about the vet.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    In the bag for Glennie!

    Princess better, W boy sick and milking it. He's staying home, and so am I. No errands or blood test for me again today. I haven't been feeling that great either, but do not 'get to be sick.' W boy made DLLP furious this morning even though he is sick by giving her dirty looks. **sigh**

    M, how are your wrists? And you mention your feet. Is it a flare? What can be done? Does sitting in the spa help at all? Worried.

    Birdie, I don't usually follow many links in the interest of time, but followed yours and just loved that story of the crows. I can really see they are thinking.

    Andrea, I agree with Glennie. You cannot be too fat and stiff for yoga. It really does make you feel better. Even if you can't do all of it. You should see me, crawling around on my mat, not able to do everything. Just realized I don't get to do yoga today, in fact.

    Z, your errands and appts sound overwhelming to me. In the bag. Hoping for easy allergist's appt.

    Hi Betty! Your infusion must be stressful also. You are a rock star in my eyes -- you do what needs to be done and then get on with taking care of your family. I hope you are taking good care of yourself too. Vitamix update! Yesterday I made a roasted garlic tomato cream sauce for pasta, then later I made a vegan nacho cheese sauce to pour over tortilla chips (mine were rice-based), along with pickled jalapenos, for tv night. The cheese sauce came out really well.

    Off to try to grade essays! XXX

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Had time to read crow story.  Very cool!!  Sometimes I get crows at the feeders.  Mostly I have cardinals, blue jays, thrashers, wrens (!)

    Glad Princess is better, but booo that W boy is now sick.  Vitamix soup??

    I crawl around on yoga mat too. You should have seen me yesterday. But things will get better.  Tai chi today after appt and then Gentle Yoga Thurs.  

    Now really off to appt,,,,, 3,2,1,,,, 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Saw PA,,, didn't really care for her. She could not explain any of the questions I had about the "bone marrow edema" and other skeletal issues on the MRI.  She felt my thyroid, said it seemed OK, but I should get an ultrasound and labs.  Had to be very assertive which doctor I wanted for ultrasound.  If I need biopsy, I want Dr G at my hospital, cuz she does them all the time and is very good.  Why go to one dicktor and then be sent to her for biopsy?  **does she do ultrasounds?**  I don't know,,, can't you call and find out? If she treats thyroid patients, and does biopsy, I would assume so.  WTF?   So I had my thyroid felt up, got RX for labs,, they will order consult with Dr. G,, and for that, they want to charge me $107??  Seriously?  I told them I met deductible,,FFS,,, I've had an MRI, surely I have met it,,, and finally convinced them to only charge my co-pay.  I hate over-paying dicktors and not being able to get the money back.  **Oh we just credit you at each visit** Thank you for holding my money hostage. 

    Am cranky.  Almost cried out of sheer frustration.  Did not.   I have labs appt on Weds.  Waiting for multiple calls now,,,, Dr G for thyroid follow-up,, Dr V for EMG test,, and the prick neurosurgeon.   Consults are supposedly sent.

    Sorry to whine,,, just frustrated,, and my hand is buzzing,,,, like a bee,,, not really a good feeling.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015
    Glennie, I am so sorry. Nerve pain is terrible. Co-ordinating all the medical stuff is a headache!
    Thanks for the advice on gentle yoga. I will check my cable and see if there are any on demand yoga shows.
  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956
    edited March 2015

    Andrea, Yoga should never hurt. My teacher said to stretch until we could feel the stretch, but not until it hurt. It may take a long time until you can do some poses, but you'll be there eventually. She said some poses are really hard for men and easy for women and vice versa. I was told not to do any poses that required me to stand on my head because my neck is not in good shape.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Andrea:  I would recommend Yoga for the Rest of Us with Peggy Cappy. She had (maybe still has) a program on PBS. This DVD is great.  Maybe your library has it or maybe you can find on Youtube??  She demostrates more than one way to do a pose, using props like a chair for assistance.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Hi girls... logged in to catch up... but now am being called for something.. so I'll be back later on. We got more Fracking snow yesterday and I haven't been feeling good (virus or something), so I might just crash as soon as I get home.. we'll see.


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Is it Mary from Ribbon International? She might be calling to inquire after your ribbon needs for Spring...

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    still wondering about this Ribbon thing,,, must be inside joke?

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Peeing myself. Oh you are a fresh one Bobo. Glennie, I was supposed to be her matron of honor when she was going to get married here in Boston last year (I think it was last year.. no concept of time anymore). Well, obviously that didn't happen due to her million surgeries, and then it was legalized there, so no need to come to Boston. She asked me to send her a piece of ribbon that she could carry in her bouquet or something like that. So being the caring, loving friend that I am, I searched for ribbon, but was quickly overwhelmed by all the selections. I was figuring I'd get her blue or yellow or something and it could be her something borrowed and she can use it to wrap around those bouquets she was making. Knowing what a picky pain in the arse she is, I texted her to get some idea of what kind of ribbon she might like and my suggestions were deemed ugly and set her off laughing hysterically. So, with my feelings smashed to smithereens, I dubbed her ungrateful and refused to talk to her for a couple of days.. which she found even more amusing, I think. Mary from Ribbons International is her taunting me further!

    That's it... reading back now to see what I've missed.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Morning all! Just organized to go to Tai Chi next week, class on Monday. I don't think it is serious Tai Chi, but might be worth a go. I stopped the Rites when I had the Dog Ear removed, because the surgeon said no stretching and no weight bearing, so it was easy to get out of the habit, I am notorious for not going back, after an extended lay off, of things. Downward Dog is the only bad one, for my wrists in the Rites, after having a bad flare I couldn't do it. The yoga classes that are held here are said to be beginners classes, but they are way more advanced than I want, right now. They are doing intermediate, to high level poses with at least half the 70 minute class taking too much weight on the arms and shoulders for me, so it is a waste of time and money ($20.00) a class.

    ldesim, sorry about the snow, I bet it feels like it will never end!

    Glennie, that a right royal pain in the ass, I hope it all comes together with a minimum of fuss. I am sorry for the nerve pain and for the stupid people. I know that feeling of wanting to cry with the frustration. You're not whining Glennie, bring it here, you know we all understand Not getting answers to your questions about results is really shitful, what's up with her? Doesn't she know the answer? . Hugs for you! I am In the bag!

    Loved the Crow story, I think I have told the story here before of the 2 Crows that follow Bec to the station in the mornings. She has been feeding them for a long time and they often fly along and turn up at the station when she goes to work. No presents, but very friendly.

    Bobo, the Viatmix update is great, I like the sound of that roasted garlic sauce. I bought one of those Vegetta thingies to make pasta strands from vegetables, so I am looking for interesting sauces to go with my Zucchini spaghetti.

    I can see W boy being a PITA when he's sick, he's a bloke isn't he. Tell DLLP to practice the "Deep breath in, pointy eyes, no vocab" works a treat on smart ass, dirty looks!

    I am OK Bobo, just having some hand and wrist issues, but yesterday Colin had a visit from the Hospital OT, who just happens to be a hand therapist, so I ijacked her for part of his consult and I am going into the Hospital for my own consult with her and she will make a splint for my trigger finger and she will check my other hand and wrist splints to see if they need to be upgraded.

    Z, you never cease to amaze with all you do. A weekend of no chores doesn't matter, other than they will still be there for you to do some other time.

    Wren that's what I was thinking about Andrea's wasp problem. We have a neighbor who has a big Bee colony in the wall of his shed, so we get a lot of bees in our yard. I have the terrible habit of going barefoot everywhere and tend to stand on them, I had a couple last year, fortunately, none this Summer, but I worry that I will get ultra sensitive if I get too many stings. I worry when their young Grandchildren are there, with so many bees around, but the neighbors don't seem to worry at all.

    Hey Dawny, it must be hard cooking meat for the family, if you don't eat it. In the bag for you too!

    Must shower and get moving...M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    I did NOT think your suggestions were ugly! You were listing scores and scores of ribbons. Too many to be your suggestions. And then I deemed the list ITSELF ugly. Actually, I think I called it 'fugly.'

    Don't have hurt feelings! No, don't! You can send me a ribbon now! It's not too late!

    (earnest in my plea for your feelings, and yet, peeing myself, it is complicated)

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    M! Good girrrl hijacking the hand expert! I have been worried about that. You are right, as usual, W boy is a PITA when sick, he was basically faking (Z, he had an entire day with me yest, just the two of us), and now I am tragically behind in grading, no lie, my person at the office is waiting for my results right now. I feel sick with stress!

    Oh, and Andrea, we have wasps too!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Geesh, I can never get away, you've always been posting at the same time I am composing my morning post......Oh poor ldesim, that's not fair! Here is another wedding story, just as well I couldn't get my gift to Bobo sent in time for the wedding, but ldesim was privy to my idea, we were partners in the comedy of it! I found a musical wedding garter online and desperately wanted to send it to Bobo, so she could upstage Andrea with her "Musical Vagina" under the wedding outfit. Alas, it wouldn't have arrived on time. Too bad Bobo! LOL