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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Glennie, wishing I could take you out for a drink or an ice cream... I'm frustrated for you.

    Bobo, you are right, you said fugly :)

    Girls, get rid of the damn wasps.. they are horrible creatures.

    Wren, I'm so upset to hear about that kitty :( I'll read the crow story a bit later on (provided I don't pass out on sofa!)

    Z, you're amazing... don't see how you have the energy to do all that you do.

    M, love the crow story... does your guest leave today?

    What's going on with NOLA trip? It's only 4 months away!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956
    edited March 2015

    So many of us are upset about the kitty that we're meeting on Sat with the director. We're trying to get as many of us there as possible to have numbers on our side. I am still deciding if I want to continue to work with this shelter. There are plenty of others around here.

    We are cleaning like crazy because the book club meets here on Sat. I washed my set of Fiesta ware because the cabinet doesn't have doors and they get horribly dusty. I inherited the set from my great aunt and have admired it since childhood. It's interesting to see how much smaller some of the dishes are. Bowls, in particular, are smaller than any you could buy now. No wonder we're all gaining weight. A few of them are chipped, so I just keep them for show. We used them one Thanksgiving for 12 people and DS spent over an hour arranging the table so that every color was different from the one next to it. For every day I use white corning dishes from Goodwill. I like that they can go in the microwave and are light weight.

    Glennie, Thanks for asking about the ribbons. I was wondering also.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Thank you for explaining about the ribbon.  I am peeing myself over that story! I needed that!!

    M:  you've stopped the Rites??  But I bought the book!!!  Hope Tai Chi class is good,, and sorry you can't find a gentle yoga class there. And I am whining, cuz she is a PA, and doesn't know the answers!!  I think I know more than she does. Boooooo.  Good on you for consulting the hand expert while she was there for Colin.

    work busy,, back later.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    YES,  NOLA!!  What are the plans?  Where do we want to stay?  How big is our slumber party??

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    Wish I could. Sounds like soooo much fun! We took a train there for our honeymoon back in 68. Stayed at the Cornstalk Hotel. The wrought iron fence around it had corn stalks in it.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Glennie, I am still waiting to hear if I can get coverage for Colin, but if I can make it, I will be there, make all your arrangements and if I can do it I will fit in.

    Don't worry Glennie, if you motivate me, I will start again, I loved the Rites and they did me a lot of good too. I have the books too.

    I thought you may like to see these pictures. I took them this morning the top 2 are the fig tree and the bottom is to sow you what they do to the pear tree, someone told me the seeds are toxic so they hang upside down, to strip the fruit down to the core and leave the tree with all these cores hanging.

    OMG Wren, that would be a huge loss for them, if you were to take your expertise elsewhere, but I can totally understand why you'd consider doing it.

    Your dishes and the table setting your DS created for Thanksgiving sound beautiful. I am sitting here smiling at your dash to get organized for the book club, I am just the same, I guess we all are. I remember my Mother used too annoy me because her house was always perfect, anyone could call in and there would never be a thing out of place. I have never achieved that level of tidy.

    I bought a magazine the other day which had a plate as a gift which had the sections for % of food printed on it for portion sizing. One of Colin's carers was here, she took it home to serve her husband's dinner on, last night she showed me the pictures of this teeny piece of meat, miniscule piece of bread and small amount of veg. He put the meat and the veg onto the bread and ate it like a canape!





  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    those birds are really pretty,, but wow,,, what they did to the fruit!!

    Love that he ate his dinner like a canape!  That must have been a small plate.

    Will let you know when I get the book.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    poor glennie. Yes ice cream.

    Wrenn I would be tempted to walk too.

    Ldesim. Yes I remember fugly.

    M. Good for hijacking the specialist. Starting tai chi.

    Andrea. Wasps are scary. I go to a cancer yoga class. It's wonderful and uses lots of props. I had no idea they existed. Never used them before. There are so many variations that you keep trying until you find one that clicks.

    Bring on the straight jackets. 6-10 inches predicted for wed. Was really hoping to get my rugs washed tomorrow. Guess I'll be postponing another therapy appt and trying to squeeze in allergy shots. Any ideas for food? No kangaroo here. Tired of chili, bean soup, chicken taco soup and lasagna. Need something kid friendly.

    Haven't heard from bond in a few days. Not sure what my role is. Don't want to be a pest.

    Bright note. Boy made his first basket tonight! Celebrated with his own "pint". They're called jr moos and are about 6 oz of ice cream.

    LM was listening to classical music and said it was "pink" music. What else is there? Tonight's outfit: 101 Dalmatian pants (black and white polka dots), peppa pig swim suit with tutu, pink uk shirt, pink brocade Asian pj top that's unraveling and a hot pink stretchy headband that she wears like a sweatband or flower child as it won't stay on her head properly. It took forever in the bathroom to get thru all those layers:) but no accidents.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    They are so pretty.. imagine looking out your window and seeing those colorful birds in the trees.. amazing.

    Wren, that story was so sweet, I always viewed crows as big, loud and bossy.. makes me view them in a new light. I don't blame you for thinking about leaving.. I would have the same thoughts. I'm glad though that you aren't making any hasty decisions.

    This is one month that can't wait to have behind me... always get a bit of the doldrums during March and it's even more so this year with all the cold and snow.

    M, that's so funny about the canape. My MO is always telling me to eat dinner off a dessert plate... that's one piece of advice I never take.... I'd be hungry!!

    Z, have the kids mentioned the dog?

    Spookie, it appears to still be there.

    Glad you got a laugh Glennie... I thought you still had more days off.. that went by fast :(

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    the grocery store had gelato on sale.  I have eaten 1/2 pint of it so far. Chocolate peanut butter. Seriously good. The stocker made me buy it.  I was reaching for ice cream and he said, get the gelato, it's on sale.

    Z:  Mac and cheese??  Chili mac? (slightly different from chili)   I love LM 's outfit!!  She is a fashion diva!  YAY for no accidents!!   What is this week's letter?     So sorry there is more snow.  Wishing I could wave my magic wand and bring you all down here.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Usually I don't think about ice cream in winter, but my throat is killing me (receptionist had strep.. hope I don't) and choco pb gelato sounds like a treat right now.

    Can't remember if there dairy allergies in your house or i would suggest baked mac & cheese too... how about American Chop Suey, Burritos or tacos, chicken or turkey pot pies, beans & franks, homemade pizza.

    I dunno wtf is going on, but I've had the worst hot flashes the last 2-3 days.. maybe because I'm under the weather?? I haven't had a lot of caffeine, no sweets.. I have no clue what brings them on, but it's pissing me off as it's happening every couple of hours and it's longer than a friggin flash. Usually I only get them at night here and there.. but it's all damn day lately.

    I'm laughing over classical music being "pink", she's a trip.

    Heading to bed before another hot flash takes over.... sweet dreams everyone.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Meant to say before.. M.. I still laugh myself silly thinking of a musical wedding garter.. that would have been the bomb!!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Hi all, just had the freakout of all freak outs. Colin and I went into the next big town to run some errands. Dexter is with us and I get out to go do something, he's fine, but as I come back to the car and open the door, Dex jumps out and bolts down the road. We are in a carpark, but he heads for the service road of the highway. I am running after him, but he;s doing the LALALALA, I can't hear you and heading for the big main road, two women jump out of their cars and start chasing him and another woman crossing at the lights sees him and starts after him and tries to stand on his lead. By now I am huffing and puffing, because I have run so far and I am so stressed that he may cause an accident. One of the women manage to grab him in the gutter of the main rd. OMG, I was so stressed, I can't tell you and poor Colin was stuck in the car, not knowing what was going on. All was fine and I am so grateful to those ladies who helped me. Dex is in the bad books! No treats tonight.

    Z, I don't know how you keep up with LM, she's a Diva, alright!

    I wonder how Troy is getting on too, who knows what's going on there. I am sure he will be in touch when there is something to tell you. I just hope it isn't worrying you, too much.

    Will the kids eat a chicken stir fry, with noodles or fried rice? or Spaghetti bolognaise with crusty bread, to mop up the sauce? How about grilled shaslick with alternating veg and chicken, or beef and veg, then a fruit shaslick with fruit chunks alternating with marshmallow, under the grill to toast the marshmallow?

    ldesim, are you running a low grade fever? That'll give you the sweats now and again, not quite the same as the hot flash, but uncomfortable. Sleep tight! You're right about the garter! LOL

    I was told to do the dessert plate for portions too, heck there wouldn't be enough hours in the day for the number of mals I would have to have on that shitty little excuse for a plate.

    Glennie, that is the first time I have heard of Chocolate Peanut butter Gelato. We get the really Italian Gelato and Sorbet here but they are never anything more than a single flavor. When Colin was competing in his sailing in Italy, we had Gelato every day, they make the most sensational dairy free, Hazelnut Gelato, in Italy. I couldn't get enough of it! I have never seen it here.

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015

    Hey All,

    M OMG glad Dex is ok. Glennie so sorry about your pain . I don't know about the rest of you but..........this happened way before I turned 50 !!


    Have a great day/night all !

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Dexter, you naughty boy!! Making M run after you!  So glad those ladies helped you out.

    This is not dairy-free gelato, but it is tasty!

    Good morning all.  Woke up early with hot flashes.  It's been 5 months since surgery,, wondering if they will ever go away!  OH well,,,, since I'm up,, going to get some more yard work done.  The guy next door claims he saw a water moccasin yesterday, so I must get finished up soon before more snakes wake up!  It may already be too late!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Well, this is quite a pile-on regarding the ribbon incident, when in reality I would have been so happy with any kind of fugly ribbon, I just wanted to wrap the stems of the flowers with it and think of our L! How the sentimental have fallen! M, a musical vagina would have been hilarious. But in reality I got all sorts of pins and pretty charms for the wedding. It was a pretty nice wedding. I am so glad for no more weddings.

    Z, LM's outfit sounds so great! Love her. And a basket! Things are really looking up over there! I totally know how you feel regarding dinners. Our princess is extremely picky right now. And, in a separate story, she is home from school again. So that's Princess on Friday, W boy Monday, Princess Tuesday. I have missed my grading deadline.

    Birdie, agree -- they will be very sorry to lose your greatness. Let us know how the party goes! Can't believe your house is actually that dirty, though -- I am sure it just needed some straightening up.

    How is our ND? XXX

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited March 2015

    Z - here's something I make for DD and it's great. I make sloppy joes (you must put dried mustard and brown sugar in them.. family tradition). Assemble nacho chips on plate, put sloppy joes on top, mozzarella cheese and then I dab on some spicy liquid cheese on top. Nuke it all for about a minute. It is very yummy.

    M - glad Dex is ok. Lucky he wasn't hurt and no one had an accident. Those birds in the picture are beautiful. What kind are they? I think I've seen them here at our zoo.

    Ideism - Hope you are feeling better. I am such a baby when I get sick, and that is why I go to extreme measures to avoid being ill. I will change check out lanes if the person checking out has an obvious red nose and sniffles. I do not want them handling my stuff. Sorry about your snow too... we are getting hit with 3 inches this morning. The warmth of 24 degrees is bringing it on - along with a winter warning as well. Bad roads (almost white out conditions) this morning - then turning to rain - then freezing rain for the commute home. Ice over night.. I'm thinking no school again tomorrow. DD's school has reached their limit on forgivable snow days and the principal sent a letter saying the teachers will take a professional day so they don't have to make it up if necessary.

    Glennie - Geez, you have had a rough couple of days. Dealing with incompetent PA's or doctors is like dealing with an insurance company...nothing good comes from it and you are left feeling defeated..until you get some energy back to call again.

    Bobo - Sorry to hear that your kids are sick. I am a worry wart when dd is sick and hover around her enough that she gets very annoyed with me. Having a sick kid is the hardest part of being a parent for me. You'd think I'd lighten up now that she is 13 and can tell me how sick she really is.

    Crow story was cute, but I have to rank crows up there with blue jays. I don't particularly like them because they are mean and loud. Back yard where I threw all that bird seed looked like some kind of battle zone....literally tons of bird and squirrel footprints in the snow (and a few larger prints that have me thinking a raccoon might be around). I should have taken a picture of it.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    Awww poor Dex Poor M! Glad everybody is ok!!!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956
    edited March 2015

    We have bird feeders but none of them are for crows. They're just in the neighborhood and have a nest in our 141 ft tree. Judging from the wrappers, they prefer McDonald's french fries over Burger King. I suspect it's the red wrapper rather than the fries.

    M, So glad Dex is OK and all the dog lovers jumped in to help. We had a dog who had recently had a leg removed in an attempt to cure cancer. She managed to escape at night and ran away. A family who saw her opened their car door and invited her in. The next morning they called vets to see if they had a dog with recent surgery. They found our vet and the vet called us. We decided after that experience we would never do that again. In fact we euthanized my heart kitty when the only cure for her cancer of the knee was amputation. It was so hard and it was the day we decided to do the mx. Terrible day.

    Our gelato contains milk, but we've found a wonderful pistachio flavor that is just loaded with nuts. From Italy, of course.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    M:  have you ever heard of Gopo?   One of the ladies in my Tai Chi class uses it for arthritis. Danish research.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Morning all! Feeling better this morning, gosh that incident with Dex really made me feel ill and I couldn't shake, it last night. I have no idea what his problem was. I guess it may be rooted back to when he was on the streets and being abused. These rescue guys can carry a lot of baggage I guess. I was so grateful to those women who jumped in to help. I just know that wouldn't have happened back in the city!

    Hi Glennie, thank you! I have seen the GoPo, but I haven't tried it, it seems to be targeted more at Osteo and is advertised all the time on TV here. I take Lyprinol, which is Green Lipped Mussel Extract, it is also taken for respiritory health so it helps with my asthma too. I have been taking Lyprinol for many years and notice a real difference, if I stop taking it for any length of time. I must say, back when I was Dx in '96, I tried everything that came on the market, but then I found a great Naturapath and for years I took Devils Claw, Cats Claw, handfuls of Omegas and every other anti inflammatory thing possible, I even had magnetic treatments. I do take Tumeric too, but the one thing that really works for me, unfortunately, is the Prednisone. Even 7 long years of Methotrexate injections didn't do it for me! Having said all that, have you heard any good reports on the GoPo for Rheumatoid, does that lady have RA?

    Oh Wren, how hard that must have been for you, what a terrible day.

    I must say, Dex is the only dog I have ever had, who I don't trust off the lead. I never let him run free on our walks, because as much as we have tried, he really doesn't have road sense..He is totally food motivated and I have done so many training exercises with him, using food, but he still really doesn't get it. He'll do just about anything you ask at home, but get him outside and he has a mind of his own. I've never had such a frightening experience with him before though and we have had him 7 years I think.

    PRB the birds are Rainbow Lorikeets, the colors are just sensational. Noisy, messy and destructive, but good to look at! LOL

    Hi Spookiesmom, thank you!

    Fia, thank you, too! Love that poster!

    Bobo, I think the singing Vagina would have been wonderful! Bahaha So sorry you've had such a stressful week, I know missing a deadline would be hard for you and sick kids are a worry.

    Must dash and get some work done...catch you later M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    M, poor you! Dex went rogue! It is a terrible story, it affected you physically. I can picture it perfectly, I can even see Dex's Rod Stewart shock of hair flying in the breeze as he bolted away. Dex! No treats for you!

    Birdie. {{{hugs}}}

    Our princess still sick. I'm so tired I feel like I am sick, but I am just tired.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    M:  I'll have to ask her if she has osteo or Rheum. when I see her again. Class is off for a week while our coach is off to Arizona for his Mom's knee surgery!  I need to check on that Lyprinol,, as I have asthma too.  I have not seen either of them advertised here. Wondering if I can get the "good" stuff here.   Must ask that lady where she gets hers. I could swear I remember her saying she gets it from England.  Prednisone is good stuff,, but ultimately bad for you. I felt great on the Medrol last week!!

    Rescue dogs have a lot of baggage.  Ava is scared of the hose and the broom. Sudden loud noises too. She will run if something falls and makes a loud noise, like if the broom falls over on the tile floor.

    Back to work,,,,,, **waving to all**

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956
    edited March 2015

    It's not just rescue dogs. DS's black lab is terrified of pointy objects (brooms, yard sticks, etc). Aren't they supposed to be hunting dogs? He got her as a puppy and she's had a great life. Just no pointy objects.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Glennie, the Lyprinol is from New Zealand, Blackmores is the brand. I have a source where I get it for a great price. The recommended retail is around $40.00 for 3 weeks supply, but I get it for $15.00, so I buy in bulk, 20 packs at a time. There is other brands of Green Lipped Mussel extract around, but apparently it is difficult to stabilize so the amounts can be off in some. I just stick with this one.

    Wrenn, I guess any dog can have a fear of anything, poor Dex just seems to have a lot of issues. Such a shame, I definitely believe he has OCD tendencies.

    Poor Bob, poor Princess, I hope she is getting better.

    Shower time..M x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    Kris is a rescue too. He DOES NOT like kids. He growls at the grands. If kids come in our dog park, he will jump and snap. I don't think kids should be in there, he's not the only one who doesn't like kids. Dogs aren't welcome in the kids parks. We've had to leave because of this. Other than that, he's a good boy.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    Hello ladies. Lots to catch up on today.

    L, I agree with M. Might you have a fever? I hope you feel better soon. We are expecting snow here, but today ice rain. Sidewalks and roads are treacherous.

    Dexter, dont you know we would all trade places with you and we would never run away from M Never!

    Bobo, I hope the wellness fairy visits your house soon, poor kids.

    Z, I found a recipe in an old book last month and it went over well:

    Upside Down Pizza

    Brown ground chuck and 1 cup chopped onions and add spaghetti sauce (or manwhich sauce). Spread in in 9X13 pan. Spread sour cream over beef mixture. Sprinkle 2 Cups Mozza cheese over sourcream. Open 1 pkg crescent rolls. Unroll and place over cheese. Bake at 350F for 20-25 min.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Geez M, that was scary just reading it. Does Dex know he was bad? I'm glad it all turned out ok.. but I can see how you were shaken well after the incident. Breaks my heart these animals that were abused.. it's so damn senseless.

    No idea if I am running a fever.. maybe, I haven't been feeling so great.. but it's definitely hot flashes though... continued again today, but not really as bad as the two days prior.

    Fia, I love that.. chocolate, cheese & caffeine for me... the 3 c's!

    omg Glennie! Aren't water moccasins really bad?? Yikes.. hope you got your yard work done without a sighting.

    Bobo, you are so dramatic!! Nobody piled on regarding the ribbon.. hahaha :) Sorry to hear about princess still being sick.. has W boy stopped his charade today? Glad to hear you don't seem to be ill, but you need to chill the heck out or you might get sick :(

    PRB, I always put dry (or dijon) mustard and brown sugar in meatloaf.. the Nacho Joes actually sound delicious. I cannot stand anybody hovering over me when I am sick, so I guess I have to side with your DD.. sorry :) Drives me nut!! Leave me alone!!! :) More snow tonight... over it. But wait! IT's going to be in the 40's tomorrow.. that's a start!!!

    Wren, that did sound like a horrible day :( Maybe the Crow's are smarter than we think... after all.. McD's fries are without a doubt better than Burger Kings :) I too think of Crow's, Blue Jays and Sea Gulls in the same way... not the most generous of birds :)

    Andrea, that's an interesting recipe.. might try it sometime... have to add a veggie or something to it... even if its green peppers.

    We've been having computer dramas in work for the 4th consecutive day.. I am so over it. Each time something isn't functioning the IT guy parks himself in my office for over an hour and never seems to fix the friggin problem. New computer & printer does me no damn good if I can't get any work done. Like I said, over it!

    Not too hungry tonight, think I'll just have a tuna sandwich for dinner... I'll check in later!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    M:  Amazon has a box of 50 for $25.  it is 50 mg.   You take 4 a day?  All at once or divided up?

    Oh, also found double strength.    30 caps for $41

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Glennie, at the start I took 8 per day, suggested by Rheumy, for a few months and then, only 2 per day, I take them both in the morning with my protein drink. Mine are a pack of 50 for $15.00.The store I buy from has a store on Ebay. I bought the double strength, once, but no advantage really and too expensive.

    There was a clinical study done on this product many years ago and my Rheumy approached me to be part of it, I didn't need to do it because I was already getting great results and I didn't want to risk being on the one without the ingredients. I didn't want to risk being off it for months. Obviously, this is like anything else and doesn't work for everyone, but for me, it has been really helpful.

    ldesim, hug for you, sorry you aren't feeling the best, I hope a good sleep will make you feel better tomorrow.