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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    L:  yes, water moccasins are really bad. Very aggressive and very poisonous.  Did not see any today.  In fact, have never seen one here!  **hope that continues**  One of the reasons I wanted to clean up the brush,,, less places for the snakes to hide.  Hope you feel better!!  This cold weather has to stop sometime!!


    Thanks M!!  Will let you know if I decide to try it.  Sounds like it could be helpful.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Oh geeeeez.. I knew poisonous, didn't realize aggressive. FL is starting to sound as dangerous as Aus. :)

    Can't wait until I can go out and putter in the yard!!!!!!!! Noooo.. shoveling doesn't count!

    Hope Bond is doing ok and work is keeping him nice and busy.. also hoping that the dogs give him some comfort... and vice versa.. they must know something is wrong.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956
    edited March 2015

    I'll bet the dogs are glued to his side. I hope so, because I think that will help him.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    I had an appt with my urologist today. Guess what? There are still some small kidney stones in me. Doc figures they will pass without too much trouble. Hope he's right.

    I have meetings or appts nearly everyday. March is shaping up to be a busy month.

    Glennie, snakes dont scare me, but I wouldnt want to meeta venomous one all the same.

    Busy filling out all sorts of applications for a rescue dog. Just hope we end up with a new member of our family soon.

    Goodnight ladies.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Andrea:  that sucks that you still have stones!  I hope they pass easily. I'm not really scared of snakes, but I like to give them a wide berth!  And I would like to NOT see the poisonous ones at all, in my backyard.  Good luck with the applications,,, I hope you have a new family member soon.

    L:  the Tourism Board would be mad if people thought FL was dangerous,, then the tourists might not come.  The water moccasin is known to be aggressive,, but not the rattlesnakes.  They will strike if disturbed,, but they rattle and look mean,, I think hoping you will move away.

    Snake story:  I was camping with my boyfriend on another friend's property, near Naples, FL.  Was on the way to the bathroom and a snake rattled at me!  Ran back to him,,, get the gun,, there's a rattlesnake by the bathhouse. He follows me to the snake and then starts laughing at me.  Snake had mouth full of frog.  He was rattling,, but no way he could bite cuz frog was half in and half out of his mouth.  He says:  "it's eating, it isn't going to bother you".  Did not shoot it.   I know that makes him sound like a peaceful kind of guy,, but in reality,, he shot a squirrel that was eating the pecans out of his daddy's tree.   My BF liked animals but loved the pecans more.   Disclaimer:  I have never killed anything bigger than an insect. At least not on purpose.


    Off to get bloodwork done.  **waving to all**   

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Snakes don't scare me either.. except to startle me if they move quick.. but one of those snakes.. not sure if it is the water moccasin or not their venom can kill you before you can get to the hospital.

    Geez Andrea.. I'll be glad when you are rid of those damn things. Do you know what type of dog you're getting, or just in the early stages?

    It's warm out and already the snow is melting like crazy.. by the time I have to go for my Herceptin, I will need a canoe I think.

    Quiet here in the office today, let's hope that continues!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    omg to killing a squirrel.. heck I throw bugs outside, can't kill them... even the centipedes that I HATE! Well, wait that's not true... I do squash mosquitos.. but I do feel bad afterwards lol.

    Flying roaches, gators and deadly snakes.. what's not to love? :)

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    What's not to love????? image

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Yeah, yeah.. rub it in! pffft!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    Hehehehe just sayin'

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    Sneaky Spookie, slipping in a cute pic of a sweet pup at the end of your gloating. Lol.

    L, no doubt you will need a canoe. Are you in danger of flooding once it warms up?

    Still can't agree on a dog. I really want a low/non-shedding breed. Looking at havanese or maltese or shih tzu mixes.but hard to find.

    DD wants a St Bernard or Golden Retriever. Can't have a large dog.

    Good luck with bliod tests Glennie. I missed my blood taking appt yesterday...ooops. need to go today since a snow storm is expected tonight.

    DD will probably have a snow day tomorrow for her birthday. Also getting her teeth cleaned. I am a bad mom.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    I have to say, Spookie sheds a lot more than I thought she would. If you do get a Maltese, if yo keep them short, coat care is easier, but requires trips to groomer 6-8 weeks.

    There is a havanese at dog park. His mom says his hair must be kept long so he doesn't sunburn. I don't know how much he sheds, but he sure is cute!

    Try PetFinders on line?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    In the bag, L, for the infusion.  Blood draw uneventful. Quest techs here usually do a good job, no bruising.  I do kill bugs and spiders, but I apologize to the universe afterwards. Really afraid of getting a spider bite. cockroaches, I really do not feel guilty about.

    Andrea::: Happy birthday to DD!  Tell her she can have a big dog when she has her own place.  We had small dog when I was a kid too. Personally I was just happy to have him, as Mom's reaction when we first brought him home was far from positive.  Agree with trying Petfinder. Small dogs like that are popular so not always easy to find as rescues. Also try rescue groups for the different breeds you are looking at. That's how my neighbor got her mini schauzer.

    Stilll no phone calls about the consults.  WTF??

    Think I'll take Ava for a car ride and scope out this new grooming place. See if they are pit bull friendly. She could use a bath and nail trim.

    Oh, I have another snake story.  My BBF and I are canoeing on the St Mary's River near Jacksonville. As we were trying to get coordinated with our paddling, we went thru branches of a downed tree. S said: Must be careful with those trees, cuz snakes get in the trees and could get in the boat.  I said:  You shouldn't have said that. Turn around.  She did and screamed!!  All hands and feets on the sides on the canoe. I was afraid she was going to tip us over into the water where the water moccasins swim!  It was only a green tree snake.  Not poisonous. Very bright green. She was completely freaking.  I slid the paddle under the snake to try to use that to toss him out, but everytime I would start to throw him, he would slither off and head S's way.  She is screaming,,, stop sending him my way.  So finally I grabbed him by the tail and threw him out of the boat. She thought I was SO BRAVE!!  I'm a city girl and she grew up on a farm,,, WTF???  Course, now she shoots rattlesnakes on her property, but I can't blame her for that since one of her dogs was bitten and died.

    Who's coming to visit???    Promise to take you to non dangerous places. Mostly.,

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015

    Hey all,

    Aside from snow nothing new here .........................  Here is a random thought for you all to ponder .............



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    Hey Glennie, we better not talk about stingrays, or jelly fish, or .........

    They'll NEVER come.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    well, you do have to go in the water for those.

    Great sign, Fia!!  Agree!!!  Where's my LIKE button?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    well, they make it sound like we live in the Amazon jungle.

    Do you get Ava annual booster shots, or titer for them? Big discussion going on another dog forum. I'm on the fence.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Spookie is being pretty fresh today :)

    We have jellyfish, I think when the water gets too warm or something... they are disgusting. Stingray is also something I never want to come in contact with... wasn't that what killed Steve Irwin?

    Andrea, why are you a bad mom?? Confused.

    Glennie, laughing over snake/canoe story.. I bet you two were a comedy show :) Seriously WTF? why no phone calls yet?? Call them.. that's what I would do...

    No critters in the bag.. just sunshine and chocolate.. k?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956
    edited March 2015

    There are 5 poisonous snakes in the US (according to the Houston zoo). They are all native to Houston. They had a special exhibit of the poisonous ones so you could learn to recognize them. I think coral snakes are the most dangerous. We all learned "red and yeller kill a feller". It was not uncommon for people to come to the er holding a snake saying this is the one that bit me. After they built a hospital with the regional trauma unit near the zoo, the zoo had an on-call herpetologist who would go to the er and identify the snake in question.

    Fla, That seems like a good approach. Not fair to gain it back.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Ava generally gets booster shots. Due to her endocrine issues, we skipped one of them that she felt was ok,, forget which one it was. I can see the point to titers but it's a pain drawing Ava's blood and we have to do it periodically to check her cortisol and thyroid, so IDK,,,,almost easier to do the shots.

    It was a sting ray that killed Steve Irwin,,,, never pull the stinger out yourself,,, that is the takeaway lesson here. Run to ER instead. I hate jellyfish. The beaches are good about posting signs if jelly fish are in the area.

    I called,,, they gave me the number to call myself,, WTF,,, I could have done that last week. Did not get answer, lost patience,, will call tomorrow.  The endocrine office called while I was out. Will call them tomorrow too. Not in the mood now. F**king dicktors.

    After blood draw, went shopping for tile. I want to tear out the tub in my bathroom and make it a walk in shower. Been wanting to do that for a couple of years. Really want to get it done this year. Will still have tub in the other bathroom. Having walk in shower will make life easier,,, cannot lift Ava into tub for bath, with walk in shower, I can drag her in! I did find something that I like, but I want to look around a little more.

    Wren:  I know that red on yellow kill a fella too.  From what I've heard, coral snakes are really venous, but they basically have to "chew" on you to get the poison in.  People in the ER say it is only drunk and stupid people who get seriously bitten by them.  I've seen one once,,,, was reciting the rhythm and trying to decide if it was a king snake or a coral snake,, and then realized,, the dog had not noticed it yet,,, better get out of here before he does! Having an oncall herpetologist is a good idea.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    from bond

    Good morning I hope all is well with you it looks like we will have good weather for one more day

    I got home last night and someone had sent me a wind chime with a dragonfly on it and a package of Forget Me Not seeds

    Just broke my heart and then sheila mom and stepdad came by and brought sheila ashes by and her bracelet so I had a real rough night and morning but I guess it is all in the sake of healing

    I'm so glad it was you I was almost afraid to check the tracking information because I thought sure it would say from heaven

    I absolutely love it and can't wait to put it out

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Awww, I love Bond! It's so terribly sad, but I am glad there is, at least, something happening. Just a couple more days and there will be the celebration of her life, which both Bond and Sheila deserve. It feels like it has been such a long time, since our girl passed. Is it just me that feels that? It feels unfinished, even from way over here.

    That was a great idea you had Z, the Wind Chime seems to have made an impression, you're amazing and I am grateful you have been the go to and messenger.

    Happy too see you are all doing OK and the snow is melting. Those temps in Florida are pretty amazing. It is really chilly here today and the wind has howled all night, just giving us a taste of what is coming.

    I had a great, long conversation last night with a dear old friend who was an announcer on the radio with my ex, about all things spiritual, Angels and the book The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, which I was reading, when I got my Dx. He has only just discovered it and mentioned he was reading it, on FB so when I messaged him that I had read it too, he called me. It was great to catch up, took me back so many years to when Bec was just a toddler and the FM Radio station had just started and we were all so young and passionate. The guys were on the air and I worked the reception desk and coordinated prizes, such a fun time, concerts, movies trips overseas to interview bands. I was a little younger, then, than DP, but as we were talking about the past, I was overwhelmed again, by how young she was.

    Snakes are not a major worry for me either, I am careful, because I don't want to disturb one and get bitten, but I am much more phobic about spiders, don't like them. I was taught to always get rid of the black spiders because they are the most dangerous ones here, the brown are more a house spider, usually no venom. We have lots of jellyfish, in fact a lot here this Summer. I had a lovely encounter with Stingrays at The Georgia Aquarium, they were babies in a big open tank which were all swimming around and you could reach in and touch them. When I reached in, they all turned and came to me, I had the whole lot of them right up against my side of the tank, it was magic! Unfortunately, Steve was swimming on top of a giant Ray and it flicked its barb, into his heart, a terrible accident.

    Glad to hear your blood draw went fine, we have a great lady here, I never feel a thing or get a bruise when she does it.

    Just getting into the shower, going to the Opp Shop and a hair appointment at 11.30...catch you later...M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    Zills,Omgosh! That made me cry. That was the perfect thing to send.

    I just love Bond. And my heart just breaks for his pain.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Z, wonderful work. You chose just right.

    Poor bond! My heart is just breaking for him.

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2015

    Words from Bond brought tears to my eyes. This is so tough.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Z:  great job.  You did a beautiful thing. Poor Bond. My heart aches for him.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2015

    Z-you did a great job sending just the right thing! I am so glad Bond loves the chimes! Reminds me of the movie "PS I Love You". The forget me nots should be wonderful in bloom. I am sure they will bring a smile to his face in the future.

    It does seem like such a long time since she left us, M. I miss her!

    All this talk about vermin, insects, and snakes! Ewww! My DH used that "yella fella" saying as well. He has a bunch of sayings like that. One for bees too. We just shake our heads because we won't mess with any kind of snake! Since I am allergic to bees, I run away from them as well. Lol

    Allie was spayed today. We wouldn't leave her at the Vet overnight as it isn't staffed. So we brought home a very stoned puppy who has had tummy issues all night. We can't get her to eat or drink anything. Poor baby is miserable. I hope she is better tomorrow as DH is on his own since I have my last, for sure this time, infusion!

    Hope everyone has a great night!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Two weeks today... it doesn't seem as long to me, maybe because I read the whole back of this thread and reading her posts made her seem like she was around.

    In the bag for you S for the last one.. yay!

    Lots of snow melted today! I hate the couple of days following Herceptin, I feel so disgusting and bloaty! Right now feeling sleepy .. gonna read a bit and head to bed.

    Thanks again Z for keeping lines of communication open with him and keeping us informed :) I'm glad he liked the stuff you sent, good choices :) So nice of him to think of us, it really is.

    *hugs* all.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956
    edited March 2015

    Z, Great job with the windchimes. I love that he was afraid to see where it came from for fear it might be heaven. I'm sure it was a rough night. Healing isn't fun.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    Hugs ldesim. It doesn't seem like two weeks have past either. I miss her too. I watched her video again and it made me cry.

    SC, in the bag for infusion. My DD and I Love great Danes. I hope we can see your dog some day.

    Oh, ldesim, I said I was a bad mother for sending my kids to dentist on DD's birthday. Ooops.

    Does anyone know any Italian Greyhounds???