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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Thank you, Idesim, for pitch-hitting for me with that excellent report! Which made me pee. And it's a good thing, because I am a teacher, and I hear that teachers have a higher incidence of penis cancer because they have to hold it all day. I have one second and I had to check in. It's been so crazy over here, you would not believe it.

    Idesim's report was 100% accurate. I am the one who am calling it penis cancer -- to be accurate, MD said she has 'the same cancer as your dad.' He does not have penis cancer -- he has chemo up his penis, though.

    Yes, she has had a lot of check-up tests recently, including a pap, but that wasn't for the penis cancer, they did a urine screen for that. Everything negative. But she is sure she has same thing as my dad. 'I will have chemo in the Spring,' she said. OMG.

    She is not old! That is not the excuse. It's just another day for your intrepid Bobo, really. And also, the magic washcloths. You never have to wash them. You just wash them every two weeks with your sheets, in hot water. But you never have to wash them. ???

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Of course they don't need to be washed... they're... maaaaaaaaaagic!

    Bobo really. chemo up his pee pee?? I didn't know they did that... *shudders*

    Spookie, did you do a lot of yelling at the kids to "shut the hell up and sit down"? :)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Bahaha, now I get it, no I don't, not really! It's about as clear as mud! I feel for you Bobo!

    Now the magic no wash, well, just a little wash, washcloths. They have been around forever and are in the same vein as the silver band aids I always use. I also have silver infused into the back of my new soft silicone, lighter than ever, natural feeling, passes the hug test, whipped silicone foob! Not that I have had any issue with any odor coming from my flat chest after wearing a plain old silicone boob, but I was told this was the newest, hooley dooley, state of the art, breast form, so naturally I had to get one. Go on Bobo, send me up mercilessly, you deserve it, after that nonsense, I can take it! LOL

    I can't begin to tell you how beautiful the day is here. Last night was the annual Marley Point overnight yacht race. over 100 yachts finish the race right in front of our place. It is a huge weekend here, with lots of out of towners who visit, because it is a long weekend. The weather is absolutely perfect with a light breeze and the water is alive with yachts and cruisers, it's quite breathtaking, with bright blue skies and deep blue water. Warm, but not too hot, there is a lot going on in our little town, with music in the park and all the cafes have tables outside.

    Dex and I went to the market and I bought way too much stuff, so the walk home was pretty tough carrying it all uphill.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    OH M, that sounds so nice.. I wish I was there to go to the market! I bet Colin is enjoying all the festivities.

    Laughing over the state of the art silver whipped foob.. I bet you can get cable off that damn thing :)

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    it has Wifi built in,,,,

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Don't give her any ideas.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    So I asked my co-worker to ask her doctor hubby if he had any recommendations about neurosurgeons at that other hospital in town. (the big teaching hospital where I don't work).  And he gave me a name of a doctor who sounds really good. Stanford undergrad.  Columbia Med School.  And he did neurosurgery training at the Cleveland Clinic under Edward Benzel.  

    I'm reading a book called Being Mortal:  medicine and what matters in the end by Dr. Atul Gawande. It's a really good book, BTW.  Really makes you think about some issues.  The author's father develops this rare spinal tumor and ends up going to the Cleveland Clinic and seeing Edward Benzel for treatment. I'm thinking,, do I want to go to Ohio to see this famous doctor?  Then my co-worker suggests this local guy WHO TRAINED UNDER EDWARD BENZEL !!  OK, is that a sign or what??  I told her about the connection, and she was like,,, whoa,,,, that's a sign.

    It will most likely be an insurance nightmare to go there. But I'm going to check into seeing this guy for my 2nd opinion.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    There was only one man out of 500+ drivers here who could get by with something like that. He always wore a suit and tie, even in the friggin heat and humidity. He'd tell his kids, good morning, sit down, shut up. The rest of us had to bite our tongues till they bled.

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015


    Thanks for updating us ! 

    Bobo, you can tell her to take her magic wash clothes and shove them up her selfish ass ...............then after that tell her she can go outside and play hide and go F herself .......................

    FFS no wonder you are tired all the time you don't have enough getting over all the freaking surgeries let alone having to worry about the next random BS that will come out of her mouth !!!

    Hope you all are well .................................  I am attempting to adjust to living with my DS and his live in girlfriend............Many stories to tell but at the moment to pissed to type them .  Suffice it to say I have determined that she is in fact dumber than hair ...................and the wheel is turning but the hamster is definitely  dead................    I mean really who the F washes clothes with lip gloss in the pants pocket and then says I don't know what all of this red stuff is all over the inside of the dryer..................... I almost said its the blood you are going to spew when I get done beating the shit out of you !!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Oh Fia, I am laughing so much, I have tears! That is so awful, that you have to live with this girl, but my goodness you have such a great turn of phrase to report it.

    She sounds about as interesting as the dum dum Bec hooked up with, but I could never have lived with him, you deserve a medal for that! Please report more, if you can stand it, that was the best laugh I have had in ages! DP would have loved that report!

    Glennie, clapping my hands with glee! That's what I call "signposts" put it out there and the Universe sends you what you need!

    WiFi...hmmm, sounds good to me!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    Laughing here too. I've heard of the magic washcloths. MD is something else. Chuckling at sandman getting a pap and M's boob playing the latest Scottish bands.

    You school personnel have nothing on factory workers. There are mass breaks and you have to choose-eat or pee or smoke. If you have to pee, hope the line is shorter than your allotted 10 min. Depends are a hot commodity.

    DH is at barn, waiting on a calf to be born. Kids at sisters. Sleepover after celebration for the five cousins whose bdays are jan/feb/mar. Last two cousins in June.

    Boy's bday was early jan but due to weather and basketball, just now able to get family together. The cake was going to be pink, purple and chocolate. We had dragon plates, peppa pig napkins and purple utensils and cups.

    Since about half couldn't come at last minute I only made the purple layer. It was Fugly!!! Not neon but they ate the entire cake even after a big spaghetti lunch.

    Pink layer next week. Hard to believe she is 3!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    Ok, here is my doggy update. Took family an hours drive to a meet and greet for rescued dogs. Ot there ten minutes befire it ended. Met a bonded pair of 8 year old boys. They were sweet. Had to have most of their teeth removed, so not sure how eating will go.put in an application (someone else did too).

    We talked about it afterwards and decided that the one dog (who was trying to mount his brother) might freak out Diva, and she would spend all her time hiding from the boys.Also worried that having 2 senior dogs could result in more vet bills and with just losing an older dog we don't know how long they would live.

    So DH took us to a puppy store (don't hate me) and of course DD and DS fell in love with a puppy.

    So DH decided Diva would be happier living with a little puppy and put a deposit on the pup. He is going back tomorrow to get him. Comes with two vet visits, shots and one year health guarantee.I read up on place beforehand and actually spoke with a customer.

    I will post picks tomorrow. I guess the other people will get the older dogs.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited March 2015

    Ooh a puppy Andrea! Which breed? Yes, someone else will get the older dogs, you need a dog that will fit in with your family. How exciting.

    Can't believe the MD report, she will get chemo in the spring? WTH, she hasn't been diagnosed with anything! Bobo, you put up with a lot of stuff! ldism, loved that you told the story! Lol. I also have a bladder the size of a thimble. Once upon a time I actually had it stretched! Lol and owwww, it didn't work though, stupid idea, haha

    Love Allies pic, S! Does she not rip the heads off her toys? I noticed one near her. Paddy would have ripped it to shreds.

    Glennie, I think it is a sign. You should go to him.

    Fia, would really love to hear more stories, when you are able. They are living in your house?

    Z, three already? Geez. Thanks for Bonds message. Did he call himself Bond at the end of the message? I hope the day went as well as it could.

    Waving to ND, hope she is having a good time.

    Spookie, that sounds like such a tough job, stressful, I am sure. Xx

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015


    I also hope Bond got some closure and that there was no family drama. Ok my living situation...................

    My DH is building our retirement home in the mountains 4 hours away (which cannot be finished fast enough) and my son is buying our house. DS has saved and paid for a total renovation so while our house is being finished. I am living in my sons old room and my DH comes home every other weekend . My son and his GF (which I will refer to as hair going forward) have lived together for the past 2 years so they moved in here together. Hair is going to school to become an XRAY technician (we will see if she actually finishes next year)

    Hair is 24 years old , gorgeous and could be a model with the perfect body. However, as my Grandmother would have said "bless her heart" she has absolutely no common sense or evidence of an IQ higher than a rock . Hair is also lazy.................

    Every morning Hair gets up and cooks 2 fried eggs (seriously this is the only thing she can cook) . Just a few minutes ago she strolls down from the bedroom wearing some type of sequined black bra, FUZZY LEOPARD tiny boy shorts and knee high FUZZY LEOPARD slippers with gold sequins and FUZZY LEOPARD swinging balls dangling from the back of them . I was sitting at the table and literally just spit my coffee..............She says whats wrong............... I said nothing I am just hoping there are not any cubs following you. She cocks her head to the side and says huh? Now I am laughing hysterically and could not stop...........I here her upstairs telling my son ..and asking him what I meant by cubs...........

    She also eats everything constantly............especially sugar........... So my plan is just to keep baking and maybe she will fatten up and "OUTGROW my DS " literally. It's really the only way I can think of to make my DS start "thinking with his big head versus his little head " So in the last week alone, I have baked, a red velvet cake, 2 cheese cakes, cinnamon rolls and a pecan pie. Now stop laughing you all ................You guys gave me the idea with the MD cookie bomb.

    Another random example.......Last week I told her get up and help clean this place I am not the maid. The kitchen cabinets need dusted and oiled...........Grab a rag and the lemon oil. She says I only see coconut oil and olive oil in the kitchen cabinets, no lemon oil ............... FFS I screamed look in the cleaning cabinet downstairs, you know the one you have never opened since you moved in last month. Its called old english lemon oil. " Do you put it on fish she says ? My mom always puts lemon on fish ..................... Not if you want to live I said...................

    So these are just daily examples. I have found in the past, that the more negative things I say to my DS about women the longer they stay around. So as I said, this time I will try the "fatten her up approach" .

    At least my DS has said he has no intention of marrying any woman that does not work full time as living costs these days are expensive. Also the deed to the house is still in my name for 4 years until he has paid enough rent to equal a down payment.

    Sorry to make this post "all about me" ........I just need to Bitch at times .

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    I wonder how DP's celebration of life went. I will watch the QVC in April and look out for the Cancer fund raiser.

    S, is your puppy a chewer? All the dogs at the shelter had their own polar fleece blanket, except one. He had a sign that said he shreds his blanket to pieces. Lol. Poor dog.

    Z, I envy you with your country living and little kids to snuggle. I don't envy your winter weather. I hope it changes soon.

    Miss you Bobo!so sorry to hear that your mom has cancer at all, much less in her male parts. Were you aware before now that she had male parts? Seriously though, I think she must be very unhappy with her life that she needs so much attention. As a grandma myself I get joy from being with my grandkids and pouring my love on is always returned.

    Our pup is a Yorkie poo.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    I told him we called him bond. But I'm not sure if I told why. And yes he called himself bond. He usually doesn't.

    D@mn time change. Going to check on calf. Need to do paperwork and pay bills. Was hoping for me time but my sister is leaving at noon so need to get over there before then. D@mn, d@mn, d@mnity d&mn.

    Can't wait to see pix of puppy. Do not feel guilty. Still needed a home and a good fit will bring you joy!

    3 2 1.....

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Andrea:  no guilt.  You are giving a pup a home. That's the important part. Glad it is a good store with health checks and all. I think Diva will probably get on with a puppy better than 2 older boys who are bonded to each other. You have to think about what the Queen needs.

    Fia:   OMG,,, she is dumber than a box of rocks. I think the fatten up the hair idea is excellent.  KNEE HIGH fuzzy leopard slippers??  Seriously? I would be looking for cubs too. Thank you for making me pee my pants this morning.

    Agree with damn time change. It is already 1030 and I have to work at 330. Yikes.

    Hoping to see puppy pics soon. I LOVE seeing Allie. So adorable.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    OMFG Fia!!!! English lemon oil on fish LOL!!!! Seriously... WTF with the outfit??? C'mon... FFS, I've worn my fair share of skimpy shit when I was younger, but NEVER out of the house and NEVER around anybody but Joe, if ANYBODY was ever staying in my house.. I don't care who the hell it is, I would not walk around like that.... and seriously.. that getup sounds like something found in a strip club! Fia, you are welcome to share your stories anytime.. I am laughing my ass off. Were you able to hear your son's response to the cub question? I LOVE that you are fattening her up, make stuff that will make her gassy too :)

    Oh wow Glennie, I think you've found your Dr., let the insurance nightmare commence.. but at least you'll have peace of mind, which will be worth it.

    Spookie, weren't you a lunch lady as well? I don't know why I'm remembering that, could be totally off base. Suit and tie.. wtf?

    Z, I can't wait to hear about the calf.. I would so love to live on a farm (except cleaning up after them lol). I have never seen a purple cake before and I think I can well do without that... maybe a lavender would be pretty... I am of course assuming you are talking about the icing and not the cake itself lol. I love that you told Bond we call him Bond.. and I love even more that he has called himself Bond.... even if it was just the one time.. that's so sweet.

    Andrea, I don't know why you are feeling so bad... I can't wait to see pics of your new puppy!

    Dawny... OMG there is a procedure to stretch your bladder??!??! I don't even want to contemplate how that is done... holy crap.

    let me join in the bitchfest of the time change.. I want my friggin hour back.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    You ladies make me smile.

    I love Bond!

    Now, I have something weird to share. Two weeks ago I saw BS and everything was fine. Yesterday I woke up and when I looked in the mirror while changing I noticed some purple marks on my radiated breast, and it was a darker color than other one. Today more purple marks like bruises between my breasts, above my radiated breast and on the side under it. Also whole breast looks mottled and dark pink. Would post pics but probably not a good idea. I could send anyone the pics if they really want to see them.

    I finished radiation ten months ago. Dr Google (yeh, I know) says it could be angiosarcoma, a rare result of radiation treatment. Well, that would suck!

    DH wants me to go to clinic today. I dont see the point because I see my MO on Tuesday, had bloodwork done for that last week, and I could always call my BS tomorrow.

    I will not worry about it, but I will follow up. I just needed to share.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Yes, Andrea, follow up!  Good that you have with MO on Tues and I think you should call BS tomorrow too. It sounds weird,,,,  In the bag for appt's.

    L:   good idea about gassy food!!  And I want my hour back too.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    I missed the Fia post. Posting at same time. Had to go back and find it. Poor Fia. Not sure how you stand it. Love the fattening of hair.

    So need a nap! LM asleep in car seat. May just stay out here and nap too. Firebob jumped up on hood to check us out.

    Momma cow still doesn't like me. Shoes stink from walking in barn. Cows not clean like horses.

    Yes bobo. How long has your md had a penis?

    The cake was purple. Might have been neon with egg whites but used whole eggs. Fugly!!!! Chocolate icing.

    Fia. Is your red velvet from scratch? Here we have almost every color of velvet cake in a box. Pink, yellow, turquoise, green, blue. My understanding velvet cake is cocoa powder and red food coloring. How do you get those colors with brown cocoa powder. If not brown, is it still chocolate?

    Now shy guy on the hood. D@mn cats better not scratch it. DH will be pissed.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    Yes, I was a lunch lady/baker for 7 years. Then switched to bus for 17+ years. Retired with 23 years and change from my school district. That worked well for me, I was off when DD was, now taking care of the grands, I'm still on the school schedule.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Z! I believe red velvet comes from emptying a whole bottle of red food coloring into the chocolate batter (or very nearly that). Yikes!

    Andrea, yes please, get off dr google and go to the breast clinic tomorrow! And keep us posted! We are on need to know basis.

    G, it sound like you've found your dr! Kismet!

    Idesim, thank you so much! It was such a luxury to have you tell the latest on MD while I was in a bind. Am home with the kids at the moment, they are on work detail, the princess is not doing hers, but is instead attempting to distract him. I am supposed to be finishing Sunday dinner right now. 1, 2...

    Fia! Many thanks for your kind words, they mean a lot! Only our fia can deliver 'kind words' in such a delightfully profane way! OMG. Your story of fattening up Hair is going to make M pee herself. It is a brilliant idea. I believe it will work. Poor girl. She is irritating to live with, I'm sure, but when she asked about the lemon oil on fish, I felt a little pity for her. She is dumber than a brick. But I think it has been working for her. People all her life have been like, F that, I will polish the furniture myself, FFS.'

    Dawny, Hi Betty! I am thinking about you, I have designed a Sunday dinner that I thought you would like. You know, to answer your question, I did not know MD had a penis, it is a surprise. I don't believe I saw a penis when I was younger. Perhaps it has grown in response to bad behavior in manner similar to Pinocchio.

    M, I loved that story about walking up the hill with Dex and baskets of veg! Wish I was there for dinner! XXX

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Z, it's a light chocolate taste, a recipe usually only has like 2 tbsp cocoa, usually it has buttermilk and vinegar too and then a red food coloring.. can use beetroot too, but I've never tried that. I tried the box ones once.. either the Duncan or Betty Crocker and did NOT like how it stained everything, fingers, plates.. didn't like that at all.

    You have me confused again.. why are you camped out in your car? :) Waiting on the calf?? I love Firebob, so glad he's still around :)

    Andrea, the mature side of me should tell you to err on the side of caution and call the BS.. but I would be a hypocrite, because I myself personally would wait until I saw the MO, since you are going in 2 days. Now if you were in pain or something, different story. I can't imagine what it is, but I am not sure its anything to be overly concerned about.

    Thanks for clarifying Spookie, I thought you had said that before.. now do tell.. what does go into the school lunches? :)

    Bobo, I am peeing myself imagining an older woman with a long thin pinocchio penis....

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015




    When it is time to expel the fur you have ingested, never ever do so on the bare floor, instead, seek out a nice

    fluffy carpet, if you can find one within the path to the bathroom at night, all the better. There is nothing so entertaining

    as to watch your human step in your puke with bare feet in the middle of the night. The merriment will continue into

    the next day as you watch your human sprawl on the ground to scrub your mess out of said fluffy carpet.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    cleaning up cat puke somehow led to me vacuuming the whole house and scrubbing the floors in the entryway and dining room... had promised myself I'd go on the treadmill today.. but I figure I got enough exercise doing that while bopping around to music.

    Need to finish folding, putting away laundry and ironing and then it will be close to dinner time... friggin day flew by... I really want that Fracking hour back.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    Back in my lunch lady days, most everything was still made from scratch. Most of the ingredients used were govt. surplus. The menus sounded great, the actual product, not so much. I wouldn't eat it, and packed DDs lunch. My baked stuff was all scratch, and good. Except for the whole wheat added pizza crusts. Yuck.

    I hear now everything just about is made off campus, comes in a box, just heatit up.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    The only time we had lunches at school was in High school, and it was the culinary classes that made them. A lot of french fries and gravy and fresh buns....those were the days. Lol

    To tell you how little I am worrying about the Barney (purple) boob I wondered what Glennie told me to follow up with MO...I apparently have a very short attention span. Lol

    Puppy arrived. Diva LOVES him. She was rolling all over playing with him. She hasnt done that since January. I think we made a good choice. Photos wont load on phone. I will go on computer later.

    Hugs to everyone

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited March 2015

    Oh, Fia, that is so funny! You need to tell us why the name "Hair" although we would probably have some good guesses. Do we need to cookie bomb Hair? Tim Tams? More stories please.

    Bobo, " perhaps it has grown in response to bad behaviour in manner similar to pinnocchio". Hahahahaha

    You girls have me laughing out loud this morning, DD has come to see what I am laughing at. Can't tell her.

    Z, I love that Bond called himself Bond, I just want to hug him. Do you have a calf yet?

    Andrea, I would probably wait until Tuesday too.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Morning ladies! Just a quick one, I am off to my first Tai Chi class since moving here. It is over on the Island so I will see how it goes and have investigated a Yoga, beginners class for Wednesday. I am getting motivated now that the extreme heat has passed.

    I ill answer that delicious post from Fia when I get back.....oh I love that, are the cubs following? entitlement, that's what I was talking about, what kind of pleb dresses like that in a boyfriends house! I keep saying it , they are from another planet...aliens are among us...