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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    OMGosh! I definitely didnt expect that kind of reaction from my photo. You all made my week!

    My spine pain is in my SI joint. It is very likely a bulging disc. I have had it before. But right now the pain is such that it wakes me at night, and I cant get comfortable. Only taking Aleve and Tylenol now.

    Wishing everyobe a great night.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    **waving to all**   Happy St. Patrick's Day!

      Andrea, hope you got some sleep.  Bobo:  what are you doing to keep the kids amused and still try to get work done?   Z:  what word did you pick for Y week?   How is our LM dressed for St Pat's day??

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Andrea, how will they fix a bulging disc SI joint? Worried for you.

    Let's see. Happy happy LM! Will she wear green today, or pink? In the bag for you Spooks. Good job getting your appts. I know how hard that can be.

    M, I so wish I was having coffee and eating figs with you, that sounds so fun! I am not a perfume person. I have this new essential oil blend that is supposed to be for your crown chakra. Have I told you about the sound bath thing from this weekend, I don't want to repeat myself.

    Idesim, it worries me that you hate food shopping. I think you just need to find a nicer grocery store. If you find a great one, and get yourself a treat while you're shopping, food shopping is more fun. For example, we have a new store here, lots of fresh food, natural food, and GF items. It's not my favorite store, but it's good. There is really good sushi -- they make the best inari. And they have a little cafe on site, with pints for two dollars! And little cup holders in the carts! They have coffee and root beer on draft too. Anyway, you can see lots of people getting their beer on and shopping. It's a very popular place. In your city you must have a nice store like that, right?

    Birdie, yikes! To your story about your friends ankle. Wow. She fell off a cliff! Her ankle must really hurt.

    Fia, poor you, I would not feel happy if I told a whopping MD story and then everyone felt sorry for MD! And so we must now 'pile on' for camel toe. OMG. How to tell her she has a CT? No one will tell her. She will not represent America well when she goes to Thailand!

    Dawny, Hi Betty! **waving** The book is called Yoga and Vegetarianism, by Sharon Gannon. I'm going to do yoga teacher training in the Fall -- it's a year-long course. And the training I'm doing is very anatomical, not very spiritual, although there is some Sanskrit. So I am supplementing with some Jivamukti texts. I went to that studio when I lived in NY. Anyway, Sharon Gannon is a bad-ass. It's great for me to read that book, which interprets animal rights through the basic principles of yoga. But I must say it is not for everyone, because it talks a lot about karma, and she is very forthright about it!

    Gearing up for a bit of a struggle, since DLLP is not vegetarian, I don't think she ever would be, and she always tries to undermine me, she thinks I won't get enough protein or iron. Meantime, I swear, you should look at her! She is not exactly the picture of health and fitness! Anyway, it can be lonely, and this book makes me feel less lonely.

    Z! Your team is, like, number one! You shark! You get double cookies! :)

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    Hi Bobo. In the past they have prescribed narcotics (which I dont tolerate well, so I wont take)and physio. That usually works in about 7 weeks. I have had this since last summer. I itially I was concerned about mets..because I am paranoid thats why...and then with kidneystone meds it wasnt as bad. But in the last month it has just gotten worse.

    But in the bright side Barney is soo much better. It may remain a mystery.

    Today is Diva's birthday. She is 8, and finally older than me in dog years.

    I need to clean my house and do laundry...Zills, give me some of your energy please!!! Do we get pics of LM today?? Your kids are adorable!

    Speaking of adorable...I might post more dog pics

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015


  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015

    Zill's - Happy LM day we can't wait to hear all about the outfit and the party !

    Dawny - Betty waving

    M - so glad you got to "sniff a baby" we know how much you love that

    Wren - All that rain. I would not want to leave the house either

    Gennie and Andrea hope you are both well . The 2 of you are making me want another dog

    SC- How is is going with the DH and DD ?

    Idesim - Oh yes I see clearly now where HAIR gets her fashion sense ................

    Spookie - Good luck with the tests

    Bobo - At this point I am at the place with CT that my son is. I could hardly stand to look at her . How could you raise a daughter and teach her nothing . I would like to think that if I raised a daughter I would teach her to be fiercely independent and not could on anyone but herself to support her . You are right Bobo CT will not represent America well in Thailand, she will be one of those that offends the locals buy turning up her nose at their food, culture and traditions.

    Thanks to you all for your opinions/advice I have thought about eating disorders. I know a little bit about them but I have no first hand experience. I don't see evidence of bulimia (spelling) such as bad teeth, throwing up etc. but again I don't have any experience . Right now I think I will just do nothing ............... I have found with my mouth I need to "shut up and color" for awhile before I say something I should not . DS and HAIR leave this Sunday for a week in Hawaii so at least it will be quiet here for a week . I think its a good think that DS is starting to open his eyes and see things................... Unfortunately they have been together for 3 years so any change will be hard. Also as my DS travels for work so he only see's her on the weekends . Now he is on 30 days of vacation so this is the most time they have spent together in the past 3 years.

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015

    Ok I reply to myself......................... I really want to send this to CT




  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Bahaha, Fia, you rock! That woman will be fighting the ugly Aussies in Thailand, for the worst tourist, trophy! I have been embarrassed beyond words in Asia, by the appalling behavior of some Aussies, in another country.

    Clapping my hands with glee, at the 30 days of vacation together. your son could be in for a wake up call, like no other! We're so bad...hahaha

    Z, I would love to see the St Pat's ensemble that LM puts together! She's a cracker!

    Oooh Andrea, you have the most gorgeous pups! I feel for you with that bloody bulging disc, I know the cortisone treatment just shrunk it enough, to stop the nerve involvement. That was the reason I bought my Honda HRV, it was the only car that I could find that didn't cause me to bend my neck to get into the seat and the suspension was just right, to stop that bloody disc zapping the nerve when I went over most bumps in the road! I don't tolerate the narcs well, either. The neurologist put me onto 4 hourly paracetamol, which to my great surprise, kicked in and so long as i didn't miss a dose, it worked really well.

    Bobo, a Yoga teacher, that's amazing, I am not familiar with the woman you speak of, but I will take a look. I don't know about the sound bath, is it Tibetan Bowls, Healing?

    Coffee and Figs at my house, come on over!

    I just remembered it is Wednesday and I should have been at Tai Chi, but I forgot because I got on here, before my shower. Ahh well, there is always Friday!

    Shower time....back later...waving to everyone! M x

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953
    edited March 2015

    Bobo, How in the world will you find time to do the course and practice to become a yoga teacher? You are already doing about 3 jobs. I knew someone who did it long ago and it was a lot of work. What was the kid activity today? Did you celebrate St. Patrick's day?

    DH saw a vascular surgeon about his legs today. It was very interesting watching them listen to blood flow in his legs and arms. He ordered a CT angiogram to see if they can tell what the problem is. If it's a tiny place that can be fixed with antioplasty, it might be worth it. If it's a longer occluded spot, the surgery would be too risky. The big veins in his legs were harvested to use in his bypass surgery. The doctor said he would only do the riskier surgery to save him from amputation. He doesn't think it will ever get to the point of losing the leg. The problem is that it hurts him to walk, especially uphill on a gradual incline.

    Z, I'm anxiously awaiting LM's outfit description also. I'm sure you're busy with pink cake.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Coffee and figs, that's a bathroom running combination :)

    Happy Birthday to LM & Diva :) Dying to hear what the birthday ensemble was, I'm sure it was a masterpiece... and interested to see if the pink cake came out ok.

    Andrea, she's so pretty.. and she doesn't look a day over 7 :) Back pain is horrible, I don't know how you are getting buy on Aleve and Tylenol... does heat or anything help?

    Bobo, there is absolutely no shopping experiences even slightly like the one you described... cup holders indeed! I think you've been away from the big city too long :) And why can't I hate food shopping, it's a perfectly reasonable thing to hate!

    Fia, that is so fitting for CT!!

    Not much going on work and more work.. we seem to have a lot of ppl on vacation so I have quite the work load for the next couple of weeks. The wind is whipping around outside, almost took the screen door off the hinges, it sounds so ominous!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    oh yeah, Happy St. Patrick's Day. We have a bar down the street from the office that is a bazillion years old and every St. Patty's Day it's open at 7 AM. Walked by on my way to work this morning and sure enough, there are people in there drinking beer.. just the smell of the beer made my stomach turn.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953
    edited March 2015

    Lots of shopping carts come with cup holders here. And most grocery stores have a coffee stand. Many even have deli counters where you can have a sandwich made and eat in the table area. I don't know of any here that sell beer to drink on site, although a few have wine tastings.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    ldesim is the Beer green? They do green beer here for St Patrick's Day, it is awful

    I can take most kinds of weather, but I don't like the high winds. We get gale force winds off the ocean, around September each year and it makes me feel weird. I don't like it at all.

    We have a plague of European Wasps in Victoria at the moment and a neighbor told me she saw a swarm just down the road from us. I was stung by a wasp once when it was on the back of the drivers seat in my car and I leaned against it, not a pleasant experience. Now I am worried about taking Dex out for a walk, in case I encounter them and there's a nest nearby.

    Wren I hope it is the smaller problem and your DH can have the surgery to remove it. No one wants walking to be painful.

    I have to agree, I wondered how Bobo could possibly fit in a course, too.

    I haven't mentioned Colin 2 for a while, he's been having some breathing issues. I made him promise to call his surgeon and not to put up with shortness of breath. I heard from him last night and although he thinks I am "Bossy" he is glad he contacted the Surgeon, because they have done a lot of tests, put him on a short course of cortisone and given him a puffer to try. His neck is healing well from the Thyroid and Node removal and this hiccup is from the lung surgery. What is it with men that they aren't, as a rule, very pro active, with their health? Geesh, bossy is a name I can tolerate! LOL

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    reporting in from the dirty kitchen floor, not the red carpet.

    Bikini, grey leggings, green do not pinch shirt, 3 necklaces, st paddy pony tail and purple sneakers for school.

    After she got home and had an accident, peppa pig panties, basketball shorts, brown leggings inside out, pale pink tutu, frozen shirt, peppa pig tiara, peppa pig barrettes, pink swim shoes.

    Not a fan of pink velvet cake. Not much taste. Batter very thick and took forever to cook.

    Mopped the floor while cake baking. Why bother? LM spilled her eggs, boy dumped his bowl of cake and ice cream. Don't even want to talk about the bathroom!

    Ugh. I'm sick of cleaning. Another load of laundry in.

    Bond had a bad day yesterday. Poor guy.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    FYI. I tried some Claritin. Hip and knee pain much less! Worth a try.

    Also ran into my old water aerobics instructor. She does massage! Need to treat myself.

    Go bobo!

    Glad DH news isn't all bad. Hope they can do something minor.

    Hi everyone else!

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited March 2015

    Fia, DP would love that pic! Poor Bond, hugs to him. Xx. So DS only spends 2 days a week with HAIR? Ok, this may get interesting, spending lots of time together! Thanks for the updates

    Bobo, you can buy beer whilst shopping?!?! I can just imagine my phone call to DH:

    DH: hello?

    Me: you need to comes picks me ups, ivve's had too much to drink. "hic"

    DH: ok, where are you?

    Me: at the supermarket, " hiccup"

    DH: WTF? You are drunk buying cereal and bread!?


    I, too am wondering how you will fit yoga studies in?

    Wren, best wishes to your DH, hoping for an easy fix.

    How are you doing SG? Hope DD is behaving. Xx

    Happy birthday to LM and Diva

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953
    edited March 2015

    We haven't heard from NDgirl. I hope they are just out of touch due to computer issues. I think about them and hope they're getting good results from the tests.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Happy Birthday LM and Diva!

    Love that outrageous outfit, she never fails to impress with her choices Z!

    Dawny, can you imagine what it would be like at Woolies if you could drink beer while you shop? Suddenly there would be heaps of men, in wife beater, blue singlets and blundstones, pushing a trolley, pissed to the gills and arguing about the daily red spot special! It will never happen here! LOL

    nd, waving to you and Sc, I hope all is well. I wonder how Jsj is getting on, no updates anywhere from her I hope she's having a wonderful time!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    That special grocery store does have a limit on how many beers you can buy!

    Love LM's outfits!

    Busy night,,, **waving to all**

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Glennie, they'd find a way! The shopping carts are hard enough to control sober! LOL

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Good morning all.  What's happening today?  I'm off to my LE therapy and then some retail therapy!

    Z: are you going to get massage with old water aerobic instructor?  Excellent idea. Hope you got some rest from your busy day yesterday. Feel bad for Bond, poor guy.

    Bobo:  very cool that you will start yoga teacher training!! Excited for you. How are you holding up with kids off this week? Hope blood work was ok.

    ND: how is hubby? Any news?

    Wren: when will hubby get angiogram? 

    Spookie:  What's up with your appt's??

    Andrea: Happy birthday to Diva,, she is so adorable!

    **waving to M and Dawny and everyone else I didn't mention**

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    Went for a port flush yesterday. Nurse says how you doing? My back is killing me. Have MRI on Tues. I really really hope it's herniated discs. She makes a face, and said she hoped so too.

    It's sad that's about the only place I could say that and get complete understanding.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    In the bag for Wren's DH. Wait! Is it a man purse??

    M, I would take a cortizone shot if they offered me one. I hear it is painful.

    L, hot baths help a bit. But that might be what started the whole Barney episode.I took a break from them but might have one tonight and see what happens.

    Poor Bond. I imagine there are many bad days..hours for him. Aside from the constant reminders of their life together there are all the purchases she made recently. I wonder what he will do with it all. Hugs Bond.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Spooks, you have complete understanding here. We are here for you! Please treat yourself after a port flush. Some special essential oil bath salts, maybe?

    Hmm. So many things to answer. I am waiting for ND girl too. ND girl, I want to walk to Canada with you! :)

    Birdie, I hope your DH's problem is resolved with minimal intervention too. I want him to be able to walk up slight inclines without pain. And do his drumming also.

    Glennie, it is true about the grocery and the beer limit, but, everyone, please note! They carry beers with high alcohol content in them! And a pint is a lot! I couldn't really drink a beer in the middle of the day like that, I would get too tired later. Well, I have done it once. But really I need to hold out for a GF beer. It looks like, with my gastrointestinal situation, I am officially GF. DLLP is not happy about it. She wants to just cook G things when it is her time to cook. She is spoiled and used to having everything her way. When she has to cook, it's like a major enterprise, and the dinner for us is not ready until eight o'clock. It has always been thus. My blood tests show obvious anemia, but I still need to make an appt to have everything read officially. A waste of my time.

    Dawny, Hi Betty! **waving** I like the play about you having a beer at the grocery store, I think you should do it! Just bring a beer opener to the store and open one up! Idesim, I do remember the joyless grocery stores of the city. But don't you have a Trader Joe's? Don't you have a natural food store with yummy essential oils and fresh vegetables? Something like that. Tonight I am making a new recipe. It is a vegan mac and cheese with quinoa pasta and mushrooms. But the mushrooms are sort of smoky and caramelized. And then you bake it a little bit.

    Andrea, your puppies are gorg-eois! (Mally reference DP will understand) I like to think of you over there in puppy paradise. M, you have been in baby paradise! DLLP and I have a saying for that -- for spoiled babies who only are picked up -- a teasing saying. We say, 'That baby's never hit the floor! She will not know how to walk!' POP QUIZ: What baby in our house would qualify for that saying? She is being super-bad right now, testing us, and is on restriction. Birdie, yesterday it was one-dollar movies. 'Night at the Museum part two.' It was deadly boring.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    I reply to myself. Well, in reference to how I am going to do yoga teacher training on top of my three jobs (correct -- well, right now I have two) -- I am just going to do it for myself. I have only part of my body left, and I'm trying to get used to it. For example, the lipo really did a number on me. I got through it by making jokes about being like Jennifer Aniston, but in the end I am changed, and I do not look like Jennifer Aniston. I have been going to yoga a lot to try to alleviate some pain and discomfort at my many surgical areas without drugs, which, Andrea, I also do not tolerate well.

    Anyway, I have done yoga for about 16 years, and I have always wanted to do training, and I just have the feeling that I want to take whatever leftover body I have and use it to alleviate the suffering of others, if only occasionally and in a small way. Maybe I will end up teaching one class. And also, I like to study. I've always wanted to study more. And also, training is once a month (on two occasions, it's twice), and it's on the weekends, Friday nights and 8 - 5 on Saturdays and Sundays. Score! DLLP with be on duty whilst I am doing my training! I think it is a fabulous idea overall. Z, thank you for your cheering me on.

    Z, descriptions of LM's outfits sustain me. That description of your kitchen floor is very familiar. Yesterday, W boy looked me in the eye, and in a soft-bodied way, dumped the box of cereal upside down and the rest of the cereal was then on the carpet. And he is going to be ten. What's it all for?

    Today was supposed to be yoga at this neighboring town, but I could not get the kids together for it in time. Anything I want to do for myself requires super-herculean effort. But if it's for them, easy-peasy. And so they've had breakfast, and they are doing grooming, and then we are bumping up the afternoon Mindfulness Tea Party in order to plan the day together. I find if they feel they have some hand in it then it turns out better. Hoping for sort of a low-key day. Tomorrow I'm juggling, dropping them with DLLP while I go into the college to tutor for a few hours. I've written a book! Oh, Handi Wipe party, to which I was not physically invited, was yesterday. I will report in if I hear anything. XXX

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953
    edited March 2015

    Bobo, can't remember who Handi Wipe is. MD or brother's GF? Blaming chemo brain although I never had chemo. I liked doing yoga and should get back into it. Our teacher in Houston emphasized the spiritual side as well and I prefer that. She had retreats at someone's house in the country. After dinner we would build a fire and sit around chanting.

    DH will probably get a call this week to schedule the CT. And then a week or 2 out, I think. It's not an emergency in any way. They have told him to walk more to improve peripheral circulation. He's not doing it regularly and should be IMHO.

    NDgirl, Think of you and your DH. Hugs.

    Poor Bond, indeed. By now the adrenaline has gone and reality is starting to set in. When she caught him watching her and crying, I think he was processing grief in advance. I'm glad he has the dogs as a link to her.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Spookie:  we so get you on this.  **hoping for herniated discs**  did you get yourself a treat?

    Andrea: I love that you are worrying that it is a man's purse. Just bring beer and chips.

    Bobo: the vegan mac and cheese sound yummy. That is excellent that the teacher training will work out when DLLP is available!! I am excited for you.  Wait,, and you've written a book???  Need details!  And Handi-wipe party??? WTF??? you weren't invited???

    Saw my LE therapist. Her old dog died. So it was a sad visit. She's had her since she started dating her hubby, so the dog has been with them for their whole relationship. She has little kids so it's been difficult explaining things to them. Her little daughter worries about the other dog and how she is taking it!  So sweet. They are going to cremate her and plant a bush with her ashes. I told her about the Rainbow Bridge and maybe getting a commerative stone to place by the bush,, and she thought those were good ideas for especially helping the kids thru this.

    On the business end of our visit, she recommended getting a custom wrist splint for the LE arm as she didn't like the fit of the one I got at Walgreens. So must call the neurosurgeon to get RX for going to hand therapist.

    Then I had some little retail therapy. Bought a couple of cute statues for the yard. Kind of into yard art at the moment.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    I love yard birds made from recyclable farming tools. Wanted to learn to weld so I could make them.

    Handiwipe party and you weren't invited. While I can see it hurts your feelings, be glad for no drama! I'm in same boat, if that helps any. Sorry you missed yoga. I think if it makes you happy and you can swing the kids, awesome! DLLP gets studio time so you should get yoga time. GF isn't that hard.

    What are you doing for anemia besides not eating cow? Is there a shot? Supplement? Why do you have sx pain? Don't hold out on us. We understand like no others. See comments for spookie.

    Spookie. So understand. I tried Claritin for my pain. It's been three days and it's gone in my hip. Yes! I was dreading my scans but now feel like it's the tamoxifen.

    Andrea. Must be bad if you want a shot. Hope Barney doesn't appear after bath. I love a bath.

    Waiting for my last vaccination so I can start volunteering in the pediatric ward. Went to yoga this morning and JS this afternoon. Trying to decide what to eat. I'm hungry!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953
    edited March 2015

    The other dog may be mourning also. Our cat and dog were best buds. We almost lost the cat when the dog died. He was clearly mourning the loss.

    I'm waffling between buying the genie shaper that I need or the paint brush that I want. The brush is more expensive, of course.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Wren, the other dog seems to be mourning. She lays in front of the old dog's crate,, not in it,, but right in front of it.  It's interesting how the dog knew it was coming too. Normally she would lay right next to the old dog,, but as the end came near, she moved across the room, where she could keep an eye on her but did not lay next to her as she normally does. My therapist noted that and found that strange. The dog died peacefully within the hour, with her human children next to her.  The paint brush would be more fun, no doubt.

    Oooo, yard birds from recycled farm tools,, how cool. There is big garden festival here at the Botanical Gardens this weekend,, maybe I can find some interesting things. Glad you got to yoga and JS.  Really interesting that Claritin helped your pain.  I must try that.