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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    What is a genie shaper? I say go for the brush!

    HandiWipe was a hen party MD was having? Best to leave the old biddies alone!!!

    I love gnomes peaking around bushes.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    Spookie, I hear you. Waiting for my MRI results for spine. Nerve pain is brutal. But as long as it's not cancer right?!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Poor LE therapist's doggie! Oh, poor LE therapist. It's so hard. But that sounded like a very good situation, all things considered. G, do not do too much yard work. Just place the statues. I don't think a Walgreens splint sounds top-drawer, it's good you should get a better one.

    Waiting for the kids to finish their organizing project so I can do our homeschooling module. Hmm. So many questions to get to. Z, I cannot WAIT until you are cleared to take care of the babies! I am going to want details on that.

    Handi Wipe is Fia's new nickname for MD, which was accepted. Please note that in your programs for future. And, plus, they are an actual thing, magic washcloths, and there was a magic washcloth party yesterday, to which I was invited through an e-vite, but then when I called to say I would come and bring the kids (thus breaking up the week of full-on childcare and work mornings and nights, I was told not to come. But I was told to purchase magic washcloths through the website and attribute them to HW. The package she wants me to get will be $40 or so with shipping. I do not want to buy them. I work pretty hard and must keep children supplied with plenty of organic french fries.

    Z, I do have plenty of post-sx discomfort and even pain. I have ... well, I could count them, but they feel countless... incision sites from lipo. They are sore-feeling, some of them, and the muscles around the sites ache. I did not have much of a thick layer, so at times the cannula gauged some muscle, I think. I have swollen hard points on my legs -- he tried to get some fat off my legs. My stomach is sore and has some of the same hard swollen points. When I get up from a seated position, or from bed in the mornings, I am stiff and sore enough to hobble for a few minutes. I have so little body fat it feels painful (and yet, somehow, I do not look like a supermodel..).

    I have scars from the center of my breast bone fanning out (underneath where a breast would be) all the way around the rib cage. It kind of looks like being sawed in half. So, that's sore. I had PT after the MX for scar adhesion, but I've had so many sx since then, and I am sure not all of the scars are as loose as they should be. I try to do some of it myself, but can't reach all of it. DLLP does a half-hearted job of it sometimes.

    Underneath my arms there are big swollen pockets that are sore at the end of the day. And overall I have an 'iron bra' feeling, with tightness bordering on a feeling of constriction. Yoga has helped to stretch it out and expand it. The whole AFT grafting thing was done on top of the pectoral muscles. As a result, the pec muscles are kind of a mess. Sometimes itching, sometimes burning, sometimes persistent aches, or a combo, and sometimes sharp zinging pain as the nerves attempt to reconnect. And then, I have no upper-body strength, so building that back up is a challenge. And then, of course, the severely infected and cleaned out gouged-out right side feels like exactly what it sounds like when you write that sentence.

    I hate to complain about it, and obviously haven't given all our DP was going through, and what many of our sisters go through. I think that's one of the reasons I'm tired, I think it has worn me down. Z, you are right, not eating cow, although for a while there, after that infection, I was eating some things I would not normally agree with eating. I'm done with that now. Umm... I have iron supplements, and I'm going to start taking them (you know what iron supplements do, though). Spinach, dark leafy greens, raisins... lentils.. I forgot what else. The thing is, they say you can get anemic from severe stress to the body. I wasn't anemic before the six surgeries. Also, I think it may be blood loss from the sx and the lipo. My actual blood count is low.

    DLLP is just very unhappy about all this and thinks I should just eat liver??? and get on with it. Obviously I am not going to do that. My time of compromising myself is now over. And if she doesn't like it, she can get a broomstick, put a handi wipe on the end of it, etc. etc. Fia please finish this sentence. I don't see her eating liver! If she doesn't watch out I am going to not allow meat in the house and get new pots and dishes, and she can eat meat in her car, like a fugitive.

    Oh, and I'm visiting a vegetarian school for the kids on Friday.

    **mic drop**

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2015

    Hi to all well one appt down and one more to go . Saw vascular surgeon today after cat scan and ultra scan and no aneursym was found! Great news there then saw cardiologist and honest to God I think he just graduated high school he looked that young!! He scheduled dh for pet heart scan, new one on us, said they are the best to see what is going on in the heart instead of treadmill stress test, so that will be done Friday, more waiting. Thanks for all your concern gals

    Zills thought of you today when granddaughter came downstairs dressed in a red ruffled party dress pink tights green headband ready to go to daycare no way could we change her mind. Quite the site

    In the bag for Spookie wrens hubby Andrea and everyone else,I am so far behind reading but I did see an adorable new puppy!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2015

    This is Chester a sweet cat that visits us but won't let us pet him yet, we were so happy to see him again this spring, think he must have spent the winter in neighbors small barn as healthy as he looks . image

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Oh ND! That is sounding like some good news about your DH! No aneurysm! In the bag for his other tests.

    Oh, and Chester is soooo good-looking! He is a handsome man! Hugs to you. XXXOOO

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Good morning all! Heaps of reading here for me, don't think I can answer everything.

    Bobo, it breaks my heart to hear of all the pain you've had and still have. That whole episode was a nightmare. I think the yoga is a fabulous idea, just didn't know how you'd possibly fit it in. That sounds great and sounds like a good plan!

    What's a vegetarian school? I'll eat all the liver you need Bobo! Wish i could transport the iron, right to you!

    Andrea, I took cortisone by mouth for the neck injury, no shot for that one. I do have the cortisone shots too, but they are in my shoulders, elbows, hips and hands. I have only ever had one, that was painful and it was from hitting a blood vessel in my shoulder. I get such amazing relief from the RA pain and mine seem to last a very long time, too.

    Such a pretty ginger cat nd, glad there has been some good news for your DH!

    Wren, what size are you? I have a ton of Genie shapers, that I have never worn.

    Spookie, they are the firm body shaper version, of the knitted genie bra.

    So sad about the mourning dog. We were just talking about Greyfriars Bobby, to someone yesterday who was telling us about another dog that was mourning its owners passing.

    I had an amazing "oh wow" moment yesterday when a member here, sent me a PM about forms and stuff, she mentioned that she'd love to visit Aus, because she had 2 Aussie Uncles who had married both her Aunts. We chatted a bit, turns out, she is related to the female side and Colin is related to the male side of the very same family! How bizarre is that? We know some of the same people too and we're on opposite sides of the world. This place never ceases to amaze me!

    I have to dash, but I have read everything..will be back...M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Chester is so handsome.  I like orange kitties. Glad he came back to visit again. and YAY for no aneurysm!!  That is very good news!!

    Liver is gross.  UGH.  Bobo,, you have a plan with other plant based foods and iron supplements. Spinach like Popeye the sailor man,,, look what it did for him.  You had so many surgeries and so many incisions, it's just taking time for your body to heal.  I wish you could have a 6 week vacation! Gald that yoga is helping,, would massage help too?

    M:  that is amazing that you connected with someone like that.  It really is a small world after all.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953
    edited March 2015

    Bobo, An awesome source of iron is strawberries. The oxalic acid in spinach makes the iron difficult to absorb. I have not eaten liver since 1963 and have plans to never ever eat it. One kind of iron is less likely to cause stomach upset, but I can't remember which one. I'm sorry you hurt all over, too. It doesn't surprise me after all that surgery. I hear you on the washcloths. I can't even imagine spending that much money on washcloths.

    ND, So happy there is no aneurysm. I would rather have a pet than a stress test. Chester is SOOO handsome. I love ginger cats. The feral tamers at the shelter use freeze dried salmon treats to win over the cats. They are expensive, but they break each piece up into smaller pieces. I think they must be addictive.

    M, I'm an xl in the bras and perhaps a 1x in the shapers. I'm sure it would cost a fortune to mail them. I'm thinking the shaper would provide some compression without having a band.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    Yikes bobo. If I had sat down and thought about it, it makes perfect sense about a million sore spots. Don't have any ideas to help.

    I get those fluid filled pockets too. Yoga and JS help plus mld. Are you doing mld?

    No liver for me either. I didn't know that about strawberries. Can you have a strawberry smoothie with double scoop of protein? We are getting fresh strawberries up here now. I bet yours are better.

    Strawberry spinach salad with toasted nuts and vingarette?

    I love a spinach salad with boiled eggs and sautéed mushrooms.

    No fish or seafood?

    I did too much yesterday. Paying for it and today not much better. Picked a fight with DH.

    Claritin helped with the hip pain but feeling anxious. Not a good trade. Maybe it's just the weather. Tomorrow is spring equinox, super moon and eclipse. Maybe I'm just sensitive to the tides. Naaaw.

    Have a good one.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Z, I love your recipe ideas! You should start a cafe. DH probably deserved it when you picked a fight. What did you do to overdo it?

    I have one second since the kids are restless and I must shift into extreme offense. At-home yoga, grooming, snack. Drive them to DLLP's work. Run to the college and tutor for two hours. Run back to pick them up. Home, get them started on something, make dinner, take care of them more. Plus, somehow, whatever I have to do.

    Birdie, I KNEW you would understand about a) the liver and b) the expensive washcloths. DLLP says, Just buy them already. But -- I don't want to sound ultra-conservative -- I have to work pretty hard to get forty dollars. I don't get many treats for myself, for example. And DLLP and I have no babysitting or date nights.

    Kids made me breakfast in bed (i.e., made me get back in my bed, much mess, etc). It was pretty sweet. But they are on a program -- if they get 25 good deeds by Saturday, I am taking them to see the comm college production of West Side Story.

    1, 2...

  • georgiarai
    georgiarai Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2015

    Excuse me while I interrupt.... :)

    This thread has always moved way too fast for me to keep up, but whenever I come across it I think about D-Pie and check her latest posts to see how she's doing.  So if/when you make it back here, DP, hello & best wishes to you always! 

  • georgiarai
    georgiarai Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2015

    I didn't realize DP was gone; I'm so sad to hear the news.  I'm sorry to have been so clueless, and hope I didn't upset anyone by asking about her. 

    Here's hoping she's in a much better place, on-line shopping to her heart's content.  ((Hugs, DP!))

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    Thats ok Georgia. At least you came to see how she was. It was pretty sudden at the end.

    We all miss her so much!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    It was a month ago today. Maybe we should send bond cards. More family drama last night:(. Poor guy.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    OH no,,, Poor Bond!!  Why must there be drama?

    Georgia,, thanks for checking in.  She is greatly missed.

    Bobo: this sounds like such a stressful week for you. It will be good when the kids are in program next week. I do not think you should buy expensive wash cloths either. What for?  Waste of money.

    Was at gentle yoga this AM.  Focus on hip openers. I am stiff. Much practice is needed. Wrist was bothering me too. However, I spoke to a woman who had these jelly things,,, called yoga jellies,, and says they are good for people with wrist issues or to put under your knees. She let me try hers, and I think they would help me. Less stress on the writst in Down Dog.  $65 for the pair! But hey,, if they let me keep doing yoga, it is worth it.

    Off to attempt lentil soup.  No ham bone. Vegetarian.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    Oh No! What is happening to Bond? We might have to send M to Texas to do the dance of the humpy back!!

    A month already? Miss you so much DP.

    Yoga jellies sound fun. I really must find a pre-beginners gentle yoga here.

    Guess who might be going with her DH for three days to NOLA next month??? Yay, me!!! My sister offered to watch my kids so I could go with DH. He has a few days there before conference starts. I woukd miss seeing as much of my sister, but we Never get an opportunity to go anywhere together kidless....and No, the grocery store doesnt count.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Ooh, Andrea! You can report back if you find a good restaurant! So excited for you to have private time with your DH.

    G, could not go to yoga today for obvious reasons. I believe they have some sort of wrist supplement thing right there at the studio for you to borrow when you are there. Not the same as wrist jellies, though.

    Z, anything we can do for bond with his terrible family issues? So distressing. Poor bond.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Andrea:  How exciting!!  A trip w/o kids!!  I hope it works out.

    Bobo:  yes, I saw those too. But I really liked the jellies,,, am going to order. Wrist has been bothering me a lot. Bought a new splint at the big grocery store,,, different than the Walgreens one.  Hope it will help until I can see hand specialist. My fave cashier (she has uber cool octopus tattoo!)  is wearing wrist splint now.. I told her name of hand specialist,, hope she can get there. Bad when you have to wear at work. She is such a nice person.

    Reporting in:  vegetarian lentil soup a success.  Who knew I could do that??

    Cards for Bond?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    poor bond. They weren't married, so I guess he doesn't have a chance for legal input.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    Thankfully DP divorced her ex in time. People can be such asses! After FIL's funeral DH's brother started doing questionable things and looking for a different will. All FIL's money goes to MIL, as it should. But I am thinking that BIL is thinking there was something extra for himin a newer will. Greedy people. I wonder how long Bond and DP were together. I know in Canada they would be considered common law and he would have some rights.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953
    edited March 2015

    Andrea, Had she not been married to someone else, they were together long enough to be common law husband and wife. I think the late divorce would have prevented that. I'm not sure what she had to squabble over besides the dog. I always wondered how she was going to pay for all the stuff she ordered. Maybe she made a lot of money while working and was on long-term leave. I don't know who owned the house. My family is going to squabble over who has to take what. "I don't want it, you take it. No, I don't want it either. Let's sell it. You're crazy if you think anyone would buy that."

    Glennie, Glad your soup turned out well. We make it fairly often. In fact, I just use regular recipes and leave the meat out. Someone makes vegetarian crumbles which are good in tacos. We were totally vegetarian until our blood sugar crept up above normal. The nutritionist told us how we must limit our carbs and spread them out. It was almost impossible to cook low carb without a protein source.

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2015

    I think at one point she said they had been together something like 7 years? But they hadn't really told anyone? I'm going to send him a card. I feel bad for not doing it sooner.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Oh my giddy aunt! Bobo, what's up with MD, tell her to stick her washcloths where the sun don't shine. She's your Mother for goodness sake, she should be buying the frigging washcloths for you if she's being the "Partay Hostess" That woman makes me burn!

    Glennie, I can't imagine how bland that soup must be, without the smoky bacon flavor! but I am very glad it worked for you.

    Now, what's this shit going down, with Bond? I hate how a death brings out the worst in a lot of people. I know DP worked at making this right when she knew she had to get her affairs in order. How dare anyone, I don't care who they are, even attempt to override her wishes. My Mother always said, "Where there's a will, there's a relative!" I hope it doesn't turn dirty, because the only ones making anything are the lawyers. Gosh, if you live together over here, you have the same rights as married, after a year. Surely, there are similar rights over there where if someone is the executor, which it sounds like Bond is, others can't just come in and take over.

    WooHoo Andrea, that break sounds lovely!

    GeorgiaRai, I am sorry it was a shock for you, but it was really fast at the end, none of us were really expecting to lose DP so soon. She is missed.

    Z, thank you for keeping us updated.

    I am off to the Opp Shop today and then to a movie this afternoon, 100 steps, at the library. M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Just re read that post and it sounds like I am an angry old bitch! I am actually having a good day, feeling great, looking forward to my outings, didn't mean to sound so bloody crabby! LOL

    Just got an email from one of my friends from the Pink Ladies with a pic of her sitting having coffee at a beautiful cafe in Portugal, she was so afraid of going and now she looks like the picture of health, happy and enjoying herself, just had to share that! M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    M, you make me laugh. You are not an angry old bitch! We don't know what we would do without your sharp-tongued observations.

    Three essays left to grade for the evening, then school applications for the school visit tomorrow. M, a vegetarian school is simply a school that hosts vegetarian lunches. In fact, the school has been given a national award by PETA. Field trip tomorrow out to visit the school, then to the temple of the krishna devotees for a run-around and lunch. Last day of Mommy Spring Break! I am exhausted.

    Oh, plus, Z, my Vitamin D levels are low enough to be... well, the PCP is worried. They are less than 5. So, flunked Vitamin D, flunked B before supplements, flunked iron. I may not be absorbing nutrients from food (due to gluten intolerance and all the drugs from the surgeries irritating my digestion). So, some not-fun appts for me in future (she's out next week).

    However, it makes me feel less crazy... no wonder I'm so tired! Currently too tired to take a shower. 1, 2...

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Common law marriages vary by state. I know that FL did away with it decades ago,,, otherwise I would have been common-law married to my long time boyfriend back in the 80's. **yikes at that thought** So I have no idea if TX has it or not.

    M:  soup is not bland. I put in a big onion and several garlic cloves and some Italian mixed herbs. Oh and I used fire-roasted crushed canned tomatoes, they have a really nice flavor and they are organic too!  Glad to hear that your friend is having a good time in Portugal.  And we are all crabby at this injustice to our Bond!! It is not right.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    I know the vit d when low is a biggie for fatigue. I was on 50,000 units each week for a year! I could tell when I needed my next dose. You will feel better soon. Slowly but soon.

    Not crabby M. Just protective.

    Rainy cold day here. Supposed to be nice tomorrow. Have to wash the d@mn bath mat again! I don't know whats gotten into her. Both her and the boy are exhausted, whiny, crabby, etc... Enough to drive you insane, especially now that she is copying him.

    Where's PRB? And SC?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    An award by PETA means crap. PETA believes in killing all pit bulls. There is much documentation how they kill the animals that people turn into them for re-homing.  Do not trust PETA and definitely do not financially support them.

    it's nice that you have found a school that host vegetarian lunches. Is the school far from where you live? Low Vit D levels could definitely contribute to your fatigue. Have you started supplements?  I was on 5000 IU daily for a long time.  Can you spend some time in the sunshine?

    Was wondering about P and S too,,,,, maybe they are taking a break?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Ooooh, you always make me feel better after a spluttering put down of your Mother, Bobo! LOL

    I love the sound of the vegetarian school. I copped an onslaught of negative comments from other parents when I tried to introduce vegetarian and more nutritionally sound lunch menu to Bec's primary school back in the 80's. I volunteered in the school tuck shop and was appalled at the junk they had for the kids. It was the loveliest little school, less than 90 students, over 6 year levels, great curriculum but lousy ideas on food.

    Poor Bobo, no wonder you're so tired, those levels won't maintain you. I hope you can find a way to get them back up and get some more energy back. I just had all mine checked again, recently, because my D was a little low, I just take 2000iu a day and that works for me. I don't know what you do, if your body isn't absorbing them. I know I sound like a broken record, but probiotics will help that gut issue and something like, maybe not GV, if you can't handle it, but something with pre digested spirulina (super nutrition, rocket fuel) will perhaps kick start your system again. No wonder the stress is affecting you, no D, no B's, I worry about you Bobo!

    Z, just send them over to me, I am whiny and crabby too, you could have a rest from it! What's with the bath mat?