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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2014

    Well my fav is the warm and fuzzy. Will have to check the others out. Think about your going to the pink house on the beach next time.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    That sounds like crap, M.  Must be another reason why the feet hurt!

    I did not know about the recent incident of rock throwing. It happens from time to time. I remember when I lived in South FL, some fucktards did it to a guy on a motorcycle and he skidded and was killed. They have no conscience. How can you live with yourself knowing you did this?  Bad enough you injure/kill someone and it's an accident??? to do it on purpose???   Psychpathic fucktards.

    I haven't been to Picture this,, will have to look for it. Warm and Fuzzy is good too.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    A place for Peaceful Contemplation.   Has lovely scenery pics by Gma.   She takes lovely photos. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    my phone died before I got to warm and fuzzy last night. Must look today. It's raining. Got up at 6am to take my pills and couldn't go back to sleep. Drat!  Have an alarm set for 9 because I will have company coming to help me today. More office girls. They want to come clean and cook for me. I am mortified by the state of the house. I have accepted my limitations though because normally I would have stayed up all night to clean. Now I just want to sleep!  

    Sorry you had such a long day ariom. I bet you didn't even notice you had lost weight.  My feet are so swollen these days. It's awful. Yes I wore full makeup to rads even though she told me ahead of time that it would mess up my makeup. Will go easier on mascara today. The mask was too tight and made it flaky. I can't wear earrings or hair things though, which is hard with the state of my hair right now. Oh well, only another week or so with it.  Cursing the injustice of having held on to my growth all this time, web through the adjuvent chemo, to now lose it all again to rads. It's only hair. I would rather lose it than brain function, as dr fucktard would say. Hoping my username doesn't become a joke. More chemo around the bend anyhow. I'm also pissed that that damn brutal lung surgery that jacked me all up didn't give me more than 3 months of peace. Oh and also that Halaven didn't do shit for me. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that I am angry a lot. I blamed work but maybe it's the lesions. 

    Trying not to think about the beach too much. Not sure I will get to go. Here we go again with that...  NP says I will have I drive, which I was already considering. It's 23 hours each way. Yikes. Flying is a hassle but I had timed out the flights so I wouldn't miss two competitions at the fair. We will see how it goes. 

    So the rock lady lived but her face and head are crushed. One of the fucktards turned on the others and pleaded out. Nancy grace says he will serve 2 months if we are lucky. She was a bc survivor and was on her way to vacation with her whole family in the car. Before they decided to throw soccer ball size rocks off the overpass, the little gang had gone around vandalizing houses. The husbands 911 call is heartbreaking. 

    I'm going to try to take a short nap before the doorbell is ringing. Hope everyone has a good day!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited August 2014

    DP I noticed the theme on the boards last night I went on ebay instead, lol. Always happy hour on there.

    Did you take any photos of your trip to Hawaii you could share? Bet that seems like a million years away. I know our family Disneyland trip last May flew by. So did all our money!  Eating in the park will break the bank for you. 

    Rambling; sorry.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited August 2014

    I don't know what some people are thinking.  Kids are inundated with violent images in tv and video games when their brains are developing. Then they become desensitized to acts of violence. 

    My youngest kids are 12 & 13 and it is a struggle keeping those images away from them . But as parents it is our job to teach our children to be good  people, and not just let them raise themselves. 

    My daughter has had a hard time with depression and anxiety (didn't help that her mom had breast cancer) and there have been times she was simply horrible to me. And then in the next instant she would reach out and help a stranger.  

    Those moments would remind me I had done something right raising her. 

    The other day she told be she saw a girl at school crying in the hallway and went up to her and hugged her.

    I said : "Can we pretend I am a stranger and you could hug me?" She rolled her eyes. Lol

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    sounds like you did something right Andrea. I can totally picture the eyeroll, "mooooom!"

    Disney is crazy expensive. I'll have to see if I still have any Hawaii pics on my phone. It does seem a world away now. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    Disney is crazy expensive. I don't know how people afford to take kids there. It's insane.

    Andrea: i love your dog piccie. So cute.

    That poor family. I hope the other fucktards get a long sentence. She may be alive, but what kind of life is she going to have now? Brain damage? Will she wake up?

    DP: which beach are you going to?  23 hour drive? YIKES!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    going to buxton, nc to hatteras island at the end of September if I get permission from drs. It's a little pink houses of hope couples retreat. The house looks amazing. Looks like they run such a lovely program for survivors and their families. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    oh look! It's 11:11. Weeeeee

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2014

    DP- Hatteras is just a hop skip and a jump from me!  When DS was in high school he would ditch school and surf down there all day.  Silly child never thought about the sun burn/tan he would come home with and never got past the front door without me knowing.  "But mom, the waves were calling me."  He managed to grow up and become a positive contributing member to society (firefighter) and still surfs at 30, lol. Now that he has two children he doesn't seem to hear those waves calling his name quite as often. (Sigh).  Hope you get to go down there.  It is my happy place!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    The magic minute,, LOL!

    That cottage sounds really nice, DP!!  We will want pics.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    that's hilarious sgc. It's hard to think things through sometimes. Lol

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    Good morning all! 11:11 DP! Magic minute, Glennie!

    When I read through your post Shit! that's a shitty, shitful, shithouse, shit, of a load you've been through in such a short time and now you lose your hair again, that really is shitful! Angry, you say? I would be barking at the moon! Just remember I am lurking, if you need Dr Fucktard taken care of!!!! My other favorite is Fuckwit, funny they both suit him!

    OMG, I never even considered that I may have lost any weight with this feet thingy, that's a positive! Losing fat from the soles of my feet, indeed, can that even be true? Oh well, I will continue to hobble around and look for some slightly more sensible shoes, that was the Podiatrist's other beef, my shoes were the worst for my feet. Last time I was there he had a brochure of sensible shoes, I nearly wet my pants laughing at those awful things. He did actually come around a bit and said he was wasting his time with me! He was right! Well, if he thinks I am getting around in those things that resemble, Lurch's shoes on the Addams Family, he's got another thing coming.

    I am so glad your friends are coming over to help you. I am betting the clueless bitch won't be putting in an appearance?

    I think the trip away sounds just beautiful. Could you make it into a real road trip, staying at other pretty places along the way, to break the long drive?

    Don't be starting me on Disneyland, OMG I love it so much. I love to sit in New Orleans Square and watch the crowds go by. I haven't been for ages, but my fave is Pirates and the Haunted House, I went on those rides so many times. We took Bec one year when she was about 5, but I got sick and couldn't go to the park and ended up flying home, because I knew I was very sick, but the Doctors kept saying it was just  a virus. Turned out I had an Ectopic pregnancy and lost both Fallopian tubes!

    I didn't realize the accident you were discussing yesterday, was the same as we have here, with those Fucknuckle kids throwing rocks off an overpass, that stupidity is rampant and actually seems like a good idea, in different countries now, what on earth is that about?

    I love that story SGC about the waves calling your son! The water does that to me too! Not to go surfing, just to be, by the sea. I have the unfortunate star sign of Cancer, but it is a water sign and over the years I have been surprised just how much the description fits, so does the Chinese Horoscope, which I find intriguing, I am a Snake, which isn't a bad thing in their estimation!

    Andrea, I understand what you say about your Daughter, my Bec had to wrestle with some anxiety when she was younger and could lash out at me, but you couldn't wish for a more thoughtful and giving girl. That stuff all sorts itself out with the fullness of time.

    Well, this morning I am off to a Baby Shower, the fog that blanketed everything when I got up has burned off and the water looks like glass. The sun is out and hopefully Spring will really be here in a few days!

    Take it easy ladies!   

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2014

    How great is our Ariom?! Love when she gets her potty mouth on.  Hi DP!  Any fuckwit fucktard superidiots over there we can take care of?  How are the puppies?

    I am wondering what you are eating.  What's tasting good to you right now?  Laughing a little bit at the thought that M has lost fat just on the bottoms of her feet.  Could it be true?  Hey, M, don't knock those Birkenstocks!  I love mine, and they have come back in style.  You would think Aussies would like to tromp around the country in Birkenstocks!

    Wonder if you had fun with your friends when they came over.  Let us know if anyone needs bitchslapping!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    hi bobo. The girls brought pasta and meatballs and pork tacos that clueless made for me. Banana and pumpkin bread which is delicious. And a whole bag of things I haven't even gotten to see in yet. Unfortunately with these damn steroids, I am always starving and everything sounds good!  I may gain 50 lbs this week. 

    I got over being embarrassed, mostly, and they just made me want to cry, they are so sweet. 

    Oh no. Not our ariom in sensible shoes!  That's the first thing my MO attacked me for when I saw her initially and told her my back hurt. It's been a war with my family ever since. Now that I have my balance issues, I am trying to behave better about it. But it's hard!!  I broke down and ordered a shower chair from amazon. Nothing like that To make you feel old and decrepit. I don't have time Or patience for baths though and would rather not end up cracking my head or having to call for help like one of those commercials. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    hey isn't it a new plastic surgery trend to get fat sucked out of your feet so that you can fit in pretty shoes?  Just don't go getting your toe bones shaved down!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    I got a potty mouth on me too.  Be happy to bitch slap any fucktard that needs slapping.

    I'm not much into pretty shoes. I'm a sneakers/flip flops kind of person.  I guess living in FL most of your life will do that to you. Don't know how you lose fat from soles of feet. Why can't fat leave from thighs or other underwanted places?

    Have fun at baby shower, M.  If you get to FL,, I'll take you to Disney World,,, they have the Pirates, Haunted House, etc there too.  And then we can go to the beach.

    And I'm having a blueberry banana flaxseed Vegan shake tonight. Yum.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    DP: sounds like they brought you some yummies.  Enjoy them.  Steroids make you starving. 

    Think of shower chair in a good way.  You can sit and relax in the shower,, and yet it's not a bath.  Have you got one of those hand held shower massage thingies?  I recommend.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    I do have one but have never taken the time to really use it. Guess I have time to try it now!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    Hey Bobo, I have Birkinstocks! They are not even close to the ugly things the Podiatrist wanted me to wear. They looked a bit like having a Golf Buggy strapped to your feet, with velcro straps and in pale, insipid grey, or beige. I mean reaaaaaaly sensible shoes. Not going to catch me in them any time soon. I actually looked up losing fat from the soles of the feet and it is true and it is age related! I am getting a tad tired of hearing, "It's your age!" ........Fuck that!  I thought 60's were the new 40's!

    I just came back from the baby shower, it was fun and I won lots of prizes for baby "Charades", I got to sniff a couple of babies and the cake was pretty cool, I will post it for you. I have eaten a ton, because they put me at the head of the table and they just kept bringing the food. I know the steroid hunger, I have it every day! It doesn't seem to matter what dose you take, it keeps you hungry all the time.

    So Clueless made you something nice to eat, but stayed away, I can only admire that! I wonder how she's feeling now? Would she "get it"?

    I agree about the bath chair, use some beautiful soaps and bath sponges, light some candles and spray some perfume in the air. It will be easier to loofa your legs sitting in a chair. Glennie is so right about the shower thingy, we have them in both bathrooms I call mine "Big Bertha" it is a bigger shower head, but has a dial from soft shower through to a "yowie", needle shower, I love them!

    I must go and do some work or I will end up devouring the rest of the cake I brought home for Colin!

    Take it easy...I will call in later to see what's happening...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    Here is the baby cake..I am sure you've probably seen these, but it was a first for me.


  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited August 2014

    I Love the cake!!! Of course, I love any cake....I wish I could have cake right now!!!  Sorry, I digress.

    Wouldn't it be hard to cut up the cake though, when it looks line a baby? Lol

    One year we got a birthday cake for my son with his photo on one wanted to "cut his face". Finally we did thankfully. But it was a little creepy.

    Yep... Definitely need to find me some cake now!!

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263
    edited August 2014

    There are some truly hideous baby shower cakes on Cake Wrecks.   I highly recommend that site if you are in need of a good laugh.  Or a lot of laughs.  :-)

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    I've seen those shoes, M,, and I don't see you wearing those.  Perhaps some nicely colored trainers? I've noticed some quite colorful ones around here lately. They probably glow in the dark.  I love Clarks shoes too. I find them to be supportive and yet not ugly.  This age related shit is for the birds. 

    Must walk dog now and get ready to start work. Covering extra for someone today. So working 130 - 10. Hope to catch the tail end of the UF football game. 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2014

    Laughing so much, DP!  How do you like this little band of weirdos you have assembled here?  Laughing at M gobbling cake and winning the prizes!  Actually happy for your shower chair, though understand the negative aspect... M has given excellent spa-type advice.  Don't you want her to make you a bath?

    The food your friends brought sounds yummy.  How were the clueless tacos?  Did they have an extra dose of Bitterness in them?  Or were they delicious?

    Glennie, so sorry you work so much today.  I'm actually looking forward to the game.  Kids were going to stay up late and watch, but they both "lost" the privilege with naughtiness activities.  So it's all us tonight!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    only working until 10,,, nice change instead of working until midnight.  And it's slow at the moment,, so I keep popping over here!  Off tomorrow,, breakfast with BFF and then,,, whatever!!  Monday is normal work day,, hope it's busy,, need to keep my mind off of Weds.

    What did kids do that was so naughty they can't watch football?  I will listen to game and pop out to the TV when possible,,,, the pleasure of working at home!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2014

    Well, our princess woke up this morning -- she's been told not to go in fridge, she makes a mess and smashes things, and DLLP had put out breakfast for them both -- and went in fridge, made a mess, settled on couch, ate three fruit popsicles while reading her book.

    W boy just basic not listening ad nauseum.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    oh Princess!!  Naughty girl!! Three popsicles for breakfast??? No football for you.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2014

    And she wouldn't go to sleep last night until ten and she was up at 4:30 a.m.