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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Nighty-night.  Give Colin a kiss for me! Make him laugh with my naked ginger story.  **chortles**

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited September 2014

    In the bag for you too DP, not sure what I should bring tho... maybe a frozen cucumber or zuchinni? frost hit them both last night, damn, but everything else is ok. Love the pic of Bond too, but you better hold tight these gals are determined!! thanks for sharing. Wow these out of body experiences are weired for sure... never had one but 2 nights ago I dreamt I was PREGNANT! Good God that was scary enough, thinking what if something happens to DH and I have to raise baby alone and I am too old, but for some reason I was only 40 in dream, then thought what if cancer recurrs and he has to raise baby.. sure glad to wake up! and I am not on any drugs!!!

    Thinking maybe I should google naked gingerSillyHearttoo funny!

    With you on Monday too Dawny!

    Bobo, sure hope what you have to wear on chest will help.

    Hello to all, I have to get busy and get things organized because my busy time at work is coming closer. Sept, Oct, and part of Nov will be here too soon, wish I was with Ariom and spring just arrived.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Nighty night girls, hi ndgirl, sorry, it is after midnight, just heading to bed now.....see you all later..this was fun...M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    no red headed ginger men but found candy. 


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    ND,,dreaming you are pregnant is pretty scary!!  Glad you woke up!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    You all are a hoot! Phone died and had to go pay employees so missed out on the am action:) 

    Want to nap but have to chase two others down to pay them. Guess housework will have to wait. 

    Yes bond is a hottie. Hold him tight with both hands! 

    You would expect to do the same if the situations were reversed with your grandparents. It makes them feel useful. You could see if there is a pink taxi or if the ACS does rides if you really feel like you're imposing. 

    In the bag. Yes I drool. BG has fallen out of bed two nights and boy comes in our bed the middle of the night. She has too many toys. Not sure whats up with him. Allergies? Where would we put a dog? 

    Ice cream must be full fat! No light stuff. May have to treat myself. Not really wanting sweets. Chocolate doesn't count. Just Tomatoes and potatoes. 

    We got your cooler weather DP. Thinking about soup beans and cornbread. 

    Nightly night. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    Nd that's a doozy of a dream for sure! Glad you woke up too. When I was younger my grandma would always have dreams I was pregnant. But that's a whole nother story. Transfer fear from my moms situation I guess lol. But it was kind of funny cuz she would start tenatively asking questions. I was always too smart for that though. 

    The lion dream man is also striking me. I swear that when I was trying to stay in bed at 4 this morning, I thought there was a taxidermy tiger head in the room. I realized my thought and said your not really thinking that. But then said yes there is a tiger head by the bedroom door and I can't sleep cuz it's looking at me. Then I had to really think about if bond had a freaking tiger head hanging in the bedroom!  And why the hell it wouldn't let me sleep!  Oh dear. I'm going crazy. We don't have any taxidermy btw. Just a pheasant in my flower arrangement but I don't count him. 

    Chasing down people to pay them? Forget that, let them find you!  I'm over the sweets today. I told bond this morning that I sure hope the sugar feeds cancer thing is a crock cuz it's all I've been having for two weeks. A bottle of Apple juice a day plus all the ice cream. And I have to have sugar in my tea. Feeling like hearty food today. We are supposed to go out with a friend for Mexican tonight. I hope I feel good enough. 

    I guess I can watch y'all drink piña coladas sgc. No drinking allowed for this girl now but it will be fun to watch. 

    Good on the shopping ariom. My email still fills daily with shoes and makeup and groupons and all sorts of pretties. I have been pretty good. I did order three pairs of leggings that were on a daily qvc special sale. I know I will use them. I cancelled all my auto orders though. Have to be thrifty and I sure won't be needing another gallon of wen in December. Got new fragrance refills from bath and body works. Also under te guise that I needed to have more night light plug in parts so I wouldn't be tripping through te house. They have all of the lovely fall scents and accessories right now. My house is a giant pumpkin collection. 

    Laughing at glennie looking up naked red head bjs at work. At least the page didn't freeze up! Abort! Abort!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    YIKES!!  OMG!  DP, what if the page had frozen?  I'd be hitting control alt delete so fricking fast!!  

    Wonder where the tiger head came from?  And i say eat whatever you want.  It's hot, Have ice cream.  Hoping you feel up for the Mexican food.  Report in later.

    I think if people want their money,, they would chase you down. I know I would!  But you probably just want to get that task over with and I can't blame you for that. And agree with you,Zills,, Must be full fat REAL ice cream.  None of that fake crap. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    I had a little bit of a similar experience with a fever from tonsil infection and Darvon for the pain. We had a green night light in our room and I spent the night wide awake floating on the green water that was about 18" from the ceiling. I know a tiger head would keep me awake. Now I just have boring can't get to sleep, no dream, hallucinations to make it more interesting.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    guess what bobo. I'm getting new use out of all those scarves yiu sent me. I'm out of practice tying though. Wearing one of the pretties now. :-)

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    There's a blog called "une femme d' certain age" by a woman in her 50's. She has several videos on how to tie scarves. She spends a lot of time in France where scarves are worn by everyone. I once googled scarf tying and found a moslem site with a sweet young woman showing how they do their scarves. Very complicated and lots of work.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Ooh!  DP!  So happy you are wearing the scarves.  Wren has good advice.  But I was going to add to it and tell you to google Eileen Fisher scarf tying.  That's what I do when I need to tie a scarf!  

    Well well well... I go off to work and I see things have been whipped up into a frenzy in my absence.  Our ND has dreamt she has knocked herself up!  Our M is being a bad influence on poor gullible Glennie, inducing her to look at online porn of naked red heads!  Zut!  What is going on in here?  It is a good thing this thread is Private.  Glennie, you should know by now that M is going to lead you in to all sorts of trouble!  I am going to separate you two!  **censorious look**

    DP, whatever did you do to earn this kooky band of part-missing girls?  I include myself, of course.  **trips Glennie and steps over her to plant one on Bond**

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    **tries to remember if she ever saw a naked red head in person**   hmmmm, mostly brunettes. Obviously I need to add to my bucket list.

    I'm a bad influence on myself.  Just must remember not to look at naked gingers on the work computer.

    **grabs Bobo by the ankle and pulls her down to get to Bond** 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Alert:  I am so much bigger than Glennie.  Could wrestle her to the ground and bang her head on floor!

    Also, I believe bobo could probably 'take' Ava.  **sits on Glennie, squashing her, and pats lap, inviting Bond to sit**

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Uncle!  Please don't bang head!!    **pouts that I'm so small**   I don't understand how I can have 6 ft tall brothers and I'm so short.

    Ava is fearful of dogs bigger than her.  She must had had trauma in her early years. She whimpers around them. It's very sad. But I have seen fear aggression from her and it's quite scary. We try to avoid stressful situations. No dog parks. Hang with small dogs and people. She loves people, especially those that feed her cookies. And babies with messy hands. She will lick them clean.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014


    she was sleeping in my lap Weds night when I was watching TV. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    you crazy girls are making me laugh. The tying will come back to me I'm sure. I didn't do scarves too often. Had real good wigs. But I'm feeling lazy today. I must really look like shit too. Grandpa instantly said you don't feel good today do you. I lied and he knew better. The rads techs asked if I was ok and I fell apart. I'm always or have always been fine until someone genuinely asks if I'm ok. Always hated that. Anyhow the one girl came and sat and talked to me while I was waiting. It was very nice of her but also alarming that I must look so pitiful today. It is so gloomy outside today. I am hoping that is part of it. I normally love this weather. 

    I won't get to start the xeloda until Thursday because I have to take it with breakfast and dinner. And I can't very well be eating breakfast while I am getting my port put in. She says it's ok but I am so anxious to start. I'm a little nervous about giving myself chemo. What if I forget something? Or take it wrong? Especially the way my brain is addled these days. Hopefully that will improve with rads ending. It's hard to imagine that today. 

    Looking forward to dinner. And kind of looking forward to it getting dark tonight so I can stop looking at the gloomy sky. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    Ohhhh I just want to kiss the side of her nose!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    are you taking 2 weeks on, 3 weeks off?  Or how?  Maybe get a calendar so that you can mark off the doses.  I would need a reminder like that too. I have trouble remembering to give Ava all her meds.  Take at the end of breakfast and dinner.

    Ava says you may kiss her nose.  She will lick your face. Sometimes she kisses me when I bend over to get her food out. It's like she knows exactly what I'm doing and she is encouraging me to feed her faster. I need to learn how to do a video. If you could see her dance while I'm making her dish,, it's hysterically funny.  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Well. well lookie here, you're all here, tying scarves, kissing Ava, me too, and chasing people to pay them. Bobo and Glennie are fighting over Bond and a Tiger head in the room? Is that a tough dream analogy, for the elephant in the room?

    I am constantly amazed by how many Groupons and Ozsales etc they can send out every day. It has the opposite effect on me, I just delete them all without looking, too much crap.

    I do understand the fragrances in the house though. I have a friend who is an aromatherapist. She makes the most fabulous analgesic  massage oils, which I have used for about 18 years, for Arthritis pain and for scars. She also makes pure essential oils for in the burner.  A few drops and the house smells divine and they clean the air of bacteria and viruses too.

    I swear by my blackboard for remembering things. We have all the high tech shit, but writing it on the blackboard on my kitchen wall, which also doubles as a clock, by the way, makes me remember everything and when a deed is done, it gets wiped away!

    I am sorry today isn't a good one, DP. I hope tomorrow is better! Love M x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    I have a nice size calendar by my back door so I can't miss it. It it's not written on there, chances are real good I'll forget it. Thank goodness my PCP does reminder calls! I didn't write in a lab test past Mon. 

    Meds live on top of the microwave. Dumb place, but I can see the container. I have been known to put dog meds in with mine so I don't forget them. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    see I already can't remember the schedule. Lol. It is two on but I forgot how many off. Shit. Have to look at paper. I think the ixempra is one on three off. I know I get one week together of off. Can't think today. Grrr. 

    I got new skin products to try ariom. Don't think I heard of it before but at 2:30am a few days ago there was a commercial for Sarah McNamara miracle skin. Have you heard of it?  I think I was actually half asleep that night. And thinking of my wretched skin state I whipped out my phone and ordered. I'm actually quite impressed with the company itself because in my sleepy stupor and trying to be so careful to not order all the extra scammy things, I accidentally hit the upgrade offer. Checked the bank that afternoon when I remembered and they had replaced my $40 order with $119 charge. I figure here we go. They are just going to drain my account for eternity. So I called and said I didn't mean to order that. Guy says it already shipped this morning and lists out all this stuff I'm getting. Here we go... But then he says I will refund that difference for you and your package will arrive on Friday. I said will there be a label so I can send back the extra?  He says no this is all your product to keep. So today the money went back in the bank and a giant package full of stuff arrived. Seems too good and nice to be true. Lol. Going to wait till after rads to try it. Meanwhile bath and body works is on my shit list. I still can't even reach them about their trying to charge me five times when the order didn't even go through. The end :-)

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    Morning girls, giggling at all of your antics.  DP, I too fall apart when any staff at the hospital ask how I am doing, I have jokingly told the nurses not to ask. Lol.  I am sure Bond would help out with your meds?  Maybe you could get one of those weekly container things, where you put in each days pills, that way you could fill it at the start of the week, and then just check it to see if you are up to date.

    Some scary dreams going on.

    Spookiesmom, I would be scared that I would take the doggy tablets!  No need to worry about worms...:)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Hi Dawn, beautiful still day here!

    DP, you're a really bad influence on me! lol I hadn't heard of that brand either, just searched and found it, now, I will find myself going back and ordering for sure! What a sweet deal you got, don't hear of that too often!

    I am almost through my Lily Herbceuticals, have some Dimitri left, but could be tempted with this new one.

    Dexs doggy tabs are listed on the blackboard too!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Ooh!  Hi M!

    DP, I see you are a ... what does M call it?  'cosmetics slut,' just like she is!  Sarah McNamara, huh?  Will have to see what all the fuss is about.  I am doing ... what is it called?  Perricone.  Am super-tired.  Cannot remember everything.  So sorry about your bad day.  People rarely ask how I am doing either, including DLLP.  I swear, if people ever asked me, I would probably burst into tears too.

    Dawny, are you taking dog meds?  Stop that right now! **dog meds junkie**  If Dawny starts barking we will know why.  :)

    DP, are both those in pill form?  Or is the port for one of them?  I think your nurse navigator should help, don't you?  We have a bc nurse navigator here.  There must be something she can do to help you sort all this out and keep it straight!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    I reply to myself.  Ava is just so cute, I cannot stand it.  Eventually I will go to Glennie's house (without bobo) and pet Ava and kiss and kiss her!  Bobo is afraid of big dogs too, and can be fear-aggressive, and we have to avoid the dog park too, and today when I went out with him to walk him, there was 1) the old man pervert from across the street, bobo hates him; 2) the lawnmower man, bobo hates noise and things with round things (wheels or cylinders); and 3) a man on a bike (round things) with a big dog with him!  Yikes!  He nearly yanked me to pieces.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    DP: hard to remember complicated regimens. especially when the drugs are not in sync.  If I remember right, Xeloda needs to be kept in the original bottle,, so check before putting in a 7 day pill box. I think maybe a chemo calendar with nothng else on it except when to take what.   That sounds like a good company!  They let you keep all of that!! Wow!

    Hi Spooks!   Hi, Dawny!!

    Bobo:  Ava says come over any time. She will let you enter thru her doggie door if I'm not home. Only very special people get to do that.   Poor Bobo-dog,, sounds like he had some trauma too.  :(


    M:  blackboard is a good idea.  Then I could erase when done.  I've been using a large calendar for all appt's,, then I also have a weekly page,, where I add things like Lunch with Bobo, or be sure and go to Target for supplies,,, stuff like that.  2 weeks and 2 days until surg,, and I'm forgetting everything.  Making master list this weekend to get everything done before surg.  Scratch them off when done. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    Dawney! Worm pills are once a month, kept separately LOL. no, theirs go with mine if they have antibs for some reason .

    Although, we are at dog park so much it's a wonder we all don't have fleas! . 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Yep cosmetic slut, that's me Bobo, self confessed. Not much I haven't tried over the years, but still get excited over a new one. DP knows what I mean!!! lol That middle of the night shopping is wicked, it always sounds so tempting when you're half asleep. I remember DP sleep shopping an being surprised when the parcel arrived. I love that. Colin is the one who gets all the surprises around here, when the packages arrive, Barry says he's moving in! He's here more than at home. 

    All this Doggy meds talk, reminds me I have to Dex for his shots, might see if they have a free appointment today.

    Anything interesting planned for the weekend, ladies?

    Catch you all a little later...M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    eating my way thru the weekend. Thai food Sat. night,, a breakfast gathering on Sunday AM and then Outback Sunday evening.    Otherwise,, I gotta get busy, figuring out everything I need to do/buy before surgery.  Wrap my nephew's birthday presents and get them ready to mail on Monday.   Watch a movie I got from the library,, The Normal Heart. 

    I sound busy,,,, hmmmm,,,,