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  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    good morning beautiful ladies with all the missing parts.  Got to sleep some. But I guess it only happens in two hour increments. Damnable qvc sucked me in at midnight eastern time. That's the launch of each days "today's special value". A new exclusive bare minerals kit. They have launched liquid foundation. Cost of said foundation and revolutionary brush in stores is $57. Cost of kit including those things plus a mineral veil, blush, eye shadow, lip gloss and more brushes $53. So I couldn't pass it up. Figure since I'm planning to be around for some years that I need to keep testing new products out. Anyhow if your on the market for a new foundation, you should check it out. It will be on til midnight. 

    Now y'all have me craving soup! Grandma makes the most wonderful potato soup. Got me through painful braces teenage years. I saw a recipe last night on FB for something called cheeseburger potato soup. Looked pretty good. Grandma made some veggie soup yesterday so I'm sure she will have a bowl for me this afternoon. Meanwhile I think I want hummus for breakfast. Wtf? Steroids man!

    Hope everyone has a good day. Everyone is off to work. I know I was quitting anyway but I miss it so much. I'll just be here, learning to fold laundry. :-)

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    ariom all that facial stuff sounds so nice. I can't wait to microderm the heck out if my face. It's all covered in bumps and rash now. Yucko. 

    We only got the shopping part done of the project. That always happens to me. That's how I end up with closets full of unfinished projects. Will probably be Saturday before we get back to it. Problem is I keep buying more good. Lol. I feel like a squirrel preparing for winter. But I can't pass up things at the dollar store like progresso soup and canned asparagus for a buck. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    in the bag DP and Andrea! I need to learn to fold laundry too! It's different staying at home. 

    Time to rouse the troops. Bed hopping again. BG teething molars/cold. Boy has testing this week. Must eat good breakfast. Woke up early on sat. Today will be whiny. 

    Went hiking yesterday. I paid for it last night. Sore and nauseous. Still sore this morning. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014


    Was in KMart last night. They have Christmas trees on display. So not ready for that!!

    I quit/retired work over 5 years ago. Seems like I slept a lot at first. Then I decided I liked not having to BE somewhere at the crack of dark.  When school started the next fall, just about killed me. That's when I missed it.  Was school bus driver, would see my former co workers all around. Now, I can't see me ever working again, even part time. I enjoy my freedom to say NO too much. It is an adjustment, but you will get used to it, and probably love it!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Hi there DP, that kit sounds great! Midnight shopping again! 

    I got my new Eve Pearl kit from TV shopping, in the mail today, still waiting for the rest of the range to arrive from Ozsale.

    It has turned cold again and wet. The painters were here this morning, started sanding the fascia, made a mess and then had to leave, because of the rain. It's getting tedious, but so close to being finished!

    Colin has been busy on Ebay tonight. They have a 15% off deal with PayPal, so he bought another model yacht and a new camera and you thought I was bad!

    Ready for  bed now, take it easy with that laundry folding! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Spookiesmom, I saw Christmas stuff today, too. I just ignored it!

    I totally agree about the retirement. I couldn't believe it when United decided to make us redundant after we had done everything we could, to save the company money, while they were in chapter 11 after Sept 11. We cleaned the bloody offices and the Red Carpet Club among many other things and took time off, without pay. They came out of Chapter 11 and promptly outsourced our jobs...thanks a lot guys! I was just 15 months away from getting lifetime flying rights, at 55. That really rubbed salt in the wound.

    Anyway, the adjustment to not working was weird at first, I felt at a loose end, but I quickly got used to it and now I love it, I don't know how I ever had time, to go to work!  M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Well now, maybe Hawaii wouldn't be so bad if you all came to visit! But I don't think we could afford a house...or even a grass shack, lol

    Ariom, one of my daughters is allergic to egg whites so they can't give her the flu shot. She is an immunization nurse and so is a big advocate for people being vaccinated if they can be. 

    Right now she is being tested for Pertussis (whooping cough). I heard her coughing and it sure sounded like it.

    It is making a big comeback in Canada (several infants have died) and they are encouraging adults to get a booster shot. I got one two years ago before going to see my newborn grandson. My hubby wouldn't get one  (it might hurt) , but he finally got one this spring. Good thing since he was out in Canada and spent time with my daughter a day before her symptoms started.

    DP, fingers crossed it is SEs. Reminds me once again of the commercials with all the SEs listed at the end, lol. What doesn't kill you cures you!!

    Have to run to BS now ... And by run I mean drive. Lol .Hope everyone has a great day!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    One of the girls showed me a picture of Michael's Craft store,, the aisle had Halloween stuff on one side and Christmas stuff on the other side!  I think they should have to wait for Christmas until Halloween has passed.

    I think I'm starting to get hot flashes already,,, had them back in Jan,, but then they went away,, I think they are coming back,, and I still have 2 weeks to HX.   Maybe the body is getting ready for the hormone adjustment. I just hope the weather cools off,,, but it's really too early to hope for that.

    Still working,,, would love to cut down to part-time when I hit 60,, but that's 4+ years away.  I need to keep my health benefits until Medicare would kick in. Freaks me out to think of being w/o health insurance.   It's an adjustment, to stop working. Everyone I know who has,, has needed some time to adjust. Get into a new routine.

    Sucks about United, M.  Totally Sucks.  My ex-hubby worked for El Al Israel airlines,, and they were literally like family. So many family units worked there. His mom retired from them after 30 years, and his sister had worked for them for a while too. He was laid off after 17 years,, hated it,, replace with cheaper non-union employees. Sucked. He was miserable,, made me miserable.   just edged the divorce closer!

    In the bag for all procedures today. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    in the bag Andrea. Good luck!  

    Holy shit! I am a housewife. Decided I'm feeling good this morning and need to be busy. So I thought I'll make bonds lunch which he usually does himself while eating something random from the fridge for breakfast. Then I thought I should make him breakfast too. I bought a 6 lb box of bisquick at Costco for my contest experiments. I made pancakes. I have never made pancakes in my life. Best part, they tasted like pancakes! Who the hell am I?  

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    ugh I hate the Christmas stuff out. It used to be an eternity between Halloween and thanksgiving. One that I loved. Michaels has their Halloween on clearance the second week on the shelves to clear them out. It was fun seeing all the aisles of Halloween stuff at the dollar stores yesterday. It's my very favorite holiday. 

    United stinks anyway and how sad to treat such dedicated workers that way. Darn it m could be flying to visit all of us for free!

  • Helenna
    Helenna Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2014


    An American classic (but now cruelty-free!)

    Hi girls! Haven't been on boards for a bit as we have family in town staying with us a few more days, on the go every day! I made the cashew vanilla ice cream last night, everyone was blown away by it! Even dear MIL! I remembered Ariom wanted the recipe so wanted to pass it on. So easy to make but its the creaminess that is devine,  and with ingredients you can always keep on hand!  From Chef Skye Michael

    • 1 and ½ cup (7.5 oz.) whole raw cashews
    • 3 cups water
    • 1 and ¼ cup organic sugar
    • ⅓ cup unsweetened cocoa or carob powder
    • 2 tsp real vanilla extract
    • ½ tsp sea salt
    • ½ tsp guar gum (optional; helps prevent ice crystallization)

    Soak the cashews in water for a minimum of 8 hours. Drain and discard the water and add the cashews to a high-powered blender. A the 3 cups of fresh water and process on high speed for a full 2 minutes.

    Thoroughly strain the cream through a nut milk bag or through a strainer lined with 4 layers of cheesecloth. Gently massage the bag to help the cream pass through or stir the cream in the strainer with a spoon.

    Add the cashew cream back to the blender with the remaining ingredients and process until smooth. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens and is heated through. Do not boil.

    Remove from the heat and let cool until warm (stir occasionally to prevent a “skin” from forming on the surface).

    Pass the mixture through a strainer into a container with a lid and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled.

    Process the mixture according to your ice cream maker’s instructions. The ice cream will freeze hard when stored in the freezer.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    yum. We sure are an ice cream eating crowd around here. 

  • Helenna
    Helenna Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2014

    Oh, for vanilla I should have said just omit the cocoa and add 2-3 tsp vanilla extract and/or some vanilla beans.

    For the chocolate I personally love to add a couple spoonfuls of instant coffee for an extra kick!


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Hi Helenna!  Hope you had fun with company. ooooo,your own ice cream!  Nice!! Back in my childhood, one of the neighbors used to make her own. It was always some fruit flavor,, whatever was in season,, peach, banana,,,, to this day I still love fruit ice cream.  My local shop makes really lovely mango in season.

    DP:  you go, girl!  Pancakes!!

    It would be lovely if M could fly for free,,, **SIGH**  then she could wear the power suit and kick ass in person instead of over Skype.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    Lovely ice cream. Used to have a store that made French pot ice cream. Peach was the best!  

    I love Halloween too. The stuff may be out but the boy's costume isn't available until next week. He wants to be toothless, a dragon. I have made his costumes before but not this year. Sewing is not my forte. 

    I think the BG wants to be a butterfly. Wings from the dollar store and a headband plus cool makeup? Cheap enough I can get several so it will stand up to more than one outing. 

    We always go to the campground one weekend. The adults there go all out with decorations. It's late afternoon and the kids can run. Very safe. 

    Since we live in the boondocks, we go up to the cousins and trick or treat on halloween. They get into decorating there too. 

    I am going to do thriller this year. Haven't decided on my zombie outfit. Probably whatever I can find at goodwill. Need some cool makeup. 

    Neither are pancakes or gravy. You rock DP. Must have that cooking gene after all. 

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited September 2014

    Pancakes ... yum!  A few weeks ago DD wanted waffles and it had been years since I've made them, so obviously no box mix available. Then I thought. .what have we become?  Unable to make simple waffles from scratch?  So DD set out to make homemade waffles.  They were absolutely delicious...and now I have a waffle snob on my hands.  She won't eat the box mix ones.   Maybe she'll be a chef..she loves to cook and simply put, I hate it.  If I could convince her to live on grilled cheese sandwiches, I would!

    Oh Christmas stuff this early?   Hate it.  Actually, I really don't like Christmas if the truth be known.  My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, because to me, it really has some meaning behind it.  Yes, we need to give thanks for our families and our existence here on earth...and pumpkin pie is one of my favorites!  

    Zills -  I have never made a costume in my life.  The school always does a Halloween parade and I'm always amazed at what people come up with.  I've purchased all DD's and they are cute, but they are not as neat as home made ones.  Love to see the creativity out there.

    So, I played tennis with DD yesterday.   60 degree days and tennis are simply divine.  When I'm out there I think.. I need to join a gym and start playing tennis on a regular basis...but then tomorrow comes around and I never follow through.  I have to say though, that when I am out there huffing and puffing, I do feel like the score becomes:  ME 1  Cancer 0...."Take THAT you shitty cancer cell.. *whap*"   A lot of dog walkers were out yesterday, and one guy on the other side of the street started clapping!  I thought he was clapping for his dog so ignored him...but then he yelled "you guys are good!".   That put a little extra bounce into my step.  Then walking home,  DD said  "And the crowd cheered!".   I love these moments with her.  12 years old seems to be a wonderful age.  She told me the other day that if I were her age, I would be her best friend.   Awwwww..  Makes me a little teary eyed.

    Gum in the dryer update - I scraped most of it out with a plastic spoon...then wiped it down with a liberal dose of soapy water...then put a wet towel and dryer sheet in there for 50 minutes to mop it all up.   It all seems fine.  I can feel some roughness with my hand (which I assume is gum residue), but it's not getting on the who cares, right?

    The party simply has to be in Florida because it's warm and because Bobo and Glennie live there.  NY is too cold!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    Zills if you meant Graeters, check Krogers. I can get it at Publix here, they had it in Cinti. I have been known to drive it and fly it!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    I'm in Florida too, snif!!  Farther south and 10 min from Clearwater beach

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited September 2014

    OHHH.. sorry Spookie.. Yes Florida it is!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    oh what lovely sounding festivities zills. What about a hay ride?  Thrift store made costumes are always the best. I  always loved starting the hunt. Well it was always an all year thing. Ex and I always did up Halloween so big. Made a full on graveyard of realistic headstones. Bought a genuine casket on cl. Always made a theme. The kids would come by every day speculating what it would be each year. It was so much fun. My Favorites were tx chainsaw massacre year and true blood theme.  The giant building in back is loaded with te stuff could have started a real haunted house. 

    Then I started collecting lemax spooky town. It filled the entire living room set up with landscaping like a town. Took days to get it just right. With my saavy clearance shopping I must have amassed $3000 worth of the stuff. All still sitting in those garage bins that I walked away from. Crazy how many "things" a person thinks they need. 

    PRB homemade waffles oh my. Sounds yummy. I'm taking baby steps here. Lol how awesome are you getting cheers from the crowd. You badass. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Ohhh, Graeters ice cream,, that is some good stuff.  We have it at Publix too. I like to go to my local guy, Sweet Dreams, he makes it all himself and it is excellent.

    Majority rules!  Party in FL!  Woot!!  Let's get a big beach house.

    PRB:  excellent job with getting the gum out. And waffles! WOW!!  And getting cheered playing tennis! And DD saying you would be her best friend.  AWWWW! What a day!

    We always had store bought costumes. Mom was not a crafty type of person, But I remember trick or treating for blocks!! Fun times.

    DP:  Halloween is totally your holiday!  Love to hear about all the decorating. **I'm so boring**  I love it but never decorate. Hardly anyone trick or treats any more.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited September 2014

    Oh DP - you are one of 'them'!!  Those people who do crazy things on Halloween.  Love it.  I have to say that when trick or treating with the daughter at an early age.. I avoided the house with the casket and the rolling fog.  Too scary for me!  lol   One of the best was a couple of people dressed as scarecrows sitting in chairs, off to the side, on the front yard.  They waited until the kids came over to see if they were real, and then BOO!  OMG.. still gives me shivers.  DD goes to a wealthy suburban school...we live in the not-so-wealthy city about 20 minutes from there.   The last couple of years we have gone with her friends in the 'burbs, and trick or treating over there is pretty mediocre.  Some people just leave candy in a bowl out!   My neighborhood (which btw, is a real neighborhood and not 3 streets in a cornfield.. don't even get me going)  has the big oak trees and the old houses with front porches.  Swishing through the leaves on an actual sidewalk (very few sidewalks in the 'burbs) and greeting people sitting on the steps is how it should be demmit.


  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    Yes we avoid those houses too. Kids too little. Others have cotton candy machines on their porches:) Even the churches get into the act with popcorn machines and hot chocolate. 

    Yes it's Graeters. Will look at Kroger. B&J not cutting it. 

    I'm up for a road trip to FL. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    No comparison to B&J. I lived 3 min from Mr Graeters house in Cinti. Never met him. Grew up on his goodies. Was soooooo excited they started selling it here

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    I saw a cute idea for Halloween in a magazine. Cut eye shapes in a toilet paper roll (the cardboard that's left over). Put a glow stick inside and scatter them around your yard. Pretty spooky looking and easy (I think).

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    I saw that Wren,, it did look spooky.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Okay.  DP made pancakes!  Wow!  And they came out well!  **dancing**  I like your new housewife stories!  The SEs from the steroids will go down as you step down the dosage and soon you will be making your own aprons!

    Z, it seems like just yesterday that we did halloween, doesn't it?  I don't usually dress up.  But DLLP does!  She is always hilarious.  Last year she was a geisha!  At work!

    M, so glad to hear your uberfacial turned out okay!  I was worried.

    DP, do you watch Isaac Mizrahi Live!?  That is my favorite show.  I am so glad Shawn is back!

    In the bag and waiting to hear from Andrea.  XXX

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    Wow, you guys really get into Halloween!  Love it. Over here, not so much.  Someone tried to get some kids together to dress up and walk down one of our main streets, kids loved it, but shopkeepers didn't, and that was the end of that.  So besides a few house parties, you wouldn't even know it was Halloween.

    I had my scans yesterday, and I am going in this morning for results  (and Herceptin). Often my onc will ring me on the day of the scans with results, but didn't yesterday.  Of course I am worried that they are bad and she wants to tell me face to face.  Of course, it could be that the results were not available. Lol.  When I am stressed, I eat.  So last night I ate a whole bag of Apple flavoured licorice, and half a block of chocolate. :(   No wonder I felt sick during the night, and now.    Xxx

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    DP, did you have your last radiation.  All done?  Xx

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    oh all the Halloween stories are making me dream of cooler weather and pumpkins. I don't do all fun stuff anymore. Not many kids in this neighborhood. Last year we too I the boys for a walk and this family put Halloween bandanas on them so it was kinda like we took them trick or treating. Lol. 

    Dawny I'm sure the results just weren't available yet. That would be a really fast turn around. 

    Found out insurance denied ct and bone scans completely. Wtf?  I have not had a bone scan since march 2013. 

    I'm all zapped up now. I have a free day tomorrow then on to the show. 

    I look like a pregnant chipmunk. With cheeks stuffed full of acorns. No wonder I feel like I'm telling someone else how to do my makeup. It isn't me in the mirror. 

    Bobo! Omg I totally forgot that I was wanting to know where Shawn had been. I saw her saying she was so glad to be back but she was acting so weird. Why was she gone? I was going I google it but I think that was in my "lost" weeks.