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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Hi DP, glad you got some rest.

    A kitchen project sounds good, I need to clean out my pantry. I know there is stuff in there that should have gone out some time ago.

    You do crack me up. How is it, we can drop $100 in a .99c store?

    I hate football too, we even had the sports channels removed from our satellite package, I love that Colin doesn't have any interest either, no fighting over watching sports in this house.

    I knew there was a reason I wasn't interested in Twitter. I don't like FB either, I am sick of seeing what people are having for dinner and the mindless junk that you have to scroll through to see if there is anything interesting. My last ex,, is very prolific, in another time he'd have been hung for treason, he hates our current government, so do I, but I am not fired up enough to spend the time that he does pointing that out to the masses. He's a very funny comedian and can take the piss out of anything.

    Had Indian for dinner, veg samosas, veg Korma and Colin had Vindaloo with rice. I made vanilla slices, which are thin sweet graham style cracker with a custard center and vanilla frosting. I feel sick now, greedy guts, ate too much!  I want to go to bed, but I know I'll have indigestion, so have to stay up now!

    Painters should be back tomorrow, but the weather report says rain. I have an appointment for another facial, mani and pedi so I will be out, all afternoon.

    I hope you have a productive day in the kitchen with Bond!

    I will catch you later...hugs to you both...M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    come work on my "spice" cabinet. Had a turning thing, was going to say turn style, but that's not right. Now can't think of the word. Whiny kids and not enough sleep for mommy. Bed hopping again last night. 

    Wanting to go to ikea. I love their kitchen stuff. 

    M you made vanilla slice from scratch? DH loves it. But I thought the Irish ones had flaky pastry. I can buy the pastry. How did you do the filling? 

    I want to go back to bed. Bring on the coffee with a big side of patience. 

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited September 2014

    It's funny reading about QVC because my sister is a QVC addict as well.   She has been watching that channel for so long... think it was called CVN or something before QVC?   The thing I don't like about it is the shipping charges.  She just takes it for granted, but as someone who is used to free shipping from Amazon, I kind of choke at paying the added cost.  If they were smart, they'd roll that darn shipping cost into the price and make people like me feel better about buying from them.  When I am visiting her, I swear the UPS truck always makes at least one delivery.  I will admit that she has acquired some pretty unique stuff over the years.  She always tells me how clothes shopping is so easy on QVC because they insist that the manufacturers sizes be consistent once you know your size you're golden.  She's not too much into make-up, but...and this is a big but... she is a huge jewelry freak, and as you probably well know...QVC sells a lot of jewelry!   She has so much, it's all insured and what not.  Drives her nuts that my daughter doesn't have pierced ears yet, so she has to make do with the occasional necklace or bracelet gift.  DD has 1...maybe 2 jewelry boxes full already and I'm not even kidding.   I guess I should mention that my sister has 3 grown boys, so having my daughter to share her obsession with is probably a dream come true.

    Nothing planned for today.   We're 2 weeks into the school year and DD and myself are slowly adjusting to the early schedule and the daily grind of homework etc.  Lazy day sounds good to me.. well lazy and about 8 loads of laundry and some house cleaning.   Funny, sitting here thinking about my sister and how clean and orderly her house is.  I wish I could 'get there'.  I simply can't imagine what kind of utopia that would be.   

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited September 2014

    OK.. just went down to start the laundry regimen... blue stuff everywhere in the dryer.  Hmmm... DD swears it was not from her, even though it was a load of her jeans/shorts.  So finally I say.. maybe some candy??  Ohhhhhh,  *light bulb moment*   Yeah.. it was a stick of gum she put in her pocket but didn't chew.  So apparently the gum melted, became sticky, and the blue is from her jeans tumbling around.  Guess I know what I'm doing for the next hour or so.   Zills?  I need more coffee too.  Meet me somewhere for coffee so I can avoid this mess.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    oh no gum!  Yuck. Reminded me if something I heard on the news this week. Blue jean sales were down 60% last year. And continuing to decline this year. It's a legging revolution. But who would've thought it would effect jeans that hugely. I'm totally on board too. Even though I said I never would. Yes it was a qvc show that did it. Ha

    I agree on the shipping. I always factor that in. And yes with our psyches if they would call it free and up the price a few bucks, you still feel like your getting something for nothing. I got addicted to qvc during my chemo insomnia. I wasn't looking to buy but it was soothing to hear the hosts talking to each about everything.   I think it was six months before they sucked me into a purchase. I don't remember what it was but I went for it because the shipping charges were free in that item that day. ShopHQ has much cheaper shipping but not near the good variety products as qvc. Hsn which I think is who started it all in home shopping has the absolute worst products to choose from. Not much that interests me anyway. I promised myself to never buy jewelry from qvc though. I know it would be too addictive. I did break down and order a bracelet for a gift though. It was a fabulous John hardy bracelet for $40 which is an unreal price for his jewelry. 

    Shopping saga complete. Hope you got a lil nap in z. IKEA is so fun to roam through. It can turn into a whole day field trip. The actual furniture isn't really my style but all those gadgets and organizers and accessories. Oh my.!  There's a commercial running on tv for something called a spicyspice rack system. It promises to change your life. It does look pretty cool and I think if you call NOW it's a low low 9.99. It really does look handy though. 

    Hope you get to sleep without bad Indian food dreams m. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Checking in.  Gator football went into TRIPLE OVERTIME last night. I don't think that has ever happened,,, well, I've never seen it. Florida was playing Kentucky and Kentucky has not won in Gainesville since 1979 (when I was in college here, ancient history) so it would have been a HUGE DEAL (and the coach's job, most likely) if Kentucky had won. It was quite nail-biting at the end. But Florida managed to pull it off in the 3rd overtime,,, so I was up until midnight watching,, and then had to be all the way cross town, for the retirement breakfast of one of the coworkers.  She is a lovely person and has been night shift at the hospital,, but now she is becoming a home worker like me and will be my new evening partner when she starts. So I'm very happy about that.


    Andrea:  sorry that your friend is moving. That is always hard. What's up with the hamster and other small rodents??

    Skype is cool.  I have done that when my friend was down vacationing in Brazil. It's pretty cool to be able to talk and see each other. I only have it on my PC though,, and evenings I'm mostly on the work computer,, where I can't do it.  Twitter,,,ugh,,, that's just way too time-consuming. I have friends who follow tweets from various celebrities,, and I'm like,, who has time for that?  I can barely keep up with Facebook, email and BC forum! And, oh,, you know,, real life!


    My former evening partner who just retired 2 weeks ago, is having a little trouble winding down. We talked about that today over breakfast.  But I think he will get in the swing before long. He is very active with his church and I think that will help keep him busy. His wife hasn't retired yet,, so he definitely needs stuff to do during the daytime.

    DP:  Interesting that the mozzies did not bite you during chemo and now rads. Could they really detect cancer? Can we get a grant to study this?  After all, dogs can sniff it out.  Will have to try the hot water shower on them and see if that works on the bites.

    And yes, it is football Sunday. My ex was a HUGE NY Giants fan,, that was serious business. I like football ok, will watch it, but I'm not a rabid fan. It's nice when "my" team wins, but I don't lose sleep over it. And I really don't like the way that football players commit crimes and the NFL will just look the other way,, I find it quite upsetting that Ray Rice beat up his wife on camera,, and people don't think it's a big deal. "Has nothing to do with football."  Really? Do you want that guy to be an example for your children?  I sure as hell wouldn't. And don't get me started on Michael Vick.

    Anyhoo,,,, 2 weeks and 1 day until surgery so I gotta get my act together. Got my MO appt this week and GYN appt next week for preop.  So today, I MUST organize my paperwork,, get my questions written out for both appt's, and fill out the leave paperwork so that I have it ready to go. That's today's big job.  No playing on the internet until that's done.

    M and Dawny,,, sleep well.   Everyone else have a lovely day.  Let us know how the pantry organization goes, DP. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Oops,,, posted again w/o reading all the posts,, how do I do that?  I think I'm at the bottom of the page, and don't see there is another page. Dang.

    I LOVE Ikea,,,, I wish there was one closer to me, but it's a 2 hour drive to Orlando.  It is worth the day trip. Before we left NY, we went to Ikea and stocked up on things and moved it down here flat. My entertainment center, coffee table and 2 leather chairs with footstools, all came from there. Solid wood furniture too, not cheap particle board. The coffee table was only $80 and it is solid. Will last forever and has these nice cubbyholes in it where I can store the baskets for remotes, etc.  I love it.  

    Paperwork,,, must do paperwork,,,

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Can't remember if I talked about the rodents... My daughter (13) got a hamster a few weeks ago. It is a Chinese Dwarf. Very gentle and sweet. Looks more like a mouse. Kept us up all night running on its wheel until I put Vaseline on it (the wheel, not the hamster ).

    So then my son (12) wanted one for his birthday the next week. His was very skittish and ended up biting him and my daughter. So we returned it, and got a guinea pig. 

    The GP is not supposed to bite. My son is very gentle with everything and so far so good with him.but yesterday 13 decided to bring the critter out around the little dogs. Then she said "look mom" and held the GP on top of one  dog. So the GP bit her...Drew blood. I explained to 13 that in the wild GPs are prey and that she terrorized the poor thing. She felt bad and will be more careful in future.

    So that was my rodent thing yesterday. I've never had small caged animals in my house before so it is a new experience.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    I had hamsters when I was a kid.  Back when the cages were barred ones with the little door that lifted up. My first guy figured out how to lift the door and escape, which completely freaked out my Mom. After that a clothespin held the door down. I had this denin top with a big pocket in the front and I used to carry him around in it.  After we got the dog,, he was sniffed thru the bars at the hamster and the hamster bit him on the nose!  BIg yelp out of the dog and he never bothered the hamster again.  Later when those rolling balls came out,, they were a lot of fun!  Poor dog would run from them! He didn't want to be near the hamster.

    And funny story.  I did have one last hamster at college. At the time, I had a boyfriend who was a yuppie before the word had been coined, but he was one.  He invited his brother-in-law's brother and fiancee over to my apt,,, don't remember why,, like I could impress them with my cooking or something,, wrong.  Anyway, we are entertaining the hoity-toity folks and the hamster was on the loose in her ball. I had forgotten about her and suddenly this ball just magically rolled across the floor!  Freaked those people out!  It was hysterical!!  Course, I wasn't supposed to laugh, but I was on the inside!

    The kids definitely need to keep the little rodents away from the dogs! Ava would be after it in no time. I imagine most dogs would see them as prey and want to hunt them down.

    OK, I think I finished my list of questions for both doctors.  Boy, does that give me anxiety, just doing that.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    There is ikea in Tampa too

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    I've gotten to where I hate driving long distances. Yes, 2 hrs is a long distance!! Otherwise I would probably hit Orlando and go shopping more often. Due to cervical issues and shoulder issues which have recently cranked up again, my right hand tends to go numb while driving,, and it is most uncomfortable.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    love the hamster stories. Too funny. Sorry about the bite. Ouch. I guess he will know now though. I imagine the dogs would chase the balls around batting at them. Or be scared of them. Lol

    We have several ikeas here now but the closest one used to be Houston. I remember the crazy stories of people driving trailers to go shopping. I'm always in awe of their little "living in 200 sq ft" displays. Looks cool for a minute but then feels claustrophobic. Reggie's big butt takes up 200 sq ft!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    glennie it's good the questions are all done. Now you don't have to think about it any more today. 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014


  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014


  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014


    These two are wondering why we keep bringing new furry creatures into the house...I am wondering the same thing!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    Awwwww is the white pup a Maltese?

    Glennie I'm going to drive to Orlando next week to meet a sista from Colorado. Just for lunch, then home, same day! Bobo cheated, she came to Tampa for lunch, but got a hotel, back next day. 

    That's going to be 4 hours on I4, with Spookie. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    DP:  my first apt in NYC was 450 sq ft.  It was a real shocker after living in a 4 bedroom house down here. There were boxes I put in storage that I didnt see for the entire 5 years I lived up there. When I got back to FL,, and opened boxes,, it was like,, oooo, look at that. Forgot I had that! Ikea was quite useful up there in the tiny apartments.

    Andrea:  the rodents and dogs are adorable.  Poor pups,, "what are those things?  can we eat them, Mom?"

    Spooks:  can't blame Bobo for staying overnight!  Tiring drive!! I have managed Orlando and back in the same day,, but it's been a while. And I-4 is no fun at all. Turnpike and I-75 no better. The Gainesville stretch is known for its high accident rate!  :(

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    ohh furry little critters. Today is kind of funky. It's gloomy again and so quiet. Bond feels foggy too said maybe he napped too long. I told him he better knock it off cuz we can't both be in a daze. 

    $75 at the 99 cent store. Lol but they had awesome items today. It's usually hit or miss. I must share my best find because I'm so effin excited about it and in bonds haze he isn't excited enough for me. Lol

    So yesterday I wanted to buy a case of chai tea for the keurig at Costco. Well they only had coffee. So disappointing. So I was going to check their website for it today. This morning at Kroger I bought a 10 cup pack for 8.99. Thinking how outrageous 89 cents a cup. So at the dollar store they had half an aisle of tea and bond jokingly says you know it's not keurig. I said I know but for a buck I can try some tea and handle brewing. So I spot some Lipton brand chai in the corner. Pick it up and it is keurig cups!  Holy crap! Really. Thought I was imaging it. They weren't 99 cents. They started having some special higher priced items to stay in biz but there wasn't a sign. Did a price check. 2.99 for 16 and 18 packs. How freaking awesome is that?  I wanted to buy them all. Lol. But I think I only got 6 or 7. Once I got home and did the math I want to go back for more. I better get drinking!  

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    oh you girls are making me jealous with te driving. I love long drives. I sure miss it. 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    WOW! That is a great buy!!  I am partial to Keurig Chai Tea Lattes. Hmmm, think I will go make some now (I think I might have one left). 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Can't believe you found Keurig at the dollar store. Excellent find!

    I can't nap. I get foggy like Bond if I do and it's not worth it cuz I feel crappy for the rest of the day.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Spookiesmom, when we got Diva they said she was a Bischon-Maltese cross. All I know is she is the sweetest dog. 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Andrea!  Hamster porn!

    Well, it sure has been busy in my weekend absence, DP.  I swear I don't get a minute to myself on the weekends.  I had a flu shot today and I have a headache now, so I'm in my room sneaking a peek.

    I'll go to IKEA with you, Glennie!  I love it there.  DP, can't wait to hear how the kitchen project turns out.  M, I know you have posted it earlier, but I just have a feeling that my Vitamix soup is not as good as yours!  Haven't made soup in the Vitamix in ages.  I always feel like I need to have cooked potatoes ready.  That's what it says in the recipe.

    Cooking, cleaning, errands with the kids -- they watched me get the flu shot!  And W boy took a picture on my phone!  They had a wonderful day, riding in my little beater car.  I gave DLLP 'mama's morning out.'  I am such a good person.

    Bobo has had a bath and his itch cream.  It's going to be a punishing week.  PT massage tomorrow morning at 8 a.m.!  Will it be relaxing?  Or incredibly painful?

    In the bag for appts, DP!  Sending you hugs.  Your movie night sounds so fun!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Hi Bobo!  Sounds like a full weekend?? Did you watch the game? It was pretty damn exciting.

    EDIT: yes,,, IKEA TRIP!!

    So I was invited out to eat with this older couple I know. He is ~75 and still a full professor at UF in the engineering dept. Interesting couple. So we went to Outback with a total party of 6 people. It took a long time for the food but we were chatting so didn't really pay much attention.Suddenly the manager came over and apologized for the wait,, and said he was comping our meal!!  He thought we had waited too long.  We had not kicked up a fuss or anything,, he just did it!  So all we had to pay for was the alcohol!  Wow,, $113 bill shrunk to $15!  We did leave appropriate tip for the waiter. But hey,, free dinner! Woot!  So that was tonight's dinner out!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Wow!  That sounds pretty fun.  Hooray for Ikea!  DP, hope you are going to get an excellent night's sleep tonight. XOXO

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Bobo, that's his tail...truly!

    Now I want to go to Ikea. It is only a twenty minute drive for me.

    Hubby just told me there is a job in Hawaii he might apply for.  And all I could think was I wonder how good the Cancer centers are there. 

    Not sure I want to live on an island. I watched House Hunters International once when they went to Hawaii. I remember the couple had to chose between  a property that neededVolcano    insurance and one that needed Tsunami insurance. Wow!!

    We wouldn't be doing any cross country drives... But then I am sure we would get plenty of family visiting Us for a change!!

    The cost of living is pretty high there too.

    In pockets for those with appts this week too! I have my 3 month check up tomorrow with my BS. 

    Hoping a good night for all!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    wow glennie score!  Companies are so nice this week!  Our experiences at outback are usually pretty subpar around here but bonds mom always sends him gift cards for there so we go. I hate steak but the fish is good. 

    Andrea I heard there is a really good cancer center in Hawaii. I think I read that bc rate there is higher than normal. The little houses in Honolulu are a million and up. But that's prime real estate. Maybe you could start a macadamia farm. :-)

    So I just googled the SEs of my steroids. Omg it's a huge long list and a bunch of things I've been experiencing. It's somewhat relieving to hope that's the reason. I dosed down again today and I think he said maybe I could be off them in 6 weeks. Here's hoping. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    oooo,,Andrea,, Hawaii!!  We could all visit there,, only halfway for M and Dawny!!   Yeah, it is expensive to live there! But soooooo lovely.  In the bag for tomorrow's appt.

    DP:  yeah, the list is long,,, at least you know what is causing your symptoms. Hoping you feel better as you continue to dose down.

    Our Outback is hit and miss,, we did hit the place just as it got really busy. A whole bunch of tables were seated at the same time. So it wasn't a big deal that the food took a long time as we were chatting,, but it was uber cool to have it comped.  

    off to bed,, have a good night, everyone.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Woo Hoo for the free meal, that would never happen here. You may get a drink on the house, but never a free meal!

    Andrea, I want to go to Hawaii! I will pick up Dawny on the way...who's up for that? Love the cute animal pics!

    DP, I am so glad you looked up those Se's, it is a great drug, but it is brutal when taken in high doses, or long term. I bought a book called Coping with Prednisone by Eugenia Zukerman and her sister Julie Ingelfinger MD, because I have been on it constantly for nearly 18 years now. It is worth a look if you can get it. 

    How did the kitchen job go?

    Bobo, I haven't ever used cooked potatoes in the Vitamix. I pretty well make the same one, with little changes, that I gave you the recipe for, because Colin likes it and will eat it.

    Ikea, I love Ikea, I have built a million Ikea things over the years. Flu shots and I don't mix. I have tried many times, even half doses, but they always make me so sick. My Doctor uses to say, "It cant be this flu shot, it isn't live!" and time and time again I'd get sick from them.

    Had the industrial strength facial and Microdermabrasion, Mani and Pedi, a bit ouchie, but will look good tomorrow! M x