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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    When I did invitro I made a calendar and hung it on the fridge. Only way to keep up. Now I have a daily alarm set on my phone for tamox but must stop and do it or I forget. And yes my meds hang out in a box on the microwave. Knock on wood, kids not interested. 

    BG pooped on the potty. Went to Walmart to get a baby bottle for her doll. None. She picked out a phone. Has been calling all night. Tries to put it down her shirt like daddy. No he doesn't wear a bra. Has a shirt pocket. She's improvising. No chest pockets for little girls. 

    I bought cleaning stuff yesterday. Doesnt work Bobo. Still chasing after one guy to pay him. Unbelievable. None look like bond. 

    Boy has gymnastics tomorrow. HAVE to clean. Making chex mix. Nothing exciting. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    What I remember from 30 years ago my hx was NO LIFTING. my boss told me I would feel like jello. I thought she was a wuss. She was right! I COULD NOT believe how heavy a gallon of milk felt. Couldn't handle it. 

    So have your drinks in smaller, lighter containers. 

    I was not allowed to cook or clean or drive for 6 weeks. Not driving was the worst. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Mine seems to think I'll be able to handle work after 2 weeks.  I told her to give me 3.  Why is it no one wants to give me any extended time off for surgery?  I have a sedentary job,, is that it??

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    I was off work for the summer. Worked for my local school district. 10 month employee. Was a baker, some heavy lifting. I'm not sure I COULD have worked 2 weeks later, even with a sit down job. I had a bikini cut. 

    Maybe things have changed in the OR, but she is still taking things out, and it takes time to heal!! Insist on at least 3 off!!!!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    well, it is supposed to be laprascopic.  If for some reason,, it turns into abdominal,,, believe me,, i'll be taking longer!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    gosh glennie the dr won't just say you need more time?  Drs down here are real agreeable. I mean what do they care how long you are off. Insist on three or four if you need it. Dr told me to take 6 for bmx and I took 2, working 1 from home. I still regret that. Get ariom skyping. 

    Just the xeloda is a pill. The other is IV. Will reread and piece it all together. I think I'll make a calendar with check boxes on it. So I can check off wen I take it. I sometimes forget now if I just took my pills or not. 

    I'm a little skeptical of the miracle skin products only because I'm a packaging snob. But gosh it looked good on tv. Can't wait to try the microderm scrub after rads is done. And yes cosmetics slut bobo. I have also adopted to term goo hoarder. Cuz it's all goo and there are 100 opened bottles. I've become kind I obsessed with tryin to use things up. But there's always something new to try. I go through it all a couple times a year and would take bins and bins into the office for the girls to go through. Which I always did with clothes and shoes too. It is bizarrely magical in how many 40 gallon tubs of various size clothes I would give away, only to somehow still have tubs and tubs and closets and racks full everywhere. So I guess I'm just an all around shopping whore really.  Did I mention I bought 6 wigs the first time I looked? I think I have 11 now.  And there's only 2 I wore all the time. Shit somebody call the hoarders show for me. 

    Dinner was delicious. Lots of queso and spinach enchiladas. Good to get out and nice to hear about other things going in in the world. The dark did improve things. It's been misting all night. Feels like Christmas. Windows open. Drinking kuchina tea which also arrived today. 

    The boys had some more of their special treats tonight ariom. They really love them. It's really funny because Reggie normally just scarfs down everything but these he stops and smells and then gobbles then his eyes look like it was the most delicious thing he ever had. They are going to become gourmet snobs. Lol. Must really be something to the natural ingredient thing. 

    So tired. Having some minor vision issues. Hoping that is just from fatigue. Heading to bed. I hope that tiger let's me sleep a while. 

    And a big yay for pooping in the potty!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Hi DP, so funny, you should have been my Daughter! Bec has no interest whatsoever in any of my cosmetic or skincare pursuits, never has really. We are super close, but very, very different.

     Her absolute bestie, was my fave, of all her friends, John. He loved to do spa nights and would sit rapt in front of me, while I explained some new mask or cream I had found, he let me pluck his brows. We hung out and had a ball. Bec would laugh and say that he was the Daughter I should have had! He disappeared and never contacted anyone again, when he was Dx with HIV. I miss him. 

    I do the same thing with the tubs of stuff. I really believe the more you give away, the more you accumulate. Colin's carers get most of it, and the Opp Shops. I wish we were closer and could swap, that would be so much fun! I too, have boxes of unopened stuff that I just couldn't live without and now with all the boxes of makeup I received, with more to come, for the Beauty Day, I am inundated!

    Glad your tea arrived today, do you like it?

    I am so thrilled the boys like the treats! It was a long process, going through those treats and deciding what would be the nicest surprise. I am glad they enjoyed them! Gourmet snobs..hahaha, 

    I hope you get an uninterrupted sleep tonight. I am going to go and meditate in the garden and send you a ball of golden, relaxing light. I do this for Bec when she isn't well! Take it easy...M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    what a night of mixed feelings. I struggled for a few hours then I was dreaming. I was reading or hearing a message from dr z. I don't Remember all the words but she was explaining to me about resting and what to do and how I was going to work. I remember saying dr z always has all the answers and felt so peaceful. Then I became conscious of the dream and started really questioning if I had come in here in my sleep and read a post. Lol. I was so happy and comfortable in bed. 

    Then it went bad. In the seriously this is my fucked up life front, I began having the worst pain in my knee and both ankles. The most excruciating pain. My knee started aching a couple days ago. The mo said she was ordering a bone scan even though I had told her I had no pain when I saw her. I hadn't. But holy shit. This has to be bone mets. Still painful this morning. Not quite as bad, only in moments. But aching and kind of hurts to walk. So geez now I have to try to make it without crushing anything I guess. 

    Still somehow peaceful though, I guess this weather is really magical. I was able to go back to sleep after I took my 5am pills. When I got back in bed my head had his peaceful falling feeling and I thought oh wow I'm really gonna sleep. Then I thought omg is this what the end feels like? Is this it? So I made myself jerk awake. And I'm still here obviously!  Ha. What a crazy dream land I'm living in these days. 

    I stayed in bed til 7. Still feeling pretty good besides my feet. Liking the tea. I'm not sure who or if to tell about my bones. It's Saturday and it's not like any plans would change anyway. I guess I just need to be careful. 

    Hope everyone has something fun going today. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    DP: I don't know what it is with the doctors. My BS thought I only needed 2 weeks with my MX too.  They seem awfully stingy to me. Maybe they think if they tell me I can go back after 2 weeks, it will make me think the surgery is not so bad or something,, I don't know. I already told her 3 weeks and told my boss 3 weeks too. I have to get the paperwork out for the leave this weekend and start filling it out before my pre-op visit.

    Dinner sounded wonderful. glad you were able to get out and have fun with the gang. Going out for Thai food tonight and looking forward to that.

    Bec and I are secretly sisters. I was never into the cosmetics stuff either. I'd buy things and then never use them. The last time I wore makeup was my wedding in 1999. I don't think I've even used mascara since. I really could use a good facial moisturizer tho,,, I got serious bags under my eyes. My usual solution is to not look in the mirror.

    M:  that's too bad and sad that John disappeared. I guess he felt like he would be a burden with his disease. HIV patients faced a lot of prejudice in the beginning years of the disease. Really sad.

    DP:  seriously wonky dreams!  Hard to have restful sleep with that shit going on in your mind.  UGH about the feet. Are you seeing any of your doctors on Monday? I guess it's worth a mention.

    Z:  congrats on BG pooping on the potty.

    ((HUGS)) to all,, will be back later.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Good morning DP, I just wanted to check if you were up, I was just going to bed.

    Dr Z always has the answers! Even in dreamland.  I am sorry you're having the pain in your knees and ankles. You're on new meds, are there any that have joint pain as se's? A lot of them do and I can vouch for joint pain being a doozy! 

    I am sorry you're having these scary feelings, so much stress and so many drugs, interfering with your sleep. I'd love to give you a big hug, wish there was something I could say to make it better.

    How is Bond doing?  Have you anything planned for the weekend? Can you snooze if you feel like it?

    I don't have much on, just trying to get things back in order after the painters finish next week. I have people coming to stay soon and the guest room is a mess with crap from everywhere else that had to be painted. I am just about over it, I have moved this stuff around so much! lol

    I will be thinking of you...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Hi Glennie, just about to close up and I saw your post!

    It's so funny, how different we are, in the makeup area. I wouldn't have surgery without my makeup, DP is the same. I can do my makeup in the dark and without a mirror. I could probably count the amount of times I have been without mascara in the last nearly 50 years, on one hand! lol

    It is so sad, that John couldn't stick around, no prejudice from us. He told me, before he told his own Mother. I hated the thought of him being alone.

    What is it with these Dicktors not giving you time to recuperate? What are they thinking? I know procedure and medications and anesthetics are much better than they used to be, but your body still takes a hit from surgery. I know I spend the first few weeks falling asleep mid sentence, after a big anesthetic. I hope they come around and give you the time you need. I will gladly Skype, if I have to!:)

    Well, take 2 for going to bed...catch you tomorrow...M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited September 2014

    DP, so sorry you are having these scary feeling, when you mentioned the falling feeling I think that might be the meds starting to work, I have had that feeling just before taking something to sleep. Hoping that is what it is. I think you should tell your MO about the pains in feet & legs, I know what the first thing we think is but it may be something totally different. Sending big hugs to you and your beautiful Bond!! love the pic.

    Glennie, about the bags under eyes, boy that is my trouble too. Saw on Dr. Oz one day they can be fixed with some new lazer treatment that doesnt involve cutting etc. but of course insurance wont pay and it was spendy. I dont worry much about them after the dx of bc,, that is the main worry, to hell with bags under the eyes! But I am like Ariom, love the makeup and very seldom go out in publice without a little on.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    My answer is to socialize with people older than me!!  If I hang out with the 70 & 80 year olds,, I look good by comparason!  OK, that was mean. I know a lot of really lovely older people and I do like hanging out with them. They are young at heart and I aspire to be like them when I'm their age. And honestly,, I don't look in the mirror much,,, only when I put on my earrings and blow dry my hair,,, otherwise I ignore it. 

    the older ladies I know are active,, they do tennis or zumba or dancing.  I gotta get an activity like that.  We have this great senior center here with classes in the morning,, which would be perfect for me since I work in the evenings. And it's free!!  The only problem is that I'm 4 years away from being old enough to join!  I joked with one of the ladies that I need a fake ID to make me older,,, just like high school over all again.   Anyway,, after I recuperate from HX, I'm going to get one of the ladies to sneak me into zumba so I can check it out.  By then, my hair color will have mostly grown out and the gray will be showing again.  I might just fit in,,,,,

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    DP, That falling feeling is just going to sleep. I love it and wish it lasted a little longer. Sorry about the knee and ankles. I'm betting it's a SE.

    I'm more in the no makeup camp. My last job, no one wore makeup and it looked a little funny to be the only one. I'm currently using the Revlon BB cream because it has sunscreen that doesn't get in my eyes. I'm going to try mascara again soon. My eyes were dry and itchy and the itch has stopped with frequent eye drops. Before I would look like a raccoon by 10am.

    ND, I have the under eye circles too. When I use concealer, I can make them look like the before pictures about dark circles. I think my solution should be wearing glasses that hit right on those dark circles so they look like a shadow.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    the weather is still divine. Sky turned a little gloomy. Still feels like Christmas time. Mind you I've had many a 70 degree Christmas in my lifetime. I think it's 65 right now. Costco trip was a good one. It's a fairly nee store and it was way more calm and chaos free than the normal one I go to in the uber rich part of town. Where it is packed with hummer driving sport moms all wearing bedazzled cross tank tops and juicy couture sets with 3.5 kids in tow wearing soccer and cheer gear whilst their heads buried their $700 cell phones. Just a hint on how I feel about southlake. Lol but I'm not exaggerating. It's like that every time. Even bond was at ease the whole time. Definitely the new place to be. I had to renew my membership so I got him his own card. Sneaky me. Now I can send him for water in his own.  Hehe. Got lots of goodies including two big wedges of smoked ghouda. Looking forward to that tonight. I got so mad the last time I bought some braise I caught bond feeding it to Reggie. Reggie loves chess as much as me. But goodness it's expensive and a drive to southlake to get! But since I got two this time I decided maybe I'll give Reggie just a little bite. Had the costco lunch after. Bond is a big guy so he had the hot dog meal AND a slice of pizza. Cost for 2 giant slices pizza, big hot dog, drink, and two ice creams $10. I didn't go too overboard shopping either. Was impressed to be under $200 without the renewal. which never happens. 

    It was nice to be out too even though I look a fright. Haven't washed my wigs yet. HVe to do that today. I had bond shave my head this morning because it was too far gone and wigs are so much more comfortable to me with no hair. Losing my hair isn't bothering me at all this time, other than being a nuisance. But it was really hard for him to do it. He was trying not to let me hear him cry. I felt really bad. Now I look like a brindle dog. Between the total bald patches and the stubble. I love brindle dogs but it's not a good look on me!  

    I'm not taking any new drugs yet. Just the steroids still.  Oh I did use an inhaler that they gave me yesterday. It was supposed to open up my chest but it really didn't. I will read the SEs but doubt that would be one. Feet feel better, knee still hurts. I noticed yesterday that my legs look so thin. Also my bra is hanging off me. Odd since I've gained 12 lbs since getting out if the hospital. That's all in my face and neck and stomach though. But it made me realize the time that has passed. Didn't really realize what a blur it's been. I still haven't been able to count how many days it's actually been. Geez this is feeling like a diary. 

    Thai food sounds good. Hope you have fun tonight. 

    And m is off flitting about town bringing joy and cheer to everyone. 

    Maybe dr z is finding a puppy and still giving people money. 

    I wonder what Andrea and bobo are up to?

    Nd is eating chocolates maybe

    And sgc is always busy working on something

    Think I will take a nap. I decided maybe this funny feeling I have today is of being rested which I guess I have not been in a while. Hugs eveyone. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    omg that was long. I forgot my main point. Mally mascara is the best mascara ever. I was always a raccooner too. But Mally is it. You have to try it. They have it at ulta and sephora but of course you get a way better deal on qvc!  Ok the end. Really. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Oh sweet Bond,,,, I just want to give him a hug.

    Sounds like you had a great shopping trip at Costco. Glad that Reggie will get a little gouda.  The babies need a treat.

    Have a good nap,, back later.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited September 2014

    I haven't used mascara or eye makeup in years.  I was getting a lot of eye infections and eyelid bumps/lumps called chalazions.   They hurt!  Eventually I had to have minor surgery to remove the chalazion and open up the tear duct.  They didn't know if make-up was causing them, but I decided it couldn't be helping.   Haven't had one since.

    I also wanted to tell Glennie about    All things hysterectomy related and a very good site.  Best advice a nurse game me is don't drink through a straw after surgery...keeps gas cramps away.  Also.. be careful when grocery shopping cause those carts weigh 50 lbs or more.  Pushing is ok.. pulling..not so much.   No one thinks about stuff like that, but I hurt myself at the 1 week mark because of those darn carts. 

    DP is wondering who the heck PRB is.. who let her in? Did someone forget to lock the door on their way out?  Truth is I slipped the
    doorman some cash so I could peek in here cause there's always so much commotion coming from this room!    Looks like I missed Glennie's redhead porn review and DP's man being stalked by 'the girls next door'.  They simply have no shame. ;)

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    hi PRB. It made me think of the rodeo as soon as I saw your name. Heaven knows I've been keeping this place hopping in here the last couple weeks (I think that's how long anyway lol).  I've wondered what everyone must think. I've thought myself my screen name was prophetic. I know y'all must be thinking that!  I think y'all must be thinking I'm really losing my mind some days. So I tell myself to shut up. But you know my brain isn't listening to me sometimes. So then I just think how lucky I am that you are all so kind and love me so good that you talk to me and don't tell me I'm crazy and share your days with me so I get to think about other things. And I think if anyone ever reads back through all this, well who even knows....  I think that I will do that once the radiation fog clears. I'm sure I will get a lot of laughs and probably really embarrassed. 

    Had a nice nap. Doing laundry. Gonna go pull out the wigs. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Good morning my lovelies! Sun is shining, no breeze and the Mozzies are back, fuck, there is always something! I hate those shitful things.

    DP, we don't think you're crazy and we do all love you, like you're family. You are always in our thoughts as we go through our day too. Don't you worry, we are a circle around you.

    I think about the lovely Bond too, he's so good for you, Sheila. Give him a hug from me. I would have a tough time being the one to shave your head, too. I am so relieved it isn't bothering you as much as the first time. You're really something, girl!

    I had a lightglobe moment reading your post. Is the pain in your feet and legs cramps? Steroids cause the most blinding cramps. It isn't unusual for me to leap out of bed, to relieve a really bad one. There is also evidence that steroids can cause bone and joint pain, even though that is what it is recommended for. Go figure!

    I can't believe it, in the midst of all this you are still recommending mascara! I am 61 years old and have worked for years in the cosmetic business, even had my own business doing makeup for weddings and events, did makeup for a TV show  and I still, still, haven't found, the perfect mascara. I will be searching this one DP, for sure!  

    I went back the other night and started reading this thread from the start. I actually remembered reading your first post and how it made me feel at the time.

    I am getting ready to go to the big Farmer's Market this morning, Dex loves to walk there and see all the other dogs. Everyone takes their dogs to the Sunday market. I will be buying heaps of organic produce for the Vitamix soup that Colin loves so much! I never in a million years thought I would ever get this much good stuff into him. He's a bit of a baby when it comes to green stuff! He won't eat tomatoes either, but buried in the Vitamix, he doesn't even know what he's eating, health by stealth!!

    Glennie, Wrenn ndgirl, PRB.....Catch you later...M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    it's cool here. Stopped by farmers mkt to get the late tomatoes and corn. Been wanting caprese salad. 

    Had smoked Gouda shredded with mayo. Found it next to the pimento cheese in the deli. Yum! 

    I'll have to look for that mascara. That's usually all I wear. Was going to ask about bb / cc cream. Have bb from last year and am broken out. Guess it's old. Whats cc? Wanting to try the new Burt's bees lip crayons. Apparently my shiny lip gloss keeps getting out of the line! 

    My legs and knees have hurt out of the blue. I think it's because I am exhausted and don't move, staying cramped up in one position, when I do sleep. I don't think it's my shoes. Didn't have any probs in Ireland and did a lot more walking. 

    No dog yet. Didn't chase anyone to give them $$$. Made chex mix for Bobo's dad. Boy snuck a bite. Argggg. It had peanuts in it. No reaction, thank goodness. 

    Too tired to cook dinner so nuked hot dogs for the kids and had a picnic with Firebob. 

    Saw the baby bull. He's not sure about me. Gets up and walks to mom when I get close. He's a beautiful rust with one hind leg that looks like he's run into some white paint. It's just a lite patch like he brushed up against something. 

    No white paint on farm. Black fences, green and tan barns. Was a nanny for a vet that had pink barns. 

    Trying to get the munchkins to sleep. Gotten really bad about getting up/down. Went on for hours last night. No more ice cream before bed. Didn't get full fat either. Got lactose free and it was light:( BG didn't nap today but she generally falls asleep after the boy. I think I go to bed the earliest of the three of us. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    oh I want to pet the baby bull. He looked so fuzzy. Thank you ariom about the steroid SEs. It was definitely bone pain but cramps. But maybe that's it. It's been better most of the day.  Legs felt a little week sometimes but it could be in my head too. Feeling real good tonight I think. I've never had so much free time on my hands and I think it just makes me feel so weird and lost. I've been trying to focus ion doing things. My whole life was always just such a rush to get things done. Bond has been truly wonderful today. I have never spent this much time with him. Besides the early days and you can imagine where those hours were spent. 

    Zills I'm going to send you a cc I have. I forgot to cancel one of my auto deliveries last month and have too many. I'll look up the name of the Mally but I think she only makes one mascara. I've been waiting for a presentation on qvc cuz they do mega packs for great prices. 

    Off to watch a movie on the couch with bond. He hates watching movies. Lol. He just came out to the freezer for ice cream. Good night!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Just back from the Market, nothing, nada for soup for Colin. Lots of second hand stuff and fluffy craft junk. I want soup veg! Now I have to go out again, to the supermarket.

    Dex had fun, he pees on every trash can and I have to keep him away from the stall holders sandwich boards or he'll give them a cursory squirt too. A woman stopped me to ask if her dogs, two about to be re-homed greyhounds could meet Dex. I said of course and they both growled at him, he just looks up at me through that Rod Stewart do, with a searching look of WTF! Then the silly woman wanted to take an iphone pictures of my hair, to show her hairdresser. I just looked down at Dex, with a WTF look, he gets it! 

    Lunchtime here, no Vitamix soup for Colin, so will think of something else.

    I love to watch movies with my honey too! Have a nice evening you two! 

    Yep, I remember those early days too!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Back from Thai food,,, it was yummy and there was a lovely rainbow when we walked out of the restaurant!  And it's hadn't rained! Such a surprise.

    The Gator football game is on and I suspect Bobo is busy watching it.  At the start of the 3rd quarter, they were tied 3-3,, and then the third quarter went nuts, each side taking turns scoring and the quarter ended 20-17.  So I missed all the boring parts, LOL! We will see who ends up winning.

    PRB: thanks for the info about hysterecsisters. Someone else told me about it and I had wandered over there. I find their posts a little hard to navigate around,, But I've been asking everyone I know for advice!  Will keep the straws and grocery carts in mind! Told my friends at dinner about the redhead porn and they got a good laugh out of that. They are both red heads too. LOL.

    Z: stopped for ice cream after dinner.  Homemade good stuff at local shop. Had chocolate and lemon cream. Had so many good flavors tonight it was hard to choose. May have to go back tomorrow. Wish I could send you some.

    DP: after working so many years,,, it's hard to turn it off! I do hope the cramps get better. Enjoy movies and ice cream with Bond.

    M: I hate mozzies too. They leave big welts on me.

    Must go back and check on the game.



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Thai food, mmm I love it. I was in Bangkok once and I earned the name of "Satay Woman" I couldn't get enough of it and at the Hotel they knew I would always have their satay, even at the pool I would have pool service bring satay all day long! lol I love Red or Green Curry too and Massaman and soft shell crab, OMG I can make a mess out of one of those too!

    Must get lunch..too much food talk!

    Oh meant to say Z,  BB is Beauty Balm, CC Color Corrector, all just buzz words, I think they came out of Asia first and they really just mean different levels of cover. Tinted Moisturizer, through to covering foundation.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    see m about town draws everyone in. I vote for an m reality show so we can all watch the magic. Sorry no soup. We made this spicy shrimp concoction for dinner. I liked it. Bond was disappointed cuz it wasn't what he was tasting in his mind but he ate it anyway trying to pretend. I reminded him we are new to this cooking stuff and it's all experimental.  We both napped so long this afternoon. It is so far past his bed time. I liked the movie. I haven't just sat and watched a movie at home in a coupe years. Obviously since I hasn't seen this one I think it's a couple years old. The Call with Halle berry. Cheers for the ending.  I've been complaining for years about how no one knows how to end a movie anymore. They go on and on and then end in the must stupid ways. Ruins a lot of movies that could otherwise be really good. 

    The cc a are supposed to have all the bb benefits plus the color correcting. Soon enough we will have FFs are something with 27 miracle properties. If you have decent skin it can be used instead of foundation. I do not and need full coverage but it also serves as a tinted primer. I've been having to do that with my flared skin right now. 

    It Cosmetics is a truly great brand I discovered on qvc of course but it is in stores. If I teach you ladies nothing else in this world, it's that the prices are better there. Especially when they are doing kit launches.  And everything always comes with a great brush which should cost as much as the product itself. Anyhow, they have a powder like/mineral magical foundation compact called Celebration Foundation. It seriously changed my foundation woes around. Way better than bare minerals and so much simpler application. Their eyebrow pencil is amazing also. Still using the one I got at look good class from 2013. I have not tried a lot more of their stuff because I was trying to cut back. But the eyeliners look really nice on the presentation. I was sooo tempted on three of them for $27 but I refrained cuz you know I have 30 eyeliners laying around already. 

    Glennie that ice cream sounds awfully yummy. Glad you had a good time. I wonder if your ginger friends thought maybe you were thinking about them being naked. Hehe

    Must know what comes at for lunch m. 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Don't fret DP, I am still stalking you. ;)

    Just been busy with "hamster, and guinea pig, and kids . Oh my!"

    I went over to my friends house last night and watched Mama Mia. We laughed, we sang, we forgot all our was great!

    She is moving to another state soon..I will miss her so much. She is such a lovely lady, who stepped into my life  just before my DX and has walked with me every step of the way. 

    Guess I better get off my butt and go make some more friends.....soon.

    I hope you have a better night tonight DP. I get leg cramps at night sometimes. They are excruciating at times. I find drinking more water helps... But then I have to get up at night to pee. Oh well.

    Take care!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    What a fun evening Andrea!  You have not added any more creatures to the troupe have you?  I am picturing a living room filled with little balls rolling all over each other. Lol

    I hate your friend moving away. You will have to make sure you stay in touch. Everyone here keeps talking about this skype business. It's one "fad" I've really resisted but clearly there's something to it. I also deny the existence of twitter. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Helooooo again, I have pottered around all day and haven't really achieved anything. I have this awful habit where I start one thing walk into another room and get distracted with something, go into the kitchen and make a cup of tea, get distracted with something shiny or tasty and never get back to what I started in the first place. Then there's the phone, do not get me started on how long I can be on the phone!

    I don't even now what twitter does, doesn't interest me in the least, but Skype is wonderful. I have used it forever, to call Bec, when I was away for work, or when I have been overseas for Colin's sailing or when he was working in Atlanta. I have to talk to my little chickadee, often when I am away. We speak every day on the phone when I am here. Skype is virtually free and if you want to switch the camera on, it is a live video call and you feel like you're in the same room. I am up for Skype any time! Bobo and I have Skyped a few times, it is so fun to see Bobo, and the the canine, Bobo and Dex seeing each other.

    Lunch was pretty boring ham and cheese toast, with Barry's home made chilli relish for Colin and Thai chicken Laksa soup with glass noodles for moi! Too much Thai food talk for me not to have something Thai!

    Andrea, I am sorry your friend is moving too. I know what it is like. I was the friend, in our group, who moved, but my besties come visit and we are on the phone often. You'll find more friends too, I can't believe how many lovely people I have met since putting myself out there.

    Glennie, I have always been plagued by Mozzies and they left Colin alone. Since moving here it has pretty well reversed. I don't get them as bad and he's like a magnet for them. The worst are the Sand Flies. I had never been bitten till last year and they got me bad. I did learn something great though, after searching for something to switch off the worst itch of my life. I found the site of a Doctor up north in the swamp areas of the real Crocodile Dundee country. He says the way they treat both Sand Fly and Mozzy bites is to throw the person in the hottest shower they can take, that the hot water breaks down the chemical they shoot into you, as an anticoagulant. He also says if you have a cup of hot tea or coffee you should stand your metal spoon in it and then put the hot spoon on the bite. It hurts, but it works and then use some topical cortisone cream. 

    I loved that movie DP, and a resounding yes, to the ending! Fuck you....moron! Should be more like it! That was so good!

    I agree with Glennie about how it is hard too shut off, after working for so many years. I found myself going around in circles for a while, after United made us redundant, but as I mentioned earlier, it doesn't take much to distract me and send me on another path.

    I hope you can find things that interest you, it does take a while just to get your head around not having to be up and out at a certain time every day.

    I know I am much older than you, but I love deciding, what I'll do each day. I know it sounds like a crock, but I don't feel any different than I did in my 30s, age wise, just the mirror tells the truth!

    I know the change in finances adds more stress.

    I was always just like you. I had to have everything I saw on the shopping channel, it was such a bargain! I too, have unopened boxes of those bargains, sometimes I get off my rear and put them on Ebay. I have so many tubs that could be going on Ebay right now..maybe tomorrow! Love to all M x 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    twitter is where everyone constantly updated everyone to what they are doing. Constantly. Tweets. The hashtag thing. No one can just experience anything any more. Do we really need to know where everyone is 24/7?  #drinkingchamomilletea #eyeswatering lol

    That lunch doesn't sound too boring. Our mozzies have made a little comeback with the cooler weather. But oddly they have not bitten me and I'm normally a huge target. I wondered if they could smell the radiation. Which would be odd. They didn't bite me when I was in chemo before either but that made sense to me because even I could tell I smelled different. Then I thought omg can mosquitoes detect cancer? Someone call a scientist!  

    I thought I would sleep longer not going to bed til midnight. Oh but I did sleep. In short intervals and zombie moments in between but there was some real sleep in there somewhere. I tried to stay in bed but alas gave up. Always time for napping these days. 

    Bond and I have a project day planned today. He got all fired up about the kitchen pantry yesterday when he was putting away our costco finds. He was alarmed to find he had 6 open bags of chips buried in the cabinet. Among all kinds if other stuff that gets pushed to the back and never seen again. So we are going to build pull out shelves. He found some cool bins on amazon like dividers to install. But in my all knowing shopping powers, I know that we can find that stuff at the dollar store. So 99 cents only store here I come. Weeee that's another place I can easily drop $100   Isn't that crazy?  They have great craft supplies. 

    Is there football today?  I hate football. You can imagine what that is like living with "Americas team" down here. Especially as effin bad as they have been now. Ex is a huge fan. They are just so dedicated to the stuff. That new stadium cost like a billion dollars or something. Where does that even come from?