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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Hey DP!  Sadly, Shawnie Sue had a miscarriage at 5 1/2 months.  It isn't her first one.  She didn't say anything for a while, but people were so whipped into a frenzy she had to come forward.  She's sad.  Poor Shawn.

    Dawny!  Agree with DP -- results not in yet.  Vicariously enjoyed your candy-eating!  And.. guess what?  My dad  just texted me this minute -- your package arrived!  Tim Tams and candy!  It was so sweet of you to send my dad a package.  In the bag for your results.  I will be right there with you tomorrow. XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    I love the idea of Halloween, we don't really do it here. I was in the US once and I bought up all kinds of Halloween stuff for Bec, she loved it and took her lunch to work in a little plastic cauldron for a while! When we first moved here I bought up a storm of candy, in the hope that kids would come trick or treating in the country.  Wrong.... Colin and I were still getting through that candy, the following year.

    DP, I had to laugh at your "I'm a Housewife  revelation!" so glad to hear you're more "chipper" Aussie speak for upbeat!

    Befor I forget again, Zills, the vanilla slices aren't from scratch, they were initially from Aldi during Dutch week and they are called "Euro Patisserie Tompouces" a box with the ready made flaky sweet top and bottom, the custard powder is mixed with milk or water and whisked till it thickens, then you put the small plastic tube  of Frosting in hot water and spread it on top. OMG they are so fabulous, I went back and bought the few Aldi had left and then I hunted them down to a Dutch store in another state and bought more, but the damn postage made them very expensive. If you can find them in an international food store I can highly recommend them, not too sweet, but as good as any we have ever had and very like the layered Millefeuilles from France.

    Dawny, I am in the bag today for the results today, I hate it when they change their usual habit, don't they know how much we are stressing about those farken results? I hope you're over feeling sick! Big hugs!

    Very pleased with the face this morning, still feels like I have been out in the sun and gotten windburn, but isn't it amazing how a tiny bit of swelling can make the wrinkles look more plumped out! Colin had fun last night telling me that it was one way of losing weight, sandblasting it away a Bees Dick at a time. I slapped him with a breast form which was close at hand and reminded him how that was the quickest 975grams I had ever lost, the breast, I mean!

    Raining again, so I doubt the painters will be back today. I have plenty to do inside, so I will catch you all later..M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Oh Bobo, Tim Tams will get the better of MD, I don't know anyone who can resist them, they are really wicked stuff!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    OMG,, Bobo,, I love that DLLP dresses up! That is totally awesome.

    Dawny,, in the bag,,, I'm sure that the scan results just weren't back yet.  Can I have some Tim Tams in the bag?  I'll be good.

    DP is done with rads, and has a day off tomorrow! Woot!  More pancakes, perhaps??  F on the insurance denial!! Bastards!!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    M:  Millefeuilles !!  OH, I LOVE those!!!  All those lovely little layers and the cream,, and the topping. YUM!!

    It is completely awesome that Dad has Tim Tams. MD will be uber jealous.

    and M:  loved how you slapped Colin with a breast form.  LOL!  I'm just going to whip off my breast and slap you with it.

    **chortles gleefully** 

    thanks for the cheery fun,, now back to work. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    I guess M is sending me in a wild goose chase. Don't remember them at Aldi's. 

    DP. Can't anyone fight the ins? Enjoy your day off. 

    Dawny. In the bag! 

    It is Tim tam time here. Where's Idesim? I understand they're not the same. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    poor shaawni sue. I can't believe bobo has never told me you know these shows before. How exciting that it's not just me. Lol. I do like watching the Isaac show. And in the kitchen with David. And Lisa Robertson. Her voice is so soothing and she is so darn pretty. Isn't it silly that I don't even wiatch those to shop. Just cuz they are my friends as bond and I say. 

    Is this Aldi store the same like we have here? The discount place?

    I asked the nurse if I should just go to the er saying I have chest pain to get a damn ct. She is new and young and said oh the dr just has to do such and such. But it didn't sound promising. I will ask the dr on weds I guess. 

    Hoping tomorrow feels as good as today. I have major nesting to do. Got started today but have lots I want to get done before weds. 

    In the bag with dawny but I don't know if it's day or night in here. 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Appt today with BS went well. I see her again in six months now (previously it was every three months). I have my yearly mammogram  October 24.

    Hope everyone had a good day!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Yes, same Aldi! They do a really good, cheaper version of the Vitamix DP, Bec has one! Aldi is fabulous! They have the best chocolate, ever and can I say, their double length toilet tissue, without perfume is fantastic! I discovered the hard way, that I am allergic to the perfume in some toilet tissue. I rang one of the big companies years ago after I had a reaction to something called "Sea Breeze", should have known that would be a lousy chemical concoction, who can bottle the smell of a sea breeze? Anywhooo the man that I spoke to and I ended up in fits of laughter when I went on a rant about how awful this fake perfume is and they should be more mindful of sensitivities and that if I were face to face, I would never had the nerve to be so vocal about my burning issue! Did you know that there isn't perfume in the paper, it is embedded in the cardboard center and infuses through the tissue. There you go, a little piece of useless information for you!

    What is this shit about being denied testing? Can they do that? I am gobsmacked! Who do we call?

    No Zills, not a wold goose chase, they aren't a regular item at Aldi, you know how they have the food of a certain place for a week, well that's where I got them. I bet they are more available in the US than here. I just googled and found a Dutch food store in Tasmania, who knew there were many Dutch  people in Tassie, they sent them regular post.  

    Where's Dawny? I need to know how she got on.

    Here I am feeling all sombre about the GF you are all talking about who had a miscarriage. I am wondering why I never heard you speak of Shawnie Sue before and now I find it's another soapie that I have never heard of.

    Lunchtime and the painters are here, oh joy, more sanding. M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Andrea! So pleased to hear that! I do 6 monthly now too, still comes around fast!

    Rest easy tonight and have a little treat for your good result! M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    glad your appt went well, Andrea!  Woo-hoo!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    woohoo Andrea. Looking for dawny. 

    Never knew anyone would know who my qvc friends were M. I caught Shawn looking so sad during my headache phase and forgot to google why she was gone. 

    Now that I'm a lady of leisure I will have to try Aldi. If they ever let me drive again anyway. I think I've been one time but their hours of operation are so bizarre that they seemed to be closed every time I tried to go there. It became a big joke because there was a nice new big one by the apartment bond used to have and I swear it was never open at normal times of day. 

    You have given me two blasts from the past. Do they really still make scented toilet paper?  I thought they stopped that. Remember pink and blue tp from the 80s? And magazine arrivals saying it was bad for you. Lol. I remember my mom always having blue. Second sea breeze! Oh my gosh. I used that for toner as a teen. I loved the burn. Lol. That's probably what started my rosacea. Ha. I can still smell it. Today's youth is in much better skin care hands. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    OMG, did I get it wrong again? Is this person real? I thought it was a days of your lives person.

    You'd be lucky to find toilet paper that isn't scented here we seem to have a fixation for fake smells in everything, I never touch them. I use my 100% Pure Essential Oils and that's it.

    Speaking of skin care, I am sporting a lovely glow to my skin today. My makeup is sitting perfectly, but the truth be known, it feels like I have been out on a boat all day, without sunscreen. lol

    I don't know about your Aldi opening times, ours is much the same as other stores, but if you can get to one, they do have some really good food at great prices and the Wednesday and Saturday specials are worth looking at. M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    lol you are cracking me up. She is a real person qvc presenter. 

    Too much from the power facial still? But iof course you look fabulous!  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    I am getting everything wrong at the moment, I thought Glennie was a seasoned Thai traveler, talking about where she eats when she's there, but she was talking about her local Thai restaurant. Same food, different location. lol Now this one, I am having trouble keeping up.

    I am going to have the full Microderm treatment, 6 @ 1 per month. I'd be mad not to at this price and locality. What's a little windburn for a couple of days each time? I always lovd the pain stripper effect of Clinique lotion no 3, or the Exfoliating lotion, that one had acetone in it! lol It would take your nail polish off right along with all those pesky dead skin cells!

    Painters have gone, the dark clouds are rolling in and the water is like ink, we are in for a storm. I just hope the paint has dried enough, that it doesn't come of on the new render. They have finally finished the front doors, that has been a marathon, but I love them. I had to fess up that the little scrape at the bottom was done by me dragging in a small trolley I keep, to bring stuff in from the car, damn thing had a split ring thingy on the wheel, that was sticking out and it caught the door.

    I haven't gotten much done today either, just kind of starting and stopping. I must get it together and finish the goodie bags for the next meeting which is 2 weeks on Friday!

    I have mountains of bags of clothes that I should flog off on Ebay, but the listing is so bloody tedious. I need a rocket to get me going! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Meant to say...My friend who has been getting all the donated stuff for my Beauty Day "IS" a real presenter on the shopping channel here. I met her through a shopping forum that I moderate! lol

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    Woohoo, good scans!  I am still NED, feeling very fortunate.  Next scans around Christmas, and that would be a year NED.  Thanks for all of your support (and Ava too)

    Bobo, glad your dad got the tim tams, took a while to get there! 

    DD has school concert tonight, theme for her year level is Egypt, so need to go and get Cleopatra ready.  She came home sick from school today tho, and is not sure she wants to go.  Xx

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Happy Dance for you Dawny! Great news!

    Cleopatra, how wonderful, I hope she feels better and gets to go!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    Yea! Dawny and Andrea!!!!! Celebration party in the bag! Tiaras, confetti, noise makers, chocolate. What else?

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    Gin and tonic!

    Andrea, glad you had good news.  Xx

    M, DD didn't get to be Cleopatra :(. Went to bed instead.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Aww Dawny, I am sorry. I hope she's OK tomorrow!

    Zills, how is BG?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    BG isn't too bad. Fever manageable, not scary like last time. Nose running. Whiny. Don't have anything stashed to entertain her. Was going shopping but DH took my car to take boy to school. Hope he's back soon. 

    She's a clothes horse at 2.5!  Has 50 pairs of pants/leggings to wear this fall. Unbelievable! Some I don't like, don't fit. Eight going to school for potty training. Still have about 1/2 to go thru. 

    All were passed on. Very blessed to have such generosity! And here I didn't think she had very many fall/winter clothes. I'm sure there's more waiting to be sent. I always donate them to the local resource room. 

    Maybe I'll get caught up on laundry and dishes and my long honey-do list. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    Awesome dawny! So happy for you. 

    have to see a pic of the doors m. 

    I always wanted to get the laser treatments for my broken capillaries from the rosacea. But until recently the prices were astronomical. I had gotten most of the redness under control but all you can do for those capillaries is zap them out. Then groupons started coming out for it but I was too scared to use someone with a groupon and a fractal laser. The microderm sounds awesome though. 

    Poor sick kiddos. BG a clotheshorse. I love it!!  All my new leggings arrived yesterday but it's gonna be 90s again this week. Boo. 

    M do you have luck on eBay when you go through te hassle?  I used to make a small fortune when I could be bothered with it. But the eBay market just seemed to tank and HARD. it was declining for years but then zap. I blame amazon. My project today is going through all my clothes. I totally have time to list. Wonder if it's worth it?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    oh yea, Housewife Lucy trikes again. Spinach breakfast cakes creation. 


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    YAY Dawny!  **happy dance***   **breaking out the gin and tonic*,,, oh, wait, it's only 9AM here,, hmmmm,,,, Well, you drink it!  Way too early for me.

    DP:  what lovely creations!  **coming over for brekkie**

    Sorry to hear the BG and DD are sick.   Hope everyone is better today. 

    If only I were a seasoned Thai traveler,,,, my travel claim to fame is that I've been to all 50 states.  Two cross country drives took care of most of the states and then I added on here and there. It was just last year, right before my MX,, that i hit the last one. North Dakota.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Hiya DP, those look scrumptious!!! You're pretty good at this housewife stuff!

    I totally agree about the Groupon stuff. I would never have any laser done, unless by a qualified professional. I had a frind who had IPL done by an operator who must have done a crash course and had no end of trouble. The microderm I had done, doesn't require that level of training, but the results are good.

    I have to admit, I haven't done much Ebay of late, but years ago, it was sweet, easy money! I used to have a little hobby thing going, where I would garage sale, for leather handbags (purses) my limit was $10.00 per item, but I was buying in an affluent area,  then I would put on Ebay, I made some extraordinary sales, sending bags all  over the world. I had my eye on some fabulous Chinese antique furniture, for our bedroom and decided to make Ebay the way to pay for it. I also sold lots of makeup and perfume at the same time. It didn't take more than a couple of months and I had all the antiques for the bedroom. It was like a sport for me! lol

    In saying that, it isn't anything like that, these days. Occasionally I will decide to list just10 items, but I have found that it doesn't matter if you list 10 or 50 items, you will always get one non payer, or time waster with each group you list. I really don't enjoy it, like I did in the past, but occasionally I just feel like doing it and it works out ok. I do the photographing and the description and Colin does the actual listing for me. I am a bit challenged with the computer stuff, not my strong point, so that system works for me.  

    I will post you a pic of the doors when the painting around them is all finished. Did you see my little studio on the other thread? I am so thrilled with the way that turned out.

    BG is a clotheshorse, I love that too! That's a serious amount of pants and leggings! M x 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    I got a survey in the mail. They want me to keep a week's diary of what radio stations I listen to. And they paid me $4 to do it.  Wheeeee!!!   I only listen to one station, so this will be easy.  Classic Rock, all the way.  WNDT 92.5FM

    Four crisp $1 bills,,,, cracks me up.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    that's cool glennie. My mom is always doing stuff like that. She actually makes a tidy little sum between all the little 2-4 dollar surveys and free products. Out classic rock station is 92.5 too. It's my number one. I keep telling mom she should do extreme couponing. She gets so focused on things she would have one of those mega hoards. 

    M back in the late 90s I was doing the same thing on eBay!  I was actually supporting me and ex with it as a business before I got into staffing. Thrift stores were so great back then and every weekend at the garage sales. I was selling vintage slips and nighties I bought for $2 for $50 - $90. I was so amazed the cash people were paying for stuff. That was the eBay boom time though. After that I was too busy and would sell the makeup clear out lots and bulk listings of my clothes. But oh so time consuming. This that whole outbuilding still full of eBay stuff tubs. I just looked at the new fee structures. Think I'll list a few things and test it out. 

    Housewifey overdid it I think. I cleaned the kitchen after taking those stupid steroids. Then suddenly felt like I was going to pass out when I was done. So that's why I'm sitting here telling eBay stories lol. Hoping it's just steroid crash. I think I may go take a nap. Kind of feeling like i might be able to sleep. So much for my big plans today. 

    Hope everyone's having a good day!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Don't overdo it, DP!!  Have a nap.

    I've never done Ebay, but ex hubby used to sell comics on it.

    Cruising around today on the hystersisters forum, looking for HX advice.  Their forum is not as nice as our,,, too many ads!  and I find it harder to read and find topics.  Oh well. Am picking up a few tips.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    ugh. Tiny restless not sure if I slept nap. I got real spacy when I got up to go in. Pressure around my face. I was thinking the stupid swelling was over. I don't even know if I should call anyone to tell. Which dr?  I've been feeling so abandoned by their care. They are so non chalant and wishy washy when I tell my symptoms. Ho  hum.