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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    ahhhhh, so cute!!  BG got the biggest tip!  Course it was probably a real pain washing off the markers.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Don't know what a carhop, or a sonic drive is, but glad the kids got tips. She is very cute and he's a handsome boy!

    I am concerned, where is DP?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    I'm concerned too! 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    It's just after 11pm in TX, she usually posts around this time, because she has meds to take. M x

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    Waving "Hi Betty" to DP.

    Z, please explain to the Aussie's what a carhop, and Sonic drive is.

    Not long to go glennie!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    hi guys. Sorry to worry you. I meant to post all day but I was so tired and my eyes get real blurry looking at my phone now. Plus every time I keep meaning to do something, I forget. Lol. I think I have pink eye but the NP didn't think so. All the skin is gone outside both my eyes now and they are aore and irritated. I put some antinac ointment on it tonight and it soothes a bit. Also put it on my forehead and head where all my skin is peeling off. Remember I asked the radiation FUCKTARDS if my skin would peel and they said no. Why are rads peeps such deniers?  My white counts are down so I aid to get neupogen today and for the next three days. I feel really tired and week now but oddly, I think it is helping my head be more calm. I was able to sleep for almost two hours earlier. And I feel pretty ok right now other than tired, and all my body pains that are always there now. Clear headed. I got a rx for Xanax but I didn't take it yet. I will if I start panicking at night like I was because I have to rest sometime. Oh I also had to get antibiotics because she thinks the sores on my scalp are infected. I didn't start those yet. They are so hard on my stomach. But I know I need to cuz I'm afraid my port will get infected anywua since the steroids cause increased infection risk. I will start in the mornkng. Worked out new dose down schedule. I should be done by end of next week. I can't wait but it's also scary. My tumor markers from last week were up 10 points from the prior week. They won't check them again until the 8th when I do my next infusion. Anxious about that. I did finally get my scans approved and have an all day extravaganza of bone scan and CTs on Friday. Whew! I think that's the full update. 

    This years spam theme is appetizers. Tacos do sound fun. I originally wanted to do lettuce wraps before I even knew the theme. I got the idea in my head to make it taste just like pf changs. Them guess what? In Hawaii pf changs had a booth at the festival and the lettuce wraps were delicious!  So no go there. I am not allowed to enter this year. I am making bond enter. I was feeling guilty about it kinda being cheating but he really got into testing the flavors. So even though the actual dish is my idea, he is totally in on development of the recipe. And I will make him do the actual cooking for fair day. Have I mentioned how wild it is to work in recipes when your taste buds are shot?  I'm having to put a lot of trust in other people. Working on my ideas for the bisquick contest but spam is this Sunday so it's priority.

    Z your life always sounds like such an adventure!  Everyone keeps you running. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014


    when did drive ins start? The 50s? You eat a burger in your car. The car hop, on roller skates, brings your food. The trays used to hang off your car door. They work for tips. Which sucks because sonic is really just another fast good place now so not a lot of people top them properly if at all. I became very disillusioned with them about five years ago when they took ham off their breakfast menu. I hate sausage and soggy bacon. But they had this great thin sliced ham. It was a sad day. The grilled cheese kids meal was my breakfast  of champions every week day for a year around that time. That's all I would eat then I would drink Malibu and cranberry all  night. I lost 55 lbs in 4 months without trying. Crazy times...

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Hi DP.  So glad you checked in!  I missed hearing about your day yesterday and I am glad you  got something to help take the edge off.  I hope the antibiotics won't be too hard on your stomach. Yes, those Fucktards are full of shit.  Never seem to tell the whole truth do they? So sorry you are peeling.  Do you have anything soothing to put on it?   I marvel at your cooking creativity!  I had no idea about the Spam contest until I met you.  I've never tasted it.  What does Spam taste like?  I tend to lurk around Pintrest and someone always has a receipe for something with bisquick.  When my kids were little they thought bisquick was the only way to make pancakes and biscuits as I was not raised in the south.  They know better now-some 25 years later!  Lol.  How is Bond doing?  Has he gotten to talk with anyone?

    Dawny and M- Sonic is a burger (and other types of soda fountain foods) place that uses carhops who are like outdoor waitresses who come out to your car to get/deliver your orders.  It is supposed to be like the food drive-in's of the 50's. Oops....I see DP post a pic.  

    M-I hope Colin and Dex are doing well.  Your article was wonderful!  You are our star!

    Not much longer now Glennie!  I will bring some margaritas and my tap shoes!  I go a bit wild on tequila!  Might even steal a few piña coladas from JSJ as rum always puts me in a festive mood!

    JSJ-I hope you are feeling a bit better.  I can't believe you have gone into work through it all.  You are a Badass Goddess for sure!

    Hi Zills!  Your children are so adorable I imagine they could raise a small fortune!  

    Andrea- how did you miss the bingo arms?  Still waiting for a picture as I plan to photo shop your arms for mine!  Hehe

    Bobo-how's the new wardrobe coming.  I am totally jealous!  I want a new wardrobe, but I need to drop all this weight I have gained in the last year and a half! 

    Hi ND, Wren, Spookie, PRB, and Fia.  Hunky FF DH just woke up and says hello as well....

    Are we the only ones awake this morning DP?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    DP, I am so happy to see you! Clapping my hands!

    Yep, I remember when you asked those Fucktards if your skin would peel. What's hanging out of their ass, that they don't just tell the truth? I hope that cream works for you, how about some Aloe or Coconut oil? I know about antibiotics taking it out on your stomach, can you have something substantial to eat, with them.

    You're so busy with the cooking and Bond is going to enter the Spam contest. I love that!

    Thank you for the description of the Car Hop. We had drive ins, but no car hops, just a cafe that you had to go to for food. I always got lost, no sense of direction and would spend ages looking for the car!

    I want that diet,55 lbs????? but I don't think I could drink Malibu and Cranberry! Lol 

    I am so, in the bag for Friday. I'll bring whatever you want and I'll have the Power Suit with me, in case we run into any Fucktards!

    I just got a message from one of Colin's carers, her daughter had her baby at midnight last night and she's bringing the baby to see us tonight. Oooh I love sniffing babies, there's nothing like it! Catch you later  M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Hiya Sgc, I am here too, but it is 5.30pm, Dex is after me to get his dinner, but I had to answer DP first. Thank you for the kind words about the articles! M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    Glad you're ok DP. Thanks for the pix and explanation. 

    I like their tator tots and Chicago dog. Kids get a plain dog. Rarely go there. Used to go all the time in college as that was the only game in town. Milkshakes but it was a hike to get there! and we didn't have wheels. 

    Cheese and crackers, PB toast to take with your antibiotics. Lots of yogurt! 

    Did you get any silva dyne? It's awesome for rad burns. Std issue for burn patients both two legged and four legged.  Very soothing. Like mousse and it's anti something. You will be amazed how quickly your skin heals. Call for an rx!

    Sorry about your skin and eyes. I find a cold wash cloth does wonders for my allergy eyes. Not exactly the same but very soothing. Also works on sick kids in the night. Magic! 

    I swear by Xanax. Some people do well with Valium. I was taking it every 8 hours but now just at night. Just keeps your brain from whirling. You can try 1/2 of one and see. You may sleep longer in the beginning because you finally relax and you are exhausted.

    It takes about 20 min to kick in. In the beginning I walked. Now I listen to George Winston on Pandora and set the sleep timer for 15 min. Gone. 

    Keep us posted about your cooking adventures! 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    DP you are a trouper... No, make that Super Trouper (come on ladies join in with the Abba tribute!!)

    Medication can be a real pain in the ass! I have compressed disks causing pinched nerves but the meds they gave me make me nauseated...and don't help pain much. Not really wanting to try steroids, from what you all have said about them. 

    I am craving Wonton Taco appy from Applebys.  That could work as a Spam recipe. Not like Mexican tacos;more Asian.

    Photos of my fat yet not flappy arm, hmmm. I will work on that.

    Hope everyone has a super (trouper) day!! Oh, and night (for those of you down under)

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Good morning all!

    DP:  happy to see you!!  Glad you have a taper down schedule and GLAD you have some Xanax. I hope that helps you sleep. Excited that Bond is doing the contest with you.  I have no suggestions for peeling skin,, Silvadene is antibiotic cream used for burns, if you have infected places on scalp, maybe you need some of that in addition to antibiotics. Listen to Dr. Z,, she knows!

    M:  how is Colin feeling today??

    There is a very famous drive-in in Atlanta Georgia.  It's called the Varsity.   Website says they have been there since 1928!  Sonic is a hamburger chain that has the carhops,, girls on roller skates who take your order and bring the food to your car.

    Gray and gloomy here today.  I'm off for Rosh Hashannah services shortly. Be back later.

    Hello to everyone and I hope you have a great day/night.




  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    "cause somewhere in the crowd there's you"

    Thanks for checking in DP, we are like a bunch of mother hens.

    Hi to sgc's hunky FF DH!  Are you awake now Sgc?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Glennie! L'Shana Tova! I hope you enjoyed the evening!

    Colin is feeling much better, he has taken 2 Noraflaxin and I can see a difference already.

    Good night Dawny, catch you tomorrow!

    I have spent the past 2 hours sniffing that new baby. They got home from the Hospital after lunch and I was sniffing her at 8pm, when she was only 20 hours old!

    Hugs to everyone, I hope you've gotten some rest DP...M x

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    aghh 11:11

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    nighty night M.  Only 20 hours old, wow they are out and about early!  Xx

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited September 2014

    Wheeee DP posted.  You must keep us updated DP, or our already overloaded brains think you're in the hospital passed out on the floor.  Peeling skin from rads? I have 2 tubes of a cream called Miaderm that people raved about for rads.  I only used it once, so I don't know how well it works, but I'd love to send you the unopened tube to try.

    I remember drive-ins as a kid.  Most of ours were A&W drive-ins, and they were famous for their rootbeer floats. Our little town's drive-in would close at the end of summer.  A couple of times, the owner gave away all the food on the last day.  Free hamburgers and ice cream all day.. it was so much fun.  Those are the things that small towns are good for, and I regret that my daughter will never know that sense of community.  We live in the city and she goes to a suburb we are really not tied to either one.

    Since we're talking fast food here... I vote for the Southwestern salad with grilled chicken at McDonalds.   The dressing is good and spicy.    Andrea - I have tried those wonton tacos at Applebees.  They are really different!  I liked them, but then I had an upset stomach and I blamed it on their weirdness.   DD and I love to go to Applebees after school when there's no one around and get the appetizer platter.  She can eat almost the whole thing, and I love the spinach/artichoke dip.   Any day when I don't have to cook is a good day.

    Glad to hear that your head is clear DP.   Hope today is a good day too.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    sgc - they asked in one of my news interviews what spam tasted like. The next 60 seconds of film consisted of "ummmm"" from both bond and I in the editing. It's mostly a jam taste because that's what it is. Ham shoulder. Learned that from marketing girl in Hawaii. But it definitely has it's own twang and is quite salty. There are dozens of flavors now like teriyaki and jalepeno, even bacon. I always use the reduced sodium kind. Aside from a few sandwiches as a small child, prior to last years contest I never ate spam and I have not since either. I'm not a big meat eater anyway so if I'm going for a meat dish it wouldn't really be canned. Lol. So many people really love it though. You should try it once. 

    Bond seems to be a bit better this week. Found a group for caregivers but they don't meet again for almost a month. Also found a brain tumor group for me. No stage IV bc groups but this will prob be most relatable for me. They meet in two weeks from now I think. They also want me to see a counselor but I'm not sure I need that if my darn head would clear. 

    M I can't wait to read the articles. Glad you got plenty of baby sniffing time and that Colin is a bit better. 

    Andrea, grandma is working on wontons for her spam entry. I have not had that app at Applebee's. What all is in there?

    Glennie I'll be the one laying in the bottom of the bag. I'm so blown up right now though that I'll make a nice pillow for you all. Let's get this shit done. I've always had bingo arms but now I have bingo legs.  I lost 7 lbs since last week.Muscle weighs more than fat. Waving bingo legs at Dawny. As she goes to bed. 

    Z I have silvadine leftover. It did wonders before. Will try it. It's not the same wretchedness I had on my chest but the skin is broken. Always dr z. Chicago dog is my favorite too. I never go to sonic anymore either. I get in phases of food places cuz I can eat the same thing every day. Was eating fast food most every day at work. Terrible I know but when I work Ifind it hard to take care of me. I think my taco bueno kick has been going on for 8 months at least. Two minutes from the office and seriously I could eat it every day. Good thing I'm homebound and cooking now I suppose. Ha

    Has anyone ever had pleural effusion? T I know what it feels like? I asked NP about this gurgly cough I've had the last couple days. She was going to listen to my chest but forgot and so did I after all the other stuff going. Anyway I feel like I'm choking on it. Feel like I'm forcing myself to breathe. But that isn't new. Sometimes breathing is raspy. Too tired to do a search right now. Looked at my labs earlier. White count down was an understatement. It's 1.2. That is so shocking to me that it is so very low. The steroids really do have me high as a kite I guess because my counts were always good the first go round even on days I was on my ass. Bunch of other numbers were down too. Platelets and some others. Hope the neupogen works quickly. Just another thing to be paranoid about. Never took the Xanax. Slept from 9-11pm and maybe 20 minutes between 4 and 5. But the first two hours was pretty restful. 

    Is there a length limit in posts? Omg stopping now. Love to everyone. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    oh my gosh sgc I cross posted with you. Does that mean I have her writing that for 51 minutes?  Holy crap.  I think I long to live in a small town. I never have but always day dream about it when on road trips. Having the antibiotic ointment on my face feels pretty good. Although I cringe at the thought of the greasy on my skin. But it can't get a lot worse right now so I'm not too worried. Going to try silvadine today. 

    What a sensible choice at McDonald's. Sounds good. I e never ever eaten there as and adult until dry recently. Because it's all that som the way home from cancer center that is real close. Steroids told me to go with the jalepeno double instead of a salad It's pretty tasty. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    I'm not even sure our McDs has salad. No jalapeños for me. Your taste buds are shot. Mine are still timid. Still no bananas or pawpaws (taste like a really ripe banana), sometimes no green beans. Food has to smell right and not look like dogfood (airline food). 

    I've lost a lot of muscle tone too. 

    I had spam as a kid. Good fried. I liked the Asian wontons at Applebee's. GFs meet there after work/school. Work ends at 3:15 and schools out at 3. I have to drive but it's a nice treat, even with the kids. Cheap dinner, good company. 

    I see a therapist attached to the oncology unit. She's a good place to vent. DH and I go to another one. It took awhile to find someone that gets stIV. Will have to see if there's a caregiver one. No stIV group, only bc group that's young and pink! 

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited September 2014

    DP, so glad to see you here. wishing you a good day. Good luck with your spam, I am like Zills, as a kid I ate it fried at my grandma's thought it was pretty good then. Sold it in our grocery store for many years but then only the cheese kind, now there must be many new flavors. I probably wont eat it now. Was it Dawny that said we are like a bunch of mother hens for you? well she is right, we are all here for you any hour of the day or night.

    Ariom has been baby sniffing, isnt that the best? the scent of youth!

    Prb, We used to go to A&W as kids too, love the root beer and the "Teen Burger". Not one within 60 miles now and that is in Canada (of course) but it is still good.  I love the small town sense of community.. well most of the time! Everybody knows everything about your business but on the other hand when things go bad we all band together for support. For instance on Sunday we are having a benefit breakfast for the young man whom I mentioned earlier with lymphoma as the medical bills and loss of work will be staggering. Our town is getting too small now, wish it was some bigger but it wont be, farms are too larger and families are smaller.

    Zills, bet your kids are so darn cute no one can resist them. Wishing you well too.

    Hi to everyone else, beautiful day here so I am off to the deck to read a book in the sunshine!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    ND, Have the patient contact the leukemia and lymphoma society. SAS-schatzi who posts on the Insomnia thread said they provided money when her husband had lymphoma. She said it kept them from going under.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    There's a Drive-In called Burgermaster here. Same idea with carhops bringing food to your car. They had a crab and cheese melt that was delicious. It's really fun when the classic chevy car club meets there. You've got the drive-in with lots of cars with fins in the lot.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited September 2014

    Thanks Wren, It is just amazing how much help we can give one another.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    OOooh, lots of posts this morning and DP you just  curl up in the bag with the girls and I will carry you to the appointment!

    I am so pleased to hear that there may be a support group that you and Bond can go to, separately, or together and that it can be helpful for you both. 

    I have just discovered "crispy chicken, honey soy, wraps" at McDonalds very tasty and sometimes I allow myself a small frozen Coke. No more waterfall in the chest, unless I really concentrate on it, when I drink the ice! I am not a big red meat eater any more, mostly seafood and chicken these days and much more veg than ever before, thanks to the Vitamix. I have had fried Spam too, never tried any of the flavored ones. I think it's just amazing that DP can conjure up actual items made from Spam.

    Zills, I think all McD's began serving salads after the movie Supersize Me! That was an eyeopener to a lot of people.

    Great day here, Friday already...catch you all later...M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    That movie was a serious eye-opener!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    hi guys. Have to catch up later. Gotta terry to sleep but wanted to check in. My knees are so swollen I am hobbling. Is it ice or heat for swelling?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    DP, geberally, ice is for injuries and heat is for muscles, chronic pain, stress and inflammation.

    I hope you get a good rest...Mx

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    In the bag. Hope you managed some sleep. Sorry about the knees. Wish you could get a massage or acupuncture or Jin shin.